HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-2019 PZ AgendaMa SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANDIOR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of October 3, 2019 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL and PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex -parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit — New Model Home — 1592 & 1598 Barber Street — Lots 16 & 17, Block 298, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11 — Adams Homes 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS None 10. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 11. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 12. STAFF MATTERS 13. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — www.citvofsebastian.oro unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS -TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2019 1. Call to Order -- Chairperson Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:g & 2. Pledae of Allea_ iance was recited by all. .� (D .fN SO Present: 3. Roll Call (L E Mr. Roth Mr. Mauti (a) I- Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Qizilbash (' Mr. Carter Mr. Hughan Mr. Reyes Mr. Alvarez C W m j - .�� ®® Not Present: Mr. Simmons (a) -- Excused Iy p a Cl.- CON <aCn Also Present: Mr. Jim Stokes, City Attorney Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications -- None 5. Approval of Minutes Regular meeting of August 15, 2019 (tabled from 9-5-2019) Regular meeting of September 5, 2019 A. Regular meeting of August 15, 2019 (tabled from 9-5-2019) Ms. Kautenburg asked if the Commission members had had a chance to review the Minutes from August 15, 2019. All stated they had. Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion to approve the Minutes of August 15, 2019. A motion to accept the Minutes of the meeting of August 15, 2019 as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Roth, and approved unanimously via voice vote. B. Regular meeting of September 5, 2019 Ms. Kautenburg asked if the Commission members had had a chance to review the Minutes from September 5, 2019. All stated they had. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 2019 Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion to approve the Minutes of September 5, 2019. A motion to accept the Minutes of the meeting of August 15, 2019 as presented was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. Carter, and approved unanimously via voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinos A. Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council -- Code of Ordinance & Land Development Code Amendments -- Ordinance 0-19-07 -- Amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 86, Article III, by establishing a definition for "Recycling Materials"; and amending the Land Development Code, Article XXII -- Language and Definitions, by establishing a definition and land use classification for "Recycling or Materials Recovery Facilities"; and amending Article V -- Zoning District Regulations, by establishing Recycling or Materials Recovery Facilities as conditional uses in the Industrial Zoning District; and amending Article VI -- Conditional Uses Criteria, by establishing specific conditions for Recycling or Materials Recovery Facilities Mr. Stokes stated that this is not a quasi-judicial hearing, so witnesses will not need to be sworn in. The Commission will be required to make a recommendation, which will then go before City Council. He then read the Ordinance into the record. Ms. Kautenburg asked if any of the Commissioners had had any ex parte communications regarding this matter. All Commissioners answered no. Mr. Reyes pointed out that when the Ordinance was read into the record, the definition for "Recycling" Materials should have been "Recyclable" Materials. Ms. Frazier stated that was a typographical error on the Agenda. It should read "...a definition for'Recyclable' Materials..." Ms. Kautenburg then asked for input from staff. Ms. Frazier reviewed the history of staffs interaction with the applicant on this matter. The proposed business is to be a recycling operation. Ms. Frazier stated that, in looking at Sebastian's Code of Ordinances, recycling is not addressed. She described this as being a green industry and perhaps that is something the City would want to establish in the community. Presently, junkyards and salvage yards are prohibited in the City. Staff felt that it was important to redefine recyclable materials within the Code of Ordinances and then move on to the Land Development Code to define where recyclable materials centers could be established and what conditions could be placed on any future PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 2019 development of such industry in this community. She stated the applicant is present this evening to state his case. Mr. Roth asked if the wording in the agenda in red is the suggested modifications. Ms. Frazier stated yes. Ms. Kautenburg then asked to hear from the applicant. Rebecca Grohall represented the applicant and talked about the importance of recyclable materials being addressed in today's construction industry. She described that materials used by the construction industry contain 50% to 90% recyclable materials. She went on to describe what happens to those materials when they go to a recycling facility. Ms. Grohall stated Indian River County has the goal of reducing the amount of recyclable materials that go to landfills in order to extend the life of the landfills. She stated recyclable materials facilities simply gather those metal and recyclable materials and bundle them to be sold to a facility where they're refabricated into products. She emphasized that the recyclable materials facilities are a drop-off point, where once they receive the recyclables they simply bundle them and send them off site to be refabricated or further recycled. Ms. Grohall then asked the applicant to speak to the matter. Shannon Cook, the property