HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-2019 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 1. Call to Order -- Chairperson Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. cid mC h 3. Rall Call _C O Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Reyes C N Ms. Kautenburg C — Mr. Carter ca E f aE Not Present: Mr. Simmons (a) — Excused a V 3 Mr. Hughan — Excused Absent: Mr. Qizilbash — Excusedyf (M Mr. Alvarez -- Absent ct3._ > Mr. Mauti (a) — Absent C a c �N¢C Also Present: Mr. Jim Stokes, City Attorney Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Ms. Kautenburg announced that Mr. Simmons, Mr. Hughan, and Mr. Qizilbash are all excused. Mr. Mauti, who is an alternate, and Mr. Alvarez were not present. 5. ADDroval of Minutes: A. Regular Meeting of August 15, 2019. Ms. Kautenburg asked if the Commission members had had a chance to review the Minutes from August 15, 2019. Mr. Carter stated he had not received his copy. Mr. Reyes stated he had just received his copy today. Mr. Stokes stated that, since not everyone had had a chance to review those Minutes, that matter could be added to the next meeting agenda. Mr. Stokes recommended entertaining a motion to defer the approval of the August 15, 2019 Minutes until the next meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 A motion to defer approval of the August 15, 2019 meeting Minutes until the next meeting was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. Carter, and approved unanimously by voice vote. 6. Quasi-Judicial and Public Hearings -- None 7. Unfinished Business A. Tabled from 8/15/19 Meeting -- Recommendation to City Council -- Review of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Capital Outlay Items Greater than $50,000 -- 6-Year Schedule FY 2019/2020 through 2024/2025 Ms. Kautenburg called on staff to make their presentation. Mr. Ken Killgore identified himself as the Chief Financial Officer for the City of Sebastian. He stated that once a year he comes before the Commission and briefs them on the proposed Capital Improvement Plan for the next six years. All the projects that are proposed for that time period are outlined. He reviewed that he had had a question about a change in the organizatio n. He distributed an updated organizational chart to members of the Commission (SEE ATTACHED). Mr. Killgore reviewed the new organizational chart and pointed out the changes to it. There has been a position of City Engineer created. This position, when someone is hired, will handle the Roads Divisio n and the Stormwater Division. Public Facilities encompasses all the other divisions that in the past were covered by Public Works. A new title and department have been created called Leisure Services, which covers the park facilities and recreation programs. The Leisure Services title is more in keeping with the current name in other municipalities for the parks and recreation departments. Mr. Carter asked if there is any time frame for the hiring of a City Engineer . Mr. Killgore reviewed that the Selection Committee has interviewed four or five applicants and decided that those applicants were not a good fit for Sebastian. So they continue to search for applicants. Mr. Reyes asked if the City presently has consulting engineers. Mr. Killgore stated there are two firms that are on call for the City to use, and that has been working well. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 Mr. Killgore reviewed that he had given the Commission a packet containing detailed information about the CIP. He then made a PowerPoint presentation describing in detail the major projects that are proposed (SEE ATTACHED). He then called for questions or comments/suggestions from the Commission members. Mr. Reyes: • Regarding the golf tees, he understood that the golf course was redone not too long ago. Mr. Killgore stated that work was focused on the greens and the irrigation system, but not the actual tees. • Asked about the public facilities compound that is proposed to be constructed on the airport property. He also asked what the plans are for the property where the public facilities department is presently located. Mr. Killgore stated he is not aware of any plans for that property. • Is of the opinion that the City is not spending enough on stormwater projects. He also stated that the swales are not being kept clear . • Stated his company is providing lots of training for their employees and that computer system protection is a very big deal to everyone. A breach can cripple a small business immediately. • Regarding the benches and memorials, he stated those memorials are very important to the families involved. He likes to see them. Mr. Roth: • Under General Government Funding, he inquired about the item "Remote Access Firewall," a $40,000 expenditure next year. He