HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-2020 MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN POLICE PENSION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Call to Order — Acting Chairman Tim Wood called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. Roll Call Present (via Zoom technoloov) Board Members: Tim Wood, Acting Chairman Paul Williamson Andrea Ring Albert lovino (late arrival) Also Present (via Zoom technoloav) Bonni Jensen, Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen R Levinson, Attorney for the Board of Trustees Ken Killgore, Plan Administrator Cynthia Watson, Human Resources Manager Andy Mcllvaine, Morgan Stanley Scott Owens, Morgan Stanley Todd Wishnia, Highland Capital Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Janet Graham, Technical Writer Vote to Excuse Absent Board Member Acting Chairman Wood announced that Jason Gillette is excused from today's meeting. He called for a motion to excuse Mr. Gillette. A motion excusing Jason Gillette from today's meeting was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Acting Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. IV. Aooroval of Minutes Acting Chairman Wood asked if there were any changes or corrections to the Minutes of June 16, 2020. Ms. Jensen asked that a correction be made on Page 2, Item B, in the third line of the paragraph beginning with "Ms. Mindy Johnson" where it states BMI Trust, that should be TMI Trust. There being no other changes, Acting Chairman Wood called for a motion to approve the Minutes as corrected. A motion approving the Minutes with the above -noted correction was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Acting Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 V. Old Business A. Approval of Payments — Ken Killgore, Plan Administrator I. Highland Capital — April to June — Value, Growth ADR $ 9,973.89 ii. Highland Capital -- April to June -- Fixed Income 3,073.07 Ill. Boston Partners -- April to June 1,621.22 iv. Fiera Capital — April to June 1,672.34 V. Renaissance — April to June 1,570.58 vi. Brookfield Public Securities Group -- April to June 492.69 vii. Morgan Stanley Consulting — April to June 3,375.00 viii. Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson -- June to July 1,740,00 ix. City of Sebastian -- Janet Graham 4-24-2020 Meeting 108.00 X. City of Sebastian — Janet Graham 6-16-2020 Meeting 162.00* A. City of Sebastian — July to September 6,000.00 xii. Salem Trust — April to June 7,465.00 *Mr. Killgore added that there is an additional invoice from Janet Graham that was not put on the list in the agenda. The invoice was paid to Ms. Graham, but the City needs to be reimbursed for this expense. He stated there is nothing else different on that list. Motion to approve the payments as listed above was made by Acting Chairman Wood, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and approved unanimously via voice vote. B. Approval of Budget Amendment for FY2019-2020 Mr. Killgore referred to the attachment E-2 in the Agenda packet, and he explained that this document shows the adjustments to the current year budget numbers to tie in with the actuals. There were no changes to the total budget, but this report shows where the additional funds were allocated. There was discussion among the Board members and Mr. Killgore regarding the report, and Mr. Killgore asked for a motion to approve the amendment. A motion approving the budget amendment as set forth in attachment E-2 was made by Acting Chairman Wood, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and approved unanimously via voice vote. POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 VI. Public Input — None Ms. Jensen asked if there were any emails received by City Staff regarding the Pension Plan. Mr. Killgore stated he had not received any, nor is he aware that anyone else received any. VII. New Business A. Approval of Budget for FY 2020-2021 Mr. Killgore reviewed Exhibit G-1 which is included in today's agenda packet. He explained that the investment expenses have gradually increased. The projected budget is $224,700.00. Mr. Killgore then called for a motion to approve. A motion to approve the projected budget for the fiscal year 2020-2021 was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Acting Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. B. Report from Investment Monitor/Continue Discussion on Manager Search Mr. Scott Owens from Morgan Stanley made a PowerPoint presentation (SEE ATTACHED) during which he reviewed in depth how the investments performed for the quarter ending June 30th as opposed to the previous quarter. He stated the account was up over 15% for the quarter, which equates to a little over $2 million in gains. The PowerPoint covered many facets of the investment market and how they affect this Pension Fund, and Mr. Andy Mcllvaine further delineated the information in the PowerPoint. Mr. Owens and Mr. Mcllvaine gave an in-depth explanation regarding master limited partnerships (MLPs) and whether these MLPs should be kept as they are. Mr. Owens then asked for questions or comments