HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-2021 PR AgendaOIYCf S ASTL HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS & RECREATION ADVIS��Y COMMITTEE MONDAY. MARCH 22 . 2021 6:00 PM 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) MEETING CHAIR MAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS 5) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting Minutes from February 22ntl, 2021 7) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: B) PUBLIC INPUT 9) NEW BUSINESS: Item A: Committee Discussion on Garden Club Park 10) STAFF MATTERS Item A: Current Project(s) Update Item B: Easter Egg Hunt 11) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 12) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE: April 22nd 2021 13) ADJOURN ANYPERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANYMATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAYNEEO TO ENSURETHATAVERIUMM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING515 MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEALISTO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH YNE AMERICANS WITH DISABILmES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPEGALACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY's ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING, HOWEVER, THE PUBLIC 15 ADVISED TO CHECK THE CITY WEBSITE FOR UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ON ANYCHANGES TOME MANNER IN WHICH THE MEETING WILL BEHELDANDTHELOCATION. CnOF SET�N IRWIN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetina Date: March 22nd 2021 Aaenda Item Title: Meeting Minutes from February 22nd, 2021 Recommendation: Approval of Meeting Minutes from the February 22nd, 2021 meeting Background: If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: N/A Attachments: Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of Regular Meeting on February 22nd, 2021 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 2021 I. Call to Order -- Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present Mr. Renzi Ms. Webster Ms. White Mr. Denise Ms. Drumheller (a) Mr. Mauro (a) -- Late Arrival Not Present Mr. Agudelo -- Excused Also Present Mr. Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. Meeting Chair Makes Announcements Mr. Benton announced that Ms. Drumheller, who is an alternate, will be voting in place of Mr. Agudelo. V. Aaenda Modifications -- None VI. ADDroval of Minutes Chairperson Webster asked if everyone had read over the Minutes from January 25, 2021. All indicated they had. She asked if anyone had any changes or corrections. Hearing none, Ms. Webster called for a motion to approve the Minutes from January 25, 2021 as presented. A motion approving the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Denise, seconded by Ms. Drumheller, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VII. Unfinished Business -- None VIII. Public Input PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 Richard Lucas, Sebastian. He proposed that the City of Sebastian consider, through this Advisory Committee, adding additional Har-Tru tennis courts to Friendship Park. His proposal is to add six Har-Tru courts to draw USTA tournaments to Sebastian as a family sports activity. There is a minimum requirement of eight courts in order to have USTA tournaments. He suggested getting the USTA involved by aiding in the financing, giving advice to this Advisory Committee on how to proceed, getting some of the local tennis organizations to support this endeavor, get some direction from the Leisure Services Director, Mr. Benton, and get an estimate for six Har-Tru courts. He reviewed how the tournaments would work. He suggested that the influx of participants and spectators would boost the local economy. These tournaments would basically be USTA junior tournaments and maybe some others. He suggested that this would put Sebastian on the tennis map, at least in Florida. His timeline is for himself and Mr. Sciola to present this idea to this Committee, get some direction on how they might proceed, then present it to the Director of Leisure Services, and hopefully to City Council. Mr. Lucas answered several questions and comments by members of the Committee regarding: A. The impact of these potential tournaments on the City B. The ages of participants C. The cost of the surfacing and maintenance needed for the courts D. Whether the additional courts will be used during the periods when there are no tournaments E. Input from the public regarding the proposal F. Potential parking G. Whether the USTA has been approached by the local proponents as to whether it would support the courts in Sebastian Mr. Sciola. He is a tennis player, and he stated that the demand for the courts in Sebastian has exploded this year. He opined that if the needed courts were added they would be well used. Ms. White stated that is the information she would like to hear from Mr. Benton --that the courts are full and there is lots of competition for courts among the people who play. Mr. Sciola said he and Mr. Lucas can bring numerous people in support of this proposal to a meeting of this Committee. Ms. Webster suggested that Mr. Lucas and Mr. Sciola approach the USTA and find out if there is any interest in supporting this proposal. Mr. Lucas stated that Mr. Denise has been involved with the USTA for many years, and they may be able to get him involved. Mr. Denise stated that he recommended that Mr. Lucas approach Mr. Benton for his guidance on how to