HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2020 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN
AUGUST 6, 2020 06
1. Call to Order — Chairman Reyes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.mo) CO
2. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. C y
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3. Roll Call d Fc
Present: Mr.
Simmons Mr. Qizilbash
Kautenburg (a) Mc Hughan
Reyes Mr. Alvarez
'S "9 m
Not Present: Mr.
Christino (a) -- Excused
2 r
a a rn
Roth -- Excused (by staff)
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Carter -- Excused
Also Present: Mr. Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO
Mr. Manny Anon, City Attorney (via Zoom)
Ms. Dorri Bosworth, Planning Manager
Mr. Robert Loring, Senior Planner
Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager
Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (via Zoom)
Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present.
4. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications
Mr. Reyes announced that Mr. Chdstino and Mr. Carter are excused from tonight's
meeting. Ms. Kautenburg will be voting for Mr. Carter as an alternate member.
Mr. Reyes requested an agenda modification. Under New Business, it is requested that
Item B, the Accessory Structure Review, be heard before the Review of Capital
Improvement Program. Mr. Reyes called for a motion. A motion regarding agenda Item
B, Accessory Structure Review, under New Business, be heard before Item A, Review of
Capital Improvement Program, was made by Mr. Reyes, seconded by Mr. Qizilbash, and
approved unanimously via voice vote.
5. Aooroval of Minutes — None
6. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinas -- None
Unfinished Business -- (Tabled Comprehensive Plan Element, if applicable)
Ms. Bosworth stated that was included in this agenda in case at last week's meeting all
the elements on the agenda were not addressed. Since all those elements were
addressed at that time, there is no unfinished business tonight.
8. Public Input — None
9. New Business
A. Accessory Structure Review — LDC Section 54-2-7.5 — 402 Quarry
Lane — 999 SF Detached Garage (27' X 37) — Thomas Klooz
Mr. Reyes asked the applicant to present his case. Mr. Thomas Klooz, Sebastian, stated
the purpose of this accessory structure is to garage a boat and a truck. He also wants to
put some trees in. Mr. Reyes asked the City staff to present their findings.
Mr. Robert Loring stated that the accessory structure as proposed meets all the
requirements of the Code. Some additional items for the Commissioners' consideration
would be that the applicant will need to amend the building permit to reflect a metal roof
to match the roof on the existing home. The garage shall be painted to match the existing
home. The applicant shall keep and maintain a minimum of 15 trees on the property.
Perimeter landscaping will be needed around the proposed garage. A $100.00 review
fee for the accessory structure will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. Mr.
Loring called for questions or comments from the Commissioners.
Mr. Qizilbash is concerned that the height of the accessory structure will be higher than
the height of the house. He asked how the measurements were arrived at. Mr. Loring
explained that staff verified that the height of the proposed structure will be lower than the
height of the house.
Mr. Hughan stated that, according to the plan there should be 15 trees. He only counts
10 by looking at the red markings on the plan. Mr. Loring stated there are 15 trees shown
on the plan, including the trees shown at the bottom of the plan. Mr. Hughan had no more
Mr. Simmons asked if there is anything inside the building. Mr. Klooz stated it is just a
Mr. Reyes stated there is still a question about the height of the proposed structure as it
relates to the height of the existing home. Mr. Anon suggested asking the applicant
regarding that matter. Mr. Klooz said he thinks the garage height will be approximately a
foot lower than the house height. Mr. Reyes called for a motion. Mr. Qizilbash stated he
is still concerned about the height of the two structures. Mr. Anon called for a point of
order, in that Mr. Reyes had called for a motion, and so discussion is over unless Mr.
Reyes wants to withdraw his request for a motion and allow more discussion. Mr. Reyes
withdrew his request for a motion and asked Ms. Bosworth to speak on this question. Ms.
