HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-2019 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 24, 2019 1. Call to Order — Chairman Sims called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Sims Mr. Renzi (a) Mr. Agudelo Mr. Denise Ms. Webster was a late arrival. Not Present: Ms. White — Excused Also Present: Paul Carlisle, City Manager Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Meetina Chair Makes Announcements Mr. Sims introduced and welcomed the two new members of the Committee, Mr. Agudelo and Mr. Denise. 5. Aaenda Modifications -- None 6. ADoroval of Minutes: March 25, 2019 A motion to approve the March 25, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Renzi, seconded by Mr. Agudelo, and passed unanimously by voice vote. 7. Unfinished Business A. Committee Member Discussion on Adopt -A -Park Progress and Process Mr. Sims explained this program to the new members. He stated that Mr. Benton has PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2019 provided the Committee members with a list that he has compiled which identifies the parks in Sebastian and which parks have been adopted by which Committee members. Mr. Sims stated that the parks which are highlighted in yellow denote which parks still need to be adopted and asked the new Committee members to consider taking on one or more of those parks as their part of the project. He then asked Mr. Benton to speak on the matter. Mr. Benton asked the new members of the Committee, once they have had a chance to review which parks are available and perhaps visit them to familiarize themselves with what might be involved, to communicate with him and indicate the park(s) they would like to choose. He will then document that prior to the next meeting. B. Committee Member Discussion on Park Improvements for Current Fiscal Year Mr. Sims asked Mr. Benton to provide information regarding this matter Mr. Benton stated the Parks and Recreation Department has currently expended $2,827.00 out of the $20,000.00 that is budgeted for park improvements. Each of the zones in the City has been allocated $5,000.00. It has to be kept in mind that, if a park is not designated as a "community park," that park is limited to the $5,000.00 within that zone. He pointed out that anything that is recommended to be spent must be an improvement to the park, not maintenance. Ms. Webster asked if the $2,827.00 is what was spent on the scoreboard at Barber Street. Mr. Benton affirmed that. Mr. Carlisle explained that the City is divided into zones. Each zone has its own funding, and there is a master Parks and Recreation impact fee for the community parks such as Friendship Park and Barber Street Park. 8. Public Input -- None 9. New Business A. Select a Chairman and Vice -Chairman, Adopt Rules of Procedure Mr. Sims opened the meeting for nominations for Chairman and Vice -Chairman. Mr. Benton stated he has received via email a nomination from a Committee member PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2019 who is absent this evening. According to the rules, it is now up to the Committee members whether they will accept that nomination. Mr. Sims called for a motion to accept the nomination. A motion to accept the nomination made via email by a Committee member who is not present this evening was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Mr. Danise, and passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Benton stated the nomination was submitted by Committee member JoAnne White, and she is nominating JoAnn Webster to serve as Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Mr. Danise seconded the nomination. Mr. Danise wished to abstain from voting on this matter. Since he is a new member, he is not familiar enough with the people being nominated. Mr. Carlisle explained the rules governing abstaining from votes. In order for a member to abstain, there has to be a conflict of interest or an ethics question. Thus, it will be necessary for Mr. Danise to vote. Mr. Renzi nominated Mr. Sims for Chairman; however, Mr. Sims did not accept the nomination. Ms. Webster accepted her nomination. There being no further nominations for the position of Chairperson, Mr. Sims closed the nominations. Vote to accept the nomination of Ms. Webster as Chairperson of this Committee was held via voice vote and passed unanimously. Mr. Sims then called for nominations for Vice -Chairperson. Ms. Webster nominated Mr. Sims. Mr. Sims accepted the nomination. The nomination was seconded by Mr. Agudelo. Mr. Sims called for any further nominations. Hearing none, Mr. Sims closed the nominations for Vice -Chairperson. A voice vote was called for by Mr. Sims, and the nomination passed unanimously via voice vote. B. FY20 Capital Improvements Projects related to the use of Recreation Impact Fees Mr. Benton gave an update on the Capital Improvement Projects budget for items that are coming out of Parks and Recreation impact fees and reviewed those items. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2019 Park Identification Signage: This item addresses the need within the park system to add signage to parks that do not presently have signage and also replace existing signage. Some parks need signage replaced immediately, some need to be planned for future years. This will provide the opportunity to have signage with a common theme throughout the City. Some of the signs will be repositioned within the parks. He has communicated with the consultant for recommendations on this project. There is $25,000.00 allocated for fiscal year 2019-20 and $25,000.00 included for each of the next two fiscal years. Replace Barber Street Football Bleachers: This is an item that will be taken care of during fiscal year 2019-20. $20,000.00 is allocated for this project. Replace Barber Street Baseball Dugouts/Replace Barber Street Baseball and Softball Fencing: Replacing dugouts at all four fields is proposed. Replacing the fencing that extends from the dugouts around the outfield and back to the dugouts will also be included. $40,000.00 is allocated for the dugouts, and $18,000.00 for the fencing on fields 1 and 2. Pickleball Enhancements: This budgeting is for lighting, landscaping and whatever else is necessary to complete this project. $140,000.00 is allocated for this project. Playground Improvements: This subject was discussed at