proceed. Mr. Danise stated there is grant money available if PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 the USTA would get involved, and he provided other information regarding the USTA. He also stated there is a great deal of interest in tennis, and it is growing every year. Mr. Benton suggested that if the Committee wants more information on this matter, he asked for direction on what the Committee is looking for, and he will provide it. His concern is putting a lot of time and effort into this proposal only to find that it is notfeasible. He stated that, if the Committee desires, he can bring some data back at a future meeting. Mr. Mauro suggested that the proponents need to come up with a comprehensive proposal, including what the community wants, how much money is available from the USTA to help fund the additional courts, and perhaps a signed petition showing local support for the idea. Mr. Benton addressed Chairperson Webster and asked that the Committee give him directions or make suggestions as to how to proceed. Mr. Lucas ended his presentation by stating that the reason he came to this meeting is because he wanted to go through the proper channels. Ms. Webster stated she appreciated that. Ms. Webster asked for suggestions or input from the Committee members. Mr. Mauro stated he thinks Mr. Lucas's group should put a proposal together, bring it to Mr. Benton, and see what else he needs before it actually comes to this Committee. He thinks that it will benefit the community, as the community is growing, and more tennis courts are probably needed. The other question is where these additional courts can be placed. Mr. Denise asked where the group should begin with their proposal. Mr. Benton stated that on a project of this magnitude he does not seethe benefit of his doing a lot of research and information, getting quotes and such if it is not something that is supported by this Committee. He further stated that the recreation impact fund fees, which is how we pay for our larger projects, is pretty diluted presently. The cost for the pickleball courts came out of that fund. There are also quite a few other projects that have come out of that. So if the tennis group is looking for funding for this, it has to obviously be grant funds, and it would have to be from the general fund of the City. Ms. Webster asked if it should be tabled until the next budget is looked at, and maybe it could be revisited at that time. Mr. Benton stated he would not anticipate having recreation impact funds available for quite a few years if that is the route that is being investigated. If the Committee feels strongly about this, he can do some preliminary PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 numbers. Ms. Webster asked, if the USTA does have grants available, would that better serve this project. Mr. Benton stated yes if they have grant funds that are going to assist the City. He thinks it is a good idea for the community to reach out to the USTA as opposed to the City doing it at this point. He has no problem with Mr. Danise reaching out as a private citizen without any direction from the City at all to see what is out there and what the possibilities are. He stated that from what he has heard this evening, it sounded like the tournaments are held in the Orlando area, the Tampa area, the Boca area --the larger markets who have a lot of money. He emphasized that he is not saying it cannot happen here. If the USTA is looking to get into a smaller market and they think that this location would draw people to come, then it may be something the USTA is interested in. Ms. Webster suggested tabling the Committee's discussion or asking Mr. Benton to do anything until someone reaches out to the USTA to see what they can do. Ms. White stated she is hesitant to have the courts built hoping that there will be tournaments. She states that it is usually because of community wants or needs and people request it that these projects are implemented. She suggested that the tennis group do the research and show that they can get grants. Then they could back before this Committee at another time. Mr. Benton stated that he would be happy that at a future meeting in the next couple months to put together the data that show the usage that has taken place over the last six months or so. Ms. Drumheller suggested that the two gentlemen who presented this idea need to realize that this Committee does not want to shut them down. The Committee is interested in their project, but she thinks it is necessary for them to do some more data collection to bring back at a future meeting. There being no further discussion, Ms. Webster moved to the next item on the agenda. IX. New Business A. Discussion and Review of Electronic Marquee Signs Mr. Benton stated that contained in the agenda packets is a sample of what the Riverview Park and City Hall signs would look like with the electronic marquee signs. The reason this is being considered is because of the number of complaints that City staff have received from people who are unable to read the signage that is at Riverview Park when multiple events are posted on that sign. Obviously, there will be a new sign installed there regardless of which way the City decides to go. These signs are scheduled for replacement this year. He is asking for discussion at this meeting among the Committee PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 members to provide some information that will then be presented to City Council