owner, described how the metals are separated into classifications and are weighed. Those items are then placed in a container for shipment. He stated nothing is stored on site. When the materials come in, they go out right away. Mr. Cook also stated that there would be no "junk" coming into his facility. The only items coming into his facility would be recyclable materials. He stated he thinks the City of Sebastian will be proud of his facility and the way it is maintained. Mr. Hughan: • Inquired if most of the users of this facility will be commercial. Mr. Cook stated most of his accounts would be private users. Mr. Alvarez: • Inquired about where exactly this property is located. Mr. Cook explained it is in the Roseland Road area and is surrounded completely by County property. This is the only piece of property like this in the City of Sebastian. Mr. Stokes explained that the Commission is considering a text change to the Code; this is not site specific like a variance or a special exception. So this will not affect just this property, and this could come up in other places that meet the requirements of what the new language will be. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 2019 Mr. Roth: • Stated that in the Agenda packet was a development order application for Red Warrior Holding Corporation. He inquired whether that is included as part of this application. Ms. Frazier stated it is included because the applicant paid for the City to consider a text amendment. So that application shows that this is for a text amendment. • Regarding the Ordinance itself, he read the part of the Ordinance that says it "...specifically prohibitsjunk as defined in..." and it goes on to describe household appliances, scrap metal, etc. In another section of the proposed Ordinance it goes on to say, "No materials may be burned on site, and no hazardous materials shall be stockpiled on site." He asked for clarification. Ms. Frazier read from the Ordinance that section which defines junk and hazardous materials as being disallowed on site. She stated that this is something the Commission may want to consider as being allowed on these sites. She further stated that the applicant in this case stated there will be no hazardous materials or junk stored on his site, but she wanted to remind the Commission members that, if they allow for the text change, there may be other applicants who will want to be able to store those items. She also suggested the Commission may want to address the size of the sites being larger than a half -acre. Mr. Mauti: • Since this is a text amendment only, he queried if the applicant will come back to this Commission for approval under a special use. Ms. Frazier stated that is correct. • Asked what kind of machinery will be used. Mr. Cook stated it would be a forklift to load the trucks, a smaller front-end loader, and an excavator with a claw on it to pick up the materials and drop them into a trailer to be sent out. • Asked if Mr. Cook's business will be subject to inspections by the EPA and other agencies. Mr. Cook said he will be subject to inspections by several agencies. Mr. Reyes: • Stated that he is familiar with the recycling sites, and when there is a storm the traffic in and out of these facilities becomes a problem on some of the small sites. Mr. Cook stated his site is five acres, so it is definitely large enough to accommodate the traffic, etc. • Also described oil and gasoline from batteries, motors/engines, etc. that gets spread around these sites, and that is hazardous material. That then becomes a problem if the business is discontinued and the site is attempted to be sold. Mr. Cook said those items with hazardous liquids, etc. are all drained inside a building. Then the liquids are also recycled. He works with DEP and other agencies in order PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 2019 PAGE 5 to be in 100% compliance. He also agrees that the sites for this business should be larger than a half -acre. • Had some questions about the wording of the proposed text change. He stated the definition of junk is subject to broad interpretation. He thinks the subject of "junk" should be better defined. Ms. Frazier described how staff arrives at the verbiage they use in these Ordinances and amendments, some of which is taken from wording of other municipalities' Codes. • Regarding the area of separating and sorting recyclable materials, it is his understanding that there is never going to be hazardous materials on site. • Questioned whether these sites will be in zones that are classified as industrial. Ms. Frazer stated that is correct. • Addressed the size of the facilities. Ms. Frazier asked, if the Commission has a recommendation as to the size of the lots on which these businesses are located, to put that in any motion that is made. • Addressed the height of the wall/screen that will be required. Ms. Frazier suggested that language be used as to screening of refuse containers and their location. Ms. Kautenburg: • Inquired of Mr. Cook if there are requirements in this industry to verify ownership of the materials that are being received. Mr. Cook stated that when recyclables are bought by his business a picture ID is required and a thumbprint is taken. He stated there is a lot more control over this business than there was in the past. There was a discussion among the Commission members and staff as to what the size of these lots should be. It was the consensus that two acres should be the minimum size of the properties for recyclable businesses. There being no further discussion, Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion. A motion recommending to City Council Code of Ordinance & Land Development Code Amendments to Ordinance 0-19-07 amending the Code of Ordinances, with the following changes was made by Mr. Reyes and seconded by Mr. Carter. • Under Article VI, Item 1, the minimum lot size shall be two acres. • Adding an Article X to Item 1, as discussed. Roll Call Mr. Hughan -- Yes Mr. Mauti (a) -- Yes* Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 2019 Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes * EDITOR'S NOTE: Vote by the alternate member, Mr. Mauti, was not necessary. Voidance of his vote does not affect or change the unanimous recommendation by the Commission. Vote was 8-0 in favor. Motion carries. 