HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-2020 BOA Agendaan 11' SEBASTV HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL PARLIAMENTARY & MEETING PROCEDURES WORKSHOP - 5:00 P.M. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING & REGULAR MEETING - UPON ADJOURNMENT OF WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA AGENDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE Procedures for Public Input are on Back of Agenda 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Council Member Gilliams 3. ROLL CALL 4. CONVENE PARLIAMENTARY & MEETING PROCEDURES WORKSHOP A. Review Roberts Rules of Order B. Review Sunshine Law and Public Communication Practices C. Review Past Practices pgs 6-10 D. Review Resolution No. R-15-10 -Meeting Procedures 5. ADJOURN WORKSHOP & CONVENE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications for additions require unanimous vote of City Council members PROCLAMATIONS. AWARDS. BRIEF ANNOUNE[ ENTS Presentations of proclamations, certificates and awards, and fie imeiiy announcements by Council and Staff. No public input or action under this heading. Brief Announcements January 11 - Craft Club Show in the Park - 10 am to 3 pm January 18 to 19 - Sebastian River Fine Art and Music Festival in Riverview Park January 16 to 19 - Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival in Sister City Fellsmere 8. ADJOURN CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND CONVENE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING pgs 11-14 A. Approval of May 8, 2019 Board of Adjustment Minutes B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing Adopted Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing Procedures: • Chairman opens hearing • Attorney reads title of request • Board discloses ex-parte communication • City Clerk swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Board asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor of the request • Chairman opens the floor for anyone opposing the request • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request if needed • Board deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion pgs 15-46 L FRED AND GLORIA CLIFFORD REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 54-2-5.2.2(d)(5) OF THE SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE IN REGARDS TO LOT 45, SAN SEBASTIAN SPRINGS SUBDIVISION REPLAT, LOCATED AT 616 CROSS CREEK DRIVE. THE VARIANCE IS FOR AN EXISTING POOL SCREEN ENCLOSURE TO BE AT MAXIMUM 1.3 FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE OF A CORNER LOT, AND ENCROACH INTO A 5 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, WHERE THE REGULATIONS FOR THE RS-20 ZONING DISTRICT REQUIRES THAT STRUCTURES MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SETBACK OF 15 FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE. (Transmittal, Staff Report, Criteria, Exhibits, Application, Aerial, Notice) �—� 9. ADJOURN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING AND RECONVENE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/her hand to be recognized. pgs 47-50 A. Approval of Minutes — November 26, 2019 Special Council Meeting pgs 51-63 B. Approval of Minutes - December 11, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting 20.001 C. Approve Municipal Election Agreement between the Indian River County Supervisor pgs 64-74 of Elections and City of Sebastian for Calendar Year 2020 (Transmittal, Agreement) 20.002 D. Approve the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Budget and Capital Improvement Program pgs 75-76 Calendar (Transmittal, Calendar) 19.063/20.032 E. Award Agreement to Guardian Community Resource Management, Inc. (RFP #19- pgs 77-138 12) for CDBG Administration Services in the Approximate Yearly Expense of $20,000-$24,000 and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents (Transmittal, Scoresheet, References, Response, Agreement) 20.004 F. Approve the Piggyback to Florida Sheriffs Association Contract #FSA18-VEH16.0 pgs 139-147 Cab & Chassis Trucks and Heavy Equipment to Replace a Caterpillar (CAT) 311F Excavator with Attachments for the Public Works Department in the Amount of $182,793.00 and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Appropriate Documents (Transmittal, Quote, Notice of Intent, Contract Info, Comparative Quotes) 20.005 G. Approve Road Closures for the Sebastian Police Department's Movie Night Out on pgs 148-149 February 21', 2020 and the Sebastian Easter Egg Hunt on April 11'h, 2020 (Transmittal, Map) Regular City Council Meeting ATIESF: May 8, 2019 Page Two ,7eanet-te 'lh 1iaffs, CLtyC1edc 19.070 C. Proclamation —National Peace Officers Memorial Dav — Mav 15. 2019 and National Police Week — Mav 12-18. 2019 - Acceoted by Police Chief Michelle Morris and Members of Sebastian's Police Department Council Member lovino read and presented the proclamation to Sergeant Marcinik, Officer Singh, and Officer McKenzie. 19.071 D. Proclamation - National Safe Boatino Week - Mav 18-24. 2019 — Acceoted by Commander Frans Evberse. USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 56 Mayor Hill read and presented the proclamation to Commander Eyberse, Tommy Augustsson, Frederick and Linda Combs. Brief Announcements • May 17 — Chamber Concert in the Park —Note 4 Note (60's to current hits) — 5:30 to 8 pm Vice Mayor Kinchen announced the upcoming event. She also congratulated Natural Resources Board Chairperson, Nikki Mosblech, for being selected as one of the five state finalists for Florida Teacher of the Year and wished her the best as the finalist is chosen. Recess Citv Council Meetina and Convene as Board of Adjustment 1 Mayor Hill adjourned the City Council meeting and convened the Board of Adjustment meeting at 6:15 p.m. A. The November 28, 2018 Board of Adjustment minutes were unanimously approved by a MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. McPartlan. B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearinq I. SEMBLER MARINA PARTNERS, LTD IN REGARDS TO AN ADDITIONAL PROPOSED OVERWATER RESTAURANT TO BE LOCATED AT 1660 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE (SQUID LIPS & MARINA), IS REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE BENCHMARK BY WHICH BUILDING HEIGHTS ARE MEASURED. THE APPLICANT WOULD LIKE TO MEASURE THE HEIGHT OF HIS PROPOSED BUILDING FROM THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION OF THE EXISTING OVERWATER CONCRETE PAD The City Attorney read the request from Sembier Marina Partners, Ltd. There was no ex- parte communication to disclose by the Board Members, The City Clerk swore in those who were to provide testimony. Buzz Underhill, representing Sembier Marina Partners, Ltd. said the staff report accurately reflected their request and introduced the project engineer, Ryan McLean. The Community Development Manager explained per code the building height is measured either from base flood elevation or average grade; and, since the existing concrete pad is over water, the proposed building elevation should be measured from the base flood elevation. She said the argument is that since the slab is existing, the elevation should be measured from finished floor elevation. Regular City Council Meeting May 8, 2019 Page Three She noted a previous developer's agreement had expired and therefore the site plan modification is required to meet the current code, prompting the variance. She explained they are asking for a different spot to measure the building height or for an additional 4 '/2 feet for the building height. She said the applicant has met most of the qualifying criteria for determining a variance and staff recommended approval with the following three conditions: -certified. engineered proof of structural integrity regarding the existing overwater concrete pad before construction begins -the variance is for the restaurant building only. if the proposed use is changed (before the structure is built), the proposed building height will be measured from the required base flood elevation, as per code -the variance is valid for two years. The approval shall expire 24 months from the date granted if construction of the building has not begun Chairman Hill said there is a corner of the slab that is broken off and asked if the corner would need to be replaced. The Community Development Manager advised the pilings must be found to be structurally sound or the variance will not be granted. Chairman Hill asked if there was any recourse to have the slab removed as a non- conforming structure if it is found not to be sound. The City Attorney responded that staff would have to either get the structure to be compliant or removed. No one spoke in favor the request. Opposed Ben Hocker, Sebastian, said the request goes against the City's height restrictions. He asked if anything has been submitted as to what the building will look like and if it has gone before Planning and Zoning. He said a little more research is warranted. Damien Gilliams, President, Sebastian Property Owners Assocation.com (SPOA), said he has spoken about this non -conforming property numerous times to which the City has done nothing. He said the property is in violation of Articles VIII and XI of the Land Development Code. (See attached) He noted the City bought the Harbor Lights Hotel to preserve the river's view and now this restaurant is going to be built down the street. He said if the variance was passed tonight it would be criminal. Ryan McLean, MBV Engineering Inc. said the variance will lead to an architectural standard that will meet the CRW zoning and provide for a beautiful project. The Community Development Manager stated this was a new site plan application that was submitted before the holiday last year; this will put a structure on the slab, provide better stormwater ponds, landscaping and fix the existing sign, the applicant requested to bring this variance before the Board prior to going to Planning and Zoning; additional time conditions may be imposed at the time of site plan approval; and this will be a one-story structure. Chairman Hill asked the City Attorney if the Board approved the variance would they be committing a crime. The City Attorney responded not based on any facts or information that he has. Regular City Council Meeting May 8, 2019 Page Four The City Manager noted the observation deck was not an abandoned project; the Building Official at the time required them to complete the observation deck and the developer amended the site plan to reflect the observation deck and everything was closed as complete. The Community Development Manager added that with the new site plan, new correspondence will be required from SJRWMD, Army Corp and DEP. She also added the road elevation at an average 5 '/2 feet, so the elevation was not jumping to 11 '/2 feet. Mr. Dodd said in 1992, DEP authorized a 10 foot elevation but it was built at 11 X2 feet so the developer obtained a revised permit to address the additional 1 1/2 feet, it was approved to have a building on it, subsequently the project didn't happen, and then the developer received approval for an observation deck. 6:42 pm Mr. Dodd noted the applicant will correct parking deficiencies, improve drainage and build another restaurant that will be a value to the City. In addition to the City's conditions, Mr. Dodd requested the following restrictions: the engineering certification should be noted that it meets current code; if the slab is not determined to be sound without reconstruction or without major repair work, the variance goes away (if the slab has to be rebuilt, it should be done at the proper level); and indicate an actual expiration date. This will provide something the City can use. The Community Development Manager said the state permits indicated it was to be a restaurant; there was a 1985 DEP permit showing the elevation at 10 feet, then a second DEP permit showing 11 '/2 feet; she cannot confirm the slab was inadvertently built at the wrong elevation by the contractor. Chairman Hill agreed the restaurant would be a lot better for the City. Mr. Underill said in 1987, the Army Corp required the slab to be built at 11 Y2 feet. MOTION by Mr. lovino and SECOND by Chairman Hill to approve the variance requested by Sembler Marina Partners, Ltd. Roll Call: Vice Chairperson Kinchen — aye Mr. Dodd — aye Mr. lovino — aye Mr. McPartlan — aye Chairman Hill — aye Motion Carried. 