HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-2020 PZ AgendaanOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET s SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 ■ FAX (772) 388-8248 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2020 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE INSPECTED iN THE OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA OR ON THE CITY WEBSITE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular & Workshop meeting of February 20, 2020 6. QUASI-JUDICIAL and PUBLIC HEARINGS • Chairman opens hearing, attorney reads ordinance or resolution or title • Commissioners disclose ex parte communication • Chairman or attorney swears in all who intend to provide testimony • Applicant or applicant's agent makes presentation • Staff presents findings and analysis • Commissioners asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor and anyone opposing the request (anyone presenting factual information shall be sworn but anyone merely advocating approval or denial need not be sworn in) • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request • Commission deliberation and questions • Chairman calls for a motion • Commission Action A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - New Model Home - 958 & 964 Roseland Road - Lots 19 & 20, Block 162, Sebastian Highlands Unit 5 - Holiday Builders, Inc. B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing - Site Plan Modification - Hometown Pet Care Center - Additional Parking - 827 Sebastian Blvd. - Lots 20 and 21, Block 187, Sebastian Highlands Unit 8 - C-512 (Commercial CR 512) Zoning District. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 8. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of members present 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Accessory Structure Review — LDC Section 54-2-7.5: • 725 Layport Drive — 24 X 31 Carport — Justin Poteat • 958 Bermuda Avenue — 26 X 38 Detached Garage — Steven Steinacher • 1520 Glentry Lane — 22 X 38 Detached Garage — Greg Anderson 10. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS 11. CITY ATTORNEY MATTERS 12. STAFF MATTERS 13. ADJOURN HEARING ASSISTANCE HEADPHONES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR ALL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONYAND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (F. S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. All government meetings in City Council Chambers will be broadcast live on COS -TV Comcast Channel 25 and ATT UVerse Channel 99 and streamed via the city website — www_ciNofsebastian.oro unless otherwise noticed and rebroadcast at a later date — see COS -TV Channel 25 for broadcast schedule 2 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY FEBRUARY 20, 2020 1. Call to Order -- Chairman Reyes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p 2. 0) C Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. C.0 3. Roll Call Present: Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Close Reeular Meetinq. Onen Livabilitv Workshop (Commission moves to audience seats) Mr. Reyes announced that at this time the regular Planning and Zoning meeting will be closed, and the open livability workshop will be opened. Ms. Frazier made a PowerPoint presentation (SEE ATTACHED) covering the individual elements of the proposed new Comprehensive Plan and explained each element. She invited questions and/or comments by the Commission members and others in the audience as she went through the elements. A questionnaire was handed out to each member of the audience at the end of the PowerPoint presentation for them to answer the following three questions and turned in at the end of the presentation. a. What do you love about your community? What does "small town" mean to you? b. What smart growth changes are needed in the future -- land use, housing, mobility -- to sustain the livability of your community? C. What would you consider priority issues? `_ A* .r ® � Mr. Roth Mr. Reyes cu EIQ � Q Mr. Simmons Mr. Christino (a) Ms. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Qizilbash A Cd U c Mr. Carter Mr. Hughan • co Mr. Alvarez cA fW C Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Directorpa G•0 2 Rc t Im Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planning Manager CON a ¢ *t cn Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. 4. Close Reeular Meetinq. Onen Livabilitv Workshop (Commission moves to audience seats) Mr. Reyes announced that at this time the regular Planning and Zoning meeting will be closed, and the open livability workshop will be opened. Ms. Frazier made a PowerPoint presentation (SEE ATTACHED) covering the individual elements of the proposed new Comprehensive Plan and explained each element. She invited questions and/or comments by the Commission members and others in the audience as she went through the elements. A questionnaire was handed out to each member of the audience at the end of the PowerPoint presentation for them to answer the following three questions and turned in at the end of the presentation. a. What do you love about your community? What does "small town" mean to you? b. What smart growth changes are needed in the future -- land use, housing, mobility -- to sustain the livability of your community? C. What would you consider priority issues? PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/ LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20, 2020 MEETING PAGE 2 Ms. Frazier called for questions and/or comments from the audience. Lengthy discussion was had among several people who voiced their concerns such as: a. Lack of affordable housing in the City of Sebastian. b. Keeping the small-town feel. C. Solving the septic/sewer situation and stormwater situation. d. Mobility. e. Density. f. Safer walkways and bicycle lanes. g. Access to and preservation of the lagoon. h. Creating neighborhoods for smaller houses. At the end of the discussion, Ms. Frazier invited anyone who is not in the audience but who would -like to have some input to please send their comments to her or her staff. She displayed the proposed timeline for the remaining workshops (SEE ATTACHED). 5. Close Workshoo. Ogen Reaular Meetinq (Commission moves back to seats) At this time Chairman Reyes closed the workshop and opened the regular meeting. 6-A. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Mr. Reyes announced that at the last City Council meeting Mr. Simmons was appointed to a regular member position on this Commission, and Ms. Kautenburg was appointed to an alternate position on this Commission. 6-B Armroval of Minutes Mr. Reyes asked if the Committee members had reviewed the Minutes as presented. All indicated they had. Mr. Reyes called for a motion to approve the Minutes of the January 16, 2020 meeting. A motion to accept the Minutes of the meeting of January 16, 2020 as presented was, made by Mr. Carter and seconded by Mr. Hughan. Mr. Reyes called for a roll call vote. Roll Call Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Hughan -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/ LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20, 2020 MEETING Mr. Simmons -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion passes. 7. