HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-2019 PZ AgendaM. SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2019 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS, Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular meeting of November 21, 2019 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL and PUBLIC HEARINGS None • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex -parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Site Plan Modification — Taco Mobile Restaurant — Additional Parking — 825 Sebastian Boulevard - Lots 1, 2, & 3, Block 188, Sebastian Highlands Unit 6 — C-512 (Commercial CR 512) Zoning District UNFINISHED BUSINESS None PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS None 10. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 11. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 12. STAFF MATTERS 13. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F. S. 286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — www.citvofsebastian.oro unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS -TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 21, 2019 1. Call to Order -- Chairperson Kautenburg called the meeting to order at 626 gm. C.0 m 2. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. C N _ $ 3. Roll Call WH E Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Reyes a E 9 Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Qizilbash C O coo e Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Hughan Mr. Carter Mr. Alvarez Also Present: Mr. Jim Stokes, City Attorney _C -0 �E > a o CL Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planner N $ Q 60 Ms.Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Ms. Kautenburg announced that Mr. Alvarez and Mr. Simmons have been appointed to another three-year term. She thanked them for their dedication and congratulated them on their appointments. 5. Approval of Minutes Regular meeting of October 17, 2019 Ms. Kautenburg asked if the Commission members had had a chance to review the Minutes from October 17, 2019. All stated they had. Ms. Kautenburg called for a motion to approve the Minutes of October 17, 2019. A motion to accept the Minutes of the meeting of October 17, 2019 as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Hughan, and approved unanimously via voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearings -- None 7. Unfinished Business -- None 8. Public Input -- None 9. New Business PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2019 A. Presentation -- Kickoff for the 2040 Comprehensive Development Plan Update: Power Point Presentation, Introduction, and Topics for Discussion Ms. Kautenburg called on Ms. Frazier to make her presentation. Ms. Frazier reviewed a Power Point presentation regarding the 2040 Comprehensive Development Plan for the City (SEE ATTACHED) during which she explained the goals of this Plan. She also stated that this Commission will be supported and aided by City staff, the consultant, and other Boards/Commissions of the City as well as citizens of the community which will be included in this process. Ms. Frazier went through the presentation and described just what the Comprehensive Plan is and what is required by the State in this update. The time frame for its completion is September 2020. She described the different elements that will go into this update. She explained the steps that will be taken in implementing the Comprehensive Plan process. There will be public hearings in July/August 2020 where this Commission will have the entire update information available and will vote on whether to approve the update or not. Upon approval by this Commission, the proposed Plan will then be presented to City Council. If approved by City Council, the proposed Plan will then be sent to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity by September 2020. There will be workshops held with stakeholders and the public in order to receive input on the proposed elements of the Plan. Ms. Frazier assured the Commission members that they will have the data that will be covered at each Planning & Zoning Commission meeting two weeks before each meeting so that the Commission members will have ample time to review that data. The proposed timeline for the implementation of all the activities in this update was reviewed with the dates for each, and she invited the Commission members to attend as many as they can. Ms. Frazier then called for questions or comments from the Commission. Mr. Roth: • Inquired how the meetings that address this issue will be held, i.e. will this project be addressed by the Commission after the public hearing part of the meeting and other items on the agenda are finished. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2019 Ms. Frazier stated that the plan is to have the regularly scheduled meeting first which addresses other business and after that to have the part of the meeting that addresses the Comprehensive Plan. • Inquired whether any of the other programs that have been studied will overlap with this one. Ms. Frazier stated that some of them will, such as the EAR and CRA documents. Mr. Carter: • Stated he is excited about this project and looks forward to participating in the project. Mr. Alvarez: • Inquired if the entire document is going to be rewritten. Ms. Frazier stated that there are some parts of the document that will stay the same and new wording will be included in other parts of the document. She advised the Commission members to try to read the goals of the elements of the documentthat are going to be addressed priorto those elements being addressed. Mr. Reyes: • Stated that there have been other "plans" studied for a vision of the City and asked if those will be considered when working on a new Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Frazier stated that was for the CRA master plan and will be considered when working on the new Comprehensive Plan. She will see that the Commission members get copies of the market analysis that was presented at that time. • Asked for more information on how the Capital Improvements Projects will be addressed in the new Plan. Ms. Frazier stated that is not a required element, but staff will discuss that with the consultant. Ms. Kautenburg: • Stated she is looking forward to participating in this project. She has participated in other Comprehensive Plans in the past, and she is hoping to have a more streamlined document than in the past. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21. 2019 Ms. Frazier stated that staff would like to begin with the livability aspect of the plan. The Natural Resources Board as well as this Commission will be looking at the conservation and coastal management elements of the plan. Ms. Frazier will see that all Commission members receive a copy of the existing goals, objectives and policies of the present Comprehensive Plan for their review. 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Reyes reviewed that he had expressed concern regarding the drainage swales, and he noted that quite a few swales have now been addressed, and he hopes the swales will be maintained on a regular basis in the future. 11. Citv Attornev Matters -- None 12. Staff Matters -- None 13. Adiournment Ms. Kautenburg called for any further business. Hearing none, she adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. A 12/11/2019 Preserving Our Past - Preparing For Our Future City of Sebastian Comprehensive Development Kickoff Presentation November 21, 2019 City of Sebastian Writing the Next Chapter HiveL dUk Approach and Process Vision Implement 15 -years into From Today thru 2025 Future Approach and Process What is the Comprehensive Plan? A set of policies intended to serve as the Community's Vision and to guide the development of a community, typically over a io-2o year period. CITY OF SEBASTIAN Existing Comprehensive Plan zoog f ➢ Evaluation and Appraisal Report Based Amendments zoto, Adopted in 2012 State Evaluation required every Seven Years > Comprehensive Development Plan Proposed Update required by September zozo .-Florida Statute Chapter 163.3177 -'The comprehensive plan shall provide the principles "guidelines, standards, and strategies for the orderly and balanced future economic, sociol, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the area that reflects �tommunity commitments to implement the plan and its elements. These principles and. strategies shall guide future decisions in a consistent manner and shall contain program :and activities to ensure comprehensive plans are implemented." Two Points to Remember: "It is not the intent of this Dart to require the inclusion of imDlementina regulations in the comorehensive Dlon but rather to require identification of those programs, activities, and land development regulations that will be part of the strategy for implementing the comprehensive plan and the principles that describe how the programs, activities, and land development regulations will be carried out." "The format of these principles and guidelines is at the discretion of the local government, but typically is expressed in goals, objectives, policies, and strategies." Florida Statutes Ch. 163.3177 12/11/2019 Florida Statutes Chapter 163.3177 Requirements for Comprehensive Plan • Required Elements a. Future Land Use Plan b. Transportation c. Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge d. Conservation e. Recreation and Open Space f. Housing g. Coastal Management h. Intergovernmental Coordination • Alternative Elements a. Public Schools b. Capital Improvement Program c. Economic Development (not in scope) Elements Ch. 163.3177, F.S. Future Land Use Plan • Designating proposed future general distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land for residential uses, commercial uses, industry, agriculture, recreation, conservation, education, public facilities, and other categories of the public and private uses of land. • An analysis of the availability of facilities and services. • An analysis of the suitability of the plan amendmentfor its proposed use considering the character of the undeveloped land, soils, topography, natural resources, and historic resources on site. • An analysis of the minimum amount of land needed to achieve the goals and requirements of this section. • Based on Population predictions Ch. 163.3177, F.S. 12/11/2019 3 Elements Transportation • Addresses mobility issues in relationship to the size and character of the local government. • Provideforasafe, convenient multimodal transportation system, coordinated with the future land use map or map series and designed to support all elements of the comprehensive plan. General Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge (Utilities and Infrastructure) • Indicates ways to provide for {uture potable water, drainage, sanitary sewer, solid waste, and aquifer recharge protection requirements for the area. Conservation • Conservation, use, and protection of natural resources in the area, including air, water, water recharge areas, wetlands, waterwells, estuarine marshes, soils beaches, shoresload plains, rivers, bays, lakes, harbors, forests fisheries and wildrl161, marine habitat minerals, and other natural and environmental resources, including factors that