MARCH 16, 2020
I. Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee meeting
to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
III. Roll Call
Mr. Gilbert Lewin
Mr. Harry Hall
Mr. Larry Napier
Ms. Amber Cerda
Ms. Andrea Ring (a)
Mr. Keerthi Weragoda (a) -- Excused
Mr. Bruce Hoffman -- Excused
Mr. Ed Herlihy -- Excused
Also Present
Mr. Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO
Ms. Cindy Watson, Human Resources Manager
Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer
Mr. Napier announced that Ralph Holmes has withdrawn as a member of the Committee.
Messrs. Hoffman, Herlihy, and Weragoda have been excused from this meeting.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. Meeting of January 13, 2020
Mr. Napier asked if all Committee members had reviewed the Minutes of January 13,
2020. All indicated they had. He called for a motion unless there were any changes or
corrections to be made. Hearing no changes or corrections, a motion to accept the
Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Lewin, seconded by Ms. Cerda, and approved
unanimously via voice vote.
V. Review of First Quarterly Report -- Fiscal Year 2020
Mr. Killgore reviewed the City Council Agenda Transmittal Form, Resolution No. R-20-04,
the Summary of Budget Changes for Quarter Ending December 31, 2019, and the various
Fund Summaries and Department Reports (SEE ATTACHED). He explained there is
still about $140,000.00 due the City from Hurricane Matthew and $34,104.00 due from
Hurricane Dorian that have yet to be authorized. He will present these reports to City
Council at its next meeting. He asked the Committee for questions or comments.
Mr. Lewin addressed the First Quarterly Report. The largest single expenditure seems
to be the Police Department, which is running approximately 33 percent of the year-to-
date budget. The actual appears to be substantially higher than the previous year's actual
for the same quarter. He questioned if this is something to be concerned about going
Mr. Killgore stated it is in line with what was allowed in the budget calculations in their
collective bargaining agreement. They are allowed to cash in some sick leave, which is
actually paid out in December. So that inflated their normal quarterly spending
accordingly. There was also a police officer who entered the DROP program that was
created in the Pension Fund. When that is done, the employee is treated like a regular
employee who terminates with the City and is entitled to the payout of their accrued leave
time. So with that large payout, because it was a long-term employee who qualified for
the DROP program, he was basically paid his accrued leave time. Now he is in the DROP
program, which gives him a five-year period during which he is going to resign, but no
later than five years. He can start accumulating his retirement benefits, although he
doesn't get his hands on his retirement monies, but he starts creating a balance that is
earmarked in the Pension Trust Fund, which is earmarked as his funds, that he can
receive as a lump sum once he actually does retire and leave employment.
Mr. Lewin asked if that is only permitted during the first quarter. Mr. Killgore stated it is
just coincidental that it happened this quarter. This was approved in the Pension Plan
about three years ago as an additional benefit to the police officers. This happens to be
the first officer who elected to sign up for it and commit to retiring no later than the end of
the five years.
Mr. Lewin asked if the year-to-date budget is still considered to be an acceptable one.
Mr. Killgore stated yes, it is adequate for the remainder of the year, barring any excessive
overtime due to hurricanes or something out of the ordinary.
Mr. Hall addressed the entry of False Alarms. There are 56 false alarms listed and only
$100.00 in assessments. Mr. Killgore stated that may be due to the fact that, although
there is a penalty for false alarms, sometimes they do not kick in immediately. He will
follow up on that and inform the members regarding that item.
VI. Review of Presentation to Citv Council of Budqet Process
Mr. Napier stated the Committee members can read that. Mr. Killgore stated questions
or comments from the Committee members can be addressed to him by phone at his
office or via emails.
VII. Review of Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Obiectives
Mr. Killgore stated the Committee can review it. This did go to City Council as an agenda
item. There were no comments or suggestions by the Council.
Mr. Napier asked if the Committee members had any questions or comments.
Mr. Lewin asked when the budgeting process for next fiscal year will begin. Mr. Killgore
stated the reports from department heads were due last week. He is in the process of
working them into a document to schedule them out in order to see if projected revenues
are adequate to cover them. That's the first step that the City Manager will start reviewing
in May. The department heads will submit their operating account budgets in May. By
the end of May the City Manager will endorse what has been put together as far as a
working draft and make any changes that he feels are necessary before it is presented to
the Council. The Council reviews it at a workshop in August. While that is going on, the
Budget Committee is being informed on what the City Manager's recommendation is and
whether the Committee wants to comment on it before it goes to the Council. In
September, public hearings before City Council are held. At that time this Committee can
either agree with what is recommended, or the Committee has the opportunity to state
that they don't agree with staff's recommendation.
Mr. Napier stated the estimated values will be presented around the first week in June.
Mr. Killgore stated those are due by June 1st, and the County actually certifies and says
those are the values the City must use by July 1st. The Budget Committee does not get
a working document until June, and then they can see what has been developed based
on what staff sees as revenues and what they are recommending for expenditures as well
as the capital program.
Mr. Hall suggested the outline of the budgetary process should be done every year. It is
a good refresher, and he is glad to see it this year. He would also like to see the Budget
Objectives as well. He also asked if, as City Council makes their recommendations for
budget objectives that can be relayed to this Committee before they get their June update.
Mr. Killgore stated he would generally alert the Budget Committee as to anything Council
did that would affect the direction that is being taken.
VIII. General Discussion by Members
Ms. Ring is still concerned about the Minutes and the motion that was not in the previous
Minutes that had to do with streets. Mr. Napier asked if she had anything to present to
the Committee on this, and Ms. Ring stated she is relying on her memory. Mr. Napier
stated that will be left up to the City Manager.
Mr. Lewin asked if anybody has discussed the impact the virus situation will have on the
budget. Mr. Killgore stated there has been much discussion on how to deal with it. There
have been ongoing considerations about what the next steps will be. His immediate
concern is not the immediate precautions that may be taken, but the long-term economic
impact because of what is going on nationally as to cutting interest rates and probable
recession. He stated the City may be on the cusp of either a tax increase or making tough
decisions on what projects can be done. He stated there is much uncertainty as to what
the budget going forward will be.
Mr. Hall stated he likes the presentation of the review of the budgetary process.
IX. Comments by Staff
Mr. Killgore stated at the next meeting on June 15th is when there will be more detailed
discussions of what the departments are asking.
X. Public Comments — None
Xl. Next Scheduled Committee Meetino: June 15.2020
XII. AJourn
There bein7g no further business, Chairman Napier concluded the meeting at 6:29 p.m
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