HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-2020 PZ Minutes w/AttachementsA N� J I� CITY OF SEBASTIAN E O m PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINEffma 8 v Q NOVEMBER 19, 2020 f1Y E�,-)-, E I. Call to Order - Vice -Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 IUnTo 65 II. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. M 010 03 v � C 332 III. Roll Call r ,Qr- oom Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Chrstino (a) (I) p a as C Mr. Simmons Mr. Hughan U) N <c ¢ rA Ms. Kautenburg (a) Mr. Alvarez Mr. Carter Also Present: Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director (Zoom) Ms. Dom Bosworth, Planning Manager Mr. Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney Mr. Ken Griffin, City Engineer (Zoom) Ms. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board Liaison (Zoom) Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) Not present: Mr. Reyes (Excused) Mr. Qizilbash (Excused) IV. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Vice -Chairman Roth announced that both Mr. Qizilbash and Mr. Reyes have been excused from this meeting, so Ms. Kautenburg and Mr. Christino will be voting in their places. Dr. Mara Schiff is present this evening via Zoom. Mr. Roth also asked that members of the public who wish to speak please keep their comments within a five-minute time limit. V. Aooroval of Minutes: Regular meeting of October 15, 2020 Mr. Roth asked if any of the Commissioners have any comments/corrections to those Minutes. Hearing none, Mr. Roth had one comment. He called attention to the last page where there is the reference to the Motion about forwarding to City Council the Comprehensive Plan. He asked Ms. Bosworth if she could review the points that were approved by this Commission to forward on to Council, the last group of five items. In the Minutes they are referenced as code numbers, which refers to the points that they confirmed. Ms. Bosworth said there was a separate sheet from the Natural Resources Board meeting. There were a few that this Commission did not want to include in, and PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 those references are referring to that sheet and those recommendations from the Natural Resources Board. Ms. Bosworth stated she will get the sheet where those items were listed and attach it as a reference as an amendment to those Minutes. Hearing no other comments from the Commissioners, Mr. Roth called for a Motion to accept the Minutes. A motion to accept the Minutes of the October 15, 2020 meeting was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Simmons, and passed unanimously via voice vote. VI. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearincs A. Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council — PUD Subdivision Preliminary Development Plan/Plat — Spirit of Sebastian, Pods 1 & 2 — 77.99 Acres, 208 Single Family Lots — 2.67 Units per Acre -- Old Dixie Highway, Del Monte Road — LDR Future Land Use (Low Density Residential), 5 units per Acre) — PUD-R Zoning District (Planned Unit Development -- Residential) Mr. Anon, City Attorney, read the item into the record. Mr. Roth asked for the staffs report and recommendations on this project. Ms. Bosworth reviewed the history of this plan. She reviewed and described what this Commission is to do at this meeting, which is to make a recommendation to City Council on whether it is determined that this preliminary plan is in compliance with the Conceptual Plan that was previously approved. Part of this Commission's decision is to consider whether the traffic safety, the public health and welfare of this subdivision meets the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code (LDC) intents. This is the fourth revision of the plan. Staff reviewed according to the LDC regulations and the Conceptual Plan, and feels that the plan meets all of the requirements of the LDC, Subdivision and PUD sections. If City Council approves the preliminary plan, the next step for this part of the project, which is Pods 1 and 2, will be to develop the roads, utilities, and infrastructure. The Project Engineer will put together detailed plans and the construction drawing plans, which will be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and his staff. The applicant will get all of his jurisdictional permits in line and then apply for a land -clearing permit. At that time, staff will ensure that all the permits and approvals are in hand. The next step will be working with a surveyor and putting together the final plan, which is the recorded document at the Court House that also establishes all the dedications for easements, etc. That plan will go before City Council for acceptance of the dedications and signatures. The final plan will not come back to this Commission. She then reviewed the Staff Report (SEE ATTACHED) and entered the Staff Report and other documents that were attached to that into the record. Included were the Request letters for the adjustments that the developer requested, an updated Public Facility PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 Statement, the Traffic Analysis Summary, the Environmental Report, and the SCADL. She again reminded the Commissioners that all this information is just for Pods 1 and 2. She stated that Pod 2 is the first one on the construction schedule and explained the reasoning for