HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-28-2021 BOA AgendaIndividuals are subject to screening prior to entering any City building and entry may be denied if any indicator of illness or prior COVID exposure is identified. All persons entering City Council Chambers where social distancing is not possible, shall wear face coverings. R-20-32 Sec. 1(1) an a HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING & BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING & COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 2021 — 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ALL AGENDA ITEMS MAYBE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OR ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION — Pastor Sidney Nelson, Christ the King Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Council Member Nunn 4. ROLL CALL 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications for additions require a unanimous vote of City Council 6. PROCLAMATIONS. AWARDS y BRIEF ANNOUNSc�rJJlI�.1VTS Presentations of proclamations, certificates and awards, and ne trmelly announcements by Council and Staff. No public input or actions under this heading. A. Proclamation — Mental Health Awareness Month — May 2021 B. Certificate of Appreciation to Patrick Powers — Natural Resources Board Service Brief Announcements: • May 7, 2021 — Chamber of Commerce Concert in the Park — 5:30pm — 8pm - The Jacks Band (Rock, Blues, Swing and Classic Dance Music) • May 8, 2021 - Craft Club of Sebastian in Riverview Park 10am — 3pm PUBLIC INPUT The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunity for individuals to bring NEW INFORMATION OR REQUESTS TO CITY COUNCIL NOT OTHERWISE ON THE PREPARED AGENDA. Individuals are asked to attempt to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of materials for Council one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. City Council will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus direct a Charter Officer in regard to the item if necessary or place a requested item on a future agenda. �P 8. RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND CONVENE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A. Approval of December 9, 2020 Board of Adjustment Minutes B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearino Adopted Quasi -Judicial Public Hearin_ Procedures: Chairman opens hearing • Attorney reads title of request • Board discloses ex-parte communication • City Clerk swears in all who intend to provide testimony Applicant makes presentation Staff presents finding and analysis Board asks questions of the applicant and staff Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor of the request Chairman opens the floor for anyone in opposition of the request Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public Staff provided opportunity to summarize request if needed Board deliberations and questions • Chairman calls for a motion i. Variance request from Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Wanklyn for their property located at 1566 Pleasantview Lane from Land Development Code Section 54-2-7.5(c) (4) and 54-2-7.5(c) (6) to allow construction of an accessory structure which would exceed the 1,000 square foot maximum allowable area by a total of 176 feet in the RS-10 Zoning District, and exceed the height of the principal structure by 1.6 feet (Transmittal, Staff Report, Exhibits, Criteria, Application) -JP 9. ADJOURN THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING AND CONVENE THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING A. Approval of Minutes — February 10, 2021 CRA Meeting B. Approval of Minutes — March 24, 2021 CRA Meeting C. Seotic-to-Sewer Prooram i. Consider Grant Request for 13050 U.S. Highway 1 — Chandler Holding, LLC — Commercial Building (Transmittal, Application, Quote, Tax Receipt, Deed, Letter) 10. ADJOURN THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING AND RECONVENE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11, CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of consent agenda items unless a member of City Council so requests; in which event, the item will be removed and acted upon separately. If a member of the public wishes to provide input on a consent agenda item, he/she should request a Council Member to remove the item for discussion prior to start of the meeting or by raising his/her hand to be recognized. A. Approval of Minutes — April 14, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting B. Approve the Use of Discretionary Sales