the last meeting, specifically the all-inclusive elements in the playgrounds. The first playground to be replaced is at George Street. $30,000.00 has been allocated for this project. Park Improvements: $20,000.00 is included for park improvements in fiscal year 2019- 20, which is for items that may come up during the year. Mr. Sims called for questions or comments. Mr. Renzi: • Regarding the playground at George Street, he asked if this is the playground that is in the middle of the park, and Mr. Benton said yes, it is. Ms. Webster: • Is very enthused by the list of projects, particularly the work that will be done at the baseball fields and that whole complex at Barber Street. Mr. Denise PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2019 • Has seen the work that was done on the tennis courts, and he thinks it was an excellent job on resurfacing them. Mr. Agudelo: • Inquired what specificallythe improvements will be to the dugouts at Barber Street. Mr. Benton replied regarding the dugouts, the old dugouts will be torn down, and the new dugouts will provide for more air movement while still maintaining security based on little league standards. The concrete that is currently in the dugouts will be maintained. • Regarding the fencing, will that include the fencing around the two 300 -foot fields, or just the smaller fields. Mr. Benton stated that the first two fields that will be done will be the little league fields 1 and 2, and money has been requested during the next fiscal year to do fields 3 and 4. Mr. Sims: • Asked if there has been a date set for when the construction of the new football bleachers will begin. Mr. Benton stated all the budgeted items that have been proposed and reviewed this evening will be contained in the fiscal year budget that starts on October 1, 2019. Mr. Danise: • Suggested that in the future the basketball courts at Friendship Park be placed in another location rather than next to the tennis courts. 10. Staff Matters: A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton gave updates on the park projects since the last meeting Schumann Tennis Court Project: This project was completed, and the courts were reopened on June 8th. There has been positive feedback on the condition of the courts. He also mentioned that the same contractor is going to be doing the work on the pickleball courts. Park Signage: This project was approved by City Council in April. A draft of a logo with coloring for the signage will be presented to City Council at their meeting this week. Once that is approved, a bid -ready document will be generated by the consultant. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2019 Riverview Park Master Plan: The City's environmental technician has met with the consultant. GAI is doing park signage and Riverview Park. There will be a stakeholder meeting held, which all the Committee members will be invited to. Basketball Goals at Schumann Park: Mr. Paschall had brought up the condition of the basketball goals. Bracing on the back of all goals has been replaced. Stormwater Park Concerns: Mr. Sunnycalb had brought up some concerns. An old staircase that was of some concern has been removed. The benches throughout the park were all straightened up and repositioned. Some of them were relocated within the park to better areas. Pickleball: All permits have been received. The contractor has indicated a mid-July start date. Athletic Fields: Work is continuing at the baseball fields and the football fields, as the Committee members have requested. The City is working closely with the football and baseball teams to work around their seasons. Light Lenses at Friendship Park: He was initially given a six-week delivery time for the lenses. However, they still have not been delivered. Staff has been in communication with the company, and he expects delivery of those items in the next week or so. They will be installed as soon as they are received. Mr. Sims called for any questions or comments from the Committee members. Mr. Agudelo: • Regarding the baseball fields, there is a lack of a warning track on the fields. A warning track is usually a safety precaution. It lets the players know by the change in the ground beneath their feet that they're coming close to the fence. It's usually a 10- or 15 -foot width from where the grass ends and the fence. Mr. Sims: • Asked, once the signage is adopted for the parks throughout the City, will it be the same as what is on the website. Mr. Benton stated the logo is going to stay the same as it is; it's just the color palette that is yet to be decided on. Mr. Carlisle reviewed that the City has a wayfinding project that is being worked on along the River so that the public can find where the amenities of the City are located. B. Board Opening PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2019 Mr. Benton stated there is one alternate committee member position available, and applications are available at City Hall. 11. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Renzi: • Regarding Riverview Park sidewalks, they are uneven and cracked in spots. He asked if there is anything planned in the future to improve those sidewalks. Mr. Benton reviewed that sidewalks will be included in the master plan that is being worked on for Riverview Park. Mr. Carlisle added that City staff does go in and grind off any areas that are trip hazards. Heavy vehicles are no longer permitted in the park because of their damaging the sidewalks and trees. Some funds were received from the Clambake to help cover the cost of improving the walkways. Mr. Danise: • Prefers to become more familiar with the parks and people involved before he comments. Mr. Agudelo: - • He called attention to the walkways next to the basketball courts. Since those walkways are grass, with all the foot traffic, the grass gets worn down, and sand is then dragged onto the courts, which creates a hazard with players slipping on the sand. Mr. Benton said he and a staff member will go out and look at the situation. 12. Items for the Next Acenda and Date: Julv 22, 2019 Mr. Sims asked the members, if they are unable to attend on July 22, to contact Mr. Benton so he knows whether there will be a quorum. 13. Adjourn There being no further business, Chairman Sims adjourned the meeting at 6:43 p.m. B ' h w Sims, Chairman P and Recreation Committee