7. Unfinished Business -- None 8. Public Input -- None 9. New Business -- None 10., Commissioners Matters Mr. Roth: • Suggested the City provide shirts like the ones that were received in the past. • Asked for an update on the property that AT&T bought and on which they propose to erect a new building, and also on the property that Verizon has purchased and proposed to erect a new building. Ms. Frazier stated AT&T is moving forward with getting permits. Regarding the Verizon property, staff has not heard anything to this point. Mr. Reyes: • Complimented staff on the timely delivery of the Agenda packets. The remaining Commission members joined in that compliment. • Asked if there has been any feedback on the large drainage swales that are not getting mowed in a timely manner. Ms. Frazier will follow up on that. Ms. Kautenburg: • Regarding the new Comprehensive Plan that is being worked on for the City, she opined that the subject of affordable housing will be brought up again. After this Commission's last meeting, she did address this matter. Since then, she has done some research and discovered that the average wage for an employee of the City of Sebastian is $15.85 per hour. She also did some research on the average rental in the City and discovered the lowest rental in the City was $1,450.00 per month. This equals approximately 41 per cent of gross wages. Furthermore, the average sale price of a home in Sebastian is $213,107.00. She would like to see the City PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 2019 put together a plan so that people can obtain affordable housing in Sebastian. She recommended the AARP website as being a source of information on affordable housing in communities. She asked that the members consider this matter and try to come up with ideas to address this subject. She asked that the Commission put together a plan so that people can obtain affordable housing in Sebastian. She recommended the AARP website as being a source of information on affordable housing in communities. She asked that the members consider this matter and try to come up with ideas to address this subject. She asked that the Commission consider affordable housing for the people who work in Sebastian, such as police, nurses, firemen, City employees, etc. Mr. Reyes brought up the "Spirit of Sebastian" project and inquired if there wasn't something in this plan to provide multi -family housing. Ms. Frazier said that idea is still viable, but the developer has had to make some adjustments to the plan. Mr. Reyes also brought up the idea of tiny homes and mooring sites for consideration. Ms. Frazier stated there are a number of facilities that need to be built in order to support a mooring field. Ms. Frazier also recommended the AARP website as having a wealth of information regarding affordable housing. She also informed the Commission that staff is working on conducting workshops in the future regarding this matter. Mr. Mauti: Asked for an update on the vacation rentals. Ms. Frazier stated a lot of individuals have registered their homes. Those who had complaints made against them have come into compliance, and she feels there is a good number of rental properties. 11. Citv Attornev Matters -- None 12. Staff Matters -- None 13. Adjourn Ms. Kautenburg called for any further business. Hearing none, she adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m. jg m�. SEEBA`ST-" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Conditional Use Permit Application - Staff Report Model Home 1. Project Name: Adams Homes Model Home 2. Requested Action: Approval of a conditional use permit for a new model home. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 1598 Barber Street b. Legal: Lot 16 & 17, Block 298, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11 4. Project Owner: a. Name: Adams Homes. b. Address: 3000 Gulf Breeze Parkway Melbourne, FL 32563 C. Agent: William Bryan Adams 5. Project Description: a. Narrative of proposed action: Adams Homes is requesting a model home permit for the single-family residence under construction at 1598 Barber Street. Required parking will be located on the adjacent lot along with requisite landscaping and drainage. b. Current Zoning: RS -10 C. Adjacent Properties: d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage: .5 acres Zoning Current Land Use Future Land Use North: RS -10 residence LDR East: RS -10 residence LDR South: RS -10 residence LDR West: RS -10 residence LDR d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage: .5 acres 6. 7. (2) Current Land Use: Single family residence & parking area under construction Required Findings: Does Does Not Comply Comply a. Be so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that J the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. b. Not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area in which it is located. The scale, intensity and operation of the use shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. C. Conform to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. d. Satisfy specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in subsection 54-2-6.4(29). Conditional Use Criteria: Does Does Not I a. Not to be used as contractors main office. C071y Comply b. Meets district regulations for lot and yard dimensions. I J I 1 C. No construction materials or equipment stored at model. J d. Business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Limit of two staff. I J e. All signs conform to city code; illuminated signs prohibited. J f No glare or traffic impediment from house illumination. J g. Provide 5 parking spaces, 10' from side property line, 30' from corner. J 8. Additional