Tax Reserves in the Amount of $28,518.03 for the Upgrade of the Email Server Licenses Using State Contract #43230000-15-02 with SHI International Corp. as the Sole Source Provider in the Total Amount of $28,518.03 (Transmittal, Quote, State Contract Info, Sole Source Memo) aaOF SEB'TN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND ]BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 The attached December 9, 2020 Board of Adjustment minutes were approved at the April 28, 2021 Board of Adjustment meeting. Chairman Ed Dodd 4V0- Ia-W Jeanette Williams, City Clerk Sunshine Law & Public Records Workshop, BOA, CRA, and Regular City Council Meeting December 9, 2020 Page 3 noted the consent agenda has a resolution of support for AguaCulture's Okeechobee: test project. Vice Mayor Hill asked if the Community Development Manager received a phone call to pull item 9b off the agenda. She replied that she did. The City Attorney advised that since the hearing was advertised, it should be opened and announced that there has been an update for the record. Brief Announcements City of Sebastian Annual Christmas Parade — December 11 at 6:30 pm Vice Mayor Hill announced that the parade would departing Main Street at 6:30 pm, there are over 35 commitments with the Marching Sharks participating for the first time ever. He said it wasn't too late to be in the parade and more information could be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce. He also thanked Tony from the Sebastian Lions Club, the Chamber of Commerce, staff, and Police Chief Acosta for making the parade happen. Mayor Dodd said for those that didn't want to come out, the parade would be broadcasted by the City's MIS Division and the Sebastian Daily. Mayor Dodd remarked that the Sebastian River Chamber of Commerce's Light Up Night was a huge success and thanked the businesses that participated. --+ 9 RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND CONVENE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A. MOTION by Council Member McPartlan and SECOND by Vice Mayor Hill to approve the June 24, 2020 Board of Adjustment Minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote. 5-0 B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearings i. CHRISTOPHER LAWHON, IN REGARDS TO LOT 16, BLOCK 493, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 15, LOCATED AT 242 DICKENS AVENUE, IS REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A 280 SF SHED TO BE TWO (2) FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE AND WITHIN A DEDICATED UTILITY EASEMENT, WHEREAS THE CODE REQUIRES THE STRUCTURE TO BE TEN (10) FEET FROM THE SIDE YARD PROPERTY LANE IN THE RS-10 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY) ZONING DISTRICT. (Transmittal, Report, Exhibits, Application, Signatures) Chairman Dodd opened the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. and the Community Development Manager read an e-mail from the applicant stating that he wanted to withdraw his application. (See attached) ii. CHRISTIAN ELLIS, IN REGARDS TO LOT 20, BLOCK 231, SEBASTIAN HIGHLANDS UNIT 6, LOCATED AT 702 CARNATION DRIVE, IS REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A FENCE SIX (6) FEET IN HEIGHT ON A CORNER LOT WITHIN THE SECONDARY FRONT YARD AREA, SPECIFICALLY ELEVEN AND ONE-HALF (11.5) FEET FROM THE CORNER PROPERTY LINE, WHEREAS THE CODE WOULD REQUIRE SUCH FENCE TO BE TWENTY (20) FEET FROM THE CORNER PROPERTY LINE. (Transmittal, Report, Exhibits, Application, Signatures) Sunshine Law & Public Records Workshop, BOA, CRA, and Regular City Council Meeting December 9, 2020 Page 4 The City Attorney read Mr. Ellis' request and Chairman Dodd opened the public hearing at 6:26 p.m. The board members did not have any ex parte communication to disclose. The City Clerk swore in all would be providing testimony. Mr. Ellis introduced himself and thanked the board for hearing his request. The Community Development Planner said the applicant has a home on a corner lot and is seeking relief from the Code to construct a fence within the front yard setback to clear the existing septic drain field. There was no one to speak in opposition or favor of the request. MOTION by Mr. Nunn and SECOND by Vice Chairman Hill to approve Mr. Ellis' request to construct a six feet high fence within the secondary front year area. Roll call: Vice Chairman Hill - aye Mr. Jones - aye Mr. McPartlan - aye Mr. Nunn - aye Chairman Dodd - aye Motion carried. 