HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-20-2019 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 20, 2019 1. Call to Order -- Vice Chairman Reyes called the meeting to order at 2. Pledae of Alleoiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Mauti (a) Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Qizilbash Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez Mr. Reyes Not Present: Ms. Kautenburg -- Excused Mr. Hughan — Excused Also Present: Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Mr. Jim Stokes, City Attorney Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer C a p , cc E a E� p C o 00 nn (AN �a Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Announcements and/orAoenda Modifications Mr. Reyes announced that, since Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Hughan are excused, Mr. Simmons and Mr. Mauti will be voting in their places this evening. Mr. Reyes stated that New Business will precede Public Hearings this evening. It was agreed among the commissioners via voice vote to make that change to the agenda. 5. ADDroval of Minutes A. Regular Meeting of April 18, 2019 Mr. Reyes asked if there are any additions or corrections to the Minutes as presented. Hearing none, Mr. Reyes called for a motion to accept the Minutes as presented. A motion to accept the Minutes was made by Mr. Roth and seconded by Mr. Simmons. Roll Call Mr. Qizilbash — Yes Mr. Carter — Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Mauti (a) — Yes Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Simmons — Yes Motion carries. 6. New Business A. Accessory Structure Review — LDC Section 54-2-7.5 — 910 Greenbrier Avenue — 540 SF Detached Carport with Utility Storage — M/M Robert Hatch Mr. Stokes read the item into the record. Mr. Reyes asked for the applicants to present their application Mr. Robert Hatch, 910 Greenbrier Avenue, Sebastian stated that he had purchased the lot next to his residence, and his proposed plan is to landscape the lot, install a driveway and a carport for his boat and a storage shed behind the carport. Up to this point, he has partially landscaped the lot and intends to do more. Ms. Bosworth stated that the application is before the commission based on the size, which is a 540 square -foot structure. The structure is not going to be higher than the house. The color is going to closely match the color of the house. The auxiliary driveway permit has been obtained, and the driveway has already been installed. Since this is a corner lot, there is a 25 -foot setback required on the secondary front yard, which has been met. Based on the requirement for the double -lot landscaping and the remaining trees, they will meet that requirement. Unity of title is on file, and staff recommends approval. Mr. Reyes called for any comments or questions by the members of the commission. Mr. Qizilbash: • Is concerned that there be a buffer, since it is a comer lot. Ms. Bosworth stated there is still a very dense buffer on that comer. Mr. Mauti: • Asked if the structure is going to be placed on a slab. Mr. Hatch stated it is asphalt milling, pressed and rolled. Mr. Simmons PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 Inquired, since Question 7A on the application is not checked, what will the structure be constructed of. Mr. Hatch stated it will be flat steel. Mr. Roth: • Asked if the storage area at the back of the carport will have a foundation. Mr. Hatch that will be part of the milling also. • Stated the lot does have very nice landscaping on the street side. • Is concerned about the color of the trim and whether it will match the color of the house. Mr. Hatch stated it is not exactly matching, but he understood that the color has to be similar, and he changed the proposed color to grey, which is the same color as his roof. The gable that is pictured on the drawing will not be present. The siding color will be Quaker Grey. Being no further questions or comments, Mr. Reyes called for a motion. A motion to approve the application for a 540 -square -foot detached carport with utility storage at 910 Greenbrier Avenue submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatch as presented was made by Mr. Mauti and seconded by Mr. Simmons. Roll Call Mr. Qizilbash — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Reyes — Yes Mr. Simmons (a) — Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) — Yes Vote was seven ayes and no nays. Motion carries. Public Hearincs A. Public Hearing -- Review of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments to the Future Land Use Element, Conservation and Coastal Management Element and Public Facilities Element with Regards to Adaptation of the Coastal Resiliency Plan Mr. Stokes read the agenda item into the record. He reviewed that this item is