HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-22-2020 PR Minutes w/Attachments2. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 22, 2020 Call to Order — Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. 3. Roll Call Present Mr. Agudelo Ms. Webster Ms. White Not Present Mr. Sims — Excused 4. Mr. Renzi Mr. Denise (a) (late arrival) Mr. Mauro (a) Also Present Mr. Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Mr. Paul Carlisle, City Manager Mr. Ken Killgore, Chief Financial Officer Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (via Zoom) Meetina Chair Makes Announcements Ms. Webster announced that Mr. Sims is excused this evening, and Mr. Denise will be voting in his place. Mr. Richard Mauro is present and has been nominated by City Council as an alternate member. 5. Aaenda Modifications — None 6. ADDroval of Minutes — Febmary 24. 2020 Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion to accept the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Renzi, seconded by Ms. White, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Unfinished Business A. Integrated Pest Management Plan for Parks Update Mr. Benton reviewed that he and Ms. Kim Haigler have been working with the Integrated Pest Management Sub -Committee and have resumed their meetings. Although there were no meetings for a period of time due to the coronavirus, Ms. Haigler has been PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 working on the Plan and working with some professionals in the field to review it. Now that the meetings are back to being held, the Sub -Committee is able to review the Plan. At the last meeting, the Sub -Committee approved the first five sections of the Plan. The sixth section will be reviewed at the next meeting for approval. It is planned to bring this Plan back to the Parks and Recreation Committee with the Sub -Committee's approval at the July meeting. It will also go to the Natural Resources Board and then to City Council for their review, hopefully in August. He called for questions/discussion. Ms. Webster asked if the fire ants have been gotten under control. Mr. Benton stated yes, staff were able to treat the playgrounds and their surrounding areas as well as the athletic fields. About every two weeks staff does go around and assess all the playgrounds. Staff is on the ballfields every single day, so they see those every day. Mr. Agudelo asked how often the ballfields are checked for wasp nests. He has observed nests a few times. Mr. Benton stated he will have staff check for those. They are checking in the dugouts at least once or twice a week doing visual checks. He will have staff check the football fields, around the basketball goals and the skate park on a consistent basis as well. B. Updated Park Signage Review and Discussion Mr. Benton reviewed that a sign vendor was chosen in December. This vendor was approved by City Council. Last August, City Council approved the color scheme, etc. for the signs. However, going forward the sign manufacturer has come back with some alternate designs. The poles are metal that are painted with a wood -like finish. The backboard of the signage is a foam material. That is what staff is looking to present to City Council in the future. He has provided this Committee with a mockup and the recommendation for the prototype so it could be reviewed and commented on. Ms. White asked if the picture that is included in the agenda packet is the type sign that will be used for all the parks. Mr. Benton said yes. He stated most of the parks will have double -sided signs except for Easy Street because of the location. Ms. White asked if the budget of $102,000.00 is for all the signs. Mr. Benton stated that figure is what was allocated for this year. This project will take place over a three-year period. CRA also has $100,000.00, so they are assisting with some of the signage in the CRA district. Ms. White inquired whether the wooden sign along US 1 for Riverview Park will be replaced. Mr. Benton stated that sign will be replaced in a later phase, probably in year three, with an acknowledgement sign that the contractor is developing. Ms. White asked if the sign to replace the for Riverview Park which displays the events and dates will still allow dates and events to be posted. Mr. Benton answered yes. Ms. White asked if the rope design PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 on the pole will be at an additional cost. Mr. Benton stated there is no additional cost for that. Ms. Webster asked whether the Barber Street sign will have space to put dates, etc. Mr. Benton stated the decision was made for that sign specifically that the marquee will not be replaced. However, the groups will all have their H-frame signs that they currently use. Ms. Webster called for anyone from the public who wished to speak to this matter. Seeing no one and no one being on Zoom, Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion to approve the sign design and colors as presented was made by Mr. Agudelo, seconded by Mr. Renzi, and approved unanimously via voice vote. 8. Public Input Mr. Ben Hocker, Sebastian, reviewed that sometime ago there was work done on coming up with signage on CR 512. He asked if that had been discontinued or if that plan was still being considered. Mr. Benton stated that the US 1 and County Road 512 gateway signs are included in this plan to be replaced as well. 9. New Business A. Select a Chairman and Vice -Chairman, adopt rules of procedure. Motion was made by Ms. White nominating Ms. Webster to continue as Chairperson, seconded by Mr. Renzi, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Motion nominating Ms. White