for their review on March 24th. The electronic marquee signs are in a matrix format, which means that the letters can be made as large or small as needed in order to get the messages on the signs. There would be two to three lines needed per slide. It would be something that can rotate through. For example, the shrimp fest could be advertised, and the next thing coming up would be the Easter egg hunt, or it could be a Craft Club event, etc. There are quite a few times when there are multiple events occurring on the same weekend at the park, for instance a concert one day and a craft show the next day or an art show in the park the next day. There were several questions from Committee members regarding the proposed signage and where the funds are coming from for this project. Mr. Benton stated it depends on CRA funding. The CRA does have money for signage and has paid for some of the new signs that have been recently installed in the CRA district, and Mr. Benton stated that the plan is for the CRA to assist in the cost of the Riverview Park sign. Mr. Renzi Suggested that the signs as they are now at Riverview Park are too low. Someone in the left lane of U.S. 1 going north cannot read them. He suggested it should be like a marquee, up high, that you can see as you come up and down the road. Mr. Benton understands, but the City does have a sign code, and staff has to stay within that code to a certain extent. Public facilities technically are exempt. There cannot be an electronic marquee within the City on a standard sign. The only place that has one that is exempt is the elementary school. The City also has to follow the MUTCD sign standards regarding the height. He does not know what the standard is on the height, but he will get that information for the Committee. Ms. Webster: • Suggested making the section at the top of the sign where it says "Riverview Park" a little smaller, so that the information under that could be bigger. Mr. Benton said he will check with the sign company and see if that can be done. • Asked if the "Riverview Park" verbiage could be at the bottom of the sign and the events verbiage put at the top. Mr. Benton stated he will look into that. • Is pleased with the proposed signage, whichever way they are approved. Mr. Danise: PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 • Stated he also has trouble reading the sign at Riverview Park, so if the sign could be a little larger, that would help. Mr. Benton will contact the sign company about these questions, and he will include all the notes whenever this goes before City Council. This Committee will have a meeting before that City Council meeting, so he can provide that input back to this Committee then. X. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton updated the Committee on the current projects as follows • Barber Street Dugouts -- The concrete was poured a few weeks ago. That was a large portion of the project on field 3. The concrete had to set for about 10 days. Building the roof structure on top of one of the dugouts has begun. That should take them a couple weeks, and they will have those entire structures complete. What was done on field 3 that was not done on fields 1 and 2 was to go ahead and install the chain link fencing in front of the dugout area so that there is no danger from balls leaving the field of play. Those structures should be completed within the new few weeks. Fields 1 and 2 are complete with the exception of the six-foot chain link fencing that goes around the dugout on the exterior. That was on backorder from the vendor. He is hoping that later this week or early next week that fencing will be in. • Park Signage Project -- He called the Committee members' attention to the photos which he placed at each member's seat which show three of the signs that have been installed. They are the Pickleball Court, the Easy Street Park, and the Main Street boat ramp signs. There will be mulch put around each of the signs, and that will have to be maintained. Mr. Benton stated that the entire first -year schedule has been complete. The most recent installation since the last meeting were Hardee Park, Filbert Street Park, Bark Park, Periwinkle, Garden Club, and the two gateway signs on Indian River Drive have been installed. Mr. Benton stated staff is working on a year two schedule that is tentative at this point. That will include installing signage at the stormwater treatment facility, art and senior centers, Friendship Park, Schumann Park, the City Hall sign, and the PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 Riverview Park sign once that is all finalized with how staff will move forward. That will leave staff with a short list to be done in year three, which would only include Historical Park, Kildare Park, Blossom Street, and the community center. • Thor Guard Lightning System — This system was installed on February 5 and the public was given access on February 12. He sent an email to all the Committee members and all the user groups that informed them that they can visit the website to get up-to-the-minute data on conditions as far as lightning is concerned. The website includes a weather station and also radar that can be accessed as well. This was posted on social media, the City's website, and Sebastian Daily wrote an article this past weekend on the system. Staff has so far not received any complaints from residents in the immediate area. It is anticipated that there will be some complaints about the sound of the