Bosworth reviewed that there have been scenarios in the past where, because of the
grade difference on the second lot, there has been a little wiggle room. She stated staff
will verify the height of the house. If the house is 17 feet, because of the grade elevation
between the house and the proposed structure, the visual will be that the house and the
structure will be the same, and staff has approved those structures in the past. She
suggested that a motion can be made with the caveat that the height of the house is not
higher than 17 feet.
Mr. Reyes called for input from the public either for or against this project. Hearing none,
Mr. Reyes called for a motion.
A motion to approve the accessory structure at 402 Quarry Lane subject to the four
elements indicated as staff recommendations with verification that the actual height of the
house from the concrete pad is not greater than 17 feet or meets the code was made by
Ms. Kautenburg and seconded by Mr. Qizilbash.
Roll Call:
Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Simmons — Yes
Mr. Qizilbash — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes
Ms. Kautenburg (a) -- Yes Mr. Reyes -- Yes
Vote is 6-0 in favor. Motion passes
B. Recommendation to City Council — Review of Capital Improvement
Program (CIP) and Capital Outlay Items Greater than $50,000.00 —
6-year Schedule FY 2020-2021 through 2025-2026
Mr. Reyes called upon City staff for their recommendation.
Mr. Killgore made a PowerPoint presentation (SEE ATTACHED) setting forth the Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) for the fiscal years 2021 to 2026. This CIP proposal will go
before City Council on August 261h. The public hearings will be on September 14th and
September 23rd. This proposal has been reviewed by the Budget Advisory Committee,
who had no items of particular comment. Staff develops this based on what they know
the City can afford and what are projected to be the operational needs of the City. He
outlined and explained the major expenditures. Mr. Killgore called for questions or
comments from the Commission, afterwhich he is requesting this Commission to approve
the proposed Capital Improvement Program as is or with any recommendations they may
make, after which it will be presented to City Council.
Mr. Hughan:
• Inquired regarding the audio/visual equipment where it states $75,000.00 for the
fiscal year 2020-2021. He questioned whether the City is going to buy the
equipment or subscribe to the service based on $130.00 per hour. Ms. Brooke -
Reese answered that the City is purchasing the equipment outright.
• Mr. Hughan asked what the graphic wrap is that goes around the police vehicles.
Mr. Killgore explained that is for the community -oriented policing. That is a special
insignia explaining what that particular vehicle is.
• Under the Leisure Services Department there is an entry to replace a vehicle for
$16,000.00 and an entry to replace a mower for $13,000.00. He is wondering why
a mower would cost so much. Mr. Killgore said these are the large mowers that
are used at the parks for large-scale mowing. The vehicle is actually a utility cart
somewhat like a golf cart.
• There are items for restoring the canal sides and bottom and another entry for
seawalls. He questioned whether those canals belong to the Water Management
District. Mr. Killgore stated they are the City's responsibility.
Mr. Simmons:
• Asked what the definition of operating impact is. Mr. Killgore stated he has some
formulas set up that, if a vehicle or a piece of office equipment is purchased, those
items are assigned a useful life of maybe five years. If it is something like a
roadway or a stormwater system, that may be extended out to 30 years. That
gives staff an indication of whether there is value in keeping the equipment or the
improvements up to date and in good working condition. It is an entirely subjective
formula. His goal is to figure out when it would be to the City's advantage to replace
the items.
• Asked, once a project is finished and is moved to the airport and the property is up
for sale, will there be additional costs required for environmental remediation. Mr.
Killgore stated he is not able to answer that question. He opined it would probably
be based on how a potential buyer would plan to use the property.
• Regarding the Sebastian Police Department vehicles, they run approximately
$62,000.00 apiece according to the budget. He inquired as to what the vehicle
itself costs. Mr. Killgore stated those vehicles are funded from the Discretionary
Sales Tax fund, which has special provisions that apply to the Discretionary Sales
Taxes. They allow for purchase of police vehicles and to fully equip them. The
vehicles themselves cast around $32,000.00 to $33,000.00, but all the special
equipment that is needed drives up the cost.
