HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-2021 BAC AgendaLift LT HOME DF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — FEBRUARY 8, 2021 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET a. Call to Order b. Pledge of Allegiance c. Roll Call d. Introduction of Members (Name and Appointee): • Larry Napier Mayor Dodd • Bruce Hoffman Council Member Hill • Harry Hall Council Member Jones • Ed Herlihy Council Member McPartlan • Rex Wilson Council Member Nunn • Amber Cerda At -large Member • Terrance McGinn At -large Member • Dave Newhart Alternate Member • James Sullivan Alternate Member e. Selection of Chairperson f. Selection of Vice -Chairperson g. Approval of Minutes: Meeting of August 31, 2020 h. Review of Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2019-2020 i. Review Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday, May 17, 2021) j. General Discussion by Members k. Public Comments I. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of August 31, 2020 Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2019-2020 Budget Calendar ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THEAPPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 31, 2020 Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledge of Alleciiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Lewin Mr. Hall Mr. Napier Ms. Cerda Mr. Hoffman Mr. Herlihy (via Zoom) Absent: Mr. Keerthi Weragoda (a) Also Present: Paul Carlisle, City Manager Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Janet Graham, Technical Writer (via Zoom) IV. Approval of Minutes A. Meeting of August 3, 2020 Mr. Napier asked if all Committee members had reviewed the Minutes of August 3, 2020. All indicated they had. He called for a motion. A motion to accept the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Lewin, seconded by Ms. Cerda, and approved unanimously via voice vote V. Undate of FY20-21 Budtiet Status by Ken Kilhore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Mr. Killgore reviewed a slide presentation (SEE ATTACHED), discussing the updates that he has made since this Committee's last meeting. He stated there have been no significant changes to the sources or expenditures regarding the General Fund. There has been a forecast from the State, and he will discuss those figures in depth later in this presentation. There have been no major changes to any of the other funds of the City. He reviewed that later in the meeting the Commissioners will be asked to vote on the millage that will be presented to City Council as well as on the proposed budget. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF AUGUST 31, 2020 Regarding the State Revenue Sharing Funds that the City receives, the revenues for July and August 2020 were 20% less than last year for the same time period. The State also posted their estimates for all the municipalities and counties. Mr. Killgore stated that in looking at those figures he found that they were only 10% less than they were for last fiscal year's projection. He feels that those figures are very optimistic. He stated that just looking at the last two months, the revenue sharing is actually 20% less than for the same months last year. Mr. Killgore went over the quote that is on the State's website where the State is putting qualifiers on those figures and advising the cities and counties to be cautious and conservative in their budgeting for the upcoming fiscal year. Mr. Killgore stated the thing that concerns him is how the state used the June and July payments and cut them by about two-thirds. He questions if the same might happen next year. Mr. Killgore is not recommending any shifts in the other revenue sources that were set forth in the draft budget. The budget is balanced at the 2.9399 millage rate, which is the same amount as this year. He listed the uncertainties with the FY20-21 budget such as the effect of the pandemic on the City's revenues as well as labor negotiations, the hurricane season, and possible litigation costs. This budget has no wage increases for the City's employees. He does not recommend using the City's reserves. Also covered was the revenue forecast for the utility fees, franchise fees, etc. The rollback millage of 2.8091 was discussed and how that would affect real estate taxes. If this millage is adopted, that would mean an adjustment of $186,240.00 would be needed to balance the current draft budget, with no room for negotiations or unknowns without using reserves. Secondly, Mr. Killgore explained that if the City adopted the 2.9399 millage, which is the same rate as the current year, it would mean a slight increase in real estate taxes. The draft budget is balanced based on the 2.9399 figure. He stated with the unknowns it would be difficult to operate at the 2.9399 rate. Thirdly, Mr. Killgore reviewed that using the millage of 3.1514, which was used the year before this, would necessitate an increase of approximately 12.2% in real estate taxes. If this figure is used, it would allow for a $300,917.00 contingency for reductions in revenues, as well as room for labor negotiations or unknowns without using reserves. The status of budgets for other funds was discussed by Mr. Killgore, including street repaving/reconstruction, stormwater master plan, canal restoration, new taxi way at the airport, and sewer services at the airport. The Enterprise Funds were discussed, including the golf course, airport and building funds, personnel, and operating costs, and expected airport grants. Mr. Killgore called for discussion among the Committee members regarding his presentation. Mr. Herlihy read aloud from a newspaper article published in Tallahassee which states that Florida economists slashed $5.4 billion from expected state revenue over the next CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF AUGUST 31, 2020 two years. Mr. Herlihy shares Mr. Killgore's concern regarding revenues. He stated the proposed budget as it now exists is fine with him, but he is concerned about no pay raises, upcoming labor negotiations, and any possible upcoming legal expenses. Mr. Lewin expressed that maintaining City services is important. He is concerned with vulnerability as to revenues, but he is satisfied with the budget as presented. Mr. Hoffman approves of the budget as presented, but he is concerned about the state revenue projections. Mr. Carlisle explained that the City used their own revenue projections. They did not use the state's projections but studied the City's revenue history over recent years in balancing the budget. Mr. Hall believes that retaining the present level of services is important. He is in favor of the budget as presented. Ms. Cerda also agrees with the budget as presented. She appreciates all the work by City staff that went into drafting the budget. Mr. Napier approves of the budget as it is presented. VI. Vote on BudGet by Committee Members There being a consensus of approval of the draft budget, all Committee members agreed that it be presented to City Council for approval. VII. Vote on Millac}e by Committee members Mr. Napier stated that presently the budget is balanced at the 2.9399 millage rate, and he is of the opinion that this millage rate should be used. He suggested that the $300,000.00 difference should be taken from the reserves to be used in this budget. Ms. Cerda is of the opinion that the 3.1514 millage figure should be used. Mr. Hall feels that a buffer is needed, so he is in favor of the 3.1514 millage rate. Mr. Hoffman feels the 3.1514 figure should be used to provide some flexibility. Mr. Lewin is cognizant that many people will be affected in a negative way by the increase in taxes, but he is in favor of the 3.1514 millage rate. Mr. Herlihy is in favor of the 3.1514 millage rate. He is strongly against using the General Fund Reserve. There was discussion among the Committee members and City staff as to whether there should be public comments before the motion was voted upon. It was decided that public comment was not needed at this point, as it is listed on the Agenda following Comments by Staff. CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF AUGUST 31, 2020 A motion recommending the 3.1514 millage rate to City Council was made by Mr. Herlihy, seconded by Ms. Cerda, and approved via voice vote. The vote was 5-1 in favor. Motion passes. VIII. General Discussion by Committee Members The Committee Members expressed their appreciation to Mr. Killgore for his work and diligence in crafting the proposed budget. IX. Comments by Staff Mr. Killgore thanked the Committee members for their input and the time they have spent on reviewing the budget. He also thanked Mr. Carlisle, the City Manager, for his input. Mr. Carlisle echoed Mr. Killgore's sentiments regarding the work the Committee members put into reviewing the budget. X. Public Comments Andrea Ring, Sebastian, commented on the Committee adhering to Roberts Rules of Order. XI. Adiourn There being no further business, Mr. Napier adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m. A Chairman Larry Napier j9 Date: MOF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 10, 2021 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting the 4th Quarter Financial Report and Recognizing Necessary Amendments and Adjustments to the FY 2019-2020 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-21-02. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report and accomplishments are also included. Formal approval by the City Council was already given for adjustments using the General Fund Reserves for mechanical vegetation clearing, adding CARES Act funding to the CDBG Grant Program and to approve the costs of the Recall Vote. There are several adjustments needing formal approval. Three are for the using the General Fund R&R Reserve for the emergency replacement of a vehicle and air conditioner replacements and one that used the Airport Contingency Account for an air conditioner replacement. No further adjustments during the quarter are requiring City Council approval. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager has approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and made adjustments necessary to "implement programs, projects and expenditures authorized by the City Council". Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes to set up expenditure accounts for grants, donations and a reimbursement from the insurance company, as well as adjustments to cover the quarterly incentive payments and adjustments just shifting funds within the same department. All the above adjustments are listed in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: As per Exhibit "A" of the Resolution Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Attachments: 1. Resolution R-21-02 and Attachment "A" 2. 4th Quarter Financial Report, including Capital Project Status, Investments/Loans and Accomplishments Administrative Services Department Review:' City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: RESOLUTION NO. R-21-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT AND RECOGNIZING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2019 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on September 30, 2020 indicated that there were budget adjustments requiring formal approval by the City Council and that previously approved amendments and adjustments by the City Manager should be recognized; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager have previously approved any other necessary amendments and adjustments in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020 has been amended and adjusted as necessary within the quarter ending September 30, 2020; a summary of such amendments and adjustments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A"; the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are recognized as having been made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember vote was as follows: Mayor Ed Dodd Vice -Mayor Jim Hill Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Fred Jones Councilmember Christopher Nunn and, upon being put to a vote, the The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 10'b day of February 2021. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Mayor Ed Dodd Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION R-21-02 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Profect/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment 'Pest/Weed Control $30,000 $25,782 $55,782 7/08/20 Approved mechanical vegetation R & M - Operating Equipment ------------- ------------------- $_ 160,000 - ($25,782) - $134,218 ------------- clearing of aquatic and wetland areas. Contractual Services $73,674 $74,778 ------------------------------------------------- $148,452 7/22/20 Approved CARES Act funding to be !Sidewalks $50,000 0 $50,000 added to the CDBG Grant Program and CDBG Grant ($123,674) ($74,778 ($198,452) amended the Annual Action Plan. -- -------------------------------- Election Expense $40,114 - $41,604 -------------------------------------------------- $81,718 - 11/18/20 Approved payment to the Appropriation from General Reserves ($160,711) ($41,604) ($202,315) Supervisor of Elections for Recall Vote. ADJUSTMENTS BEING SUBMITTED FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Pro;ect/Account Chance Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Appropriation from R&R Account ($112,385) ($7,968) ($120,353) Used General Fund R&R Reserve to Vehicles & Equipment -- - --- -- ------ --------------------------- $42,665 ---- -- $7,968 $50,633 replace Community Center Air Conditioner. Appropriation from R&R Account ($120,353 ($45,805) ($166,158) Used General Fund R&R Reserve for the .Vehicles & Equipment $32,413 $45,805 $78,218 emergency replacement of a vehicle in the Police Detective Division. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicles & Equipment $26,121 $4,964 $31,085 Used Airport Contingency for replacement Contingency - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $123,318 ($4,964) $118,354 of an Administration Building air conditioner., R & M - Buildings $75,689 $11,827 $87,516 Used General Fund R&R Reserve to Appropriation from R&R Account ($166,158) ($11,827) ($177,985) replace an evaporator coil for Police A/C. ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY MANAGER: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment ,Greer - Trust Account Balance ----------:----------------------- 0 -- $36,368 $36,368 -------------- -Adjustment to establish account for past �Appropriation from General ($202,315) Reserves ------------------------------------------------ ($36,368 ) ($238,583) accumulation of Greer Trust donations. Greer - Vehicles & Equipment 0 $9,500 - $9,500 ----------------------------------------------- Adjustment to replace a Police K-9 from Greer - Designated Expenditures $8,000 ($7,600) $400 current and past contributions from the 'Greer - Trust Account Balances $36,368 ($1,900) $34,368 Greer Trust to the Police Department. -- - - - - -- -- -- --------------------- Regular Salaries Account - -------------- $393,800 ------------ $400 --------------------------------------------------i $394,200 Adjustment between accounts to cover the Overtime $10,000 ($400) $9,600 3`d Quarter one time incentive awards. -------------------------------------------------- Various Accounts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $98,613 $11,950 $110,563 Adjustment to increase Police Department JAG Grant Revenue ---- -- ------------------------------------- ($3,334) ----------------------------- ($11,950) ($15,284) ------------------- accounts for spending the JAG Grant funds. --------- Vehicles & Equipment $50,633 $3,861 $54,494 ----------------------- Adjustment to cover replacement of an air R & M - Buildings -------------------------------------------------- $79,500 -------------- ($3,861) -------------------- $75,639 ----------- conditioner unit at the City Garage. ---- -- Equipment Leases $500 $9,800 $10,300 - ------------------------- Adjustment to rent equipment for work on R & M - Operating Equipment -- - - ---- ----- - - - -- - -- $134,218 - ---------- -- ($9,800) ------- $124,418 - ---------- ditches while Excavator was out of service. -- ---- ------ M - Lighting $6,200 - $2,000 $8,200 ------- ----- - ---- ------ ------ Adjustment to repair Airport glide path Fencing Fencing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $3,159 ($2,000) $1,159 landing lights. iEquipment Leases $10,300 $9,688 $19,988 Additional adjustment to rent equipment for Various Accounts $130,410 ($9,688) $120,730 work on ditches. ---- ----- ---- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Improvements Other Than Buildings $20,000 $2,499 $22,499 Increased Batting Cages Project for the Contributions & Donations 0 ($2,499) ($2,499) Sebastian RiverArea Little Leaguedonation. --------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Regular Salaries Accounts $923,970 $950 - $924,920 - ------ Covers 4th Quarter one time incentive Additional Compensation ----------------------------------------------- $1,450 ------------------------------------- ($950) $500 - awards, as needed. ($5,700 in Total). $28,964 $13,442 $42,406 - -- - -- - P Y payment Records Insurance Company a ment for Insurance Proceeds ($53,653 ($13,442) ($67,095) August lightning damage to City property. CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOURTH QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 SUMMARY THE FOURTH QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND ENDED WITH 94.4% OF THE TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED. DEPARTMENTS SPENT 95.2%, OF THE BUDGETED AMOUNTS. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Balance $ $ 6,199,061 Ad Valorem Taxes 3,951,497 3,867,257 97.9% Franchise Fees 1,401,716 1,316,849 93.9% Utility Taxes 3,017,973 2,940,406 97.4% Hurricane Recoveries 143,666 48,809 34.0% Intergovernmental 3,182,801 2,964,913 93.2% Charges for Service 698,866 663,702 95.0% Licenses and Other 726,159 589,456 81.2% Total Revenues $ 13,122,678 $ 12,391,392 94.4% From Fund Balance 416,568 - 0.0% Total Sources .3,539,246 = 12,391,392 91.5% City Council 63,080 46,702 74.0% City Manager 276,527 269,335 97.4% City Clerk 271,465 264,887 97.6% City Attorney 181,738 167,044 91.9% Admin Services 696,417 674,673 96.9% MIS Division 539,572 511,750 94.8% Police Department 6,722,543 6,415,953 95.4% Roads and Drainage 991,900 963,173 97.1% Public Facilities 988,513 948,168 95.9% Leisure Services 1,213,427 1,110,021 91.5% Community Dev. 590,024 539,290 91.4% Non -Departmental 1,004,040 976,456 97.3% Total Uses $ 13,539,246 $ 12,887,452 95.2% Ending Unappropriated Fund Balance $ 5,703,001 L General Fund Revenue 4p00 DAdjutted Budget Meart°Date to 3,500 q 3,000 2,500 o 2,000 � 00 i3OD0 i 500 10°s°y es Odes\..,._ onto` d5µ, 16, 0,e J."" t ��� ,o\dp" 4�\dam �`a°°d`a "o " 0. J General Fund Expenditures 6,000 ed Budget Drearto Date I 5,000 t m 4,000 f 0 3,000 N 2,000 1,000p� � �o a, cam" 0 4d o ',ate° aeo 0 V21 d11\ c� 0\t1�aA` 0� GHW o`,� o�� °A�,d``F 100 R ENDING RESERVES WERE $5,703,001 BUT AFTER DEDUCTING $283,742 FOR INVENTORIES, PREPAYMENTS & RESTRICTED LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNTS, UNASSIGNED RESERVES WERE $5,419,259. THIS WAS ABOVE THE AMOUNT PROJECTED WHEN WE BEGAN 2020 AND ABOVE THE $5,000,000 MINIMUM BALANCE WE INTEND TO MAINTAIN FOR DECLARED NATURAL DISASTERS, HOWEVER IT IS $183,993 LESS THAN PROJECTED WITH THE 2021 BUDGET PROJECTIONS. GENERAL FUND BALANCE FORECAST Fund Balance R&R Account Beginning Reserves 10/01/19 $ 5,924,061 5 275,000 Year to Date Revenue 12,391,392 Fund Balance/R&R Changes to Date: Unfinished 2019 Projects (85,264) Failed MIS Equipment (912) Replace Lightning Protection (12,000) Replace Splash Pad Pump (10,505) Replace Parks Mower (36,580) Hire Annexation Attorney (34,412) Hired Full-time City Attorney (41,035) Complete Sign Compliance (1,530) Replace Security Trailer A/C (4,691) Replace MIS A/C (27,160) Replace Grooming Machine (19,007) Replace Community Center A/C (7,968) Replace Detective Vehicle (45,805) Repair PD Air Conditioner (11,827) Set up Greer Account (36,268) Special Recall Election Cost (41,604) Year to Date Uses $ (233,583) $ (177,985) Other Expenditures (12,470,884) Current Reserves $ 5,605,986 s 97,015 Expected Changes to Year End: Additional Revenues - - Additional Expenditures - - Ending Reserves $ 5,605,986 S 97,015 Adjust R&R to $275,000 (177,985) 177,985 Adjusted Reserves 5 b,428,001 S 275,000 Assigned Funds (283,742) Net Unassigned Reserves $ 5,144,259 $ 275,000 Total Unassigned Reserves $ 5,419,259 Projected