Considerations: Additional hedging is required in front of the parking spaces by the Handi-capped space (east area), as shown in red on the survey. This should be required as a condition of approval. The two parcels have been combined and will need to meet the minimum tree standards for a double lot before the Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. A separate permit has been submitted for the proposed sign, which will need a monument base added to the design. In addition, off -premise signs and feather and/or "Open" flags are prohibited, but patriotic flags not used for marketing purposes can be placed. The applicant was notified of these regulations for their model home on Easy Street, but continues to use illegal signage on the weekends. Model home permits may be revoked if the property is found to be in violation by the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate. The model home permits expire one year from the date of approval, but may be renewed administratively. At the time the model home permits expire and are no longer renewed, the applicant will be responsible for removal of the parking area, connecting sidewalks, and all signage. 9. Conclusion: The proposed use as presented is consistent with Section 54-2-6.4(29) of the Land Development Code of the City of Sebastian, with conditions listed below. 10. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this model home permit for a one-year period conditional on the following: 1. Additional hedging is provided in the parking area in front of the eastern spaces 2. No construction materials or equipment will be stored at the model. 3. A building permit for the model sign is obtained. 4. Illegal flags and signage shall not be used. Off -premise signs or directional signs cannot be placed along city streets. 5. Contractor to remove parking area and model signage when the model permit expires. Prepared by Date Land Development Code Sec. 54-2-6.4. - Specific criteria for approving a conditional use. In addition to satisfaction of the general provisions cited above, a conditional use shall be permitted only upon a finding that the proposed conditional use complies with the requirements for the respective conditional use as specified below: rxtra��•** (29) Model homes: a. Applicable zoning districts. Model homes shall be permitted as a conditional use within the following zoning districts: RE -40, RS -20, RS -l0, RM -8, RMH, CWR, and approved residential uses in a PUD. b. Conditional use criteria. Model homes will be allowed providing the following conditions are met: 1. Model homes shall be regulated through the issuance of a model home permit. The permit shall be issued for a period not to exceed one year. The planning and zoning commission may renew said permit upon application, provided that the model home has been constructed and operated in accordance with this Code. 2. A permit holder may not use the model home as his or her principal place of business. The model home shall be used for display purposes only, and not as a contractor's office, real estate office, or annex thereof. However, price quotations may be given and binders may be executed on the premises. 3. The model home shall meet all district requirements for lot and yard dimensions. 4. No construction materials or construction equipment may be stored in the model, on the site, or on adjoining sites. 5. Business activity may be conducted at the model home only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., seven days per week; and not more than two permanent employees (in addition to the owner thereof) shall be authorized to remain in the model during the business day. 6. Model homes with a valid conditional use permit may have one sign not to exceed six square feet and shall not be higher than six feet. Such signs may be illuminated and shall conform with the city sign ordinance. 7. Model homes may be illuminated, but only for security purposes and shall not cause a glare or infringe on neighboring properties or impede traffic. 8. At least five parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the model, or on a contiguous lot, owned by the contractor or developer, or in the street right-of-way immediately in front of said model, and shall be maintained so long as the model home is used as such, as follows: (a) A plan for all parking facilities shall be submitted to the city engineer and approved by the city engineer prior to the issuance of a permit. (b) Any parking area which is located on a corner lot shall be designed so as not to obstruct the view of approaching traffic. (c) Ingress and egress to the parking area shall be a minimum of 30 feet distant from any corner and also a minimum distance of ten feet from an interior property line. 9. Where a violation of these restrictions on the use of model homes is determined to exist by the code enforcement board pursuant to the procedures set forth in division 2 or article VI of chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances, the certificate authorizing such model home use shall be revoked and no such certificate shall be reissued for a period of one year following the date of the entry of the order of the code enforcement board finding the existence of such violation. 10. With respect to model homes in either the RMH or PUD (MH) zoning districts, conditions stated in subparagraphs (4) and (9), above, may be waived only for mobile home models (removable) when more than two such models are to be placed in a cluster as part of a sales center. r , w a ya 1 MAI Z Barber St Google Earth �y ®l.. All - 200 ft NO. 12W9C. DATED DECEMBER 4. 