5-0 'op 10. ADJOURN THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING AND CONVENE THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING A. MOTION by Vice Chairman Hill and SECOND by Mr. Nunn to approve the September 28, 2020 CRA meeting minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote. 5-0 20.135 B. Award Bid (ITB#21-02) Landscaoinci Maintenance in the CRA District to SSS Brevard OPCO LLC dba Tropical Propertv Management with an Annual Exoense of $171.684 (Transmittal. Bid Tab, Ex. A, Reference Checks. Soecs) The City Manager explained that Tropical Property Manager was the only bid response for the CRA district and they were willing to combine the maintenance of U.S. Highway 1 into one bid. He requested approval of the annual contract. MOTION by Vice Chairman Hill and SECOND by Mr. McPartlan to approve the annual landscaping maintenance contract with Tropical Property Management for the CRA district and the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor. Roll call: Mr. Jones - aye Mr. McPartlan - aye Mr. Nunn - aye Chairman Dodd - aye Vice Chairman Hill - aye Motion carried. 5-0 CI I1 Y 5EBA-STLkN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meetina Date: April 28th, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Wanklyn Variance Request Recommendation: Conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing to consider a variance request for the property located at 1566 Pleasantview Lane, Lots 22 & 23, Block 361, Sebastian Highlands Subdivision Unit 11 Backaround: A variance application has been submitted from Nicholas & Amber Wanklyn for relief from Section 54-2-7.5(c)(4) and 54-2-7.5(c)(6) of the Sebastian Land Development Code to allow construction of an accessory structure which would exceed the 1000 square foot maximum allowable area by a total of 176 feet in the RS-10 Zoning District, and exceed the height of the principal structure by 1.6 feet. In accordance with Section 54-1-2.5, staff has provided a report detailing the request, applicable exhibits, the criteria established for determining variances, along with additional information to assist with the Board's consideration. If Aaenda Item Reauires Exoenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1. Staff Report with Board Criteria for Determining Variances 2. Exhibits A through E 3. Applicants Criteria Response and Application Administrative Services Hif eview I c/�/�rsti City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Reable: CityManager Authorization: Date: �/;Z 1 /,27 MYOF SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Variance Application - Staff Report 1. Project Name: Wanklyn Accessory Structure 2. Requested Action: Variances to allow: 1) a proposed accessory structure (detached garage) located within the RS-10 zoning district to exceed the 1000 SF maximum size allowed by a total of 176 SF; and 2) the accessory structure proposed height to be higher than the principle structure by a total of 20 inches, i.e. 1.6 feet. 3. Project Location a. Address: 1566 Pleasantview Lane b. Legal: IRC Tax Parcel ID No. 31-38-25-00001-3610-00022.0 & 23.0 Lots 22 & 23, Block 361, Sebastian Highlands Unit 11 4. Project Owner: Nicholas and Amber Wanklyn 1566 Pleasantview Lane Sebastian, Florida 32958 (913) 909-0495 5. Project Agent: N/A 6. Project Surveyor: Cercle Land Surveying, hic. Thomas Cecrle P.L.S. #4896 10749 US Highway #1 Sebastian, Florida 32958 (772)388-0520 Project Description: a. Narrative and history of proposed action: The applicants purchased their residence at 1566 Pleasantview Lane (Lots 23 & 22) in 2020 (Exhibit A, Site location map). The property area north of the residence has a large existing concrete slab (Exhibit B, Survey and aerials) which the applicants are requesting variances to allow for construction of an accessory structure to be placed upon it that would be 1176 SF in size, and at a height of 17.16 feet (Exhibit C, Proposed Structure). The Land Development Code only allows for a cumulative total of 1000 square feet of accessory structures to be placed on a residential lot per 54-2-7.5(c)(6), and for all accessory structures to be at or less than the height of the principle structure per 54-2-7.5(c)(4): LDC Section 54-2-7.5 Accessory Structures (c)(6) "A residential lot will be allowed five square feet of accessory building area (cumulative), for every 100 square feet of lot area, not to exceed 1,000 square feet total." LDC Section 54-2-7.5 Accessory Structures (c)(4) "No accessory structure shall be constructed or maintained if the height thereof exceeds the height of the principal structure that is located on the same real estate parcel or lot." The applicant's property