HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-2019 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 2019 Call to Omer — Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledoe of Alleaiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Ms. Webster Mr. Renzi (a) Mr. Danise Not Present: Mr. Agudelo — Excused Ms. White — Excused Mr. Sims — Excused Also Present: Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Meetino Chair Makes Announcements Ms. Webster announced that Mr. Sims, Ms. White, and Mr. Agudelo are excused from tonight's meeting. 5. Aaenda Modifications -- None 6. Aooroval of Minutes — June 24, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the June 24, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Danise, seconded by Mr. Renzi, and passed unanimously via voice vote. 7. Unfinished Business A. Committee Member Discussion on Park Improvements for the Current Fiscal Year Mr. Benton reviewed that each year there is a recreational impact fund from which park improvements are made. There is a fund of $20,000.00 available for unexpected PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 2019 expenses that come up and can be used for that purpose. There is currently $12,487.74, which leaves currently $7,512.26. He explained that later in the meeting he will describe in detail what the funds have been used for. He inquired of the Committee if anyone has anything they wanted to bring up that should be addressed. Anything that might be needed must be addressed by September 30th, which is the end of this fiscal year. Ms. Webster asked what happens to the $7,512.26 if it is not used during this fiscal year. Mr. Benton stated it remains in the recreational impact fund, but it doesn't get added to next year's budget specifically for the parks. There were no comments from the Committee as to anything else that might be needed this fiscal year. 8. Public Input -- None 9. New Business A. Football Scoreboard Replacement Mr. Benton reviewed that there has been an issue with the football scoreboard at Barber Street. Months were spent in trying to get the old scoreboard in good working order. After trying to obtain replacement parts that were not always usable, it was decided to purchase a new football scoreboard. That decision was made sometime around the end of July. In discussion with the league personnel, he was informed that they had already set aside some funds to help with the replacement of the scoreboard. After getting several quotes, the quote that was decided on by the City was in the amount of $9,660.83. The football scoreboard is much larger than the baseball scoreboards and has many more components; thus the difference in the prices. The Sharks program agreed to reimburse the City $4,000.00 towards the cost of the scoreboard. That $4,000.00 will be repaid over a period of two years. There is a formal agreement in place between the City and the Sharks as to the repayment terms. Mr. Benton expects the scoreboard to be delivered next week or the week after. It will take another four or so weeks to have it installed. Regular season tackle football begins August 24th, and the Sharks requested to play away games for the first two games of the season. So they're not home until September 7th. If there are issues which create the scoreboard installation being delayed, the City will get a portable game clock from the company they are purchasing the new one from, and it will be free of charge. Mr. Benton asked for questions/comments from the Committee members Mr. Renzi PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 2019 • Asked what the ages are of the players of tackle football. Mr. Benton replied that flag football and maybe some tackle as well begins at about the age of five years and goes up until the middle school age. • Asked if the teams are members of the Pop Warner program. Mr. Benton said no, not per se, but they are members of the local youth athletic association and play other teams from Vero Beach and Brevard County. Ms. Webster • Added that there are four scoreboards for baseball and only one for football, so they will closely equal each other as far as cost. Mr. Benton said there is only one more baseball scoreboard to replace, and that is budgeted for the next fiscal year. When that is installed, the City will have all new scoreboards at its ballfields. 10. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton provided an update on the projects that are being worked on within the City. Pickleball Courts — Land clearing began on August 611h. Due to the large amount of rain that we've had, there have been some delays. He was out to the site today, and the work is now moving along. He estimates the project is still about three months out from being close to completion. Park Signage -- He left some sample images of the approved signage that staff plans to begin installing within the parks. Those samples are on the dais for the Committee members to look at. He added that the samples show grey poles. If the signage is within the CRA district, it will have a grey pole. The parks that are not within the CRA district will have black poles. City Council has approved the design and color scheme for the signage. He estimates that the project will go out for bids sometime in the next month or so. Once the signage is received, the parks that don't presently have signage will get it first, then the parks with signs that need to be replaced and so on. Mr. Danise mentioned the sign at George Street has its visibility blocked by shrubs, and it is hard to see until you're past it. Mr. Benton said he will see that the trees and bushes around that signed get trimmed in the next day or so. He also stated the plan for signage from now going forward is to put the signs up perpendicular to the streets/roads, so the signs will be easier to see from both directions. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 2019 Mr. Renzi asked aboutwhat material will be used. Mr. Benton stated they are still studying whether to go with wood and foam or metal. That information will all be supplied by the consultant on this project. • Riverview Park — The consultant is going to deliver their conceptual plan to the City this week for staff to review and provide feedback. He has asked some of the people who are involved in the events in the park, as they are familiar with the needs for those events. He will present the conceptual plan to the Committee at its next meeting. • Friendship Park — All of the lights there will have new lenses installed within the next week. • The Yacht Club — The seawall restoration at the north corner of the property is nearing completion. The new sidewalk cement will be poured in the next day or SO. • Athletic Fields — Some of the sod was replaced at three of the softball/baseball fields where it was wom. He intends to attend a little league coaches' meeting to give them some information on how the turf can better be maintained. He will also ask for input from the coaches as the City moves forward in improving the fields. The football fields are also on the schedule to be improved. He asked for questions or comments from the Committee. Ms. Webster stated she is very pleased with the attention that is being paid to the baseball and the football fields. Mr. Danise said Mr. Benton and his staff are to be complimented on the work they are performing in order to have the parks in the City in good order. B. Board Opening Mr. Benton announced that there is one Board opening that is an alternate position available. 11. Board or Committee Member Matters A. Committee Members Update on Their Parks Mr. Danise is very pleased with his parks. Mr. Renzi also stated his parks are looking very good. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 2019 Ms. Webster asked about the condition of the batting cages. Mr. Benton stated he gave the league permission to install a softer turf surface where the balls didn't take such hard bounces and the balls wouldn't be damaged. The material was donated, but it has not been anchored, and it is more of an indoor material. He stated the league personnel are looking to purchase a material that is more of a turf surface that will withstand the elements, and it can be glued down. Mr. Danise inquired about the skateboard park. Mr. Benton stated that, effective September 29th, there will not be City staff at the skate park on a daily basis. There will be no charge to use the park, and perhaps that will create more interest in using the park. 12. Items for the Next Aaenda and Date: September 23. 2019 Mr. Benton asked, if any of the Committee members has anything they want to be put on the agenda, to please let him know. 13. Adiourn There being no further business, Chairperson Webster asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Renzi and seconded by Mr. Denise to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m. t(Ps Wrson d Recreation Committee