• Asked ff a comparison of what is budgeted to what is actually spent is made. Mr.
Killgore stated that is not actually looked at until he is doing the year-end financial
statements. It depends on the grants as well. He stated that information is in the
City's records.
• Regarding funding, for 2019-2020 it was $5.4 million from Discretionary Sales Tax,
and this year the Discretionary Sales Tax is $2.5 million. He asked if there is a
limitation on discretionary. Mr. Killgore stated the funds are allocated, regardless
of how they are spent and whether they are spent this year or are saved towards
future projects. As long as the purpose of this fund is adhered to, there is no timing
Regarding the public facilities compound, he asked for an explanation as to why
there is another $1,250,000.00 for fiscal year 2022-2023 being asked for. In 2019-
2020 there was $3,351,000.00 budgeted. He asked if that amount was spent. Mr.
Killgore stated that the staff and consultants who were involved in designing that
project took a closer look, and the result was needing to allocate more money. The
anticipated budget at this point is higher than was first thought.
Inquired when this proposed budget is scheduled to go before City Council. Mr.
Killgore stated that the entire budget, including the Capital Improvement Program,
will be presented in a workshop setting on August 26th. They actually have the
first hearing on the budget and approval of the Capital Improvement Program on
September 14th.
Mr. Reyes:
• Asked what is done with the City's old equipment. Is it auctioned off? Mr. Killgore
stated there is an entity called Government Deals. They have an auction program
that they advertise nationwide. When the City places items with them, it is basically
a consignment. The items are posted on their website, and they do other
advertising. Mr. Killgore states the City has done quite well with people from other
states coming long distances to buy the items. Mr. Reyes stated he knows of an
auction business that deals with several cities in this area and sells all their old
equipment. He was curious as to how much money the City has gotten in the past
with doing that, or even if the City is doing it. Mr. Killgore said the City is
consistently doing it. Mr. Reyes asked where those funds go when they are
received. Mr. Killgore stated It depends on the department that had originally
purchased the items. Mr. Reyes asked if the City leases any vehicles. Mr. Killgore
stated the City did a detailed study regarding leasing versus purchasing vehicles
and found that it was not cost effective to lease vehicles. Mr. Reyes commented
that the City's fleet maintenance department is costing a lot of money.
• Regarding the Police Department's requests for various equipment such as rifles,
ballistic plates, etc., he asked if Sebastian has a SWAT team. Mr. Killgore stated
yes. Mr. Reyes commented that the department is asking for a lot of money for
equipment that he questions if it is being used. He stated this is military equipment,
and he has a problem okaying much of that equipment.
• Regarding the Roads Department and the contract to repair sidewalks, he asked
if this is just for repairing sidewalks, or is it for adding sidewalks. Mr. Killgore stated
it is just for repairing sidewalks. He understands there is no program presently for
adding sidewalks. The repairs are mostly to eliminate the trip -and -fall complaints
that are received every month. Mr. Reyes asked if these trip -and -fall complaints
are about sidewalks mainly along the major roadways such as US-1 and CR-512,
for which the City would not be responsible. Mr. Killgore said that most of the ones
he has seen have been for the Indian River Drive area. Mr. Reyes said those were
just installed over the last few years and asked if they are failing already. Mr.
Killgore said he cannot speak to that.
• Asked regarding the $13,000.00 mower for the Leisure Services Department. He
thought that was in last year's budget also. Mr. Killgore said there are several of
those mowers. This mower is going to replace one that has been out of service.
Mr. Reyes asked how many mowers the City is using and are those mowers just
for the golf course or all the parks. Mr. Killgore said he is not equipped to answer
those kinds of details.
• Regarding restoring some of the canals to their original contours, he stated that is
a huge task and asked who would be responsible for doing that work. Mr. Killgore
stated he is not privy to the decisions made on that at this point. Mr. Reyes
commented that the work that has been done already on the canals and waterways
has not been done correctly. Mr. Reyes also mentioned Ocean Cove. He further
asked if these canals are failing because of their original design. Mr. Killgore stated
he could not answer that.