5-0 To clarify that the conditions requested by Mr. Dodd and staff should be included with the approval, Mr. lovino made an AMENDED MOTION with a SECOND by Chairman Hill for approval with the following requirements: - a certified engineered proof of structural integrity according to current code shall be provided prior to construction beginning - if the slab is determined not to be sound, the variance request will be null and void - the variance is for a restaurant building only. If the proposed use is changed (before the structure is built), the proposed building height will be measured from the required base flood elevation, as per code - the variance shall be valid for two years and expire 24 months from May 8, 2019 if construction of the building has not begun 91 WU Regular City Council Meeting May 8, 2019 Page Five Roll Call: Mr. Dodd — aye Mr. lovino —aye Mr. McPartlan — aye Chairman Hill — aye Vice Chairperson Kinchen — aye Motion Carried. 5-0 The City Attorney advised that the first motion did not have to be rescinded because there wasn't any distance in time between the original motion and the clarification. 8. Adiourn Board of Adjustment and Reconvene as Citv Council 14 Chairman Hill adjourned the Board of Adjustment meeting and reconvened the City Council meeting at 6:52 p.m. 9. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — April 24, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting 19.072 B. Approve Indian River Shores Public Safety Department's Fire Truck Pull Special Event at Riverview Park with the Closure of Sebastian Blvd. and Harrison Street on June 8. 2019 (Transmittal, Application, Flyer, Map) MOTION by Vice Mayor Kinchen and SECOND by Council MCParllan to approve consent agenda items A and B passed with a unanimous voice vote of 5-0, 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS & APPOINTMENTS 19.073 A. Plannina & Zonino Commission (Transmittal, Application, Ad, List) i. Interview, Unless Waived, Submit Nominations for One Expired, Regular Member Position — Term to Expire 5/1/2022 There was no objection to Mayor Hill and Council Member Dodd's nomination of Joel Roth to serve an additional term. Mr. Roth will serve until May 1, 2022. 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None 13. PUBLIC INPUT Ben Hocker thanked Council Members Dodd, McPartlan and the City Manager for attending the Sebastian Property Owners meeting the previous Monday. Russell Herrmann 586 Redwood Court, Vice President of the Friends of the St. Sebastian River, thanked Council requesting the City Manager to research glyphosate and report back to City Council. In the meantime he requested that no dangerous chemicals be used. Damien Giiliams, President, SPOA also thanked the City Manager for coming to last Monday's SPOA meeting and requested a workshop and public forum to discuss the herbicide spraying as soon as possible. He noted that he and former City Council Member Eugene Wolff witnessed canal spraying right before a storm last Friday. 6.57 pm M1, HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BOA MEETING DATE AGENDA ITEM TITLE: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA TRANSMITTAL January 8, 2020 Clifford Variance Request RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing to consider a variance request for the property located at 616 Cross Creek Drive, Lot 45, San Sebastian Springs Subdivision BACKGROUND: A variance application has been submitted from Fred and Gloria Clifford for relief from Section 54-2-7.5(b)(1) of the Sebastian Land Development Code to allow an existing pool screen enclosure to be a maximum 1.3 feet from the side property line and encroach into a private 5-foot utility easement, whereas the code requires the enclosure to be a minimum distance of 15 feet from the side property line. In accordance with Section 54-1-2.5, staff has provided a report detailing the request, applicable exhibits, the criteria established for determining variances, along with additional information to assist with your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report and Board Criteria 2. Exhibits A through G 3. Application and Property Aerial 4. Public Hearing Notice If Agenda Item Reauires Exnenditure of Funds: Total Cost: N/A Amount Available: N/A If Cost Requires Appropriation: N/A Administrative Services Department/CFO Review: City Manager,,,Authorization: / Date: December 31, 2019 OWOF SEWAST�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Variance Application - Staff Report 1. Project Name: Clifford Pool Enclosure Encroachment 2. Requested Action: Variance requested from Section 54-2-7.5(b)(1) of the Sebastian Land Development Code to allow an existing pool screen enclosure to be a maximum 1.3 feet from the side property line and encroach into a private 5-foot utility easement, whereas the code requires the enclosure to be a minimum distance of 15 feet from the side property line. 3. Project Location a. Address: 616 Cross Creek Drive Sebastian, Florida b. Legal: IRC Tax Parcel ID No. 31-38-14-00003-0000-00045.0 Lot 45, San Sebastian Springs Subdivision Replat 4. Project Owner: Fred & Gloria Clifford 616 Cross Creek Drive Sebastian, Florida 32958 (804)514-7718 5. Project Agent: Homeowners 6. Project Surveyor: P. Chad Maxwell, PSM #7070 Maxwell Geospatial, Inc. 4899 Kirby Loop Road Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 (772)801-5206 7. Project Description: a. Narrative of proposed action: The applicants purchased their residence at 616 Cross Creek Drive, a corner lot in San Sebastian Springs Subdivision, in 2016. A survey of the lot was performed by Maxwell Geospatial in 2018, which indicated that the existing screen enclosure for the pool, positioned on an angle against the property line, was, at the closest point, 1.3 feet from that line and encroached into a 5-foot utility easement (Exhibit A). Based on Section 54-2-5.10(e)(2)a.2, the definition of yards for a corner lot, the south property line is established as the "side yard", and the west line as the "rear" (Exhibit B). The side yard setback for the RS-20 zoning district is 15 feet, which is the distance the screen enclosure should be from the south property line. The applicants are requesting a variance from this requirement. b. Current Zoning: Current Land Use: C. Adjacent Properties: North: East: South: West: d. Site Characteristics RS-20 (Single -Family Residential, Min 20,000 SF Lots) VLDR (Very Low Density Residential, 3 units per acre) Zoning (1) Total Acreage: RS-20 RS-20 RS-20 RS-20 (2) Current Land Use(s): (3) Water Service: (4) Sanitary Sewer Service: 8. Staff Comments: Current Land Use residence residence vacant residence Future Land Use VLDR VLDR VLDR VLDR .68 acres, or 29,429 SF Single-family residence Well Septic system The pool and