HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-2021 NRB AgendaCnYOF ZW HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 2021 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM December 1st, 2020 Meeting Minutes V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Item A. Sustainable Sebastian promotional merchandise has arrived! VI. PUBLIC INPUT VII. NEW BUSINESS Item A. Sustainable Sebastian Discussion i. Completed Tasks ii. Tasks to focus on immediately VIII. OLD BUSINESS Item A. Stormwater IPM Update Item B. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration planning for April 24, 2021 i. Entertainment schedule ii. Vendor notice and online applications iii. Board Member updates IX. MEMBER MATTERS X. STAFF MATTERS XI. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA: Item A. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration Planning XII. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. MOF SELAST NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM HOME Of PELICAN €�I.ANP Council Meetinq Date: January 51", 2021 Aqenda Item Title: IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM December 1st, 2020 Meeting Minutes Recommendation: Submitted for Board Member approval Background: If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: n/a Attachments: Meeting Minutes from the December 1st, 2021 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 1, 2020 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledqe of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Stadelman Mr. Carrano Ms. Ware Mr. Carrier (a) Mr. Powers (Zoom) Ms. Lovell (Zoom) Ms. Mosblech (Zoom) Ms. Callaghan (Zoom) Not Present: Mr. Bradley (a) -- Absent Ms. Lovell -- Excused Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Mr. Robert Loring, Senior Planner Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. Approval of Minutes -- November 3, 2020 All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of November 3, 2020 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Sustainable Sebastian Implementation Plan was well received at the November 18th City Council Meeting Ms. Haigler gave special thanks to Mr. Stadelman and Mr. Carrier who came to support it. It was well received by the Council, and staff and this Board are very thankful to have Council's support of this program. Mr. Stadelman echoed what Ms. Haigler had stated NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2020 and reviewed that this plan has been in the process of being implemented for approximately three years, and it is good to know that it has been well received. He thanked Ms. Haigler and the City staff for all their hard work on this plan. B. Comprehensive Plan Public Engagement on December 2nd, 11 AM - 1 PM and 5 PM - 7 PM Mr. Loring reviewed that this meeting, which will be more of a workshop, will cover the first eight elements of the proposed Comprehensive Plan. He explained that there will be one more of these meetings on the remainder of the elements of the Plan. These meetings will give the residents an opportunity to look over the Plan and provide input. There will be maps set up, and the elements will be broken down individually, and any questions will be answered. C. MRC Indian River Lagoon Health Report Card Webinar on December 8,12:00PM&6:30PM Ms. Haigler stated this is an annual event. It is the Indian River Lagoon Health Report Card, so it will be about the water quality, the seagrasses and all the latest data. It is a free webinar. She explained that the webinar can be accessed by going to the Marine Resources Council (MRC) website. VI. Public Input -- None VII. New Business A. Christmas Parade Participation Ms. Haigler stated that as of the November 18th City Council meeting the parade is back on. However, that did not leave enough time for the NRB to get its float, etc. together. She asked if any of the Board members wanted to participate. Mr. Stadelman indicated he would participate. Ms. Haigler stated there will be two people needed to carry the banner. Since the announcement that the parade would be held came so late, there were no other Board members who could participate. Thus, the NRB's participation in the parade was cancelled for this year. B. Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration Planning for April 24, 2021 Entertainment update and approval of funds. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2020 Ms. Haigler stated Brian O'Neill is going to be in charge of the entertainment because he has such great connections, and the entertainment at Earth Day two years ago was the best entertainment ever. He has booked the same groups that were planned for last year. She stated that the cost for all the entertainment will be $300.00 total. She needs a vote for approval on that. A motion to approve $300.00 for entertainment at the Earth Day Celebration on April 24, 2021 was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. ii. Addition of beer service, courtesy of Pareidolia Brewery by Pelican Island Conservation Society Ms. Haigler stated that Pareidolia Brewery has offered to donate kegs of beer for the event. This subject was discussed last year. How this works is that a nonprofit has to host the beer. It has to be given completely free, and all the profits made from the beer have to go to the nonprofit. The nonprofit also has to pour the beer. The NRB does not have enough members to spare to pour the beer because all the members will have other tasks to do. For this event, Brian Benton went to the Pelican Island Preservation