HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-2021 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 2021 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Alleaiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Stadelman Mr. Carrano Ms. Ware Dr. Carrier (a) Mr. Powers (Zoom) Dr. Mosbiech (Zoom) Ms. Callaghan (Zoom) Mr. Bradley (a) Not Present: Ms. Lovell — Excused Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. Aooroval of Minutes -- January 5, 2021 All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of January 5, 2021 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Purchase of water refill stations approved by City Council Ms. Haigler stated this was approved at the January 13th meeting. The water refill stations have been purchased. When they arrive, they will be installed at Riverview Park, and staff Is optimistic that they will be installed by Earth Day. She stated that Community Development is partnering with Parks to expand bike racks throughout the City. VI. Public Input NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2021 Frank Nolan, Barber Street, Sebastian addressed the homeless issues in Sebastian. He stated last Thursday from 12:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. he went around the community and found 32 homeless people, 10 in Sebastian. There is no place in Sebastian for those people to go and no help available for them. He is asking for the City to come up with a program to help people. Mr. Stadelman asked if Mr. Nolan feels there are more people than the 32 whom he counted. Mr. Nolan stated he knows there are more, but they may be in their cars or in the woods. There are several different places where they might be, and there are no shelters in north Indian River County. Ms. Haigler recommended that Mr. Nolan contact the County Commissioners, as that matter is within their purview, and she offered to provide Mr. Nolan with the contact for the Commission. Mr. Stadelman told Mr. Nolan that Ms. Haigler is a great resource for him. There being no one else in chambers or on Zoom, Mr. Stadelman moved to the next item on the agenda. VII. New Business A. Event items Requiring Budget Approval I. Golden Ukers Fee — Ms. Haigler said this group performed at the last Earth Day event and were very popular. They are asking for a small fee of $100.00. She needs approval from this Board for that amount. A motion to allocate $100.00 for the Golden Ukers to perform at the 2021 Earth Day event was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Mr. Carrano, and approved unanimously via voice vote. ii. Litter Quitter Folders and Window Stickers -- Ms. Haigler said the Litter Quitter folders have been discussed in the past, and these are something that can be worked on now. She described what these folders will look like and what information they will contain. She also talked about the window stickers that she has researched. She suggested, instead of a sticker, a decal that can be removed easily and can be put wherever it works best for the businesses. She is suggesting a 12- x 12-inch decal, as they will be more easily seen. She reviewed the prices she has found so far, but she will get with the City's Procurement Coordinator to get the best prices on the items. She asked if anyone had questions/comments. A general discussion ensued among Board members regarding the costs involved. Mr. Stadelman inquired about recyclable straws, and Ms. Haigler said that is the responsibility of the vendors. She stated she will make some samples of the items to show the Board members at the next meeting. She will also look for better prices, and those can be discussed at the next meeting. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2021 Ill. NRB Booth Display Items — Ms. Haigler suggested using tablecloths that are fitted to the tables and will not blow away. The NRB logo can be put on them, and they can be used over and over in the future. There was general discussion about how to prevent items from blowing away, and it was the consensus that the tablecloths are a good idea. Ms. Haigler also discussed the posters and banners that are shown on the page attached to the agenda and that they can be used again and again. Dr. Carder stated that using items that can be used in the future speaks to the very Intent of the Sustainable Sebastian program. It was the consensus that a good display is important. Ms. Haigler asked for a motion to approve the price ranges that have been discussed. A motion approving a budget of no more than $500.00 to purchase three tablecloths and two posters was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Dr. Carder, and approved unanimously via voice vote. iv. Environmental Reference Cards -- Ms. Haigler presented a sample of the cards. She explained that one OR code takes you to the NRB website. There is a code that takes you to the NRB recycle page which has all the County recycle information. The Indian River Lagoon code takes you to the Indian River Lagoon Council's page. Local Landscaping takes you to the City's landscaping page, City Parks and Amenities takes you to Leisure Services, and it has an Interactive map with all the parks. The Conservation and Trails code takes you to the County conservation site. That has a trails app that shows all the stonnwater parks and all the conservation areas. A full interactive trail map app is also on that site. The Swales, Canals and Stormwater code takes you to the City's stonnwater page. It was the consensus of the Board members that the card is a great idea. Ms. Haigler thanked Dr. Mosblech, as the card was her idea. Ms. Haigler said she can update them whenever necessary. She said it would be cheaper to have a printer print them. She stated 500 of them would be $56.00. She said if the Board will approve the cards and the sites this evening, she will go ahead and get them ordered. A motion approving the expenditure of $56.00 for the cards was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and passed unanimously via voice vote. Vill. Old Business A. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration planning for April 24, 2021 i. Vendor notice and online application — Ms. Haigler stated the vendor notices have already been sent out. The online applications will be NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2021 ready for adding to the website shortly. She emphasized that because the vendors submit the application, they understand that it does not mean it has been approved, and staff will contact them once their application is approved. ii. Board member updates -- Ms. Haigler went through the updates as follows: • Retail and Food Vendors — Mr. Carrano had volunteered to help with mapping at the Park. It was decided that Ms. Haigler, Mr. Carrano, and Ms. Ware will do that next week. • Waste Management — Ms. Haigler received information today with information on household a -waste recycling and shredding events that will coincide with Earth Day. • Art Club — Ms. Ware volunteered to meet with Ms. Haigler and Mr. Carrano at Riverview Park next week. • Entertainment — Ms. Haigler stated that Kathy Falzone from the Community Center has stated that her tai chi class will be present to open the event. • NRB website -- The Flyer is up on the website with the entertainment schedule. It is on the website as a PDF, so copies can be made right from the website. • Living Docks — Ms. Haigler has spoken to Mr. Bradley about reaching out to the scouts. She also said if a lifeguard is needed, she can do that. • Advertising — Ms. Ware had volunteered to search out some sites where the event can be posted. She went through a list of how the Art Club distributes their flyers, and it does not cost anything. She will email Ms. Haigler a copy of that list. Ms. Haigler said at the next meeting she will need a list of expenses that may be Involved so that she can get it approved. Ms. Ware stated that "Sebastian Daily" may put the flyer on their paper for free. Ms. Haigler staled she would contact Andy Hodges. • Ms. Ware stated she has reached out to a teacher at the Charter School, and they are interested in doing a poster contest, and the posters would be displayed with the Art Show at the Earth Day event. She will contact some of the Litter Quitter members to see if they would contribute some prize money or a free dinner, etc. Ms. Haigler said she has a form letter on City letterhead that states what the event is, etc., and she will update the letter and get it out to Ms. Ware. • Dr. Mosblech volunteered to forward information on the poster contest to teachers at Vero Beach High School. She also had NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2021 forwarded a cost -comparison sheet for single -use plastics vs. sustainable items to Ms. Haigler. Ms. Haigler stated that at the last meeting Dr. Carrier volunteered to assist with that, and she gave him the information that she and Mr. Benton had collected up to this point. Dr. Mosblech inquired if there were any updates concerning the serving of beer. Ms. Haigler stated the beer will be served in green cups. The beer is being donated, and the non -profits are serving it and get to keep the benefits of serving the beer, so they will invest in the cups. IX. Member Matters Mr. Stadelman asked the new Board members to introduce themselves. Mr. Bradley, Dr. Carrier, and Mr. Powers introduced themselves and gave short synopses of their experience related to environmental subjects. Dr. Mosblech reviewed that she happened to be at one of the City's playgrounds and saw a sign that indicated that the City is using the best management practices for applying pesticides. She has also been told by Ms. Haigler that signage is being placed in any area where pesticides are being used, alerting the public three days before they are actually applied. She was happy to hear that and appreciates all the hard work that went into implementing that IPM Plan. Dr. Mosblech also posed the question of what the City can do to expand renewables for some of the proposed housing developments that will be coming into the City. She would like the City to do something to bring awareness to new homeowners of methods other than natural gas that can be used in these new developments. Ms. Haigler suggested that is something that could be looked at as It relates to the Comprehensive Plan. She will forward that suggestion to Lisa Frazier, the Community Development Director. Mr. Stadelman volunteered to add information regarding solar. X. Staff Matters Ms. Haigler stated that the next meeting will be focused on Earth Day and Arbor Day planning. She will also be sending emails out to the Board members during the next few weeks detailing what tasks still need to be completed so that at the next NRB meeting plans are complete for the Earth Day/Arbor Day event. XI. Items for Next Aaenda NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2021 A. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration Planning XII. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dr. Carrier, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m. By: U'1,wYd .Z➢✓` ,w..,._. Date: fl`arc�n Da, c C01 19