HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-23-2019 PR MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 1. Call to Order -- Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledoe of Alleoiance was recited by all 3. Roll Call Present Mr, Sims Mr. Agudelo Ms. Webster Ms. White Mr. Renzi Not Present Mr. Danise (a) — Absent Also Present Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Meelino Chair Makes Announcements — None 5. Aaenda Modifications — None 6. Aooroval of Minutes -- August 20, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the August 20, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Renzi, seconded by Mr. Sims, and passed unanimously via voice vote. 7. Unfinished Business A. Committee Member Discussion on Park Improvements for the Upcoming Fiscal Year Mr. Benton addressed this item. He continues to keep this item on the agenda as a reminder to have a discussion if anyone has any suggestions for park improvements. October 1, 2019 will be the beginning of the next fiscal year. This department has $20,000.00 that has been budgeted for park improvements. The $20,000.00 is allocated out of the Recreation Impact Fee fund. He reviewed that at the last meeting he reported PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 that roughly 513,000.00 had been utilized this past year for replacing/improving the football and baseball scoreboards. The $20,000.00 is to be split up into four zones, each one allocated $5,000.00 However, if it is a community park, money can be taken out of the other zones to assist with that park. Ms. White asked regarding whatever is not used out of the $5,000.00, will that amount be kept in the Parks and Recreation funds. Mr. Benton stated that any unused funds out of the $20,000.00 rolls right back into the Recreation Impact Fee fund. Mr. Sims asked for clarification on what are considered improvements. Mr. Benton explained that the funds have to be used for improvements to the facility, i.e., new equipment or improvements to equipment that is already there. Those funds cannot be used for maintenance costs or maintenance equipment. Mr. Renzi mentioned that at the stormwater park the trail going in from the small parking lot is overgrown, and he asked if the overgrowth can be cut back to make it more accessible. Mr. Benton stated he would have staff attend to that. 8. Public Inout — None 9. New Business — None 10. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton stated he will provide at each meeting updates on the projects that are presently underway and projects that were reviewed at previous meetings that have been completed so that the Committee is kept up to date. Football Scoreboard -- The football scoreboard was received and installed after Hurricane Dorian. It was installed prior to the first home football game. There has been positive feedback from the Sharks program and from parents and members of the public who assisted with It. The Yacht Club -- The seawall and sidewalk repair projects are complete. There are a couple of other areas where the seawall needs to be repaired, but that will be addressed sometime in the next one to two years. Friendship Park — The lighting lenses were replaced, and the project was finalized just this past week. He thanked Mr. Renzi for bringing it to staffs attention. The lenses were replaced with new fixtures. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 Dog Park -- Two shade structures will be installed at the dog park. Carolina Carports is the company that has been selected to install the structures. One will be located in the small dog area, and the other will be located in the large dog area. There will be concrete installed under both structures. He anticipates the concrete to be poured within the next couple weeks. He estimates the dog park will be closed for approximately a total of five days while this work is being done. There will be at least two weeks' notice on the City's website and social media sites as well as signage at the park. Riverview Park Master Plan — Staff has received the conceptual master plan and has reviewed it. Some of the stakeholders who organize events along the dverfront were also invited to review it. The consultant is going to present cost estimates and make a few revisions to the conceptual plan. Once he gets the revised plan back from the consultant, he will present it to the Committee for their review. Park Signage — He reviewed that at the last meeting he presented samples of what the future signage will look like. The project will be going out for bid next week. The plan is to have a three-year program which will identify what parks will be addressed first. The parks that are addressed first will be the parks that currently do not have any signage or parks that need signage replacement. Ms. White asked if the signage project would be a new expenditure., Mr. Benton stated it is allocated in the Recreation Impact Fund. Going forward in the next three years there has been S25,000.00 a year allocated. Upcoming Projects and Potential Timelines — He reviewed that the proposed budget regarding the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) was presented recently. He identified a few projects upcoming in this fiscal year. The projects include: (a) Moving forward with phase 2 of the pickleball courts which will include lighting. That will be going out for bid in the next four to six weeks. The courts will be opened, and then the lighting will be installed soon after that. (b) Resurfacing Friendship Park tennis courts (c) Playground upgrades, to include all components (d) Football bleacher purchases (e) Baseball/football fence replacement (f) Baseball/softball dugout renovations Mr. Benton stated he will present updates on all these projects throughout the year, and if any of the Committee members has questions or comments, feel free to contact him. Ms. White asked if there is a timeline for when the pickleball courts will be available. Mr. Benton stated there were a few issues that did slow down the work on the project. Those PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 issues have been resolved. He approximates it will be three months before this project is finalized. B. Board Opening Mr. Benton announced that there is still one alternate position available on the Committee. C. Halloween Event Judges Mr. Benton stated that any Committee members who are interested In judging the Halloween costume contest are asked to inform him. The event will take place at the Twin Piers on Saturday, October 26 from 10:00 a.m. till noon. The event will include music, hayrides, dancing and fun. Prizes will be given to contestants in each of the five age groups. Ms. White volunteered to help with the event. 