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinas -- None 8. Unfinished Business -- None 9. Public Input -- None 10. New Business -- None 11. Commissioners Matters PAGE 3 Mr. Alvarez inquired as to the situation with the Adams Homes sign on Easy Street. Ms. Bosworth stated Adams Homes is in the process of moving that sign to the Barber Street site. Mr. Reyes stated he has noticed some really large sheds/garages have gone up that he does not recall having been reviewed by this Commission. He inquired whether Code Enforcement is keeping track of these. Ms. Bosworth stated when these are brought in for building permits, as soon as the Building Department notes they are over 500 square feet those requests are brought to the Planning and Zoning Department. She suggested that Mr. Reyes can check on the ones he is concerned about by calling her office, and she will see if they have permits. She also stated there has been a rash of applications in the last few weeks, and there are four scheduled for the next Commission meeting. He also asked whether the structures that don't come before the Commission can be any color. Ms. Bosworth stated yes, they can. Election of Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson A motion nominating Mr. Reyes as Chairperson was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. Hughan. Hearing no further nominations, Mr. Reyes called for a roll call vote. Roll Call: Mr. Hughan -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/ PAGE 4 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20, 2020 MEETING Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Simmons -- Yes Vote was 7-0. Motion passes A motion nominating Mr. Roth as Vice -Chairperson was made by Mr. Alvarez and seconded by Mr. Hughan. Hearing no further nominations, Mr. Reyes called for a roll call vote. Roll Call Mr. Reyes -- Yes Mr. Roth -- Yes Mr. Alvarez -- Yes Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes Vote was 7-0. Motion passes. 12. City Attornev Matters -- None 13-A Staff Matters -- None 13-B Adiournment Mr. Simmons -- Yes Mr. Hughan -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Reyes called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Irt C y EBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Conditional Use Permit Application - Staff Report Model Home 1. Project Name: Holiday Builders Model Home 2. Requested Action: Approval of a conditional use permit for a new model home. 3. Project Location: a. Address: 964 Roseland Road b. Legal: Lot 19 & 20, Block 162, Sebastian Highlands Unit 5 4. Project Owner: a. Name: Holiday Builders. b. Address: 2293 West Eau Gallie Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32935 C. Agent: Mr. Trevor Lewis- Area Director Southeast Division 5. Project Description: a. Narrative of proposed action: Holiday Builders is requesting a model home permit for the single-family residence at 964 Roseland Road. Required parking will be located on the adjacent lot along with requisite landscaping and drainage. b. Current Zoning: RS -10 C. Adjacent Properties: Zonim, North: RS -10 East: RS -10 South: RS -10 West: RS -10 Current Land Use residence residence residence residence Future Land Use LDR LDR LDR LDR G� 7. d. Site Characteristics: (1) Total Acreage: .5 acres (2) Current Land Use: Single family residence & parking area under construction Required Findings: Does Does Not Comph COMO.% a. Be so designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that �J the public health, safety and welfare will be protected. b. Not present an unduly adverse effect upon other properties in the impacted area in which it is located. The scale, intensity and operation of the use shall not generate unreasonable noise, traffic, congestion or other potential nuisances or hazards to contiguous residential properties. C. Conform to all applicable provisions of the district in which the use is to be located. d. Satisfy specific criteria stipulated for the respective conditional use described in subsection 54-2-6.4(29). Conditional Use Criteria: DoesDoes Not Co7l% Comply a. Not to be used as contractors main office. b. Meets district regulations for lot and yard dimensions. C. No construction materials or equipment stored at model. d. Business hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Limit of two staff. e. All signs conform to city code; illuminated signs prohibited. J f. No glare or traffic impediment from house illumination. g. Provide 5 parking spaces, 10' from side property line, 30' from corner. 8. Additional Considerations: The model home permits expire one year from the date of approval, but may be renewed administratively. At the time the model home permits expire and are no longer renewed, the applicant will be responsible for removal of the parking area, connecting sidewalks, and all signage. 9. Conclusion: The proposed use as presented is consistent with Section 54-2-6.4(29) of the Land Development Code of the City of Sebastian, with conditions listed below. 10. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this model home permit for a one-year period conditional on the following: 1. A Right -of -Way permit from Indian River County will be required for the parking area. 2. A building permit for any model home signage is obtained. 3. Illegal flags and signage shall not be used. Off -premise signs or directional signs cannot be placed along city streets. 4. Contractor to remove parking area and model signage when the model permit expires. W* ;�- 2� -2020 Date Permit Application No. ," City of Sebastian HOME OFPEUCANISLAND Development Order Application Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name: JA(D --t` ' 7:bLL 1 aq y. 5 Address: c2 a9 3 VV E a_u 9c.1 I -k e— 3, 1 V d �e_ Ibou v n e '41 Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - 3al (alo - 5a3a E -Mail: .` es " dcl hLLi IdCom Owner (If different from applicant) I Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: 3x935 PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): f B. Site Information Address: 1( ! I Ii ° 5�lan�Io Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: S,e bash i a, n t 19 + as 1(.0.2, 5 l�'h land s Indian River County Parcel #: Zoning Classification: Existing Use: Future Land Use: Proposed Use: C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): ""?buy V: n% on 1_o -F �o ��eora�e ie,ld io�e. i DATE RECEIVED: I IAV I a b FEE PAID: $ 60. co RECEIVED BY: Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: taley 0* Address 27x3 Vim' V 6W j dbwy� R, oz Phone Number:(�) (x (b 5Z3� FAX Number: E -Mail: �1 lei, Gi �{ "buIldc4, • COM Attorney: Y W Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: E -Mail: Engineer: Name: Address Phone Number: FAX Number: E -Mail: 1 Surveyor: Name: �,ci', �.f� ►ver SAv vee ,/�� n � Address y �—f l 8 3.5 �O`� -�-- Ve- V0 '� . �3a 9 G� o Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - r% ' -f a 569 -ri R R O E -Mail: l, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _ I AM THE OWNER --'Ic fCGL E NTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS HAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. `Iv/7 C{ DATE —r ICRIBED BEFORE ME BY KNOWN -TOO ME OR PRODUCED 6 AS IDENTIFICATION, THISXT DAY OF �n2� c• NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY .v COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: MIDA J. RIGS Notary Public -State of Florida :r. *' Commission GG 128732 s• �S My Comm. Expi res J ul 26, 2021 thmuSh M1zticrzl tvctary Assr.. 8crdzd ,, Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, _ THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. T !-VER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR IS S MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. SIG �- DTE S*)n to nd subscribed before me by . a ;ca_ who is personally known to me or produced as identification, this2!ZtNday of /r,���,,�� /2020 . Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary (} 3 Commission No./Expiration Seal: APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE MIDA 1. RIOS SPpY PV ;=oma �'�;�. • w _- NotaryPublic- StateofFlorida Commission # GG 128732 My Comm.Expires 1u126.2021 ••: kav F�'• gprded tl`rCugF M1atioral M1ctzry Assr., i APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE Permit Application No. mt Supplemental Information WMEOEPELI[ANISLAND Conditional Use Permit, Model Home f_ 1. Type of permit: / initial application renewal 2. Describe the hours of business: non Y1 Y1bt %A_ _ 3. Describe any on -premise signs (size and location). 3 VV 33 ►-1 _ 4. Is the proposed model home to be illuminated? If so, describe illumination plan. ki o _ 5. Attach the following: a. A list of the names and addresses of all owners of parcels of real property within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel to be considered. b. A survey of the lot where the model home is located showing the location of the required five parking spaces, any signs, and any illumination. 6. Describe how the proposed use is designed, located, and proposed to be operated so that the public health, safety a,, ndwelfare will lbeprotected. if not, why not. -a, K,,, P, -wt �Qeova" i-ie1ld +"'Iode•� 4o 11_?1fa")j,4 i�ar K�nc }�oa cL awldeY 4 Permit Application No. 7. Describe how the propose use (will not adversely effect other properties. If not, why not: ?ray i �4 Sm' Y 8eCoraka --Nd r`, J Cffra SEBAST HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Department Site Plan Modification Staff Report 1. Project Name: Home Town Pet Care Center Proposed Site Improvements 2. Requested Action: Modification of an existing veterinarian clinic site plan to formally add additional parking, landscaping, and retention areas on the adjacent parcel located to the West. 3. Project Location a. Address: 827 Sebastian Boulevard b. Legal: Lots 20, and 21, Block 187, Sebastian Highlands Unit 8, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 10 inclusive, of the Public Records of Indian River County C. Indian River County Parcel Numbers: 31-38-13-00002-1870-00020.0 31-38-13-00002-1870-00021.0 4. Project Owners: Mr. Eric A. Wilsnack 827 Sebastian Boulevard Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 589-4010 5. Project Engineer: Mr. Tahir H. Qizilbash, PE. 108 Charles Avenue Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 589 - 6879 Bash.pes@gmail.com 6. Project Surveyor: William B. Zentz, PLS 684 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, FL 32962 (772) 567-7552 billz-wbz@comcast.net 7. Project Description 1 a. Narrative of proposed action: A site plan modification request for additional parking with additional landscaping and water retention improvements has been proposed for the Home Town Pet Care Center located at 827 Sebastian Boulevard. The adjacent lot to the West (Lot 20) is proposed to be adjoined with the existing veterinarian clinic parcel, (Lot 21) to be cleared, and stabilized with concrete pad for a much needed additional parking area, along with storm water and landscaping improvements. b. C. Current Zoning, Future Land Use and Overlay District: (1) Zoning: C-512 (C-512 Commercial District) (2) Future Land Use: C-512 (Commercial CR -512 Corridor) (3) Performance Overlay District: CR 512 Adjacent Properties d. Site Characteristics (1) Zonina Current Land Future Land Use Current Land Use(s): Veterinarian Clinic and vacant land Use Soil: North: RS -10 residential LDR East: C-512 restaurant C-512 South: RS -10 residential LDR West: C-512 vacant C-512 d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: .31 acres (2) Current Land Use(s): Veterinarian Clinic and vacant land (3) Soil: EauGallie fine sand (4) Vegetation: forested uplands—pines, oaks, palms (5) Flood Hazard: Zone X (6) Water Service: Indian River County Utilities (7) Sanitary Sewer Service: Septic and Drainfield (8) Parks: Barber Street Sports Complex: %2 mile (9) Police/Fire: Indian River Fire —'/2 mile Sebastian Police — 2 miles E 8. Comprehensive Plan Consistency a. Future Land Use: consistent b. Traffic Circulation: consistent C. Housing: n/a d. Public Facilities: n/a e. Coastal Management: n/a f. Conservation: consistent g. Recreation and Open Space: consistent 9. Contents of Site Plan: a. lot configuration: approx. 85.00'x 160.00' legal / nonconforming b. finished ground floor elevation: 23.20 (existing bldg.) C. contours and designating number of dwelling units: n/a d. square footage of site: 13,466 SF (Lots 20 & 21 combined) e. building coverage: 1560.6 SF (existing)/ 13,466 = 11.58% (35% max) f. square footage of impervious areas and open area: Total impervious area 6,935 SF = 51.50% (80% maximum) Open space 6,531 SF = 48.50% (20% minimum) g. setbacks: None required for additional parking spaces h. scaled drawings of the sides, front and rear of the building or structure: n/a L generalized floor plan indicating uses and square footage of each proposed use within each building or structure: n/a j. Building exterior construction materials and color: n/a, as the scope of work is for the parking lot addition and site improvements k. building height: +/-15 feet (35 ft. maximum) I. location and character of all outside facilities for waste disposal, storage areas, or display: provided M. location and dimensions of all curb cuts and driveways: provided 3 n. number of spaces with their location and dimensions: provided Existing parking = 6 standard spaces + 1 H/C Proposed parking: 4 new standard spaces 6 existing standard spaces 1 existing H/C space = 11 spaces o. details of off-street parking and loading areas (including requirements of Article XV): provided P. all off-street vehicular surfaces available for maneuvering: provided q. surface materials: provided — concrete r. number of employees: unknown S. type of vehicles owned by the establishment: light duty vehicles t. If there is a combined off-street parking facility, required agreements: n/a U. Location of all pedestrian walks, malls, yards and open spaces: Provided on site. V. location, size, character, and height or orientation of all signs: Location provided on site plan W. location and character of landscaped areas and recreation areas: provided X. location, design and character of all public, semi-public, or private utilities: n/a Y. location, height and general character of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping: Provided. Z. surface water drainage facilities plan certified by an engineer or architect registered in the State of Florida: Provided aa. location of existing easements and right-of-way: Provided. Two 6 - foot, side, public utility & drainage easements (PU&DE), running along Lots 20 and 21 and established per the subdivision plat, will be required to be abandoned prior to clearing. 