affect energy conservation. Ch.163.31n, F.S., Elements Recreation and Open Space • Element indicating a comprehensive system of public and private sites for recreation, including, but not limited to, natural reservations, parks and playgrounds, parkways, beaches and public access to beaches, open spaces, waterways, and other recreational facilities. Housing • Addresses housing for all current and anticipated future residents. • Affordable housing programs Coastal Management • Guides decisions and program implementation related to the overall quality and preservation of the coastal zone environment and its resources. Intergovernmental Coordination • Coordination with local, regional and state agencies. h6 Ch. 163.31)), F.S. 12/11/2019 4 The Comprehensive Plan Process... • Key opportunity to create and Implement the Vision • Provides analysis of existing Plan • Review of State Statutes (what's changed since 2010?) • Review of Existing Planning efforts • Coordinates analysis of current data • Coordinates Public Engagement • Update Goals, Objectives and Policies • Creates the framework for Code updates • Conduct Public Hearings P ' • Local Planning Agency (Planning Commission) • City Council • Transmit to Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Project Approach Connecting the Pieces Planning Commission Staff Community Engagement 12/11/2019 Analysis What will be analyzed? • Population • Land Use (existing and future) • Housing • Coastal Resiliency • Traffic/ Transportation •Infrastructure • Stormwater • Parks and Recreation Facilities • Intergovernmental Coordination VISION What are the top 3 - 5 Topics (Questions)? What are the Goals aligned with these topics? Are these more important City-wide or Area specific? What are the shared values of the community? Preferred Planning Strategy " U Future Land Use CrrYOFSEBASILIN,FL I& Aw C-! 1 12/11/2019 D Planning and Zoning Commission t. Receive new Data, Inventory and Analysis (DIA) per Element x. Review Matrices of required/recommended changes per State 3. Conduct Workshops with stakeholders on grouped Elements 4. Incorporate Vision/Goals based on high level topics 5. Review Matrices of proposed changes per DIA and Stakeholder input ***Remember: provide general guidance based on shared values of community. Visioning - Public Engagement - Plan Kick -Off • Monthly Updates & Reviews (two weeks prior) •Workshops/Public input • Findings and Draft Plans • Workshops/Public input meetings • Advisory Boards • On -Line survey • Community -wide Kick -Off • Monthly Updates & Reviews • Review Findings and Draft Plans 1 .40 12/11/2019 Proposed Timeline • LPA kickoff presentation: Nov 21, 2ot9 • CC kick off presentation: Dec ti, 2019 • LPA Livability Workshop: Feb 6, 2020 • NRB Cons/Coastal: March 3, 2020 • LPA FLU, Housing, Schools: March 19, 2020 • LPA Mobility, Facilities: April 16, 2020 • P&R Parks, Rec, Open Space: April 27, 2020 • LPA Parks/CC: May 21, 2020 • LPA Final Draft: July 16 or Aug 6 • CC Final Proposed: Aug 26 or Sept 9 QUESTIONS? 12/11/2019 q MLX SEBASTIAN `.,' HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Site Plan Modification Staff Report 1. Project Name: Taco Mobile Restaurant—Additional Parking 2. Requested Action: Modification of an existing restaurant site plan to formally add additional parking areas on two adjacent parcels located to the east (Lots 2 & 3), and a small kitchen expansion, along with the requisite landscaping and stormwater management system. 3. Project Location a. Address: 825 Sebastian Boulevard b. Legal: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 188, Sebastian Highlands Unit 6, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Pages 93 through 97 inclusive, of the Public Records of Indian River County C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 31-38-13-00001-1880-00001.0 31-38-13-00001-1880-00002.0 31-38-13-00001-1880-00003.0 4. Project Owners: Javier & Melina Zamarripa 100 S. Orange Street Fellsmere, FL 32948 (772)360-8408 5. Project Engineer: Todd N. Smith, PE, Inc. 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 302 Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 559-3699 tnspe@bellsouth.net 6. Project Surveyor: William B. Zentz, PLS 684 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL 32962 (772)567-7552 1 7. Project Description a. Narrative of proposed action: A phased site plan modification for additional parking (Phase 1) and a small kitchen expansion (Phase 2) has been proposed for the Taco Mobile Restaurant located at 825 Sebastian Boulevard. The two adjacent lots to the east are proposed to be joined with the existing restaurant parcel, cleared, and stabilized with asphalt millings for a much needed additional parking area, along with requisite stormwater and landscaping. A future 141 SF kitchen expansion and wooden walkway is also proposed. New landscaping and building elevations will be in accordance with the 512 Overlay District requirements. b. Current Zoning, Future Land Use and Overlay District: (1) Zoning: C-512 (C-512 Commercial District) (2) Future Land Use: C-512 (Commercial CR -512 Corridor) (3) Performance Overlay District: CR 512 C. Adjacent Properties Zoning Current Land Future Land Use Use North: RS -10 C512/residential LDR East: C-512 vacant C-512 South: RS -10 residential LDR West: C-512 commercial C-512 d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: .2 + .15 + .15 acres =.5 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): Restaurant and vacant (3) Soil: EauGallie fine sand (4) Vegetation: (5) Flood Hazard: (6) Water Service: (7) Sanitary Sewer Service 2 forested uplands—pines, oaks, palms Zone X n/a n/a (8) Parks: Barber Street Sports Complex: % mile (9) Police/Fire: Indian River Fire — '/z mile Sebastian Police — 2 miles 8. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: n/a e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 9. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: provided b. finished ground floor elevation: 24.33 (existing bldg) C. contours and designating number of dwelling units: n/a d. square footage of site: 8,666 SF + 6,400 SF + 6,400 SF = 21,466 SF e. building coverage: 797 SF (existing) + 141 SF = 938 SF = 4.4% (35% max) f. square footage of impervious areas and open area: Total impervious area 12,117 SF = 56.4% (80% maximum) Open space 9,349 SF = 43.6% (20% minimum) g. setbacks: Phase 1: None required for additional parking spaces Phase 2: Required Proposed Front (north) 74' 79.78' Front (west) 10' 34.63' Side 10' 80' Rear 10' 38.48' h. scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure: ***To be provided and approved before Phase 2 can begin 3 i. generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: ***To be provided and approved before Phase 2 can begin'*' j. Building exterior construction materials and color: ***To be provided and approved before Phase 2 can begin*** k. building height: 16 feet (35 ft maximum) I. location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: provided M. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: provided n. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: provided Required parking: grandfathered from 1996 approved plan = 7 spaces Existing parking = 7 standard spaces + 1 H/C Proposed parking: 15 new standard spaces 3 new compact spaces 7 existing standard spaces 1 existing H/C space 26 spaces o. details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): provided P. all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: provided q. surface materials: provided — concrete & asphalt millings r. number of employees: S. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: none t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a U. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: Provided. V. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: Location provided W. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: provided C! X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: n/a Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: Provided. A split rail fence will be installed partially around the southern stormwater area to prevent overflow parking within the area. Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: Provided aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: Provided. Three 6 - foot, side, public utility & drainage easements (PU&DE), established per the subdivision plat, will be required to be abandoned. The eastern easement shown on Lot 1 has been previously abandoned by City Council per Resolution R-96-07. bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: Provided cc. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: Provided 10. Site location and character of use: Provided 11. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: Provided. b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: Provided 12. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): a. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non- vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: Provided b. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: Provided I. Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: Provided 5 M. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: Provided n. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: None proposed o. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: Existing P. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: Provided q. C-512 Overlay District special landscape requirements: Provided 13. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: Provided - Existing wooden fence located behind the building facing south 14. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: N/A 15. Surface water management: Provided 16. Available potable water: N/A 17. Wastewater service: N/A 18. Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: Provided 19. Additional considerations: Stormwater calculations have been received with the application and reviewed by the consulting city engineer. Because the property is less than 10 acres, with less than 2 acres of impervious area being added, a formal modification to the existing SJRWMD permit is not required. An exemption certification form will need to be submitted to St. John's by the project engineer when the construction begins. Also, as requested by the city's Stormwater Dept., a small conveyance swale will be added along the south side of the alley pavement to help with drainage in that area. Most of the properties along Sebastian Boulevard in the C-512 zoning district have been platted as 40 -foot wide lots, as is the width of the subject parcels. The county determined that it will not issue individual driveway permits for each lot, and has developed a Master Curb Cut plan for CR 512, which is incorporated into Article V of the LDC. Parking areas are required to be in front of buildings and interconnect with adjacent properties. To facilitate the interconnections, owners must grant an access easement through their parcels. The dedication of this easement is required for this project over all three lots, and staff has required the access easement be constructed of concrete in lieu of the millings proposed for the parking areas. 22. Staff Conclusion: The site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and CR512 Overlay District. 