in 2020 Budget $ 5,046,649 $143,666 ON HURRICANE MATTHEW REMAINS UNPAID. WE HAVE RECEIVED FULL REIMBURSEMENTS ON BOTH HURRICANES IRMA AND DORIAN. $2,250 t $2,000 $1,750 } $1,500 yp $1,250 $1,000 f' $750 $500 $250 Hurricane Reimbursements $143,666 More Due ` Matthew z Eligible $1,581,745 I ■ Received 1 $1,438,079 Eligible ■ Received f Irma Dorian Totals $547,325 $34,104 $21163,174 $547,325 $34,104 $2,019,508 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOURTH QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 SUMMARY STORMWATER FEES WERE 97.8% COLLECTED AND OPERATING EXPENDITURES WERE 82.0% OF BUDGET. $215K AS MATCHING FUNDS FOR THE PLANNED STONECROP DRAINAGE GRANT WERE NOT MADE. NET AVAILABLE FUNDS ARE ABOVE AMOUNTS PROJECTED WITH THE 2020 BUDGET BUT ARE $45K BELOW 2021 PROJECTIONS. STORMWATER FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Fund Balance $ 799,532 $ 889,713 Stormwater Fees 1,940,000 1,912,151 98.6% Sale of Fixed Assets 37,800 38,250 n1a Interest 36,083 19,029 52.7% Total Revenues $ 2,013,883 $ 1,969,430 97.8% Total Sources $ 2,813,415 $ 2,859,143 101.6% Operating Expenditures 1,546,502 1,267,438 82.0% Capital Outlay 186,945 186,937 100.0% Contingency 5,436 - 0.0% Transfer to Capital Projects 275,000 29,019 10.6% Total Uses 2,013,883 $ 1,483,394 73.7% Ending Fund Balance 799,532 $ 1,375,749 Expected Change to Year End; Additional Revenues Additional Expenditures Additional Capital Outlay Transfers to Capital Projects - 9/30120 Net Available Funds $ 1,375,749 Projected in 2020 Budget $ 804,968 REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE AIRPORT DO NOT NORMALLY INCLUDE GRANT ACTIVITY HANDLED IN THE AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND BUT A GRANT WAS GIVEN THIS YEAR FOR OPERATIONS. ENDING RESOURCES WERE MORE THAN 2020 AND 2021 PROJECTIONS. AIRPORT FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Resources $ $ (143,566) Rents 483,973 473,573 97.9% Grant - 30,000 n/a Investment Income - 2,939 n/a Miscellaneous 85,710 82,161 95.9% Total Revenues 569,683 588,673 103.3% Transfer from General Fund 4,691 4,691 100.0% Total Sources $ 574,374 $ 449,798 Operating Expenses 343,135 339,532 98.9% General Fund Advance 25,000 25,000 100.0% DST Fund Loans 30,500 30,600 100.0% Capital Outlay 52,421 39,554 75.5% Contingency 123,318 - 0.0% Total Uses $ 574,374 $ 434,586 75.7% Total Ending Resources $ 10,521 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Addditional Uses 9130120 Ending Resources $ 10,521 Projected in 2020 Budget $ 5,626 GOLF COURSE BALANCES ARE AFFECTED BY LOANS FROM THE GENERAL FUND AND BUILDING FUND THAT WERE COMMITTED FOR IRRIGATION/CLUBHOUSE WORK. ENDING RESOURCES ARE NOT QUITE AS GOOD AS PROJECTED WHEN THE 2020 BUDGET PROJECTIONS WERE MADE BUT CLOSE TO THE 2021 PROJECTIONS. GOLF FUND SUMMARY Budget Beginning Resources $ $ Charges for Service 1,371,368 Rent 30,000 Miscellaneous 9,460 Total Revenues 1,410,828 Pro Shop Sales 100,000 Pro Shop Purchases (70,000) Sales vs. Cost of Sales 30,000 Total Sources 3 1,440,828 $ Operating Expenses Cart Loan Payments Total Operating Expense General Fund Payment Building Fund Payment Total Uses Total Ending Resources Expected Change to Year End: Additional Sources Additional Uses 9130/20 Ending Resources Projected in 2020 Budget $ 1,346,070 $ 56,391 1,402,461 38,367 $ 1,440,828 $ c $ YTD (672,196) 1,264,795 30,001 10,939 1,305,735 101,711 (79,444) 22,267 1,328,002 % 92.2°% 100.0% 115.6% 92,6% 101.7% 113.5% 74.2% 92.2% 1,242,940 92.3% 51,691 91.7% 1,294,631 92.3;0 n/a 38,367 100.0% 1,332,998 92.5io (677,192) (677,192) (625,944) BUILDING FUND ENDING RESOURCES REMAIN AT GOOD LEVELS. THEY ARE ABOVE THE 2020 BUDGET PROJECTIONS AND THE 2021 BUDGET PROJECTIONS. BUILDING FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Resources $ $ 573,806 Licenses and Permits 770,500 911,334 118.3% Charges for Service 12,200 18,095 148.3% Fines and Forfeits 6,500 6,298 96.9% Miscellaneous 13,770 9,550 69.4% Golf Fund Loan Payments 38,367 38,367 100.0% Total Sources 841,337 983,644 116,9% Operating Expenses 812,343 742,958 91.5% Capital Outlay 22,573 - 0.0% Contingency 6,421 n/a Total Uses $ 841,337 $ 742,958 88.3% Total Ending Resources $ 814,492 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Additional Uses 9/30/20 Ending Resources $ 814,492 Projected in 2020 Budget $ 518,466 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/20 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 2019/2020 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget GENERALFUND TAXES -7,785,255.29 -7,911,624.45 -8,167,746.70 -8,124,514.21 -8,371,186.00 97.05% LICENSES & PERMITS -135,899.23 -165,922.29 -146,812.15 -150,239.71 -162,200.00 92.63% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -2,807,990.42 -4,388,227.62 -3,613,868.30 -3,013,721.45 -3,326,467.00 90.60% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -312,759.64 -391,053.96 -548,099.92 -663,701.96 -698,866.00 94.97% FINES AND FORFEITS -70,411.10 -47,701.30 -50,996.50 -53,164.10 -39,800.00 133.58% MISC. REVENUE -313,043.23 -397,460.50 -421,667.23 -386,060.59 -499,159.00 77.34% TRANSFERS IN -663,569.00 -704,638.00 -23,928.00 0.00 -25,000.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -416,568.00 0.00% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -12,088,927.91 -14,006,628.12 -12,973,128.80 -12,391,402.02 -23,539,246.00 91.52% CITY COUNCIL 53,750.96 53,664.05 52,258.79 46,701.88 63,080.00 74.04% CITY MANAGER 267,924.98 425,855.85 336,677.28 269,335.02 276,527.00 97.40% CITY CLERK 180,697.73 207,259.74 205,292.18 264,886.75 271,465.00 97.58% LEGAL 68,346.44 100,267.05 105,408.63 167,044.31 181,738.00 91.91% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 571,114.89 650,704.98 672,001.27 674,672.52 696,417.00 96.88% M.I.S. DIVISION 165,193.25 385,022.17 464,728.90 511,749.95 539,572.00 94.84% AUDIO VISUAL 107,121.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% POLICE ADMINISTRATION 1,004,482.37 1,075,873.53 1,052,404.35 1,263,875.48 1,340,192.00 94.31% POLICE PATROL 2,672,538.64 3,045,450.52 3,412,730.43 3,308,390.76 3,433,858.00 96.35% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 164,703.95 178,586.79 184,410.44 184,218.93 191,648.00 96.12% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 714,487.58 754,632.44 818,246.50 1,076,622.17 1,103,152.00 97.60% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 611,029.16 599,062.56 622,038.21 582,845.07 653,693.00 89.16% ENGINEERING 604,499.51 24.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% ROADS AND DRAINAGE 468,720.45 808,405.84 887,151.31 963,173.47 991,900.00 97.10% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 721,845.61 1,120,251.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CENTRAL GARAGE 214,205.66 218,848.44 232,277.74 202,251.12 212,349.00 95.24% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 428,900.99 489,484.05 398,279.84 568,180.67 596,488.00 95.25% PARKS/RECREATION 936,339.77 879,505.77 1,145,017.29 1,110,021.03 1,213,427.00 91.48% CEMETERY 166,376.04 186,128.00 178,032.88 177,736.25 179,676.00 98.92% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 214,587.49 395,540.44 366,205.40 539,289.97 590,024.00 91.40% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 1,492,113.12 1,564,956.31 1,014,277.26 976,464.26 1,004,040.00 97.25% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 11,828,979.85 13,139,524.50 12,147,438.70 12,887,459.61 13,539,246.00 95.19% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/20 2016/2017 2027/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 2019/2020 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -674,778.08 -715,310.85 -711,023.38 -686,490.82 -736,320.00 93.23% INTERGVTT REVENUE -12,532.00 -12,908.00 -13,294.89 -13,693.92 -13,694.00 100.00% MISC. REVENUE -947.47 -6,685.86 -8,901.60 -1,990.74 -5,347.00 37.23% TRANSFERS IN -200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -333,464.00 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -888,257.55 -734,904.71 -733,219.87 -702,175.48 -1,088,825.00 64.49% OPERATING EXPENSES 120,827.57 25,756.26 80,205.11 5,400.00 5,400.00 100.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,267.50 27,570.45 0.00 105,554.31 106,000.00 99.58% DEBT SERVICE 242,635.30 242,444.90 243,186.60 243,886.27 243,802.00 100.03% TRANSFERS OUT 663,423.25 96,793.31 424,060.55 498,043.40 544,624.00 91.45% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 188,999.00 0.00% LOGT EXPENDITURES 1,041,153.62 392,564.92 747,452.26 852,883.98 1,088,825.00 78.33% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -3,207,904.68 -3,417,585.77 -3,524,824.94 -3,469,567.86 -3,659,032.00 94.82% MISC. REVENUE -15,463.05 -56,845.00 -115,751.59 -68,126.12 -73,272.00 92.98% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,998,068.00 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -3,223,367.73 -3,474,430.77 -3,640,576.53 -3,537,693.98 -8,730,372.00 40.52% OPERATING EXPENSES 3,750.00 0.00 9,675.00 15,486.74 21,275.00 72.79% TRANSFERS OUT 3,309,345.77 2,563,710.52 1,600,870.70 2,321,748.31 8,709,097.00 26.66% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 3,313,095.77 2,563,710.52 1,610,545.70 2,337,235.05 8,730,372.00 26.77% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -41,757.59 -46,615.21 -53,101.43 -41,082.01 -54,750.00 75.04% TRANSFERS IN -342,240.96 -366,531.86 -404,673.34 -403,239.68 -397,816.00 101.36% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -198,458.00 0.00% RRD REVENUE -383,998.55 -413,147.07 -457,774.77 -444,321.69 -651,024.00 68.25% OPERATING EXPENSES 71,807.59 205,798.68 396,239.01 286,894.16 332,905.00 86.18% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,077.00 0.00% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 34,676.03 0.00 15,000.00 70,000.00 21.43% TRANSFERS OUT 229,495.57 289,494.90 111,244.75 37,871.50 245,042.00 15.46% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% RRD EXPENDITURES 301,303.16 529,969.62 507,483.76 339,765.66 651,024.00 52.19% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE -25,413.57 -14,704.70 -1,393.58 -3,687.38 -1,342.00 274.77% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE -25,413.57 -24,704.10 -1,393.58 -3,687.39 .1,342.00 274.77% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 44,703.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 13,792.