Society, and they are interested in hosting the beer and pouring the beer. So they will receive whatever funds are made from providing the beer. If the Board approves this idea, then Ms. Haigler will take it to the Leisure Services Manager, the City Manager, and then City Council for approval. Ms. Ware announced that the Pelican Island Preservation Society is now known as the Pelican Island Conservation Society. Ms. Haigler stated that Pareidolia is also a Litter Quitter business, and this will be a great way to showcase some of the Litter Quitter businesses. Ms. Callaghan's concern was regarding what receptacles the beer would be poured into. She suggested that there be a way found to achieve the sustainability goals of the NRB by staying away from plastic cups. Ms. Haigler stated that one of the conditions for having the beer is to come up with a cup that is biodegradable. Ms. Callaghan also suggested having something that would be able to show alternatives to businesses and/or other consumers so that they can start thinking about using items that are biodegradable/sustainable. Ms. Haigler agreed. Ms. Mosblech suggested using cups other than reusable plastic, as they may just end up getting thrown in the trash. She believes it is good to start the discussion on this subject now. She also suggested coming up with an easier way of organizing all the vendors' information. Instead of having an actual PDF form that everyone fills in and signs, she NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2020 suggested potentially using some sort of a Microsoft form or a Google survey of some sort that can be sent out where the information will come back and be compiled into something like an Excel spreadsheet on which everything is organized for the Board members. She asked if that might be possible to do. Barbara Brooke -Reese, the MIS Manager, said that would be very possible, as they have the technology for that, and that is something that her department can actively do. Ms. Haigler agreed that it would make things easier. Ms. Haigler stated she needs someone to volunteer to be an assistant on that and maybe check once on the weekend to make sure that someone has responded to everyone. She also needs someone to send out a "Save The Date" notice to the vendors as soon as possible. Mr. Carrano and Ms. Mosblech both volunteered. Ms. Mosblech stated she has worked on the "Save The Date" notices in the past, and she will help out. She will also be happy to help create the digital survey as well. Ms. Haigler asked for someone to accompany her to the Park to map out vendor locations. Mr. Carrano volunteered to help. Mr. Stadelman stated his reasons for being in favor of having beer. It was the consensus of the Board members that this is a good plan. Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to approve the addition of beer service at the Earth Day Celebration. A motion to approve the beer service for Earth Day was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Mr. Carrano, and approved unanimously via voice vote. iii. Board members to choose event tasks to champion Ms. Haigler called everyone's attention to the last two pages of the agenda packet, which is a summary of the Celebration plan. She has been in contact with Waste Management, and they have confirmed that they will do the recycling and shredding event. The County Stormwater group will be doing their chalk -art contest. Ms. Ware stated that the Sebastian Art Club would participate in the event. They will also do face painting. Brian Benton from Leisure Services has offered to help with the vendors, which is a huge task. She still needs another volunteer for this task. She repeated the website (nrbearthday@gmail.com) for the new Board members. This site has been approved for the NRB to use, and all the communications on that site are put into the City files so that they become public record. She will give those working on the food vendors the password for this site. That way, everyone can access the applications and the list of vendors that will help communication among everyone. Mr. Stadelman asked for a volunteer to handle the I.R.C. Fire Rescue Permit as well as the State Food Vendor Permit. Ms. Haigler explained the process and stated she would handle that. Mr. Stadelman volunteered to help with this process. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2020 Be a Gopher Tortoise. Ms. Haigler stated she needs someone to set it up, and the volunteers at the event can run it. Scavenger Hunt. Ms. Haigler talked about doing a GPS-based hunt this year. She needs a volunteer to help the lead person, who may be someone such as a person from the Treasure Coast Geo Store, on this program and explained what would be involved. Ms. Callaghan volunteered, and she also recalled that the scavenger hunt at the last Celebration was managed from the NRB booth, and she will be glad to help out there. Other Activities. Ms. Ware suggested a poster contest. She has a contact at the Middle School who might be able to champion it. Ms. Haigler suggested that the Charter Middle School would be a great school to choose. Ms. Ware will volunteer to be the lead on the poster contest. She suggested that some of the posters be displayed near the art booth. Ms. Haigler stated that a lot of the vendors will sponsor their own activities, so there will be various activities for the public to join in on. Living Docks. Ms. Haigler stated the Boys and Girls Clubs help out every year. She will also reach out to other organizations such as scout