not quasi- judicial, but legislative in nature. Ms. Frazier reviewed the history involved with this item. She stated there was an application to DEP for a coastal resiliency grant to meet the legislative requirement for what was entitled "Peril and Flood," to add that language to the City's Comprehensive Plan. That language was changed to make it more of a coastal resiliency plan. So the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 grant language is for a coastal resiliency grant study to be done for the City and that language to be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. The City received a $50,000.00 grant for this work. The consulting firm of Kimley-Horn and Associates was hired to assist the City with the Plan. The City would then be receiving inputtrecommendations from this commission and would pass it on to City Council, who would then bring it up to DEO for final incorporation into the Comprehensive Plan. However, Ms. Frazier stated, the Plan needs a complete update by next September. So work will continue on the Comprehensive Plan through the next year to completely update all of the data and then incorporate the changes that will be looked at this evening. The information that is discussed at this meeting will then be submitted back to DEP to finalize the grant. That has to be accomplished by the end of this month. The information that is discussed this evening will then be a recommendation by this commission that will eventually be brought to City Council when all the data analysis has been updated. Ms. Frazier stated that another grant in the amount of $40,000.00 has been applied for to DEO to assist in revising the entire future land-use element. The City will not know until next month whether they will be successful in obtaining the grant. She then introduced Philip DiMaria and Amanda Brandon of Kimley-Hom and Associates, who will be making a presentation describing the work they have done and all the changes that are before this commission. She called the commission's attention to the spreadsheet that she supplied to the members which summarizes what the changes are and where they have been incorporated. Mr. Roth questioned the timing of correspondence and notices regarding this project. He received an email on June 5, 2019, and it was his impression that there had been a meeting back in November 2018. Ms. Bosworth stated the November 2018 meeting was a staff meeting with stormwater and other departments to gather information that Kimley- Hom needed to put together the coastal resiliency plan. Ms. Frazier stated the plan did not require the Planning and Zoning Commission's review. Mr. Roth is puzzled that the Commission was not aware of the project, and it would have been beneficial for them to have been able to review what was being worked on. Ms. Frazier stated that it was brought to the Commission's attention that the staff had been working on this in the Minutes of the April 18, 2019 meeting. Mr. DiMaria made a slide presentation (SEE ATTACHED) in which he reviewed and explained background information and provided an overview of how these suggested PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 Comprehensive Plan amendments were arrived at. He described the objectives and how they were modified as well as reviewed some of the amendments that are proposed. Also discussed were future strategies to be kept in mind. Ms. Frazier emphasized that the sections of the Comprehensive Plan that have been changed or added are highlighted in yellow and/or blue in the pages that are attached to this evening's agenda packet. Mr. Reyes asked for questions/comments from the members of the commission. Mr. Qizilbash: • Questioned whether the zoning would be changed based on this Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Frazier stated that no development rights have been changed or will be changed by the acceptance of these changes this evening. What is important is recognizing that there are sensitive areas such as flood plains, wetlands, etc., and developers must comply with certain regulations and permitting in the developing of these areas. Ms. Frazier stated she would like to update the stormwater master plan. She also explained how a plan could be established for development rights to be transferred by landowners so that those landowners could transfer development rights from land they own that cannot be developed to land they own that will allow for development. Ms. Frazier stated that one of the items needing to be addressed is the updating of the stormwater master plan. She advised that a policy statement could be studied regarding low -impact design and best -management practices regarding the stormwater plan. Ms. Bosworth explained there are mandated Elements in the City's Comprehensive Plan