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,342.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES 58,495.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,342.00 0.00% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/20 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 2019/2020 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE -111,587.38 -153,601.46 -143,801.03 -147,023.00 -146,184.00 100.57% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -476,681.00 0.00% REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE -111,587.38 -153,601.46 -143,801.03 -147,023.00 -622,865.00 23.60% OPERATING EXPENSES 14,774.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 46,454.64 455,784.05 299,688.83 480,159.67 622,865.00 77,09% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES 61,228.64 455,784.05 299,688.83 480,159.67 622,865.00 77.09% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE -1,002,136.12 -1,014,980.38 -2,076,431.58 -1,969,427.99 -2,013,883.00 97.79% TRANSFERS IN -100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% STORMWATER REVENUE -1,102,236.12 -2,014,980.38 -2,076,431.58 -1,969,427.99 -2,013,883.00 97.79% PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 848,907.51 654,104.93 735,344.00 88.95% OPERATING EXPENSES 12,015.15 231,119.90 536,317.47 613,330.42 811,158.00 75.61% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 18,198.16 186,937.35 186,945.00 100.00% TRANSFERS OUT 1,198,073.88 700,000.00 133,758.75 29,019.02 275,000.00 10.55% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,436.00 0.00% STORMWATER EXPENDITURES 1,210,089.03 931,119.90 1,537,181.99 1,483,391.72 2,013,883.00 73.66% LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0.00 0.00 -11,780.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% FINES AND FORFEITS -26,431.00 -550.00 -150.00 -133.33 -1,000.00 13.33% MISC. REVENUE -2,100.00 -854.41 -2,494.33 -1,664.82 -250.00 665.93% FORFEITURES FUND REVENUES -28,531.00 -1,404.41 -14,424.33 -1,798.15 -1,250.00 143.85% OPERATING EXPENSES 2,475.61 5,007.03 2,566.04 5,072.35 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,523.50 0.00 16,425.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% GRANTS AND AIDS 3,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.00% FORFEITURE FUND EXPENDITURES 15,999.11 6,507.03 21,491.04 6,072.35 1,250.00 485.79% DST DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE 336.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS IN -354,853.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% DST DEBT SERVICE REVENUE -354,517.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 354,517.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% DST DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES 354,517.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -1,316.08 -3,771.12 -5,464.46 -2,165.28 -3,500.00 61.87% TRANSFERS IN -402,963.00 -403,792.00 -402,914.00 -401,355.00 -401,355.00 100.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE -404,279.08 -407,563.12 -408,378.46 -403,520.28 -404,855.00 99.67% DEBT SERVICE 402,357.50 404,077.60 403,659.30 402,137.20 402,138.00 100.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,717.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES 402,357.50 404,077.60 403,659.30 402,137.20 404,855.00 99.33% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/20 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 2019/2020 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget GOLF COURSE FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -985,744.12 -1,169,526.97 -1,300,490.26 -1,406,118.83 -1,331,368.00 105.61% MISC. REVENUE -150,950.99 -72,919.30 -41,466.32 -41,768.49 -39,460.00 105.85% TRANSFERS IN -353,530.96 -11,320.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -1,490,226.07 -1,253,766.27 -1,341,956.58 -1,447,887.32 -1,370,828.00 105.62% PERSONAL SERVICES 272,220.92 258,594.37 276,152.02 280,309.55 294,675.00 95.12% OPERATING EXPENSES 316,759.18 326,075.42 310,401.51 293,092.16 298,440.00 98.21% CAPITAL OUTLAY -371,194.12 303,920.42 10,892.03 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 39,361.70 31,744.00 38,368.00 38,367.00 38,367.00 100.00% ADMINISTRATION 257,147.68 920,334.21 635,813.56 611,768.71 631,482.00 96.88% OPERATING EXPENSES 572,528.73 578,142.63 566,101.47 579,657.81 580,948.00 99.78% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% MAINTENANCE 572,528.73 578,142.63 566,101.47 579,657.81 580,948.00 99.78% PERSONAL SERVICES 85,335.97 89,401.02 91,581.61 99,040.89 96,347.00 102.80% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,680.85 987.10 1,365.07 1,108.35 1,944.00 57.01% CAPITAL OUTLAY 313,151.89 0.00 0.00 3,715.75 3,716.00 99.99% DEBT SERVICE 106,660.67 56,390.40 56,390.60 56,390.40 56,391.00 100.00% GOLF COURSE CARTS 509,829.38 146,778.52 149,337.28 160,255.39 158,398.00 101.17% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSE 1,339,505.79 1,645,255.36 1,351,252.32 1,351,681.91 2,370,828.00 98.60% AIRPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -30,000.00 0,00 0.00% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -18,302.18 -21,270.12 -3,332.79 0.00 0.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -427,682.16 -476,746.54 -567,481.27 -558,675.25 -569,683.00 98.07% TRANSFERS IN -82,967.44 0.00 0.00 -4,691.00 -4,691.00 100.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% AIRPORT REVENUE -528,951.78 -498,016.66 -570,814.06 -593,366.25 -574,374.00 103.31% PERSONAL SERVICES 216,083.96 141,470.78 122,345.87 70,759.66 73,409.00 96.39% OPERATING EXPENSES 181,441.99 204,987.89 270,275.98 256,031.73 275,926.00 92.79% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 45,750.85 50,070.10 51,185.00 97.82% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 19,452.10 21,823.63 21,476.57 30,500.00 70.41% TRANSFERS OUT 10,000.00 0.00 63,321.20 0.00 25,000.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 118,354.00 0.00% ADMINISTRATION 407,525.95 365,910.77 523,517.53 398,338.06 574,374.00 69.35% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% AIRPORT EXPENSE 407,525.95 365,910.77 523,517.53 398,338.06 574,374.00 69.35% BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS -724,375.39 -890,339.36 -841,623.60 -911,333.84 -770,500.00 118.28% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -11,322.28 -13,928.68 -13,193.39 -18,094.32 -12,200.00 148.31% FINES AND FORFEITS -4,866.00 -5,011.00 -7,833.50 -6,298.00 -6,500.00 96.89% MISC. REVENUE -16,886.67 -30,507.64 -16,545.67 -9,552.53 -13,770.00 69.37% TRANSFERS IN -29,544.00 -31,744.00 -38,367.00 -38,368.00 -38,367.00 100.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% BUILDING REVENUES -786,994.34 -971,530.68 -917,563.26 -983,646.69 -841,337.00 116.91% PERSONAL SERVICES 454,375.22 531,662.91 593,832.74 607,068.93 656,691.00 92.44% OPERATING EXPENSES 117,477.45 104,038.10 100,860.97 135,889.24 151,444.00 89.73% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 18,107.89 0.00 3,952.48 26,781.00 14.76% TRANSFERS OUT 323,317.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,421.00 0.00% BUILDING EXPENSE 895,170.65 653,808.90 694,693.71 746,910.65 841,337.00 88.78% CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES TOTALS CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS LEGAL PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES TOTALS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS AUDIO VISUAL DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES TOTALS POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES TOTALS CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 09/30/20 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 2019/2020 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget 22,729.31 22,727.75 22,735.77 22,728.40 22,738.00 99.96% 31,021.65 30,936.30 29,523.02 23,973.48 40,342.00 59.43% 53,750.96 53,664.05 52,258.79 46,701.88 63,080.00 74.04% 261,054.74 386,538.71 325,131.33 258,604.96 260,782.00 99.17% 6,870.24 39,317.14 11,545.95 10,730.06 15,745.00 68.15% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 267,924.98 425,855.85 336,677.28 269,335.02 276,527.00 97.40% 150,152.33 159,304.31 170,673.19 171,931.73 175,111.00 98.18% 30,545.40 47,955.43 20,636.24 92,955.02 96,354.00 96.47% 0.00 0.00 13,982.75 0.00 0.00 0.00% 180,697.73 207,259.74 205,292.18 264,886.75 271,465.00 97.58% 0.00 0.00 0.00 92,685.76 98,150.00 94.43% 68,346.44 100,267.05 105,408.63 74,358.55 83,588.00 88.96% 68,346.44 100,267.05 105,408.63 167,044.31 181,738.00 91.91% 461,830.44 525,069.64 540,447.79 539,815.61 558,801.00 96.60% 105,234.45 125,635.34 131,553.48 134,856.91 137,616.00 98.00% 4,050.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 571,114.89 650,704.99 672,001.27 674,672.52 696,417.00 96.88% 113,737.28 246,755.40 314,098.20 345,873.93 350,248.00 98.75% 51,455.97 138,266.77 126,311.18 163,864.91 188,412.00 86.97% 0.00 0.00 24,319.52 2,011.11 912.00 0.00% 165,193.25 385,022.17 464,728.90 512,749.95 539,572.00 94.84% 92,766.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 14,354.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 107,121.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 883,813.77 919,623.58 919,090.75 1,064,434.63 1,128,484.00 94.32% 120,668.60 119,784.95 133,313.60 160,746.85 182,208.00 88.22% 0.00 36,465.00 0.00 38,694.00 29,500.00 0.00% 1,004,482.37 1,075,873.53 1,052,404.35 1,263,875.48 1,340,192.00 94.31% 2,382,211.78 2,727,327.16 3,100,165.35 3,029,231.62 3,079,499.00 98.37% 270,954.06 294,834.83 290,786.83 245,672.08 305,073.00 80.53% 19,372.80 23,288.53 21,778.25 33,487.06 49,286.00 67.94% 2,672,538.64 3,045,450.52 3,412,730.43 3,308,390.76 3,433,858.00 96.35% 149,565.89 159,672.41 15,138.06 18,914.38 264,703.95 178,586.79 603,082.70 648,578.78 106, 216.72 106, 053.66 5,188.16 0.00 714,487.58 754,632.44 600,680.55 590,499.50 10,348.61 8,563.06 612,029.16 599,062.56 165,800.76 169, 749.55 18,609.68 14,469.38 184,410.44 184,218.93 664,952.45 878,785.13 115, 848.10 123, 457.61 37,445.95 74,379.43 818,246.50 2,076,622.17 611,731.25 573,959.36 10,306.96 8,885.71 622,038.21 582,845.07 171,610.00 98.92% 20,038.00 72.21% 191,648.00 96.12% 891,625.00 98.56% 133,309.00 92.61% 78,218.00 95.09% 1,103,152.00 97.60% 642,853.00 89.28% 10,840.00 81.97% 653,693.00 89.16% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 09/30/20 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2029/2020 2019/2020 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERVICES 300,441.