consists of two lots combined by a recorded Unity of Title, and which is .46 acres in size, or 20,000 SF. Based on the applicable LDC regulation, 1000 SF of accessory structures is the maximum allowed for this property. The residence was built in 1986 with an attached one car garage, and staff has determined from review of the existing property file located in City Hall, that the height of the house is 15.5 feet (Exhibit D, House permit plans). The size of the proposed garage exceeds the maximum allowed by 176 SF, and the height of the proposed structure would be higher than the house by 1.6 feet. The applicants are requesting consideration of the two needed variances so that building permits for the project can be issued. b. Current Zoning: RS-10 (Single -Family Residential) Current Land Use: LDR (Low Density Residential, 5 units per acre) C. Adjacent Properties: Zoning Current Land Future Land Use Use North: RS-10 residence LDR East: RS-10 residence LDR South: RS-10 residence LDR West: RS-10 residence LDR d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: .46 acres, or 20,000 SF (2) Current Land Use(s): Single Family Residence (3) Water Service: County Water (4) Sanitary Sewer Service: Septic and Drainfield 8. Staff Comments: 1) The existing home contains approximately 1259 SF of base living area and was constructed in 1986. The adjacent lot was adjoined by the previous owner in 2004. No records exist of any previously built structures on the large slab in the area to the north. The Land Development Code is clear where it sets the maximum amount of accessory structure area at cumulative total of 1000 square feet and mandates that all accessory structures are the same height or less than that of the principle structure. The request therefore appears to be a self-imposed hardship. 2 2) Section 54-2-7.5(c)(6) also states that "Attached garages, which are part of the original principal building design, will not be included in the cumulative total of accessory building area." The original one -car garage is not considered in the 1000 SF maximum. However, the survey indicates a small, existing 8' X 8' shed in the rear yard, which, if the variance is granted, should be required to be removed. The applicants have indicated they do not wish to have the shed considered in the variance request, and will remove the shed when the proposed new garage is completed. 9. Board Criteria for Determining Variances: See attached analysis. This criteria was also considered in determining staffs recommendation. Most important is Criterion #b, which states that the conditions cannot be created by the applicant, and Criterion #d, that a hardship conditions must exist. Strict compliance with the code still affords the applicants an accessory structure of 1000 SF in size. The hardship that would necessitate an additional 176 SF has not been indicated. The applicants have also submitted a response to the Board criteria. (ExhibitE) Note: The property photos used as examples in the applicants' response have been researched by staff. The applications for both accessory structures were reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and found to be in compliance with the accessory structure regulations for size and height. 10. Staff Recommendation: Based on existing Comprehensive Plan policies, Land Development Code regulations, and the criteria for determining variances not being met, staff recommends denial of the requested variances. 11. Board Action: Conduct quasi-judicial hearing to consider the requested variances. Planner rger 3 `. ZI 21" Date BOARD CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING VARIANCES Section 54-1-2.5(c)(2) In order to authorize any variance from the terms of the land development regulations, the Board of Adjustment must use the following criteria for approving or denying a variance: a. Existence of special conditions or circumstances. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. Meets Standard Yes ❑ No i/ The existence of a secondary lot with an existing concrete slab does not necessarily confer a peculiarity for the subject property. Similar double -lot properties have built large detached garages that have met the size and height requirements, and which have provided adequate square -footage for storage or work areas. b. Conditions not created by applicant. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. Meets Standard Yes ❑ No 6 It appears that the conditions are a direct result of the applicants' specific design for the proposed structure. Although the original house was built with only a one -car garage (the minimum required by code) the applicants were aware of the size constraint when they purchased the house in 2020. The applicants were also cognizant of the size requirement for a new accessory structure, but designed the detached garage larger than the maximum allowed. C. Special Drivileaes not conferred. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. Meets Standard Yes ❑ Nov Granting a variance for the proposed structure would appear to confer a special privilege that is denied to other adjacent lands and property owners in the same zoning district who have built their accessory structures to the 5% allowed, or maximum 1000 SF. d. Hardship conditions exist. That literal interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would create unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. Meets Standard Yes ❑ Nov There appears to be no deprivation of rights, as the property could be developed in a manner that meets the Land Development Code regulations with no variance required. Staff could find no instance of unnecessary or undue hardship related to the absence of an additional 176 SF of accessory structure. e. Only the minimum variance granted. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Meets Standard Yes ❑ No 19' Denying the request for the size variance and requiring the proposed structure to meet the maximum 1000 SF allowed would still render reasonable use of the property and of the proposed detached garage. However, granting a minimum variance to allow the structure to be higher than the house would permit the applicants to match the 4/12 roof pitch on the principal structure, which is required by code for accessory structures over 750 SF. f. Not iniurious to public welfare or intent of ordinance. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan and this code, and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. / Meets Standard Yes ❑ No'Q The granting of the variances would not be considered injurious to the public welfare, to the area involved, or surrounding properties, but may be considered injurious to the intent of the ordinance, which is to limit the size of accessory structures, and mandate that they match principle structure height and material finishes. g. Conditions and safeguards may be imposed. In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with chapter 163 F.S., the comprehensive plan, and any ordinance enacted under its authority. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of the ordinance. Meets Standard Yes lu No ❑ If the variance request for size is granted, a condition of approval should be the removal of the existing 8' X 8' rear yard shed. Removal of the shed should occur before the final inspection is scheduled. If either of the variance requests is granted, approval should be given for this specific detached garage project only, with no reassignment of approvals to any future accessory structures on this property. h. Time limit may be imposed. The board of adjustment may prescribe a reasonable time limit during which the applicant shall commence and/or complete the subject actions and conditions approved by the board. Meets Standard Yes PJ No ❑ If either of the variance requests are granted, staff recommends that the building permit for the structure must be applied for within 12 months from the date of the variance approval. i. No use variance permitted in specified instances. Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment grant a variance to permit a use not generally permitted in the zoning district involved or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of the ordinance in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district and no permitted use of lands, structures, or buildings in other zoning districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a variance. Meets Standard Yes Q No ❑ The variance as requested is not a use -related variance. Accessory structures are a permitted use in the residential zoning districts. 0 r � y 'may Adams7o tt Propertyl��Beach •aveSebastian Pleasantview, a i �t`�Se6asan, t' 32 a lsland'C•Ilub Wes•'. 15 leasantview Ln, ' �Seba n, FL 32958 'o ip xfci5 a EXHIBIT Bl OCARAVANTTERRACE rsae�a+►ornwrl LOT 21 `$ BLOCK 361 LOT 7 BLOCK 361 r«�s•��rc rrsar MI ,amp. N 55°3940' E 725.00'► Sao N 55.394V E C r�a�r N ss*41 11rr evu6ar raor i I ` LOT 22 cam BLOCK 361 PAD "N LOT 6 ! rw�u►�I I a BLOCK 361 g J Q O a ..