HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-2021 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 2021 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. U. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Carrano Ms. Ware Dr. Carrier Dr. Mosblech (Zoom) Ms. Callaghan (Zoom) Ms. Lovell (Zoom) Mr. Stadelman Not Present: Mr. Powers — Unexcused Mr. Bradley — Excused Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Mr. Robert Loring, Planner Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. ADDroval of Minutes — February 2, 2021 All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of February 2, 2021 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. ELC Environmental Coalition Ms. Haigler announced she did send all the members the ELCs newsletter that just came out. They wrote a nice excerpt about the Natural Resources Board and Sustainable Sebastian. She explained that this environmental group was spearheaded by the Lagoon Council, but it is being run by the Environmental Learning Center. It is a great new program that meets quarterly. Ms. Haigler just found out about it, and an invitation by NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 2021 Barbara Schlill-Ford was extended to Ms. Haigler to be a member of the Coalition. Their next meeting is May 13th. She would like to bring another Natural Resources Board member to each meeting going forward- B. Pelican Island Wildlife Festival Cancelled Ms. Haigler announced that the Pelican Island Wildlife Festival has been cancelled. This group has gone through a transition. it was run by Pelican Island Preservation Society (PIPS). Their name has changed, and now they are the Pelican Island Conservation Society. They are going to be partnering with Pareidolia Brewery at Earth Day to pour the beer that Pareidolia donates, and it will be a fundraiser for them. VI. Public Input — None VII. New Business -- None Vill. Old Business A. Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration planning for April 24, 2021 Item -by -item discussion Board Member Updates and Assignments Ms. Haigler referred to the 2021 Sebastian NRB Earth Day Celebration Plans. These were discussed item by item as follows: Retail and Food Vendors (Ron Paul, Dr. Mosblech) — Ms. Haigler stated online applications are available, which works out very well. The vendors can fill them out online, and as soon as they submit them, emails are sent to Ms. Haigler and Mr. Paul. A table has been implemented for each type of vendor, and it is a great format. She thanked the MIS Department for setting this up. So far there are 18 retail vendors and 8 food vendors signed up. She expects to have many more. Environmental Orpanizations (Ms. Haigler) -- She stated she spoke to Sebastian Inlet Stale Park today. She called them in person. They said that all the state agencies are under an order from the state to not participate in any outreach activities or events until further notice. The person to whom Ms. Haigler spoke said that could be lifted next week or six months from now, they have no idea. That, unfortunately, Involves a lot of people who participate in this event such as state parks, FWS, FWC, and St. John's. There are a lot of participants who bring the animals and are not state related. So far there is MRC NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 2021 and Indian River Solid Waste. All the county groups can participate, so she anticipates more participation from them. More non -governmental agencies or groups are needed. She will reach out to all the county groups, but she asked the members to think of other groups who might participate and send her their contacts, and she will send an email form to them. Ms. Ware suggested contacting the Zoo. Ms. Haigler stated she will do that. Waste Manaaement (Ms. Haigler) — Ms. Haigler displayed an example of their new flyers. She stated the shredding will be at Riverview Parking, and household waste will be collected at Barber Street Park Art Club (Ms. Ware) — The annual Lagoon Art Show and Sale will be held, and we will be hosting the art poster contest. Ms. Haigler put the poster art contest winner announcement on the stage schedule for 2:00 p.m. K.I.R.B. (Ms. Haigler) -- Ms. Haigler stated she and Ms. Morris will be meeting tomorrow afternoon. Ms. Morris is also going to have an activity. That is still being discussed. Ms. Haigler has been collecting buckets to use that can be saved and used again. Those buckets can be emptied into one large garbage bag instead of several bags which are most of the time not completely filled. She stated that K.I.R.B. may be partnering with Mash Monkeys in a fundraiser for the beer that Mash Monkeys is going to donate. 1. R. C. Fire Rescue Permit (Ms. Haigler) — She will handle that. State Food Vendor Permit (Ms. Haigler) -- She will handle that. She will set up a spreadsheet so as each application comes in it gets logged, and all the information that is needed for both those permits is entered there. All we have to do is print that out and attach it to the permit. Entertainment (Brian O'Neill) — The entertainment is all set. She will have the checks available at the event to pay them. NRB Website (Ms. Haigler) — Ms. Haigler stated she keeps updating it, and she will eventually add a list of vendors and a list of the activities. Raffle (Mr. Stadelman ?) -- There are 10 vendor applicants so far who said they are going to donate raffle prizes. Most of the vendors participate in that. She needs someone to volunteer for the raffle. At the beginning of the event they need to come early and collect those items for the raffle and register them. There will be a spreadsheet listing the winners, who donated the prize, and what the prize was. So we need someone to keep track of what is on the table and enter the data on the spreadsheet. Dr. Mosblech volunteered for this job. M.O.C. (Mr. Stadelman) -- Ms. Haigler said Mr. Stadelman is the Master of Ceremonies NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 2021 Be a Gooher Tortoise — Ms. Haigler looked through her notes, and she did not see where anyone had volunteered to take over that event. She added that whoever volunteers needs to come to City Hall the week before to collect the pieces that are needed. Dr. Carrier said he will do that and take the pieces to the park and will be in charge of that event. Ms. Haigler stated there will be plenty of help from others to set it up. Scavenger Hunt — (Ms. Haigler and Ms. Callaghan) -- Ms. Haigler stated Ms. Callaghan has sent her some revised scavenger hunt questions that involve some great locations around the park. That is for the traditional scavenger