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 239,137.92 24.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 64,920.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 604,499.51 24.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 392,581.39 462,677.65 505,969.60 588,186.35 600,579.00 97.94% OPERATING EXPENSES 72,499.71 338,184.19 325,438.76 335,796.87 351,771.00 96.14% CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,639.35 7,544.00 55,742.95 39,190.25 39,550.00 19.07% TOTALS 468,720.45 808,405.84 887,151.31 963,173.47 991,900.00 97.10% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 344,650.74 630,001.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 377,194.87 487,987.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 2,262.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 721,845.61 1,120,251.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 184,642.47 194,427.68 194,159.14 180,924.19 186,004.00 97.27% OPERATING EXPENSES 27,228.20 24,420.76 28,523.59 18,950.44 23,920.00 79.22% CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,334.99 0.00 9,595.01 2,376.49 2,425.00 98.00% TOTALS 224,205.66 218,849.44 232,277.74 202,251.12 212,349.00 95.24% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 94,487.05 133,131.12 160,658.79 279,725.54 279,793.00 99.98% OPERATING EXPENSES 225,941.26 232,158.37 219,247.05 234,361.13 262,201.00 89.38% CAPITAL OUTLAY 108,472.68 124,194.56 18,374.00 54,094.00 54,494.00 99.27% TOTALS 428,900.99 489,484.05 398,279.84 568,180.67 596,488.00 95.25% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 531,236.85 505,974.54 759,730.03 736,296.50 819,797.00 89.81% OPERATING EXPENSES 394,222.92 369,163.23 244,647.75 218,870.83 230,069.00 95.13% CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,880.00 4,368.00 140,639.51 154,853.70 163,561.00 94.68% TOTALS 936,339.77 879,505.77 1,145,017.29 1,110,021.03 1,213,427.00 91.48% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 140,364.64 149,727.85 145,725.26 151,633.45 151,217.00 100.28% OPERATING EXPENSES 26,011.40 27,909.19 32,307.62 26,102.80 28,459.00 91.72% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 8,490.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 166,376.04 186,128.00 278,032.88 177,736.25 279,676.00 98.92% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 180,910.10 357,598.49 318,631.07 392,516.83 424,845.00 92.39% OPERATING EXPENSES 33,677.39 37,941.95 47,574.33 132,123.64 148,705.00 88.85% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 O.OD 0.00 14,649.50 16,474.00 88.92% TOTALS 214,587.49 395,540.44 366,205.40 539,289.97 590,024.00 91.40% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 284,765.30 291,741.15 278,439.04 264,098.13 284,350.00 92.88% OPERATING EXPENSES 611,345.09 634,267.89 712,594.27 707,675.13 714,999.00 98.98% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,765.00 2,918.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 594,237.73 636,029.27 23,243.95 4,691.00 4,691.00 100,00% TOTALS 1,492,113.12 1,564,956.31 1,014,277.26 976,464.26 1,004,040.00 97.25% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 11,828,979.85 13,139,524.50 12,247,438.70 12,887,459.61 13,539,246.00 95.19% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF September 30, 2020 Current Prior Project Budget Share Project Year Year Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget Sources in Thousands of & Budget Expenditures Expenditures To Date Expended Encumbrances Remainin¢ FY2017 A1765 Oyster Bag Program (COMPLETE) IRLC 12.5 12,530 12,530 12,530 100.00% (0) $ 12,530 $ $ 12,530 S 12,530 100.00% S $ (0) FY2018 A1811 Generators (COMPLETE) DST 175.2 175,247 148,129 27,118 175,247 100.00% (0) A1820 Picklebal) (COMPLETE) DST 16 16,062 - 16,062 16,062 100.00% (0) A1823 Cemetery Improvements CTF 150 150,000 14,911 2,998 17,909 11.94% 132,091 A1824 Working Waterfront Phase 3 DST 26 25,700 425 19,875 20,300 78.99% 5,400 A1860 Stonecrop Drainage (COMPLETE) DST 11 11,229 - 11,229 11,229 100.00% - 0 A1854 Taxiway C Construction (COMPLETE) FAA/FDOT/DST 2,258/109.6/183 2,550,074 338,240 2,211,833 2,550,074 100.00% 0 TOTAL S 2,928,312 $ 501,705 $ 2,299,116 $ 2,790,821 9530% $ 5,400 $ 132,091 FY2019 A1920 Working Waterfront Phase 3 AI921 Pickleball A1922 Bark Park Shade Structures (COMPLETE) A1925 Park Signage A1928 Yacht Club Pier (COMPLETE) A 1930 Indian River Drive Corridor (COMPLETE) A1931 Street Repaving & Reconstruction (COMPLETE. A1932 CavCorp Parking Lot (COMPLETE) AI933 Relocate Public Facilities Compound (CLOSED) A1960 Stonecrop Drainage (COMPLETE) A1952 Construct Hangar D TOTAL FY2020 A2000 Server Host(Update (COMPLETE) A2001 PD & City Computers (COMPLETE) A2002 Audio Visual Equipment (COMPLETE) A2003 Network Infrastructure (COMPLETE) A2004 PD Vehicles & Equipment A2005 PD Dispatch Radios & Equip (COMPLETE) A2006 Evidence Compound Paving & Carport A2007 CDBG Grant Program A2008 COVID-19 Expenses A2009 CDBG CARES Act Grant Program A2020 BSSC Football Bleachers (COMPLETE) A2021 BSSC Baseball Dugouts A2022 BSSC Field Fencing (COMPLETE) A2023 Playground Improvements (CLOSED) A2024 Park Improvements A2025 Community Center Office A2026 Renovate Golf Tees A2027 GC Clubhouse Water Hookup (COMPLETE) A2028 Riverview Park Sidewalks A2029 CRA Signage & Landscape A2030 Relocate Public Facilities Compound A2031 Street Reconstruction (COMPLETE) A2032 Cape & MicroSeal Roadways (COMPLETE) A2033 Cape Seal Roadways (COMPLETE.) A2034 Milling & Paving (COMPLETE) A2050 Construct Taxi Lane A2060 Roadway Swale Work A2061 Canallmprovemems A2062 Stonecrop Drainage A2063 Septic to Sewer Grant Program FIND/DST DST/RIF RIF RIF RIF LOGT LOOT DST DST DST FDOT/DST DST DST DST DST DST DST DST CDBG Grant CDBG RIF RIF RIF RIF RIF DST DST DST LOGT/CRA CPA DST LOGT/DST LOGT LOGT LOGT FAA/FDOT/DST SW SW FEMA/DST iRLC/CRA 170/250 197/423 14 125 31.2 53.4 8 47.5 0 12 1,800/450 43.2 84.2 6.8 22.2 355 200.4 40 123.7 924.3 74.8 15 80 59 0 23 40 50 54 46.5 / 32 113 5088.9 108.8/320.5 304 52 142 462/25.6/25.6 60 500 645/215 100/100 420,000 1,319 19,671 20,990 5.00% 619,762 484,000 120,751 604,751 97.58% 14,000 13,871 129 14,000 100.00% 125,000 30,280 22,990 53,270 42.62% 31,191 31,191 - 31,191 100.00% 53,419 - 53,419 53,419 100.00% 8,000 - 8,000 8,000 100.00% 47,545 47,545 - 47,545 100.00% - 0.00% 12,000 - 12,000 12,000 100.00% 2,250,000 164,896 69,199 234,096 10.40% S 3,590,917 $ 773,102 S 306,159 $ 1,079,261 30% 43,196 43,195 84,210 84,210 6,800 6,800 22,235 22,235 355,000 339,226 200,382 200,382 40,000 129 123,674 13,720 924,322 506,692 74,778 1,246 14,677 14,677 80,000 20,085 59,043 59,043 22,499 11,439 40,000 - 50,000 30,603 54,438 54,438 78,623 - 113,000 13,449 5,088,899 244,859 429,319 429,319 303,971 303,971 52,046 52,046 142,026 142,026 513,246 40,404 60,000 25,865 500,000 860,000 12,616 200,000 48,847 $ 10,536,384 $ 2,721,521 $ 43,195 100.00% 84,210 100.00% 6,800 100.00% 22,235 100.00% 339,226 95.56% 200,382 100.00% 129 0.32% 13,720 11.09 % 506,692 54.82 % 1,246 1.67 % 14,677 100.00% 20,095 25.11 % 59,043 100.00% - 0.00% 11,439 50.84% - 0.00% 30,603 61.21 % 54.438 100.00% - 0.00% 13,448 11.90% 244,859 4.81 % 429,319 100.00% 303,971 100.00% 52,046 100.00% 142,026 100.00% 40,404 7.87 % 25,865 43.11% 0.00% 12,616 1.47% 48,847 24.42% S 2,721,521 25.83 % $ 1,931 397,179 15,011 71,730 - 0 0 0 2,038,603 (22,699) S 2,112,164 $ 389,492 _ 1 0 0 0 15,774 (0) 32,413 7,458 10,924 99,030 1,350 416,280 - 73,532 0 59,915 0 3,672 7,388 - 40,000 19,397 0 78,622 1 86,552 13,000 201,476 4,642,564 0 (0) (0) 0 29,478 443,364 24,615 9.520 - 500,000 847,384 151,153 469,102 $ 7,345.761 GRAND TOTAL S 17,058,143 $ 3,996,328 3 2,607,805 S 6,604,133 38.72 % S 2AK666 S 7,867,343 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 At September 30, 2020, the total of the City's cash and investments were $15,985,216.31. Of this, $11,551,232.35 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank, $3,887,124.89 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $546,859.07 is deposited with Florida Trust, which invest in short-term bonds. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any direct investments in government securities. Returns at the end of the quarter were .40% for the Bank and .33% for the State Board. The average annualized return over the 3 months of this quarter from the deposit with Florida Trust was 3.59%. The Bank returns and State Board dropped primarily due to reactions of the bond market and Federal Reserve. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK CURRENT CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION BALANCE General Fund $ 3,444,911.08 Local Option Gas Tax Fund 221,911.36 Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 4,805,704.33 Riverfrom Redevelopment Fund 383,143.27 Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund Recreation Impact Fee Fund Stonmwater Utility Fund Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Improvements Fund Transportation Fund Stormwater Projects Fund Golf Course Fund Airport Fund Airport Projects Fund Building Department Fund Cemetery Trust Fund Performance Deposits Fund Total Bank Balance 131,203.35 1,308,044.59 1,420.64 110,607.41 (403,300.98) 7,807.38 (0.10) 242,586.40 136,682.00 345,638.24 (148,813.23) 797,298.16 165,638.45 750.00 $ 11,551,232.35 PERCENT 29.82% 1.92% 41.60% 3.32% 0.00% 1.14% 11.32% 0.01 % 0.96% -3.49% 0.07% 0.00% 2.10% 1.18% 2.99% -1.29% 6.90% 1.43% 0.01 % 100.00% STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE General Fund $ 862,249.62 Local Option Gas Tax Fund Discretionary Sales Tax Fund Riverfrom Redevelopment Fund Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund Recreation Impact Fee Fund Stormwater Utility Fund Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Improvements Fund Transportation Fund Stormwater Projects Fund Golf Course Fund Airport Fund Airport Projects Fund Building Department Fund Cemetery Trust Fund Performance Deposits Fund Total SBA Balance INTERFUND LOANS REPORT 10/01/19 Scheduled Balance at 1,203,959.81 95,612.56 59,662.66 32,802.98 326,953.91 31,352.57 199,308.65 982,882.13 92,340.00 $ 3,887,124.89 PERCENT 22.18% 0.0D% 30,97% 2A6°% 1.53% 0.84% 9.41% 0.81% 0.00°% 0.00•/0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00°% 0.00°% 0.00% 5,13% 25.29°% 2.38% 100.00% Fund Making Loans Purpose Balance Payments 9/30/2020 Remarks/Terms GENERAL FUND: Due from Golf Course Cash Flow Loan $500,000 None $500,000 Pay $25K/Year or More Starting FY 20/21. Due from Airport Fund Grant Match Loan $150,000 None $150,000 Pay $150K in FY 20/21. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX: Due from Airport Fund $285,000 Hangar A $275,020 $6,999 $268,021 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4%for 25 Years. Due from Airport Fund $267,511 Hangar B $261,894 $2,024 $259,870 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4%for 25 Years. BUILDING FUND: Due from Golf Course $700,000 Irrigation $645,610 $30,154 $615,456 20 Year, Each 5 Years Adjust to T-Bond Minus 1%. Due from Golf Course $559,684 Other Repairs $559,684 None $559,684 Pay When Possible, Maybe After $700,000 is paid. MOO , r� HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Paul Carlisle, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: February 1, 2021 Re: 4' Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2020 The following are the 4 b Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended September 30, 2020. CITY CLERK Leeislative Sunnort Matters • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded five Regular City Council meetings, seven special meetings. • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, e-mails, scanned to LF and indexed. • Fourteen resolutions adopted by Council. • Four proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor. • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, City staff and press. • One document recorded with Clerk of Court. • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations. • Distributed one Code and one LDC supplement. Records Management Proeram • Responded to 66 public records requests. • 99 cubic feet of paper records met retention along with duplicate and OSA records destroyed by shredding vendor. • Transferred and documented one bid records. • Scanned and organized maps & surveys into Laserfiche for permanent or long term record storage. • Protected records in vault for Hurricane Isaias. Election Matters • Coordinated use of Council Chambers for Presidential Preference Primary Early Voting. • Pre -qualified ten candidates for 2020 Recall Election. • Qualified eight candidates for 2020 Recall Election. • Prepared 2020 Recall Election ballot. • Two Recall Election advertisements placed with TCPalm. • Processed relevant campaign treasurer's reports. • Charter Officers witnessed logic and accuracy of voting machines for Recall Election. • Charter Officers canvassed the 2020 Recall Election. • Administered oath for three Council Members after Recall Election. • Provided orientation material for two new Council Members. • Updated regional board appointment list and notified agencies of new members. • Qualified four candidates for the 2020 General Election. • Prepared 2020 General Election ballot. Citv Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared five board appointments, notified and provided info to appointees, updated board handbook and distributed pages. • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one CRA, one BOA within Council meetings. • Records Clerk published all scanned City board agenda packets to City website, Facebook, Laserfiche and also provided to press and Council. • Published one newspaper notice of FY21 CRA meetings. Cemetery Matters Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 16 locations for a total of $17,200.00. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention. Personnel/Educational Matters • Records Clerk attended three project management meetings. • City Clerk and Records Clerk attended CivicPlus Training for new agenda transmission. • Administered oath to two Police Officers. • Protected office and computers for Hurricane Isaias. Community Matters • Responded to or forwarded CITYSEB emails to appropriate departments. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Worked with the State and FEMA to pursue remaining reimbursements due on Hurricane Matthew. • Prepared 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Provided administrative support to the Police Pension Board. • Presented Capital Improvement Program to the Planning and Zoning Board. • Prepared Final FY2021 Budget and Capital Program Documents and had required public hearings. • Assisted with negotiations of wage opener in accordance with the PEA and PBA Labor Agreements. • Developed documents and processed payments for CARES ACT Small Business Grant Program. • Developed documents and initiated CARES ACT Rental and Mortgage Assistance Grant Program. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Recruited, interviewed and hired replacements for vacant positions. • Documented bids and proposals for purchases to insure purchasing policies were followed. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Continued review of agency policies per accreditation standards. • Participated in virtual Accreditation Assessment. • Conducted several interviews for 911 dispatcher positions on ZOOM. • Attended 7 additional ZOOM Meetings. • Continued our quarterly auditing and inspection of the police building and equipment. • Command Staff members attended 10 Council meetings, 2 officers per meeting. • Responded to 1 public records request. • Participated in several countywide conference calls for COVID-19. • Swore in 2 new officers. • Attended leadership training at Titusville PD, 2 Command Staff Officers. • Prepared agency for potential storm/hurricane. • Attended Safety and Security meeting with School Board. • Prepared and released 9/11 tribute video. • Participated in 3 phone depositions. • Command Staff Firearms Qualification. • Completed 3 leadership meetings and several (weekly) staff meetings. • Met with promotional exam developers and finalized details for testing. • Met with majority of PD employees in reference to goals and objectives. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 310 hours during this quarter. • 2 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall so employees do not have to leave their assigned duties. • 0 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 115 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 9 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 16 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 11 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 5 Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 4 special details were assigned. 0 0 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 6 paper runs, i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriff's Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney paperwork, and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 2 traffic crash scene. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 0 warnings for other parking infractions issued. • 0 citizen contacts. • 67 miscellaneous jobs. • 10 hours of Escorts were completed. **** The Volunteer Program was suspended for the entire month of August**** School Resource Officers July thru September 2020 Area/school checks 24 100 121 245 Life Skills classes taught 0 0 0 0 GREAT classes taught 0 0 0 0 Reports 5 1 4 10 Crossing Guard contacts 1 17 24 42 Mentor lunches 0 2 6 8 Patrol hours 328 313 178 819 Community event hours 0 0 0 0 Patrol hours i Mentorlunches Crossing Guard contacts Reports GREAT classes taught Life Skills classes taught Area/school checks i 0 I 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Se pt F August k July Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 4738 calls for service, and self -initiated 2703 events. • 73 adult and 6 juvenile arrests were made. • Officers issued 90 citations, 7 parking citations, and 251 written warnings. • Officers completed 476 offense reports and 72 crash reports. Special Operations Incident Citations Warnings Reports Arrests Traffic Unit 45 66 26 0 Boat Officers (Assigned to shift coverage.) K-9 Ofc's (41/38/59/42) 5 35 25 7 3 K-9 Unit • K-9 Training Hours: 320 • Misdemeanor Arrests: 5 • Felony Arrests: 9 • Narcotic Searches: 8 • Activity Reports: 8 • K-9 Demonstrations: 2 • Schools Attended: K-9 Narcotic Certification. • Additional Training Hours: 90 • Agency Assisted: Indian River Count. Road Patrol and Special Operations have continued to professionally serve the community by patrolling the city in order to deter crime and maintain the community policing philosophy. Officers and sergeants maintain their skills by attending mandatory and advanced training throughout the year. Detectives Quarter 4 July August Sept. Totals Subpoenas 1 1 5 4 Arrests 1 2 2 5 Warrants 5 1 1 7 , f Training/Meeting Hours 48 9 30 87 Follow -Ups 19 18 18 55 Active Cases 12 11 18 41 Assigned Cases 10 13 18 41 Cleared Cases 8 6 9 23 ' Inactive Cases 6 3 5 14 Supplements 20 16 17 53 Call Outs 2 1 6 9 Cali Cuts -".W` Supplements Inactive Cases Cleared Cases Assigned Cases s series4 Active Cases Series3 Follow-lips Series2 Training/Meeting Hours Warrants Series Arrests -` Subpoenas 0 20 40 60 so 100 Community Policing & Crime Prevention Officer SUBPOENAS July 0 August 0 Sept 0 MMT--, 0 JARRESTS 1 3 4 8 WARRANTS 1 0 1 2 STRAINING/MEETINGS (hours) 16 7 10 33 I FOLLOW-UPS 3 5 3 11 ACTIVE CASES 7 5 4 16 ASSIGNED CASES 5 3 5 13 CLEARED CASES 1 3 1 5 INACTIVE CASES 1 0 0 1 SUPPLEMENTS 10 5 5 20 SURVEILLANCE (HOURS) 18 24 8 50 4 COPE O UARTERLY REPORT ACTIVITY COMMUNITY EVENTS HOURS 3 CommunityEvents: �.. Admin &Research: Drive By Parade - 2 COPE Meeting - 2 AGENCY OUTREACH EVENTS 8 Deliver Pizza to Boys n Static Display -10 Girls Club - 1 - Law Productions - 2 C0MtV,UNITY kAF_ETING; 5 Hegionai Ouireach. Vehicle Maint.