that. Also reviewed were the revenues that will be generated by these pods. Ms. Bosworth reviewed in depth the Staff Comments attached to the Report as well as the Conditions for Approval, which she recommended should be attached to the recommendation for approval. Staff is recommending approval of this development plan. Staff feels that it does meet the Conceptual Plan, it meets the Comprehensive Plan and the requirements in the City's Land Development Code. Staff is also requesting approval of the two adjustments that are requested. Mr. Roth then called for the developer to make his presentation. Chuck Mechling reviewed his history of development projects within the City of Sebastian. He made a PowerPoint presentation which contained drawings and photos of the amenities and layout of the proposed development. (SEE ATTACHED). He pointed out that his firm is a local business. He introduced the members of his team who were in the audience. He emphasized that this will be the first community in Sebastian where there will be natural gas, and there will be no septic tanks. He stated that his firm is committed to working with residents along Del Monte Street about their concerns. At this point, Mr. Roth opened the meeting for public comment and asked anyone who wished to speak in favor of the project to present their comments. Michelle Morris, Sebastian, thinks the design of this development is excellent, and it will be a positive addition to Sebastian. Linda Kinchen, Sebastian, spoke to Mr. Mechling's character as being very positive. She requested that the Commission recommend approval to City Council of this development. Bill Flynn, Sebastian, suggested that the City use this as the gold standard for future development in Sebastian. He opined that this is an ideal area for growth in Sebastian. He also attested to Mr. Mechling's character. He recommended approval. Connie DiGregorio, Sebastian, asked what will happen behind South Moon Under. Ms. Bosworth stated there is a 15- to 20-foot landscape tract before there is any private property. The lots that will be along South Moon Under will be the larger lots in that pod. Andrea Coy, Sebastian (via Zoom), reiterated some of what the first three speakers covered. She can find no negatives to this development. She recommends approval. Seeing and hearing no one else who wished to speak in favor of the project, Mr. Roth called on anyone who wished to speak against the project. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 Maria Bowdren, Sebastian, is representing her mother, Elena Bowdren, 154 Del Monte Road, who is in favor of the project. However, her Mother is against the extensive landscaping along Del Monte. She has a hard time right now backing out of her driveway onto Del Monte and opined that the proposed landscaping will be a hindrance to visibility. Her mother does not want to depend on a homeowners' association to maintain that landscaping. Her mother is in favor of the other improvements to be made along Del Monte. She is also concerned about the increase in traffic because of the County not allowing Old Dixie Highway to be used as access to and from the community. She also wants some assurance that Del Monte is not going to be a construction access. She also inquired about what happens to wildlife that inhabit the area that is being developed. Sue Peterson, Sebastian, is not in opposition to the project itself. She is in opposition to the landscaping plan. She also asked if there would be gates that would keep pedestrian traffic out of the community. Mr. Mechling stated that there will be access for pedestrians. Janice Martin, Sebastian, is concerned about Old Dixie Highway and its access to the community as well as construction traffic on Old Dixie Highway. She is also concerned about how much it is going to cost to relocate the tortoises. She asked how far south of Old Dixie Highway is the development going to end. Mr. Mechling stated the gopher tortoises are the developer's responsibility and will be handled in the appropriate fashion. Tom Hofack, Sebastian, asked where the main utilities are going to come from to supply this community. Mr. Mechling stated that the water and sewer lines on Old Dixie are in place and available. Maureen Murphy, Sebastian, is concerned about the increase in traffic on Del Monte Road when this community is developed. Seeing no one else in Chambers and hearing no one on Zoom, Mr. Roth closed public input. He then opened the meeting for Commissioners' comments/questions for the developer. Ms. Kautenburg: (1) Is pleased that the developer is local and attested to his reputation and track record in Sebastian. (2) She addressed the subject of affordable housing for the people who work in the City and asked that this be kept in mind for the future. She asked for an estimated completion date for these two pods. Mr. Mechling approximated that it will be a four- to five-year project. He stated he may be back here in the future with a different tract of land regarding affordable housing. He stated how diligent the staff has been when working with his firm on this project. Mr. Roth: (1) Inquired regarding the decorative lighting; he asked who pays for the decorative lighting. Ms. Bosworth stated that the decorative light poles along Spirit PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 5 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 