HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-2019 CB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 26, 2019 1. Call to Order — Chairperson Carbano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Allegiance — was recited by all 3. Roll Call: Present Ms. Carbano Mr. Witcher Mr. Fortier Mr. Crockett Ms. Parris Mr. Manero — Late Arrival Also Present Wayne Eseltine, Building Official Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Aooroval of Minutes Ms. Carbano called for additions, deletions or corrections to the Minutes. There being none, a motion to approve the September 24, 2018 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Crockett, seconded by Mr. Fortier. ROLL CALL Ms. Carbano — Yes Mr. Crockett -- Yes Mr. Witcher -- Yes Ms. Parris -- Yes Mr. Fortier — Yes Total vote was 5-0 in favor. Motion carries. 5. Announcements — None 6. Old Business — None 7. New Business A. Renewal of Certificate SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 26, 2019 IN THE MATTER OF MR. ROBERT SHEETS A REGISTERED RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR LOCAL LICENSE NO. 1623 STATE LICENSE NO. RR282811247 MR. SHEETS IS SEEKING BOARD APPROVAL TO REINSTATE HIS LICENSE THAT EXPIRED ON 8-28-2005 WITHOUT HAVING TO REAPPY AND RETAKE THE EXAM. Mr. Eseltine identified himself and his position with the City of Sebastian. He stated the matter before the Board tonight is regarding Mr. Robert Sheets. He is a registered residential contractor. His local license number is 1623. His state license number is RR282811247. Mr. Sheets is seeking Board approval to reinstate his license with the City of Sebastian that expired on 8-28-2005 without having to reapply or retake the exam. The applicable code section from the City Code of Ordinances is Section 26-168-C of the City Code of Ordinances which states a certificate which is inoperative because of failure to renew shall be restored on payment of the proper renewal fee. If the application for restoration is not made before the beginning of the next fiscal year of the City, the fee for restoration shall be double the original renewal fee, and in addition the Board may require reexamination of the applicant. A certificate which is not renewed within three full years after expiration may not be renewed, restored, or reinstated thereafter except by reapplication and reexamination. Mr. Eseltine stated It is the last sentence that we are here to talk about. There have been a few of these cases before. He leaves it up to the Board whether they want to strictly enforce that Code to require the applicant to reapply and/or retake the exam if they can show just cause as to why they let their license lapse, which sometimes happens. Mr. Eseltine called for any questions from the Board regarding this case. Hearing none, Ms. Carbano called on Mr. Sheets to approach the podium, state his name and address, and present his case. Robert Sheets, 1615 — 29th Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida. Ms. Carbano called for questions from the Board. Mr. Crockett addressed the letter that Mr. Sheets had written to the Board. It appears that Mr. Sheets has already spent $878.75 toward reinstatement of his license, both to the State and various entities. Mr. Sheets answered that is correct. Mr. Crockett stated SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF March 26, 2019 Mr. Sheets has spent approximately $1,100.00 at the City of Vero Beach and the County. Mr. Sheets stated when he attempted to have his license reinstated, he did not understand the part about the competency card, so he went straight to the State and gave them a letter similar to what he presented to this Board. The State then sent him a list of things that he was required to do. While working on the list, when he came to the section regarding the competency card, he was hampered, as he did not realize how important that competency card was. Mr. Crockett then asked when Mr. Sheets presented the documentation to the City of Vero Beach whether they renewed his license. Mr. Sheets answered no, they did not because he had not renewed through the City of Sebastian and the State. Mr. Crocket reviewed that Mr. Sheets has already spent approximately $2,000.00 on this process. Mr. Crockett inquired of Mr. Eseltine how much it would cost to renew Mr. Sheets' license through the City of Sebastian. Mr. Eseltine stated the calculation is 13 years at $75.00 a year, plus the current year renewal for 2019 is $36.00. So the total would be $1,011.00 if he pays by the end of March. Mr. Crockett asked Mr. Sheets if the Board approves his request and he is required to pay that amount, is he prepared to pay the full amount. Mr. Sheets answered yes. Mr. Crocket reviewed in the letter from Mr. Sheets he has listed several jobs he had completed, and he wanted to know if these jobs were all in Indian River County. Mr. Sheets stated they were. He secured permits and got inspections for those jobs. Mr. Crockett's only other concern is regarding Mr. Sheets' credit report. The report has steadily gotten better, but there are still several accounts that have been charged off or are still active. The active accounts are all current, and he asked Mr. Sheets if he is in a position now to keep those accounts current. Mr. Sheets stated he is. Mr. Fortier is also concerned with the credit history, but he commended Mr. Sheets and the efforts Mr. Sheets has made to get his license reinstated. Mr. Wilcher stated after he reviewed the paperwork, it appears Mr. Sheets has worked hard on reeducating himself. Mr. Sheets stated he has, and he has work lined up that he can start as soon as he gets his license back. There being no further discussion, Ms. Carbano called for a motion. A motion was made by Mr. Crockett that Mr. Sheets pays the required amounts in order to have his certificate reinstated for the City of Sebastian and seconded by Mr. Fortier. SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF March 26, 2019 Having heard a motion and a second, Ms. Carbano asked if there is any discussion. Hearing none, she called for a roll call vote. ROLL CALL Ms. Carbano -- Yes Mr. Fortier — Yes Mr. Wilcher -- Yes Mr. Crockett — Yes Ms. Parris — Yes Mr. Manero — Yes Vote was 6-0 in favor. Motion carries. 8. Buildino Official Matters — None 9. Board Matters A. Election of Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson Mr. Eseltine stated that Code Section 26-192 provides that the Construction Board shall elect officers from its membership. Whenever possible, the persons selected as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall have served two years as regular members and have attended 90% of the meetings. To allow everyone to participate, Boards usually place election of a Chair and Vice Chair on the agenda each year. It did slip by staff in 2018, so he would like to bring the election of Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson back before the Board. Mr. Crockett made a motion to nominate Mr. Fortier to serve as Chairperson, seconded by Ms. Carbano. There being no further nominations, Ms. Carbano called for a roll call vote. ROLL CALL Ms. Carbano -- Yes Mr. Fortier -- Yes Mr. Wilcher -- Yes Mr. Crockett -- Yes Mr. Manero -- Yes Ms. Parris -- Yes Vote was 6-0 in favor. Motion carries. Ms. Carbano called for nominations for Vice -Chairperson. Nomination of Mr. Manero was made by Ms. Carbano and seconded by Mr. Fortier. There being no further nominations, Ms. Carbano called for a roll call vote. SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF March 26, 2019 ROLL CALL Ms. Carbano — Yes Mr. Fortier — Yes Mr. Witcher — Yes Mr. Crockett — Yes Mr. Manero -- Yes Ms. Parris — Yes Total vote was 6-0 in favor. Motion carries 10. Attornev Matters — None 11. Fifteen Minutes to the Public — None 12. Adioum Chairperson Carbano called for any further business. Hearing none, she adjourned the meeting at 6:21 p.m. Jg