-2 aqL RELAThE? EVEN' : 8 y+ Admin Assignments - 40 PUBLIC TRAINING CLASSES 0 Public Training Classes: 0 S.A.F.E. Women Class -0 SRO: - 32 Social Media Management: SRO Coverage a 34 Agency Outreach: f Facebook, Twitter, EXPLORER POST ACTIVITIES 4 Food Drive - 8 Explorer Post Activities: 6 Instagram} - 28 TRAINING AND SCHOOLS 20 IN-SERVICE INSTRUCTION 12 Training and Schools: In -Service Inst SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT 28 Community Meetings In Service - 4 Firearms - 4 SAFIF - 5 TIPS 16 New Hire - 8 ADMINISTRATION & RESEARCH 56 Crossing Guard - 24 DISPATCH COVERAGE 96 Communications Division f — Ir 11- Quarter I I' IVII>I I s Disp. Calls For Service 834 824 985 2,643 j Officer Initiated Calls 1,223 1,125 1,057 3,405 Code Enf. Initiated Calls 1,667 1477 1,602 4,746 Volunteer Initiated Calls 169 0 17 186 f Calls Entered Into CAD 1,667 4,260 4,395 13,357 911 Calls Received 765 773 674 2,212 911 Calls Transferred Out 337 291 249 877 911 Hang-up Calls 104 102 108 314 Admin. Calls Received 790 746 916 2,452 Admin. Calls Transferred 277 327 354 958 Outgoing Admin. Calls NA* NA* NA* NA* Training/Meeting Hours 27 24 24 75 *911 NETWORK DOWN UNABLE TO PULL NUMBERS DIRECTLY FROM THE PHONE SYSTEM. THE TOTAL CALLS ARE COMING FROM CAD WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE THE IN HOUSE CALLS OR OUTGOING* Training/Meeting Hours Outgoing Admin. Calls Admin. Calls Transferred Admin. Calls Received 911 Hang-up Calls 911 Calls Transferred Out 911 Calls Received Calls Entered Into CAD Volunteer Initiated Calls Code Enf. Initiated Calls Officer Initiated Calls i s� i Disp. Calls For Service 9 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Month 3 Month 2 Month 1 I F7 Crime Scene/Evidence f Evidence Processed In-house 12 14 13 39 Evidence Outsourced 9 15 8 32 Items Returned 14 9 7 30 Items Purged 5 7 11 _ 23 Cars Impounded 0 0 0 0 Video Redaction Hours 32 64 42 138 Videos Burned 29 55 36 120 Supplements Written 4 7 6 17 Evidence Processing Hours 32 48 56 136 Crime Scene Processing Hours 45 15 19 79 Training Hours 49 16 0 65 Call outs 0 0 2 2 f Call Outs Training Hours Crime Scene Processing Hours_ Evidence Processing Hours Supplements Written W. Videos Burned Sept. I Video Redaction Hours Cars Impounded August Items Purged a July Items Returned Mmm_ Evidence Outsourced r Evidence Processed In-house iMIIIIIIIIIIIIIm Items Received 0 20 40 60 80 100 Code Enforcement Of the 4,765 code calls for the quarter the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 985 written warnings. This ranges from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 130 property inspections for title companies and 54 sign violations. • 466 Code Services. • 750 re -inspections, 70 violations were not complied with, 112 were posted for abatement, 9 abated by vendors. • 559 violations complied. • 1 Lien filed, 2 liens released. • 106 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. • There were no calls for water violation during the fourth quarter. Alarm Assessment • $850.00 in alarm permits (new and renew) • $150.00 in false alarms fines • 138 alarm responses by officers, 63 of these were false. • 27 New permits issued. M ROADS Asphalt • Put down 9 tons throughout the City at various pot holes and road edges. • Repaired various pot holes with pallet of cold patch while asphalt was unavailable. Concrete • Formed and poured headwall on Day Drive. • Dug -out , formed and poured 8 head walls on Dixie Terrace where drive way replacement was taking place. • Dug -out, formed and poured footers and pads for four new dug -outs at Barber St. ball fields. • Dug -out formed and poured new pad for dumpster at ball fields. • Dug -out, formed and poured foundation for new shed behind ball fields. Miscellaneous • Dug -out demolition and removal at ball fields. • Assisted with new dug -out assembly. • Hurricane prep/shutter install for possible storm hit. • Assisted traffic division with grinding old crosswalk and installing new thremo plast crosswalk at Main St. & Easy St. • Cut and remove fallen tree from Riverview Park. • Moved furniture around at PD for new carpet install then put furniture back in place. • Moved all bridges and spillways, also Powerline Rd. and Fleming Rd. and Harbor Lights property (0). • Mowed overgrown grass at compound. • Hauled dirt away from Cemetery for Kip. • Assisted Stormwater Division in clearing Gardenia 512 and South Moon under drainage ditches of debris and vegetation. • Replaced light ballasts and bulbs in big storage building. • Assisted garage with removing tracks from excavator for maintenance and repairs. Right of ways • Mowed right of ways/vacant lots growing into roadways and drainage flowlines mainly on the south east section of town. Sian Shop • Signage and Installation • Created; 89 • Signs Installed: 52 • Signs Straightened: 34 • Traffic Studies: 6 GIS Locations: 84 Decals 36 Pavement Markings • Stop Bars: 78 • Yellow Line Striping: 3081 Ln ft. • White Line Striping: 6420 Ln ft. • Parking Lots: 1 • Cross Walks: 14 • Handicap stalls: 0 • ADA mats painted: 26 • Special Projects • Stop bar and crosswalk painting Section 1: (Completed). • City Bridges: (75% Completed) waiting on glass beads for paint. • Section 2 painted Stop bars and crosswalks: (Completed). • New Projects • Parking Lot Painting River Front Park: (Complete). • Painting Barber St. from US 1 to Bristol: (Complete). • Traffic Island Laconia and Roseland: (In Progress). • Paint Schumann Dr. US to Englar: ( Complete). • Regulatory signs on Stonecrop St. for Stormwater : (Complete). • Main Street boat ramp lot painted (95% Complete). • M.O.T Special Events — 3 • School Light Issues — 11 • Citizen Request — 12 (0 open 12 closed). • Work Orders — 38 (36 have been completed). 7 • Created Signs Breakdown. • Street Signs: 13 • Regulatory:23 • Warning: 13 • Guide:0 • Wayfmd:0 • Wildlife:0 • Park: 31 • Golf Course: 0 • Aviation:0 • Construction Zone Warning: 3 • Misc.: 5 Facilities Maintenance • Maintain City Flags. • Maintain and monitor all lift stations. • Monthly A/C maintenance all City Buildings. • Assist with Splash pad operations. • Daily Monitoring of City Marquees. • Monthly monitoring and supplies AED Stations. • Daily Maintenance and repairs City Buildings. • Monitor Nash Janitorial. • Compound: A/C replacement Unit #1 (Ruud). • City Hall;: Replace Tracer Summit BCU (Lightning surge). • Police Department: Replace west electric gate opener/controller. • Admin. Building: A/C replacement Unit #1 (Champian). • Police Department: A/C replacement RTU #4 (Trane). • Community Center: A/C replacement Unit #2 (Barb). • Admin Building: A/C replacement unit #6 (Lennox). • Admin. Building: A/C replacement unit #8 (Lennox). • Police Department: Carpet replacement project. Cemetery • Pressure wash sidewalks. • Cones and signs out for service. • Paperwork. • Graves ready for sod. • Routine mowing, weed eating and edging. • Show public cemetery property. • Burials — 13 Cremations - 10 • Rain Gauge — 24.80 • Trim Trees. • Dug cremation holes. • Work on Survey Pins. • Cleaned niches. • Process plaque. • Filled in low spots. Fixed irrigation all units. • Moratorium still in effect. • Enhancements Tru Green. Construction Specialist • Building Maintenance: • Repair compound water line. • Airport: • Repair hanger door hanger `B". • Repair lighting for fuel pad area. • Repair hand railing @ Todd House. • Repair -Beacon Light. • Repair gate malfunction 8. • Parks • Dock repair @ Yacht Club. • Volley ball court lighting repair. • Riverview Park lighting repair. • Install electric @ batting cages. • Ball field dug out removal and construct new. • MIS: Repairs street lighting. • Install new lighting @ Main St. boat ramp. Fleet Management: • The Fleet Management Staff completed 327 repair work orders, 35 preventive maintenance services 10 service calls and 2 road trips to pic up parts. In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 17 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outsic vendors. • Fuel Cost as of Sept. 2020 is as follows: • $1.62 per gallon of gasoline increase 19% increase over the past 90 days. • $1.60 per gallon of diesel fuel increase of 15% inrease over the past 90 days. LEISURE SERVICES July 2020 • Required irrigation lines and fittings at Garden Club, Dog Park. • Maintain the area by trimming trees and removing debris Main St. dock, City Hall. • Assembled and installed bleachers at the Barber St. Sports Complex. • Maintain the area by backfilling a hole at the Yacht Club. • Maintain the area by removing old dugout. • Installed basketball nets at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Maintain the area by removing old clay at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Maintain the area by cutting down a dead tree and removing debris at Riverview Park. • Installed temporary signs at Riverview Park. • Installed construction fencing at Riverview Park. • Maintain the area by removing old dugout at the Barber St. Sports Complex. • Installed sand for volleyball courts at Riverview Park. Aug. 2020 • Installed hurricane shutters at the community center and Yacht Club. • Maintain area by repairing the shed at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Maintain area by removing shutters at City Hall, community center, and the Yacht Club. • Maintain the area by picking up debris at all of our parks. • Repair irrigation lines and fittings at Riverview Park. • Installed small catch basin for the ballfields at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Installed volleyball nets at Riverview Park. • Maintain area by trimming trees at City Hall, Friendship Park & Main St. Docks. • Repaired fence at Brant Court Park. • Installed structure covering for tennis courts at Friendship Park. • Repaired irrigation lines and fittings at Riverview Park. • Assembled bleachers at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Repaired fence at George St. • Maintain area by laying sod around catch basin at the Barber St. Sports Complex. • Installed small catch basin for the ballfields at the Barber St. Sports Complex. • Maintain area by laying sod around the catch basin at the Barber St. Sport Complex. Sept. 2020 • Maintain the area by tightening Pavilion table bolts at Main St. • Installed sand for the kayak launch at Riverview Park. • Installed basketball goal at Schumann Dr. • Installed plants and mulch at Riverview Park. • Installed sod on a resident's damaged yard. • Prepare for event at Riverview Park. • Repair fence at Riverview Park. • Repaired irrigation lines and heads at the tennis courts at Friendship Park. • Maintain trimming of trees and brush on Indian River Drive. • Maintain by removing weeds from the playgrounds at the Community Center. • Installed carpet for the batting cages at Barber St. Sports Complex. • Installed 8 pallets of sod for the tennis courts at Friendship Park. • Installed rocks