HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-2019 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 2019 06 1. Call to Order — Chairperson Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 6:� C O N \�lS 2. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. C co$ J' 3. Roll Call N E 0 F' E Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Reyes m Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Qizilbash C O Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Hughan Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez $ O v Also Present: Mr. Jim Stokes, City Attorney J] C 2 ° m Ms. Dom Bosworth, Planner � N Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Ms. Kautenburg announced that Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Simmons have been appointed to another three-year term. She thanked them for their dedication and congratulated them on their appointments. 5. ADoroval of Minutes Regular meeting of October 17, 2019 Ms. Kautenburg asked if the Commission members had had a chance to review the Minutes from October 17, 2019. All stated they had. Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion to approve the Minutes of October 17, 2019. A motion to accept the Minutes of the meeting of October 17, 2019 as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Hughan, and approved unanimously via voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinas -- None 7. Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input — None 9. New Business PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2019 A. Presentation -- Kickoff for the 2040 Comprehensive Development Plan Update: Power Point Presentation, Introduction, and Topics for Discussion Ms. Kautenburg called on Ms. Frazier to make her presentation. Ms. Frazier reviewed a Power Point presentation regarding the 2040 Comprehensive Development Plan for the City (SEE ATTACHED) during which she explained the goals of this Plan. She also stated that this Commission will be supported and aided by City staff, the consultant, and other Boards/Commissions of the City as well as citizens of the community which will be included in this process. Ms. Frazier went through the presentation and described just what the Comprehensive Plan is and what is required by the State in this update. The time frame for its completion is September 2020. She described the different elements that will go into this update. She explained the steps that will be taken in implementing the Comprehensive Plan process. There will be public hearings in July/August 2020 where this Commission will have the entire update information available and will vote on whether to approve the update or not. Upon approval by this Commission, the proposed Plan will then be presented to City Council. If approved by City Council, the proposed Plan will then be sent to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity by September 2020. There will be workshops held with stakeholders and the public in order to receive input on the proposed elements of the Plan. Ms. Frazier assured the Commission members that they will have the data that will be covered at each Planning & Zoning Commission meeting two weeks before each meeting so that the Commission members will have ample time to review that data. The proposed timeline for the implementation of all the activities in this update was reviewed with the dates for each, and she invited the Commission members to attend as many as they can. Ms. Frazier then called for questions or comments from the Commission. Mr. Roth: • Inquired how the meetings that address this issue will be held, i.e, will this project be addressed by the Commission after the public hearing part of the meeting and other items on the agenda are finished. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2019 Ms. Frazier stated that the plan is to have the regularly scheduled meeting first which addresses other business and after that to have the part of the meeting that addresses the Comprehensive Plan. • Inquired whether any of the other programs that have been studied will overlap with this one. Ms. Frazier stated that some of them will, such as the EAR and CRA documents. Mr. Carter: • Stated he is excited about this project and looks forward to participating in the project. Mr. Alvarez: • Inquired if the entire document is going to be rewritten. Ms. Frazier stated that there are some parts of the document that will stay the same and new wording will be included in other parts of the document. She advised the Commission members to try to read the goals of the elements of the document that are going to be addressed prior to those elements being addressed. Mr. Reyes: • Stated that there have been other "plans" studied for a vision of the City and asked if those will be considered when working on a new Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Frazier stated that was for the CRA master plan and will be considered when working on the new Comprehensive Plan. She will see that the Commission members get copies of the market analysis that was presented at that time. • Asked for more information on how the Capital Improvements Projects will be addressed in the new Plan. Ms. Frazier stated that is not a required element, but staff will discuss that with the consultant. Ms. Kautenburg: • Stated she is looking forward to participating in this project. She has participated in other Comprehensive Plans in the past, and she is hoping to have a more streamlined document than in the past. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2019 Ms. Frazier stated that staff would like to begin with the livability aspect of the plan. The Natural Resources Board as well as this Commission will be looking at the conservation and coastal management elements of the plan. Ms. Frazier will see that all Commission members receive a copy of the existing goals, objectives and policies of the present Comprehensive Plan for their review. 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Reyes reviewed that he had expressed concern regarding the drainage swales, and he noted that quite a few swales have now been addressed, and he hopes the swales will be maintained on a regular basis in the future. 