HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-2020 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 4, 2020 1. Call to Order -- Acting Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Carter Mr. Simmons Mr. Christina, (a) Ms. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Hughan Not Present: Mr. Reyes — Excused Mr. Qizilbash — Excused Mr. Alvarez — Excused Also Present: Ms. Dom Bosworth, Planning Manager Mr. Robert Loring, Senior Planner Mr. Manny Anon, City Attorney W C.� m C co C.C* 0 $ cuE E aE � U _co �abom; CU> > > Q C o o m Np oar. CAN ¢am Present Via Zoom Technology: Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present 4. Announcements and/or AaendaModifcations Acting Chairman Roth announced that Messrs. Reyes, Qizilbash, and Alvarez are excused from tonight's meeting. Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Christino will be voting in their places. Ms. Bosworth described the seating arrangements for members of the Commission for future meetings as long as social distancing is called for. She also described that Zoom will be available for any members of the public who wish to present public input. Mr. Roth also announced that Lisa Frazier and Janet Graham are present tonight via Zoom. 5. Agoroval of Minutes Mr. Roth asked if any of the commissioners had any changes or comments on the Minutes of the Meeting of March 5, 2020. Hearing none, Mr. Roth called for a motion to approve PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2020 the Minutes of March 5, 2020 as presented. A motion to accept the Minutes of the meeting of March 5, 2020 as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Simmons, and approved unanimously via voice vote. 6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinas — None Unfinished Business — None 8. Public Input Graham Cox, 1213 George Street, Sebastian, voiced his concern about the new timetable for the completion of the comprehensive plan and the opportunityfor public input into that. Mr. Roth stated that the Commissioners have been diligently working on that by reviewing what has been presented to them. He added that there is an accelerated schedule on it. Mr. Carter added that there is now a revised date and time to schedule meetings to determine the comprehensive plan. Ms. Bosworth stated that Ms. Frazier will join the meeting and present input under Staff Matters. Mr. Roth then asked for any public input via Zoom. Hearing none, he proceeded to the next order of business. 9. New Business A. Accessory Structure Review -- LDC Section 54-2-7.5 -- 502 Hibiscus Avenue — 996 SF Detached Garage -- Charles Hiltz Mr. Loring described the request being for a 996-square-foot detached garage building on Lots 6 and 7, Block 27, Sebastian Highlands Unit 1. He reviewed that staff has completed the required findings which found that most of the conditions that staff requires for an accessory use to be compliant. He did draw the Commission's attention to items under 4 (d). The accessory structure height is actually 19 feet 4 and 5/16 inches, not 16 as listed on the report. The difference was because staff required the applicant to match the slope of their existing home. There are some additional considerations that staff would like the commissioners to consider: Based on the submitted plan, there appears to be approximately 118 feet of perimeter area, which includes a concrete pad proposed to the west of the proposed structure. Size and scope of the project will require a total of 40 shrubs to be planted and maintained around the perimeter of the garage. This should be an item for the Commission to mandate as a condition of approval. A revised plan showing the required landscaping should also be submitted to City staff as part of the approval process, with landscaping required to be in place and maintained at the time of final approval. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2020 • The proposed garage at a minimum needs to match the roof material of the existing home. It appears that the existing home has a dimensional asphalt shingle, and the proposed garage has a metal roof. That being said, the applicant has applied for a permit to install a metal roof on the home, and as a condition of approval the Commission may wish to mandate that the roof on the home is completed prior to the certificate of completion request for the proposed attached garage, and that both the home and the garage have matching roofs and paint colors at the time of final approval. • As a condition of approval, the existing shed needs to be removed prior to the construction of the new garage so that the total square footage of accessory structures is under the 1,000-foot threshold. • Lot No. 6 appears to lie within a flood plain. The survey needs to be updated showing the demarcation line that runs through the lot. The updated survey will need to be submitted to the Building Department for a flood plain determination prior to the form board inspection for the proposed garage. • It should be noted that the proposed garage is 19 feet 4 and 5/16 inches in height, and the proposed home has a roof line that is approximately 24 feet in height. The roof line as proposed is compliant to the code and complimentary to the existing home. • The proposed finish floor elevation of the existing home and proposed garage are .04 inches, which is about 1/2" difference and are compliant and complimentary to one another. • The roof pitch of the proposed detached garage and the existing home match. Mr. Loring asked for questions or comments from the Commission, noting that the applicant is in attendance. Mr. Roth asked if the applicant would like to add anything to the site plan discussion. Charles Hiltz, 502 Hibiscus Avenue, reviewed that he has requested to have a detached garage on the lot next to his house. He slated there is another garage on this street that was approved in the past, and the one he is proposing is exactly the same. He stated that most of the conditions that Mr. Loring listed have been done. The new roof on the house which is being converted to a steel roof is about 98% completed. Mr. Christino is concerned with the full bathroom being proposed for this project. He asked if Mr. Hiltz intends to rent the property in the future. Mr. Hiltz stated no. He stated that a neighbor has the exact same layout, with a full bathroom. Mr. Christino also asked if the footprint has been calculated with the concrete pad. Mr. Hiltz stated it has. Mr. Christino also asked about the age of the existing home. Mr. Hiltz stated it is about 19 years old. Mr. Christino asked about the gallon capacity of the existing septic tank. Mr. Hiltz stated he does not know. Mr. Hughan asked if Mr. Hiltz intends to preserve the palm trees that are on the property. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2020 Mr. Hiltz replied that he wants to keep several of the palm threes. He only wants to clear back far enough for the garage and then approximately 10 feet beyond that for the patio area on the back side of the garage. Mr. Hughan also inquired regarding whether the septic system and the proposed bathroom is going to tie into the existing septic. Mr. Hiltz stated it is going to be a pump -out, where it has its own holding tank and then pumps into the main holding tank. Mr. Simmons inquired regarding the item on page 4 of the staff report where it says .'proposed" home refers to the existing home, which is compliant with the code. Mr. Hiltz stated that is correct. Ms. Kautenburg asked if there is a unity of title on both lots. Mr. Hiltz stated there is. Mr. Roth stated he did not see on the site plan the indication of a septic tank and where it is located. Mr. Loring staled it does not show on the plan, but the applicant would be required to get a septic permit for any overage. As Mr. Hiltz had pointed out, it is really based on the number of bedrooms, not necessarily on the number of fixtures. Mr. Roth called for a motion. A motion to accept the request for an accessory structure at LDC Section 54-2-7.5 — 502 Hibiscus Avenue — for 996 square feet for a detached garage, which will include an addendum of the four points that were brought out by staff. Mr. Anon requested for the record that there be public input regarding this matter. Mr. Roth called for public input. Hearing none, the motion was seconded by Mr. Simmons. Mr. Roth then called for deliberation by the Commission to cover any points of clarification. Mr. Christino inquired regarding the driveway layout. He stated it looks like the setback for the proposed building is somewhat closer to the road than the existing house. Mr. Hiltz stated it is equal. Another of Mr. Christino's concerns is regarding the garage door for the proposed structure. He asked if there is any way to offset this door, as it will be a large door facing the street. Mr. Hiltz stated it will be exactly the same as his neighbors garage two doors down. There was discussion regarding the planting of shrubs surrounding the proposed structure. Mr. Christino asked if there will be gutters on the proposed structure and if the runoff will be directed down the driveway towards the road. Mr. Hiltz stated there would be gutters, and the runoff will be underground to the ditch behind his house. Mr. Roth asked for a roll call. Roll Call Mr. Hughan -- Yes Mr. Simmons -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Christino — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Carter — Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion passes. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2020 10. Commissioners Matters Mr. Christino inquired regarding houses going up in his neighborhood. He understood that a developer, possibly from Ft. Lauderdale, has purchased in the area 50 lots in the City. They are single-family homes, and he thought not one of them is going on the market for sale. His concern is the possible degradation of existing neighborhoods throughout the City by placing rental properties in established neighborhoods. In his experience, these properties were not taken care of over the years. He would like this matter to be a subject of discussion when the comp plan is worked on and to discourage this practice. Ms. Bosworth referred this matter to the City Attorney, as she opined this is a property rights matter. Mr. Christino requested that the City Attorney look into this matter. Mr. Anon stated, if he is directed by the Commission, he has no problem doing that. He will then get back to staff with his findings. There was protracted discussion among the Commission members and staff regarding this subject. Mr. Roth stated the commissioners would appreciate Mr. Anon's input on this matter. 11. City Attnmev Matters — None 12. Staff Matters Ms. Frazier reviewed that she had stated at a prior meeting that she would submit to the commissioners' information on what was to be discussed two weeks prior to the meeting at which discussion on the comprehensive plan revision would be held. That information is attached to the agenda packet for this evening's meeting. She reviewed that information. Staff has been working diligently over the last three months on updating the elements of the proposed comp plan. She stated that what the Commission received in March is not current any longer. Elements have been added, and changes have been made since March. She requested that the Commission not spend time reviewing the elements that were handed out in March. There will be new elements provided going forward. On June 18, the Commission will be reviewing Governance, Infrastructure, and Public School elements. They are provided in tonight's agenda packet. Kimley-Horn will be at that meeting to guide the Commission through those three elements, take commissioners' comments, and provide a PowerPoint presentation. She has also supplied to the Commission copies of several letters from the Department of Economic Opportunity in regard to some current discussions that have been occurring regarding the extension of the Graves Brothers future land use amendment. The annexation is not part of the comp plan update at this time. Until the annexation has been resolved through the court and through the 164 process with the County, the future land use map cannot be considered. It has not been approved by Council, and it cannot even be considered by Council until the annexation has been resolved. Therefore, staff requested administratively an extension on the approval of the future land use map amendment. She asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 4, 2020 Mr. Simmons asked if the elements the commissioners received back in March should be discarded. Ms. Frazier stated that the strike -through portion of these documents has not really changed. The subjects that were presented to the commissioners for review back in March would have been the Future Land Use, Housing, and Public Schools. That information should be discarded or recycled. In this evening's packet there is the new version regarding Public Schools. Mr. Roth inquired about the numbering of the elements. Ms. Frazier stated there are eight elements that the commissioners will be reviewing. Included in this packet are Nos. 4, 7, and 8. Mr. Christina, inquired regarding the residential land use designations on densities whether there was a classification added. Ms. Frazier stated that is not being reviewed right now. That item that was included in the information received back in March is not current. That will be discussed sometime in the future. Mr. Graham Cox inquired where he could find the new version of the packet, as it is not online yet. Ms. Frazier stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission received the information for these elements two weeks prior to the meeting when they would be discussed. That is the agreement that was had between staff and the commissioners in order to give them enough time to review the elements prior to the presentation at the public meeting. The public will get it one week before the meeting as part of the agenda. This is not part of tonight's agenda. City Council also received this information two weeks prior, just like this Commission. Ms. Frazier offered to make Mr. Cox a copy at his expense in order that he will have a copy two weeks prior to the meeting. 12. Adiourn Mr. Roth called for any further business. Hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. ig