2012 5 PREPARED BY ME FEDERAL r. FINAL LOCATION AND FLOOD S" AGENCY. THIS SURVEYOR SAND CH LOG.4RAND DETERMINATNW. :ECMDED OR UNRECORDED RIGHTS IC"IIONS AFFECTING ME LANDS SURVEYED. HERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS. GAPS IF ANY IS NOT KNOMN, FWNOATONS LOCATE. MEN4MS AND ERECTIONS SHONN ARE AME AS RECORD DATA, CT OR DETERMINE OWNERSHIP. ME PURPOSE COERCED, AND SHALL BE HATSCEAR. THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID E ORKMAL RNYO SEAL OF A FLORIDA H. AOGT AIS OR DELI TO SURVEY R TAM THE %MIND PARTY OR PARTES TEN CONSENT OT THE SIGNING PARTY OR INDICATE BASED ON RECORD WFORMATON I ARE W FEET AND DECIMALS, BASED ON THE SHOWN. PROECT BENCHMARK EIEVAMMS LOW BENCH RUN REFERENCED TO DOCTOR To. ME AVAN./.BII DATA BASED Y ME WENT. ME UNDERSIGNED TITHE SEARCH ANO 010 NOT RECEIVE 0 OMMWSE NOM HEREON. UNIDO OWN ON THIS SURVEY WERE NOT NOES WHATSOEVER. SURVEY AND TATEMENT OF ME SIGNING SURVEYOR. WY EMDENCE MADE TO COMPLY WITH TME STATE W LL SURVEMRS AND MAPPERS I�MjYICR7VIVUI(J1('IA(R,C�AA =L./w/ OW FI UR LDA ITOTAL LOT AREA }11,736 SO FT IMPERVIOUS AREA *3,758 SO FT OR 32R GENERAL NOTES: A) ALL PARKING SPACES ARE 9'x18.5' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8) ALL HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PROPERLY SIGNED AND STRIPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FDOT STANDARD INDEX 17346. 2015 EDITION. A DETAIL OF THIS STANDARD PLAN HAS BEEN ATTACHED TO THIS PLAN. C) ALL PARKING SPACES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BOTH CONCRETE TIRE STOPS. D) RAMPS MUST BE PROVIDED INTO THE MODEL +009 CENTER BUILT WITH A SLOPE OF 12:1. (S 34120'20" E) (80.00') —0&1 M—M� d� M—D `WB �BI—TWOMA� '0 � 4 10' RDE'OWE (ILLEIBLE) r-----f�-------� F-- III I 4f ll I I I I I I i OF I VACANT I I LOT 15 I f I sua n9 I Y I I I g I p I �yI uunsAPF= .afw l�Y g I °g M ,EP -I IF I ❑ BE II(I N _g yCy I Y J STw B (TYPNl1) ri I I A� PROPOSED ✓ /W / / I S' CgMC B N� CONCRETE PARODIC4.0 II / =w I� I o BM FOUND 1/2' RERRJ STOP SG1A �+ J (SM1M 1761) +y�4 �0 WHNE (81-1) / +ap LOT 19OOOOI NO ASPHALT PARKING LOT 1 -HANDICAPPED SPACE (12'18.5') 5 -STANDARD SPACES (9'x18.5') LOT 15 BLOCK 298ES RIDENCE k OUND 1/2' ROM (NO IDENTIFICATION) THIS SURVEY IS CERTIFIED TO AND SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR ADAMS HOMES OF NORTHWEST FLORIDA, INC. MOSLEY Q WAWS TITLE SERVICES, INC FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DALE 9IILEY: NOVEIBER 2 M15 E. fiAUNNEN•JTIAIE 00 FLORIDA PRpRSSWAL SLOWEYOP k BPPER 8431 A WEDGE SHALL BE PIANTED WI" THE LWDSCAPE AREA AHD SHALL BE A MMIMMM CF THREE FEET IN NEGMT AND ECRM A SCUD AND IFN MOROVIS & SCREEN wMEDIATELY-OPON PDMIMO- BASIS OF BEARING SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 11 (PLAT) (S 34'20'20' E) 1 ') (1200.00 DESCRIPTION LOT 16 AND 17, BLOCK 298, SEBASTIAN xiGEIL�[Qpg 11, ACCORDING TO THE OF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOK 7, PPPIALAGGTTES $H6EE6�I, 56FFA THROUGH 56L, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ORMWC scum DI FET 1D 0 S 10 ED w I Yr�L YW REMSED 12/5/18 BITE PLM. REMSE 2/12/19 PARKING LOT PLAN +/CO8 ABLE SLUE w -d uE WE B� /� 3 I —120E----�- DETAIL 'A' FOOT DESIGN STANDARDS FY 2010 -IT INDEX NO. 17346 SIFT N0. 12 OF 17 11/4/15 I Q/'N a IA 1rI"1 SOI C SAn1 MWINWTV, P. 3290 I MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR: LOT 18 BLOC( 298 RESIDENCE +RR/ S PINE MEED AND OIHEIER (S 34"20'20 E) (95.00) .3-. MOVE OVE GOEND LEVEL O INDICATES 0. TREE AND DAMETEN �pfa +9dO tY4 MOVE OLE OtWNO HI`A R/M INDICATES PALM TREE LOT 15 BLOCK 298ES RIDENCE k OUND 1/2' ROM (NO IDENTIFICATION) THIS SURVEY IS CERTIFIED TO AND SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR ADAMS HOMES OF NORTHWEST FLORIDA, INC. MOSLEY Q WAWS TITLE SERVICES, INC FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DALE 9IILEY: NOVEIBER 2 M15 E. fiAUNNEN•JTIAIE 00 FLORIDA PRpRSSWAL SLOWEYOP k BPPER 8431 A WEDGE SHALL BE PIANTED WI" THE LWDSCAPE AREA AHD SHALL BE A MMIMMM CF THREE FEET IN NEGMT AND ECRM A SCUD AND IFN MOROVIS & SCREEN wMEDIATELY-OPON PDMIMO- BASIS OF BEARING SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 11 (PLAT) (S 34'20'20' E) 1 ') (1200.00 DESCRIPTION LOT 16 AND 17, BLOCK 298, SEBASTIAN xiGEIL�[Qpg 11, ACCORDING TO THE OF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOK 7, PPPIALAGGTTES $H6EE6�I, 56FFA THROUGH 56L, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ORMWC scum DI FET 1D 0 S 10 ED w I Yr�L YW REMSED 12/5/18 BITE PLM. REMSE 2/12/19 PARKING LOT PLAN +/CO8 ABLE SLUE w -d uE WE B� /� 3 I —120E----�- DETAIL 'A' FOOT DESIGN STANDARDS FY 2010 -IT INDEX NO. 17346 SIFT N0. 12 OF 17 11/4/15 I Q/'N a IA 1rI"1 SOI C SAn1 MWINWTV, P. 3290 I MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR: LOT 18 BLOC( 298 RESIDENCE +RR/ I +yPR 'YdjA C/L BARBER STREET — 80' MOE PUBLIC R/W 'PROJECT NO: PREVISION NO I DAIS IDESCRPTON EGEND C/L CENTERERW PB FOUND 1/2' ROAR (S 34"20'20 E) (95.00) Mo IDENIFICATON) SHRD'34'E 9441' =A �pfa +9dO ed/ t9. R/M 10' WOE PU80E — `CM POWER POLE VACANT OVERHEADWIRES O LOT 17 g 5 REBAR WIDE CAP (PSM MET) BLCCI Na NAE EEVERED AS NOTE SEI NM ARO O5K (PSI 64.11) PLY PERYANFNT DONTR0. PANT PC POINT OF WRVS 19.2 14.0 aJN POINT OF REVERSE WOVE PW PANT OF COMPOUND WOVE PI POINT O w1ERSErnGN Cli MAIN IM( FENCED BE WOOD FENCE t WOVE PURE FENCE A/C S -) INGCATES RECORD DATA O.D' B 16.2 C PROPOSED CNE STORY RESCINDS & J MWD. 2285 1598 BARBER STREET SGSA EPMI. FLOWOA " No M7 ED 143 0� CDR N D D ENTRY N v ❑ fffiiilll I I 16' WE I MFA SEYA4WD FOR I CWC CRVE I SEPME: SYSTEM )� ��S N 3rz5bf w TORR' 2'dSIGN — — — (N34'2("2"I (95.00'F D s'I RwAR 6 IOENOFICATON) I +yPR 'YdjA C/L BARBER STREET — 80' MOE PUBLIC R/W 'PROJECT NO: PREVISION NO I DAIS IDESCRPTON EGEND C/L CENTERERW PB PEAT SUGI EDP EDEN OF PAVEMENT WB OPTICAL RECORD ROOD PG PACE R/M NIGHT W WAY `CM POWER POLE -OI- OVERHEADWIRES O COKER MARKER RECOVERED M NOTED 0SET 5 REBAR WIDE CAP (PSM MET) = NAE EEVERED AS NOTE SEI NM ARO O5K (PSI 64.11) PLY PERYANFNT DONTR0. PANT PC POINT OF WRVS PT POINT OF TMGENCY PRC POINT OF REVERSE WOVE PW PANT OF COMPOUND WOVE PI POINT O w1ERSErnGN Cli MAIN IM( FENCED BE WOOD FENCE WWF WOVE PURE FENCE A/C AIX CONDITIONER -) INGCATES RECORD DATA O.D' IIPAGTES ONWND ELEVATION MP RIND NGw29 NAMMS 8TH DONE CM E PUREE 'NO P R O US L H PWT POC ROU AOL sM M uONUMMT ON (VRTICAL CONMOL) UTILITIES h ORAINAM EASEMENT _mrorswcX _� W WY:XFM XGi m m mss SH g RIGHT ELEVATION "CR" VENTILATION CALCULATION rw®I.. h/ aW / x • xw..ww mw M.