23. Recommendation: Hold public hearing regarding the proposed additional parking and kitchen addition for the Taco Mobile Restaurant. Staff recommends approval of the site plan modification dated December 11, 2019 subject to the following conditions: 1. The project engineer shall submit a copy of the SJRWMD stormwater permit or the 10/2 Exemption Certification form before issuance of the Landclearing permit 2. The submittal of a corrected survey indicating that the eastern 6 -foot easement shown on Lot 1 has been previously abandoned per R-96-07 3. A Declaration of Unity of Title is recorded combining the three lots, and a copy is submitted to staff before issuance of the Landclearing permit 4. The required Grant of Easement pursuant to Section 54-2-5.15(e)(1) for the 24 -foot wide utility and access easement across the three lots is executed and recorded, and a copy is submitted to staff before issuance of the Landclearing permit 5. Approval by City Council for the abandonment of the three interior 6 -foot side yard utility easements before construction of the parking area can begin. 6. Before submittal of the building permit application for the kitchen expansion, proposed building elevations and materials are reviewed and approved in accordance with the CR512 Overlay District requirements mt� 5 L� PLAn.N� I.)- (S 1 lel PREPAREDLY DATE ' 7 .w • � / ♦ / / o � Iii �� � �H �. ••- . got 10F A� Blvd Sebastian ` 825 Sebastian ri r•OWN Google Earth oil ti .w • �� r Mj'. r . ,M ,its ",��5.�� .�•�,. •.• ,�. MelroseLn - � �.�,}.Y✓ ,r '` r Qe Ae• � � ',X � .'s A qh i 9 ` a+tlia'Ltill3i' Untitled Map r -t +;+Write a description for your map. '1 1_1.1 7'M`_tirlt;lFg'- • �4L�#y:• tF Y-,v`jfS 1.y a,y MMii" J=0'19 Google ?7 2017 Google �r ' { � > tl• �� iYj' 9•'rrY • X11 `< J yi�'�{'• 1# ; ?fir ks�' , IVA& �Ri � ' afr �•�''� ' i S 1�� 1 4 i� Legend 825 Sebastian Blvd [� Oak River Properties �}y i v 4 i� Legend 825 Sebastian Blvd [� Oak River Properties �}y i ERC E -Reg Consulting, LLC Environmental Permitting December 3, 2019 Mr. Todd Smith, PE Todd N. Smith, PE, Inc. 121 Hinchman Ave. Sebastian, FL 33952 Via email: tnspe(a.bel ]south.net 821,823 & 825 Sebastian Blvd, Environmental Site Inspection Dear Mr. Smith, E -Reg Consulting, LLC (ERC) conducted a walk-through site inspection of three (3) abutting parcels located at address 821,823 & 825 Sebastian Boulevard (Blvd) in Sebastian within Indian River County on December 3, 2019. The parcels are wholly located within Central Indian River Lagoon hydrologic basin 22 within Section 13, Township 31S and Range 38E. The parcel at 825 Sebastian Blvd is 0.202 acre in size and contains an existing commercial structure with associated parking areas and stormwater treatment swales. The parcels at 823 and 821 Sebastian Blvd are each 0.1469 acre in size and contain forested uplands. The parcels are bordered to the north by a 4 -lane divided roadway with treatment swales, to the east by forested uplands, to the south by a 1 -lane alleyway and single-family residential homes and to the west by a 2 -lane roadway and commercial development. According to online Web Soil Survey maps from the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), 100% of the three (3) lots are mapped as containing EauGallie fine sand (3) soils with an anticipated depth to water table (DWT) of about 6 to 18 inches below ground level. Online National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) do not identify the presence of wetlands or other surface waters within or abutting the subject parcels. The December 3, 2019 site inspection by ERC confirmed that no wetlands or other surface waters, as defined by Chapter 62-340 Florida Administrative Code (FAC) are located within or abutting the subject parcels. (321)501.5135 eric.muldownev@e-retzconsultina.com 1915 Cypress Lake Drive, Grant-Valkaria, FL 32949 RECEIVED DEC 0 4 P019 cit Of Sebastian Com ty Development Dept, The parcel at 825 Sebastian Blvd contains an existing commercial facility with live oak (Quercus virginiana), queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana), ornamental hedges and maintained St Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum). This parcel is best described by the Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCCS) as Restaurant code 1415. The parcels at 823 and 821 Sebastian Blvd are of similar vegetative composition. The canopy is dominated by mature slash pine (Pinus OWN) with a secondary component of live oak, laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) and Brazillian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolia). The ground cover is dominated by saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) with a secondary component of winged sumac (Rhus copallinum), dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), runner oak (Quercus pumila), blackberry (Rubus spp.), beggarticks (Bidens alba), shiny blueberry (Vaccinium myrsinites), buttonweed (Spermacoce spp.) and St Augustine grass. These parcels are best described as upland Pine Flatwoods (FLUCCS 411) with an encroachment of oaks due to fire suppression. Evidence of wildlife use within the subject parcels was limited to raccoon (Procyon lotor) scat. The site was inspected by an individual authorized to conduct gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) surveys by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) pursuant to Permit Number: GTA -17-00058A. During the December 3, 2019 site inspection, no evidence of gopher tortoise or their burrows were observed within the subject parcel boundaries. Evidence of gopher tortoise includes direct observation of a tortoise, potentially occupied or abandoned burrows, tortoise scat, foraging trails or evidence of foraging on ground cover vegetation. It should be noted that two small areas of soil disturbance with exposed white sand were observed on the south side the forested lots. These two areas did not show evidence of a burrow channel or evidence that the soil disturbance was a result of gopher tortoise activity. The south side of the lots contain maintained St Augustine grass along the existing single -lane asphalt alleyway. These low upland grasses provide suitable foraging material for gopher tortoise. Therefore, the site should be surveyed for gopher tortoise prior to initiation of construction activities to ensure no gopher tortoise have colonized the site since the time of the site inspection. The subject parcels do not contain suitable foraging habitat (SFH) for wood stork (Mycteria americana), a listed species. According the online FWC Bald Eagle Nest Locator tool, the closest mapped bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nest (IN011) is over 0.95 miles (5,106 feet) to the easttsoutheast of the subject parcels. Therefore, the development of the site is not anticipated to adversely affect this species. No evidence of listed species use of the subject parcels was observed. For questions or an additional request for services please call Eric Muldowney at (321) 501-5135 for a prompt response. 2 p ��,f Dr`"=�I Permit Application No "- - City of Sebastian HOME OF PELICANI5LAND Development Order Application Applicant (if not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name: Q (/i ir �C1 m Ca r l 0 '2' Address:' �aS ..�f,�s f:'��� '� i ✓j��'L Phone Number: () 360 - 0y FAX NumPer.( } E -Mail: d 0 i A, � �� �amt, `/ cow Owner (if different from applicant)) Name: �Y✓�P Ca.$ �i�//�C�->� Address: ✓ ` Phone Number: ( } FAX Number ( ) E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: nnootF�ca;�w— PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2° BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): nGa S. Site Information f7 we Address: .P,2J Lot:/ Z J 3 Block: ! �� Unit: Subdivision: Indian River County Parcel #: 3j - 3 - co 0o I - i y 8_-0000 0..0 �s�t3-oo�0 1 --J oovoz.v Zoning Classification: Future Lan se Existing Use: Proposed Use: iQ�L�"�it ra wf C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if neceessarv)* DATE RECEIVED: Z/ a5/ FEE PAID: $ j, 000 i RECEIVED BY: OP RECEIVED JUL 2 5 2016 City of Sebastian Community Development Dent, D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) E -Mail: Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: E -Mail - Engineer: Sµ 171Y , P97 FAX Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) Permit Application No. Name /Owzl ,/ Slti Jh / �� _ rv+ C , Address 171-7 �r-R Fi✓a! ,Ll e 36z rt 3Z 960 Phone Number: ( 7,7..7 ss9 ) 36 99 FAX Number: ( ) E -Mail: yif .51 e (9 Zu Ilse w6 . vi i - Surveyor: 75.11 Ze�fZ Name: Address6N 77 Phone Number: ( 77.2 ) 510 7 4 E -Mail: /,#Z— — 14 Z (2 /_,Z/ U1�c �L _3zy62, FAX Number: ) 1, .la Viglr• ZaJ;q a rr )Fo, , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: k IAM THE OWNER _IAM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE =D TRUEZO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. !� Z z -a2 L-cR IGNATURE / DATE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY JR✓r g y 2R m R rr% pGl WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR§9 QDUC F4.121D11- D2[lreelr LICGyS� AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS 29( DAY OF fiuLy , 201 NOTARY'S SIGNATURE me -- PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY ,Fr/FLc-E TYuS COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION GG s2PSlU/O a.K. 2/, Zo23 SEAL: S i�' KATHLEEN IATTUS .": N Notary Public - State of Florida `` Commission p GG 21I4010 `7'2or ryF. My Comm. Expires Jan 21, 2023 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, ((7��� exceptions, and appeals. VVVE, _THE OWN R(S) / THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PR//QPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJE OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE hnw 1vd 1f Zen, no OAR OMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PRO} ERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, ISES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYE , AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. SIGNATURE DATE Sworn to and subscribed before me b rav' ZQ. a art po who is personally known to me or oduc Ft ate t DK/✓r7rY L/C�NSc as identification, this _,Z� _ day of ,>"ul-y , 20_LL_. Notary's Signature � _ Printed Name of Notary K�rKcc E u KIR r * uS Commission No./Expiration G'G .2 W010 / dAN. z!. 7,0-7- z Seal r.... ,,• •� .,, KATHLEEN NATTUS Notary Public - State of Florida .; Commission # GG 284010 %;;,n-.: My Comm. Expires Jan 21, 2023 3onded through National Notary Assn. APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. AC NOWLEDGMENT DATE LEGEND •9roWE NAVD '88 -NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL •ero1nE I DATUM OF 1988 B.M.-ELEVATION BENCHMARK - BLOCK 188 SET IR/C-SET 5/8" DIAMETER IRON ROD W/CAP STAMPED 'WBZ-LB 6840" 5 SET MAG/D=SET MAGNETIC NAIL W/BRASS i� I, DISK STAMPED "WBZ LB 6840' Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for rights- ights- C.M.-CONCRETE MONUMENT, NO I.D. 1 I' p'P I ii C.B.S.-CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE I .a -EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION I F.F.E.=FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ' RCP -REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE fi CMP -CORRUGATED METAL PIPE 27, CME -CONCRETE MITERED END [lopSurveyor IR/C= IRON ROD WITH CAP signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed I.P.