11. City Attomev Matters -- None 12. Staff Matters -- None 13. Adiournment Ms. Kautenburg called for any further business. Hearing none, she adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. ig Preserving Our Past — Preparing For Our Future City of Sebastian Comprehensive Development Plan 2 Kick off Presentation November 21, 2019 City of Sebastian Writing the Next Chapter Approach and Process Implement 15-years into From Today thru 2025 Vision Future Approach and Process What is the Comprehensive Plan? A set of policies intended to serve as the Community's Vision and to guide the development of a community, typically over a 10-20 year period. CITY OF SEBASTIAN ➢ Existing Comprehensive Plan 2009 ➢ Evaluation and Appraisal Report Based Amendments 201 o, Adopted in 2012 ➢ State Evaluation required every Seven Years ➢ Comprehensive Development Plan Proposed Update required by September 2020 Florida Statute Chapter 163.3177 - "The comprehensive plan shall provide the principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the area that reflects community commitments to implement the plan and its elements. These principles and strategies shall guide future decisions in a consistent manner and shall contain programs and activities to ensure comprehensive plans are implemented." Two Points to Remember: "It is not the intent of this part to require the inclusion of implementing regulations in the comprehensive plan but rather to require identification of those programs, activities, and land development regulations that will be part of the strategy for implementing the comprehensive plan and the principles that describe how the programs, activities, and land development regulations will be carried out." "The format of these principles and guidelines is at the discretion of the local government, but typically is expressed in goals, objectives, policies, and strategies." Florida Statutes Ch. 163.3177 Florida Statutes Chapter 163.3177 Requirements for Comprehensive Plan • Required Elements a. Future Land Use Plan b. Transportation c. Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge d. Conservation e. Recreation and Open Space f. Housing g. Coastal Management h. Intergovernmental Coordination Alternative Elements a. Public Schools b. Capital Improvement Program c. Economic Development (not in scope) Ch. 163.3177, F.S. Elements Future Land Use Plan • Designating proposed future general distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land for residential uses, commercial uses, industry, agriculture, recreation, conservation, education, public facilities, and other categories of the public and private uses of land. • An analysis of the availability of facilities and services. • An analysis of the suitability of the plan amendment for its proposed use considering the character of the undeveloped land, soils, topography, natural resources, and historic resources on site. • An analysis of the minimum amount of land needed to achieve the goals and requirements of this section. • Based on Population predictions Ch. 163.3177, F.S. Elements Transportation • Addresses mobility issues in relationship to the size and character of the local government. • Provide for a safe, convenient multimodal transportation system, coordinated with the future land use map or map series and designed to support all elements of the comprehensive plan. General Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge (Utilities and Infrastructure) • Indicates ways to provide for future potable water, drainage, sanitary sewer, solid waste, and aquifer recharge protection requirements for the area. Conservation • Conservation, use, and protection of natural resources in the area, including air, water, water recharge areas, wetlands, waterwells, estuarine marshes, soils, beaches, shores, flood plains, rivers, bays, lakes, harbors, forests, fisheries and wildlife, marine habitat, minerals, and other natural and environmental resources, including factors that affect energy conservation. Ch. 163.3177, F.S. Elements Recreation and Open Space • Element indicating a comprehensive system of public and private sites for recreation, including, but not limited to, natural reservations, parks and playgrounds, parkways, beaches and public access to beaches, open spaces, waterways, and other recreational facilities. Housing • Addresses housing for all current and anticipated future residents. • Affordable housing programs Coastal Management • Guides decisions and program implementation related to the overall quality and preservation of the coastal zone environment and its resources. Intergovernmental Coordination • Coordination with local, regional and state agencies. Ch. 163.3177, F.S. The Comprehensive Plan Process... • Key opportunity to create and implement the Vision • Provides analysis of existing Plan • Review of State Statutes (what's changed since zoo?) • Review of Existing Planning efforts • Coordinates analysis of current data • Coordinates Public Engagement • Update Goals, Objectives and Policies • Creates the framework for Code updates • Conduct Public Hearings r, • Local Planning Agency (Planning Commission) • City Council • Transmit to Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Current Plan Analysis Community Engagement Planning commission staff Draft Comprehensive Plan Emoting Condition Future Considerations Analysis What will be analyzed? • Population • Land Use (existing and future) • Housing • Coastal Resiliency • Traffic/ Transportation • Infrastructure • Stormwater • Parks and Recreation Facilities • Intergovernmental Coordination 'M'1 sE F'ut%ur�,e �I��-mdj Use HOMEOF PELICA41QAND Cj 1 1 O1 SEB 1 J.(]N, FL What are the top 3 - 5 Topics (Questions)? What are the Goals aligned with these topics? Are these more important City-wide or Area specific? What are the shared values of the community? 12 Planning and Zoning Commission 1. Receive new Data, Inventory and Analysis (DIA) per Element 2. Review Matrices of required/recommended changes per State Statute 3. Conduct Workshops with stakeholders on grouped Elements 4. Incorporate Vision/Goals based on high level topics 5. Review Matrices of proposed changes per DIA and Stakeholder input ***Remember: provide general guidance based on shared values of community. Visioning - Public Engagement - Plan City Staff Outreach — Civic, Social, Other Groups Planning Commission :Stakeholders City Council t= 1;1 • Kick -Off • Monthly Updates & Reviews (two weeks prior) • Workshops/Public input • Findings and Draft Plans • Workshops/Public input meetings • Advisory Boards • On -Line Survey • Community -wide Kick -Off • Monthly Updates & Reviews • Review Findings and Draft Plans Proposed Timeline • LPA kick off presentation: • CC kick off presentation: • LPA Livability Workshop: • N RB Cons/Coastal: • LPA FLU, Housing, Schools: • LPA Mobility, Facilities: • P&R Parks, Rec, Open Space: • LPA Parks/CC: • LPA Final Draft: • CC Final Proposed: Nov 21, 2019 Dec 11, 2019 Feb 6, 2020 March 3, 2020 March 19, 2020 April 16, 2020 April 27, 2020 May 21, 2020 July 16 or Aug 6 Aug 26 or Sept 9 15 QUESTIONS?.