HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-2019 CB MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 12, 2019 Call to Order — Chairman Fortier called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledce of Alleoiance — was recited by all 3. Roll Call Present Ms. Parris Mr. Wilcher Mr. Fortier Ms. Carbano Absent Mr. Crockett Also Present Wayne Eseltine, Building Official Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer 4. AODroval of Minutes Mr. Fortier called for additions, deletions or corrections to the Minutes. A motion to approve the March 26, 2019 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Wilcher, seconded by Mr. Parris, and approved unanimously by voice vote. 5. Announcements — None 6. Old Business — None 7. New Business A. IN THE MATTER OF MR. OWEN YOUNG A Carpentry License Local License No. 1680 Mr. Young is seeking Board approval to reinstate his license that expired on 9-30-2004 without having to reapply and retake the exam SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2019 APPLICABLE CODE SECTION FROM THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION 26-168 (C) OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES A CERTIFICATE WHICH IS INOPERATIVE BECAUSE OF FAILURE TO RENEW SHALL BE RESTORED ON PAYMENT OF THE PROPER RENEWAL FEE. ...IF THE APPLICATION FOR RESTORATION IS NOT MADE BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT FISCAL YEAR OF THE CITY, THE FEE FOR RESTORATION SHALL BE DOUBLE THE ORIGINAL RENEWAL FEE AND IN ADDITION THE BOARD MAY REQUIRE REEXAMINATION OF THE APPLICANT. A CERTIFICATE WHICH IS NOT RENEWED WITHIN THREE FULL YEARS AFTER EXPIRATION MAY NOT BE RENEWED, RESTORED, OR REINSTATED THEREAFTER EXCEPT BY REAPPLICATION AND REEXAMINATION. Mr. Eseltine identified himself and his position with the City of Sebastian. He described that Mr. Young is seeking to reestablish his carpentry license, which expired on September 30, 2004 without having to reapply and retake the exam. Mr. Eseltine read the section of the Code which is applicable. Mr. Eseltine reviewed that there have been several cases such as this one, and the matter has been left to the Board to decide whether the applicants would be required to go for reexamination. There are three cases before the Board at this time. They are all identical. Mr. Fortier called for discussion by the Board members. Mr. Wilcher repeated the section of the Code which states that within three full years after expiration, if the certificate is not renewed, it may not be renewed, restored, or reinstated thereafter except by reapplication and reexamination. Mr. Fortier stated that the Board has the right to override that. Mr. Fortier asked Mr. Eseltine to describe the scope of the carpentry license, which Mr. Eseltine described as cabinetry work, framework, trusses, etc. After much discussion among the Board, Mr. Young was called upon to provide testimony as to his situation. Mr. Young described his history as a carpenter. He stated that he has been working in the field since 2004 pretty continuously doing carpentry work for others. He further stated that presently he is fully licensed in Vero Beach. Mr. Fortier called for a motion approving that Mr. Young would not be required to reapply and complete the reexamination with the requirement that Mr. Young pay all the SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2019 arrearages, which total $1,110.00. Motion was made by Ms. Parris, seconded by Mr. Wilcher, and passed unanimously by voice vote. B. IN THE MATTER OF MR. SAID SMIDI An Aluminum License Local License No. 1353 Mr. Smidi is seeking Board approval to reinstate his license that expired on 9-30-2007 without having to reapply and retake the exam. APPLICABLE CODE SECTION FROM THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION 26-168 (C) OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES The section is the same as in item A above. Mr. Eseltine described the next item on the agenda, which is in the matter of Mr. Said Smidi who is requesting Board approval to have his aluminum license reinstated without having to make application and retake the exam. His license expired in 2007. Mr. Fortier asked Mr. Eseltine to describe the scope of an aluminum license. Mr. Eseltine described it as being screen enclosures, porches, hurricane protection, etc. He also added that Mr. Smidi had an aluminum unlimited license, which allowed him to do concrete work also. Mr. Smidi was then called to testify as to his situation. Mr. Said Smidi stated he has been doing aluminum work since 1989. With the last economic downturn he couldn't continue with his work. He stated he has been working for other contractors in this field. He stated he is presently licensed in Vero Beach, and he is prepared to pay whatever is assessed by the City of Sebastian at this time. Mr. Fortier inquired of Mr. Eseltine whether there is anything outstanding monetarily with the Sebastian Building Department. Mr. Eseltine stated not to his knowledge. Much discussion was held among the Board members regarding some returned checks that are noted in Mr. Smidi's file. Mr. Fortier asked for a motion. A motion was made by Ms. Parris, seconded by Mr. Wilcherto reinstate Mr. Smidi's license upon payment of arrears in the amount of $885.00. A voice vote was taken, the results of which were three ayes and one nay. Motion carried. SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2019 C. IN THE MATTER OF MR. CHRISTOPHER MASSIMO A Painting License Local License No. 1588 Mr. Massimo is seeking Board approval to reinstate his license that expired on 9-30-2011 without having to reapply and retake the exam. APPLICABLE CODE SECTION FROM THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION 26-168 (C) OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES The section is the same as in item A above. Mr. Eseltine described the next item on the agenda, which is in the matter of Mr. Christopher Massimo who is requesting Board approval to have his painting license reinstated without having to make application and retake the exam. Mr. Massimo's license expired on 9-30-2011. Mr. Massimo was called to describe his situation. Mr. Massimo stated that when the economic downturn occurred, he lost his biggest contract, he had a heart attack, and then he traveled out of the area to work with another painting contractor. He has since returned to this area and is desirous of beginning painting work again. After discussion among the Board members, Mr. Fortier called for a motion. A motion was made by Mr. Wilcher, seconded by Ms. Parris to reinstate the license of Mr. Massimo upon the payment in full of arrearages in the total amount of $585.00. A voice vote was taken resulting in a unanimous vote in favor of reinstating Mr. Massimo's license. 8. Buildina Official Matters Mr. Eseltine announced that the Sebastian Building Department has launched a new program entitled, "My Government Online." This program began on June 24, 2019. He described how now some of the smaller permits can be applied for online. In the future the larger permits will also be able to be applied for online as well as issuance of permits. He described that applicantstoontractors will be able to create an account online, and most of the paperwork can be handled that way, without the applicants having to come in to City Hall. There is a section on the City of Sebastian's website regarding information on this program. 9. Board Matters SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 12, 2019 Ms. Carbano inquired whetherthere Ise list of contractors on the "My Government Online" website. Mr. Eseltine stated he thinks that is also included. Mr. Fortier asked if Mr. Eseltine is now the Fire Marshal. Mr. Eseltine stated that is correct; he is now designated as the Fire Marshal for the City. Discussion was held among the Board members regarding their role in these reinstatement matters. 10. Attomev Matters -- None 11. Fifteen (15) Minutes to the Public -- None 12. Adjourn — Chairman Fortier called for any further business. Hearing none, he called for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Parris, seconded by Mr. Wilcher and passed unanimously by voice vote at 6:38 p.m. A