from the Board members regarding MLPs. There were several questions and comments among the Board members, Mr. Owens, Mr. Mcllvaine, and Ms. Jensen on this subject. It was the consensus of the Board members that they defer to the Investment Monitor regarding MLPs. Mr. Williamson asked regarding rebalancing the Plan's large -cap allocations. Mr. Owens explained that the large -cap allocation is actually outside the range, so it is required that it be rebalanced. He further explained that it was desired to have an asset allocation study first so that it is known what to rebalance to. After protracted discussion, Mr. Owens' recommendation would be to narrow it down to between Mix 2 and Mix 3. He would choose the higher return, which is Mix 3. Mr. Mcllvaine explained, if it is decided to go to Mix 2 or 3 with infrastructure, this would require that the Plan's Investment Policy Statement be amended to include infrastructure. There is a 31-day waiting period after the new Investment Policy Statement is filed before being able to invest in that asset class. Mr. Owens stated that they will make sure that the Plan is compliant with everything that is required. Mr. Killgore called for a motion. POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 A motion that the investment managers move the Plan to the proposed Mix 3 was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Acting Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Owens and Mr. Mcllvaine reviewed the Investment Policy Statement as it relates to infrastructure and what changes will need to be made to the Investment Policy Statement. Mr. Owens stated that the Board will have to pick a manager to invest in those assets. He also stated that their analyst will make the changes to the Policy Statement and will send it over to Mr. Killgore today, who can send it to the Chair for signature. Once Mr. Killgore lets Morgan Stanley know when it has been filed with the City via the City Manager, there will be a 31-day waiting period before those changes can be implemented. Mr. Mcllvaine gave a brief educational review of what is included in infrastructure, such as tunnels, bridges, etc., and what sorts of companies invest in infrastructure. Regarding the manager search, Mr. Mcllvaine reviewed several managers and compared them to each other. Mr. Owens pointed out the difference between Lazard and the other managers that were studied, and he recommends Lazard and explained why. It was the consensus of the Board to go with Lazard. A motion to approve Lazard as the Pension Plan's infrastructure manager was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Acting Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Owens recommended tabling the searches for the international growth and large -cap growth managers. At the next meeting, he will bring the information. If the managers are not performing as expected, he recommends doing a manager search. If they are outperforming, then perhaps it can be tabled again. It was the consensus of the Board that the search for international growth and large -cap growth managers be tabled until the next meeting. C. Report from Investment Manager -- Highland Capital Todd Wishnia, Highland Capital, agreed with the market recap and economic summary by Mr. Owens and Mr. Mcllvaine. One thing he wanted expand on related to what Mr. Owens said about the dispersion with value and growth. Looking at the numbers from August 31at, growth is up 44.3%, and value is basically flat at 82 basis points. That is a difference of 43.5% between growth and value. That will come back, but no one knows just when. Some changes were made at the end of the quarter in the value and the growth index. Every year the indices rebalance, and his company is trying to keep in line with the growth index. There is a little more technology in the value index now. Regarding a question Mr. Williamson asked about the 15-year number, Highland is about 120 basis points below the index. This is mainly because two periods-2007-2008 and 2015- POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 2016—were pretty large underperformers which contributed substantially to the underperformance over a 15-year period. He reviewed that last quarter Highland changed the portfolio manager, but they still work as a team. The portfolio was tweaked somewhat and became more of a growth portfolio. He called for questions/comments from anyone concerning his presentation. Mr. Owens asked, since the Investment Policy Statement says that any manager cannot have more than 10% in one holding and Apple is above benchmark, is Highland going to pare that back so that the Plan is compliant with the Investment Policy Statement. Mr. Wishnia stated yes, they will absolutely do that. Mr. Owens clarified that that is not a statutory requirement. One of the things that can be done, if the Board is in agreement, is to actually take that language out of the Investment Policy Statement so that the managers can at least have benchmark weights in some of the stocks that they decide to purchase. If the Board approves, then the managers will not