hom, which is really loud. But it is meant to activate and let everyone know in that entire park that lightning is imminent, to seek shelter. This website can be used from any location. If the lightning system is activating at Barber Street, anywhere in Sebastian people should be seeking shelter. The detection is within a range of 12-15 miles; prediction is within a range of 3-5 miles. • Yacht Club Seawall -- The RFO did close on Friday. Staff is going to start reviewing the submittals, and a firm will be chosen to go with the design and construction of this project. He is hoping to take that to City Council on March 10. Mr. Benton said there was some plywood placed over some areas and there were cones also placed. What basically is happening is that everything under that sidewalk up to the grass was eroding and pulling all the sand out. • The Bridge at Kildare Park — Mr. Benton said that Mr. Agudelo had brought up this issue at the last meeting. Staff went out and replaced the damaged portions of the deck of the bridge. Staff are currently working on cost estimates to include in next year's capital projects to replace the decking on that bridge. The stabilization of the bridge is fine. It just needs new decking. All the parts that seemed to be worn out were replaced. • Signage on the North Twin Pier at Riverview Park — Mr. Denise had brought up this matter regarding the sign that says, "No Pets." Mr. Benton went to the pier, and the sign is still there. It had been replaced the first week in November. That was the third time that sign was replaced in approximately six months. He has directed the sign shop that, if it happens again, a camera will be installed there. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 • Installation of Cameras at the Skate Park — Two cameras were installed at the skate park two weeks ago. This way staff and the Police Department can view what is happening there. One faces the restrooms at the football complex, and the other one faces and oversees the entire skate park area. There has been some vandalism and some graffiti and some things happening there that City staff want to keep an eye on. B. Easter Egg Hunt Mr. Benton said this year's Easter egg hunt is going to be changed a bit. Historically, it has always been done the Saturday before Easter in the morning. This year it will be held the week before Easter, and it will be held on Friday evening. It is going to be tried out to see how it goes. The reason for this is because of issues with the stage and the location of the stage because there is a concert in the park and a couple other events that conflicted with it. The Halloween event this year was done in the evening, and it was a successful event. The plan is that at 5:30 the event will start. The DJ will be playing music then. There will be pictures with the Easter bunny. At the last Easter egg hunt event two years ago there were pictures with the Easter bunny with the lagoon in the background. That will be done again this year. There will be arts and crafts for the kids to do. Then promptly at 6:30 the Easter egg hunts will begin. Hopefully, people will have plenty of time to get off from work and be there by 6:30 for the hunts. We will continue to go with the same hunt areas that were used two years ago. The age groups will be 2 and under, 3 to 4, 5 to 6, 7 to 8, and then 9 and over. It has been advertised as being 12 and under for the event. Obviously if older kids show up, they can go in the 9 and over group. It is being kept to 12 and under as much as possible. The date is Friday, March 26. Ms. White asked if there will be enough light at that time in the evening. Mr. Benton checked, and sunset should be around 7:30 or 7:40. After the egg hunts there will be the prize eggs. Kids will come up to the stage for the prize eggs. We are not going to do glitter eggs. We are going to put pieces of paper in eggs. So the message will be gotten out to check your eggs before you leave, and if you won a prize, come up to the stage. Due to COVID, there will not be a hayride this year. If having the event in the evening proves to not be successful, then it will revert back to occurring on Saturday mornings. XI. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Mauro asked regarding the two electronic signs, assuming they are approved by City Council, what is the time frame to get them installed. Mr. Benton said it is going to be dependent on the vendor. He would estimate it will probably be in the three- to four - month range to get the signs developed and get the electronic marquees made. It could be sooner, but he is not certain. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 Ms. White said she went to the dog park, and it was packed on Sunday. People were enjoying themselves and the dogs were playing. She did note the large area of dirt. She asked when the plan is to put the sod in. Mr. Benton said we need to hold off until the rainy growing season. It is probably best to do it in early summer. He estimates that it would impact the least number of people if it were done in early summer. Two to three weeks should provide sufficient growing time. The last time it was done, the park was opened up too soon, and the first thing that happened was the sod started to tear up. Ms. White also visited the Barber Street complex and walked around. She did see the new lightning system. She noted that the park looks good. She said the park has gotten much better, and she commended Mr. Benton for all he has