hunt. They also discussed doing a virtual scavenger hunt that would involve the Munzee app. Ms. Haigler called the Space Coast Geo Store and discussed with them about what we are looking at. They suggested an app called Eventzee. She then showed a short YouTube video that describes what the app can do (SEE ATTACHED). She stated that the CEO of the company contacted her to arrange a Zoom meeting. Ms. Haigler and Mr. Loring sat in on a presentation of the app. One of the positive aspects is that it can be opened up for 30 days. That makes it very COVID friendly. It is something to encourage the public. If they can't make the event, they can still learn about some of these things. Ms. Haigler stated she was impressed. Mr. Loring added that it is a one -stop shop and covers a lot of bases. It is really interactive, and he thinks it would be a great asset to the festivities. Ms. Haigler said the price is $300.00, and that includes the company setting everything up for us. Ms. Haigler added that staff can place QR codes all around the City, and they can stay there permanently, which means that people can use the regular Munzee app to find all the items connected to the OR codes. She stated the Space Coast Geo Store will print out the OR codes on a waterproof, UV -resistant sticker that will be good permanently. She suggested the Board consider if this is something that they would like to do. She stated it will be important to advertise this on Facebook, etc. and to give teasers to promote interest. She suggested this idea makes the event more COVID friendly to have something that people can interact with beyond the day of the event, and she explained the Eventzee app in depth. There was discussion among the Board members regarding the scavenger hunt. Ms. Callaghan suggested that, instead of having one big prize for the winner of the hunt, several smaller prizes be given out. Ms. Haigler agreed. She has signed and provided a letter on City letterhead to Ms. Ware soliciting prizes for the Earth Day event. She made copies for everyone in case anyone on the Board knows of someone they would like to solicit for a prize. She said she would contact the Brevard Zoo to see if they will donate tickets. She also suggested some other groups that might be willing to donate tickets, etc. Mr. Stadelman suggested that the Board decide if they want to get the Munzee app, and then it can be decided if there will be virtual prizes provided. After lengthy discussion, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to approve a one-time expenditure of $300.00 for the NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 2021 Eventzee app for the Earth Day event. A motion to approve the $300.00 expenditure for the Eventzee app was made by Ms. Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Stadelman, and was approved via voice vote of five in favor and two opposed. Roll Call Mr. Carrano -- No Ms. Callaghan -- Yes Mr. Stadelman -- Yes Ms. Lovell -- Yes Ms. Ware — Yes Dr. Mosblech -- Yes Dr. Carrier — No Vote was 5 to two in favor. Motion passes. Chalk Art Contest (IRCSW) — Cancelled due to a scheduling conflict Other Activities — Ms. Haigler reviewed that in the past staff purchased the items and ran the activities with volunteers. She suggested that the vendors host an interactivity for families and children. She has already received three vendors who want to participate. She anticipates there will be more. Ms. Ware volunteered to help if Ms. Haigler needs help following up with the vendors. Living Docks (Mr. Bradley and Dr. Carrier) -- Ms. Haigler stated that Mr. Bradley asked for a flyer discussing the event, which she did provide, and Mr. Bradley posted it on the Boy Scout site for this region. Ms. Haigler also talked to the Charter Middle School, and IRC Coastal Engineering. She explained how the event is set up. Volunteers (Ms. Callaghan, Mr. Bradley) -- Ms. Haigler stated she has contacts for the Sebastian Charter Middle School. Mr. Bradley has contacted the Boy Scout groups in the area. Ms. Haigler said there will be a sign-up sheet at the NRB booth, and she will gladly submit individual volunteer hours to their respective organizations. NRB Booth (All) — Ms. Haigler said everything has been ordered/bought. From the discussion at the last meeting, it was decided the main messages would be Sustainable Sebastian, Reducing Single -Use Plastics/Litter Quitter, and Plant More Natives. She also described what the banners would say. Ms. Haigler said there are brochures that need to be folded. These brochures are informational on matters related to the City, such as the code relating to removal of trees, fertilizer restrictions, etc. She said she would prefer to do the seed packets soon to get them out of the way. She will email the Board members to see who is available on which dates. Ms. Haigler also said a room in the Art Center would be a good place for this project. There is plenty of space for social distancing. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 2021 Advertising (Ms. Ware, Ms. Haigler) -- Ms. Ware described how she usually distributes the flyers to the businesses in the area. Ms. Haigler stated she put a disclaimer on the flyer that she sent to the school board that says they approve of this event. IX. Member Matters Ms. Callaghan complimented Mr. Stadelman for his work on getting the word out on Sustainable Sebastian. Mr. Stadelman asked if there could be added to the NRB website a live surf report. A live surf report would invite people to visit the website on a daily basis, as well as a live fishing report. Ms. Haigler said neither of those is in line with the NRB's goals or mission statement. Mr. Stadelman said the reason he suggested this is that the Sustainable Sebastian Initiative encourages environmental -friendly tourism, and he thinks surfing and fishing fall into that category. X. Staff Matters Ms. Haigler congratulated Dr. Carrier on the publication of another of his articles in the "Florida Sportsman" magazine on the bird rookeries along the Indian River Lagoon. She scanned the article, and she will send the Board members a copy in PDF form. Ms. Haigler thanked everyone on the Board for working on their tasks for Earth Day. It has been fantastic to see how everyone has been following through. She said the next meeting is on April 61h, so that is only 2-1/2 weeks before the event. She will be emailing everyone before that meeting to confirm all the details. XI. Items for Next Agenda A. Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration Final Plans XII. Adjournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m. By: (�J Date: / qt '`. 1 ( aoil jg