�IF. •..re w.bmrrmm.a�! `X�WMV53 IXCiFS Lu a ulElmWm N505H LppIIIIIWS LOATW 253N REAR ELEVATION az•xxa' OSW LWYEH tM orx� "SMIH dFS flBFR(iVSSSNIXLIE3 �1 S w um mn mn imp i mi �"an mll I :::: I LEFT ELEVATION "CR" ♦I Bw s W t W z rwi Ix 0 Wa Q W i m [ 4 LLI ® 8 C ♦IIm lMommOm e LL 0 q s A Z NEIE t N p� EFMFMIIIOYS WCOA[AIW TNO g w W N _______ ___ 61N ` � C Z H Y U m m w i, 1MENYHFAO HOr g J m (n W "a � I�Ham/XumGv. 2265 _._ � Lno•LOLox --- `-_ y I rnureecy, xmemeere,zme aWSOWRNY w L)x'HI COL o.L zssx ze'Xx9��e Ss a IXA GFOIFEixVuem: ]x•sIOFLiFSa oxWHI. g o�'i asM eA.9).I I 1&7452 FRONT ELEVATION "CR" 5 YAIE 1/A'=1'L' ELEVATION - CR BEARING WOOD WALL SCHEDULE BEAM SCHEDULE Illd ey»fe.mFXXu .i AEF. I�.Er 1r m1NmNN. w.� N �'n° - � •CID . a qe fr mfa,Yu.W.R mfyrNN.. Lwr I MwrNnne' I w cubo SfiX ®x. wwXlnwP1°oxizoow i _ ,S•_PREa_yT_AS_ME _ _ _ _1 _ 4 m,NroaXu m1Nm-..-. X.I ®w.-MWv1/m• mNw,MRy,YFI» PN.'.LOS. a � Iflu�.lfl CMfiaN.1N FIEYRTIOX XmC CJ lm M2 Alwfm y»�s L�.qe ugvW�x� mwrtPl minroawu mwraxN Q I ® leNmwlnNmFaN CC� 4N1, I /W:o,a.n:';;5e� . I I N'�`.RNNX"'mmRowWmaY °�,m�,.,�;=e�W�°a �>u�": mow. CI Ina:maW mss., I - nm BWalyy wmu ®mMroq_Ai^wrwpwNm 2J[Urt w�.w.n'r'.wm9m� ¢o�w:.:9OXWzi sFe HN�1 a3 \ _� � RZL«HX� WN m ®;OEfv�.f�1n w.X mMI»Pmll-FmmFm Lm'i I oNMwaMs�rogY NZ W MMUMe lmme a'awb MNUNen 3/SIM ^m 7-1 GENERAL BE1A NOTES mwamaw OWNER S GFDROOM .Ww YyYww / """/wn wXmwAXNmxP ,XLNIIW]Ir�W MmwXRaa..XwmX,uEXa -� Xmo pp"• = � ,.w/R/:..w/ eNNryN..YmIYMMffixle bNWamm.xm i A • O O ��a WN wap iqm lal�6X xvXN RRG. WALL DETAIL _■ IM GENERAL NOTES I I HEADER SCHEDULE (910 mm.IMX.a PnnliN[nhn Nva man In w�ve NlvM'I.b[abf MRnry MMenu. �- W �F ,G N"`aNn"`"`aNmn�.n.'axaoroi�e•NYI."mreN.oNVO ,N.o°W1 I uwx naAREP WZE aaEuxl® p,W I 6-am,a my aEEm.nuxEsnmxoren elnwia zm"N�N»a@"`zma''°°"PmXwX14a mwwzom )ammxpurE SsxFST MNoaNYaw.ul'y. l�xbmc��b m-anasm ■Err+melxEwwxoren .-.a- am.C.e ;:�a ".a"i:.°e`,." wir¢EumxPure m�mw fix: xmnx xa at-txmasm aE,:oExmu xEAawxoTEN .eEaA`.N..Ngwo�IX.wW`�.tt`W.'°" w+vFuiexpureSSHF Ipdi�• $ 8 J � ex"RM Ea Ngm nxa e far.. XIX. 1rz•F Pure ,,.E•ao.RN-e.. w -u- O m-1vrx+I Na .,, ,oN.I�X.mwM�XXRN LN ZN FazepYNl sv auWweeve.F..P NwRoe COLUMN SCHEDULE I<8>w-+w•xnN e.e �eAa'IRmx LM 3.OEfYae'JOP81 i'R W""o�:'yem'm',X.W I m�axq ysgxn.WKlgw wnryp I 1EAOEA 911PPoRlHO K I] yxa.nve Nl fm�vuwu .AT.1. (FETIIM zr I QM214-.ra ::.,,� •.enneNQ xx aXPmw wnla P-1R3.aMnm- 191N,afxws X I Wa I]la IA dn•_X'a• � wz..mFn Xvwx �f/X.f1n a.e I fva�. m's 01 I N] I rn wl I © .NX. nmAm•• 9C,me wPoXXu I GENERAL HEADER NOTES mraer atlfl NlvNemewe39'N ,9 rabnnwtlaXl ^pAm mI W/ „ n wX aFx�R�rm o �»w �s_m 2AFN sm SONx INRWNWEPUN...WNL .WO mLwwxmnlczwxs vmxx ewaMwessxymREq RmIMm R•RI.T, m 0 MPT ]euuN ON . Y zm yuwox PuxRnox NEPux xuNzmrWrow 9.ICML 'plq w/VMw'a NpMMm vRWmPPx5 .. /A« sxXL9ElAsrvanroaxx pm Nim ® f'W"` 'XWI�gX.:'f:.�/'°'w Rw Mfaal® R »,mom iA41FNNLµVLTALY xeaRx9mme`W/I31 PCWa L'efAMAC}I NV L4 �r I -I _ yy�.Re m• unucH Eo¢w13)Xw.slFafOaxuttw. &F0.51fN.RLLXEAPeiO XW68Np5 WM 1311NTOQWLSFFP6E glw/[¢0f/i'• F FAppn93pi3RPxm PWIaCI EOA ®3111�� a�emwR,?Mi � r Om) '•'1 � a{ N N 1S.© IF�-AI■IIIIIIII (1 . mRms Y f xaE NB /SHOWER .a BEDROOM 4 JO BATH 3 Ra I • 1! 1 ay044 8059 8'CL4 w ■ P/sx n 3a ' a'a• aa• _ 1 I® ,WNX.Xato°, arl Xr ^m/a,1,nv®on T.m - R/aX _ 8-R/aH MwXa®IN fim m.MseW TTXVW" Tem .aE\ yy -' _ I ! GENEk OLUMN NOTES w�ron YXYNmw z -------- -- umRHVRmNFmmuf'a ILL�Ny W rfAYa: R n � n I 6R�.lmelbXlXwirtcwwwrwonw`i wriem E ulgr x/Sx- !.,l., m� wWYIxNNIM.1eJgfuTYNY.IiMgM \ ® MIP. MIP.Oy. I1 COMMON NAIL vs. PNEUMATIC GUN NAILS: J Ieiz l� wl>Ksvwl 1p ^9 BERG I I, 3'9' [ 5 <' L 1' 30' J OPTIONAL FLOOR PLAN SC.LLE: Uv.1'a' YES) NOI MASTER BA. OPTIONS XI V -(M eLrim PBmGL155XOWERINIIEU anuxp W.WNa'1GP. P%m OES. WINWW Ni y BEDROOM 3i _ � e'a• cls .i AEF. ■ fi•a• a - •CID . a oR11� i j I w cubo SfiX 1z�ir mL•ssY u r Ix mlx WDm i _ ,S•_PREa_yT_AS_ME _ _ _ _1 _ 4 - BEDROOM 2• .1 CLO •i _ _ q _ _ PN.'.LOS. a i$ $ wxE _ fa.ogIM ONSSS FNI59 CMfiaN.1N FIEYRTIOX XmC LIVING ROOM - _ _ 1 I® ,WNX.Xato°, arl Xr ^m/a,1,nv®on T.m - R/aX _ 8-R/aH MwXa®IN fim m.MseW TTXVW" Tem .aE\ yy -' _ I ! GENEk OLUMN NOTES w�ron YXYNmw z -------- -- umRHVRmNFmmuf'a ILL�Ny W rfAYa: R n � n I 6R�.lmelbXlXwirtcwwwrwonw`i wriem E ulgr x/Sx- !.,l., m� wWYIxNNIM.1eJgfuTYNY.IiMgM \ ® MIP. MIP.Oy. I1 COMMON NAIL vs. PNEUMATIC GUN NAILS: J Ieiz l� wl>Ksvwl 1p ^9 BERG I I, 3'9' [ 5 <' L 1' 30' J OPTIONAL FLOOR PLAN SC.LLE: Uv.1'a' YES) NOI MASTER BA. OPTIONS XI V -(M eLrim PBmGL155XOWERINIIEU anuxp W.WNa'1GP. P%m OES. WINWW m BREAKFAST Awa iva• cIs 1 r' I - z.fD 1 KITCHEN 'I6 E ea T__ S3'-10' N. r �j fRUIE WWn ADUXOaa xu.a.y. 11/SsOWw° UTILI em• aG -------------- Amc ACfF55 � II'%38'MIN , 2 CAR GARAGE 9w•as e O 19.10VERxFAD M. 351 5w e TW _ Sols a f3 a R/9 2, R/$xO�S- s -- S1. LaunTsw P. -_ ! ' nm I _ - w FAMILY ROOM vex - _ � � Rnx = r �DxGP m c�s ssao rx1H40X BOx 039'PSF r DINING ROOM �'., � ow•cfe xoawnRE AIpN TOTO .. T'A• Td• nn• I ---v�lmx roao� m FOYER YE •G RI 0i SS © VIER IMI! 9[IWFDE 6B 9 m- evm+Bs u TMNm III © ISS ° IIINOOITS5I.8L- Ni �� III .i AEF. 2S' fi•a• a - •CID a•a^ fad 1 assn j I w cubo SfiX 1z�ir mL•ssY u r Ix mlx WDm DPI.x58X _ ,S•_PREa_yT_AS_ME _ _ _ _1 _ 4 _ 19 _RYfA410PPh _ _ _ q _ _ 1 i$ $ CMfiaN.1N FIEYRTIOX XmC LIVING ROOM - _ 6V11 RACXKNI mCRlI0XE 16E FOLLONWB: -a•x,a• WRvyw 18"9CYRRE BPoEX I we TOE 6 PoaI M RECYW® m L9NAl �O a aura wrtx © a3 \ _ 1f]1mmID'm. um eweeW011mmme.we Gaya CereM mons NellNegaehtl nqn tll G IVTBNIaer: MMUMe lmme a'awb MNUNen 3/SIM ^m _ ISs.smm4wxppwmYOXe uRµrsxm. vmel. �meaWenm lva Pw�wPMBewXax. eb N' S OWNER S GFDROOM ansa BX pdenee ey mf leeemm i/11N.