Boulevard would be the responsibility of the HOA. Mr. Mechling also described the type of lighting it will be, which has been very successful in other developments. (2) Addressed the subject of sidewalks and whether this will be a gated community. Mr. Mechling said it will be a gated community with access for pedestrian traffic for the most part. He also assured the residents on Del Monte that he will work with them and with the City staff to relieve their concerns. Ms. Bosworth stated that staff is disappointed that Old Dixie is not going to be a full access for pods 1 and 2. She pointed out that the residents can contact county commissioners to let them know how concerned they are because of the closing of this, and there will be additional traffic on Del Monte until such time as the Bailey Drive access will be open. Regarding the traffic that is on Wimbrow, she does not know if a four-way stop can be created. However, that is a possibility. Mr. Mechling described the work that his firm has already done to explore the improvements to Old Dixie. (3) Mr. Roth asked why the County did not want to proceed with doing the upgrade to Old Dixie Highway. Mr. Mechling stated that there were collective meetings on this issue. He estimated that with time this will all come together. (4) Regarding the RV storage area, he inquired if that is going to be adjacent to what is now called the emergency exit as plans go forward and Old Dixie is improved. He asked if that plan would change and allow that exittentrance on Old Dixie to be opened up to be a general resident entrancelexit. Mr. Mechling stated it would. He also mentioned that the boat and RV storage has a separate ingress/egress agreement with the County that the boat and RV storage traffic will go directly out onto Old Dixie. Ms. Bosworth explained that the recreation tract and this community tract will have separate site plans that will come before the Commission. (5) On the bridge in the community, he asked if the waterways are going to be connected by a culvert or something underneath the bridge. Mr. Mechling stated yes, there will be culvert pipe that will go in that will allow the flow of water. (6) Regarding the subject of autos going astray, will there be some type of barrier along there to prevent autos going astray and ending up in the lake. Mr. Mechling stated there will be railing along that whole area. (7) Regarding wetlands, he asked if care would be taken so that there is no future settling in those areas. Mr. Mechling said that the soil is built on the old sand ridge of the ocean. It drains quickly after a storm. The only wetlands that are in the project are in the southwest tip, and Spirit Boulevard was designed to skirt alongside of those wetlands so that they are totally protected. Mr. Christino: (1) Said it looks like there will be one pump station. Mr. Mechling said there will be one lift station for the first section of 208 lots. (2) Has issues with the traffic also and had some questions for Kimley-Hom in this regard. (3) Is pleased with the proposed boat storage. (4) Mentioned that there will soon be many more trains coming through this area and asked if that was taken into account in predicting the delays at CR- 512 and at Schumann. Brian Goode from Kimley-Horn state a wa , d biplained the traffic flow north and south on Old Dixie. Ms. Bosworth explained that this subject is addressed in staffs Condition No. 1 that is attached to their report, which will require a third entrance onto Bailey Drive to be constructed by Pod 3. (5) Regarding the buffer PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 6 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 that will go in will rival anything that is in the barrier island in Vero Beach. (6) There appears to be a scrivener's error on where it talks about connecting to a 6-inch force main and connecting to an existing 12-inch water main. He is asking if those numbers are reversed. Mr. Mechling agrees and said he will look into that. Mr. Alvarez: (1) Is pleased that the County has addressed, at least temporarily, an emergency entrance. Mr. Simmons: (1) Regarding the recommended adjustments by City staff regarding temporary ingress and egress, he is asking for a timeframe as to how that temporary situation ties in with the construction of Pod 3. Mr. Mechling stated the construction entrance and hopefully more will always be maintained on Old Dixie. So then when Pod 3 is begun, there will be a road built that goes through the community and exits on Bally. So that would be in a future phase. (2) Inquired if the HOA is going to be controlled by the developer until Pod 5 is finished. Mr. Mechling stated the rule is that when a community is 90% built out, the transition is done to the HOA. It was the consensus among the Commissioners that the presentations of both staff and the developer were very well outlined, and the project will be a positive addition to the City. Hearing no further discussion by Commissioners, Mr. Roth called on staff for any further discussion. Ms. Bosworth reiterated what the staffs recommendations are. She read into the record what should be included in the motion: In consideration of the comments and reviews by the staff, technical advisor committee, and other jurisdictional agencies, the Community Development staff recommends approval of the Spirit of Sebastian