asked Mr. Killgore what is being done by the City regarding ransomware, etc. Mr. Killgore stated that some of the descriptions in the report are vague, such as network infrastructure. Mr. Roth is very concerned about protection against ransomware. Mr. Killgore explained that most of the instances where a network is infiltrated by an unauthorized entity happen because of human error, i.e., someone opens an email that contains the virus before being certain they know where it is coming from. He described an example of an email that was supposedly sent by him to City departments. For the most part, employees verified if the email containing the link was actually coming from him, but there were also several instances that the emails were not verified as valid. He stated City employees and staff are attending seminars and focusing on training so as to be as careful as possible. Presently there is a warning that appears across the top of the screen when an email comes from an outside source, and hopefully that will help. Mr. Roth likes the training idea. • Concerning the Public Facilities Department, the benches, seats and monuments item, he understands that is in the planning stages, $20,000 for next year . He inquired whether staff looks for the most beneficial areas to place these items. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 Mr. Killgore explained how the funds for that department are divided up into four zones within the City, and the funds are allocated that way. • Regarding the community center offices, he inquired whether there will possibly be added staff, and the offices may need more space. Mr. Killgore stated there is an engineer looking at it to see what can be done there to make some improvements. Mr. Carter: • Stated he is very concerned about computer system protection against hackers . • Commended Mr. Killgore on his presentation of what is in the Capital Improvement Budget. Ms. Kautenburg: • Is pleased with the Leisure Services designation. • Inquired about how much time is left on the CRA plan. Ms. Frazier stated she believes the last update was in 2004, so that plan is viable until approximately 2044. • Is glad to see a set-aside for the sea walls. • Regarding Leisure Services, she recalls there was talk about a parks master plan, and she assumes Leisure Services will be part of that endeavor. Ms. Frazier reviewed that the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council assisted the City in the last year or so in updating the City's Comprehensive Plan for recreation and open space and creating the whole interactive map. So when the Comprehensive Plan is updated, that will be included. • Regarding this Commission's visions for the future, she does have s ome suggestions for the CR 512 east and west corridors when that matter is addressed. • Inquired if staff knows what the average City employee who is a daily worker hires in at. Mr. Killgore stated he does not have that information. Ms. Frazier stated that if one looks at this year's budget online, it sets forth the different departments and how many employees are included and what amount is budgeted for the different departments. Ms. Kautenburg's concern is about the affordability of housing within the City for the people who work in the City. • Thanked Mr. Killgore for his report. Regarding internet protection, Mr. Killgore stated the City is trying to be very diligent. They pay close attention to the backup facilities. Several of the City's applications are on the cloud now, so there are ways to recover data in most instances. Mr. Killgore suggested changing the appearance of the warning from time to time in order to draw attention to it. Ms. Kautenburg asked for any further questions/comments. Hearing none, she called for PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 a motion. A motion to recommend to City Council the proposed Capital Improvements Program with no changes was made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Mr. Roth. Roll Call Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Vote was 4-0 in favor. Motion carries. 8. Public Input -- None 9. New Business -- None 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Carter: • Addressed the problem of not receiving the agenda packet s for the meetings in a timely manner. This seems to be a recurring problem. Ms. Frazier addressed this matter. Staff emails the packets to the Commission members, and she realizes not everyone has the capabilities to print them out. After much discussi on, Ms. Frazier stated that the emailing will continue. US mail does not seem to be working very well, so the mailings will be discontinued. Ms. Frazier stated the packets can be delivered by City staff, but they will also be available to be picked up at City Hall. Mr. Carter stated it is impossible for him to pick up the agenda packets because he is out of the City during business hours. Mr. Roth: • Stated he had not yet received this meeting's agenda packet even up to this morning. He suggested that, if the packets are ready on Friday morning, staff send an email out to the members as soon as they are ready stating that, if Commission members do not contact staff by noon on Friday, the packets will be delivered to those from whom staff has not heard back. Mr. Reyes: • Inquired if a family member or representative will be able to pick up the agendas, as he works out of the City also during business hours. Ms. Frazier stated that would probably be possible if that person has ID. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 • Suggested that a PDF copy of the agendas be available on the monitors for the meetings. • Stated an issue with the drainage easements not being mowed regularly, and he would like the City to see that the contractor for this work fulfills its duties. Ms. Frazier stated staff would look into this matter and attempt to come up with a plan that works for all. 11. City Attorney Matters -- None 12. Staff Matters -- None 13. Adjourn -- Ms. Kautenburg called for any further business. Hearing none, she adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m. jg Capital Improvement Program FY 2020 to 2025 Presentation of Proposed CIP Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, August 15, 2019 -x Prd � sazia MAnE og-os-poi 9 Prepared By: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Proposed Capital Improvement Program Packets Include Detailed Documents Describing Staff’s CIP Proposals. Tonight’s Objectives: Present Highlights of the Program. Hear Comments and Suggestions. Consider Motion to Recommend Proposed CIP to the City Council. Proposed Capital Improvement Program Staff Compiled Schedules of Capital Improvements, Largely Based on Operational Needs & Financial Capability. Budget Review Advisory Committee Reviewed Regarding Entire Operating Budget and Financial Strategies. City Council Public Hearings September 16th and 25th. Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Projects: General Government (Audio/Visual & IT): $160,000 in 2020.Totals $940,000 By 2025. Essentially Additions/Upgrades PCs and Computer Systems Needed to Stay Up-to-Date and Provide Security. Uses DST Funds. Community Development: $20,000 to Replace Plotter and Upgrade Scanner in 2020. CRA Funds Applied to Landscaping, Special Events, Sign and Sewer Connection Grants. Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Projects (Continued): Police Department: $692,000 in 2020.Totals $2,765,000 By 2025. Includes Vehicles & Equipment for Police Officers, Required Radio System Upgrades and Improvements to the Evidence Compound. Roads Department: $655,483 in 2020. Totals $3,317,613 By 2025. Encompasses Street Repaving/Reconstruction and Equipment Used By the Roads Crew. Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Projects (Continued): Public Facilities Department: $3,351,250 in 2020 to Relocate Public Works Compound, With $1,950,870 Last Year and Another $1,574,000 in 2021, a Total Project of $6,876,120. $80,000 in 2020 for Standby Generator. $303,000 Primarily for Equipment by 2025. Leisure Services: $140,000 in 2020 Planned for Landscaping/Lights at Pickle Ball Courts. $139,400 for Security Cameras, Maintenance Equipment and Vehicles by 2025. $627,100 by 2025 for Park Facility Improvements. Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Projects (Continued): Stormwater Fund: $904,000 by 2025 for Equipment. $860,000 for Stonecrop Drainage in 2020 (Assuming $645,000 From 75% FEMA Grant). $1,560,000 for Swale Work and Other Improvement Project by 2025. $500,000 Set Aside Per Year for Seawall Repair or Replacement. Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP Projects (Continued): Golf Course: $150,000 to Renovate Tees. $60,000 for Club House Water Hookup. Airport Projects: $1,250,000 of $2,250,000 on Hangar D. $26,300 for Lights on Airport Drive East. $17,500 to Replace Equipment. $2,000,000 for West Access Road. Building Fund: $22,573 Vehicle. Proposed Capital Improvement Program FY 2020 - 2025 Categories % Stormwater $6,324,000 27 New P/F Compound 5,025,250 22 Roads Department 3,317,613 14 Police Department 2,765,000 12 Parks/Recreation 1,039,500 5 Computer Systems 940,000 4 All Other 303,000 1 Enterprise 3,526,373 15 Total CIP $23,240,736 100 Funding Sources 2019-2024 Amounts Discretionary Sales Tax $12,363,430 Grants 3,545,000 Local Option Gas Tax 2,450,433 Stormwater Fund 3,179,000 Recreation Impact 640,000 General Fund 746,500 Airport 293,800 Building 22,573 Totals $23,240,736 Proposed Capital Improvement Program Questions? Comments or Concerns? Motion to Recommend Proposed Capital Improvement Program to the City Council.