-IRON PIPE, NO I.D. QQ� I.R.-IRON ROD, NO I.D. MAG -MAGNETIC NAIL m OHW-OVERHEAD WIRES I I A/C -AIR CONDITIONING R/W=RIGUSHT OF WAY R-RADI b G-CENTRAL ANGLE to 2 L -ARC LENGTH -t m CONC.-CONCRETE m N (M)=MEASURED (P)=PLAT MMiA A$0.27' .,o'MNE MANAGE EDT (C) -CALCULATED -4 �o COR. -CORNER I FND.-FOUND hfit0 EL -ELEVATION on o I SYMBOLS cpPla - CONCRETE POWER POLE WP74 - WOODEN POWER POLE m ® - WATER METER AV D I - WATER VALVE Iv DG - IRRIGATION VALVE HYD d = FIRE HYDRANT 9vDI - SEWER VALVE 1 O.ec.0 - ELECTRIC RISER BOX / CAW - CABLE TV RISER BOX C TELA - TELEPHONE RISER BOX H. O = SANITARY MANHOLE E - GUY ANCHOR SHADED AREAS INDICATE ASPHALT SURFACE - CONCRETE SURFACE R=25.00' � A-90,00,00' L=39.27' SEBAS77AN BOULEVARD (C.R. 512) e .10 ASPHALT ROAD — EASTBOUND LANES - o 0 90 SITE B.M. S W A L E a SEf DRILL ROLE n n1, EL zi5YRAWSS SITE B.M. 13810 37"E-110 00 SET DRILL NaE IN BO% CUi ' yCe EL-22.05'NAVD'58 7A 7 0: ;/c ECNc *ADI; T��- -. I..\ J'. - N3890'37"E 240.00' (' 30 GO'%W ,P SWALE ,(�, Qq "v 40.00 ,-1 T.4 I 40.00' 1 FN0.5/5'IR/C •9roWE I I •ero1nE I •PLS 3909 LMONV .NZED LINE OF - BLOCK 188 BLOCK 188 0 -- - -- 5 1 I "'T 'Cr i� I, e'PINE} Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for rights- ights- 0,9'PAIN 1 I' p'P I ii ro a I of—way or easements of record. I �y CONQ. 3. fi JI 27, BLOCK 188 [lopSurveyor signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed P"A% QQ� and Mapper. I I .19'RNE a PUBLIC k R O O I ve 9 R=25.00' � A-90,00,00' L=39.27' SEBAS77AN BOULEVARD (C.R. 512) e .10 ASPHALT ROAD — EASTBOUND LANES - o 0 90 SITE B.M. S W A L E a SEf DRILL ROLE n n1, EL zi5YRAWSS SITE B.M. 13810 37"E-110 00 SET DRILL NaE IN BO% CUi ' yCe EL-22.05'NAVD'58 7A 7 0: ;/c ECNc *ADI; T��- -. I..\ J'. - N3890'37"E 240.00' (' 30 GO'%W ,P SWALE ,(�, Qq "v 40.00 ,-1 T.4 I 40.00' 1 FN0.5/5'IR/C 19'PI1N 5.1 � I ^ vii OTW5II r I . .h ', • B'PAIM p ��� INV. �j „ Ixv. ,I I 9aoAN ,�y° �' "� !.� 9a T I 178 M1M1 �. Fig II. e1' 24 oNc 34.6S Ln Ln CONC pd 9 � ktAl J/4TP1 ^ry . II III 4 VIA 55.00' 22roAur lip SII \-SET IR/0 u 188'10.37,. I I 'll I a ASPHALT II 11I I� G 1�I I � ' 4ti I •9roWE I I •ero1nE I •PLS 3909 LMONV .NZED LINE OF - BLOCK 188 BLOCK 188 0 -- - -- 5 1 I "'T 'Cr I �� e'PINE} Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for rights- ights- 0,9'PAIN .6-PINE .a PINE aA I of—way or easements of record. I �y CONQ. 3. fi LOT 1 27, BLOCK 188 [lopSurveyor signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed P"A% and Mapper. I I .19'RNE a PUBLIC k R 19'PI1N 5.1 � I ^ vii OTW5II r I . .h ', • B'PAIM p ��� INV. �j „ Ixv. ,I I 9aoAN ,�y° �' "� !.� 9a T I 178 M1M1 �. Fig II. e1' 24 oNc 34.6S Ln Ln CONC pd 9 � ktAl J/4TP1 ^ry . II III 4 VIA 55.00' 22roAur lip SII \-SET IR/0 u 188'10.37,. I I 'll I a ASPHALT II 11I I� G 1�I I � ' 4ti I •9roWE I I •ero1nE I •PLS 3909 LMONV .NZED LINE OF - BLOCK 188 BLOCK 188 0 -- - -- F • I FOR PER PREFERENCE I �� e'PINE} Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for rights- ights- 0,9'PAIN .6-PINE .a PINE aA I of—way or easements of record. I �y ` „PINE V 3. fi 27, [lopSurveyor signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed P"A% and Mapper. I I .19'RNE PUBLIC k I4. Survey site lies in Flood Zone "X" per Flood Insurance DRAINAM� FACIE MMiA A$0.27' .,o'MNE MANAGE EDT -4 �o PIATFA9fl@IT I 'a °AN I hfit0 ABANDONED on o I •,eroALV e' e' ,e'PiNE - PER RES. R-96-07 I ICt I platted dimensions unless otherwise noted. � I I l reNE • Elevations shown hereon are in feet, referenced to NAVD'88, • I U O.R.B. 1097, based on Indian River County Benchmark BM005204", Pueuc u1B.ITr A LO PG. 0302 having a published elevation of 21.15 ft. NAVD'88. aRAINACE EASD@IT *'0 l" 'I •WPINE IN PER PLAT GI ,PP M T .1epALN NOTES: Up u LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 188, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 6, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Pages 93 through 97 inclusive, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. 1 FN0.5/8'I.R. �l I LOT 2 I Im LOT 3 I 1. This survey does not reflect or determine ownership. - BLOCK 188 BLOCK 188 0 -- - -- F • I I I �� 2. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted for rights- ights- .6-PINE .a PINE aA of—way or easements of record. 0A/c UNIM I ` „PINE V 3. Reproductions of this drawing are not valid without the 27, [lopSurveyor signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed and Mapper. I4. Survey site lies in Flood Zone "X" per Flood Insurance MMiA A$0.27' .,o'MNE MANAGE EDT Rate Map no. 12061CO111H, dated December 4, 2012. D —I A PLAT 5. Underground utilities and improvements were not located. on o I I q to ( lY%NEI. 6. All boundary measurements shown are consistent with ¢ I ICt I platted dimensions unless otherwise noted. ,27 I I 7. Elevations shown hereon are in feet, referenced to NAVD'88, U o based on Indian River County Benchmark BM005204", o having a published elevation of 21.15 ft. NAVD'88. I III I I % ,,•UAB o I'�,, ID' PU811C unary& I p DRNNADE EASEV81'T (P) d CAN SET 40.00'135.00 I �^ 40.00' IR/D GRAPHIC SCALE Q 4� '� ,s ;a ,a+11 0 10 20 40 e9 AE;1 s ii \ (IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft. ,,. •P LOT 19, BLOCK 188 LOT 18, BLOCK 188 I WlUiam B. ZentZ & Assoc Ates, Inc. SURVff U$fi SIC111A'F1* & STEAL r DATE I REVISION ' CERTIFIED TO �°�=� oDaAfff YI IN RECEIVED DEC 12 2019 City of Sebastian .nn',mAy Development Dept. Boundary & Topographic I i 1 \ i GRAPHIC SCALE _ _ _ _ _ °x 010 20 40 g0 SEBAS77AN BOULEVARD (C.R. 512) ASPHALT ROAD o"-..EAS]BWNO LANES f N ° (IN FEET) 1 Inch = 20 ft. LOr 26 605( r07 P.aL APP. 9 I SITE PLAN SC LE: 1' m 20•-0' x 4 SYMBOLS Wg- 0.WCREIE NOM POLE WOONON P. P* E r ®-WATER MM mq- WAM. IFI68AnaR V.LYE -1: FINE NttNUUT mM sE9m vu1E EIFCINC NBER M . O"OE N RISA BON A'.0 - TSEPHCYE RISER Box �.'O - SMITHY MMHIXF E- _ WY Mppi SIANL MFAR NEsATE AN.1 SO.X coNCRETE SMMCE PR PERTY UNE 51 3- 1' 1- 4' 0.5• 4 - EXISTING PR POKED PARKING WALK 4 STORM TER TRA 45 SLOPE/PLAN 21. il IL 4 MA SITE INFORMATION OWNER .wRFEe zuwe� e28 :munw IISAEVMq ma00-BIm SURVEYOR IIIIIMY fl 3f11R .WD ASSD3AlE$ NO. 604 UD FAZE IiCIRp VEM) SAOI. FI.VBM JtH@ m-sn-xAz ZONING LAND USE wss UNNlencvY SITE ADDRESS Ni SIBASIPl1 mMM1EVNIp SF&SINY. iLLYOG ]HA SITE CRITERIA PR ERTY LINE PRQQQPPPERTY UNE _ FE a' 7' I1 5• 11 11, 2• g. 7. � _ b FEET PROPOSED WE Un SEE 245 . 21.x0 EF STO EXISTING ALLEY ' I 3 IljjjIjI'PPPP''ROPOSED 00 FEET Not1N%, N, D,c m.CE I _ I at.Dx A XISTING CH EXISTING-431.D45 . IMY EPH STOgMWATER 2'45 TRACT MATCH EXISTING 4 GRADE 45 GRADE NOTE: & SECTION g'} SLOPE/PLAN � •+m. b r 20.x.... m.. AREAS Y. >mmI a Tw x a.x... x ...b. rx,..w x 1Nx. rs as m...:..r. 20.7 � J I 1 4 4 MAX. NO E VRIES FROM FULLY SOD RETENTION &SECTION A -A 19.8' TO 18.7 AREAS 4 SYMBOLS Wg- 0.WCREIE NOM POLE WOONON P. P* E r ®-WATER MM mq- WAM. IFI68AnaR V.LYE -1: FINE NttNUUT mM sE9m vu1E EIFCINC NBER M . O"OE N RISA BON A'.0 - TSEPHCYE RISER Box �.'O - SMITHY MMHIXF E- _ WY Mppi SIANL MFAR NEsATE AN.1 SO.X coNCRETE SMMCE PR PERTY UNE 51 3- 1' 1- 4' 0.5• 4 - EXISTING PR POKED PARKING WALK 4 STORM TER TRA 45 SLOPE/PLAN 21. il IL 4 MA SITE INFORMATION OWNER .wRFEe zuwe� e28 :munw IISAEVMq ma00-BIm SURVEYOR IIIIIMY fl 3f11R .WD ASSD3AlE$ NO. 604 UD FAZE IiCIRp VEM) SAOI. FI.VBM JtH@ m-sn-xAz ZONING LAND USE wss UNNlencvY SITE ADDRESS Ni SIBASIPl1 mMM1EVNIp SF&SINY. iLLYOG ]HA SITE CRITERIA PRQPERTY UNE F"On'NNJ913) _ )4 FEET _ FE a' 7' ) : is XJ90.)0 RFMl N D 91N M. � _ b FEET PROPOSED WE Un SEE 245 . 21.x0 EF STO WATER TRACT MATCH EXISTING 3 _ ,sO FEET 00 FEET Not1N%, N, D,c m.CE GRADE _ I at.Dx Z NNE 1w. N@E1Mo1rs - BGx . IMY EPH --- . I.N C. J1 4 4 MAX. NOTE: & SECTION B -B FULLY SOD RETENTION •+m. b r 20.x.... m.. AREAS Y. >mmI a Tw x a.x... x ...b. rx,..w x 1Nx. rs as m...:..r. 4 SYMBOLS Wg- 0.WCREIE NOM POLE WOONON P. P* E r ®-WATER MM mq- WAM. IFI68AnaR V.LYE -1: FINE NttNUUT mM sE9m vu1E EIFCINC NBER M . O"OE N RISA BON A'.0 - TSEPHCYE RISER Box �.'O - SMITHY MMHIXF E- _ WY Mppi SIANL MFAR NEsATE AN.1 SO.X coNCRETE SMMCE PR PERTY UNE 51 3- 1' 1- 4' 0.5• 4 - EXISTING PR POKED PARKING WALK 4 STORM TER TRA 45 SLOPE/PLAN 21. il IL 4 MA SITE INFORMATION OWNER .wRFEe zuwe� e28 :munw IISAEVMq ma00-BIm SURVEYOR IIIIIMY fl 3f11R .WD ASSD3AlE$ NO. 604 UD FAZE IiCIRp VEM) SAOI. FI.VBM JtH@ m-sn-xAz ZONING LAND USE wss UNNlencvY SITE ADDRESS Ni SIBASIPl1 mMM1EVNIp SF&SINY. iLLYOG ]HA SITE CRITERIA SITE DATA (EXISTING) SIE NEA - &DOES EF - 0]0 b - IOO.Ox SPoLMC /AFP. )O) EF . OM b 9.R CR1541E PAflpr�y/Nx9 - 4.493 9 • 0.10 Oc - 19.9x MK MPfTM11W5 NEA - AM W . 0.12 b - OI.M lOFx WSI NEA J 3 . OMI J9.0% SITE DATA (PHASE 11 SIEOAFA \1IA06 BF ON M - 1WAx annmG NCA �, 492 V : o:iu f�a - aoA283 PIgP. MF PrIrtJMNNS - 4820 S' - 0.10 b _ Jldx rtrtK CdK. PNI./W.VFCi I = W - 0.38 b _ 52-n FUEL YPSM1IpR NEA _ I2.It) 9F . 0." Ov IOFN OFFN MCA . 9„x9 W .021. SITE DATA (PHASE 21l sUE MEA . !1.499 s - D.. b . 1.0. EAsr. BIAlp18 MCA M g • 0.01 I< J.)11 NNOP. BJIIDBp wJ NOOD11 141 Y . 0.00 b - 3A NFK IYR0N0 MFA 9J0 sF a.Oz b 44x EASE ODN:. PNLr./ryNF3 - 11=0 EF . 036 b : s1.)x CCNL PiYE IAM/!a)- uJ lmK CONC.Mxs - ll.iJe S . aze (F 'L ONN fY ,GWVOE GR.WNgEia TOEK OP s MCA t9,JW 4 - a21 m N.OF & PARKING DATA EXISTING vMIXmG REOUgiFO - Anp® ION MPRWFD SFE PLW PMSNC IEpRREO . ) VALES :UMG PROAIfp. 9 &2814 Q VANWD 2801 IVNOWM) & PARKING DATA (PHASE 1) PJNNO; FX6Np - 0 SPACES () sEMGAL MD 1 Iµ s JNgD) PMNp PsW528. 18 .WMES (IS STMOJNo JNO J CONNOO) PM PRN CED . 19 VOLES (32 STMDNA. J COYPKT " 1 w UMpp D) ® PARKING DATA (PHASE 2) PASISIP REWIRE - I-1/2 VK /100 W tlM53 MIM - PREP MFA (<W BN.- MG IS PIR, MPA nlE Ip ..Nµ 542819 MUM) PNMAtl WBTMO . 10 VALES (33 sEMOmn, ] COY,)LE MO I NMDI.W) PMtlq PROMO - 26 V OE5 (13 .!Uko. J 49YPKT Np t ILM'O.W) CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE sENN CG4'IRUCMN OECENBFP 1019 END WNSMUCIpX JUNE 1010 &PERMITS REQUIRED 41Y Cf 9EHLSIWI 511E PLW MPRWK . O NLEN CWMY E sENQV NCP OUT CRY OF S'SL51W1 ME CUJUNN PFAY? NVOUT M OF S1aSEAN MEUJND -9 SFMD IATER CM OF M.D.N1 ME $RNNMMET PFAMR SJA.W.A. 40C-41 SBCYNRGE ,, mONN WINK CSINK Ulltlry ckA F.W,D. WINNER O TOMTNE E'nC - ( (IF IRWIRED) OFPJCKNO OF NENDn BFNAT - UT NOF n(NI OR MNNOWLFDG9IEM nNT PfflYIT HOT REONRFp) FLOOD ZONE nR SUBJECT PROWRIY 19 LOQUED IN RODD ZDNE 'x' PER F.I.R.Y. P.WFL No. IMIWIII M. LIED MCFMEG A =12. SURVEY BENCHMARK ELE p.s s.. NOOK. UAE m FEEr, RFFtF.. m W.wbB RLSFD ON INDIAN FOrEII CgINry EENcU. �11W.5)[G'. IMNNG A WBUVED E ATICN OF 21.15' IMw'E4 WATER/WASTEWATER SOURCE MSM �p ORRRY YIN11ES IM1FA WVN CN 91IE STIC TINY( MID WVx91E1➢ TAX PARCEL I.D. NUMBER(S) JI-.1FIs-aWM-ISN-cosn.G sl-b-Is-aa001-1090-aUDp.0. JI-SFI3-000 n -I0 W-0 W93.G LEGAL DESCRIPTION U. 13 AND J. 6CCK ISL UENUEFUN NXmUNOs UNUF , InMd)W ro ME MT THEME. As MORE. M RAT SOCA 5, INOM 93 MRWLi1 9). INE USaE OF nE RUBUC FOODO S OF MDYN RM1fli CYX "'.. R[MM SITE PLAN NOTES: PIKY 1: THE FlNPOM 4028 W. M FE FJIRIHO "' NING Im. PNAZ 2 THE PROPGSO 141 sF sUUNNc ppWiM11 TO IM IOIfNEN PREP NEA DU PMR FOR THE OUSTING STE a IDFAIEO sV0111 OF ME DUFFING EURVNC IN n1E PAVED NiFA SONx OF 1NE ENSFE. BJIIfNNa ND Tial 1PA91 RoUnES NN NZOPoSEO WM 1x15 SITE RHI. VIMIE9 HOIE AS M. mCIW RNFR CgMry VTENJUN ENSIMG LONG OND W. SYSIEM CON N" IAINE /3 LAID N IN. NOWICE WITH JEN). N c CWMY ENNno." UT FES IS RPORIMFHr. 