4 bb. Land survey with complete legal description prepared and certified by a registered surveyor: Provided CC. Verified statement showing each and every individual person having a legal and/or equitable ownership interest in the subject property: Provided 10. Site location and character of use: Provided 11. Access, internal circulation, off-street parking and other traffic impacts: a. internal circulation system design and access/egress considerations: Provided. b. separation of vehicular and pedestrian areas: Provided 12. Open space and landscape (including the requirements of Article XIV): a. Calculations of required type, dimensions and square footage of landscape materials and of required landscape areas, including: total site area, parking area, other vehicular use area, percentage of non- vehicular open space, perimeter and interior landscape strips, and required number of trees: Provided b. Location of required landscape areas and dimensions: Provided C. Location, name, height and size of all existing plant material to be retained: Provided d. Location, size, height and description of all landscape material including name, quantity, quality, spacing, and specified size and specification of all plant materials: Provided e. Height, width, type, material and location of all barriers of nonliving material: None proposed f. Location, dimensions and area of landscaping for freestanding signs: Existing Sign to remain. g. Show all landscaping, buildings, or other improvements on adjacent property within five (5) feet of the common property line: Provided h. C-512 Overlay District special landscape requirements: Provided 13. Required screening of abutting residential and nonresidential uses: Provided 14. Flood prone land and wetland preservation: N/A 5 15. Surface water management: Provided 16. Available potable water: N/A 17. Wastewater service: N/A 18. Soil erosion, sedimentation control and estuary protection: Provided 19. Additional considerations: Stormwater calculations have been received with the application and reviewed by the city engineer. Because the property is less than 10 acres, with less than 2 acres of impervious area being added, a formal modification to the existing SJRWMD permit is not required. An exemption certification form has been received, and will need to be submitted to St. John's by the project engineer when construction begins. Most of the properties along Sebastian Boulevard in the C-512 zoning district have been platted as 40 -foot wide lots, as is the width of the subject parcels. The county determined that it will not issue individual driveway permits for each lot, and has developed a Master Curb Cut plan for CR 512, which is incorporated into Article V of the LDC. Parking areas are required to be in front of buildings and interconnect with adjacent properties. To facilitate the interconnections, owners must grant an access easement through their parcels. The dedication of this easement is required for this project over both lots, which has already been executed and recorded. 22. Staff Conclusion: The site plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and CR512 Overlay District. 23. Recommendation: Hold a public hearing regarding the proposed site improvements for the Home Town Pet Care Center. Staff recommends approval of the site plan modification dated February 26, 2020 subject to the following conditions: PEPA ED 1. Approval by City Council for the abandonment of all interior 6 -foot side yard utility easements before land clearing. 2. The existing sign that fronts CR -512 shall remain "as -is" until such a time that it is either removed or destroyed- with the provision that a new sign meeting size, height, landscaping, and setback requirements will be required at that time. The existing berm found at the site shall be modified to adequately cover the exposed bottom skirt of the sign, and any new landscaping along the north side of the property shall be complimentary to existing landscaping already established on site. M DATE r CITY Of SEOASTILAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND City of Sebastian Development Order Application Permit Application No. Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name: 'J,�/L�WN�'X Address: 92-�it'STf�1� �LP�� `-.d�T��9"`L 32 Phone Number: (772 ) ST7 - y016 FAX Number: j E -Mail: Owner (If different from applicant) Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - E -Mail: Title of permit or action requested: PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): !'I�/ .� Os"I� idh,w 61T C09&- B. Site Information Address: 9 Z 7 ^ Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: Zo: 2 I /S 7 k _5&AJ''r14Vy 111, w --w) Indian River County Parcel #:(ce7-.2o) �31- -l3- 6z,= 2- - 1S70 oaV Z/ CLVT2/ Zoning Classification: Future Land Use: C-5-12- ce.- oe Z- SfL Existing Use: Proposed Use: C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessary): .412 ?>>lT/oe�, Z_ �4p x/N'(� S,fRxq y DATE RECEIVED:1_/ 3 l FEE PAID: $ X0 .07D RECEIVED BY: - RECEIVED JAN 0 3 2020 City of Sebastian Community Development Dept. ( Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: Name: f Address Phone Number: (771)5"79 - 07� FAX Number: ( 772 Ck1_L-4ft 77.X-2 713— 922-7 f E -Mail: kt,/, Pis t ���t�Q. 41"►2 Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: E -Mail: Engineer: Name: ��a ����yJ� �tii�iERia►'�j .�Qv/c,�s, t � r; �i�� � l�. �i z/��1'.� � � , Address 1,0 CSC/ S 1�t1�� � sz�ST/•9�° , L v�L9�� 1 Phone Number: (772-} SW -077 FAX Number: C ` f--17,?-) 7/3 — ?ZZ 7 �7L ). � - a �'� E -Mail: �a�4 Surveyor: Name: �`�t/�9-� � ��i✓TL ..�',e� �S'SOC/�Y7><S `i►�� Address4rCiYI 2 - Phone Phone Number: (7 %L ) 7 - 75S y FAX Number: E -Mail: bj/Iz- IWAz<)C't7MCo.S( 4-e f' I 1, k2lC- 1411 L5A*C fit— , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: _ I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AN� THAT ALLATHE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACC RATE AND R1JE TO TH SEST O MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. GNATURE fDATE SWORj�0 A IBED FORE ME BY WHO I SONALLY KNOWN T ME OR PRODUCED AS IDE '� °T1Y \ T DAY OF 1 lr20 NOTARY'S SIGNATURE _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION SEAL: ;tip P KEVIN JAMES CRAIG +° Notary Public - State a` : .orica Commissior : GG 346866 My Comm. Expires Jul 6. 2023 Bonded through National. notary Assn. a Permit Application No. The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/E, !' lHE OWNER(S) l _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE UBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE ,;r'L.f AWA d` ZONAA- OARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE IIWE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI—JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR M ES MA"BYANYLOYAGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. . SIGNATURE DATE Sworn to ands a fore me by= - r -e fc t, l I % ill,, who is sonally known t me or produced as id .ntification, this day of AJcj_A.r,,, I - 0 Notary's Signature/- Printed Name of Notary r.. Commission No./Expiration A 7,0 6)3 Seal: �r ►� KEVIN JAMES CRAIG ry` Notary Public • State of Florida hyo Commission A GG 346806 .!�0, My Comm. Expires Jul 6, 1023 Bonded through National Notary Assn. APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. DEVELOPMENT ORDER APPLICATIONS THAT REQUIRE ENGINEERING REVIEW WILL PAY ADDITIONAL FEES, ALSO ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ACKNOWLEDGMENT DATE 1. Property Owner: 2. Contractor: 3. Requested Action: 4. Project Location: 4 6. Current Zoning: Required Findings: D.— Growth Management Department Accessory Structure Staff Report Mr. Justin Poteat U.S. Steel Buildings Inc. Approval of a 24' X 31' carport building 725 Layport Drive Lots 9 & 10, Block 107, Sebastian Highlands Unit 2 RS -10 Current Land Use: single-family residence A. No accessory structure shall be constructed until the construction of the principal structure has been started. 