screen enclosure were permitted by a previous owner in 1998, using a 1988 survey that indicated different PRM (permanent reference markers) locations and property line lengths than shown on the 2018 survey. The application from the pool contractor originally noted the proposed location of the enclosure to be 10 feet from the south property line (Exhibit Q. When reviewing the application, the 1998 staff inadvertently determined the south line to be the "rear" property line since the pool and enclosure were behind the house. The code allows for a 10-foot rear setback for screen enclosures, but staff was errant in not applying the definition of side or rear yards for corner lots and issued the permit. The enclosure should have been required to meet the 15-foot side yard setback. An explanation for the inconsistencies between the two surveys remains unresolved. In part, the differences shown in property line lengths are a contributing 2 factor to the amount of relief needed. However, consideration of the variance should be given using reliance on the most recent signed and sealed survey. The recorded subdivision plat for the property dedicated 5 feet on all front, side and rear lot lines as utility easements, unless otherwise noted (Exhibit D). The easements are dedicated to and for maintenance by the San Sebastian Springs Property Owners Association (POA), and are not public. The City has no obligations, responsibility, or control of these easements, or authority to abandon them. Nevertheless, in order to thoroughly consider the variance request, it is necessary to know if those entities with interests in the subject side yard easement would allow an encroachment into the 5-foot area. The applicants have requested and received correspondence from Florida Power & Light and the Board of Directors of the POA, both acquiescing to the encroachment (Exhibits E and F). 9. Board Criteria for Determining Variances: See attached analysis. This criterion was considered in determining staff's recommendation. The applicants have also submitted a response to the Board criteria (Exhibit G). 10. Staff Recommendation: Staff reconnnends approval of the variance request for the property located at 616 Cross Creek Drive, Lot 45, San Sebastian Springs Subdivision, to allow a pool screen enclosure to be a maximum of 1.3 feet from the side property line. The approval is based on consideration of the Board of Directors of the Property Owners' Association's and Florida Power & Light's approval of the enclosure's encroachment into the dedicated side yard utility easement. 11. Board Action: Conduct quasi-judicial hearing to consider the requested variance. Dorri Bosworth, Manager/Planner Community Development Department i Dat� 3 BOARD CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING VARIANCES Section 54-1-2.5 In order to authorize any variance from the terms of the land development regulations, the Board of Adjustment must use the following criteria for approving or denying a variance: a. Existence of special conditions or circumstances. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. Meets Standard Yes 2 No ❑ Unresolved issues regarding placement of the Permanent Reference Markers (PRM) for the property exists, in addition to an inadvertent determination of setback requirements by a previous city staff. Although the survey issue is a matter to be resolved between the property owner and the POA, a variance would still be needed to resolve the "side yard setback" vs. the "rear yard setback" error that occurred when the pool and enclosure permits were issued. b. Conditions not created by applicant. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. Meets Standard Yes Cq' No ❑ Both issues — survey and setbacks — are not the result of any actions by the applicants. C. Special orivileees not conferred. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. Meets Standard Yes d No ❑ Numerous permits have been issued for pool and screen enclosures on corner lots that have met the setback requirements. And when the original pool and enclosure permits were reviewed for this property, they were issued with the determination that they complied with regulations based on the signed and sealed survey submitted with the application. Special privileges are not being conveyed based of a submittal of a revised, updated survey that indicates different information, and a re -review and differing determination by current staff. d. Hardshia conditions exist. That literal interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would create unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. Meets Standard Yes C/ No ❑ A hefty financial hardship would be incurred to relocate the pool and enclosure to meet required setbacks. Correspondence from the POA and FPL has been received acknowledging the encroachment with no request to relocate the structure. e. Only the minimum variance granted. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Meets Standard Yes 6Y No ❑ Based on the current survey, and the angle the screen enclosure is positioned along the property line, a minimum variance of 13.7 feet — at one point — is needed, at the eastern end of the enclosure. [At the western end of the enclosure, because of the angle, the encroachment is 3.2 feet into the 15 foot setback] L Not iniurious to public welfare or intent of ordinance. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan and this code, and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Meets Standard Yes GY No ❑ The intent of separation between buildings and structures from adjacent properties will not be met. However, the pool and screen enclosure does not appear to be injurious or detrimental to the adjacent vacant lot. With regards to the proximity of the enclosure to the existing power lines, the application has been reviewed by FPL, with no follow-up request to relocate the structure. g. Conditions and safeguards may be imposed. In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with chapter 163 F.S., the comprehensive plan, and any ordinance enacted under its authority. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of the ordinance. Meets Standard Yes C No ❑ No conditions are being proposed. However, if for any reason in the future the pool or screen enclosure are rebuilt or redesigned, excluding weather or fire incidents, setback requirements shall be met. h. Time limit may be imposed. The board of adjustment may prescribe a reasonable time limit during which the applicant shall commence and/or complete the subject actions and conditions approved by the board. Meets Standard Yes C� No ❑ Since the pool and enclosure are existing, time limits are not being proposed. i. No use variance permitted in specified instances. Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment grant a variance to permit a use not generally permitted in the zoning district involved or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of the ordinance in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district and no permitted use of lands, structures, or buildings in other zoning districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a variance. Meets Standard Yes ( No ❑ The request is not a use -related variance — Accessory Residential Uses/swimming pools & enclosures are allowed in this zoning district. 7 / J LEGAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS i llIT 0. R[PLLT OP EW E®ASTIAN WPMGB SUBANIG , ACGDIDNND TO TB[ MAP OR PUT TR6REM. AS H[CORDED IN FIAT SOON �, CaRmOINE (C) CAILWLLTHII NAVD NATIO AIm11CW C WROIL DATUM NGY➢ NATIONAL CEO➢EPIC YACNCAL OANI1 11. PAU[(S) a AND 92A, INCLAUSIM OF TIM PUBLIC EMODEUR OF COGAN HIrDt COUNTY. GOGUA. ® TRWRom VNTTY (0) (Y) O]iBSY® PLLT DATA NR NON MAIM I ; p. GELT6IC BD[ GAS CUNCSITS CURB A cUTTEE ORB DmnA, JUNDOU9 HIDE P.U3. 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INOIAH RIVLs c➢nxrr PpopE6TP CONTAINS ...a ACC , 110- allUUM (29.s¢p81 SO9ABa RS). WE LART DAY[ 01 Wait, msr va IGIRUARY D. TOIa. �GTIDvE \\ \` ' \\ \ \` \ 1➢r pl \ \ p. NGTGUNR sR0[N HEREON DO NM IMPp!ffirf A 'FIELD SU➢VIY UPDAT[• UNIESE UWUMU S N— \ \ 7. D. ALOL�M TAw LANE Or THE sacra T rwcr IS Aabll® TO REAEIN B04'SM ALL m®I B[AROAG9 senWN An R[LLTn[ \\ \ •L\ �v r�a"Ti all p \\ \\ anur oe WI prMRYN \\ \ •,\ a�� \ \\ R. O D1t FUND UTUX M. UTILITY iii-I pS. YDUNDADMSS AND ID'HovB1eM9 TIME NOT LOCATED M A FAST OF WAR UMPSY. \ \ (w. AI, IU•aovaimm. OWES THAN Wan SEDIN SON. II= NOT LGCAT[D As Pillar or THIS Sn"I . IN SOM Wn Nan, GRAPEC REPHEMNTA'ION•S AND SYMBOLS MW NAME BAN QIMMM TO YORE CLEAELY LLLUSID ATE \ \ TEE AGATIONBHIP BEIWSM, PRYBICAL INPUDVGG W ANNOB UT, LMMl M LUGUISENS G GVN HEAL, CONTROL WE CERTD7ICATION \ \ \ \ LOCATION, all, WE uneovL w x — Tee RruEa Pasrr .. ,\ l l \ t ll. BLNRJeLT PROPL6CY I. —M WTIEIN AN ALn1 IGVDEG A ERR nBGGNATIUN T. DASD ON =0 INSMAII- EATS YAP No. TBIN NAP IDSPppseBN7a AN AM" US WE O80UN0 HURVEY PEGVG® BY A6 DE Milan W DIBpLT HUPUMON. TGp MAP AND \ \ 1 \ \ \\ 12. All, ZMATUNE aeDLN ®¢ON a. var'LRENCm TO Nam AYEEICAN vpHICJL DtlNY Or lap (NAvUpE). PAILTIR AE MUM IN MLPMR 414 FIDMA BHD'MRB. CBAPIGR 51-li�OF TEE PiAMUA ADf@SHTEATMRGain- ANDARDS 01 Fs] A BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR;•• FRED & GLORIA CLIFFORD - J�y. ® MAXWELL GEOSPATIAL, INC. J SHEET RkST 4899 Kirby Loop CORoad, Fort Pierce, pFL 34981 - rn SECTION TI TOWN6mP sl DIAN RANGE pH-Y 4 9®ASTIAN, FLORIDA, R4DU.N RIVER COUNTY � O F P:(772)801-520%M:(337)356-2543 DATE 2/92018 CRUM IFI P. GRAD AAMLT. nORIDA REGISTRATION j7070 IGkATUIE DATE SCALE 1• = 20' C318GM BY PCY - PROFESSIONAL SURVIVOR AND YAPPER r FR3N.AIIN 18011 ele CROSS Cg[gE,DIIG Exhibit B ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS § 54-2-5.10 XIV Landscaping material, including trees, shall not obstruct the vision of the motoring public. The landscape requirements of article XIV shall further regulate development within all zoning districts, excepting single-family zoned districts. (2) Yards requirements. Table 54-2-5.10 provides the required yard setbacks. These setbacks shall be based on the following definitions of regulated yards. a. Yard defined. An open space at grade between a building setback and the adjoining lot lines, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. In measuring a yard for the purpose of determining the width of a side yard, the depth of a front yard or the depth of a rear yard, the minimum horizontal distance between the lot line and the required building setback shall be used. 1. Yard, front. Ayard extending across the front of a lot between the side yard lines, and being the minimum horizontal distance between the street line and the structure or any projections thereof, other than the projections of uncovered steps and those allowed per section 54-2-5.10(e)(2)f. On corner lots and through lots all yards, which abut the street, are considered front yards for setback purposes. 2. Yard, rear. A yard extending across the rear of a lot between the side lot lines and between the rear lot line and the nearest structure. On lots with one front line, the lot line opposite the front lot line shall be the rear lot line. On corner lots which abut two streets with front lot lines of unequal length, the rear yard line shall be opposite and parallel to the shortest front lot line. On a corner lot which abuts three streets, the remaining lot line shall be a side yard if it abuts a side yard and shall be a rear yard if it abuts a rear yard. 3. Yard, side. A yard between any structure and the side line of the lot, and extending from the front lot line to the rear yard and being the minimum horizontal distance between a side lot line and the side of any structure. A yard which is not a front or rear yard. b. Yard and building site requirements. Yards or building sites created after the effective date of the land development regulations shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements established in the Schedule of District Regulations located herein. No yard or building site existing at the time of passage of this article shall be reduced in dimension or area below the minimum requirements set forth herein. C. Special front yard regulations. 1. Lots with double frontage. The front yard regulations shall apply to both streets on through lots or double frontage lots. 2. Corner lots. There shall be a front yard on each street side of a corner lot, provided, however, that the buildable width of such lot shall not be reduced Supp. No. 13 LDC5:32.5 Exhibit C ROUTE LIST: Applicant Address L� Lot Block Units v�- Received: Date a Time Approved For Comments: Permit BY - Released Date ('AfTime 1*tl Contractor Licensinq: Review Date Time Comments: By Z Released Date U G Time if,� Zonisq : Review Date Comments: gYReleased Date f•�`��"/Time ############################################################# Plan Review: Review Date t t o Time — Comments: By Released Date (v[O +v Time Permit Issuance: : Review Date t-- Time Comments: ,plc B Rele ased Date Z Time,42f!!!