1p CONxECMX 10 PVRIC IFIAND 4 t 2 ssD NR . f PNGGHD LOT AND R CNE 3 WJILNHG E%PNSg1 OF JFEISN ('28111 NO INCREASE OF 9FAlS m pNHC AS W7. NOTE: FULLY "SECTION C -C REAS SOD RE EN ON va.w b M a.xr tl[y n urxeun xx. eb _aAR M Wwr r s rwsW M[s mono s sv.w.yxYn fnq, s[, s euwr vsn N uq ryu_.b b ummx y rwawur wrrw wuvn rwme e[ rmr x xwu. aL w..xt m w hrrru emny.<bw' Ora tb x m[x eL a„ a � E � � 3 T2 ��iN LOCATION MAP N 1b, T ) IHDOr£L r:: 11 T ,'d f .• 1 F-0 EI FRwrFuvAlAx scrro[_ PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP DETAL .TL WAY E s"NG UNOVOLIMED BOR - B' SUB-GPSDE SEMIUM TO F.B.V. OF 50 RSA.. CTNIPACIFD TO A YIN. OF BB% OF NAY. OFNSFY PEB MSHrO T-100 ASPHALT MLLNG DETAL Ncs u•alaPflw xg0. FmnM _ __ mW GF PANsr.r 1 G STOP e'TO Iz slo+z emuaerALOx - - 9� CM WM. bin lLOv. EICNEU.CE56A528. MilINIlO N�e�mr mnmBxRmlaurelvanw,mlMERDi o fglm M�.aG1PIMvnln :ETIFPS: eNEUWRAM�OVBOMm-FDYI SUFFIX-SBERW fI610YO1Sx11EMVFAIdFL1•L FfM Mr101RBmxxuumUNAuw. va IFxaca116u1x i¢J �. cOaxFwYn. rulrFo uO M1NIm. acEB Sxa Aon NW166 mn IETN RF wLra Mm1ANE6AyMUAmronsNATAPrmrove mAxm 61�Nu.IeEAscreMEWe.s.moP FOYEf1P .mI N Na.m NnTUNNE .evaxsaslx.wwlnNm Nam YMRTxRx 1rM1m.RRTmxsD•M.aaxmvl caocn61:INEN AAAwW LCGThAI:1 FFAx18RClq .FEET AND STOP SIGN DETALS RECEIVED DEC 12 2019 M� I"I 19970 mN� F"On'NNJ913) _ )4 FEET _ FE FEET 0.27 FEET ) : is XJ90.)0 RFMl N D 91N M. � _ b FEET : JBM FEEF IB FEET WE Un SEE _ M. SE . 21.x0 EF IN. 1N WIDM . ,2! fEEF _ 'JS FEET 1K LOT G@M _ ,sO FEET 00 FEET Not1N%, N, D,c m.CE _ bx _ _ I at.Dx Z NNE 1w. N@E1Mo1rs - BGx . IMY EPH - 60S . I.N C. SITE DATA (EXISTING) SIE NEA - &DOES EF - 0]0 b - IOO.Ox SPoLMC /AFP. )O) EF . OM b 9.R CR1541E PAflpr�y/Nx9 - 4.493 9 • 0.10 Oc - 19.9x MK MPfTM11W5 NEA - AM W . 0.12 b - OI.M lOFx WSI NEA J 3 . OMI J9.0% SITE DATA (PHASE 11 SIEOAFA \1IA06 BF ON M - 1WAx annmG NCA �, 492 V : o:iu f�a - aoA283 PIgP. MF PrIrtJMNNS - 4820 S' - 0.10 b _ Jldx rtrtK CdK. PNI./W.VFCi I = W - 0.38 b _ 52-n FUEL YPSM1IpR NEA _ I2.It) 9F . 0." Ov IOFN OFFN MCA . 9„x9 W .021. SITE DATA (PHASE 21l sUE MEA . !1.499 s - D.. b . 1.0. EAsr. BIAlp18 MCA M g • 0.01 I< J.)11 NNOP. BJIIDBp wJ NOOD11 141 Y . 0.00 b - 3A NFK IYR0N0 MFA 9J0 sF a.Oz b 44x EASE ODN:. PNLr./ryNF3 - 11=0 EF . 036 b : s1.)x CCNL PiYE IAM/!a)- uJ lmK CONC.Mxs - ll.iJe S . aze (F 'L ONN fY ,GWVOE GR.WNgEia TOEK OP s MCA t9,JW 4 - a21 m N.OF & PARKING DATA EXISTING vMIXmG REOUgiFO - Anp® ION MPRWFD SFE PLW PMSNC IEpRREO . ) VALES :UMG PROAIfp. 9 &2814 Q VANWD 2801 IVNOWM) & PARKING DATA (PHASE 1) PJNNO; FX6Np - 0 SPACES () sEMGAL MD 1 Iµ s JNgD) PMNp PsW528. 18 .WMES (IS STMOJNo JNO J CONNOO) PM PRN CED . 19 VOLES (32 STMDNA. J COYPKT " 1 w UMpp D) ® PARKING DATA (PHASE 2) PASISIP REWIRE - I-1/2 VK /100 W tlM53 MIM - PREP MFA (<W BN.- MG IS PIR, MPA nlE Ip ..Nµ 542819 MUM) PNMAtl WBTMO . 10 VALES (33 sEMOmn, ] COY,)LE MO I NMDI.W) PMtlq PROMO - 26 V OE5 (13 .!Uko. J 49YPKT Np t ILM'O.W) CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE sENN CG4'IRUCMN OECENBFP 1019 END WNSMUCIpX JUNE 1010 &PERMITS REQUIRED 41Y Cf 9EHLSIWI 511E PLW MPRWK . O NLEN CWMY E sENQV NCP OUT CRY OF S'SL51W1 ME CUJUNN PFAY? NVOUT M OF S1aSEAN MEUJND -9 SFMD IATER CM OF M.D.N1 ME $RNNMMET PFAMR SJA.W.A. 40C-41 SBCYNRGE ,, mONN WINK CSINK Ulltlry ckA F.W,D. WINNER O TOMTNE E'nC - ( (IF IRWIRED) OFPJCKNO OF NENDn BFNAT - UT NOF n(NI OR MNNOWLFDG9IEM nNT PfflYIT HOT REONRFp) FLOOD ZONE nR SUBJECT PROWRIY 19 LOQUED IN RODD ZDNE 'x' PER F.I.R.Y. P.WFL No. IMIWIII M. LIED MCFMEG A =12. SURVEY BENCHMARK ELE p.s s.. NOOK. UAE m FEEr, RFFtF.. m W.wbB RLSFD ON INDIAN FOrEII CgINry EENcU. �11W.5)[G'. IMNNG A WBUVED E ATICN OF 21.15' IMw'E4 WATER/WASTEWATER SOURCE MSM �p ORRRY YIN11ES IM1FA WVN CN 91IE STIC TINY( MID WVx91E1➢ TAX PARCEL I.D. NUMBER(S) JI-.1FIs-aWM-ISN-cosn.G sl-b-Is-aa001-1090-aUDp.0. JI-SFI3-000 n -I0 W-0 W93.G LEGAL DESCRIPTION U. 13 AND J. 6CCK ISL UENUEFUN NXmUNOs UNUF , InMd)W ro ME MT THEME. As MORE. M RAT SOCA 5, INOM 93 MRWLi1 9). INE USaE OF nE RUBUC FOODO S OF MDYN RM1fli CYX "'.. R[MM SITE PLAN NOTES: PIKY 1: THE FlNPOM 4028 W. M FE FJIRIHO "' NING Im. PNAZ 2 THE PROPGSO 141 sF sUUNNc ppWiM11 TO IM IOIfNEN PREP NEA DU PMR FOR THE OUSTING STE a IDFAIEO sV0111 OF ME DUFFING EURVNC IN n1E PAVED NiFA SONx OF 1NE ENSFE. BJIIfNNa ND Tial 1PA91 RoUnES NN NZOPoSEO WM 1x15 SITE RHI. VIMIE9 HOIE AS M. mCIW RNFR CgMry VTENJUN ENSIMG LONG OND W. SYSIEM CON N" IAINE /3 LAID N IN. NOWICE WITH JEN). N c CWMY ENNno." UT FES IS RPORIMFHr. 1p CONxECMX 10 PVRIC IFIAND 4 t 2 ssD NR . f PNGGHD LOT AND R CNE 3 WJILNHG E%PNSg1 OF JFEISN ('28111 NO INCREASE OF 9FAlS m pNHC AS W7. NOTE: FULLY "SECTION C -C REAS SOD RE EN ON va.w b M a.xr tl[y n urxeun xx. eb _aAR M Wwr r s rwsW M[s mono s sv.w.yxYn fnq, s[, s euwr vsn N uq ryu_.b b ummx y rwawur wrrw wuvn rwme e[ rmr x xwu. aL w..xt m w hrrru emny.<bw' Ora tb x m[x eL a„ a � E � � 3 T2 ��iN LOCATION MAP N 1b, T ) IHDOr£L r:: 11 T ,'d f .• 1 F-0 EI FRwrFuvAlAx scrro[_ PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP DETAL .TL WAY E s"NG UNOVOLIMED BOR - B' SUB-GPSDE SEMIUM TO F.B.V. OF 50 RSA.. CTNIPACIFD TO A YIN. OF BB% OF NAY. OFNSFY PEB MSHrO T-100 ASPHALT MLLNG DETAL Ncs u•alaPflw xg0. FmnM _ __ mW GF PANsr.r 1 G STOP e'TO Iz slo+z emuaerALOx - - 9� CM WM. bin lLOv. EICNEU.CE56A528. MilINIlO N�e�mr mnmBxRmlaurelvanw,mlMERDi o fglm M�.aG1PIMvnln :ETIFPS: eNEUWRAM�OVBOMm-FDYI SUFFIX-SBERW fI610YO1Sx11EMVFAIdFL1•L FfM Mr101RBmxxuumUNAuw. va IFxaca116u1x i¢J �. cOaxFwYn. rulrFo uO M1NIm. acEB Sxa Aon NW166 mn IETN RF wLra Mm1ANE6AyMUAmronsNATAPrmrove mAxm 61�Nu.IeEAscreMEWe.s.moP FOYEf1P .mI N Na.m NnTUNNE .evaxsaslx.wwlnNm Nam YMRTxRx 1rM1m.RRTmxsD•M.aaxmvl caocn61:INEN AAAwW LCGThAI:1 FFAx18RClq .FEET AND STOP SIGN DETALS RECEIVED DEC 12 2019 M� I"I 19970 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS T mK NOES a Two WdLmIL%M sodsaid Plana an bath ZVee afe]90 d Prd:RIIL 1.NN1R^Crm 11 REIDg1jELE Me LE. Ac N. SITE C61gnIXS wFP6 STARM6 CONSTIVCnM / \ Seed. FW and MIM: M abmtEetl alga shall be srebNmed Win Wed. foal and all 2 ANY mcavoANaER ON THE DMMNCS SHALL SE BAOaGHr MME ATT)THAN T GRAPW SCALEupm aambBm altlwpMis, El9mmr d final gai Seed, fall Ord mall WORE be THE MOO SEFg2 gletMcted xaa. 0 10 20 40 80 lNamat m IUmrseaaa see. W5. 9B1_ m. conoadT le 1BOpmm ew n } NO FIELD IE gLAL aaIM de E MIll mot Tsw TO BE WOE wTIOUT We. X, a tlwa a Aa mlflderl[ m nevem elpeian em to allow retmvel a me lemma SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD (C.R. 512) I I antfi m. Tlw mllremm.ydedm Ym mNlo.eaamo In neu of deed, remllx..na mulma A. THE (oxmACTm st.w.TRE,aaHsaE FOR L«ATMc ALL EnsTBM UTunEx U. ASPHALT FOAD-j�SiBWJN LAJJES i 1 the mn mad mYwepe 6eM ndM b m ronnv0d W a^91^ear Pner m OPnmelbll. pINTBACryR sh. CALL, ... STATE ONE Gu Ar t-lDo-B]E-aTw Ales IN, d (IN FEET) 1 Inch as 20 ft. UMTY OMM AT LEAST w HWRs Pmm TO ga NEAR uxlEnaRamm UnunK Testing: TI:BLmlreda,an mmn Ne aaMmepf ane. S, lnJlmnaenl. as Iebtelgy m Om,W a4 ApuFed IUErw m mbaAae. Wm. uoYall end fIXNem. LA2IIpna 11XF LOCAn Le an D daeu U E EXDNN W THE P CONT ARE R ANI)i LATE ONLY. AgTyyp pEyggo® g7AflJACFF CEVELOPMENT ra9w,ed ml same waa at,auyaa:I:mum eauwaaneam Nb anexmamNrnwtemltmd pTHE pmed �p "n'a91� A,gACTO1°sl.carmmMzx.RELOCnm WWIMIDES (PREWUSL.YAPPRLO ) (34605F) by Indian Rlvr LaunH. EMlrex mmlpunt Wall lmh, should sty lmte kll, mnVedtt wnALL11XE UNn NYPAxIEs. — _ _ _ _ _ — Me4 al Na mw eaPanee,remNma dMPbndr aM remYlhe wwk unnlmmnlenca win Ne " — 3 apMASam0I9a911v19oe1M. a TI SP�CIRA�M'�M'$�nWOW^CCWY AND WIPNi. OES(NRSMW iOAJmWs, uTm mtlw Aro ANO.1. "ONSmucn NOTE: sr.. Me Is Me Is. I.A.LUTIm. w niE EAsnxc sTOxMWA1ER ^� I T2nk LpnVal: Tha ll:sWmlbnaTnMs (:sntrd ommaeneu bemmlmmlenmmNa And APPLIGTE LSTY T BEAiTAN STAXVMDS N MANAGEMENT AAEA SX•1LL i '!j L' / BE CLEANED AS NEEDED. '%/ SMALC aRUlrmwnN plea Mmwld Unllam TnBk Cpn6d GvkeaaM LIN oISebaspen. 7. A REEKMII "N A Enwc a 12aMED a1NFw mY T 98AAd^ ENGINEER SITE B.M. n ALN cLNrAtrM mPGRE cvuuLx.T T CwIINULNM as A wE Dainapa lmpmvem.lxs: alleuor,mMen.re.11a mnOwamn mammeen0u eemcpnmltmllm € a SITE B.M. mNe mlNmum enpinmMq eM mtuWNm WnaameMlndlOn RiverLmnN eM FDOT 0.W "Oh, STALL BE NOIHIFD AT LEAST 19 XWRE IX ADVANCE Pq1 JNY Lq1 YY11—f N38D0']TE-110.00• — Tem SpOdrlmtlwu. TmrN euavatlan els WdalM1l9 ppellOonl MetlmmlmeXuedtln IHlPEGnDN. Ra23 1 IMCMY:IL o- ���- .L !Lm'a!lAgb backfiff mmMspongyU IsprpreabOU mm1. wth m]. season. The Oman R PER iORNEO.WO CgnnED BY.W&tt9O T MOTECXNILN. TESImc LAR.WO ans of L.39.2Y ;j a"r., .L.✓-*', M' .-1'T u—yY d., shall ®I an mmblW VN th Plm aM1all Oe Wdaed ps NedWileeM PeI FCOTO ^ASIfm WILEIIICO. Om91 TETE SHALL.TPF14iXOINMPIIE WSr/14n0`15 x]aSCa)4 WALL Mf) Me By THE OMDS 11ry-p .I ms A Rb! �• tD. Au ort JORTS sxaL. BE Wit�PVEv wee MTEn avm. � g !m'! L o The ConbOnesha1 Mh LM1e N-06, Leve ofFlorda, M11tl1 Wm Ne Cannxfpr �IKNYAFRwO TC'TAEIWEA6'4 i P pxmmat, Omtll lataeAstab er fie feel in daps ¢m Ply Wm all VOI—le tench mldy 1L NL PSE.WJ ORANAGE.0"PE3 SHALL BE NSTALLIED N ME BAY. `\ aw L"RIKT (RA"Lan bNmAM! ala Wass, mrynnamn m m salon mm In be ammtlmN Safety and MRS s 11 BACxFlLL AWdJ ORAINAT nPES AND CLWACT NO 1. Ma% n1Y DEN vee W MannknaboaMlOSHJ.IeaeveVpn and mfpNamMama RLFR 10926650 Sub Pand NISXTs r -IBP () T �I Tedmbe smla olFmdae amnaem as Mlma eMra upaalM Tha metpf mnNNM1m .,7jFl Ire i Ws - mm a = wI` I�nrm almamt.nl wa Inc ladwea as a mmrem Imo wee m na canlrepmra Inc. Dn.ma., to sTE mADrs mdu ¢EVAnars sHmw To oosmc mIDEs Ar vaTEnTr Irres _ �y E [� Ci' 14% y'> LEGEND IO�au r In �n umtammnemalO and deem Me an6mNaen lm a mxakm a THE CONTRACTOR S6VL T RF9'gl o THE REPAIR AND INSTC11AngI OF M S J •'^., :Ei� .'y r �1 Cw�i:'w!%.:H i.' :y - r a:i.4: x^w '!e•xplm uEmcw SFAllca EusnxO PAwIwL nSI AN cJaEs. ETC, A A -SlAaREMALT AREAS ( OS y M s tr NCLUgNO NOdGngl nPFS Mm 9 DMHATII ASMENOONT OMIL AN TNI o{ L+ O'. `�:y. •'j •�• J- V•• ^m a -n D^nM T1BR8 Ativanetl Dabpe SJYwty(A03%An9 N-lxpipe Yell mnMlnm¢nfammASIM ConMC1aY5 oPERAMNS MO naEETMs WEKSPON[l.JND9Tet" B.-EIENAMN OENWWARc eIM PASHiD almdemO, of lanly analis Wt89nL laddlelthe all MMrm fumM RISIo, THEN moPVUpES ^Llai SPALL WE LACE. aF RN THE I ':61'v :: • .. f",• PROIECnOX a Au DnuTRS NAT OQ ro RFMAYI W PGCE. f t ?; ,. T i• eT 1'l=Y r., sir m/FRT Ve [ENA TER SON RDD epetlnmlbna IaMI Y •� •, 1 1'' :- {u t" r 1! '•:Y iV ' :'a j ,.(A, w/CA, 9FAMPEO 'xez-113 sew' 1. TXE C,hnis rce SHALL- a RESPaBME FOR W.. AND Muxruxaw J ^�_ Y "•6:'.•T:A.: t 1• • i;I ac _''NY. .*1W,.::i: " _ ¢T MA¢N-scr W VErc nAE g9xass vi;Al "'•'•. it "-�., .'..' -. " _ - , d9t SrMRm 1Mz IH 96Ho" TmnrJ1 Babbi n stall N a Ymm m Me DIYnp! D"'Le. In massa, lmtln9 under pays! W OE UNDER ME ft Po CBPMW T T OMRM TO MOTE"OX•s rPd C I:•I:i Y�'Y t.. t. )'. �.i. :' ..• _ r•i'•.T -�H M® C'.Y.-gMCREIE MdNYENi. NO I.D. GFHERM PEAMIr FOR STORMATER gmNIME m(M IARGE Aw SCALL IXNSflembe }idL y ++. .�I�9 Ji Lt. J.`�.i •{,' '�'i I 1 eMsandmntrdzoemshallneeOmlleae: One Wtlp86mmbwlYaeumn NUcmree ACTNTES N R t" ILS F 11 `••sc+ 4 iLOi] 1� FB.S-001i BLOCK STNUCTURE and me test mmUm adlamnl to Wadi mu,me, Erpmem eery aWml edailmnYmal ^� pN m. " IXYI Vi,.,'A.