1. House completed 1990 ; or house under construction 2. Accessory structure to be located on same lot as principal structure ; or located on second lot that has been combined with principal lot by a unity of title Book 3051. Pal=e 1719 B. No accessory structure shall be located in any required yard (setback): 1. Front yard: No detached accessory structure shall extend beyond the front building line of the principal structure that is located on the same real estate parcel or lot. Principal structure setback is 40.4' Accessory structure setback is 151.57' 2. Front yard on corner lot: Accessory structures may be located to the front of the front setback line along the boundary of the secondary front yard on an improved corner lot. Secondary front yard setback is 79.0' 3. Side yard: Required side setback is 10' Accessory structure side setback is 15' Does Does Not oomph Compl_r.• 1 ' i Does Does Not Comply Comply 4. Rear yard: The required rear yard is 20' A detached accessory structure may encroach into the required rear yard, provided: a. It is a minimum 10 feet from the rear property line. Proposed accessory structure has a 20' setback. b. It is not in an easement. Rear easement is 5' and proposed setback is 20' c. It does not exceed 400 square feet in lot coverage. Proposed accessory structure is 744 square feet. d. It does not exceed 12 feet in height. Proposed accessory structure is 12' feet in height. Accessory structures which are attached, or do not meet the four above requirements must meet the standard rear setback which is 20' Proposed accessory setback is 20' C. No mobile home, travel trailer or any portion thereof, or motor vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory structure. D. Applicant must expressly designate the type of the accessory structure (i.e. garage, shed, etc.) Carport E. Must comply with all city codes. F. The height of accessory structure cannot exceed height of principal structure. House is approximately 25' and accessory structure will be 12' G. A residential lot is allowed 5 square feet of accessory building area (cumulative) for every 100 square feet of lot area. Property square footage 24,446.2_ x .05 Allowable sq.ft. of accessory structures 1222.31 (1000 max) Existing accessory structures 0 Proposed accessory structure _744 Total existing and proposed 744 2 7. Planning and Zoning Commission Review: Any attached or detached accessory building, carport or breezeway over 500 square feet in area must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission utilizing the following criteria: Does Does Not Comph comply A. Accessory structures may not be constructed or maintained from corrugated metal or corrugated metal -looking products. B. The roof of the accessory building must have a minimum pitch of 3:12. C. Accessory structures 501 sq.ft. to 750 sq.ft. in size shall be compatible with the overall general architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, roofing materials and pitch. D. Accessory structures 751 sq.ft. to 1000 sq.ft. in size shall be of the same architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, and roofing materials and pitch. Foundation plantings shall be required on all sides of the accessory structure excluding entranceways and doorways, as follows: 1 shrub for every 3 lineal feet and 24 NIA inches in height at planting. Lineal dimension totals - 3 = Total Shrubs Required Review fee has been paid: 4 YES NO Additional Considerations: The Board must decide if the proposed carport meets the intent of the Planning and Zoning Commission Review provision `C' listed above. The proposed carport roof has a similar color, but not a similar roof material as the home; the proposed carport only has a 3:12 pitch roof, whereas the existing home has a 6:12 pitch roof. It should be noted that the site is heavily landscaped- a condition for the Board to consider if they wish to approve this accessory structure might be that the site remain heavily landscaped to curtail any deleterious effects to surrounding properties. • The homeowner has applied for an auxiliary driveway permit, which is to remain as dirt and sod with a culvert pipe over the existing swale with elevations set by the Storm water W, 3 2.2�-2azo Date mo' r.- HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET • SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE: (772) 589-5537 - FAX (772) 589-2566 OWNER/BUILDER PERMIT APPLICATION ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO FS 713,135 PERMIT # — �-7 TRACKING # DATE: f INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PARCEL ID # RECEIVED B LOT: 10 BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: FLOOD ZONE: TYPE OF WORK: aEW STRUCTURE ❑ADDITION [JLTERATION ❑REPAIR DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER WORK INCLUDES: �� POOL A'MINUM STRUCTURE❑ SHEk�lFENCE UOOFING ORD CK OTHER WORK DESCRIPTION: Addition of 24'x 31' steel carnnrt A -D --S1 al - ESTIMATED JOB VALUE: $— oon JOB NAME: -Carpnrt TOTAL S/F 744 UNDER AIRJI JOB ADDRESS: 725 Laynort Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Justin Poteat ADDRESS: 725 Lavnort ❑rive CITY/STATE: Sebastian FI CONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME: (J S ADDRESS:_Z jam..--.. / WD! o e-} Rd CITY/STATE: M o au to A, r%, , IVC CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS: ` ADDRESS:,_„[DD' F4- CITY/STATE: 04k Av CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS: PHONE: 772-643-8263 ZIP CODE 32958 174ci I�+n�S �, Ztt_ LICENSE #: CONTACT PHONE: ZIP CODE 2_7030 PHONE: ZIP CODE: Zai R H 1 PRESENT USE: -4 PROPOSED USE: Boat S�toraoe OCCUPANT LOAD: NUMBER OF: QSTORIES [LBAYS ®UNITS Q]BEDROOMS QEIEIGHT 12' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: qtp I GROUP OCCUPANCY: N/A AREA WA IS THE BUILDING PRESENTLY EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? DYES ONO BONDING COMPANY: _ PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: MORTGAGE LENDER: _PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: PHONE:_ ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK AND INSTALLATIONS AS INDICATED. I CERTIFY THAT NO WORK OR INSTALLATION HAS COMMENCED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE PERFORMED TO MEET THE STANDARDS OF ALL LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION IN THIS JURISDICTION. I UNDERSTAND THAT A SEPARATE PERMIT MUST BE SECURED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RECORDED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT SIGNED BY THE OWNER, SHALL BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY IF THE VALUE IS $2,500 OR MORE, EXCEPT HEATING OR AIR CONDITIONING CHANGE OUTS LESS THAT $7,500. NOTICE: IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY, AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. ANY CHANGE IN BUILDING PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE RECORDED WITH THIS OFFICE. ANY WORK NOT COVERED ABOVE MUST HAVE A VALID PERMIT PRIOR TO STARTING. IN CONSIDERATION OF GRANTS, THIS PERMIT, THE OWNER, AND THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR AGREE TO ERECT THIS STRUCTURE IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE BUILDING AND ZONING CODES OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. NOTE: THIS PERMIT APPLICATION IS VOID AFTER 180 DAYS UNLESS THE WORK, WHICH IT COVERS, HAS COMMENCED. ALL CONTRACTORS MUST HAVE A VALID STATE CERTIFICATION, STATE REGISTRATION, OR COUNTY COMPETENCY PLUS A COUNTY —WIDE LICENSE PRIOR TO OBTAINING PERMIT. ❖ WNER/AGENT SIGNATURE i mfin Pntpat PRINTED NAME OF OWNER/AGENT DATE: d 112M /zovo AN OWNER ACTING AS THEIR OWN CONTRACTOR MUST PERSONNALLY APPEAR AT THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO SIGN THE PERMIT APPLICATION. PER FS 489.103 ❖ Individuals who sign as t �vner's agent must first obtain legal power of attorney to sign on their behalf. STATE OF F A COUNTY O heie0 ertl - tl t on (this day of___ ru') U a?