HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-2019 NRB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 7, 2019 Mr. O'Neill, Acting Chairman, called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. I1. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. O'Neill Ms. Ware Mr. Howland Ms. Callaghan Mr. Stadelman Mr. Rosebery Absent: Ms. Mosblech — Excused Mr. Wolfe — Excused Also Present: Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Kim Haigler, Environmental Technician Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Aooroval of Minutes — April 2, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the April 2, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Stadelman, seconded by Mr. O'Neill, and passed unanimously by voice vote. V. Announcements A. Welcome New Board Member, Donna Ware Mr. O'Neill welcomed Donna Ware as a new Board member. Ms. Ware introduced herself and gave a synopsis of her history, specifically as it relates to this position, having worked in the chemical industry, specifically for a water -treatment company. She worked on regulations and performed outreach as well as much event planning. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 7, 2019 B. Board Member Positions Available There is one alternate position available. It will be posted on the website. VI. Public Input Brenda Jackson referred to a meeting of the Sebastian Property Owners Association that had been held the night previous to this meeting and which Mr. Stadelman attended. She stated she had understood that this Board was put in charge of reviewing a plan for vegetation removal. Mr. Stadelman stated no, that was not the case. He explained that the Natural Resources Board has no jurisdiction over that. He stated that his reason for being at that meeting was strictly to observe and maybe ask a question. Ms. Jackson stated that was her main concern, to learn whether the City Manager had designated this Board to review the plan for vegetation removal. Mr. Stadelman stated the City Manager has jurisdiction over that, and it is not part of what this Board does. That is part of the City Manager's job, and it is also regulated by the State as well as federally regulated. He further went on to describe what this Board's purpose is and the process that is followed when this Board has proposals, etc. He stated they address applications on yards and invasive species, and they are presently working on those two concerns. He described that this Board is working together as well as working with other organizations to identify invasive species. There is a pamphlet that has been developed that gives different guidelines, etc. Mr. Stadelman explained how that would work. There is a process in place for how that is accomplished, and this Board must adhere to that process. Conversely, anyone who is acting just as a private citizen is entitled to give input or ask questions of the City Manager or his department. Ms. Jackson inquired as to what stage of the plan is being addressed. Ms. Frazier introduced herself and addressed Ms. Jackson's prior question. She explained that the City Council and the City Manager are spearheading the program. So a plan is already being worked on. Some of those people were also at the meeting the prior evening, and she encouraged Ms. Jackson and her group to approach the City Manager about any ideas or issues they have. They can also contact Ms. Haigler, and she will see that the information is disseminated to the proper people. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 7, 2019 Ms. Jackson reiterated that she and her group have offered to help in any way they can regarding the plan. Damien Gilliams, Sebastian, Florida, addressed the Board, stating he is here on behalf of the Sebastian Property Owners Association. He reviewed some of the history as to why his group is involved. He described that his group is against the spraying of pesticides, etc. in the canals. He understands that this is not the forum for this subject, but they are covering all the bases. Mr. Stadelman interjected that it was not stated by this Board that it is not their forum, and he wanted that correction to appear in the Minutes. Mr. Gilliams stated that the community wants action on this matter and his people are willing to help in whatever way they can to implement a plan. He invited anyone to view the video of last night's meeting in order to learn what was discussed. He offered to have the Board read the documents that he brought to the meeting. Ms. Haigler stated she has those documents available upon request for any Board members who would like to review them. Diane Bolton, Environmental Chair for the Sebastian Property Owners Association. She reviewed that she has spoken at City Council's meetings in the past. She described basically what her Association is asking for is the pesticide ordinance to mirror the fertilizer ordinance, as far as the setbacks go, of any bodies of water, including swales. She opined that will make a huge improvement for the homeowners as well as for the City. They are asking that the City totally stop spraying the bodies of water. At first, it wasjust a glyphosate issue, but as she researched further, she realized how many species in our waters are being killed. She reviewed several cases where the spraying has had a negative impact on plants, animals and people. She pointed out that some of the biggest users of these products are municipalifies. She is presently working with three other cities, and they are ahead of Sebastian on this issue. She asked for anything the Board can do to speed it up would be helpful. There are several other environmental groups that are behind her Association in supporting their quest for change. She is also encouraging an education program for homeowners, and she volunteered to offer her services in this endeavor. VII. New Business Mr. O'Neill introduced April Price, guest speaker from the Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup, which is set for Saturday, July 27' . NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 7, 2019 Ms. Price described the project of the group she represents. This will be their 121" cleanup. She stated the City of Sebastian and this Board have been involved since its inception. The goal is to remove trash from 125 miles of waterway on that date. Sebastian is at