troops. Mr. Carrier volunteered for this program. Mr. Carrano also volunteered. Volunteers. Ms. Haigler stated she needs a person to reach out to various organizations for general volunteers to work the event. Ms. Callaghan stated she would handle that. NRB Booth. Ms. Haigler said there will be several Board members there, and she stated the important thing is to streamline the NRB's message, such as the Sustainable Sebastian Initiative. She also stated that with this year's budget, some better display items can be set up, so she needs someone to coordinate things. Mr. Carrier suggested making a small expenditure to purchase examples of sustainable alternative items that could be put on display at the booth of items for food takeout, etc. that are of a more sustainable type, rather than going to each vendor and making suggestions to them. Ms. Haigler stated she has been collecting such items, and they can be used. Ms. Callaghan also suggested that the NRB emphasize what sustainability means and what the goals are for sustainability so that the public becomes more familiar with that term. Ms. Haigler stated that can also be made part of the vendor packet. Advertising. Ms. Haigler stated she has the flyer from last year, and she will modify it for this year. She will email the PDF items and the digital versions out to everyone so they can be posted on social media and/or whatever organizations are involved. Ms. Ware volunteered to assist Ms. Haigler. Ms. Haigler suggested searching for various community calendars for possible inclusion in the future. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2020 Items from the City of Sebastian. Ms. Haigler stated this is a list of all the activities and supplies that will be needed, and this list will be updated at each meeting going forward in the planning stages. Total NRB Funds for FY2020: $2,000.00. Expenditure: $30.00 FOR I.R.C. Fire Rescue Permit Ms. Haigler stated this will be updated going forward. VIII. Old Business A. Stormwater IPM Update Ms. Haigler reviewed that the last meeting was preceded by a visit by Board members to various stormwater sites where vegetation management is necessary and the challenges at each. Also discussed was how all the stormwater features are going to be classified in the management of the aquatic vegetative pests. There has also been a Stormwater IPM webpage implemented in order to inform the public regarding the IPM stormwater program. The next meeting will be Tuesday, December 8th at 2:00 p.m. in Council chambers. Mr. Stadelman recalled that some people suggested leaving the vegetation in its natural state. Ms. Haigler stated that the City has to maintain the storage capacity of the stormwater ponds as well as the movement and the treatment ability of that water. She also stated that most of the species that have to be managed are not native to this area; those were brought to this area by man. It is not natural for hyacinths to be here, and they spread exponentially, so controlling them is important. Since these vegetative pests have been allowed to grow over the past months, a lot of the stormwater system is being impaired by them. Mr. Carrano stated that every plant has a positive behind it. Some plants have negatives behind them, especially when they are aquatic vegetation. There needs to be a balance of the two. It is not an easy task, and it is not a cheap task except to spray. That is the cheapest thing that can be done. Ms. Haigler said it was $25,000.00 to spray, and that was minimal, with only 80 gallons of chemicals for the whole year over the entire stormwater system. So that is not a whole lot of spraying. She said that the goal is not to make the shoreline sterile. She thinks that is a misunderstanding. The goal is to enhance shoreline vegetation but not to have sterile shorelines. It is desirable to have the shoreline vegetation, but some of the vegetation takes over and then impairs the other functions of the stormwater system. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2020 Mr. Stadelman reminded everyone that these IPM meetings are open for anyone to participate. It is an important topic. I►:�Ula'i'i1OMLYAR- M-i . Ms. Ware invited everyone to come to the holiday bazaar at the Art Club on Saturday between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. She has flyers for anyone who wants one. Mr. Stadelman wished everyone a happy holiday season. X. Staff Matters Ms. Haigler stated that at the shredding event on September 26th, a total of 7,500 pounds of shredding material were collected and 2,520 pounds of E-waste were brought to the dump. Ms. Haigler congratulated Ms. Donna Ware for being elected as new President of the Sebastian Art Club. XI. Items for Next Agenda A. Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration Planning XII. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Date: IF OA 4i SEBAST-"- HOME OF PELICAN 15LAND Council Meetinq Date Aqenda Item Title: VII NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM January 51", 2021 OLD BUSINESS Item B. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration Planning for April 24, 2021 i. Entertainment schedule Recommendation: Submitted for Board Member review Backqround: If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: n/a Attachments: Event Entertainment Schedule. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration Entertainment Schedule 9-10 Jason Nails -solo 10-12 The Golden Ukers & Special Guests 2-4 The Robert Johnson Band MC: Charles Stadelman Sound Services provided by Chaos Sound