� 20 0 personally appeared o ispersonally known to the or has produced identification. i of' ion duced:' r icia Signatu -,o otary Public Notary Sea] LINDAM :.OHSL Com,r i,Aon # GG 2266 Expires JUM. 18, 2022 . ,. Banded 74ru Croy Fain Insurance 80"W7019 USA STEEL BUILDINGS 210 Airport Rd. Mt. Airy, NC 27030 Toll: 800.998.2534 Fax: 336.719.2091 Order submittal to sales@usabuildings.com AUTHORIZED .•- • DEALER Dealer ID ,1.0004 sft: Dealer Name"i "--- r .- Phone Number Order Date Order Form i,5 Name / l'-¢!& 4 Install Address City State X2, Zip Code �%2�� Email Jf JQr"if a 3 _ exist Counv'-Z -tq' .°r.+�i• Cell # Phone # FRAMING GAUGE 14 GA. WIDTH X M LE GTH X HEIGHT I TRIM WIND/SNOW RATING Cuswmers may incur extra labor fees If additional labor is required to install unit I READY FOR 15 YOUR because of unieitel surfaces, or for building over obstacles. ivrdmwiriore, inability of INSTALLATION? E3 NO SURFACE LEVEL? Installation due to,befixe mentioned dreumstance5 could result in restoddnQ fee. I NOTE: FRAME ri 1 FT ELECTRICITY SXt]7l7ER THAN lOOF l FYGiN /,\,A II AOI C1 I '-'? V X _ / lob. CIO 2•�p � p -o 7` 7' -?a a f� 4 % d • ^Z; NO YES P NO 00 SUWWAL lob. CIO 2•�p � p -o 7` 7' -?a a % d PwcE q 1 { Dowg PAYMENT - jJ !L, 7 % V3 b0 ExTRA LA90R / i[ REHTOCK FEE + Ecium FEE + 1 PERMIT FEE + BALANCE DUE �3�, 2a - CARD BALANCE iiUE Add 2.5 % PURCHASER AGREEMENT V.5 (See reverse side for terms and conditions) NoCard Fee: CO, KS, NY, OK, TX USA Steel Buildings, Inc. reserves the right to correct any balance/pricing errors. USA Steel Buildings, Inc. holds the right to OffiCe rise: repossess any buildings not paid in full upon installation. A labor charge will be added for any additional labor such as ❑ CREDIT CARD ❑ MONEY ORDER cutting posts to level carports, building over objects such as RV's & moving materials to remote locations, etc... Customer is responsible for pulling permits. Customer understands that all building frames are 1' shorter than roof lengths. ❑ CASHIER'S CHECK ❑ OTHER By signing this agreement, customer understands and agrees with all terms and conditions found on both Installer Sionature; the fr0ont and back /of this docu nt. Customer Signature /f Date 1� With customer presentme of installation, customer will sign below to signify acceptance of unit as installed. Notes: Customer Signature Date ® 2019 Copyright All Rights Reserved USA Steel Buildings, Inc. 1. Property Owner: 2. Contractor: 3. Requested Action: 4. Project Location: 5. Current Zoning: 6. Required Findings: Growth Management Department Accessory Structure Staff Report Mr. Steven Steinacher Owner/Builder permit applied for Approval of a 26'X 38' garage building 958 Bermuda Street Lot 4 &5, Block 159, Sebastian Highlands Unit 5 RS -10 Current Land Use: single-family residence Does Comply A. No accessory structure shall be constructed until the construction of the principal structure has been started. 1. House completed 2006 ; or house under construction 2. Accessory structure to be located on same lot as principal structure : or located on second lot that has been combined with principal lot by a unite, of'tide Book 3265. Page 1368 B. No accessory structure shall be located in any required yard (setback): 1. Front yard: No detached accessory structure shall extend beyond the front building line of the principal structure that is located on the same real estate parcel or lot. Principal structure setback is 35.0' Accessory structure setback is 35.0' 2. Front yard on corner lot: Accessory structures may be located to the front of the front setback line along the boundary of the secondary front yard on an improved corner lot. Secondary front yard setback is N/A 3. Side yard: Required side setback is 10.0' Accessory structure side setback is 27.0' Does Not Comply . Does Does Not Comply Comply 4. Rear yard: The required rear yard is 20' A detached accessory structure may encroach into the required rear yard, provided: a. It is a minimum 10 feet from the rear property line. Proposed accessory structure has a 52.0' setback. b. It is not in an easement. Rear easement is 10' and proposed setback is 52.0' c. It does not exceed 400 square feet in lot coverage. Proposed accessory structure is 988 square feet. d. It does not exceed 12 feet in height. Proposed accessory structure is 18.3' feet in height. Accessory structures which are attached, or do not meet the four above requirements must meet the standard rear setback which is 20' Proposed accessory setback is 52.0' C. No mobile home, travel trailer or any portion thereof, or motor vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory structure. D. Applicant must expressly designate the type of the accessory structure (i.e. garage, shed, etc.) Garage E. Must comply with all city codes. F. The height of accessory structure cannot exceed height of principal structure. House is approximately 18.3' and accessory structure will be 18..3' G. A residential lot is allowed 5 square feet of accessory building area (cumulative) for every 100 square feet of lot area. Property square footage _20.000.0 x.05 Allowable sq.ft. of accessory structures 1000 (1000 max) Existing accessory structures _0 Proposed accessory structure Total existing and proposed 988 2 7. Planning and Zoning Commission Review: Any attached or detached accessory building, carport or breezeway over 500 square feet in area must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission utilizing the following criteria: Does Does Not COMI)h CoMVI A. Accessory structures may not be constructed or maintained from corrugated metal or corrugated metal -looking products. B. The roof of the accessory building must have a minimum pitch of 3:12. C. Accessory structures 501 sq.ft. to 750 sq.ft. in size shall be compatible with the overall general architectural design of the N/A primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, roofing materials and pitch. D. Accessory structures 751 sq.ft. to 1000 sq.ft. in size shall be of the same architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, and roofing materials and pitch. Foundation plantings shall be required on all sides of the accessory structure excluding entranceways and doorways, as follows: 1 shrub for every 3 lineal feet and 24 inches in height at planting. Lineal dimension totals 94.67 - 3 = Total Shrubs Required 32 Review fee has been paid: 4 YES NO Additional Considerations: �l x • Based on the submitted plan, there appears to be 94.67' of perimeter area which would require a total of 32 shrubs to be planted and maintained around the perimeter of the proposed structure. This should be an item for the Board to mandate as a condition of approval. • The site will be required to keep and maintain a minimum of twelve (12) trees on site. • The homeowner has applied for an auxiliary driveway permit with a culvert pipe over the existing swale with elevations set by the Storm water Department. ir epare by ;? • 2 j • Z020 Date arYQF SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET - SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA32958 TELEPHONE: (772) 589-5537 - FAX (772) 589-2566 OWNE"UILDER PERMIT APPLICATION ALL'OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING Tq FS 713.135 PERMIT # C)fj '� � TRACKING # DATE: INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PARCEL ID # 11 ST I Y o 0 0 0 5') 0 0 000Y.0 RECEIVED! B LOT:Vim_ BLOCK: 1 SUBDIVISION: S Q LS, S moi+ _� , c 1� df FLOOD ZONE: i TYPE OF WORK: [KqEW STRUCTURE []ADDITION ALTERATION E] REPAIR []DEMOLITION [] OTHER WORK INCLUDES: []STRUCTURAL ELECTRICAL []PLUMBINGCHANICAL ROOFING - SLOPE:_ [] POOL � ALUMINUM_ STRUCTURE [] SHED"FENCE ® SLAB OR DECK []OTHER WORK DESCRIPTION: cl E -1-G C.Qk � T cv-a � g ESTIMATED JOB VALUE: $yf 3 1 1 o D .coo TOTAL S/F Si JOB NAME: 4-1 4A`I e- t e JOB ADDRESS: _ 1A L .� PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ADDRESS: -1 3 Q to e T c I__ Sa CITY/STATE: C-pj ... r► CONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME: c=� ✓` " ' !P e�ofi er— ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: �"CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: C e M c.i CO-5,4-r,-c--4n-o^ ADDRESS: 109- ck d i i, I'll," CITY/STATE: CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS: UNDER AIR O Y1 3 P-q�;-g PHONE: rq I�L-\ 3 V-9 3 5-a A ZIP CODE 3 2 Q y V LICENSE #: CONTACT PHONE: ZIP CODE PHONE: x13- \ '11'3 s- y 9Q ZIP CODE: 3 2 9� P PRESENT USE: PROPOSED USE: OCCUPANT LOAD: NUMBER OF: STORIES []BAYS []UNITS BEDROOMS QIMIGHT TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: GROUP OCCUPANCY: AREA IS THE BUILDING PRESENTLY EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? AYES []ATO BONDING COMPANY: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: MORTGAGE LENDER: PHONE: ADDRESS: _ CITY/STATE: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: 1 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK AND INSTALLATIONS AS INDICATED. I CERTIFY THAT NO WORK OR INSTALLATION HAS COMMENCED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE PERFORMED TO MEET THE STANDARDS OF ALL LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION IN THIS JURISDICTION. I UNDERSTAND THAT A SEPARATE PERMIT MUST BE SECURED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RECORDED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT SIGNED BY THE OWNER, SHALL BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY IF THE VALUE IS $2,500 OR MORE, EXCEPT HEATING OR AIR CONDITIONING CHANGE OUTS LESS THAT $7,500. NOTICE:. IN ADDITION TO THE -REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY, AND THERE MAY- BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES. OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. ANY CHANGE IN BUILDING PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE RECORDED WITH THIS OFFICE. ANY WORK NOT COVERED ABOVE MUST HAVE A VALID PERMIT PRIOR TO STARTING. IN CONSIDERATION OF GRANTS, THIS PERMIT, THE OWNER, AND THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR AGREE TO ERECT THIS STRUCTURE IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE BUILDING AND ZONING CODES OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. NOTE: THIS PERMIT APPLICATION IS VOID AFTER 180 DAYS UNLESS THE WORK, WHICH IT COVERS, HAS COMMENCED. ALL CONTRACTORS MUST HAVE A VALID STATE CERTIFICATION, STATE REGISTRATION, OR COUNTY COMPETENCY PLUS A COUNTY—WIDE LICENSE PRIOR TO OBTAINING PERMIT. AN OWNER ACTING AS THEIR OWN ❖ OWNER/AGIN NATURE CONTRACTOR MUST PERSONNALLY APPEAR AT THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO SIGN THE PERMIT APPLICATION. PER FS 489.103 PRINTED NAME OF OWNER/AGENT DATE: ❖ Individuals who sign as the owner's agent must first obtain legal power of attorney to sign on their behalf. STATE OF FLO COUNTY OF hereby that on this da of, )t.,ll,i tel/!- 20� personally appeared y ]w _ � raa,ev personally known t�� me or has produced identification. :Type i I 'on P uced: /) ✓�J j ial Signa o Notary Public Notary Seal R ::amm!saion#GG225406 ; s• •'� ' ixpires Ju:,e 13, 2022 Tku Troy Fain Insurance 800.3867019 FOv I�`•� 3 GmoF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND ENGINEERING/PUBLIC WORKS 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 589-5490 Phone (772) 589-6209 Fax DRIVEWAY/DRAINAGE PERMIT APPLICATION Tracking # Permit #: Applicant's Name: S4t,i"n Address: 1 S k L� P<,, A A,--- Adjacent ,tAdjacent Street: Legal Description: Owner: Contractor: Proposed Construction Start: 61,1 Z -3--z0 Phone:K7 a> 3 $ 9- 3 S -J OL Block: Unit Zoning: CONDITIONS OF PERMIT _Phone: Phone: Finish: 1. The applicant shall be required to follow the procedures and meet the requirements as outlined in City of Sebastian Code of Ordinance Section 26-2, Section 90-86 and Section 90-87. 2. The applicant must protect affected utilities. 3. The applicant shall not obstruct nor create a hazard to any traffic during execution of the work and shall be responsible for repair of any damage to existing pavement or other facilities caused by his/her operations. 4. The applicant shall complete construction within 180 days from the date the permit is issued after which time the permit will be voided. 5. Driveway/Drainage Permit fees will $100.00 payable at time of application submittal. MINIMUM SKETCH REOUIREMENTS 1. The sketch shall be on paper no larger than 11" x 17" 2. The scale shall be F'= 20" 3. The following information (as applicable) shall be in the lower right corner: Subdivision name, zoning, project location, lot, block, unit number contractor's name and phone number 4. The minimum graphic requirements are as follows: Location and length of culvert pipe, lot and structure dimensions, street names, north arrow and radius curbing for commercial, industrial and multi -family uses. I here by certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compiled with the granting of an approval does not presume to give �erfoqeto viol c provisions of any other state or local law regulating constructions or the perfo nance or t iction. Signat Qua iffier or Owner-BuilAx-r— Printed Name of Qualifier or Owner -Builder OFFICE USE ONLY DATE -RECEIPT f APPLICA ION RL•" CEIVE y- INFORMATION & PERMIT ISSUED DRIVEWAY CLERK CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL CITY ENGINEER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Growth Management Department Accessory Structure Staff Report Property Owner: Mr. Greg Anderson Contractor: Owner/Builder permit applied for Requested Action: Approval of a 22' X 38' garage building Project Location: 1520 Glentry Lane Lot 2 &3, Block 284, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11 Current Zoning: RS -10 Current Land Use: single-family residence Required Findings: A. No accessory structure shall be constructed until the construction of the principal structure has been started. 