• Commented that, if this Commission is supposed to make decisions on these
things for the different departments, maybe staff from those departments should
be at these meetings. He cannot see voting on this proposed budget tonight
without having a lot of answers. Mr. Killgore stated that the function of the Planning
Commission is to look at the overall big picture. Mr. Reyes opined that there are
a lot of items in this proposed budget that have been in past budgets, and they just
keep appearing.
• Inquired if all the hangars at the airport are leased out. Mr. Killgore said they are,
Ms. Kautenburg:
• Wanted to comment about the canals, as the question was raised as to who is
responsible for the work on them. She said all of those canals were laid out and
designed by General Development, and they were not done well. Over the years
there have been attempts to improve the canals, but that work was done sort of
haphazardly. She stated that several years ago there was much discussion about
the canal that runs along Main Street where it turns into Wimbrow. At that time
there was a lot of work and investigation into who owns the canal and who is
responsible for it. She said after months, it was found that the City does own the
canals. She opined that the City has not been approaching the canal work from
the right perspective. It was not in-house personnel that worked on that canal, and
the people who worked on it did a good job. She thinks it is a good idea that the
City is coming up with a long-range plan to take care of these canals.
Mr. Hughan:
• Is of the opinion that the Water Management District should be contributing to the
work on the canals. He asked if anyone has gone out and actually surveyed the
bottom on the canal to see what the canal bottom looks like and how it can be
restored to a normal slope. He agrees with Mr. Reyes.
Mr. Reyes:
• Commented that his main concern is that it does get designed properly and that
the Commission gets to see some sections of what is proposed, and that the
contractor does the job correctly. He does not think the City should take on those
sorts of tasks in-house.
Mr. Reyes called for input from the public. Hearing none, Mr. Reyes closed public input
and called for a motion. A motion recommending the proposed Capital Improvement
Program to City Council with the understanding that they would review this Commission's
comments and make some modifications on their own was made by Mr. Simmons and
seconded by Mr. Hughan.
Roll Call:
Mr. Qizilbash -- Yes
Mr. Reyes — No
Mr. Simmons -- Yes
Vote was 5-1 in favor. Motion passes.
10 Commissioner Matters
Mr. Hughan -- Yes
Ms. Kautenburg (a) — Yes
Mr. Alvarez -- Yes
Mr. Reyes noted that Mr. Roth was not present at this meeting.
11. City Attornev Matters -- None
12. Staff Matters -- None
13. Adjourn
There being no further business, Mr. Reyes adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
1 Capital Improvement Program
FY 2021 to 2026
Presentation of Proposed CIP
Planning and Zoning Commission
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Prepared By:
Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO
1k Capital Improvement Program
o Packets Include Detailed Documents
� Describing Staffs CIP Proposals.
o Tonight's Objectives:
Present Highlights of the Program.
Hear Comments and Suggestions.
Consider Motion to Recommend
Proposed CIP to the City Council.
kL Proposed
Capital Improvement Program
o Schedules of Capital Improvements,
Largely Based on Operational Needs &
Financial Capability.
o Budget Review Advisory Committee
Reviewed Regarding Entire Operating
Budget and Financial Strategies.
o City Council Review August 26th. Public
Hearings September 14th and 23rd .
Capital Improvement Program
o CIP Projects:
s General Government:
o $914,090 in Technology Additions/Upgrades
to Stay Current &Provide Security. (DST)
o $2,310 Blueprint/Survey Shelving. (GF)
Police Department:
o $1,923,500 in Vehicles. (DST)
o $224,,600 in Police Officer Equipment. (GF)
1k Capital Improvement Program
Community Development:
o $520,000 Harrison St. Park Plaza & $540,000
for N. Central Ave. Event Plaza. (DST)
o $45,000 for Landscaping/Shoreline/Parking
Lot Work at Working Waterfront. (CRA)
o $270,000 for Landscaping/Irrigation to
Protect Trees at Riverview Park. (DST)
o $16,500 Equipment in Support of Objectives
for "Sustainable Sebastian" (General Fund)
o $600,000 Septic to Sewer Grant Program
(Matched 50/50 With Grant and CRA Funds.)