that the Florida State Legislature requires. Each one of those Elements has two sections: (1) data and analysis, (2) goals, objectives and policies. The second section is what the commission and staff are now working on —how do we achieve those goals and objectives with our policies by changing the Land Development Code to adapt to the coastal resiliency ideas. Mr. Roth: • Stated he has a copy of a plan that is dated 2009, and he asked if that is not a copy of the entire Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Frazier stated the work that was done in 2009 was regarding the future land -use Element. Other Elements in the plan have not been updated since 1999. • Regarding the transfer of development rights, would that transfer have any impact PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 on properties adjoining the property to which those were rights were transferred? Mr. Bosworth stated there would be no impact on adjoining properties, and the zoning would stay the same. Buffering requirements are in existence. Mr. Simmons: • Asked regarding the section on flood plains, wetlands, etc. that has been completely deleted, whether that language is going to be included somewhere else in the document. Mr. DiMaria replied that any critical information was consolidated into the unified chapter. Ms. Frazier stated that language was definitely not deleted. It was all consolidated. Mr. Reyes had the following questions: • Whether the data the engineers used for this study is the most recent data. • Why all the language regarding SWM land is being removed. • Why modeling for 50- to 100 -year storms is still being used. Mr. DiMaria described that at the meeting in November of 2018 that was referenced, there were several engineers from both the County and from the Water Management District, engineers from Kimley-Hom, and City staff who all discussed data need, availability, what updates were occurring, all the maps and analysis that could possibly be included. An attempt was made to be as thorough as they could using the latest data, which is set forth in the documents attached to the agenda. • Is this discussion just in the early stages, and Ms. Frazier stated yes, this discussion is to show where the City's vulnerabilities are. • He is concerned about the transfer of development rights. If a person owns land along the river, what is the process for determining what percentage of that land can be developed? Mr. Qizilbash interjected that, as long as the development does not touch the wetlands, it will be allowed. However, if the development touches any of the wetlands, then there has to be a mitigation process instituted. Ms, Frazier stated that is correct, and she also gave some examples where development rights are being transferred in the County. Ms. Bosworth gave the example of inquiries she has had about the possibility of a tiny home subdivision in Sebastian and how that land could be developed with a greater density through this transfer -of -development -rights process. Mr. Mauti: • Inquired if there is still language in the documents regarding keeping the theme of an old fishing village in future design and development. Ms. Frazier stated the language is still in the document. Mr. Mauti suggested that there be consideration PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 PAGE 7 given to including language committing to the old finishing village design criteria. Ms. Frazier stated there is language in documents that she has, and she will provide copies of that language to any commission members who want it. Being no further discussion on this matter, Mr. Reyes called for a motion. A motion to approve the review of proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendments to the future land - use element, conservation and coastal management element, and public facilities element with regards to adaptation of the coastal resiliency plan was made by Mr. Alvarez and seconded by Mr. Reyes. A roll -call vote was called for by Mr. Reyes. r..-nw.4 Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Qizilbash — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Simmons (a) — Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Carter — Yes Mr. Mauti (a) — Yes Vote was seven ayes and no nays. Motion carries. Ms. Frazier thanked the commission for their commitment and the time they are investing in this project. Mr. Roth asked what the next step is in this process. Ms. Frazier said all of the changes will be reviewed, and then it will be presented to DEP. She also asked if breaking the plan down on the spreadsheet is helpful for the commissioners. It was the consensus that it is and getting any future information in a timely manner would also be helpful. Ms. Bosworth suggested that staff will hand deliver any documents with information having to do with the Comprehensive Plan to the commissioners. Mr. Reyes said he would be willing to come in for a special meeting/update on this project. 8. Unfinished Business -- None 9. Public Input -- None 10. Commissioners Matters — None 11. Staff Matters Ms. Frazier stated there will be no Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on July 4'". The commission, however, has an opportunity to convene a special meeting on July 11 s'. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2019 There will also be a meeting on July W. At the July 18th meeting there will be two site plans for review and also a future land use map amendment in regard to a potential annexation that is coming into the City. She requested that the commission decide if they want all those matters to be heard during the July 18th meeting, or do they want to break it up so that part of it is addressed at a special meeting on July 11th and then the other portion addressed on the 1810. It was the consensus of the commission that it be broken up into two meetings. Ms. Frazier also wanted the commissioners to be aware that Sebastian is a CDBG city, meaning that the HUD dollars come directly to the City, staff doesn't have to apply for them. There will be a stakeholders meeting on June 26th, and all the commissioners were invited in order to review what some of the dollars can go towards. There will also be a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on August 151h where there will be an opportunity to review the capital improvement plan for the budget. Ms. Bosworth called attention to the supplement that covers the changes to the Land Development Code regarding vacation rentals, the walls and fences, and the personal service definition to allow the tattoo parlors. Those were all the changes that the supplement covers. 12. Citv Attomev Matters -- None 13. AJd'ourn -- Mr. Reyes called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. 19 ma S HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian Coastal Resiliency Plan & Comprehensive Plan Amendments JUNE 20, 2019 Kimley »Horn Agenda Project Description: translating science and data into risk preparedness policy ➢Introductions ➢Review of State Legislation ➢Review of Kimley-Horn Resiliency Plan Findings ➢Draft Amendments to Sebastian Comprehensive Plan ➢Future Resiliency Strategies for Consideration ➢Questions and Comments Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update , State Legislation 2015 Peril of Flood Act Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update 2015 Peril of Flood Act ➢Requires Florida coastal communities to address flood risks related to high -tide events, storm surge, flash floods, stormwater runoff, and sea -level rise in the coastal management element of the local government comprehensive plan. ➢Section 163.3178(2)(f), Florida Statutes : "A redevelopment component that outlines the principles that must be used to eliminate inappropriate and unsafe development in the coastal areas when opportunities arise. The component must include development and redevelopment principles, strategies, and engineering solutions that reduce the flood risk in coastal areas which results from high -tide events, storm surge, flash floods, stormwater runoff, and the related impacts of sea -level rise." Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update 13 in,, 2019 City of Sebastian Coastal Resiliency Pian Kimley-»Horn 2019 Resiliency Plan Coastal Rim Devncy Plan .-MancePlnn navelopmenl J i�L KimleynHDrn !/61E6 PolEMLLLAOA `�(�fj Poemrielgllap[etim So-Mgks IMmtt CouuW Cammmlily Fmirwunmle[ anoe[ aelralm_. d4el•1¢¢, 4amuKe Imaam ea (enol &u�k NMuuont • • De(n L5v bM Lm¢me nNof Wdce fleboll WIMI[mD Ilene Che[IrVaN Upb[e fortgeMntM non llpmm5lwnwam Metier I I • • • V IbiubnCI 'oftEu2iel ' level.1 veI.e to Ne Ci[K•- Iliill •MMium ••lew Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update 114 in,l 2019 Resiliency Plan ➢Prepared by Kimley-Horn in March 2019 ➢Vulnerability Assessment prepared to analyze the City's critical infrastructure in regards to multivanable coastal flooding including rainfall events, high tides, sea level rise, storm surge, and more. ➢Development of an Adaptation Action Plan with both short term and long term strategies. WIN NOPA fnastal Fload Exposure OF SLR Mapper , Meech Tool Rapld Inundation Actionable Strategies Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update INO,a 2019 Resiliency Plan ➢Short Term Actions: ➢Define existing street and structure levels of service. ➢Locate and map all City outfalls. ➢Retrofit outfalls with inline check valves to inhibit coastal flooding. ➢Update the Comprehensive Plan Elements specific to Peril of Flood and analysis. 