� g P 14:: Y 1 /07 CITY OF SEBASTIAN APPLICATION FOR' PERMITS f _ s::aasssssszars=a�ssssss===:sssssss=s::ssslasssss===ass:sss:gnats=ssssas:It• APPLICANT TO COMPLETE ALL ITEms IN I, I I , III, 1 V , V _ :ssssss.==ssaatatssax:s>Qssssssac3s===iii>s�ss:s=sssaisarssso=neat*s=sessa===s WIT 1 I. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 45 BLOCK S!D San Sebastian Springs !� S CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 616 Cross Creek Drive Sebastian FL 32958 r r v4DIAN RIVER COUNTY TAX PARCEL 14 -- 31 -- 38 -00003 -0000 -003 45.Q� sassits:s.:s=�:eats.:s:sts;s===ssssss===soQswsss=sss-=:>Rssas:=..=s::.ss===s=-= o I Z . CONTRACTOR: Pioneer Screen Co, Inc. II PHONE ;561 1'40-4393 .XDDRESS : Port Sr. Lucie 1682 SW Biltmore Street CITY STATE % Florid-2 ZIP; 34984 STATE REG # : . s=m:sssttsssss=sass::::=:==ssssssssass==s::sass:=====s=:sass====a:ssssas== Ill. OWN& ER OF PROPERTY: Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wray ADDRESS: 616 Cross Creek. Drive CITY: Sebastian ST FL DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: 561 581-0735 ZFp: 32958 = I. salsssssssst==><:sasses=_-=assssssa:=..s==3:ssissssas==sarssaczas:=-rs:stus:s IV. TYPE OF WORK: NEW XX ADD./ALT. REPAIR DEMOI WITION y RESIDENTIAL: XKX COMMERCIAL: MULTI-- FA.MILY DESCRIPTION OF WORK: InstAll pool enclosure on existing slab. PUBLIC SEWER: YES NO' PCBLIC WATER: YES NO TOTAL $0. FT. �,2Q�3 CONDZTION +' NON-COND. ESTIMATED FAIR MARKET VALUE S 4434.00 a:asts0ww=-sarss=s==Macau was====s=_=sss;assriaanus=====:ssssans:icon Mazzaa=r==Z V . TOILETS BATE TUBS TUB/SHOWER SHOWER KITCH . SINK WELL LAVATORIES DISPOSAL' WATER HEATER . WASH . KACH . HOOK-UP LAUNDRY TUB HOSE SIBS DISHWASHER_„ SERVICE AMPS TEMP. SERVICE OUTLETS/swrTcHES A/C TONAGE HEAT STRIP _ =c=a:sss>es=sassssr:=a:ssssz:sssss.st.r:seass:ssa.css====r:see=====---z3asasss 4 APPLICANT MUST COMPLETE PAGE TWO AND SIGN PACE THREE � C2� ' �.. - f :J`_I�. �� ; l.1 / r't i !- i� U� � 'St`:,,1'� I � 4f 1_L U�'i 1 �. � i �O � '7L�i`!• �b0 �'. '� PACE TWO ; -%E.L OF THE BELOW SUB -CONTRACTORS -M-UST BE LISTED WITH STATE �leGISTRATION NUMBER, CERTIFICATION NUMBER, OR SEBASTIAN CUMPETENCY NUMBER, DEPENDING ON CONTRACTOR. THE CITY PROVIDES- PRE-PRINTED POSTCARDS THAT MUST BE COMPLETED ENTIRELY FOR EACH SUB -CONTRACTOR LISTED AND UTILIZED BY THE CONTRACTOR. POSTAGE MUST BE ATTACHED TO EACH POSTCARD PRIOR TO SUBMITTING APPLICATION. DO NOT MAIL THE POSTCARDS YOURSELF, THE CITY WILL MAIL THEM. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. ssssrruss:sra==:ssssszaasssss=ass+sssi== ==asss:s=:sssaaA== a sits X=vasea=s s s :_ r STATE REGISTRATION $ SUB -CONTRACTOR NAME ; SEBAST IAN COMP. # ELECTRICAL: ; ` PLUMBING: ; �l ECEIAN ICAL : ; ROOFING: ; CARPENTER: ; . r DRYWALL: ; INSULATION: ; r PAINTING: ; CONCRETE/MASONRY:: LATH/PLASTERING: ; r r Ar.UMIHUM/ ; STRUCTURAL: Pioneer Screen Co, Inc. II 947 ALUMINUM/ ; NON-STRUCTURAL: SEPTIC: ; r , WELL: CARPET: ; TILE: EXCAVATXNG/ ; CLEARING/GRADING:; TERMITE CONTROL: _• e�{ 1 ` 9— 8 ~ ; 0 F'it 1 Ff :ON I SEBAS T i At i_COt I t CC 56 s 5,ill 66 PAGE THREE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO 00 THE WORK AND INSTALLATIONS AS INDICATED• I CERTIFY THAT NO WORK OR INSTALLAVON HAS COMMENCED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE Of A PERMIT, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL 8E PERFORMED TO MEET THE STANDARDS OF ALL LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, INSURANCE, AND WORKMAN T S COMPENSATION. I UNDERSTAND THAT A SEPARATE SUB —PERMIT MOST BE OBTAINED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECRANCIAL,.POOLS, ETC. PROPERTIES SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN OF LITTER AND ALL STREETS, SIDEWALKS, AND CURBS DAMAGED 0,02 TO THIS CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER ORTOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE. OF OCCUPANCY. pi , 1 OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I CERTIFY THAT ALL THE FOREGOING INFORMATION IS ACCURATE AND THAT ALL WORK WILL. BE DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITR ALL APPLICABLE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION AND ZONING. WARNING TO OWNERi YOUR ?ALLURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT XN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT ITH R LENDER -OR AN ATTORS BEFO RECORDING YOUR NOTICE F MMENi ENT. S NATURE OF 0 W N E ,,, T cY ATURE CO GEL lONeE(iLY AIM{ FM T DATE : December 8, w OO�MAiION 1 oo'gpowwit WAWIw IN"PM� MOWN= imp r 1 A14,Q NOTARY AS TO OWNER OR AGENT NOTARY AS T C NTRA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 10/13/2300 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: At1l OOMIIM11011 / O�.Mdt4 oUttt�r+OgeMr �, boo T® s�asaesss�ts�sswsss::s=as==�s:�l�fsss+Ra:r�_s�:s=sssaaa::s=a;��atsssss�tssi::aas DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE / OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT ZONING ,�S•�o TAZ APPLICATION RECEIVED BY T-z� DATE L._Z=, /0/,=� ES PD '7�l I •, � SZ PLANS CHECKED BY: to7-Y-SSUANCE B: Y FLOOD ZONE: SLAB SURVEY REQUIRE . FEES ' BUILDING PERMIT 5,.� • p C/ PLUMBING PERMIT S ELECTRICAL PERMIT $ MECHANICAL PERMIT $ RADON (STATE) $ OTHER S TOTAL FEES i SKETCH V Iwo le� GS oollo NOOa11'CO Fle.:.a7 s1JaA6 -'I ,~ LOT Z5.315' W-FT. a ZM.v 1. COT SQ.F4T. 1'Vt TOTAL=3(e.3ZZ' SQ.FT. m �I . i 4 VACAU7 4-G 161�o rW aR. r• lel b' I Y a I' , OVp I � r] a I a 89 V tQ > tr¢tte 60• eiw OF SURVEY �- SfiPTIG". • 1 s+D'' � .____.--___-168901e•� _ r aa.. \ 171:44' X xeo ba esrl•'I... .. I 3 � % 3 riy scr ro�n oEPI O a / 13 P � ' sae beryF ma's !L '( o.0 fc n /-; j ad , I 31 Ju i IbD ,9�n1 ��N AID I nyr. n 4ka.� SURVEYORS NOTES: Type DT Survey BODUMZY % PWT PLAAS Dearings Based Ca PLAT QElevatims Dared 0. ASSULW-b DATA FLOOD ZOUE"C" PAl)EL W.IZOIZ300058 lur 45 , BLOCK. SAM 5EBASTM 5PRIAJGS AS RM:C•ORDEB IN PIAT ROOK I1 PAGE 58 , OF THE MIBLIC RF..CORDS OF WDIAU FIVC-R COUNTY, FLORYDA. IDATE 7- 19- 8% I HEREBY CERTIFY TRAT THE SURVEY R£PRPSP.NTED SCALE I HERRON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE REST OF NY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH DI' TII}; OWG. EY S.D.W. FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS, FLORIDA CHK. ETi AA.S K. ADMINI ATIV CODE 101-6. PROJ. NO. XIOI L J. KANE., FEA.