for drainage on the tennis courts at Friendship ParkMaintain the area by tightening Pavilion table bolts at Main St. Continue maintenance on all parks, median and incorporated areas. This involves mowing, edging, weed eating, trimming hedge pulling weeds, emptying and picking up trash. RECREATION The Recreation Division - Continued city run programs. STORMWATER DEPARTMENT • Eric's Inspections 470 • All baffle boxes on the river cleaned. • Debris from Collier waterway 3400 cubic yard. • Total Debris removed from ditches 1812 cubic yards. • Citizen Request Line - July, Aug., Sept. 2020 (128 phone calls) • 90% Responded within 24 hours (16 took more than 24 hours). • 70% were investigated by staff (18 were not because they were given to the County or another Department). • 70 % were completed within 5 days (94 in all, however, 32 were given to another Departments, so we don't know how long it took to complete). GOLF COURSE • Revenue 19-20 18-19 Difference+/- • 4th Quarter Rev. $227,519 $152,088 +$75,431 • YTD Tot. Rev. $1,521,707 $1,394,183 +$127,524 • 4th Quarter Rounds 10,868 7,105 +3,763 • YTD Tot. Rds. 52,391 45,816 +6,575 • 4th Q. Green Fee $64,192 $41,342 +$22,850 • 4th Q. Cart Fee $123,514 86,014 +$37,500 • 4th Q. Annual Member $387.47 $0 +$387.47 • YTD Ann. Mem. $101,928 $96,306 +$5,622 • 4th Q. USGA Hdcp. $0 $0 $0 • YTD USGA Hdcp. $5,390 $4,940 +$450 • 4th Q. Disct. Card $46.73 $93.46 -$46.73 • YTD Disct. Cd. $32,384 $32,244 +$140 • 4th Q. Driving Range $8,064 $4,939 +$3,125 • YTD Dr. Rge. $52,386 $45,654 +$6,732 • 4th Q. Club Rental $525 $222 -$303 • 4th Q. Club Storage $0 $0 $0 • YTD CR & CS $5,490 $5,929 -$439 • 4th Q. Golf Shop Retail $20,445 $11,277 +$9,168 • YTD Shop Retail $101,711 $87,463 +$14,248 • 4th Q. PGA Pro Lesson $1069 $653 +$416 • YTD Lesson $3,279 $2,113 +$1,166 • 4th Q. Restaurant Rent $7,500 $7,541.50 -$41.50 • YTD Rest. Rent $30,001 $27,464 +$2,537 • *4th Q. Rain amount 21.29" 14.32" +6.97" Comments: Increases in overall golf course revenue with green & cart fees, golf shop sales, driving range revenue and overall golf rounds all showing increased numbers when compared to 4th quarter of Fiscal 18-19. Rain prevented even more revenue and round increases, with a total of 21.29 inches for the 4th quarter. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for the 4th quarter included The Par 5 Club, Sebastian River High School Football Booster Golf Tournament and The Palm Bay Golf Association. • New tees constructed on holes 3, 9, 10 & 15. Tees re -leveled and sodded on holes 1 & 8. All work completed by Express Reel Grinding, Inc. • Outings & Tournaments scheduled for 1st quarter Fiscal 2020-21 include Central Baptist Church, Sebastian River High School Boys & Girls Golf Team Benefit, Holy Cannoli Christmas for Kids Benefit, Sebastian Rotary Golf Tournament and The Sebastian 2-Person Fall Team Championship. • All daily leagues, including Wojo's Monday League, Men's and Women's Golf Associations, Sebastian Business League and several other smaller leagues continue to thrive. 10 AIRPORT • Reorganized vault building. • Routine landscape maintenance. • Repaired/installed new papi control board. • Mowed AP Drive West w/long arm. • Designed PP Checklist. • Repaired Hangar A Door Cylinder. • Edged RWY 5-23 & 10-28. • Routine runway lighting maintenance. • Security camera repairs. • Fixed gate 7 & 31 motors. BUILDING DEPARTMENT • In the fourth quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 55 new single-family homes were issued building permits. New single family residence permits have increased by approximately 67% similar to the level we saw in the second quarter. Other permits of significance include 0 new manufactured homes, 1 new commercial building, 1 commercial addition, 5 commercial alterations, 0 commercial build outs, 1 residential addition and 122 residential alterations. In all, 1030 building permits were issued in the fourth quarter. Overall permitting in the fourth quarter has increased by 12%. • Total number of inspections for the fourth quarter was 2921 for an average of 43 building inspections per working day. The number of inspections for the fourth quarter has increased by 11 %. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the fourth quarter included 49 new single family residences, 0 manufactured homes, 1 commercial certificate of occupancy, 0 commercial temporary certificate of occupancy and 1 commercial certificate of completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the fourth quarter: new businesses-50, renewals -1097, transfers-4, duplicates 0, home based businesses-19, commercial businesses-24, insurance companies- 6 and solicitor registrations-0. There were 43 new Contractors registrations. In addition, there have been 47 requests for permit records on properties within the city from lien/title companies. Business Tax renewals are due this time of year, the processing of the renewals keeps our staff very busy during this period. • The Building Department has successfully removed an unsafe structure on Benedictine Terrace. This house was abandoned, dilapidated and unsafe for human occupancy. A demolition order was sought from the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate and all work was completed. A lien will be placed on the property for the cost of the demolition. • The Building Department continues to take steps necessary to keep business moving forward during the pandemic. New innovated ways of doing business are constantly evolving and being improved upon. 11 rnva HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 10, 2021 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of Budget Calendar for Preparation of the Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Budget Calendar for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. BACKGROUND: The City Council typically approves the Budget Calendar outlining the planned meetings and events that are expected to occur as we prepare and request approval of the Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Program. This allows the participants to have advance knowledge of the process and anticipated meeting times. We have not yet been formally notified of the dates planned for by the County and School Board, so those meetings have been scheduled based on the days they have typically selected in past years. According to State Law, the City's public hearings must not be held at the same times as the County and School Board. Although there are a few of the deadlines and dates that cannot be changed, the Budget Calendar is a general guideline and is subject to changes based on new information or unforeseen events. If Agenda Item Recuires Exraenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: N/A Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Attachments: 1. Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Calendar Administrative Services Department Review: '�I • t .�.�� City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: DATE DAB' CROF SEBASTLA HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 BUDGET CALENDAR EVENT 02/0� 8/21 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm - Introductory Meeting and Review of 4� _Quarter FY2020_and 1St Quarter FY2021 Budget Report _ 02/10/21 Wednesday_ -� City Council @6:00pm - Approve Budget Calendar and Budget Objectives uDepartments 02/12/21 Friday Receive Forms and Instructions for Capital Improvement Program _02/24/21 - Wednesday... -City Council @6:00pm - Approve 1't Quarter _Budget _Report - 03/12/21 Friday Departments Submit Capital Improvement Program Request to Administrative Services 04/23/21 Friday Departments Receive Forms and Instructions on Operating Budget Preparation 05/14/21 Friday Departments Submit Operating Budget Request to Administrative Services 05/17/21 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @ 6:00pm - Review 2nd Quarter Budget Report 05/26/21 Wednesday City Council @6:00pm - Approve 2nd Quarter Budget Report 05/28/21 Friday Estimate of Property Values Received from Property Appraiser 06/11/21 Friday Complete Review of Department Request and Balancing of CIP and Draft Budgets 06/23/21 Wednesday City Council and Buget cuments Review Advisory Board Provided Recommended CIP and Operating Budget do_ _06/28/21 Monday Parks and Recreation Board @ 6:00pm -_Review of Recreation Impact Fee Uses in CIP 06/30/21 Wednesday DR-420 Certified Property Values Received from Property Appraiser - ^� 07/12/21 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm - Presentation of Draft CIP and Operating -07/19/21 _ Budget and Discussion on Proposed Millage to be Recommended to City Council_ Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm - Review of 3rd Quarter Budget Report. ._ -__�..._.__...__..___..._.__._.._-...___.._._---._._.._ ____._..__.__._._._.....____._._._._.__.._._ 07/23/21 Friday Planningand ZoningBoard Provided the Draft CIP Summary 07/28/21 Wednesday City Council @6:00pm - Receive Budget Review Advisory Board Recommendation and _ Approve Proposed Mille - Approve 3`d Quarter Budget Report 07/29/21 Thursday_ _ Send DR-420 Proposed Millage_ Form to Property _Appraiser -Planning 08/05/21 Thursday and Zoning Board @6:00pm - Approval of Capital Improvement Program 08/16/21 Monday - Budget et Review oard @ p n- Major Changes - to the Cap._..i...t.._a_..l o �Advisory Im rovement Pr _...__pat and Operating Budget if any) _..........._.__.__ _08/25/2_1 Wednesday City Council @6:00pm - Presentation on CIP and Budget Recommendations _09/08/21 Wednesday - _ Anticipated First Public Hearing on County Budget_ _____._. _....... _...... _09/13/21 Monday Anticipated Final Adoption of School Board Budget 09/20/21 Monday City Council @6:00pm - Special Meeting for First Public Hearing on the Millage and - _ _ _ Budget V Approval of Capital _Improvement Program- Approval of Financial Policies 09/22/21 Wednesday Anticipated Final Public Hearing on County Budget 09/25/21 Saturday ._.___.___....s-Y_.._RA/City Advertise the Tentative Millage and Proposed Budge_ t_Final Public_ Hearing- . . __.....__..,----- 09/29/21 Wednesday Council Meeting @6:00pm.. SpecialMeeting - ecial Meetin for Approval of Community mmu on FinaMillage and Final Redevelopment Agency Budget -Public HeBudget____..._.--_ 09/30/21 Thursday Send Resolution Adopting Final Millage to Property Appraiser