as Vice -Chairperson was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Agudelo, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Ms. Webster called for a motion to adopt the Rules of Procedure. Motion was made by Mr. Renzi to adopt the Rules of Procedure, seconded by Mr. Agudelo, and approved unanimously via voice vote. B. Fiscal Year '21 — Capital Improvement Projects related to the use of Recreation Impact Fees Mr. Benton stated Mr. Paul Carlisle, City Manager, and Ken Killgore, Chief Financial Officer, are present tonight and can answer questions anyone has regarding the budget and capital projects. He reviewed that City staff assessed the needs of the parks and identified four projects to be funded with the use of recreational impact fees for fiscal year 2021. The City Code specifically permits recreational impact fees to be used only to PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 acquire, construct or provide recreational improvements or facilities. This is preliminary until approved by City Council in September. In fiscal'21 there are the following projects that staff has requested to be funded out of recreational impact fees: • Continuation of the Park Identification Signage. That is an additional $30,000.00 to continue that process into the second year. • Playground Improvements. A request for $70,000.00 has been made for playground improvements for next year. George Street will be moved to fiscal year '21. Filbert Park is the next in line for fiscal year'21 as well. Ms. White asked when playground improvements are addressed, will that be all new playground equipment with accessible equipment that is included in the playgrounds. Mr. Benton stated that all of the playgrounds with the exception of Bryant Court have been converted to engineered wood fiber. There was not enough mulch to do Bryant Court, but now that the mulch is in, that park will be converted as well. Ms. White asked if standard -style playgrounds will be used. Mr. Benton said it will depend on the size of the park. Both George Street and Filbert are similar in size. Staff will ask for bids for these parks and will ask for recommendations from a few members of the Parks and Recreation Committee to be involved in this process. It will then come before the entire Committee for approval. This will be included in next year's budget, fiscal year 20-21. Ms. White inquired regarding the $110,000.00 figure in fiscal year 23-24. Mr. Benton stated that is for creative playground. It is actually two playground sets in one, and it is the premier playground within the City. Ms. White asked if there will be any type of shade shelters. Mr. Benton stated when the bid process starts, staff is going to request if there is any possibility of including shade. There will not be a stand-alone shade structure, but a lot of the playgrounds have shade components to them that will be included in the playground. Mr. Agudelo asked how many of the City parks have wheelchair -accessible activities for kids who might be disabled but still want to participate. He asked if that is a consideration going forward for the improvements. Mr. Benton stated that going forward, as each playground is improved, they will have accessible components to each one of them. • Park Improvements. Mr. Benton explained that this is the $20,000.00 that is budgeted each year for items that are brought up by the Committee that were not included in the budget year. Ms. Webster explained for the new Committee members that whenever there are smaller items that are needed, this Committee does not have to go back to City PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 Council. There is money in a fund that can be used for smaller things for all the parks. Ms. White inquired if all the $20,000.00 is not used in a fiscal year, does that balance carry over to the next year. Mr. Benton stated it does not carry over; it replenished itself to $20,000.00, and that money stays in recreational impact fees. Ms. Webster asked for public comment on what was just reviewed. Seeing no one and hearing nothing from Zoom, Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion to approve the items that were presented by Mr. Benton was made by Ms. Webster, seconded by Mr. Agudelo, and approved unanimously via voice vote. C. Friendship Park Tennis Court Discussion Mr. Benton stated that on May 14, 2020, staff recommended that the City Council approve the resurfacing of the clay tennis courts at Friendship Park. The cost for this project was budgeted at $30,000.00, and the lowest quote received came in at $23,300.00 by Welch Tennis Courts. City Council postponed voting on this item and asked the City Manager to look into the cost to resurface the courts into hard asphalt courts. In the agenda packet is included a quote from Welch Tennis Courts to do this in the amount of $244,600.00 to convert from clay to asphalt. This quote did not include replacement of the fencing, which Mr. Benton anticipates would be necessary to complete the project. He has since received a quote to do the asphalt work only for $82,000.00. However, this does not take into account the removal of the existing clay, installing the tennis surface, net posts and fencing, which in speaking with another tennis company would cost in the range of $130,000.00, bring that closer to $210,000.00. He has provided the Committee with the information in regard to current staffing costs, hours of operation, and fees charged for session usage and annual passes. Maintenance of the clay courts to extend the life span of resurfacing does have an annual cost, which is dependent on how much maintenance can be done from a City staffing level. At a minimum, there would need to be added approximately one to two tons of clay to each court per year. Municipal clay courts are going to need to be resurfaced every five to seven years, which is similar to the resurfacing of hard courts, and the costs are comparable to resurface clay and to resurface hard asphalt tennis courts. Mr. Benton has received many emails from participants over the past month, and many have outlined the physical benefits to players of the clay courts over asphalt. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 There was a lengthy discussion among Mr. Benton and the Committee members on the clay vs. asphalt surfacing of the tennis courts. Subjects covered were cost of clay vs. asphalt, maintenance of both surfaces, staffing, fees charged to use the facility, etc. Ms. Webster called on anyone from the public to speak. • Ben Hooker, Sebastian, related that he had stopped by the tennis courts and observed that there should be a time limit to use the courts. He feels that staffing the courts will keep things organized. • Kim O'Connell spoke for Vincent Role (sic), who is a Sebastian resident but could not attend this evening's meefing. Ms. O'Connell read a letter from Mr. Fiola (sic) regarding the tennis courts. He is in favor of the clay courts because of less wear and tear on muscles and joints. He also mentioned that asphalt is not maintenance free, and he gave estimates for what it would cost to maintain both surfaces. • Charles Edwards, Sebastian, spoke in favor of retaining the clay courts. • Mark Woodman, Sebastian, spoke in favor of charging a fee to use the courts and maintaining the clay courts. There being no other public comment, Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion to keep the clay courts and not convert them to hard courts was made by Mr. Renzi, seconded by Mr. Agudelo, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Ms. White suggested that Mr. Benton look Into raising the fees to use the courts. Mr. Carlisle stated that Mr. Benton is currently working on a park use fee application and rate structure that will be presented to this Committee before it goes to Council. This will involve not just the tennis courts, but pickleball, baseball, etc. 10. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update • Baseball and Softball Field Projects — Mr. Benton stated the plan for the fencing project was originally to do one or two fields this year. With the little league being shut down, staff will attempt to do all four fields at the same time. That project is currently out to bid. Those bids will be in next week to be presented to City Council on July 8. The design for the dugouts is still being finalized. He hopes to have that finalized in the next week. Those dugouts will be fenced. Regarding PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 the batting cages, staff has looked at purchasing an entire new system utilizing the pole system that is currently there. Most of the poles are structurally sound, so staff will install a netting system on the existing pole structure that is there. He has had a discussion with little league about installing turf. He will get them some prices to see if they can afford to do it. On the football fields, Mr. Benton said the four sets of bleachers will be replaced. They have been delivered, and they will begin to be assembled, and on the north side of the football field there will be a small-scale project where millings are installed under the bleachers so that there will be no need to deal with weeds. Pickleball lighting -- Mr. Benton said there were some delays with the contractor due to COVID. The light fixtures have been received. Poles are expected to be delivered July 1 st. The timeframe for installation of the lights will be late July/early August. The token machines have been received. Yacht Club Accessible Dock — Mr. Benton stated this is a project that has been in the works for a while. Indian River Docks has been chosen as the contractor. There is a pre -construction meeting scheduled the day after this meeting to begin this process moving forward. After that pre -construction meeting, there will be a better timeline available. They will have to shut down the south side of the Yacht Club boat ramp for approximately one week. Signage will be posted as well as information on social media and the City's website. The north side of the ramp will remain open. Sidewalk Work at Riverview Park -- Mr. Benton stated that he and Ms. Lisa Frazier are going before City Council at their next meeting for Council to approve improving the sidewalks in Riverview Park. That would include tearing them out, doing some buffering from the trees, and doing some root relocations so that the sidewalk can be replaced. That will involve closing the park down for a couple weeks later this summer if it gets approved. Mr. Benton called for questions or comments from the Committee. Ms. White inquired where the monies for these projects come from. Mr. Benton stated all of these projects are funded by the Recreation Impact Fee account except the Riverview Park sidewalk project. Mr. Killgore explained that the project has to be an improvement or an enhancement in order to qualify for the recreation impact fees. Ms. White asked if the money to improve the sidewalks in Riverview Park comes out of the waterfront money. Mr. Carlisle stated there were some capital projects for Indian River Drive improvements. Some of those funds came in under budget, and some of those funds are being transferred over into the sidewalk funds. The sidewalk work will not come out of impact fees. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 Mr. Danise asked about which dock is going to be worked on. Mr. Benton said it will be the dock on the south side. Mr. Agudelo inquired about bullpens at the Barber Street complex. He asked if it would be possible to put bullpens at each of the fields. Mr. Benton stated the current plan is to install bullpens for the little league fields. On the senior fields, those bullpens can be installed, one on each side or two down the left field section where the clay mound is. Mr. Agudelo also asked when the work on a warning track will be done. Mr. Benton stated that is something that will need to be phased in over a few years. Mr. Agudelo asked if all the fencing is being replaced, as in places the fencing is very rusted. Mr. Benton stated this project is only replacing the fencing from the dugouts outward. However, there are backstop panel replacements. Staff is currently looking for someone who can manufacture those panels. The company that had been used to replace the panels is no longer in business. Those panels can be replaced on an as -needed basis. Mr. Agudelo asked if it would be possible to place padding around the basketball goals. Mr. Benton stated he would look into the cost for padding around the basketball goals. He stated that there is a basketball goal replacement project that could potentially be included in next year's budget. 11. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Renzi commented that Mr. Benton is doing a great job, and he is to be congratulated. Ms. White asked regarding getting lightning detectors. Mr. Benton stated that is included in this year's budget proposal. He had a discussion with the previous City Attorney on this matter, but he has not had a chance to discuss it with the new City Attorney. Ms. White also asked how the pickleball is going. Mr. Benton stated there have been a lot of people playing, mostly in the mornings and in the evenings. Mr. Danise stated that he made some notes that he submitted. In his encounters with the public, most are pleased with the park facilities as well as the personnel involved with the parks in Sebastian. Mr. Benton asked that he get a copy of those notes so that they can be put in the Minutes. (SEE ATTACHED) Mr. Agudelo echoed what the other Committee members said about how good the parks are looking over the past year or so. He asked Mr. Benton to pass along to the City personnel who take care of the parks that they are doing a great job. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 22, 2020 Mr. Mauro mentioned that a park down in Vero Beach closed, and there are more people coming to Sebastian to play pickleball. He looked at the signs at the pickleball courts, and he suggested that might be something that needs to be looked at, as it is a little misleading. Ms. Webster thanked the City staff for the job they are doing 12. Items for the Next Aaenda: July 27. 2020 A. Comprehensive Plan Parks and Open Spaces Elements Mr. Agudelo suggested that the adopt -a -park program that was instituted last year be discussed at the next meeting. Ms. Webster suggested redoing the program so that the new Committee members can pick the parks they want to adopt. Mr. Benton stated the Committee will get the proposed Comprehensive Plan elements a couple weeks in advance of the July 27 meeting so they have a chance to go over the proposed elements prior to the meeting. 13. Adiourn There being noII further business, Ms. Webster adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m Bv< o— Date: "I Ic�I'o�d )if) J ann Webster. Chairperson a s and Recreation Committee ig Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Recommendations John Danise questions & statement 1 What is needed to build bullpens and get it started? 2 Friendship Parks need to remain clay courts A. Seniors prefer clay courts, easier on legs. B. When built, city was told that it would take six courts to breakeven. C. Property for expansion was taken for youth center. D. Most League play is on Clay courts 3. When shutdown occurred Bobbie and I started our daily walking around neighborhood, and then moved to city parks. While they are beautiful and city workers are very courteous, stopping lawnmowers while people walked by. Our allergies caused us to move to the inlet and walk the park and docks and reminded me of what a beautiful port Sebastian is; and soon I learned more about the area and our citizens. Needing to use the rest room one day I found that Bobbie was able to get into the ladies room at the building where boats are launched and retrieved, but I was unable to use the restroom. A day or two later, someone trying to use the restroom had the same experience and walked away. Two gentlemen laughed when I told them I had previously tried and failed and they explained that I just needed to place my shoulder into the door; sure enough the door opened. As time went on a few more of the daily visitor enjoying the park wondered why we had a sign on one of the walking pairs stating "No pets allowed" and not the other. While the walks are always a pleasures questions I could not answer, or didn't want to answer, like why did we build a dog park if dogs are walking there, or why don't we build a bicycle lane rather than them being on the sidewalk? One continuous complaint was the building of the two wooden bridges which for weeks I was reminded that hiring a contractor would have produced a job done in a day or two at the most. Or that is "five shovels full of dirt since you returned", or "you didn't miss anything that trip around". Yes, a few people did compliment the completed job but I cannot help but wonder if hiring professionals might have been more cost effective.