HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-2019 PR MinutesPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 16, 2019 Call to Order -- Acting Chairperson White called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all i�C.11[�71 Present Mr. Agudelo Mr. Danise Ms. White Mr. Sims Not Present Ms. Webster — Excused Mr. Renzi -- Excused Also Present Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. Meetina Chair Makes Announcements Mr. Benton stated Ms. Webster and Mr. Renzi are excused from tonight's meeting. 5. Agenda Modifications -- None 6. ADDroval of Minutes -- October 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the October 28, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Sims, seconded by Mr. Agudelo, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Unfinished Business A. Lightning System Update Mr. Benton stated that, pursuant to discussion at the last Committee meeting, he looked into lightning prediction and lightning detection systems. He described Thor Guard as a system that predicts lightning in the atmosphere; it does not detect lightning strikes. He met with a representative of Thor Guard at the Barber Street complex. While there, they tested the horn system, and it was determined that there would be two horn systems PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2019 needed due to the distance between buildings. Mr. Benton asked for a quote, which he recently received. The quote was $21,165.00 for the lightning system at Barber Street. This was substantially higher than what he had expected. This is something that is not budgeted for this year. He plans to get a legal opinion from the City's attorney before ever going forward with this. At this time, the City's present attorney is resigning. Once the new attorney is on board, Mr. Benton will discuss the matter with him/her. His goal is to get a legal opinion on a lightning system here in Sebastian. If it is decided to move forward on a lightning system, the Board could look at budgeting it for next fiscal year. The little leagues and football programs could also be approached to see if they are willing to help provide funds for this project. Ms. White inquired about the difference between prediction and detection of lightning. Mr. Benton explained that a detection system will alert when the first lightning strike occurs at or near the park. A prediction system is when the system alerts that there is the chance of lightning in a designated area around the park. The Thor Guard system will not give the all clear until there is no chance for lightning in the area. Mr. Benton said it was suggested to house the main unit at the football fields, which would be on the second floor of the building. On top of the building there would be a flashing light and a cluster of horns that would be aimed in every direction around the park. Al the baseball complex on the roof of that building there would be mounted a flashing light and the horn cluster as well at that site. They would remotely communicate with each other. So when it activates at the football facility, it would also activate at the baseball facility. Mr. Danise inquired if this is the same unit that is installed at the Sebastian High School. Mr. Benton stated he does not know for sure, but he will look into it. Mr. Sims inquired as to what type of systems the County has. Mr. Benton will check with the County as well. Ms. White inquired if the Committee would want to look at it for the next year once they get more information on systems, prices, etc.? It was the consensus among the Committee members that this is how they would like to proceed. Mr. Benton said he will get with the attorney, check prices, etc., and find out if the little leagues and the football program would be able to contribute. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2019 Mr. Sims also asked if, since the Barber Street complex is a community park, would there be funds from the other zones that could be used towards the lightning warning system. Mr. Benton said he will have to look at what money is still in the budget for this year after the projects that are presently slated are used and if the little leagues and football program are willing to contribute. How much money is available from those sources will decide whether the system can be installed during this year or if it must wait until next fiscal year. Mr. Danise suggested that, if all the parks in Sebastian aren't covered, signage be installed at the parks where there is no lightning coverage so that users are aware of that. Mr. Sims inquired what, if anything, is being used at the Barber Street fields presently. Mr. Benton stated since he has been here there has not been anything purchased, but he is of the opinion that there were handheld units used in the past. B. Batting Cage Project Mr. Benton reported that presently the flooring that has been in the batting cages is being removed. Moving forward with the plan for the batting cages, he has received a quote for the fencing to protect the netting area. That price will be in the area of $6,000.00. The batting cage netting is going to be around $2,000.00. Once the new fencing is delivered, the existing fencing will be removed. He has some photographs of batting cages that have been utilized by others, and he will send these photos out to all the Committee members. He hopes to get this project completed before the start of little league season. Ms. White called for questions/comments from the Committee members. Mr. Agudelo asked what the new flooring for the batting cages will be. Mr. Benton stated that as of now it will remain concrete. The little league is looking into purchasing a turf system that would provide some cushion. They also have to purchase home plate mats, etc. Mr. Agudelo said the cages at the high school have a low-grade turf that is adequate to prevent the balls getting roughed up from the concrete. Mr. Agudelo also commented on some sprinklers that remained up at the Barber Street complex, and he thought this may create a safety hazard. Mr. Benton stated he will have it looked at tomorrow. 8. Public Inout -- None 9. New Business -- None PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2019 10. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton reviewed the various park projects and their status. Dog Park Shade Structures — The shade structures have been completed at the dog park. Two concrete pads were installed, one in the small dog area and one in the large dog area. In early December shade structures were installed by Carolina Carports. Four new picnic tables were also placed, two under each structure. Mr. Benton stated he has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the users of the park. Ms. White inquired as to what the cost of that project was. Mr. Benton stated the total cost of the project, including the shade structures, the concrete pads, and the picnic tables, was approximately $17,000.00. Ms. White stated it is a nice dog park, and the projects that were asked for have been completed, and that park should not need anything else in the near future. Park Signage — Mr. Benton reported that City Council approved staffs recommendation to go with West Central Signs, Inc. They are going to develop and install the park signage. Staff had a consultant work up a design. He called the Committee's attention to the samples that were handed to all members. (SEE ATTACHED) These show the examples of the poles and the signs themselves. He described the