the northern end of the area that is to be covered. That area goes all the way to the southern end of Martin County and Hobe Sound. The beaches and in -shore waterways are also included. They average about 1,000 volunteers each year; however, there has been a decline in the Indian River numbers over the past five years. She asked that the City/Natural Resource Board encourage employees and citizens to join in this effort. There is also a TV commercial available to run on the government channel. She said this project has been very successful, and they have seen a reduction over the years in the amount of trash collected and an increase overall in the number of volunteers. Ms. Haigler asked for the times and locations involved. Ms. Price slated there are over 30 locations spread over the whole area to be covered, and Sebastian Main Street boat ramp has been the main location in this area as well as Captain Hiram's, the Sebastian Inlet Marina and the Wabasso Causeway. Going south into Vero Beach there are the Riverside Park and the City of Vero Beach Municipal Marina. Anyone who wants to participate can register on line, including large groups, and they will be provided with supplies and/or equipment. Mr. Rosebery asked for their website. Ms. Price stated it is tcwatercleanup.com, and she will leave cards with Ms. Haigler with all the pertinent information. VIII. Old Business A. Recap of NRB Earth Day/Arbor Day Celebration: April 27U, 2019 Thanks to our partners and participants Mr. Stadelman thanked Ms. Haigler for helping with the vendors and all the work she put in. Ms. Haigler thanked all the Board members who helped out. Mr. Stadelman said he thought the food vendor locations were fantastic and were more easily accessible for those with disabilities. The vendors themselves liked the locations, and all the feedback he received from the vendors was very positive. The shredding and recycling were well received. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 7, 2019 PAGE 5 Ms. Callaghan stated she received a comment that it would be helpful to have more carts available for the vendors. Ms. Haigler said she received a lot of positive feedback regarding the entertainment. Mr. O'Neill will submit a list of all the entertainment groups with their contact information so that it is available for next year, since three out of four of them have confirmed for next year. Ms. Callaghan stated that the kids seemed to really enjoy the scavenger hunt Review of expenditures Mr. Stadelman brought up the subject of the bicycle that was given away. He questioned whether giving a bicycle away was the best use of that $100.00. Ms. Haigler stated the list of expenditures is on the last page of the Agenda packet, and the total was under budget. iii. Discussion of ideas for next year Ms. Haigler asked for any suggestions or comments from the Board regarding next year's event. Mr. Howland stated there were a few people who suggested, regarding the three Rs, to add one more R—Refrain. Ms. Callaghan suggested updating the material on the Rs. IX. Member Matters Mr. O'Neill called on Ms. Frazier. Ms. Frazier thanked all the Board members and Ms. Haigler for all the hard work that they do. She stated the following is a list of the projects that staff is working on: • Now that we are approaching a new season of budgeting, she suggested the Board members start thinking about what they want to focus on for the next year and provide her with input. She understands that the Board has been working with NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 7, 2019 PAGE 6 the EPA and KIRB in attempting to formulate a program that mimics the Litter Quitter program of "Keep Brevard Beautiful." Mr. O'Neill verged that. They are working on something that will be able to be rolled out on a nationwide basis, but it will be used here first. He stated that he expects by the time of this Board's next meeting, he will have an update from the Clean Waters group. Ms. Haigler stated that Litter Quitter has already come into the County and certified some businesses and restaurants in order to create interest and awareness of the program. She stated that the development portion of the project is complete, but there will be training needed in order to get new members certified. She does not yet have a date certain for when this plan will be presented to City Council. Ms. Frazier pointed out that state legislation has preempted local governments from banning plastic straws and plastic bags, so the Board should keep this in mind while finalizing "Sustainable Sebastian" Mr. O'Neill stated that banning these plastics is all voluntary. • The garden outside City Hall. She has been informed by Ms. Haigler that the Garden Club of Sebastian has offered to assist in the continued maintenance of that project. Mr. Stadelman questioned if there could be a rain-barrel/cistern display among the gardens outside City Hall, and he explained how he would go about that. Ms. Frazier will follow up on that. • The Spoil Island restoration grants. She asked how the Board feels about getting involved. Mr. Stadelman inquired as to what would be required of the Board in order to get involved. Ms. Frazier described some of what might be involved. Mr. Rosebery stated, if there is money available via grants, etc., that's something that should be considered. • The landscape task force regarding amending the ordinance. This is very important for the City. An offshoot of that is the landscape maintenance recommendations. X. Items for Next Acenda NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 7, 2019 PAGE 7 Mr. O'Neill suggested moving "Sustainable Sebastian" to the top of the agenda and putting the landscape maintenance contract review next on the agenda. Other board members agreed. Ms. Haigler asked if any members of the Board has additional items for the agenda, to please let her know so that she can add them. Mr. Stadelman inquired if the pesticide spraying is something this Board can address. Ms. Frazier and Ms. Haigler explained that this Board is only involved with spraying, etc. around city parks and other city properties, not the waterways. XI. Adiournment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Stadelman, seconded by Ms. Callaghan, and passed unanimously by voice vote at 7:01 p.m. By: 1- q� Date: I I I2d I q Chairperson Nicole Mosblech