preliminary development plan/plat subject to the following conditions attached in Attachment A, with the following revisions as discussed earlier: • Revision to Condition No. 10 to state "...to require submittal of a sidewalk bond for the exact amount of unfinished lots that do not have building permits applied for before the subsequent phases final plat can be approved." • An amendment to Condition No. 9 to state that "in lieu of a bond needed for the second asphalt layer of streets usually laid after construction of the homes is finished, construction plans must indicate both layers of asphalt will be applied concurrently and according to application standards. • An amendment to Condition 12 that states that 'The HOA documents will also illustrate definitively where fences can be placed with regard to landscape easements." She further stated that the attachment that is in the staff packet will actually be inserted into the resolution that will go before City Council. If the Commission recommends these changes with the other 13 conditions, that amendment will be made and inserted into the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 7 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 resolution. Staff also recommends approval of the two requested adjustments stated on Page 11 of the Staff Report for the temporary allowance of one main public ingress/egress and one emergency exit, and for the length of the cul-de-sac on Archie Smith Lane. Mr. Roth called for a motion on this matter. A motion to approve recommendation to City Council of PUD Subdivision Preliminary Development Plan/Plat -- Spirit of Sebastian, Pods 1 and 2 — 77.99 acres, 208 single-family lots — 2.67 units per acre — Old Dixie Highway, Del Monte Road -- LDR Future Land Use (low -density residential, 5 units per acre) — PUD-R Zoning District (Planned Unit Development — Residential) with the 13 conditions for approval and attached as Exhibit A, with the amendments as noted to conditions 9, 10, 12 was made by Mr. Alvarez and seconded by Mr. Christino. Roll Call Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Christino (a) — Yes Ms. Kautenburg (a) — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Carter — Yes Mr. Simmons -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion passes. Mr. Roth recognized all the public who commented and the attendance of the supporting team of the developer tonight. B. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Ordinance 0-20- 03, Establishing Starting Points for Building Height Measurement -- Amending Land Development Code Section 54-2-5.10(2), Size and Dimension Criteria — (No Proposed Amendments to Maximum Building Heights) Mr. Anon read the item into the record. Mr. Roth called for staffs presentation. Ms. Bosworth explained that this has come about because there have been some difficulties with some of the properties that are in the City's flood zones based on what is currently in the Code on how building heights are measured and where that starting point is. She reviewed the memo that was attached to this evening's agenda packet. Staff recommends approval, and staff would like to take this to City Council for the first reading of the ordinance at the December 9th meeting with this Commission's recommendation. There being no discussion/comments by the Commissioners, Mr. Roth called on anyone from the public, either in Chambers or via Zoom, who wished to speak on this matter. There was no one. Mr. Roth called for a motion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 8 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 A motion recommending to City Council to approve Ordinance 0-20-03, establishing starting points for building height measurement, amending Land Development Code Section 54-2-5.10(2), size and dimension criteria, was made by Mr. Simmons and seconded by Mr. Carter. Roll Call Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Carter — Yes Mr. Christino (a) — Yes Ms. Kautenburg (a) -- Yes Mr. Simmons — Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion passes. VII. Unfinished Business — None Vlll. Public Input — None IX. New Business — None X. Commissioner Matters Mr. Christino complimented both staffs and Mr. Mechling's preparation and presentation of this project. He asked if the agenda packets could be gotten to the Commissioners a little earlier when there is so much detail to review. Mr. Carter also commented on how many of the developer's team was present for this meeting. XI. Citv Attomev Matters Mr. Anon stated that he has been gone for several months due to a health issue with COVID-19. He was critical fora while but came out of it and feels 100% now. He thanks everyone for their support and allowing him to appear via Zoom. XII. Staff Matters Ms. Bosworth stated that staff is proceeding with the Comprehensive Plan. Tentatively, the transmittal hearing will be December 91h, but on December 2nd there will be a public engagement workshop from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tables will be set up for each of the elements. Everyone is welcome. There is information on the website regarding this matter. XIII. Adjourn PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 9 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2020 There being no further business, Acting Chairman Roth adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m. jg