- L.S. 14029 - PREPARED FOR kWP-V U 1-ICUAE5 MICHAEL J. KANE R.LS. P.O. BOX 226B5 MELBOURNE FLA-32902-2685 1 7T1R N r7r.T A" 6.16 (fross crCC /r Dr Jc _ ..... all" f if i STrUC #lJrti 1 6u4er r� 2x3 In 1� a- I — '1% 0.0 r— So r 0% :� - _ dx 3 nixz r a i (�:—I I I 9 �� yi4 � J t o s e • q �b NSA UTILITY EASEMENT5 ALL C)gt.%Q&GE ELI.SEME.MTS AS SHOW►J APE UTILITY EASEMEOTS - 5 FEET OK) FROWTI SIDE I11.ID QEAiZ LOT LINES OF O-LL_ LOTS A2E DEDICATED UTILITY( EASEMEMTS / PLAT BOOK II PAGE 9 z A _ SHEET? OF 2 DOCKETT NO.lQB7-q8 o go •o0 20 m x LM ItRTIFICATE OF DEDICATION STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Know all men by these presents that the undersigned, being the owner In fee simple of these lands described hereon does hereby dedicate said lands and plat for the uses and purposes thereon expressed and dedicates to the perpetual use of the San Sebastian Springs Property owners Association Inc. all roads and easements In this subdivision and are the perpetual maintenance obilgtlon of the association with the full knowledge that the some are not dedicated to the public are not and will not be part of the City of Sebastlan's System of Public Roads, and will not be Improved or maintained by the City of Sebastian. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE UNDERSIGNED: Henry A. Fischer, fames T. Wadsworth, Dorthy Wadsworth, Hereunto set their, hand hand and sea[ on zS- to witness alf signatures itneas to all 5 natures Fitness , o a s gnatures ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CITY OF SEBASTIAN HENR, IS HER AMES T. WA WORTH 0*01f Y YYAD 5 0 ' H "his is to certify 'ha' un _ Lk,25 19j _ beFure me an officer duly authorited Yo take ack owledpc- ments In the State and City aforesaid, personally appeared Henry A. Fischer, James T. Wadsworth and Dorothy Wadsworth to me known to be the persons described In and who executed the foregoing dedication and severally acknowledged the execution thereof. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and eeal on the above date. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION- ,ERTIFICATE H f .-F FI OR,0A COI1N I Y OF INDIAN OF SURVEYOR RIVER \ c� VAC \ 89 565 AC r G, �s 69 6 '.00O N OC E 163.74' 97 \ 579 <C A4Z ti6 V IN.160.00 OI CROSS CAffX CFRCLE Zk-RIVATE RD J 00^ II OO, E 1 1.68, N lB3.0/110A0' „ 60 _ .519 AC. (31 62 160 4C. O ii .556 4C. OOZE OMOO' M t- -d op Z w� a '- _Z >� 5 9 562 AC. �— — �i19661— N oM 1� pW 926 49AC �6pl 4c .676 r 'ICCC� 63 a 5 56 4C. w W 48 Z .507 AC -9p G-i9 �Az ?t.4s o ^ 13 o q $, 507 � i o n g^ 544 AC 0 3 Z 150 00' �n N ` N 00003'00'f OL 516 AC 5 000I!'O((77 W i 6S. 43 " 83 566 4C 500011.00,W 64.4 8 84 522 4C 192.00 12CCC' 45C a� CO Q, 14 N fl-,3 009 c 150.00 3945 E 80 56.78 V L� ti W 65 66 64 j N .523 AC. ��v 541 571 AC. z z - 31.12 _ CRO_ S �a 1D6. 10' 3 514 51 AC /69. 9g N 090 2 3 �54 3 551 44C. cy/rn 89 1p O S 89 c'RF Z 544 Ac n A w ro. c E 0 QI 17 •'ra• 1� :- L o o' � — rn 161.9j43E xr1 � N �3 Exhibit E aFlorida Power & Light Company, 3301 Orange Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34947 LPL July 29, 2019 Fred Clifford 616 Cross Creek Dr, Sebastian, FL 32958 Re: Platted Easement Encroachment San Sebastian Springs, Lot 62 Thank you for contacting FPL about the encroachment of 5 ft easement on the south perimeter of lot 62 San Sebastian Springs, PB 11, PG 92 in the platted utility easement at the referenced location. FPL has facilities on this easement but has no objection to this existing encroachment and will not require its removal, however FPL does not agree to the future encroachment of any other structures into the easement. If I can be of any further assistance, please contact me at (772) 489-6204. Sincerely, Armlight Ma n Project Man er A NEXTera ENERGY Company Exhibit- F 10-7-19 UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAN SEBASTIAN SPRINGS PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. The undersigned, being all the Directors of San Sebastian Springs Property Owners' Association, Inc., a Florida not -for -profit corporation, hereby consent, pursuant to §617.0821 Florida Statutes, as amended, of the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act, to the adoption of the following resolutions in lieu of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: WHEREAS, the Replat of San Sebastian Springs Subdivision is recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 92 (hereinafter "Replat"); and WHEREAS, the Replat provides that all roads and easements as shown thereon are dedicated to the San Sebastian Springs ,Property Owners' Association, Inc. (the "Association"); and WHEREAS, the Replat provides that there is a five (5) foot Utility Easement along the front, side and rear of all lot lines of all lots (the "Utility Easement"); and WHEREAS, Fred "Cliff" Clifford and Gloria Clifford, his wife (the "Clifford's"), own Lot 45 within the Replat located at 616 Cross Creek Drive, Sebastian, Florida 32958 (the "Clifford Lot"); and WHEREAS, the pool, pool deck and screen enclosure (the "Encroachment") located on the Clifford Lot encroaches on a diagonal up to a maximum of 3.7 feet into the 5 foot side yard Utility Easement on the Clifford Lot; and WHEREAS, Florida Power & Light Company, the electric provider for the subdivision has no objection to the Encroachment as evidence by its letter dated July 29, 2019 to Fred Clifford; and WHEREAS, the Clifford's have applied to the City of Sebastian, Florida, for a variance up to a maximum of 3.7 feet from the City's side yard setback requirements for the encroachment into the Utility Easement; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors for the Association, the owner of the Easement right, has reviewed the Encroachment and determined that it is minimal, that it has been in effect for years, that it has no adverse effect on the Association or the utility provider (FPL) and that there is an additional 5 foot Utility Easement area available on the adjacent lot. ( 00113713.DOCX.1 I F�2, 10-7-19 The Board of Directors hereby adopts the following: RESOLVED, that the Association hereby consents to the Encroachment into the 5 foot side yard Utility Easement along the South lot line of the Clifford Lot as shown on that certain survey prepared by Maxwell Geospatial, Inc. dated February 9, 2018 as drawing 18011 616 Cross Creek (the "Survey"). RESOLVED, that the Association hereby consents to and approves the Application for and the granting by the City of Sebastian, Florida of a variance of up to 3.7 feet for the Encroachment into the side yard 5 foot Utility Easement along the South lot line of the Clifford Lot as shown on the Survey. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have duly executed this Consent to be effective as of the day and year written below. Dated: �/F,t31%p i _5 , 2019 1 1 HEony�seher, Director, President Actsckyrek(i-r-c1c,Por� Henry 'v Fischer, Director, Vice President Eric C. Fischer, Director, Secretary! Treasurer N/A Fred Clifford, Director Due to a conflict of interest Fred Clifford has abstained and will not sign this Consent. 100t 137I3.DOCX. I ) 2 EXh1b1t &2 (r3 )o Was \0.N5 weR� �q°\'6) �� OnA to C- I! 1�p �c�g62�� liEt S5 "%,"— w a\ Nok &E� V, , Salt,, °` rJ� � � NSA � Csq C---)T 4le-, ct 54�a-o 2OLN\A,�}„c�„�i iN IR9�. Permit Application No. SE�T�►V City of Sebastian rioms of vtuc.w isiwo Development Order Application I Ann" t (If t pp Ican no owner, written a1uth�oriIzation (notarized) from owner is required) Warne: iztov'L'a, /0 Address: ��U /CjSS CARtE f DriVc, 57—q Ss P�oe)M,;rR EVar Owner (if JJ different from applicant))) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: E-Mail: Title of permit or action requested: PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11 ° COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. $1 A. Project Name (if applicable): I B. Site Information ,,,(J I Address: ( � � �b- 'C- s • . 3 a 9 s g �ro S S Lot: 1 j Block: Unit: Subdivision: Indian River Count Pa el #: 313X1` h00036n000p S.O 11 Zoning Class• ilcatf_oon: V F ture Land Use: Existing Use: Proposed Use: C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): _ P91 �A�GC i DATE RECEIVEDC�--/f /� FEE PAID: $ oZS ` o� RECEIVED BY: Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: I Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: E-Mail: 1 Attorney: Name: I Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: E-Mail: Engineer: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: E-Mail: I Surveyor: X I Name: I Address /1ka C 9 y I�.3�^4iI99 Lj Phone Num r 77 �_V�N E-Mail: 4 �3e_Chad C� m ►�� F I ( Pow. -h I , rc _ n.Mis 0 \ :�4 l EING FIRST DULWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: V_ I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, D THAT L T MATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURAT T E E KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. x 1(,irvE I B I 0,019 SIG TURE —� DATE I WORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY J:Pff0 F. eat f:6*dc.. 11111I,, AS IDENTIFICATION, 1T'DA OF --DU AIF ,201. \QQ'�� ,1 SIOBO'S�;O.➢���'' O; LO J S28.20' i •,Ty NOTARY'S SIGNATURE % • �, 13O�J' PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION ap =y:y NFF 9MM SEAL: l i09BOntl.ted lbN 0`�i'• �c� 'ii 9f,• P°4(Undl •• �� Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, V THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE �p `;� /}-U qkt 7XL--w,'T BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. 1/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIV D C ENT G SIGNED BY MENUS VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PRO Y AN OYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. St�IJ� IB�zolg G AT E DATE Sworn to and bssrib efore me by R2� F- ca I f�r26 who isyer ovally knew me or produced �1P�ItWnHip���� as identification, this i S day of GTbtuN 20 \0`p0V M BOSWo����i ���Q-••pd53�ON � Notary's Signature ze.zo °•y Printed Name of Notary ru . 0S",nz Commission No./Expiration W Q�/ Seal: 2;2 ff 96M �9•��ayPonded �j� Qy •. c Untie •.'�O``�� �BUC, STA'��������\ APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE Permit Application No. Ono 5?!��V HOME Of PELICAN KMID Supplemental Information Application to the Board of Adjustment 1. This application is for a (check one): ✓ variance(s) appeal(s) 2. Specify all code provisions for which a variance is being requested or the decision or decisions that you are appealing. (Attach extra sheets if neces ): Vr,, Ofr\0 OW 64 O"IQC 1 93 q UJt acu -U A V\)t Se 3. Legal description of the properly involved: �O � � `*!55vOC .1N4) L-A#450T ��aO �bCLStiClt� S' �rin�jS — � 313K I �Ft4 b�,3 ow o c0o45.0 4. Attach the following: a. Boundary survey of the property executed by a Florida Registered Surveyor. The survey shall show the dimensions of the lot or parcel at issue, the location of all structures, if any, along with adjacent streets, and all easements and right-of-ways. b. Additional data and information as required to properly advise the Board of the facts and circumstances needed to decide the case on its merits. *-C-. The names and addresses of all property owners whose property or part of their real property is within 300 feet of any outer boundary of the lot or parcel of land that is subject of the application. im a SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET ■ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 www.cityofsebastian.org PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF SEBASTIAN 1225 MAIN STREET INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WILL CONDUCT A RESCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8', 2020, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED AT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, TO CONSIDER A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 54-2-5.2.2(d)(5)F OF THE SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. FRED AND GLORIA CLIFFORD, IN REGARDS TO LOT 45, SAN SEBASTIAN SPRINGS SUBDIVISION REPLAT, LOCATED AT 616 CROSS CREEK DRIVE, ARE REQUESTING A VARIANCE FOR AN EXISTING SCREEN ENCLOSURE FOR A POOL TO BE AT MAXIMUM 1.3 FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE OF A CORNER LOT, AND ENCROACH INTO A 5 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, WHEREAS THE REGULATIONS FOR THE RS-20 ZONING DISTRICT REQUIRES THAT STRUCTURES MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SETBACK OF 15 FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE. ED DODD, CHAIRMAN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF SEBASTIAN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (772) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Published: Tuesday, December 24, 2019