have to pare those back. Mr. Williamson asked, if one stock goes up to 15%, is it desirable to have 15% in one stock. Mr. Owens stated that it would only be 15% with that particular manager, which would be very minimal in comparison to the whole portfolio. It does not pertain to the whole portfolio; it just pertains to the manager of that particular stock. Mr. Owens also stated there is an overriding rule for the whole portfolio, which is statutory, that says the portfolio cannot have more than 5% in any one manager. Acting Chairman Wood called for a motion. A motion to amend the language that takes the 10% cap off any one holding within any one portfolio was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Ms. Ring, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Owens stated he will include that language in the Investment Policy Statement and will get it sent to Mr. Killgore today. Vill. Lecal Updates A. Report on Discussions with Foster and Foster Regarding Cyber Liability Insurance Ms. Jensen stated, as a follow-up to the last meeting the Board had discussed that Foster and Foster was maintaining their cyber insurance at $1 million. They had sent a letter earlier this year regarding the changes they had made to their systems to increase them in order to be more secure in the event of a cyber breach. So they have put into place, working with adherence to the National Institute of Standards in Technology, cyber security framework that provides framework for organizations to better manage and reduce cyber security risk. They have created a document that is available to this Board that describes the measures that Foster and Foster has taken to come into compliance. POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 They have also begun to go through the process of the SOC 2 Audit, which will provide them with a level of confidence and will test their cyber security. They also have that $1 million coverage. Ms. Jensen questions whether that $1 million coverage is sufficient. However, Foster and Foster has done lots of things in addition to purchasing cyber liability insurance to make sure that they are compliant. She is continuing to work with them to see if they can increase the amount of insurance they have up to the $2 million level that this Board has requested. She thinks that the Board can move forward from this point on the basis of the information that it has been provided. B. Other Legal Matters Ms. Jensen reviewed that the Public Safety Officer Benefit is a disability and death benefit paid by the federal government in the event that a police officer is catastrophically injured or dies in the line of duty. It is a $365,000.00+ amount of money that goes to the member or his/her family. That benefit has been expanded to include COVID as a presumed in - line -of -duty death or disability that disables an individual from performing his/her function. There are some standards that the individual would need to meet, the hardest one being that their family did not make them sick. It is a recognition of the exposure that police officers and others are having across the country and that the federal government is protecting the frontline individuals who are sent to address problems that the general public do not have to do. Ms. Jensen opined that there will probably be a virtual conference scheduled for next year in order to provide more education during this particular time. She suggested that, if the pandemic continues, a special session should probably be scheduled in order to provide this Board with some education. She noted that there is a requirement in the Plan's investment policy guidelines and in its administrative rules that the Board does get some continuing education. Mr. lovino and Ms. Watson asked if Ms. Jensen would send them the information regarding this education conference. Ms. Jensen stated she would send them the information that she has. IX. Board Member Reoorts and Comments Mr. lovino reminded everyone that today is a big day in Sebastian and asked those members who live in Sebastian to please get out and vote. X. Plan Administrator Reoorts and Comments A. Status of Proposed City Ordinance Amending the Plan for New IRS Rules Mr. Killgore stated that he has not submitted that to Foster and Foster at this point. He will get that out shortly to them so that they can do the actuarial impact study. POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 B. Receipt of Annual State Contribution Mr. Killgore stated the City will get $208,645.00 as compared to last year of $198,770.00. C. Review of Annual Calendar of Board Activities. Mr. Killgore stated he has nothing to present that has not already been accomplished at this point in the year. D. Meeting Dates for FY2021 are March 16, June 15, September 21, and December 14 Mr. Killgore asked the Board members to note these dates on their calendars. E. Other Administrative Matters — None XI. Next Scheduled Ouartedv Meetinc: December 15, 2020 XII. Adjourn There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Acting Chairman Wood at 12:35 p.m. By: �...... �4� Date: 1a-1C d6 jg