(Sx.1mm1 pwun wan weyumualL � _ 8'a'Clll o pp"• = � ©� eNNryN..YmIYMMffixle bNWamm.xm i A • O O ��a lz llw,., Hasa mmlauX•.xw M,mlmeem.w euROEaM.,M Matt lal�6X A1<I.Cx i _■ m BREAKFAST Awa iva• cIs 1 r' I - z.fD 1 KITCHEN 'I6 E ea T__ S3'-10' N. r �j fRUIE WWn ADUXOaa xu.a.y. 11/SsOWw° UTILI em• aG -------------- Amc ACfF55 � II'%38'MIN , 2 CAR GARAGE 9w•as e O 19.10VERxFAD M. 351 5w e TW _ Sols a f3 a R/9 2, R/$xO�S- s -- S1. LaunTsw P. -_ ! ' nm I _ - w FAMILY ROOM vex - _ � � Rnx = r �DxGP m c�s ssao rx1H40X BOx 039'PSF r DINING ROOM �'., � ow•cfe xoawnRE AIpN TOTO .. T'A• Td• nn• I ---v�lmx roao� m FOYER YE •G RI 0i SS © VIER IMI! 9[IWFDE 6B 9 m- evm+Bs u TMNm III © ISS ° IIINOOITS5I.8L- Ni �� III .i AEF. 2S' aPaO�VIc a.amz lAWxeonnwb wmaaeae w.rw.%wn P��nmmw. w�m�.X W s.Nlnoom Xd MawY mawm•EWmXN:ee mmuw assn •rl X01E: L091 I w cubo SfiX 1z�ir mL•ssY u r Ix mlx WDm 8' WNL I gMAre Mn uL to11 uu nm a nxnxq, Naw C2 BW3 C5 19'9' Xn peewrereLLxof9fi eC e A SOlrtllieoh WIm Ctll �„ mmaa.wmxw.aWEMNu.aeww i$ $ CMfiaN.1N FIEYRTIOX XmC LIVING ROOM - MALL PROMENT�M CdL1,N IMIFIRm HIPia 1a' mCRlI0XE 16E FOLLONWB: -a•x,a• WRvyw 18"9CYRRE BPoEX W dm \ PRWECH]NS TOE 6 PoaI M RECYW® \ ONLL005 9FF EIIYRTCX PoR 9.bF XFIRIR &1DNN \ \ a aura wrtx I 30'a' ORxa M -T. OO AAF.'eJ SOWN. / -iI m 9 19'd' I I❑ :FE OEi. M903 gI8NEcT 81 w i 1In]xmroU.lu w/ISIfvCa ST10 w/1]I P0W91]E WVLS SiW6FfPm 1 0 4i. BISEC OSP U SIT- xR< (IJSMvsox Dse u sIDEe wmr oxa 1 FLOOR PLAN ELIA1.1 T'I'I.- 3FNE3/v'.1'-0' 160 MPH OPENING PRESSURES maasm. FuopwPE a O.1A9/-17.1 O ix13/-x 1w PP6mO a]9q]W/QK Ila 80 reX m"'aLEo�w . un z WALL LEGEND WUWED wNi a Ln N m x 9FANIN4 iMME WRLL -ro R aj ATIIHM WNRIIINGSCHNVACTAS THING ¢ w R>� $HFMY/ALL9. SEEPWi M'O WFLL SELTIdiS RR €4 A SmDSPACINC IND GPME 8 �� U iI 1111111111�11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII, � '. _ � �� MASONPY WA 8 ae C s' IV!Amlmma. ao. +Moll, GENERAL NOTES �VI saNYnNm: vmmze GX.aozelnwtlw5..ewxlEmmm 8 Eg S ren�bueN PwIM X'pyun,InvEb18.OF gg7pp yy� m §Y� ire «sn'ooelea m.a rww•mc gaYlry � g°tgtl ���•g o slew erymelNXnnoea,Imae aa%wae.nl io. ms/P'B.wm.SA'9o-'r BWum ewmmuuee S E}�E fill all d d n YWJktl m[W4e mllHbzdn nrolWe mnYe4 a I°€ ( UN jffl { L Psoxnz anvriaosa. ouazln memw.w �F6E ILL �F 9gi8 < g n n exe oawllNrenb.wxe•:ure.eaPWMMu. ? g i eRWu �ewYw n..m Lmll e. aaYXmew N.mn ai! 8 �.zagya lo.aRmml snwl sun,3M,ml,. nXa lmwNmibawo.wwvaawwn. $ E 1� g f 19oM� : mmNSlvdeAelx.,,noWebA. @@@ {yg3a �c�� qa o yS $ �39df Xyl C 9 rmxsiwwnmYna.Po Mm lmlaamwxxX 0 D g ?$ �a � mmmYmla/e�.awwaan sow .axw Mnpmmealeelbw.o� xO x&ulenre 19M 6v. Ni - 2S' C a.amz lAWxeonnwb wmaaeae w.rw.%wn P��nmmw. w�m�.X W s.Nlnoom Xd MawY mawm•EWmXN:ee mmuw assn - I w cubo SfiX � m 8' WNL I gMAre Mn uL to11 uu nm a nxnxq, Naw C2 BW3 C5 OA peewrereLLxof9fi eC e A SOlrtllieoh WIm Ctll �„ mmaa.wmxw.aWEMNu.aeww i$ $ ■ LIVING ROOM - IMIFIRm HIPia 1a' -a•x,a• 6. BNvam Nueel lm mwt wM m Ma eAabr oI W dm \ PRWECH]NS \ ONLL005 &1DNN \ \ 1. nom.e,M Nmxewuxe NLa.m WWY We I a3 \ l 8 ■II I� II/IIIIIITI.� 1f]1mmID'm. um eweeW011mmme.we Gaya CereM mons NellNegaehtl nqn tll ORxa M -T. OO AAF.'eJ SOWN. / -iI m 9 19'd' I I❑ :FE OEi. M903 gI8NEcT 81 w i 1In]xmroU.lu w/ISIfvCa ST10 w/1]I P0W91]E WVLS SiW6FfPm 1 0 4i. BISEC OSP U SIT- xR< (IJSMvsox Dse u sIDEe wmr oxa 1 FLOOR PLAN ELIA1.1 T'I'I.- 3FNE3/v'.1'-0' 160 MPH OPENING PRESSURES maasm. FuopwPE a O.1A9/-17.1 O ix13/-x 1w PP6mO a]9q]W/QK Ila 80 reX m"'aLEo�w . un z WALL LEGEND WUWED wNi a Ln N m x 9FANIN4 iMME WRLL -ro R aj ATIIHM WNRIIINGSCHNVACTAS THING ¢ w R>� $HFMY/ALL9. SEEPWi M'O WFLL SELTIdiS RR €4 A SmDSPACINC IND GPME 8 �� U iI 1111111111�11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII, � '. _ � �� MASONPY WA 8 ae C s' IV!Amlmma. ao. +Moll, GENERAL NOTES �VI saNYnNm: vmmze GX.aozelnwtlw5..ewxlEmmm 8 Eg S ren�bueN PwIM X'pyun,InvEb18.OF gg7pp yy� m §Y� ire «sn'ooelea m.a rww•mc gaYlry � g°tgtl ���•g o slew erymelNXnnoea,Imae aa%wae.nl io. ms/P'B.wm.SA'9o-'r BWum ewmmuuee S E}�E fill all d d n YWJktl m[W4e mllHbzdn nrolWe mnYe4 a I°€ ( UN jffl { L Psoxnz anvriaosa. ouazln memw.w �F6E ILL �F 9gi8 < g n n exe oawllNrenb.wxe•:ure.eaPWMMu. ? g i eRWu �ewYw n..m Lmll e. aaYXmew N.mn ai! 8 �.zagya lo.aRmml snwl sun,3M,ml,. nXa lmwNmibawo.wwvaawwn. $ E 1� g f 19oM� : mmNSlvdeAelx.,,noWebA. @@@ {yg3a �c�� qa o yS $ �39df Xyl C 9 rmxsiwwnmYna.Po Mm lmlaamwxxX 0 D g ?$ �a � mmmYmla/e�.awwaan sow .axw Mnpmmealeelbw.o� xO x&ulenre 19M 6v. E g a.amz lAWxeonnwb wmaaeae w.rw.%wn P��nmmw. w�m�.X W s.Nlnoom Xd MawY mawm•EWmXN:ee mmuw g nose bow YYM RNml s. nmYxe Mm Nem LXm gMAre Mn uL to11 uu nm a nxnxq, Naw peewrereLLxof9fi eC e A SOlrtllieoh WIm Ctll �„ mmaa.wmxw.aWEMNu.aeww i$ $ aP«N Dnw.RaMb N.n«awnWy18 Mn PYAlli.i]YmW Im501.il.11s lctr¢rIb] 6. BNvam Nueel lm mwt wM m Ma eAabr oI 8 na WlNrg,eNW mMSc.pn ap.NE uM wN.M.. 1. nom.e,M Nmxewuxe NLa.m WWY We & mRaRl,b as x•RYnb XN wRnw ]aa 1f]1mmID'm. um eweeW011mmme.we Gaya CereM mons NellNegaehtl nqn tll G IVTBNIaer: MMUMe lmme a'awb MNUNen 3/SIM ^m _ ISs.smm4wxppwmYOXe uRµrsxm. vmel. �meaWenm lva Pw�wPMBewXax. eb N' S eLpwYyfAasspaetlon tlWl ebo " W � pdenee ey mf leeemm i/11N.(Sx.1mm1 pwun wan weyumualL 40 I(9p o �• _ >I 9. P31x21WIILLw RIIb In n.ellly uey Wwe Pe pp"• = � LLI eNNryN..YmIYMMffixle bNWamm.xm B � � < Z lz llw,., Hasa mmlauX•.xw M,mlmeem.w euROEaM.,M Matt ; n o u� (Y Wnal4atluoNW,g NmennnNNXIN.mNmNNvxm4e 8 N= W � (910 mm.IMX.a PnnliN[nhn Nva man In w�ve NlvM'I.b[abf MRnry MMenu. �- W �F ,G O mmxa xmve 1910 mnI MalNhmrvnro p,W Y m.ma,. sw.el.mm,.pax llXl,l g Q- e m j� Li ]. MosaxNNNNammW zw Neaw. Nem LnXawmXeu Mlo..+m/ma.IweaaN. ® E tr' 1v. Cd48Mm,vlmmMme-A xxM PolLleem Ipdi�• $ 8 J � p S �tt1/SS'. epN �eYn 03B w1M Wmrem �ntlllreaawnw w5n•COX IOp BJ ]xi xYb beWatibtlm. ]i m.B4022e0t[evReznrmmannNmMspanm y ITI WInMPgpm. v2MMMeeepemfeB. ME[e nemnepaas) XWI MwWJnmay{tl en ImuMN bRIwN 5F htlw.tm NetealNm mxe wnwMlry aule¢e. j LG Sz.I.'.w.xNR:1uII..R.olen NllRlwbYlPpAaeaOel � rem Tm mdm21gL 35'0'. veeW 8v0s wtb (xuM, «ItbMebMan kll KKe Men le[M � � 9 � NlvNemewe39'N ,9 rabnnwtlaXl $ O C pv OP'p:(sswanralme pM .m lQAf N• evn'wppean MM Watl Mtll Mwwneb Xl nWlWilmmtenxlN00kWNpa's1YYPwlmAer. M09=am 4mIn WIMLalaly/lYR'M 1K' .