• �. ,�. Ir I� I `• V .,,•Abwbad SVT F1EVAMM Teetl lneectm21bna1aN Mfnln Ne fl9lfmleNFB BN Ma1MNh Mab aYYy b.O N. EMSNm PA sWNT SHILL BE Seal sell PAM01r H4 RI BE RFYOYID WD el. m9wtfi XfIY PAIFIEIi IS 10 ,EN n. fL/r w j FS.E-NM9T." MAI.MAI.Int mwAhln MO feNNNe bleae. DBnaIN taaW be b 1 W pOHmnl sf maalmum u %rl O i r ,:"i ,:: `"• 'i •mbar RT.IEIXfiMfL'® CMCRETE PIPE dOlaMned Oy AASHTO T -W ti. EMSIWO Sal LOCATED IN C MCT ell PRTWsm CLNSITILl 9ULL BE Lai:4 naw rm I III _ _ n.r wP-eawmGTm IETa. NDE w DDY1a ums, alM wnNm"e0 Pedpm+d rBEOCATm PER THE wecnm T THE ExaxEEn. rA Y V R gE-NHOElMNVIERIEDWEDk EW Clmd eltl Gry wlVdn Vre llmilt ^IN! VAY I I p E _ mr w vase em wM CM pipe wak M Wmdm mwM 3N NFl 110, F a 0epOxminl m Tmn"dation (FDOT) 1. YNE CONTRACTOR COWL. SE RE5PgH9dE Me YAINTENAXT T TRATI C WRMc i sra IRNOS IMTe .. IP. -Mal RPF. xD I.O. ft II f�I JR La -Mm RCD, NO I.D. spBYflwuone. mNlbm mNnMuae, butreminMW W. me mmPlele renavel and le9Y MCSµ CORN �AT,CORnYNTf.4 OR�0.01'ams FOR Shall And ...am UTSr oit(•J vrQ - I µ I d' YNYYAw�IC xNL alepmYof en item.Num. ammpR lmta.YMe. weOda. pabliMandoNwundembee MINOR. � x IYI �N LOT <SANDS 1. aHY-pWAEJO RREs m010I®no a deem m 181M1m babN named nwla TpclbmO nmMed 91om,YMYmar c CU- (J Taw I I { YaGNE A/o -M tope lxc la mover. The arer to W ae9md BMOWIY nWM W be eYllm sem exmPl foresail I9.DTMw..RBm MGS an. T RES1aHM ro Orme. Cg1.. us. Xo1m Tay as m RJ1KRIUWT T WAY Imp. randWmd belmntee6anNnamha Bmu. GRMYlessabStolrure Meted V c Ila]]]YY wee �6+,pe a 1N5 MpLL promrva wade aNBtlesd mad eR nnpa ota by IM amNlp omoum. Rbr m InNOW, M ALL onsNllBFll MfAa .. ,TY NO UAX w T . INALL K d0OaO S L -ARC HFNGn w d0amp opaaWn. vu adlactatwmOna aM pre9em areae anon as rtmAud aM fleyded wMN n NWRs T PNAL fNIDIxG PwvATE R-o-ws Am EA4AHwla SHALL BE O y k L I I PULLY SCCOm m sFERT AND MIAOIM AT PROIECr CgHREnm. q Cg NEAJN CEO Inas by win tln CiN$JSmf renewed. 91-W ands anaeme,efd MYI tI L )•MGs11Rm applavetl b) Lily PIOnnIf, SIeN.If reyuirW. Pll euYl armf lmmealamH ealamnl m me EI. %tldl ro tCIISIRVCMN. ME DENT.FPEn STALL SMO LVE ME ENSIINC 5 m (P) -mai Gmdlg mealigl mall &m Ce pmleda] by me InYsllatlm of IemPonry YNbemOn.Oa Capng6 KONG ONE w1BE STE Bdmp.WY AND NAW AVAN a AT THE ["I N S •e, I a I T SV. ev ITS (c}cebxbh D aMdn wnm"alri,saaomdallm t++IM1 me re9ulremmNmMe CIN aIm Ne 91. REWETiT INE Pa h"I" I:'• Cw.-CON. p ' �. iM -FmXO JOMb RNmWaHW Mara,An and Di8IA,t (SJRWMD). Funkier srmlon mnVd Mell M 17, ANY O.WM E0 SOEWNAS KONG Hai TNttRAT SH.UL BE IdPGLrO. F j I. ww - I m Y"r°:mw.mblr b EL-mEVAnw &.0daM by ve" ma nInal ml dremmaa alum es sppnmthey able mfees e` 8 pada. mrme apedM1etbna Memdinp and muIC111,. ES. ALL EXT55 LmsIRVLIKN YARw AND WAIN TO n HNALB a' STE AND D POSD T PRCPEIEY AT CONTRACTORS E#flHS. 1m hLLL11r,LItI SYMBOLS NJ mshisdat Shall be tmlamd I. be We ".1i" be MalNdlsppaed pilo em«a.Im Fj h rg I m I Inc lam w$-CalOE1E POIpu Mlmm. Cryank Me101101 1[.I T T� _ _ ppmaA XFR POE wlm eO mW.YM aIN Tedaal mP/Ce WmMal'eile `L`1H m < (Q .WY Ir m nmh= acs be PONES PaE ploamad COnhulW aOtame any ua ell MUllM bum pennlM.A uniammnmakle Moll A / (,.,ria'•!'I�a A� be demERK and MOIL9Im es ePedbea ILI GINiRMa N.M& - L. 9.9 r p - WATER W 1. ,VL SIN BMET NAMMIL Mm 9w MITI aaLL K IN ACCCWUN£ wnH NOT ry� rM-RATER Yaw TMGnembarm.BmBmbm YlYwmwalmon.MOaunnomnemMbn tooname sreAYIARO PECFlCAnONS M ROW Nq m CWSI "M IS ^N -mPoGnM VKYF mmhlgeol Wnneatiroll ShieldseemestmI.enhimpamatmMe ALIO hY 66Jaj�Wt tl'' - *-V ) wr III1mRsi1VR, Ne CmVMot Me111ake eel ppuiela shoe m vrelam ar91e19eaaRb walM 2 KL PAT OT Hamel wMx THE NOT PowT T MY, SMU MIN9ST T W I .^. `_ m ar __ mmt{•ryE xYGRKWT IMMM, A.cbn she,el Nnmmossm,plaemaennant WaWq poMwM YE EXIWICd TrFE A."', aAS MMJTGSSC. W Ili WW I . nJt 3 ASPHALT y8 0'3 WHr� 1 mM - SwR VKIE elan. D' STANDARD PEMOmFIW Ws FOR MAD AVO BPNT CONSTRUCT TOM.IWIM NOTATMEnIH o V 4 „tj 20'' 1— L. -- abs. NECTWC PoSR MX EmIM1Yak vM Gn&q: al eOMNakaM preGlg aluY bO pedpnMdulaoYWdb Sompen xO IllMaiAND INq.WbHA OVXIY 0BOH STANDARDS, NOL. DESOH 7 < - tlLll.1a'_-aiPtp- _ _ rME TV A BOY ALNNMDi INE PANNING G1EST EEAnws. q I1�LN amn . TEuvHHmE msw MI( lMmw na Mtl 91 mabl mgw llfte. am lMveuam Ymem m tlW olein. MY flu Pmmd s. ALL ACCORDANCE PFO TO T ST PACES OEX n PRa , ..Late.MO MSI STRIPED M I� 7 II Wu .SBI IST r'••- IIA q� eM19ll bs done In epplmdMmB'IIIb.In lllaNm Meetly, mOlellels Yee mnaWYlm ACCOSONICF wM Nor 5T,W0Av0 N0IX xP Ii]w, E01B f1XnM. 11 wrWNO}E]' �w y 0-sIN1LwrYANnaE meplpdaMeOlLbxakembanwnentexGeveponmdgMlneMdem^rarmlDme tat rR r1� A/1 LOT r4 Blow MB c—. mY ,Www MuttOMnq d FOOT 3pxlnalkm.9etlbt 120. am dmnGaOtlnrvAw uMeYmbb 1 ALPJ gPmMs'MIIaIE.aRE1RO�lETt£C SaiIF1A i1CpJap"PuM rc mAas Tae1a^atmm1AF Z malBnN wltllln SB InMmd nnl.naa IOM alMe.e aemphatdand inOM INwlmmimbm She, WE ACCOMANCEWON THE KOMOA DPMnENT T TRAN.PmTAnwS (Non QI �PMm MEA4 mel&Ia1. a19mmal eeMxvm 0tM 9nalnO eM16XMmneWalMmwMIn 0S5 fm1 ofdMlen STANMm 5PE0lGnwI Me flO ap SEIX£ CMSEINCNM. 3N0 SCAM �T� �^-,^��a IUIG E AI%KT 9 RF DEVELOPED S/TE NWsn Mae. al ma0 awelm as anmNNe YIYI bO mneWYMm Wmm D.l kYa Mekyl pada. INSPal Y �) AREA (14460 CM1$TF SJRFAQ al mponOIebe ndlYamwnnln lnBlma psrmla.11m]mmn MrlYbnd02S Payee elBvatlan and tWl aammalelN 8' STALL ON in STT, F MY. ill BE KNOW 'COAPALT NMNWKLY m II SM fOnm M011 be lnOmlbd In mO bmtlmm MwT an DredrmW,e In umdwKe bbN i.Ma, KmOWl MgCApEp M M. ARE FOR SHE PLAIN MOWAnw MROnS Men. and spedflmuwN included &mwhw m M. dmYMO. DIY. THEY m HOT RE "T ACNK PAw T MARKINGS PAVING AND DRAINAGE PLAN ti NYLOPLAST 2A" GRAIN 9ASIN:_ 2824AG _ _% SCALE: 1 -.2W -W rawt a_ INWmNa1ElE S.EBMTRC�I Ny r 1• a^2Miar'Y^miw wtan\ _ r ]N THIS APY[GRGN. 763' 9 11.76' , 7b �m loP.a cxacea.ua• 1 TOFB•IuAS• 1 I 6W,IpEEL rty' 0 nmoo Rapm '�I wmaxuo• I FL. zn w�nYa .ppNMJ(a Iw,.a All+-0%&= � .� dart /isaaaa a WRs. __...__.. aa— N arr . - 1= » "jwl: wv a Bo B-Ed45' WEIR FRONT ELEVATION 77 B' •'II SYOPMWATERTai I. TdaEEa•I wmanm EXIBIAK MdOE•:L)e'L J!4 BOTTOMRBO%' A B. mad• WEIR SIDE ELEVATION CONCRETE CONTROL STRUCTURE ...Y m .aR .t �, ma,,.ao"r... ll C2 I i GRAPHIC SCALE SEBAS77AN BOULEVARD (C.R. 512) 1+ 20 o g •� ASPHALT ROADSR30UN0 LANES e� (IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft. SWALE ,t9 10 AS ALT 10, r& aax 1. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SCALE: 1• - 20'-0• 1 yy YR• R/K 51LT FFNL:P INIFT PRTITFCIIITN-NTS form BLV( 189 xsnY•]rE pmm• C R6! C L4pYYw>m lME GT pFFFRwLE p i 9 R.w $A%ME mw H,ln a a � 8 LEGEND xaw .A. IM )EItnGIt Dana rc IDm B.L1.-F1EVAlNd1 BpaYMIX SEr IR/GEEi 3/8' IAIW RCN qpJ w/GAP $TA4PF➢ Y.Bz-IB ,a Si YAE/AEEi WaE11C NK N/BRA55 OY.� C� ��'M8218 8&G• CpOiEIE Yl%AREIIT, XG ID. eBS.-Ni. BLOIXSRUCNRE llE-.SA sPGT EIEYAnIXI RCP- TIm91 R6R fLwATp P.C� .mv . WERE ME.CpaEIE I61MEZ LAD w/o- Rp RCO Y1n1 Gp I.P..IRmI RPE. XO ID. I.R.WA. Iq ID. &0"&0"IBB 4AFMAMAaLEM'NAY. A/G•NR 41'MIdTdRHG R/MYRIOr NAY ,C R -Kenos o-mlmM ANaF L�ARG IENDIH CpC�¢NLAEIE (4}KABN.FG (P)�RAT (C}CaLL9AA1Ep LLR.�'EXBL Rq.FmIXp a.�EIEYATp SYMBOLS w$- caxaTETE PorAw PGI$ rn Iq � NgF(N ppMER PtlE r ®� WA1IX NEIER N.N WA. VALVE MCAnp V&w LAOV RREHYGRMT LAM SEM. m.' O EIEC1wC . BO% moCORE O LAMER BOX O � 1FlFA1GIPe LAMER BO% -Q � 9MUTARY YAHNQE E—. GIIY AxpaE MHA( ARFA4 NLpCME AS°IIKL AIISACE ED- CaiLAETE M FWr NOTE: 2 THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN THE OPINION OF THE ENGINEER, THE MINIMUM THAT MAY BE REQUIRED. ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS MAY REQUIRE EITHER ADDITIONAL OR REDUCED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED. THE CONTRACTOR IS DIRECTED TO FOLLOW STANDARD BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN (IMPLEMENTING A SUCESSFUL EROSION CONTROL PLAN. b i' ul. mWL TNG INSTALLATION WIIHOE T TRTu H N�. t. ANiCmnrlCE MSL Bf rnnOA6 m IIAvu¢ Wm TaHa. 1 ixSEm NY IEPNR RM£ mRb smwl Rsn AND LA aowe rw "nw"ECEsswr. e• smXri x�mmBOWD°E° x �um9µ Mu N%L xw aJrnwu6 6Ynm6aPxm s?AeemD. 41ELL G WAJ PMI- _ se• IeG 4A% IEIGr Nl'rlgXNl ww cH DET IR TR N H O- ETAICH OJ=AI 4Y M SCCE RMM NriERE GME EMCEIDS ]F fz OR O6AhR nRR'r'vxc SECTION A -A Ak4LY NMFA r0 EROSION CONTROI NOTES w191 X1161.9 Ir r..RwwXr BARxs AND news PERxemr mus RnNwr BAwmRs Aao anNx LSANxEs MG6gKI. 9RLLAY xnJAED ro nMP Rm4wr 9MLL rE epslm/erm As A exsr sRP x Mr LAro S1RVI B4E5. SN®m6 G tm1M1J14 mA4 G @NNwr Ki3ir. Imro rr WNA9td MNFF N D &_7CE 4VLL BE Wprµm W A r NUL PREwM 1PMww G muEMr oxro weuc n. ms vAr rcolnRR ro. GRE4Rw. RFPNR Mro/G CLEW WI a Mtt EW WB Iwm m lPAP SEp4EM. 2. Xllw XECVYIM. MMFEIS 9WL ff GlaMm Pww m ExIRMCE arty welt wart -m -war. ]. NXp Xttglltq 2 REpgpEp, n EWLL BE MNE p M MEA 4IPa1REp Y.1m p191ro STONE TNT pWM1$ mr0 M IPPXg4p A MmwEllr m.P GR woolurt owl. TFMPOP Y IT\---�fRUCTI(IM BL /Slo StIIBIfREb aLIA FT.a N.T.S. alt 1 Mkl-i/Y \ (bpLp p SIF4 I.l] 16/Sr. Wt 1GLVAU PYA rEnR eAWoc �i AIFP rade ELEVA➢OB ��wnm'ina.r. SECTION xorzs Ar ma m s P.VI rvR Umm mE mRmw wlrt wa LAR smut AT TYPP III 91 T"�E 4_M`Y\� xmE sPrua EG rrrt a Y' mwE ro w M xigwAE ® axwLsx6TIa]ND alar wTXumla Ar mwNYe slwwrlAW.9 am ] a>_ nx P Ar mLa opnw e�iErs IT a0.0/ w A YWq TNr Ar RAl3 NAL /LT A9 A aW NAL6 R114ME1T RpWl9 grYllglysLg AT Town A9E ro A GWY Ar IwIMo IaATREw Mo nAeRXrc wiara Ar POYWmrt eoa6 a Nam SILT FFNQF A ICAMNq-N.Tq. Ni a a� �0�I <Fi aLlnn �CEAL8F ;9 _ 92092 � - 4 , 'OVALE •, .`�• OEBIYII\.2019 ❑mm. BHEEi C3 ra. Tc ....wwa. r.sw wnara l... ®eu lmrnara. Ri 19970 kL a� EROSION CONTROI NOTES r..RwwXr BARxs AND news PERxemr mus RnNwr BAwmRs Aao anNx LSANxEs xnJAED ro nMP Rm4wr 9MLL rE epslm/erm As A exsr sRP x Mr LAro pS� ACIMTY MPJ SXALL BE MACE fLWCMYIAL @TLNf YP-SmR µy aErIaBAACq IAXEG %ALE 2 .YL SEPYIfnr L1iN1Ra MEAApf$ A4F la BE A0.Vs]EO nl MQ f pMxc CA CppllayR A! nR- me a- awswucnp AND BE maarm/crm PIWQp ro Mr p as/wmAMs a- EITEITNG SWYACE YArwllL aI BALANCE a' RRYER.p ydMwl B(gl$R$,pALL RE 0' Cpl$lnllG]ID IG YRELpIr YdYw! p MAaI fRa/ fLO4N8 W FL.. p rp .,w PFarwnES 1 PT9aNENr p r Aftr b slABq?AIHM/ EXALL w AFR.Ea M aAYPofp AA,AS MMm L (T) CA. Mlw mAL IAAGE l5 REIGNED p I Y,.. M ME Cm n IELIPCFMr SN. STAB'YlA]Ip WALL LL A%YRD MIRM SE1fN ttJ DAYB ro NMAED AfFAs THAT YAY NCI BE AT fMM LRICE a/T X1LL AyIAW 1pld5n/R&0 Fl%(a2pf MAN Jp DAIS n m PERMMEsrAau2ADLW sIAIL BE APP1/ID ro IRFAS mar ARE ID BE 1EFr aYms11A 9ED Em up, xAv alE lop. A #MWC W'I WCIld1 OF W P.igECL 3M CM PRES SNA4 BF B/Aq/ILD, LON.bD H 2 p LLW IAWEa WM SdMdT rRAPpNC Y£A.9R(f'S nE A4{ICWT l8 Rf5Pa19a( fyR nS rfl/FMMY 3 xN1ECnp ANa PEPNANLNIVABUUnp T Au .WL sRG6(f5 p sor A9 4FLC AS SX wmL CWALLY rRANEPBRrw f ME 4 Cr sm &A FFNIANENr LELYTAnYF C04TR slAu BE wTAB1/pED p aJxWw AEW' NOr orl:RwsE R]A/AMNnv srl9N/IE0. xR'a9T%MMYY r TCgMECR03=ATMy.MLL HE xEPEC1ID RR � sI y NRQLI j ). OYICwIRAIED .. PALL NGr FLOW CGXN WT aP fl{L sW[S fMyE$$ LpiAWED yi 8 S a Mllw AN ADFWArE RMPaPMY p PEFYANwI pANM1. 2VMF• sQ^E aWY sIRUCNRE GR APP.iOYFD CprRa. 8 ¢atiw'r NtlL BE PRLIEN]Ep {RCM wn.RINC ANY sTW WA1 C42 drp ,, pMRN(. m R c ALL 4rWM WARE MLIS MAMr ARM MADE a^fRABf£ m/RNC LpEIRtlCMN PALL BE PAOIEGiD BC DL1! Sw&EYT-LNw WAIW GNNOI flI1LR INF CptEYANQ' SYSiEI 4nlPJT MBI Bfll/C En.rww qp 0!/IERWEC rREI Rn r0 /NYOLF ,gDLp/I. U Y ` B wEx xeaW x A uLE wAttRCWRt u rorru, LD, mMCAvmws sou � rA.mv ro NwuuDr DXpDAaxws mvTRm sta.NwT mMspr Aw srARvzE n¢ Naar A9FA ro E ; mE BwEArwT EATwr vasslwE Durorlo miswucnpx _o° la P(RMI'C x¢ECn(N Aw MAWIp/ANZ m' ALL 3aMw! LYW IRCy SIRUGIYRLS yYSI P.PoNCED ro wsIME dIEA'CEa PUWS S �$ /s AC1:a1W(AWFA W p[yELaw. ON ANO/di CM.CRW 9AML ACCWTNYAur RES aVSIXE Pp Au SEd'NENr CL1V1RdS sEaNFNr o epnra EIGs/RFS Blau eE m WaemNc awallp Ar mE END a Faw xamMc o.