gotten done. Ms. White also commented that the restroom at the creative playground needs painting. It is really grungy looking. Maybe it needs cleaning, but she thinks it needs to be painted and freshened up. Ms. White reviewed the bike signs that are around the City, and they are in bad shape. Those need to be updated. Mr. Benton will provide an update on those signs. He did ask the current sign vendor the last time he was in the City to give staff a price to change those out and go with something that is going to last a lot longer. He hopes that after all the other new signs are installed, there will be enough money to pay for the bike path signs. There are a lot of them. He will go around the City and count them. Ms. White reviewed Garden Park. She walked around, and there needs to be garbage cans at the entrance where the parking lot is. There is one, but it is way around on the other side the park. She is going to send Mr. Benton some pictures she took of the benches. She knows the benches are old, but there is lichen or rust on them, and they are not inviting to sit on. She suggested if those can't be painted or cleaned, they need to be gotten rid of. Mr. Benton stated there was a group who installed native plants in one area by the gazebo, but he does not know if that group still maintains that area. Ms. White stated she would like to have some input on that because there does not seem to be a lot of reason to go to that park. She had mentioned sometime ago that it would be nice to put a walking path around the waterway so it would be more inviting. Regarding the little signs on the trees, she would be more in favor of putting a number on the tree and then having one plaque by the entrance that delineates the trees by number with the person's name instead of all these little name signs that are falling over and deteriorating. She mentioned that the grass has sort of taken over the lake. She stated that the whole park needs some attention. She volunteered to help with that. She also mentioned a man sleeping on one of the benches with a few empty bottles nearby. Mr. Benton stated staff will keep an eye on that. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 Ms. White stated she thinks pressure washing is scheduled for Easy Street Park. There is a bench there, and it is completely surrounded by fire ant mounds. Mr. Benton will have the staff treat that area. Ms. White stated that Lake Drive has a big drop-off on the righthand side going west, and if there is oncoming traffic it can be a problem. She feels Lake Drive should be widened, and the sidewalk going all the way down Lake needs to be redone. Maybe in a future project Lake Drive should be one that can be addressed. Mr. Benton stated he will contact Ken Griffin who is in charge of the City's roads. Ms. Drumheller stated she visited her parks. She goes to Periwinkle Park almost daily. She walked the perimeter of that park, and she stated she never sees anyone there other than at lunchtime. She stated Filbert Park has a lot of ants, especially near the equipment that the kids play on. She does not see a lot of use of that park either, but the sign is beautiful. Mr. Benton stated he will have his staff address the fire ants at Filbert Park. He explained that in the IPM Plan for the parks and properties, that was a park that was identified as a passive park that is to be kept all natural. So it is not on a scheduled routine to treat. Once staff gets information about fire ants, staff will address that. Ms. White said since there is a playground at that park, the fire ants need to be addressed. Ms. Drumheller visited the dog park also, and she enjoyed her visit. She asked if there is anywhere else that people are going to be able to walk with their dogs during the time that the park is closed. Mr. Benton stated they can visit some of the other parks, but the dogs must be on leashes. That is the only option available. Ms. White said there is a walking path around the lake at the dog park, and the Stormwater Park is also a great place to walk dogs on leashes. She also asked if the area to be resodded could have a fence put around it if it seems like it is taking too long for the sod to take. Mr. Benton said he can look into that when the time comes to replace the sod. Mr. Denise stated that his wife asked when the lake is going to be lost at the Garden Club. There is more vegetation in there than water. He also suggested that as the new signs are installed, consideration should be made as to where they are placed. He commented that the lawn maintenance team does a great job. Ms. Webster reminded everyone that the Shrimp Fast is coming up on March 19th, 20th and 21st. Opening ceremony for the Little League is at 3:00 p.m. on the 27th. Ms. Webster stated that she went to the creative playground. She stated there are picnic tables, but there are no trash barrels in that area. They are all at the other side of the park. She suggested putting trash barrel(s) near the picnic tables where people can PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 11 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2021 dispose of their trash more readily. She also was told that there are ant mounds at the splash pad. Mr. Benton stated the fire ants were treated there last week. XII. Items for the next aaenda and date: March 22. 2021 XIII. Adjournment There being no further business, Chairperson Webster adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Bv: Joann Webster, Chairperson A Date: