HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2019 NRB Public Training Power PointWHAT IS LITTER QUITTER? Litter Quitter is a Keep Brevard Beautiful and Brevard Zoo program that aims at reducing single- use plastics and other marine debris by approaching local businesses, educating them, and providing resources for more sustainable alternatives in Brevard County. The goals of Litter Quitter are as follows: 1.Eliminate or reduce single-use plastics 2.Encourage reusable items 3.Sustainable food sourcing 4.County-wide composting WHEN WAS LITTER QUITTER ESTABLISHED? •Litter Quitter was originally created by Keep Brevard Beautiful in the year of 2016. •2017 began a new era for Litter Quitter when KBB and Brevard Zoo partnered and began updating it. •This year, in July we will be releasing the new look of Litter Quitter and the new criteria we will implement for businesses! WHY DOES LITTER QUITTER MATTER? The Litter Quitter program is reducing/eliminating single-use plastics and other marine debris which means the prevention of injured marine life and a cleaner, healthier environment. Here are a few reasons why Litter Quitter should matter to you: 1.Brevard County receives a lot of tourism, especially to our beautiful beaches, we must keep them clean and healthy. 2.400 million straws are used every single day in our country, the majority of which end up either in landfills or in our waterways, thus effecting marine life and their habitat. 3.Styrofoam takes 500 years to fully decompose in landfills, taking up so much room in the majority of landfills in our country. 4.It is a well-known issue all around the globe, and we here at KBB and Brevard Zoo are doing something about it! MEMBER BENEFITS Each business will receive these benefits when they join the program! •A Litter Quitter window sticker notifying potential customers of your sustainability commitment •Promotional listings on the websites of program partners and social media spotlights •Mentions of your company in press releases to local media outlets and promotion of your company at public outreach events •Group pricing discounts on sustainable product lines from major supply distributors –Aardvark, Eco-Products, and Edward Don & Co. •Networking and education opportunities via local sustainability summits –Done annually, it is a great way to bring support to your business! •An annually organized “day of support” driving new customers to your business •Litter Quitter members can include their certification as a practice in the Indian River Lagoon Green Business pledge. HOW DOES LITTER QUITTER WORK? The Litter Quitter program has a few different components that help it function and make an impact on our local environment: 1.Program Partners: Carries out the background work; processes applications, reaches out to businesses, creates marketing materials, promotes on social media, and much more. 2.Vendors: Provides sustainable alternatives to businesses and gives them pricing deals to help fit their unique needs. 3. Businesses: Participates in doing the right thing for the environment! 4.Volunteers: Carries out tasks in the neighborhood; acts as a “secret shopper” to businesses, recruits businesses in the program, and much more. Volunteers are our forefront! WHAT IS THE CRITERIA FOR THE PROGRAM?-BRONZE **The business is only required to meet one of these** •Ask-first straw policy: The waiter/waitress should be trained to only hand out straws if a person asks for one. This is useful because it reduces straw use but does not eliminate it for those that still need straws such as the elderly or small children. •Switch to a sustainable straw option such as paper, metal, or reusable plastic: We usually encourage businesses to maintain their ask-first straw policy while also switching to paper straws. This still cuts down the number of straws being used but when someone needs a straw, they are receiving a more environmentally friendly option. •Encourage customers to bring their own reusable straw: Personal straws are now all the rage! We want businesses to encourage their customers to bring their own straws. WHAT IS THE CRITERIA FOR THE PROGRAM?-SILVER **The business is only required to meet one of these and one bronze** •Switch plastic bags to paper bags: Usually used for to-go orders, why not make the switch? •Encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags: When coming to get take-out orders, they can bring their own paper or cloth bag! •Switch plastic utensils to a sustainable option such as bamboo, corn-based, reusable, etc.: These are more environmentally friendly! WHAT IS THE CRITERIA FOR THE PROGRAM?-GOLD **The business is only required to meet one of these, one silver, and one bronze** •Switch Styrofoam cups to a sustainable option such as corn-based, paper, reusable, etc.: Styrofoam takes forever to decompose, let’s make the switch! •Switch to-go containers to a sustainable option such as corn-based, recycled plastic, paper, etc. •Encourage customers to bring their own reusable to-go containers: These are all the rage as well, everyone can carry one in their car or can bring one when picking up! •Deck netting for waterside businesses: This is used to catch any blowing litter from reaching the water, neat! WHO ARE THE PROGRAM PARTNERS? Brevard Zoo’s mission is “Wildlife conservation through education and participation.” Keep Brevard Beautiful’s mission is to “develop, motivate, educate and activate community partners to reduce litter, recycle, beautify, and sustain the environment for the benefit of Brevard County.” WHO ARE THE CURRENT VENDORS? Hoffmaster provides sustainable paper straws to businesses in our program, that are proven to degrade in hours. Each sale gives back a percentage to our program and to the Brevard Zoo’s Turtle Healing Center! Eco-Products gives sustainable options for cups, bowls, plates, utensils, and so much more. LQ businesses are given a discount when buying in bulk! Edward Don & Company gives sustainable options for cups, bowls, plates, utensils, and so much more. LQ businesses are given a discount when buying in bulk! Sysco gives sustainable options for cups, bowls, plates, utensils, and so much more. WHO CURRENTLY PARTICIPATES IN THE PROGRAM? WHO ARE THE CURRENT VOLUNTEERS? YOU! WHAT DO WE DO? You’ll have two tasks as a volunteer of the Litter Quitter program; 1.Recruit new businesses into the program 2.“Secret shop” at current businesses to make sure they still follow program criteria WHAT MATERIALS WILL WE BE GIVEN? You will be given a few different items including; •A rack card •A coaster •A table tent (optional) •A poster (optional) •A window sticker •Business cards THE RACK CARD The Litter Quitter rack card will be primarily used when recruiting a new business into the program. The card includes our goals, member benefits, our website & contact information, and all of the criteria for each level. THE COASTER The Litter Quitter coasters are optional for businesses, it is a small advertisement of the great effort that business is participating in. THE TABLE TENT The table cards are optional for businesses but provide information to their customers. One of the issues arising from an ask-first straw policy is that customers don’t know it’s in place, so when they don’t receive a straw they believe it is bad customer service, which is not the case at all! These cards sit on the tables and inform customers that the business has switched their straw policy! THE POSTER The poster is the same thing as the table card, but in poster form! We know some businesses may not want more stuff put on their tables so this is an alternative for them. This is also optional for businesses. THE WINDOW STICKER The Litter Quitter window sticker shows potential customers that this business is environmentally friendly and is proud of it! The sticker is placed on the businesses’ window and shows commitment to our program. TASK ONE-RECRUIT NEW BUSINESSES Volunteers tasked with recruiting new businesses will be approaching businesses that have been nominated by Brevard County residents and any business they think meets or will meet the criteria. The volunteer will be forwarded a business to recruit and will approach the business to give our spiel and our marketing materials. This task is important because first impressions count! There are many different things you need to know before heading out to a business with our program in hand. We will discuss this over the next few slides. The frequency will vary, depending on the amount of businesses interested. BEFORE ARRIVING Before you arrive to the business you are sent/decided to recruit there are a few things you need: 1.Some basic knowledge about the business, what food do they serve, what is their customer base, are they a sit-down or take-out place? These are all great questions to know beforehand so you know what types of packaging and utensils they use the most. 2.Make sure you fill out page 2 of our form at least a day before you plan to visit (next slide). 3.Make sure you visit the business at a good time, check to see when their slower hours are before leaving your house. 4.Remember to bring the following items; a rack card, a table tent, a coaster, a window sticker, and both Kaylyn’s and Sharon’s business cards. 5.Remind yourself before entering that you are representing KBB and Brevard Zoo and should be polite to all those you meet within the business. VOLUNTEER TASKS FORM There are 3 pages to the Volunteer Task form: You can access it here: The first page requires a password, it is WeRLQ Page two will have a list of businesses that need to be recruited. You can choose which businesses you want to recruit and a date you plan on doing so. **Please make sure you fill this form out at least one day PRIOR to visiting any business** WHEN YOU ARRIVE When you arrive you will do the following and have our spiel prepared: •The spiel is “Hi my name is ______ I am a volunteer with Keep Brevard Beautiful and Brevard Zoo and would like to speak with a manager or owner about our free Litter Quitter program for businesses to reduce costs on single-use plastic and reduce potential marine debris from their business, is there someone I can speak to?” –If yes, speak with the manager or owner as shown below. –If no, “May I leave information for the owner or manager with you?” •Approach the front desk/register, introduce yourself and let them know you are a volunteer with KBB and Brevard Zoo and would like to speak with a manager or owner about our Litter Quitter program which benefits businesses like yours when you become more environmentally friendly. 