materials used to create the designs and that the signage will be the same throughout all the parks, and they will display the same theme of the other signage throughout the City. He emphasized that the signage project will be done in phases. The new park signage is just the first phase. Other new City signage will be developed in the future. Mr. Agudelo queried whether there could be a rope look added to the signage. Mr. Benton said he would talk to the contractor and see if that is possible. He stated if the City would go with actual rope, that would involve some deterioration and replacement at some point. Ms. White inquired as to the cost of an individual park sign. Mr. Benton stated the sign for Easy Street Park will cost approximately $6,500.00. It will be about the same for the gateway signage on US 1 and County Road 512. Fisherman's PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2019 Landing was around $8,700.00. The City Hall marquee was around $7,000.00. The total estimate came in around $229.000.00. He emphasized that not all of that cost will be borne by Leisure Services. There will be some funds from the CRA district that will be available. • Baseball Field Project — Staff is working with fence companies to come up with a price. He stated that the fencing price is substantially higher than what was budgeted. The project will still move forward; it's just going to have to be phased in a little differently. Instead of being able to do two fields this year, it will be possible to do only one field this year, and then the other field will be done next year. The dugout portion of the project will be done in the summertime. Staff will work on a design for that project, and he will bring that to the Committee for their approval. The last baseball scoreboard has arrived. It is scheduled to be installed this week. If not this week, it will be installed after the holidays. The old scoreboard has been removed, and the new one is ready to be installed. When this is accomplished, all of the scoreboards at Barber Street will have been replaced within the last year. • Pickleball Courts — The water meter is scheduled to be installed this week, so there will be water to the restroom facility. Electricians should be on site this week to get everything installed regarding the wiring. On December 23, FPL is to come and open the transformer. There is demolition work happening to the concrete at the entryway to the park as well as the sidewalk. It will be re -poured this week. There will be a one -Inch overlay to the parking lot completed this week. Once the grading is done by the contractor, there will be landscaping installed, and a date will be announced for the opening of the facility. The lighting for the courts will be the next part of this project. Bids were received, and staff will be meeting with a contractor this week to be sure that they can meet the requirements that staff has set forth. It is hoped that the lighting will be installed within the next six months. Ms. White asked if the courts will be open before the lighting is installed. Mr. Benton said yes. Ms. White also asked if the lights will be on a timer or how the lighting will be programmed. Mr. Benton stated that the current plan for the lighting is to install token machines. Tokens will be sold at the golf shop, and anyone PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2019 wishing to play at night would have to purchase the tokens during the hours that the golf shop is open. Ms. White stated she is not in favor of the tokens. Extended discussion ensued as to the fee for lighting at the pickleball courts as opposed to no fee for lighting at the other courts in the City. Mr. Benton explained that the City has to pay rent to the Airport for the use of this area, which is approximately $12,000.00 a year, which is required by the FAA. Mr. Sims asked if that could have been something that was looked at by this Committee before the project was started. He feels that having to pay for using the lights will turn some people off. Mr. Agudelo stated that, even with the tokens needed to play during non -daylight hours, that Is a plus compared to some of the other parks, where there is no access at all except during the daylight hours. Mr. Demise asked how many years the City is committed to pay the $12,000.00 a year for the facility. Mr. Benton stated he will have to look at the contract, and he will have more definite information on the lease contract at the next meeting. Mr. Benton staled he will explore this further, but this is the direction he was given. Another thing that is going to be rolled out sometime in the future is a cost to rent the courts for lessons and tournaments, etc. He emphasized that there will be a limit to the courts that can be rented. Staff wants to assess what hours and days of the week are more heavily used by the public. During those times the courts will not be rented. Mr. Benton further emphasized that the courts will be free of charge for the public to use anytime during the daytime. He will have a discussion with City staff, voicing this Committee's comments, before this Committee's next meeting and will report on that at the next Committee meeting. B. Board Opening Mr. Benton announced that there is one Committee alternate position available. Mr. Benton added that at the November 201h City Council meeting, a moratorium was imposed on spraying of herbicides and pesticides in the City parks for 120 days. Al the PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2019 end of the 120 days, City Council can vole to allow the spraying or to continue the moratorium. 11. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Sims congratulated Mr. Benton and his staff on the great job they're doing Mr. Danise asked if someone coming to a City park and sees fire ants, are they allowed to do anything on their own. Mr. Benton's suggestion was, if anyone has complaints of fire ants, etc., to please feel free to contact the City staff, and they can see how they can address them. Mr. Denise asked for an update on the skate park. Mr. Benton stated that the current plan is to continue the use of it free of charge. The cameras should be arriving within the next few weeks. He stated that cameras are going to be installed in some of the City parks. Ms. White asked if there are any playgrounds that the City is updating. Mr. Benton said the playground at George Street is slated to be replaced this fiscal year. The playground at Filbert Street Park currently has a sand surface. The sand is going to be removed, and playground mulch will be installed. The playground at Barber Street will have the mulch replenished. Mr. Agudelo stated he went by the skate park recently in the evening. The lights were still on, and the office was unlocked. Mr. Benton stated he will lock into that, as it should not be left unlocked. Mr. Benton wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Ms. White thanked Mr. Benton on the job that he has done. She feels like the Committee knows more about what is going on than they did for many years. The whole Committee joined in this sentiment. 12. Items for the Next Agenda and Date: January 27, 2020. 11 Adjourn There being no further business, Ms. While called for a motion. A motion to adjourn the PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2019 meeting was made by Mr. Denise, seconded by Mr. Sims, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Bvyon IA � Date: rP-may White, Acting Chairperson nd RecreationCommittee jg