192 Actionable Strategies Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update IN IMN Draft Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Kimley »Horn Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Project Description: To incorporate the Coastal Resiliency Plan into the Comprehensive Plan to increase the community's resilience to the peril of flood. v wji . City of Sebastian Coastal Resiliency Plan COMPREHENSIVE PLAN City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update I R in,, cue.m n..m.., n.. 1P v wji . City of Sebastian Coastal Resiliency Plan COMPREHENSIVE PLAN City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update I R in,, Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments WHY? ➢To reflect and reference the Coastal Resiliency Plan and its mitigation strategies ➢To update elements with coastal development best practices and recognize the risk and potential impact of flooding ➢To comply with updated Sections 163.3177 (Required and optional elements of Comprehensive Plan) and 163.3178 (Coastal Management), Florida Statutes, and the 2015 Florida Peril of Flood Act Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update IN in, MEN Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments OVERVIEW: Incorporated the findings of the Coastal Resiliency Plan into: ➢Land Use Element (Chapter 1) ➢Public Facilities Element (Chapter 4) ➢Coastal Management and Conservation Elements (Chapters 5 and 6, respectively) Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update 1114 in,, Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments OVERVIEW: Incorporated the findings of the Coastal Resiliency Plan into: ➢Land Use Element (Chapter 1) 12 Amendments to recognize Resiliency Plan ➢Public Facilities Element (Chapter 4) 8Amendments to recognize Resiliency Plan ➢Coastal Management and Conservation Elements (Chapters 5 and 6, respectively) Consolidation of 2 Chapters, 6 Objectives, 12 Policies into unified "Conservation and Coastal Management Element" Amendments to incorporate findings and strategies found within Resiliency Plan. Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Coastal Management and Conservation Elements (Chapters 5 and 6, respectively) ➢Consolidation of into unified "Conservation and Coastal Management Element" ➢Amendments to incorporate findings and strategies found within Resiliency Plan ➢Unified element is both more functional and readable ➢Updated to rectify invalid cross-references or element references ➢Deletion and/or modification of dates to reflect land development code updates ➢Results in 6 fewer objectives, 12 fewer policies, 10 fewer pages Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update114 in, , Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ch. 5 Coastal Management and Conservation Elements • (New) "Conservation and Coastal Management Element" Title; brief explanation added in beginning to explain that the two chapters were consolidated into one element • (New) Goal 5-1 to encompass the goals of both coastal management and conservation • (Edit) Obi. 5-1.1: added in "Fisheries" and "Wildlife" to title because of policies integrated in; merged in Obi. 6-1.8 language (merged because both talked about protecting wildlife habitats) • (Edit) Policy 5-1.1.1: Policy 6-1.2.10 merged with it (similar language about land development regulations in regard to lakes and estuarine areas) and also merged Obj. 6-1.4 and Policy 6-1.4.1 with it (similar language of wetland development restrictions) • (Edit) Under this Objective added in Policy 6-1.4.3, 6-1.4.3, 6-1.4.5 (protecting wetlands) • (Edit) Removed Policy 5-1.1.3 and relocated it under the now Objective 5-1.5 (estuarine shoreline language) • (Edit) Policy 5-1.1.6 (was 5-1.1.4): added in Resiliency Plan language; removed SWIM language (not applicable); merged Policy 6-1.2.1 (based on matrix recommendation and language regarding water quality management criteria); also relocated the now Policy 5-1.5.2g (was Policy 5-1.2.1(2)f) language to include estuarine water quality (exact words and repeating info) Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update 1114 in, R, Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ch. 5 Coastal Management and Conservation Elements (continued) • (Edit) Under this Objective added in Policy 6-1.7.5 (protection of manatee habitats follows objective title) • (Edit) Under this Objective added in Policy 6-1.8.1, 6-1.8.2, 6-1.8.3 (similar language on protection of wildlife) (Edit) Moved Obj. 6-1.7 (now titled Obj. 5-1.2) to follow Obj. 5-1.1 as they are similar in discussing the protection of marine habitats. All of the polices were moved with Obj. 6-1.7 except Policy 6- 1.7.5 (Policy 6-1.7.5 was moved under Obj. 5-1.1). (Edit) Moved Objective 6-1.2 to be next in sequence (now titled Obj. 5-1.3) based on the recommendations in matrix to integrate with Obj. 