SEQAmra HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1225 MAIN STREET . SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5518 . FAX (772) 388.8248 www.cityolsebas8an.org MEMORANDUM TO: Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Commission) RE: Proposed Land Development Code Amendment to Article V — Zoning District Regulations; specifically Section 54-2-5.10 Size and dimension criteria DATE: November13,2020 Currently, the Land Development Code establishes building height as measured from the Finish Floor Elevation (FFE) to the highest point of the building, i.e. roof ridgeline, excluding permitted architectural embellishments, antennas, and rooftop mechanical equipment, etc. Buildings located in the Special Flood Hazard Areas are measured from the base flood elevation (BFE) also to roof ridgeline. In 2017, the 6th edition of the Florida Building Code (FBC) was adopted by the State, which, amongst other updates and revisions, and in consideration of FEMA requirements, added additional regulations regarding minimum FFE's for buildings located within Special Flood Hazard Areas. Finished Floor Elevations are required to be raised an additional 12 inches from an established BFE. Also, the bottom of support beams of structures within Flood Hazard V Zones must be above the established BFE. We have recently been approached by contractors who are having difficulties in applying the FBC requirements for properties in the SFHA — mostly along the riverfinnt - while trying to coordinate building height as the LDC defines it, and still design a home with desired wall sizes and roof pitches. Staff researched other coastal municipalities and their building height measurement regulations and found that many had updated their codes to include Consideration of the current FBC requirements. (See attached). We would like to highlight that the proposed Ordinance does not change the maximum building height allowed in any zoning district, and will not affect any of the residential areas. A first reading of the Ordinance has. been tentatively scheduled for City Council on December 9' , 2020. Dom Bosworth, Manager/Planner Community Development Department ORDINANCE NO.O-20-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 54-2-5.10(2), SIZE AND DIMENSION CRITERIA, REGARDING ESTABLISHING STARTING POINTS FOR BUILDING HEIGHT MEASUREMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABHdTY AND REPEAL OF LAWS IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is in the public interest to modify and update certain sections of the code;and WHEREAS, the City wishes to coordinate building height regulations with the requirements of the Florida Building Code regarding properties located in a Special Flood Hazard Area; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency held a public hearing on November 19, 2020, and made a recommendation to City Council to Ordinance 0-20-03. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That the Land Development Code, City of Sebastian, Florida, is hereby amended as follows: ARTICLE V. ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS See. 54-2-5.10. — Size and dimension criteria. (2) Height regulations and exceptions thereto. I dislaRee ffeRl the HquiFed base fle8d elevat an to the highest point Bf the building Rai iHeluding ihose The tern "building height" as used in the land development regulations shall mean the vertical distance from the highest elevation of either: 1) The minimum Finished Floor Elevation as required in the Code of Ordinances Section 26-1 ; or 2) The avemee constmetion grade of a site where fill is required by another governmental agency: or 3) The base flood elevation plus one fool as required by the Florida Building Code: or 4) The base flood elevation plus 18 inches if located within_ a_ Coastal High Hazard Area (V Zone). measured to the hiehesl Point of the building. not including those structures specifically permitted to the extend beyond the height of the building. Chimneys and radio and television antennas may exceed height limitations upon the prior approval of the Planning said ^---- "- Management Di- -- Community Development Department staff and the City Engineer based on the compliance with all other applicable technical codes. Steeples, silos, windmills, ventilators, water tanks, cupolas and other appurtenances usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy or use may exceed height limitations for the respective zoning district by no more than twenty (20) percent upon the prior approval of the P-laaning—aad—Zening C�mmissiea city staff. All apparatus exceeding height limitations by more than twenty (20) percent for the applicable zoning district height restrictions shall require variance approval by the Board of Adjustment. In no event, however, shall any permitted heights be in conflict with the height regulations established by flight angles of state -approved airports in the city. All permitted heights shall comply with all requirements of the Federal Aviation Authority and the Federal Communications Commission. Section 2. Severabflity. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine that any part of this Ordinance is invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of Sebastian did not intend to enact such invalid provision. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this Ordinance without said invalid provision, thereby causing said remainder to remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Repeal of Laws in Conflict. All ordinances or pans of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. Codification. The sections of the ordinance shall be codified within part of the City Land Development Code and may be renumbered or re -lettered to accomplish such, and the word `ordinance" may be changed to "section," "division," or any other appropriate word. Section S. Scrivener's Errors. Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re -codified copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Council. The foregoing Ordinance was moved for adoption by Councilmember . The motion was seconded by Councilmember and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Jim Hill Councilmember Fred Jones Councilmember Bob McPanlan Councilmember Christopher Nunn The Mayor thereupon declared this Ordinance duly passed and adopted this _ day of .2021. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Mayor, Approved as to form and legality for reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon, Jr., Esq. City Attorney 3 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 26-2 ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL Sec. 26-1. Floor elevations. (a) The minimum floor elevation of residential, duplex, multiple -family residences, motels, or hotels constructed in the city shall be no less than 18 inches above the crown of the abutting improved street, and no less than six feet above mean sea level, whichever is the higher elevation. Specific standards for properties located in a flood zone shall be in accordance with chapter 46 floods. (b) The minimum floor elevation of commercial and industrial structures, private or public garages, cabanas, utility rooms, storage rooms and similar structures constructed in the city shall be no less than six inches above the crown of the abutting improved street. The elevations of floors where alley right-of-way exists shall not be less than six inches above alley paving. The floor elevation cited under subsection (a) of this section shall comply with the elevations specified in this subsection and shall be no less than six feet above mean sea level, whichever is the higher elevation. Specific standards for properties located in a flood zone shall be in accordance with chapter 46 floods. (c) The federal flood insurance rate maps, as amended, for the city are hereby incorporated into this Code by specific reference, a copy of which shall be available for inspection by the public in the office of community development. (Ord. No. 0-12-08, § 1, 8-22-12) BUILDING HEIGHT MEASUREMENT REGULATIONS - EXAMPLES: City of Vero Beach: Sec. 60.15. - Building height measurements. (a) Rules applicable to measurement of building heights. Except where specifically modified by other provisions of this title, the regulations of this section shall govern the measurement of building heights. (b) Starting point for height measurements. The starting point for measurement of any building height shall be whichever is the highest elevation of the following: (1) The existing weighted average grade elevation of the property; (2) The base flood elevation; (3) The base flood elevation plus 18 inches, if located within a coastal high hazard area (V Zone); (4) The required Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) elevation plus 18 inches, if located seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line; or, (5) 18 inches above the crown of the nearest adjoining improved road. Cifv of Delray Beach (2) The base building elevation, specifically for the measurement of building height, is defined as the highest point for the following site conditions: (Ord. No. 02-19,_F,2, 4-16-19) (a) For sites not located within a FEMA designated special flood hazard area (SFHA), the base building elevation shall be a minimum of 18 inches (or less with approval by the City Engineer) and a maximum of 30 inches (which allows for 12 inches of freeboard) above the mean elevation of the crown of the street along the lot frontage or the average of the mean elevation of the crowns of the streets for lots with multiple lot frontages. (Ord. No. 02-19J 2, 4-16-19) Base Building Elevation: Not within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) n rA.. aegm.,—I Av *WC,own WRmtl My.nYne l (b) For sites located within a FEMA designated SFHA, as amended, the base building elevation is established as the higher of the following: (Ord. No. 15-18 ,_§ -2, 6-19-18; Ord. No. 02-19J 2, 4-16-19) (I) The minimum required base flood elevation, as required by FEMA and the Florida Building Code (FBC), as amended, and allowing up to 12 inches for freeboard; or, (Ord. No. 1515 18 ,-§2. 6-19-18; Ord, No. 02-19J 2, 4-16- 19) Base Building Elevation: Within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) n Max Heigh\' L 2 a s lowest T sourwrs Bau Building Ele.Ilor— J' 1}'Mu 0pA IFId gau rlood eevadon ra- rgCeevadun I The average crest of the dune located within the property limits, measured from north to south on the subject site. Any portion of the structure between the minimum required base flood elevation and the point of the average crest of the dune shall not be Included In the height measure of the buildings on the subject site. (Ord. No. 1515 18 ,g 2, 6-19-18; Ord. No. 02-19,_j2, 4-16-19)