%r. v I1. XllwF IXWSIAVCndI KMaE AIXEyT /(W IE$ MnFLECI PA4ID Pol&/G ROAD£S PRDNSIpt w.MA BE NAGE rD WNNRl[ lNF RA4.GL1pT a'sdYwT BY rRAdINC pro INE PA1E0 9MEACE 0. MIFRE gdYENT lS IRINS6PIw dVID A p/%/C RDM A44F'A¢ MJH Wp&S AVD CUrIFRs n8' RDAD WALL BE mE/Nw MpPWp(Y AI 1XE pD WV. MY. W A l ARw04FD rRay !NE RDADS BY 9gVfL/NC aV BXFEflN6 ALA IRAN.9+a - iD A.4a.VwT CpV]na m,6DSK MEA 4)rrEE! WAMMMD 9NSL W ALLDXED a6Y AMR OIM. SII~�y i F E MANNw. ml$ PRDWSLW WALL m MA'.4 AS m o i WR A LOM AE s.♦A'Nsp Lors As XfIL M ro LA44kF UVO msryR&9'D ACIMIKS CRWy yy rz Au 1FWK1PMr ERD9LW AMJ swDlwr MYIRd YEA$YRE$ sGLt BE RwDYw xlNd.p I^I IA U DA15 ARw FlNAL 92 BTM{/Z1MW p /i'lip nlE RMPalMY NFAAMw A# ND LMYFn VA YR9w' 2 $ I3 PRa4RIIE5 ANa Iwr£RWAYB aDNMSMEW iRml WIBIROCIIM' 9IES 9INL BE PRDRCIFD H� rxYl SLP'Y£NIOf➢a9 AND ERDALYI A> NL IIYFs d/RryC aWBwyCryML /A Enaap Cmmc DE9p Am CYWsiRYCIpV SWAu MLL. mr IEpARI/w9W FRI�-�LI [ 4a .007 101, 102 ANO 10 CY F.D.aT. RWDNNY AND wWRC 0.94y srA.wA/ms ALA -n MINTY {EAWR $ lS 0XMACfrM m l2SpI5BEE rap ALL N ACE WArw aSWARGE$ RANFAu aM aF CR E�� DEWAIWWG ACrIXIIfS. 10. CpaAC2w Ml$T /NG6PFLNA IE ALL BNPS NEEwSMY R1 MEM! p IXaw S/A!E WATER N E �1 PAWTYAM EXVN REa/xwAI1S I). W PCY(Ullp/ PflE UW PLAN LF A MWHWV agpfl/NE WLY. ADdI1m .1C WAY � Smg M'QSSARY AT.CMCnN5 EAft\..'EE m Na m w POSTED p SNE - rD. DEWArt ACn Al A - d5wA5uT MUE sr WT fi SIAIE WAI W.WTY ] AWARAS —CMYST B - M NAW A iRANRWAAU SFXMD LaLSUM w LEE .1 Nw. AE M A NDnLEO DppGL PpApI Fp SNpJT ifRY aDISIRIMIIpI VE-WAh'Mi tl' C - W H1%AL4UC % SYAY BE LRD wi IYWARRdG mp(S,S MyRDLw By A,WAIw ANAaLENI gSIFICT fa! mAT AyA D - NO MPBp d5p/R(E nlRamtt flENYICS AR£ RE'aMFD LWCE A XEEX AND EpIST BE ROCRrfp ronr PRaADr wdNtzR. 09 I� V/ a a� �0�I <Fi aLlnn �CEAL8F ;9 _ 92092 � - 4 , 'OVALE •, .`�• OEBIYII\.2019 ❑mm. BHEEi C3 ra. Tc ....wwa. r.sw wnara l... ®eu lmrnara. Ri 19970 LOrii. BL. lel !EH XLVOS UN/) e 'Al A. PG R i I 1 GRAPHIC SCALE SEBAS77AN BOULEVARD (C.R. 512) 0 10 20 40 90 ASPHALT ROAD-.£ASIHgINO LANES 4 � � 9' q (IN FEET) 1 inch = 20 ft. EMSTNG LANDSCAPE LEGEND EXISTING LANDSCAPE CREDITS 111I}` �Y I I L IDE E'° TYPE IID�iMI DI'imE'sI TOTALe // _ Gua. ml MCWIMA'EO l/NET REF&PINGF (R,E'E MS n _ IEwsTOm s L VB iYR BEAMICS (Pm READ PDE 6 E 1 2 POW PW s I x 1 x I0 I x 1 E 14 3 S 3 3I P uti LEGEND I vDE is s 1 ^�}_•tih A. O n. I I 1 .. TC. .0 tl f 4i!�^ y • •�-� f' i p NAM 'BYXCRM IS, m RAIICK i PLYE i 1B 3 1 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN S : 1' - 20'-0' x \J ICI". slow M< I I LDr rA Mocu red A,CE SYMBOLS (11W- LVfICEIE PDXFR PDE w R - NUmFN POMi PCIE -11 - WATER YEIFR wM - WAND MW IEMDAIM VALK xn Cf - ORE HYDRANT wN - .. VM.K nso - EIECTAC PoER BO% urv0 - CARINA TV ESFR 00% - srmyE EEmox D —0 xx Q - SmaANITMT NANXDE E-- WT AHCHM EDAVDm IF S IIAICAIE 0.WIIALT 9JEACF E2- IXMCEE AIflFAm A'SECTION C -C FULLY SOD RETENTION AREAS I Mx O I 2 1 1 E DN[ m 1 x I I 2 DM( D 1 3 1 3 I I P. I IB 11 11 I 1 I 1 ITOrK 1 M I z, I TEES DOES. • 6 PKMS OC.14•.14'.l6'.104. PONES (6',65U'd4'.14',IC,M9 RND 2 ME U'A9 &LANLDSlC3IAPE SCHEDULE WHE I ETWCAL NME NT. SPEW CRL INPRVF�TIR �PENMY' (EpSTM O� 1 uyE CASBRE GMINx I 1 I MmPMIETTO 101IWjL11 wR VREEi) YE! ME SO 15 Im flF1NM VIE.AAI,EEIN MNHlA IIppB MEI YES 1 PIIIEE PMU$ If 6.14' 0 TO EINM ELLIprTO WA wR Y 1!' RST ILEX x AT XI I I P�LYR A. I. N/A I YE WR e' MI S E%SSi1HG TREE I i I IE E 1 1 1 IPRpPOSEGLJ UUVVE - V R�OmWPS1li EO®I RS'i. ) EAST LIX x I { PRLRMR RrTErII1ATR Y 3T 1 3• ME 1 YES NG 6BT HOLLY ST PRLR LEREAI III 1IXISi151 ® Fqf TypE FD! TEYpE pLRH 1 wA wA ME 1 YES LIPMOESEO BS I 1 DDDG I OB EOCRM CBT'p.-R 24' 1 WR 1 H/A YES 1 YE! 'AI STOVER PM(AMTS SII N' M/R WR YCS I YES 1 xl5ly WREEHERDu efi9 M MOTs clluwLE te• WA wA ra 1 ra I 3 AS, wR wR 1 —1 ME I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PINETREE WIDW OW - E 1. =12 OhAAY g51gC1 -IDS AIDE TYPE W. wmiA- IGW - PALA(TREE N WmIAmGT. XEXISTING TIME (TO SE REMOVED) EXISTING LANDSCAPE CREDITS 111I}` �Y I I L IDE E'° TYPE IID�iMI DI'imE'sI TOTALe // _ Gua. ml MCWIMA'EO l/NET REF&PINGF (R,E'E MS n _ IEwsTOm s L VB iYR BEAMICS (Pm READ PDE 6 E 1 2 POW PW s I x 1 x I0 I x 1 E 14 3 S 3 3I P uti LEGEND I vDE is s 1 ^�}_•tih A. O n. I I 1 .. TC. .0 tl f 4i!�^ y • •�-� f' i p NAM 'BYXCRM IS, m RAIICK i PLYE i 1B 3 1 3 LANDSCAPE PLAN S : 1' - 20'-0' x \J ICI". slow M< I I LDr rA Mocu red A,CE SYMBOLS (11W- LVfICEIE PDXFR PDE w R - NUmFN POMi PCIE -11 - WATER YEIFR wM - WAND MW IEMDAIM VALK xn Cf - ORE HYDRANT wN - .. VM.K nso - EIECTAC PoER BO% urv0 - CARINA TV ESFR 00% - srmyE EEmox D —0 xx Q - SmaANITMT NANXDE E-- WT AHCHM EDAVDm IF S IIAICAIE 0.WIIALT 9JEACF E2- IXMCEE AIflFAm A'SECTION C -C FULLY SOD RETENTION AREAS I Mx O I 2 1 1 E DN[ m 1 x I I 2 DM( D 1 3 1 3 I I P. I IB 11 11 I 1 I 1 ITOrK 1 M I z, I TEES DOES. • 6 PKMS OC.14•.14'.l6'.104. PONES (6',65U'd4'.14',IC,M9 RND 2 ME U'A9 &LANLDSlC3IAPE SCHEDULE WHE I ETWCAL NME NT. SPEW CRL INPRVF�TIR �PENMY' (EpSTM O� 1 uyE CASBRE GMINx I 1 I MmPMIETTO 101IWjL11 wR VREEi) YE! ME SO 15 Im flF1NM VIE.AAI,EEIN MNHlA IIppB MEI YES 1 PIIIEE PMU$ If 6.14' 0 TO EINM ELLIprTO WA wR Y 1!' RST ILEX x AT XI I I P�LYR A. I. N/A I YE WR e' MI S E%SSi1HG TREE I i I IE E 1 1 1 IPRpPOSEGLJ UUVVE - V R�OmWPS1li EO®I RS'i. ) EAST LIX x I { PRLRMR RrTErII1ATR Y 3T 1 3• ME 1 YES NG 6BT HOLLY ST PRLR LEREAI III 1IXISi151 ® Fqf TypE FD! TEYpE pLRH 1 wA wA ME 1 YES LIPMOESEO BS I 1 DDDG I OB EOCRM CBT'p.-R 24' 1 WR 1 H/A YES 1 YE! 'AI STOVER PM(AMTS SII N' M/R WR YCS I YES 1 xl5ly WREEHERDu efi9 M MOTs clluwLE te• WA wA ra 1 ra I 3 AS, wR wR 1 —1 ME I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SHEET LS1 mu.a.or=.-•v++u aw w.w»e.=r r.mxn.u, rcx..n.a wn....wxwa..s. w...ee..........,rmemlk a -.a -w. n.....u.. xa uu n.xa. w.,w....>...,..ra...e®....u-n-m.un,e.N•...x•.m.w.ra..w.e.nA�...e•.....o.i.......x. ParWa xx.alomm.a<romxSx. rc ...,..wa«. r,ana Cm..unl L... •mxrmrxamx. vc 19970 m LANDSCAPE DATA 1. =12 OhAAY g51gC1 -IDS AIDE TYPE W. TOM REgflHm - 4 GWOPY. 0MDFRSIpRY µ0 (DO) V XIDX iC,Ms/l W 1£ (BD IF) N - 4 V!MW.. 4 YN ADR EMAY M'O i0 SUM, Y MIS DOSNM - 0' N 9'ME (4 fNMPY TREE CREDITS) TRIED PRpgOm - 4 MOD"'M RHD AD SHRUBS TmK TEES - (4 V'.WVY THEE CREDITS), 4 MEMORY MIO 40 SABAMS 2 . PRCPDOY NE - 1 1REE/30 IF BEES REAMED . I TEE/30 V(UP-10-10-20-24 IF) - 3 TREES TREES EMONO - o ME MEDIAE ARRAS PROPoSm - 3 CA)A)" MISS M.O M SXTNBS TOTAL TROS - 3 CWCPY TREES AND 40 $441. S. FAR EiDPIXIY IME - 1 TREE/EE Iv 1EB REWIRm . I TRW35 V(100-10-10-9 M- 4 MES TIROS ExSTNC - 14' DNE (3 CWOPY TREE CASES) TRME PROPORD • I CW ME AND 02 IWSS TOTAL MC, - I G40R' TEE. (3 Wx:PY TREE CRExATS) AVo B2 3XAAM A $ MMACY DME - 1 TEF/9 V TEES Rmuwm - I TAS./9 V(DA"S LN - 3 TEES n f TRUS DASTNO - 0 TREE ITN Ry 111m PWPoSm - 3 PAHWr' TREES RHD 30 SMNBS ^�AT T T& TR03 - 3 VNDR' TIES AID 30 SHAB B5 S p $CEEI LMMSC M ppp TEE/9 SPH TIME EWMO • 1 ESOSPACES) • 4 TMS ly EI6W TEES 11N0 - B' (. 10' AND 1$'- flH6 AND 10' PAW (0 GAVOTS! TREE MEM15) LEES m - D EVMR' MIDI BNGI TOTAL TRIBES - 8 GWOPf 1.EE CROMR L¶94 E . $PACE LNSRCRPIAG I TREE ION3 3T W " A EA.,341 SD - B TEES TEES DISDAINS - IV AW 11' DAYS MD IS' PINE (0 CWOR' TEE CRMTE) TRF6 PMO ODER . 0 WMPY ARES ,` V E 1 TOTAL MES - e CAA P IEE CEMR $ T. MEW. TREES - 9 CRHM. 4 MODERATOR, FYISNG IEE CARO S - 9IMEE CREEPS P TE¢ F S %D - r CAVO. 4 MMISTq(Y MD 214 WRUes TOT& TRRS - ES GVVAY IEE DAWA% T CNICPY ITEMS, 4 UNCEAMORY MEDy jF. OND 214 AIROBS O Z D ('( D ron PrEy V� ODO D �A, ®IRRIGATION NOTES: 1PyA ® TO CfSqMRH TO -3EIABE 13 CITY yiN w9 MUM 94DIDION REOUIE1FIItiMW OF Of N SEBR Y. RN0 TIE ESTRMUCE S M dEWTQ1 USE AS SPECIFIED BY MST. A 'S WER WATER IT Ig N WAIRBA GAMBIR, $ M3iMIRTIC IRRIGATION C1114TR0.LER$ SHALL BE UEG TAE ( n LDO�LFR MO -L E WARE OF BERM SET TO QE MORE EN TIES J A _ x A RAW SENSYE DEVICE IS REWIRED Y A BATTERY BACK W (� 1$ EWIEG WN E TO ETAIN BE FIMDINMDM M TAE E T OF A MWM FAILWE H� EWO•IEtO V MECM VALVES VALL BE USED M LEV LYING AEAS TD PEVEM IM MAD DRAINAGE, n� O A PACOLOV gEEVENTIGX DEVICE IS REURRED. R ENDAM EPg9AEI®1 W 4 DOES BETWEEN DISTEAODM EBMWOF Am PRVEMLNT. NO DMECT SPGY INTO ."An. MUMS, RWDVAYS AND ROVES $TWNVATER TRACTSMVNS/SOOEp ARE. S BE VRME SEEB40Elt MEAS. LAWN SMMY PATTUM ANLL DAVIEE NERD TO EAD SE. W CDVERFOOiTNCMIIRA N CTOR TO W $IE AW,Utm WADS MD WAS I. Q.I ALL F AlITNES ME NATIVE DBOUDO TOLERANT. THESE MEAS E LORA VO.LNE VRL SPRIMUR AREAS WIIWTION CONTRACTOR U TO SUE TE SFRIM(LER HEADS MM WAG SPACMO M SIEIIM W IW BE PERU . AVD DODCML LIES A 1- E SIZES BY IE "B"B". COVTNGNL MAIWTEI CDORACTDE TO SUBMIT IRR[GATIDI N -AX TO CITY FOR KMgJK IF EDDE6 an^ W ® LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1. ALL WISNEE EmOC VECETATIM SUMIMO V111D1 EV ELWMENT FRD.ECT SITE MO ERTY MIISr E ENIWEO W CMJIPMTIDN Vlrx SITE EVELWWNr. E ALL LMMSCM D MEAS WILL E PRO.Mm VIIN A PEEMIEYF IRRIGATION SYSTO PER CITY 6 SMASTWI CEDE 3 M VOSTDIO IEIWT ON WELL METS M BUT M TIE C"TM LNEOSCMD4 IT IS LOCATED IN TIE MER 6 TE M.TADPSTER, JUST 3 M TE METIW SMUM A. RT LEANT "U AS W TW MES SWYL BE fNB MO DROWII TD.WMT, STORAX D TE LMIDBCAPE S AIDLE My O LNI03G1P010 R MMB UE%) IS M UVE MO MMMT TOLERANT, yy S NO OW TRE SPECIES ANLL ACCPMT FM BADE 1NW 9OX W IEji TE TOM MMBER W CAIUPY TRESSES. AE AMWN M TE LANDSCME DATA ANO LANDSCAPE SCWDAE, TEE AE DU O EDAMU GARY TABES. TMAE AE E3 DOSING C Y TEE GAMTSS WE RE M313"'G 1 NEV CMBTY TREE CMEYM V11ICH ME RIFOE➢ AS LIVE O.S. U ®6. MY LA'01SCAPE MTEEKS MSSMB FRM TE MITRE] SITE u OASIA STEO 199E RFPLK4B PFR TIE IPROVm SITE . FM LOT E .. SHEET LS1 mu.a.or=.-•v++u aw w.w»e.=r r.mxn.u, rcx..n.a wn....wxwa..s. w...ee..........,rmemlk a -.a -w. n.....u.. xa uu n.xa. w.,w....>...,..ra...e®....u-n-m.un,e.N•...x•.m.w.ra..w.e.nA�...e•.....o.i.......x. ParWa xx.alomm.a<romxSx. rc ...,..wa«. r,ana Cm..unl L... •mxrmrxamx. vc 19970 mrrMGME YWB _ m�""�°Y ww mmn°Yju .gra bm e'n :�.wr " m�mq�.wi�. mcmr:WM�W.Mmu�N w"'"4m.M qM. A g .m'gaer a pvr mwu b r ova M 4 mx m nen..be. mgnrm M gmee �b'm'.+n �ppmart a prgs... iMm�� a� lbre. Han x.bnp. P�HAn.e 4 w A 14 bNWM OaWai. M {aane6 m%s w W. me b �a� dna m N .aMa mlM.. i M. M m nR a�M v Mae W W N b » ialv.wt eN 4PbeH. b mpMN lAn/M.W apMWJ . Prwma m r mrm x aa. m am P v wmeramum maMm aaN mn wwi a w�.eadmeiAd wu: x w M qvn Y e a p., W tlu H"aV M 61vNWY s. ¢nrair 1M {be M NM4 MR. GRm'MTr. N gvau pM inmtm v SPM b M 4 bxla m w W.wgv uwly Y :.Mbb b Ma/br mm .miW mnR M atl M..m./ rl..m sT".Wvw M pM q M r easYbar m mmt m w M.rq. a w�� ewnM1Mraamaw Wm� rm.� r N mm. s aWMn n WLymEM�Imuwb w GMMb'� b�WR ewgmb�iu "' evW4s Ma�N. v.InN A. MN.y�" w muau ei..aa u axn .uay. M°' w lemew O.ryna M r muM M aw a.bnan ` iw,Ms w � SPM a�'m mMuebgn db w abort Y .vel, w l.rcrq. 4Nw MAIM If M a02f A n ,Wmrn einb..kr Me rw.. M boa vau mi4El M at�rl 4. Eaamm ....aae wM b vei Ain.mP� aMm mi,. q"�"ab mmawanW rla.m ISP M nmp in 6 . ImMvp. G,IrsM M pmlN . mnPWax EVPre- mm � e'Nnl m w TM ir..MMrmH mu.elmwcaWmv.Pm°M ,�,�iG �i w�m=m �4� n.e'n me uP..nro m+•bw+M w Prm.. spaak.wv (M .rcarWaRml) d�M n imbxmN :� P�'W 4 w IMop 4.'m+. o. fl M 1mgM4 0.m,M.. M r Mmb ,m ro nrbV^M m. e.:. M/n InMM. Ongv NMp bp.rmtlm N w p 4p amp. m•.al w e .eM N Ime. b amm�bb WA q. My s WUP Mpw bwvq rmpannWan .W » w n{mNPy N w WYga I'aeMw. olwlEarov W woe Am mWvnn A wwmp. cMimw m o m mnlm M .mi . V- xl.. M1vm M ma —. ML pmW � s xbx m �,. mr.,v,m rw xb aWa«.b W w M.. „. M 4 Me s nawme, rn"I�.