11. Board or Committee Member Matters Ms. White: • Regarding the skate park, she asked if it would be advertised that the park is now free. Mr. Benton stated there is signage within the park currently. There will be social media posting this week to get the word out. He stated there will also be some signage at the football facility. • Also regarding the skate park, she suggested that the schools in the community receive a notice that the park is now free. Mr. Benton stated staff would look into that. • Stated that Garden Park is one of her parks, and she suggested that the park needs some freshening up. She called attention to the fact that the gold color that is accumulating on the sides of the trees and the benches is from the irrigation system. She stated the cement benches need to be cleaned. The walkway has weeds growing on it. She mentioned there are several trees In the park that are not thriving. She asked if some of those trees can be thinned out of the park. She also suggested revising the way the memorial markers are put on the trees. Mr. Benton stated the City is getting away from designating trees as memorials, but he has to look at the agreements that were made regarding this matter. • Inquired if there is a timeline or plan to address tree maintenance in the parks. Mr. Benton stated that can be looked at. He suggested taking some of the ideas that are set forth by the consultant for Riverview Park and implementing those ideas for tree maintenance throughout the City parks. • Inquired if there is someone on the City staff who can advise on the care of the trees in the parks. Mr. Benton said there is no one with that particular designation, PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 but the environmental technician, Kim Haigler, is very knowledgeable in this regard. He will get with her and see if they can come up with a plan to address this subject. Brought up the idea of a "Senior Olympics." She was traveling this summer and attended one of these events and stated how popular it is and how many participants there were. She suggested this might be something for Sebastian to consider instituting. She is going to do some research and will report on what she finds. It was the consensus among the Committee members that this is a great idea. Mr. Sims: • Saw the new football scoreboard and described how nice it is and what an improvement it is over the old scoreboard. • Regarding the dog park shade shelters, he inquired if they will be the same size in both sections of the park. Mr. Benton stated the shelter in the small dog section will be 18 by 21 feet, and the shelter in the large dog section will be 18 by 31 feet. Mr. Sims stated he was out there recently, and the park looks good. • Asked if the change regarding the skate park is advertised on the City website. Mr. Benton stated it is not on there yet, and he has been working to make this happen tomorrow. The new hours will be posted, and he feels that the new hours will be an improvement. • Inquired whether the batting cages are open to the public. Mr. Benton stated they are open to the public as long as the little league is not there actively practicing. Mr. Agudelo: • Was recently at Kildare Park and noticed the walking bridge had a large drop-off at the back of the bridge. He thinks this presents a bit of safety hazard for anyone using a wheelchair. • At Barber Street there is a large wooden block at the back of one of the batting cages that presents a bit of a safety hazard because of the force at which the balls strike that. Also, the fencing presents an issue because of the baseballs being damaged when they hit the fence, and he suggested netting instead of what is there now. Everything else looks great at Barber Street. Mr. Benton stated the fnal baseboard scoreboard at Barber Street will be replaced this year. Mr. Benton staled installing netting at the batting cages can be looked into. Ms. Webster: • Regarding Hardee Park, there is a small flower garden there, but she does not know who maintains it. Mr. Benton stated he spoke to a lady who is a member of PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 a garden club who does actively assist with that area. She did request the City to relocate a bench over in that general vicinity. There was a bench installed there which is more in the shade. He will speak to that lady and see what that group's involvement is at Hardee Park. Ms. White asked Mr. Benton, if he does speak with the garden group, to ask them if they are involved with Garden Park as well. Mr. Benton said he would. 12. Items for the Next Aaenda and Date -- October 28, 2019 A. For the next agenda, Ms. White would like to address the subject of sidewalks throughout the City. Mr. Benton stated he would get with the Public Works Department regarding sidewalks. B. Ms. Webster stated there will be a report on the Halloween event. 13. Adlourn There being no further business, Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Sims, seconded by Ms. White, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. J0 rin Webster, Chairperson arks and Recreation Committee jg