1.If you do get to speak with a manager: •Handshake and eye contact is important. •Give a brief explanation of your visit, ask them if they have a few minutes to discuss. –If yes, •Do not take up more time than needed, read their body language. •Hand them a rack card to view. •Briefly describe Litter Quitter and what we are doing •Explain member benefits (marketing, items for restaurants, price discounts on sustainable items) •Would they like to sign up and take the first step toward a sustainable Brevard County? –If no, •Leave them with a rack card and give a very brief explanation and let them know they can get more info by going to our website. 2.If you do not get to speak with a manager, kindly ask the initial person you spoke with if you can leave some information behind for the owner. CHALLENGES YOU MAY FACE The following are scenarios you may face: •You cannot speak to a manager or get past the initial person you spoke with –Do not get frustrated, just ask if you can leave some information with him/her for the manager to review. Provide a rack card and Kaylyn’s and Sharon’s business cards. •Person shows no interest in the program –You can tell by body language, if that person is not interested don’t waste their time, simply give the brief statement hand them a rack card and head out. •Someone may say they can’t afford to switch to sustainable alternatives –Let them know our program has levels, so it is easy to get started, our ask first policies reduce the cost of supplies for them, and we have a discount from well-known suppliers. •Disgruntled –Leave material and go. •Person may say they are already in Surfrider’s program –If so, congratulate them on their certification with Surfrider and explain that our program is free and easy to participate in and the member benefits we offer and how awesome it would be to have both certifications. AFTER YOU LEAVE After you leave the business you were sent/decided to recruit, you must do the following: •Submit your observations into the Volunteer Login form (next slide). VOLUNTEER LOGIN FORM There are three pages to the Volunteer Login form: You can access it here: The first page requires a password, it is WeRLQ. The second page is for new business recruitment, once you leave a business you recruited, you will put your observations into this form, check off what criteria they meet, and leave any notes. **Please make sure you fill this out ASAP after you leave the business you visited to recruit** TASK TWO-FOLLOW UP WITH BUSINESSES Volunteers tasked with following-up with current Litter Quitter businesses will be forwarded a business to visit. That business is already in the program, we are sending that volunteer to check on them to make sure they still meet program criteria and if they have progressed to a different level of the program. Frequency will be once a month. BEFORE ARRIVING Before you arrive to the business you are sent/decided to follow up on there are a few things you need: •Make sure you fill out page 3 of our form at least a day before you plan to visit. •Before arriving, make sure you review the information sent to you about the businesses qualifications for the program, you will get this after you submit the form. •Make sure you visit the business at a good time, check to see when their slower hours are before leaving your house. •Remind yourself before entering that you are representing KBB and Brevard Zoo and should be polite to all those you meet within the business. VOLUNTEER TASKS FORM The first page will have a password, it is WeRLQ. The third page is the one you will fill out before you do a follow-up with the business. You will choose the businesses you want to check on and then provide the date you will do so. There are three pages to the Volunteer Tasks form: You can access it here: **Please make sure you fill this out at least ONE DAY PRIOR to visiting any business, and WAIT until you receive qualification information about the business** WHEN YOU ARRIVE Eat just like normal but pay attention and write down any observations like; •Does the waitress give you a straw automatically? •Does the restaurant have a sustainable straw option? •When getting leftovers, do they provide paper or plastic bags? Do they provide Styrofoam containers? •On waterside businesses, do they have deck netting? •These are all things you would observe and make note of, compare it to the notes given to you about the businesses LQ status. •For example, if their application stated that they have an ask-first straw policy, if they automatically give you a straw you will want to note that. AFTER YOU LEAVE After you leave the business you were sent/decided to follow-up on, you must do the following: •Submit your observations into the Volunteer Login form (next slide). VOLUNTEER LOGIN FORM There are three pages to the Volunteer Login form: You can access it here: The first page will have a password, it is WeRLQ. The second page is for business follow-ups, once you leave a business you checked on, you will put your observations into this form, check off what criteria they meet or still meet, and leave any notes. **Please fill this out ASAP prior to visiting the business you followed up on** BUSINESS NOMINATION FORM This form is for residents of Brevard County to submit a business they think should be a Litter Quitter or have already started great initiatives. ANY QUESTIONS? Sharon Connelly: Phone: 321-254-9453 Ext. 232 Email: sconnelly@brevardzoo.org Kaylyn Palmer: Phone: 321-631-0501 Ext. 212 Email: kaylynpalmerkbb@gmail.com