°siapws' w:xOju. ..°a L"". A '"q°vei.°Mn`e"rwb°fne eN .rr .axe e n •mm• b w enp.l mr...�mm l pA w D.n. a Psr'mwme6a " Ib bNaM1 CaAMn M M1ueY a nXM pier.N .anmM m meWeK .enmmWy mq q.m m.l.r.b. mnpt.m ISP . P.rm w aE �1 ,SR Imm w un a mmp.bn M m..gmm ry n. brvwa. ompnv.ne ama. p M. ywmlM b m mumu aM ex_ eea.gmw q w Wm.ee» OnNnw .m Mr. panl m.1s4 M r W. me'n w4lmbry .Nim w4 ye.0 lw ..W v.eb ane a pml m w am N w pw.nw M1nw ,rx pwrmwy W � nnrMr M 4.m.ww m mmn mm,bb M Y.wr.r. wpaan.e .ISP q.m mmM a ..M.rv. Hw .Ra Rmery M WM .. M. w MxH WMl nmrmL D.me w ¢wn'mA°I"�m°mM.�epedr 4 w ramm.o- wwa..4:.pwrwv b bmmn.y �.q.n me aw past Mair Y emny.a 4 �T»n4 W �i"Mrervn aby v..ie' � wrb a 44 m N u x awYn v on .r lvga mMlavu nAtwmxe pnaM Irm ro qM :wi» oma w emus) Mt a 1 v ml F .M.elery vo-W W... »mnJM 4 w Inaagw Mot M r r4nffi rWroma pM N m.Mr. ° d 4M"�""'MMpai"e �'°n' Mm M M m HMbe i w pm ML R.i M A T4umi oniw w LneW .ape:iY Iv w ma M meFlane J . pbl MlL er ezpwe M wWlem DMV.. A vepmMeme vMvu N u. a_Y. xb LVAwp Cmpmi. M lunM w Oma .M . mTm M nugYs b w m..m mmnlawe. N . p.b nelwy q q. LLn. ! loy avyrv¢ Atttt eIM' 4 M rvq+Mb M w »N.mw Cmpvl.: bpe1v1a vmn nm 4Avy M b d wPmwH e"'mw "°'"'"i m:Np mrm Mn W pew M mmwnr anip w vpyu n °dmw iy$9 tln NW Smb M xwiu M'(0.i'M"iu)a ,abd mrH w. M A �On�SP quLR'FAnde .�r D) m wpb Hm/riary m r . r.awn2Y au. y bn»psi R�p NNro, �rM�pm lM�pa+e hi x .L er gb.m�me.am mu. Pxrt x lwdebx 6gFy Ar W:w q�'wWmapiM Y'tl mm' n1MmwMew..Ca.M.W w em.AN.rrM Rn,.n. "a""r mt w mMwra. m P. rbp M.M.pwR.im. lm. ;ab ..r N1�v Mupwib �nnwbtlm y w Onia v w bam. apyp�npA Mau n b� aLIM C �'pu m�Ka..• btl a nrn�'9. wMM1M. X Mau N b m na.T �.� mepw�..r4 M » xn«w, N m Mom ml m w am. c pM M.w..bp nw.. rra a WM M 4 n.nnpr r w HwN M m r mAA, �ayyM M.xW m w w».e w �M».mi Mdb. x w prp a`rmM'A"Ax MYmm mvpbN am Mb M r Ma.N YRen D. paA mfwA. M r navy V..n. uuv egaar ml rbw /l w M4 M M .n s rbgp rseYmnmePeerM Sem �sM M :.,a.run m .a mN N w mx.°.�v°amn"IM �I:r r. w'v/ebb Pxti:'iNLmPO1ba E RaabM!minnw SPM bmn. el »pMM wM pµx rwwr,X eMM mM.Y. P. n era4�PM mgRw�W"°w wvo aaiF.gmalm . �Pn' 1"na°"rmpx"� '"°' r �•wm w 14 I¢,L� mMms. .MiNwm � M m4H. m ea¢wV wTM b bN. aaWm.AA..LLu„,, ,y�yM y�.pm{ pblwq aMm' N�N4 � a.Yb Pqv a .nli � M b uWl� Y.elb wbtl 4yHe slap M.a. M r xmpa.y nsM xmn w A BwN N mMaepN pamw(B iwW M r aq aM hm mLN 46 W .ab W wI1N.tl Jmay M I..Ay Ma/.Mi mvl/b NivaxNwgM. '""b�+w Cea.e a. RWu.lb xW.n, aanq! m.ailruan SPY M r nMnl C pap Nam M r pNMN Amr pmW. rY xqq w N bnrda pab wmarem p yW wm m r wmM m..r m P.rM Hxp w eamM1p m 0. Wm.rYm �Mw"xmMMM1ea M'"µ M.Ll�M M. MdM.M»aWla�mvl 4 w Imeq. cMmw lW pmra. " NG°r'"Wl� .E:L M 4 pwl m w M Y e.Nm1l mm qM y w Isaora 6yv 4 pM m.rM M 4.4.e ba- rlWr .naq-l» (%a naa.. c ,4 ub.w OIVa rnwn. a. npl m nyn M pM rtnimr m n mewewa..b N� .nmbxaa RNGM m< eya r. rsvr m gwNq .vMm w r " arFR®LMM rwc. M m¢H mx w M. nm bs rrmm M m 4 b. tlM wa `wwb'°b�` axe e._.Mr:�md .u.»,mMr w,m_wwmr.ma mom. waswa ay". Nwiwuros uY�e�mb] s� w�wwi » :mm & t.Mner.Wlapmugr<mbq mw mDmrmMMr.:mWH .Aw]mm mmaM rm.. c imYm.e r a'�r m r APwm pwmN bam m-1oa l.•-+¢ a .M 1allof .mi bpWN I.rH. m Ma li. MmW .bu M.. ,.Wv M rp.riq "nrvT�'� M qM mpe.t m w w eY-.y x mpn x evmemm Nn �9mm eMar. ] rtlM. ,ssn Iruip W4. Wn bb. P.. xT. M 6AI M x.iy.J nWbl m M1m 1 Mx ry mm b yr man mm4N w IMUP Om'¢r.rea ww'miW b xvM aW rMnrw gp�'Mxn A xx �mpMwa"u"m sn. H Ew+]w¢ v RMav mu: rvv a..rt, rb M pm. W gyKNM m maA Wq N{Mvnml. B �uMS.� .. smmrM.] aµ. ,eo. n... MmWnH ortv pmWq .M .wlv tamM �+Mm we. uNvumpma.¢mMNyr M mnn M M Lp. we l.emm a.aM, 'pr'�"geiyd �ivMbmNW wdi m}W�'wb "�'iapml.b��aMa'Wu.tlm Tn P�,uWlw m r n.m.bY M w xm.yb .paW ap Mnp ms.e y M .en. A priory rw beiq., xHa Ys m .qx . Ma a w ntla] crm. m 4 P.nel 4 mm.. R. » ngaMYry l M bgaq. .mpM.. m pwb w b prop tlP'wiwWw' b F r 6WMap. WWpmwmbaAp .4MMMLx N H. mxY.. piv m nWmutlm a M m x... wL .ai„p. M .N. emgM°q'tgivM m^Mmwp. MnauGxW mb q.m .,M m.w.w .au. mNuam o. ,.RASP ..r.we m w Mexe rmMnuvl� wN� M (. eabn.n w „, x a.r m rM e.mpmm w ,N. E A.��mr rn� f.xvn sin 4mvv iM rs urgA. m.rMq m.uiM M M wL r ama.e m w LM.m.Wq mrmyb m] iWrxe aq . mw.. W µnwq M ry n) SPM. M nrol -n Mre WaAaMMbMN4E qm rr m:. c. ��aypq rLawrl um warm 4m rYm,auaq.m_ m }04,'mr.m4eNvernyi Pa. � �-. tln M w VeM rw p.m mMw m EM WAm rpMlxm MYs 4Nms.4, 1v 4a w4.MrxM L N .A b NFgb Mm Mr. 16q e r rurMM pnN euM v .rav 1 IL yq rlMn m r �m Inm bn M.I,W EW. aWM:.. K h® mwlin (Ipl Irwn m x.n h1 M rvmwe rywn w i. N m..eWy wMx b Rna. l 1pmm mMpa4ex Mq 4pmgH M.1F NYq pn =w�rM MaWme. E4mYn Tel a w Y Yv rm Ine.a w:4L'T4..v i¢E®m L.. (Y) xM bq .Rn SPM pap me rW x e uWl, aei mina. wb nwe'r` psLd Msauq pmb wM m mNb"btlR ma nW s MiY nye � W W a�pavn tl ". qM1 mwa mmar. B rpm pM uw�mmW pm umawmpve xmm.x..,. maw.mm E irw m rt r p» m bMm. 0. Wma YNmey. mxn is E Pmm . m .e.rar DM x Mm.b M rR.. M "rpM mB.bw am PmL S. MMM.isap mpMawa..MMrm...a .Mr we. b.. .l mmN VFm INm M r MbM x »W . ma.r s b anx pBq mgMn ql. 0. 4M M r Y . i' IunM a weMaA rvgm m m4Mlmry ypt SPT b». wWM»m mWl.mmAmpmMm»amRmbMme NrmM b msvr mAAae 44 Ew •r. JAx �i p M � » wmyp Mal x .b Mnuq. MLwr9 » . n.W xMm Me S. r..r.bq a w Im�sns• anM.p. mm wW � H w Mins. r en mrr w . rap a maH IVOI SPP w q.bx¢ c �w.mmHmrM..a.a u wa Nl�iPp.l �nMY mMr.4. rw m,n M M.wm x mggan b PwN rw IwA .m..p. E xpNn M memm b N aM[ma trd wtl .mb xs R xq.»n m 4 ipplN vmbq m w pNa,.e .qWq mxM m w.n m gfMry M.6. R. N mir.. WMI.n. M .pR Irmb m 4 rMnrl x a IaW4n m m M mwq m ro mlxnl x Lva.w e_m.ew m PM. mm wrpn+e M yip DWM moe EwmeD xpmm A+-aw u.•ba 4.. inn Vv m ma LupML.v Am 141Wy.�rMm&. SPY Rb lv aWe..N wmRryM WONMa iMlxp .[A (mtll b » Maa 14 L¢asM CmpMer MIM .. vq pywW m w We.xP. R. e ;m r w r.R..bttv N u. rwxae.. cmxml. m H Wm. m rmeam. .... nHmwN m.q 0.pM.. YhW, xmu..m NM eMa a w M M r inn, b»n ipm.. 4WN p M.m a lx M M aap.,nae. mr, m rrM.m ..a . ro .xama�Mp"w.er...amem.�b L..m, w a.m. m. w .bre.e x w M M r M win .mN ti« nwn pm. w aw E Bawab�MMVW.wM mM.. bin �nMm4M rh,. LLnn aMaa.n mw.. M �aM SPM un ..m ap. u.rv.w MbNmM mrev.bH wt YM M m r M M Wy Mlep laN M a b4,e » NM..rm m1eo. fl vb. aW4 AM M mf "MYY M b naa9 4.t1% M rb w mp a MlW t . x w vY]m a w rwrbp. Km1V.. bq fvYy a meq, eon iWp. vq 01 �Nm,N. nwn win m r a.e.a M.e w wn aH Iwr„s a . nN N S. .A�.e - m 4 MM r w mMma..r. wwwm. ` > P.M] p'ma`" •M • mmmn [oe «M m... Mrr wW.. nbm N w,m D. roprbm.p A M q.p, xm.HmH Nr M pm YAM M.m..w.,mga q.�b, M . w"�'Tne4W:rlr�Pvmxww. ea4 swVA Moa .Pw.c�vW.^ai N µnbq esv wrl/v M .m. nmy V.Nm e• =P=vn�Myaaa M r p..utl M aq enq:�oq w. µ.LLq Basra L A.pxm:aR b pmb evbp w mabw p.W m r w mpvLq a w rmY.as �iwemen v emne. m m. pat a wa.. EpNa v m.swa rwm rW, m n.y E 4 xw [mnsww n mPMmb..mav m moo. �. =4. 4 mwbi evx mn'n bm "N,s Srr mrMwx. wMCIMI RroeGIaMK£ w emPx� a ue .wk M nim w N M e.vl mpmn M av/emry .M w gveMe w 'vr¢Iltl erw piWry.WA. a? x w WHEaew.. 4Wyq w v�W. ivv.W a G DVLL ..w, hwlveaVa m�eap_. 9. xMW—t eel SPM b eTmmw-vmp.:'m a Mct mYM a w pmlY rµvnnn a pmm me . gpu�omw �/�wyxa» Lva' a s en w�cxw a m pvuq wq a w C Mgml mm. b' rT lld dM amn yeWq mYlm ,v WW .4_EM Ymapxmw a .euq .gmv�gml avca b law o.a. M beam M r wd a me pM me m tiv y.mbuva a w ax 4 hel ugaNw: aawv�.a o. WMbgmetlm. w L.ie.mb C.ne.N..m r mm.e H w om. a w .ap.v a m pml .aanm.nry, miup. m w Mu. ,ryxmnml N b.m .y.n w quwmim RItte4[ R1whlLR.OE IXYIHFL MgrEOCbi9 Plv b gmtlp . peMq qb .rlvll Iv 4LLy M » N.1.1 N w IWMy mvn: A eq wm qvM, p1 b w n4Fun: yexl 1. c. � �ba w Wmne. mw.ar SPAR abm a..n B.wNx w M wma M M as rwm M. c N M_4 M.m nmml a.n w Hx.» mwnW M r ebml.n E � 4gaaN pMw qi NW pinup eWe... m. nM 4 win b ro w mmwm N w M nW umNmw w pmew . M uMw. ar..w. ROOMM.L IS 2x4• rr IB• 8000 BATTENS SECURE BATTENS W/ (3) 3 6• HIC11 CARBON STEEL BANDS TO HCLD BATTENS IN P IS WRING PVNllNG PRO.£CT. DO NOT NAR BATTENS TO PAW. NEWT O BATTENS SMALL BE BE LOCATED IN REUnpl TD ME HOGRIT OF TME PAW PMP ADEWATE BRACING 5) LAYERS OF BURLAP S1EE. BANDS BRACING DETAII, „TS mix RIMS SOIL LGE DETAIL DRAINAGF_ TESTING DETAIL xTB PL RT m THAT 1W W RWT BALL IS E WTH ME Insall SPADE PANT AU.W n OWM 1'dA "WI RM.. MTH r SMMYCR TME I TREE PLANTING — ANGLE STAKES N. MAP MNK IN MMLM ! SEWRE BATTENS W/ J/{ ,'. CARBON STEEL BARDS MAGSNG TME — TXe BRA^ NPoOAMMI BUBBIFA ]he•MSB• STARE _ 12• FEOMm PIAIITNG MIX WATER R TAMP m M AIR PaG M 2 X BALL OIA MIN MANS'" By 1/4 W ... RETAINBAT. 91 APE 1 UA BLACK x11WER NOSE . W/ SLIME SIX. 12 WM .. I'm D W15 PER THEE MI 401E W T.. PURI, $Avm WIH Y 4MWUW5 PoM Y%ax]E• STAT. (P.i.) \ Fl„I: FAOF �a FE MWRAATHD RIX qJF TE WAR !TARP 10 (TRIMdNA)0 RMOW NR PCIXEM Y MULON INSTALLED NOTE: SPIUM M REM;; 2 X BALL dA MULTI—TRUNK TREE STAKING xTs B• wameD AWNMG III WATEA ,XTAMP TO REM. AW PGDIEM NOTE: STAWG AS REWMm PALM PLANTING — ANGLE STAKE xn CTIM m¢ PRa MMND xOrzs I. ALL TREES RETAINED dl 91E SMALL BE FROTECnq.V BMMGMm BER'dIE µD DuuxO Wrlsmucna ArnMTxs 2 Umd EXI UnIl1Y UXm %BE 20%7 MWIM EHSTNC 1REFS ro ME W19:IE W ME IMP ME WERE ARE. a IxSTN1Anp1 CP PENESPENS I '""" V1 TAKE INTO CCNSDERAIM ME ROUT SYSMS W EQMNG MEE. " A RH.dtNr µI FNL BE MSWLED AT OB91ElS1 W NL MRES di URWP OP TREES 10 BE PRE$ERIfD, fEYCF ENNL BE MAMTAxm UP Cg151RUCnON. R'-0• LW6 y2'$ AT A'-0• QC EMBIMO ME TRMNK PIAGFO AT TILL£ pip UNE pl AT WµE]EA V.WES m4E W EMSTIXG/PRroOSy PAN T(AS RES)Rm) 0'-O• LUNG 2&S AT W O.0 EASING TREE MURK MAEID AT MLLE W LME UR 0µE1FA VANES� ME W EDGE EllBiIXp RCWffD PT DGEi (M PEAR m) a'-0' NI01 ORMQ TIARR NC11M iEN61� BMM R fAYMRUCIIW PBIMO a BMI.R ^ m — PLAN VIEW ELEVATION TREE PROTECTION BARRIER DETAIL „.RB T.. m w MaM. Wrm R., i. MF..L a an s.b. auY..1w.4 wstW lw. x li m,V eban. ee m.r.w..p w. wmLm. s as ww. tl.r. n m.acrw..m K M«L .q.n.. w w nm e..nm .aw.em w w, nnwMW..p....b. 14...rM N Nr Nam» y M.. i.y.M. Pm.b. W»m m.me l ]..r... ,.M.. Pc Pa,m:. m ma.la.r pry.. ».• . ®,. J6.AV iW.. w �u SHRUB PLANTING NT$ MULW GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL NTS P'I 0 0 C� Fr O U 'I CESTGNEF' R9v i M V 2919 u E Men SHf LS2 19970 AS P (TRIMdNA)0 Y MULON INSTALLED q a 1r PWVP SPRAY NE PREPARE . M m p� WMTIEN FEUPT Ta NOTE: STAWG AS REWMm PALM PLANTING — ANGLE STAKE xn CTIM m¢ PRa MMND xOrzs I. ALL TREES RETAINED dl 91E SMALL BE FROTECnq.V BMMGMm BER'dIE µD DuuxO Wrlsmucna ArnMTxs 2 Umd EXI UnIl1Y UXm %BE 20%7 MWIM EHSTNC 1REFS ro ME W19:IE W ME IMP ME WERE ARE. a IxSTN1Anp1 CP PENESPENS I '""" V1 TAKE INTO CCNSDERAIM ME ROUT SYSMS W EQMNG MEE. " A RH.dtNr µI FNL BE MSWLED AT OB91ElS1 W NL MRES di URWP OP TREES 10 BE PRE$ERIfD, fEYCF ENNL BE MAMTAxm UP Cg151RUCnON. R'-0• LW6 y2'$ AT A'-0• QC EMBIMO ME TRMNK PIAGFO AT TILL£ pip UNE pl AT WµE]EA V.WES m4E W EMSTIXG/PRroOSy PAN T(AS RES)Rm) 0'-O• LUNG 2&S AT W O.0 EASING TREE MURK MAEID AT MLLE W LME UR 0µE1FA VANES� ME W EDGE EllBiIXp RCWffD PT DGEi (M PEAR m) a'-0' NI01 ORMQ TIARR NC11M iEN61� BMM R fAYMRUCIIW PBIMO a BMI.R ^ m — PLAN VIEW ELEVATION TREE PROTECTION BARRIER DETAIL „.RB T.. m w MaM. Wrm R., i. MF..L a an s.b. auY..1w.4 wstW lw. x li m,V eban. ee m.r.w..p w. wmLm. s as ww. tl.r. n m.acrw..m K M«L .q.n.. w w nm e..nm .aw.em w w, nnwMW..p....b. 14...rM N Nr Nam» y M.. i.y.M. Pm.b. W»m m.me l ]..r... ,.M.. Pc Pa,m:. m ma.la.r pry.. ».• . ®,. J6.AV iW.. w �u SHRUB PLANTING NT$ MULW GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL NTS P'I 0 0 C� Fr O U 'I CESTGNEF' R9v i M V 2919 u E Men SHf LS2 19970