{ 6 zW R 9 NO m.aayro.F lYnba.N Ne% � i-'mn to m Yywwl 1B�fureNmd LINA a Pj ml /NIB•09Wc¢R mlxMJbNM1anlrymulAnxMLNrcMMg r Om) '•'1 � a{ N N N t W PorFinM Galmeb. lMQW NeII Ye enslm2 n/M o.F mm was o.c.ygN wla RwX., / z F- `S U � nl m m w LN,xr Oc nWa Nea•a� � Q J W5 m m o � J In N (n H y Neekbn5: � p�ggg {111 NkdONWN/N-W . 2486 AREA CALCULATIONS ivixNHXnDN.: vLa»u zmis.n. I Th.MW, Naixm.R, 2039 S IVI MAFROIECTw... mThL11WNOK) 'tl814.F. I 1&.749.2 011N1'F F. SNex N, mYFAEO FNMv(6lSq im 116sF I 2 WVWmPnip/INIAI US S.F. TOIALAP UNDENNos 31 SF. I FLOOR PLAN Qty 1: CRC1330146 DAMS HOMES t 1= Posts: 9ft long- pressure treated; 4"x4" posts inside a 5"x5" by 9ft white vinyl sleeve. *Post & Sleeve go about 30inches into ground with 180 lbs of wet mixed concrete each side* Caps: 5" x 5" white vinyl Sign: 2'x 3', 1/2 inch thick, MDO board; NON Electrical; Color- Red, White, & Blue Attached to posts with 4 stainless steel brackets & screws Permit Application No. ma City of Sebastian no�,Fanuw+nu� Development Order Application I gpplicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarizeaI from owner is required) ame: Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, Inc Address: 3000 Gulf Breezr Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 Phone Number: ( 321 ) 751 -1530 FAX Number: ( 321 ) 751 -1607 E -Mail: melbournepermits@adamshomes.com Owner (If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: Conditional Use Permit- Model Home & oarking lot PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/7' BY 11' COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (If applicable): 1592 & 1598 Barber Street I B. Site Information Address: 1592 Barber Street & 1598 Barber Street, Sebastian FL Lot: 16 &17Block: 298 Unit: 11 subdivision: Sebastian Highlands Indian River County Parcel #: 31382500001298000016.0 Zoning Classification: RS -10 Future Land Use: Existing Use: Proposed Use: SFR model home C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessarvl: New Construction of Single family residential model home & parking lot for model home DATE RECEIVED: _3_! I I ! I FEE PAID: $ aSO. 0d C `� U RECEIVED BY: bP RECEIVED MAR 1 1 2019 City of Sebastian Community Development Dept. Permit Application No. - I D. Prolect Personnel; _ I Aqent: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: Attorney: Name Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Keesee Associates Address 945 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703 Phone Number( 407) 880 - 2333 PAX Number. ( - E -Mail: Surveyor: Name: Brunner- Hagen Address 801 Carolin St, Melbourne FL 32901 Phone Number: (321 ) 728 - 1961 FAX Number E -Mail: AA4-S H -ft E3 of Aa" *3T—FL,, PAA, I. /C I, V, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: ✓ I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH Is THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION ANO TI.AT ALL THE INFORr.ATION MAES DATA Amnlog sKFrr•HFcpRnyinFn lbl_T4JIS�4RPLICAIUOWARE ACCURATE AND TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. SIGNATURE 1- DATE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY William Eryan, AJ- . jpao AdanaHMO aNN**'Wl'-4A"lo- WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS Ili DAY OF , 205. NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARYH 11 .CFDI II—F2-5—. Fpg__ COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION �b 7 I- 25.?3 SEAL: SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA Y PU'ry, C ` e•: MYCOMMISSIGN#GG ?620. t.N `�:g�;°••' EXPIRES: January 25,2! 123 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Permit Application No. The following Is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (Including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, _ THE OWNER(S) / -\/— THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPTYDJ=SC B WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE manning i Toning BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. VWE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND C SENT IS BEING SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMIS DE, BY X E41g OYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL JOf F TIHJE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. IJVI SIGNA RE V DATE Swom to and subscribed before me by E_ -e xT P t ckl e _ who is personally knyvbm to e or produced as identification, this 9.% -day of F.a_h - 1 Notary's Signature _ b Printed Name of Notary Commission NQ./Expiration LL I S �La Seal: I (.+ 0', BLANCHE CARRIE SCHONECR Notary Public State of Florida Commission k GG 274124 My Comm. Expires Nov 5, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Permit Application No, Supplemental Information HQNF (%RIIGIJ ISUND Conditional Use Permit, Model Home 1. Type of permit: X initial application _ renewal —2. Describe the hours of business: Mon- Thurs 11 am-6pm; Sat 10anr bpm; Sun 12pm- 6pm 3. Describe any on -premise signs (size and location). Free standlnq 2' X T; Located in the front yard. Red, white, & blue; _ 4. Is the proposed model home to be illuminated? If so, describe illumination plan. NO 5. Attach the following: a. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. _ b. A survey of the lot where the model home is located showing the location of the required five parking spaces, any signs, and any illumination. _ 6. Describe how the proposed use is designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. If not, why not:Openhouse to be staged for viewina to the public of potential home buyers. Parking will be asphalt constructed on the adjoining lot to the west, Adams Homes owns lot. A cocnrete sidewalk will be the pathvtiy the parking lot to the model home. Permit Application No. _ 7. Describe how the propose use will not adversely effect other properties. If not, why not: Lot: 17, blk: 298 unit: 11- the drainage will flow to the right towards Concha Dr and to the front towards Barber St. Lot: 16 blk: 298 unit: 11- the drainage will flow fron toward Barber St 8 to the rear of property. Lot: 16, parking lot- will only clear what will be necessary to construct parking lot and the rest of lot will be left in natural vegetation.