1. House completed 2002 ; or house under construction 2. Accessory structure to be located on same lot as principal structure ; or located on second lot that has been combined with principal lot by a unity of title Book 1453, Page 2180 B. No accessory structure shall be located in any required yard (setback): 1. Front yard: No detached accessory structure shall extend beyond the front building line of the principal structure that is located on the same real estate parcel or lot. Principal structure setback is 28.3' Accessory structure setback is 41.9' 2. Front yard on corner lot: Accessory structures may be located to the front of the front setback line along the boundary of the secondary front yard on an improved corner lot. Secondary front yard setback is N/A 3. Side yard: Required side setback is 10.0' Accessory structure side setback is 19.7' Does Does Not Oomph. Comply Does Does Not Comply Comply 4. Rear yard: The required rear yard is 20' . A detached accessory structure may encroach into the required rear yard, provided: a. It is a minimum 10 feet from the rear property line. Proposed accessory structure has a 45.0' setback. b. It is not in an easement. Rear easement is 10' and proposed setback is 45.0' c. It does not exceed 400 square feet in lot coverage. Proposed accessory structure is 836 square feet. d. It does not exceed 12 feet in height. Proposed accessory structure is 18' feet in height. Accessory structures which are attached, or do not meet the four above requirements must meet the standard rear setback which is 20' Proposed accessory setback is 45.0' C. No mobile home, travel trailer or any portion thereof, or motor vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory structure. D. Applicant must expressly designate the type of the accessory structure (i.e. garage, shed, etc.) Garage E. Must comply with all city codes. F. The height of accessory structure cannot exceed height of principal structure. House is approximately 19' and accessory structure will be 18' G. A residential lot is allowed 5 square feet of accessory building area (cumulative) for every 100 square feet of lot area. Property square footage 20.000.0 x .05 Allowable sq.ft. of accessory structures 1000 (1000 max) Existing accessory structures 161 Proposed accessory structure _836 Total existing and proposed 997 2 7. Planning and Zoning Commission Review: Any attached or detached accessory building, carport or breezeway over 500 square feet in area must be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission utilizing the following criteria: Does Does Not Comply Comply A. Accessory structures may not be constructed or maintained from corrugated metal or corrugated metal -looking products. B. The roof of the accessory building must have a minimum pitch of 3:12. C. Accessory structures 501 sq.ft. to 750 sq.ft. in size shall be compatible with the overall general architectural design of the N/A primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, roofing materials and pitch. D. Accessory structures 751 sq.ft. to 1000 sq.ft. in size shall be of the same architectural design of the primary residence, including facade and materials, colors and trim, and roofing materials and pitch. Foundation plantings shall be required on all sides of the accessory structure excluding entranceways and doorways, as follows: 1 shrub for every 3 lineal feet and 24 X inches in height at planting. Lineal dimension totals 96 _ 3 = Total Shrubs Required 32 Review fee has been paid: 4 YES NO Additional Considerations: • Based on the submitted plan, there appears to be 96' of perimeter area which would require a total of 32 shrubs to be planted and maintained around the perimeter of the proposed structure. This should be an item for the Board to mandate as a condition of approval. • The proposed garage has a pitch of 7:12 and the existing home has a pitch of 6:12. This variation is an item that the Board will need to discuss and decide if the pitch should match the existing home. It should be noted that the variation equates to a change in overall height of the proposed garage by nearly 1'-0" (approx. 17' in height). Staff feels that a roof line matching the existing home would aesthetically be in the best interests of the applicant and the surrounding community. 2 25 X 02 0 Pd y Date 3 MOF TtAtN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET - ]SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE: (772) 589=5537 • FAX (772) 589-2566 PERMIT APPLICATION �}r ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO FS 713.135 PERMIT#� :7- �� TRACKING# DATE: febru� 2 Q INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PARCEL iD # 31382500001284000002.0 RECEIVED BY ! LOT: 2 & 3 BLOCK: 284 _ SUBDIVISION: Sebastian Highlands FLOOD ZONE: TYPE OF WORK: NEW ® ADDITION = ALTERATION = REPAIR = DEMOLITION = WORK INCLUDES: STRUCTURAL ® ELECTRICAL ® PLUMBING F� MECHANICAL Lj ROOFING ® OTHER WORK DESCRIPTION: Construct new concrete Slab and CBS Garaqe. Use existing driveway Connect to existing electrical panel, Metal roof over trusses ESTIMATED JOB VALUE: $ 50,000 TOTAL S/F 836sq' UNDER AIR N/A JOB NAME: ANDERSON GARAGE JOB ADDRESS: 1520 Glentry. Sebastian. FL 32958 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: GREG ANDERSON ADDRESS: 1520 Glentry CITY/STATE: Sebastjan, rL CONTRACTOR.:: Clank Contracting & Contruction ADDRESS-_ IDTDY/S ATF: 7ebastlan. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: TE Schlltt Enalneering_ ADDRESS: 1555 Indian River Blvd. Ste -B-145 CITY/STATE:.Vero Beach. FL PHONE: 772 360-6646 ZIP CODE 32958 LICENSE#: CBC 1253057 PHONE; 9-3063 ZIP CODF. PHONE: (772) 360-4998 ZIP CODE: 23960 PRESENT USE: RESIDENCE _ PROPOSED USE: GARAGE OCCUPANT LOAD: NUMBER OF: STORIESF77 BAYS = UNITS = BEDROOMS Q HEIGHT TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: CBS OCCUPANCY TYPE: AREA IS THE BUILDING PRESENTLY EQUIPPED WITH AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM? YES = NO BONDING COMPANY: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY; STATE: MORTGAGE LENDER: _ _ PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: I APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO DO THE WORK AND INSTALLATIONS AS INDICATED. I CERTIFY THAT NO WORK OR INSTALLATION HAS COMMENCED PRIgR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE PERFORMED TO MEET THE STANDARDS OF ALL LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION IN THIS JURISDICTION. 1 UNDERSTAND THAT A SEPARATE PERMIT MUST BE SECURED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RECORDED NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT SIGNED BY THE OWNER, SHALL BE FILA WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY IF THE VALUE IS $2,500 OR MORE, EXCEPT HEATING OR AIR CONDITIONING CHANGE OUTS LESS THAT $7,500. NOTICE: IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY, AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. ANY CHANGE IN BUILDING PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE RECORDED WITH THIS OFFICE. ANY WORK NOT COVERED ABOVE MUST HAVE A VALID PERMIT PRIOR TO STARTING. IN CONSIDERATION OF GRANTS, THIS PERMIT, THE OWNER, AND THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR AGREE TO ERECT THIS STRUCTURE IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE BUILDING AND ZONING CODES OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. NOTE: THIS PERMIT APPLICATION IS VOID AFTER 180 DAYS UNLESS THE WORK, WHICH IT COVERS, HAS COMMENCED. ALL CONTRACTORS MUST HAVE A VALID STATE CERTIFICATION, STATE REGISTRATION, OR COUNTY COMPETENCY PLUS A COUNTY—WIDE LICENSE PRIOR TO OBTAINING PERMIT. ALL ADDITIONS AND/OR REPAIRS MUST HAVE HOMEOWNER'S SI0 AP ICATION OR ❖ SIGNATURE OF OWNER/AGENT IFIER IG NATURE DATE: PRINTED NAME OF OWNER/AGENT OR Keith Clark PRINTED NAME OF QUALIFIER DATE: February 2020 ❖ Individuals who sign as the owner's agent must first obtain owner's written authorization to sign on their behalf STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF "NOTARY IS FOR QUALIFIER'S SIGNATURE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this { off• th day of _February . 2020 by Keith Clark who is f personally known or who has produced identification. Type of identification produ : CID L C462-504-56-429-0 .off ffi al Si tt re of Notary PublicSPra oto AST P !/ ?° E;� Notary Public - State of Florida !,Is' Commission # GG 244605 My Comm. Expires Aug 27, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. 3