5-1.1. It was maintained separately but relocated closer to the previous objectives with similar language. All of the policies were moved with Obj. 6-1.2 except Policy 6-1.2.1 (merged with Policy 5-1.1.4, now 5-1.1.6), Policy 6- 1.2.4 (moved under the now Objective 5-1.5 due to shoreline language), Policy 6-1.2.10 (merged with Policy 5-1.1.1) which were moved to other objectives in order to better integrate similar language together. Also, Policy 6-1.2.11 was deleted based on references to SWIM. (New) Policy 5-1.3.8 Best Management Practices; created to incorporate recommendations from Coastal Resiliency Plan Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ch. 5 Coastal Management and Conservation Elements (continued) (Edit) Moved Obj. 6-1.1 next in sequence (is now titled Obj. 5-1.4) based on language - air quality which is similar language with previous objective; All of Obj. 6-1.1 policies were relocated within the Obi. (Edit) Objective 5-1.2 is now titled Obi. 5-1.5 and Objective 6-1.9 was merged with it (Policy 6- 1.9.1 was integrated and it is now under this objective as Policy 5-1.5.7). • (Edit) Policy 5-1.2.1(2) is now titled Policy 5-1.5.2 and Policy 6-1.4.2 was merged with it (wetland transition areas). • (Edit) Merged Policy 6.13.1 with Policy (both about estuarine shoreline) and it is now titled Policy 5-1.5.3 added under this objective. • (Edit) Policy 6-1.8.5 moved under this objective and merged with Policy 5-1.5.2 (which used to be Policy 5-1.2.1(2)) (same estuarine shoreline land use language). • (Edit) Policy 5-1.1.3 (is now titled Policy 5-1.5.4) moved under this objective based on content (estuarine shoreline). • (Edit) Policy 6-1.13.2 (now title Policy 5-1.5.5) and Policy 6-1.13.3 (now title Policy 5-1.5.6) both added under this Objective because talking about shoreline. Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update , Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ch. 5 Coastal Management and Conservation Elements (continued) (Edit) Obj. 5-1.3 is now titled Obj. 5-1.6; added in language of F.S. . (Edit) Policy 5-1.3.1 is now titled Policy 5-1.6.1; added in language from Resiliency Plan. (Edit) Obj. 5-1.4 is now title Obj. 5-1.7; added in resiliency language. (Edit) Policy 5-1.4.1 is now titled Policy 5-1.7.1; added in Resiliency Plan language and F.S. language. . (Edit) Obj. 6-1.3 was added in here and is now titled Obi. 5-1.8. . (Edit) Policy 6-1.3.1 is now titled Policy 5-1.8.1; added in Resiliency Plan language. •(Edit) Policy 6-1.3.2 is now titled Policy 5-1.8.2. . (Edit) Obj. 5-1.5 is now titled Obj. 5-1.9; added in Resiliency Plan language. 0(Edit) Policy 5-1.5.1 is now titled Policy 5-1.9.1; added in Resiliency Plan language. . (Edit) Obj. 5-1.6 is now titled Obj. 5-1.10 (all policies relocated with Obj. and are relabeled). . (Edit) Obj. 5-1.7 is now titled Obj. 5-1.11 (all policies relocated with Obj. and are relabeled). . (Edit) Obj. 5-1.8 is now titled Obj. 5-1.12 (all policies relocated with Obj. and are relabeled). Sebastian," UpdateKimleyoHorn Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ch. 5 Coastal Management and Conservation Elements (continued) • (Edit) Obj. 5-1.9 is now titled 5-1.13 (all policies relocated with Obj. and are relabeled). • (Edit) Obj. 6-1.5 is added here and is now titled Obj. 5-1.14 (moved here so all one chapter) (all policies moved over with Obj. and are relabeled). • (Edit) Obi. 6-1.6 relocated and is now titled Obj. 5-1.15 (moved as one chapter) (all policies moved over with Obj. and are relabeled). • (Edit) Obj. 6-1.10 relocated and is now titled Obi. 5.1.16 (moved as chapter) (all policies moved over with Obj. and are relabeled). (Edit) Combined Objective 6-1.11 with Obj. 5-1.10 and it is now titled Obj. 5-1.17 (included policies were repetitive - updated language to reflect for both coastal management and conservation). (Edit) Combined Obj. 6-1.12 and Obj. 5-1.11 and it is now titled Obj. 5-1.18 (included policies were repetitive- updated language to reflect for both coastal management and conservation). Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update , Example Amendments "Also, the City shall direct population concentrations away from known areas that are vulnerable to flooding inundation and sea level rise as established in the City of Sebastian, Coastal Resiliencv Plan. Prepared Bv: Kimlev-Horn and Associates. Inc.. March 2019. Development principles and strategies that eliminate unsafe development in the CHHA must be used as defined by §163 3178(2)(t) F.S." "This includes the incorporation of the mitigation strategies that are outlined in the City of Sebastian, Coastal Resiliencv Plan. Prepared By: Kimlev-Horn and Associates. Inc., March 2019. The impacts of future sea level rise and combined rain events may cause more flooding and level of service violations and water quality issues that require best management practices to be devised. Given the hydrology of the area, the city shall develop a pollutant load model as recommended in the Coastal Resiliency Plan. There shall also be the consideration of hardening the pump -stations based on their criticalities! "The threats of sea level rise and flooding could also have potential negative impacts to public facilities. Development and redevelopment strategies should be used to reduce flood risk in these areas as defined in §163. 