HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-2019 NRB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2019 Ms. Mosblech called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Alleaiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. O'Neill Ms. Callaghan Ms. Ware Ms. Brothers Ms. Mosblech Mr. Carrano (a) Mr. Stadelman Ms. Lovell Mr. Bedea (a) Also Present: Kim Haigler, Environmental Technician Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. ADDmval of Minutes A motion to approve the November 5, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr Stadelman, seconded by Ms. Brothers, and passed unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Introduction of New Board Members Ms. Mosblech welcomed the two new Board members and thanked them for volunteering their time and expertise. She then asked them to Introduce themselves. Mr. Canano stated he recently moved to Sebastian. For 31 years he worked for the City of Brookhaven, New York's Division of Environmental Protection on Long Island, New York. His job was to protect all development along their shoreline, which was a shoreline of 153 miles. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 MEETING Dr. Bedea practiced as a chiropractor for 22 years in the State of New Jersey. While there, he was associated with an organization called, "The Alliance for A Living Ocean." He has long been concerned about public health matters and matters of natural resource conservation and protection. The Board members welcomed both new members and thanked them for their service. B. Board Member Positions Available. Ms. Haigler staled the Board is full, with no open positions VI. Public Input Ms. Mosblech called upon any members of the public who wished to speak Mr. Gil Giordan, 498 Quarry Lane, Sebastian, stated he has an Issue which he had brought up to the Board two years ago, having presented a petition regarding a sedous swale problem. This swale problem continues. He lives on the comer of Quarry and Autumn Terrace, and the water in his swale has been silting there for over five months. He opined that the lateral swale a block and a half away needs to be dredged. He presented photographs of the situation, which were displayed on the screens. He stated that among the over 200 signatures he received on the petition, he would estimate that over 50 % of the residents were over the age of 65 and cannot property maintain their quarter -rounds in front of their homes. He estimates that the City comes approximately twice a year to cut the weeds that grow in the lateral swales, and he suggested that these swales need dredging instead of just cutting the growth. He is requesting that Ms. Haigler prepare a memo to the City asking that these areas be dredged, Ms. Haigler suggested Mr. Giordan contact the Citizens' Request Line for Stormwater. There is a new Stormwater Director, Ken Griffin, and they are prioritizing projects for the future. She will give Mr. Giordan the Stormwater Director's direct line so he can contact the Director. Ms. Mosblech inquired of Ms. Haigler if this problem is widespread throughout the City and if the City is aware of it. Ms. Haigler stated there are several areas within the City that have continual problems with drainage because of the soil. That Is why the quarter - rounds were installed. It is the responsibility of the property owners to maintain those quarter -rounds. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 MEETING VII. New Business A. Selection of New Board Chair Ms. Haigler asked that anyone wishing to nominate someone, or anyone wishing to fill the position himself or herself, speak up at this time. Mr. Stadelman wished to nominate Ms. Callaghan, but he first wanted to know if she would accept the nomination. Ms. Callaghan stated she has some work obligations that will take her out of the country for some time. Ms. Lovell inquired if there could be an interim chair, and Ms. Haigler stated that would not be permitted. Mr. O'Neill nominated Mr. Stadelman. Ms. Brothers offered to fill the position If Mr. Stadelman is unable to. Mr. Stadelman stated he would accept the nomination. There being no further nominations, Ms. Haigler asked for a second of the nomination. Ms. Mosblech seconded the motion nominating Mr. Stadelman to be the new Chairman of the Board. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Stadelman then assumed the position of Chairman. B. Pelican Island Wildlife Festival on Saturday, March 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. i. Vote on Having an NRB booth This Year Mr. Stadelman encouraged support of the Festival with a Natural Resources Board booth. He asked for any comments. Ms. Haigler stated this Board had a booth two years ago but did not have one last year She stated she put it on this agenda so that the Board could decide now if they want a booth this year. It was the consensus of the Board members that they would like to have a booth in 2020. Mr. Stadelman called for a voice vote of the Board members. A motion to have an NRB booth at the 2020 Pelican Island Wildlife Festival on Saturday, March 7, 2020 was made by Ms. Brothers, seconded by Ms. Ware, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Vill. Old Business NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 A. Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 7th 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Discuss final details and meet -up location Ms. Haigler announced that the truck to carry the float will be parked in the City Hall parking lot on Friday after lunch. A City employee will drive the truck in the parade and will also obtain a converter so that there will be electricity for the float. There will be plants provided by A Tree for Me. Anyone wishing to help with the assembly of the float should be at the City Hell parking lot by 3:00 p.m. Ms. Ware inquired as to how long it will take to assemble the float. It was the consensus that only an hour or so would be needed. Ms. Haigler staled she needed some help in putting the native wildflower seeds into the packets. These packets will be passed out along the parade route. Ms. Brothers volunteered to help. Ms. Haigler stated anyone can come to her office anytime during the week to help with the seed packets. Mr. Stadelman stated everyone involved with the float will need to be at the Main Street boat dock by 5:30 p.m. B. Sustainable Sebastian Litter Quitter update Ms. Haigler stated that Keep Indian River Beautiful (KIRK) will be the link on the webslte. That link will then direct anyone who clicks on it to the KIRB website, which will provide more in-depth information on the Litter Quitter program. She is also hoping to have another training session after the new year so that more volunteers can be added. Discuss initiative launch plan details Mr. Stadelman suggested putting something on the agenda for the next meeting focusing on sustainable development and exactly what that means. Since the Board's last meeting, he has done research on the subject, and he stated it appears that the Board is right where they need to be in order to tie in with the six goals for the Sustainable Sebastian project Ms. Haigler stated that at the March meeting the consultants for the Comprehensive Plan for Sebastian will be here to discuss the components related to the Natural Resources NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 Board's mission. The consultant is the firm of Kinley-Horn. Ms. Haigler stated that the Board should focus on three goals at a time, and when one goal is reached, another can be addressed. Right now the three short-term goals are: • Follow through on the Litter Quitter program In Sebastian. • Learning what the Comprehensive Plan entails as regards the NRB. • Focusing on the rollout of the Sustainable Sebastian project. Once one of these items has been addressed, then the Board can move on to decide what would be the next priority. Dr. Bedea stated that he recently attended a meeting where there was discussion about a new concept in the landscape code where a certain percentage of the property has to be devoted to native plants, a reduction of grass being planted throughout the City, and an emphasis on the use of nontoxic herbicides, one of which, WOW, has been recently tested in the City with positive results. He also described that there will now be allowed gardening for edibles in yards. Ms. Haigler added that the communities in Florida who had ordinances banning such planting in front yards have now been ordered by the Slate of Florida to allow such gardening. Ms. Haigler stated that evaluating the landscaping code is definitely a priority, but the Comprehensive Plan is the most immediate goal. Once the Board has met and studied and made comments on that, the next thing would probably be addressing the landscaping code in the City. She will send out to all the Board members copies of the existing Comprehensive Plan so they can familiarize themselves with the relevant sections. Ms. Lovell suggested that at the next meeting the Board discuss the action plan regarding Sustainable Sebastian and perhaps have a workshop as well sometime after that meeting. Ms. Haigler will address these items at the next meeting.. Ms. Haigler drew the Board's attention to the examples of a logo for Sustainable Sebastian that she had worked up. After general discussion, a voice vote was taken, and it was decided by a majority to go with Example C (SEE ATTACHED). A motion to go with Example C was made by Mr. Sladelman, seconded by Ms. Lovell, and passed unanimously via voice vote. C. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration on Saturday, April 25, 2020 from NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. I. Next steps for each department Ms. Mosblech stated everybody is aware of what they are to be handling for the event. She sent out an email to all the vendors. So far she has had six or seven of the vendors and/or environmental organizations who have responded that they will attend. She suggested getting the application out in January. Ms. Haigler said she will update the application and put it on the NRB websile. Regarding entertainment, Mr. O'Neill stated he has contacted all the entertainers from last year, and everybody is interested in doing it again, and they are all available. He will send out contracts before the next NRB meeting. Ms. Haigler staled that for the planning of Earth Day the NRB has special permission to use a separate email account for planning. So any Board members who are in charge of this aspect of the planning can use this NRB Earth Day small to communicate with the vendors. This is only for the planning of Earth Day. She said, if there are any questions about that, for the members to contact her and she will explain It. Ms. Mosblech stated she emphasized the Sustainable Sebastian project on the smalls she sent to the vendors. Ms. Ware said that the Art Club will participate, and they will have the beautiful lagoon art show in the Earth Day Celebration, which will all be related to the lagoon. They will also do a face -painting station for the kids. Mr. Stadelman mentioned that this will be the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and there should be a good turnout because of all the publicity surrounding it. It should be a really good launch for the Sustainable Sebastian program. Mr. Stadelman said since it is Arbor Day as well, there needs to be recognition of that event. Ms. Haigler said that she submitted the Tree City USA application. Sebastian also qualifies for the Improvement Award, which Is also a bonus they give since the City has allotted special funding for the protection of bees in Riverview Park. Ms. Callaghan asked If it would be possible to have a sort of essay or poster contest as far as sustainability or something else to get more people Involved as to awareness. Mr. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 Stadelman Inquired about a scholarship. Ms. Haigler will look into that and add that to the launch plan budget, and it can be discussed at the next meeting. Ms. Haigler suggested having something in the way of a contest and getting that information out to the schools so as to increase awareness of the event in the schools. Ms. Mosblech queried if there could be a mural put somewhere in the park alluding to sustainability. Ms. Haigler stated the Chamber of Commerce is running a mural program, and they can be contacted to see where they have been approved to place them. Mr. O'Neill suggested that the contest could be to design a poster relating to Sustainable Sebastian and Earth Day. Ms. Lovell asked about the status of serving alcoholic beverages at the event. Ms. Haigler said that both the Rotary Club and the NRB have to approach the Leisure Services Department about that, and Mr. Benton can look into it. Mr. Benton will then present it to City Council for approval. Ms. Brothers stated she thought this Board was still uncertain as to whether there should be alcoholic beverages served at the event Mr. O'Neill agreed. Ms. Mosblech joined in this opinion, as she is concerned about the containers these beverages would be served in. Ms. Ware opined that there would be more people in attendance if there were to be alcoholic beverages. Mr. Stadelman stated he thinks If there were alcoholic beverages, i.e. beer, it would bring more people. He is an active Rotarian, and the Rotary serves beer at other events in the City. He states they watch for over -indulgence. Ms. Brothers stated that, since this is touted to be a family -friendly event, getting school students involved with posters, etc., she is not sure serving alcohol at that venue is the appropriate thing to do. Mr. O'Neill stated his position that, if the schools are invited to participate, that alcohol should not be a part of the event. Mr. Stadelman called for a voice vote on whether beer should be served at the Earth Day Celebration. The voice vole for regular members was three nays, two yays, and two NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 PAGE 8 abstentions. Based on the majority of nays from the regular Board members, the Board will not move forward with attempting to have beer served at the event. IX. Member Matters Mr. Stadelman thanked Ms. Mosblech for her service as Chair of this Board. He described his goals for the Board and how pleased he is with the number of Board members now. He was joined by the entire Board in thanking Ms. Mosblech for her service. X. Items for Next Acenda Ms. Haigler stated there will be the branding rollout, the Sustainable Sebastian rollout, and detailed plans for the Earth Day Celebration. XI. Adioumment There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Callaghan, seconded by Ms. Brothers, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. By: QLAh%- h . Date: 'l b7/*79 9 Chairman Charles Stadelman 19