1k Capital Improvement Program
Roads Department:
� o $46,510 for School Zone Lights. (LOGY)
o $81,000 to Update Street Signs. (LOGY)
o $3,400,000 Street Work. (LOGY)
o $500,000 Street Reconstruction. (DST)
o $600,000 Sidewalk Replacements. (LOGY)
o $48,400 Roads Equipment. (LOGY)
o $380,000 Roads Heavy Equipment. (DST)
1k Capital Improvement Program
Public Facilities Department:
o $3,500,000 to Total $8,588,899 to Complete
Public Works Compound. (DST)
o $17,480 Fleet Equipment. (General Fund)
o $33,500 Cemetery Equipment. (CTF)
o $80,000 Cemetery Grounds Repairs. (CTF)
o $15,000 Cemetery Driveway Repaving. (CTF)
o $90,000 Cemetery Columbarium Niches. (CTF)
o $20,000 Cemetery Bench Seats & Columbaria
Monuments. (General Fund)
o $118,,500 Maintenance Equip./Vehicle. (GF)
o $6,800 Storage Shed Roof. (GF)
1k Capital Improvement Program
Leisure Services Department:
� o $18,300 Restroom/Office Repairs. (GF)
o $$56,000 Maintenance Equipment. (GF)
o $60,000 Park Identification Signage. (RIF)
o $40,000 Barber Street Baseball Dugouts. (RIF)
o $75,000 Barber Street Fencing. (RIF)
o $136,,000 Replacement Vehicles. (GF)
o $350,000 Playground Improvements. (RIF)
o $120,000 Park Improvements. (RIF)
o $24,000 Barber Street Lightning System. (DST)
1k Capital Improvement Program
Stormwater Fund:
o $200,000 Stormwater Master Plan. (SUF)
o $583,,150 Equipment. (SUF)
o $600,000 Slip Lining Pipes. (DST)
o $600,,000 Swale/Culvert Repairs. (SUF)
o $3,000,000 Canal Restoration. (DST)
o $800,,000 Concha Dam Repairs. (SUF)
o $250,000 Tulip Drive Road Crossing. (SUF)
o $250,,000 Bayfront Road Crossing. (SUF)
o $350,000 Ocean Cove Drainage. (SUF)
Capital Improvement Program
Golf Course:
PF o $5,290 Driving Range Equipment. (GC)
o $14.,000 Irrigation Software Upgrade. (GC)
Building Fund:
o $24,000 Front Counter Renovations. (BF)
Capital Improvement Program
Airport Projects: 9001oFAA, 5010 FDOT, 5%DST
o $569,264 Construction of Taxiway.
o $2,200,000 Rehab Runway 05/23.
Airport Projects: 80% FDOT, 20%DST
$885,262 Construct Square Hangars.
o $1,000,000 West Side Sewer Service.
o $290,000 Rehab Taxiway A Apron.
o $150,000 Apron Reconstruction.
Airport Projects: 50% FDOT, 50%DST
o $1,000,000 Economic Development Hangar.
Capital Improvement Program
2021 2026
=Y 202 026 Categories o Funding Sources &mount
Discretionary Sales Tax
Enterprise Funds
Local Option Gas Tax
P/W Compound
Stormwater Fund
Police Equipment
Recreation Impact
CRA Projects
General Fund
Leisure Services
CRA Fund
New Technology
Cemetery Trust
All Other
Building Fund
Golf Course
Total CIP $2711641,166 100 Totals $271,6411,16
Capital Improvement Program
o Questions.?
o Comments or Concerns.?
o Motion to Recommend Proposed
Capital Improvement Program to
the City Council.