3178( 2), F.S. Mitigation strategies, such as defining existing street and structure flooding levels of service, are provided in the ON of Sebastian. Coastal Resiliencv Plan. Prepared By Kimlev-Horn and Associates. Inc.. March 2019." Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update , Impact of Amendments THE RESULTS ➢Proposed amendments assist in better reflecting the threats of flooding and sea level rise while simultaneously improving the Comprehensive Plan's organization and structure ➢Efforts integrate resiliency into the Comprehensive Plan — minimizing the threat of future inundation through best practices and the identification of vulnerabilities un v S HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update I X in,, Future Comprehensive Plan Resiliency Strategies for Consideration Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update Future Strategies HOLISTIC LAND USE STRATEGIES TO BE CONSIDERED DURING FUTURE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE ➢Strategv 1: Establish an Adaptation Action Area (AAA) with specific land development regulations ➢Strategv 2: Establish a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program with sending and receiving zones Kimley--dHom Future Strategies Strategy 1: Establish an Adaptation Action Area (AAA) ➢An AAA is an overlay district that covers parts of the City vulnerable to the impacts of flooding and future sea level rise ➢Adopt this overlay district based on the data, analysis, and modeling outlined in the Coastal Resiliency Plan ➢Development within this overlay district must comply with coastal development best practices including but not limited to Flood Resistant Design and Construction Engineering Solutions, Low Impact Development techniques that utilize vegetation and natural features to minimize surface runoff and reduce flood risk. Sebastian, Fl- - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update IN in,, Future Strategies Strategy 1: Establish an Adaptation Action Area (AAA) ➢Example Objective: Establish an Adaptation Action Area Overlav District. To minimize future risk, the Citv shall establish an Adaotation Action Area Overlav District for areas that are vulnerable to coastal flooding and the impacts of sea level rise, based on the data and modelina outlined within the Coastal Resiliencv Plan. Kimlev-Horn and Associates. March 2019 and compliant with & 163. 3178. F.S.. ➢Example Policy: Within the Land Develooment Code. the Citv of Sebastian shall establish criteria for Low Impact Design and Flood Resistant Desia_ n for new development and redevelooment within the AAA. Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update 114 Future Strategies Strategy 2: Establish a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program ➢Use established Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA) or proposed AAA Overlay District to create a "sending zone" for development rights to less vulnerable areas designated as "receiving zones". ➢Development rights in vulnerable lowland and wetland areas could be sold to upland areas ➢Allows development at higher densities in low risk areas and encourages less intense development in floodplains ➢Incentivizes preservation of floodplain without takings Coastal High Hazard Zones e1EimP 1 .n. C.".1l M..me Pam GppOry 6XYMune w�ub 00.51 2 3 d Miles N A Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update , Future Strategies Strategy 2: Establish a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program ➢Example Objective: Establish a Transfer of Development Riahts Proaram. The City shall establish a Transfer of Develooment Riahts proaram to incentivize the preservation of natural resources within vulnerable areas identified within the_ Coastal Resiliencv Plan, Kimlev-Horn, March 2019. ➢Example Policy: The Citv shall desianate parcels within the established Coastal_ Hiah Hazard Area (CHHA) as a sendina zone for development riahts, and Parcels outside of the established CHHA as receivina sites for density and intensity transferred throuah the TDR oroaram. Sebastian, FL - Comprehensive Plan - Resiliency Update City of Sebastian Coastal Resiliency Plan & Comprehensive Plan Amendments Questions and Comments JUNE 20, 2019 SE INN[ Of PRIiAN ISLAND Kimley »Horn