- "n ^_ 4fYlCfALUANNW _ .000nDOR a a Ies- (tLe L �- �� �IMUE 1 . ; LOT 23 d Z LOT 5 J ! BLOCK 361 _ I i BLOCK 361 y 0 W \ a �. t1 S I � ❑ � aor � � Sr j{�e 5 � a�-- t 9'conatrif DRIP wy N / Xr WK AK MD W jj ]• Ild' i 4 WATER AWPAD c0«C MD tea- d Olt 55*39'40125.00'► ama Dlltlfl ! ! =' LOT 4 `gg LOT 24 BLOCK 361 z BLOCK 361 1 rsaevnorsarl CONCHA DRIVE BOUNDARY SURVEY LEW Dr:SCRPTION. LOTS 22 AND 3. SEdASTIAN HIGHLANDS, UNIT .BLOCK 11. ACCOWNG TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN CEIMIRED TO. PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 56 AND 56 A THROUGH 56 L. OF THE NiCI'IOsLAS WANKLYN and AMBER WANKLYN PUBLIC RL?CORDS OF iNjxA N RIVER COUNM FLORIDA. )P MORGAN CHASE BANK N.A.. In wmessors And/or assigns asdwrAmgnwyappw. PROFEYSIONAL TRU OF THE TREASURE COAST, INC. SURVEYOR IS NOTES: 1. LIEARINGS SHOIM'N ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLEASANTVIEW LANE AS N 34 °20'20' W PER RECORD PLAT. LEGEND. 2. NO INSTRUMENT OF RECORD REFLECTING EASEMENTS. O. SET S/8' IRON REBAR WRH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 1PLS 48960 RIGHTS OF WAY ANOM OWNERSHIP WERE FURNISHED 0- FOUND S& IRON RFBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP. NOT LFGIBIE TO THIS SURVEYOR VnWAS SHOWN. NO TAME 0. FOUND Ilr IRON REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'REED" OPINION IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. e- FOUND NML & 1-1140 STEEL DIM NO IDENTIFICATION 3. THIS SURVEY 6 NOT 1NTFNOfO 70 LOCATE EXISTING PREPARED BY. UNDERGROUND FOUNDATIONS. ENCROA04MMIS OR CPCRLE LAND SURVEYING, HNC ANY IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN. FLORIDA LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS 06637 10749 HIGHWAY U.S. 1. SUITE A SEBAS)MN, FLORIDA 32958 4. THE LOT SHowli HEREON IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE PHONE 772.38"520 FAA 772.388.2012 -r PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 12061C0113 K DATED SECEMSER 4. 2012 CERTIFIED CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY M WLEDGE AND BELIEF IN CONFORMITY WITH THE FLORIDA STANDARDS OF PRATICE SET FORTH S. DISTANCE ACCURACY FOR THIS TYPE OF BOUNDARY BY THE FL.oRIDA 1 QAW OF LAND SURVEYORS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER SURVEY IS SUBURBAN, I FOOT IN 7,500 FEET. UNITED 5J-17.050 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, THIS SURVEY IS PREPARED STATES STANDARD FEET. AND CER71RE0 FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE CLIENT OP. CLIENTS NAMED HEREON, THE SURVEY AMP AND REPORT OR THE COPIES ALIBREYUTTONS: THEREOF ARE NOT VAUD WMfOUTTHE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL P-PLAT ACMfASURED RAV4tIG4fT OF WAY RAISED SEM OF A FLOWDA LICENSED SURYE)'OR AND MAPPER AfC AIR CONDMON 0. U.L-0VERHEAD UTIUTY LINES J-CENTERLINE COV.-COVERED CONC.{ON ETE 11-30-2020 PtJW-PUBLK UTiU7Y & DRAINAGE EASEMENT THSj1,1AS DALL CECRL P L S . PLS-PROFf5S*W LAND SURVEYOR BOUNDARY SURVEY 11-3L),ZO1O SCALE I'=30' 1 FIELD BOOK 743-11 1 SHEET I OF I I PROJECT NUMBFR 2&3LI6 1 M Overhead View —1566 Pleasantview Lane Aerial View *17' 2' *to roof peak (11 y xc RECEIVED MAR 19 2021 t=$y of Sebastian t--aurutl Des;elPPFnent Dept. sqft -ior footprint) m X __ lA t / Proposed Aux. Structure Top View 0 N Proposed Auxiliary and Existing Primary Structures .W� �Xxx�;/ I'.SCIry 1 n GJ F it, 2 w o4GHopi zuw ay. 1- -�?1011S-.K� a_. I. 7uL°+'1vi+�(ta]L1C— I. r I eye,. j ay�®1O'HN• wo,3ynyyxoao3.oiN + �.J,. �WNITpT �HlSHH Wh}M3MtHi r r P I I I '�w'����T�•mp Mavc 4t..�,... cases o. V .- � D. - Z1— l�tn �- ,n 9MGW W1"a A9FSRr C7��� _�--FYI � 4�1Wi I' J/S�. HNM ��. -d4L t+l Tfi PT— „M4�YYl.P�14�'y•: j SHiy51^. G 9MXLr •M, ]J11341d � I L EXHIBIT E1 Section 2a: Not applicable Section 2b: At the location in question there is an existing 38x48 concrete pad. It is not placed square to the other structures nor is it adequate to build directly on. In order to rectify both conditions, footings will need to be installed at one of the 38' ends and some distance of the 48' edges. To make the building square to surrounding structures requires a width of 42 feet. This leaves only 23 feet of building depth, which is not of sufficient depth for the intended use of the building nor does it align with, standard building roof trusses. Section 2b item 2: The existing home has a 4/12 pitch roof. This makes the overall height of the existing structure shorter than surrounding homes. Request is to exceed the height of the existing structure by —2 feet. This does not exceed the height of the homes immediately adjacent. Section 2c: Not applicable Section 2d: The existing house has an undersized 1 car garage. This garage houses the homes mechanical equipment and washer/dryer as well. There is not sufficient room to park a standard SUV inside the garage. Due to the proximity to the neighboring home, there is not sufficient room to expand the existing garage. Section 2e: Request is to add 152 sq ft of building footprint and 2 ft of additional height. This is minimum necessary to meet the intended use of the auxiliary structure. This is also in line with similar exceptions to these codes in this zoning district. Examples have been provided to show how these variances have been incorporated and will follow the precedence set by these examples. Section 2f: All other ordinances will be in compliance. These exceptions will be minimal and situated in such a way as to not be injurious to the area. Section 2g: Not applicable Section 2h: Not applicable Section 2i: Not applicable RECEIVED MAR 0 5 2021 city of Sebastian Community Development Dept °Il3 �001, 0`1�iS' Auxiliary Structure in Neighborhood Taller Than Primary Structure (680 Periwinkle Drive) M N Similar Auxiliary Structure in Neighborhood (474 Concha Drive) M w _ Permit Application No. TaN City of Sebastian HOME Or PfOCAN MIAND Development Order Application I' Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) ...Name: N�C�nG�(:�5 � �tNUnC.ti �JCw�IK.�YIN— Address: Phone Number: (� (�) n oc- o 96 FAX Number: ( ) E-Mail: Owner (if different from applicant) I Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) - E-Mail: Title of permit or action requested: Of& y., PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): vj-CkVMk V B. Site Information Address: t,�_, P(P1154vL�1 E J LCirl� Lot: Z Z Block: � k Unit: Indian River County Parcel #: Zoning Classification: Existing Use: vaco.&k Subdivision: QN jl �g�l_�n5 5c �is�i tt rt d� Future Land Use: Proposed Use: C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessarv): Itu�Ct���v �rw{�rz_ ereck4 cl-k E"�ts%ir,c 38Xt(� (n�gcs�Ai Pak'A"Odu1� +0 kOLx�e 0.uko5 Ci✓K1 . �':ns�rD�+�� -6 bE'. WO<k L.4 OL✓ Cj CLPP(C+k. l (sZ( N ", CI 5W SFC-aa' In ,;� as � E`v i i-7&cF -, 3ir'7l al 1 L DATE RECEIVED: 3 ! a/� FEE PAID: $ aDO-tD RECEIVED BY�1 Permit Application No._ D. Project Personnel: - Agent: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) E-Mail: Attorney: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) E-Mail: Engineer: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) E-Mail: Surveyor: Name: Address Phone Number: ( ) - FAX Number: ( ) E-Mail: I, -Am VW'r 1 V BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: V I AM THE OWNER _ I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTA IV OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THAT ALL E INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE A URAT D TRUE T THE B T OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. x 8ic0qw SIGNATURE DATE SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY G7A1 WLL. V `�Otf1V M. BQS�O WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR PROD DJRC �� pSloy i AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS DAY OF LEA•? NOTARY'S SIGNATURE AFL PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY F�Su+6'RaTit' Zp;o COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION .p` s,000rld d �y"s•'O�O SEAL: ; //////�/, VITA off\` ``\ Permit Application No._ The following is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (Including rezoning), site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, THE OWNER(S) / _ THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE �1fGD BOARD/COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE I/WE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MY/OUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS RIGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR P MI�SES MADE, BY ANY E OYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. IG UJ�%t IGNATURE DATE Sworn to and subscribed before me by Apj3el�4.)Aw4�V- who is personally known to me or ro oduced ri jL r c as identification, this a'0day of AAf * .20 2i_. moo, oN , dry Notary's Signature �t ; 41 Printed Name of Notary an SwFCZTi} _* : • W o pocaes4u Commission No./Expiration �o� °ayeondea ma \a' c Permit Application No._ SEBASAwaffirTuW HONE OF MICA\ KLU\D Supplemental Information Application to the Board of Adjustment 1. This application is for a (check one): -X� variance(s) _ appeal(s) 2. Specify all code provisions for which a variance is being requested or the decision or decisions that you are appealing. (Attach extra sheets if necessary): 66) 3. Legal description of the property involved: L-c� Z2-zs2---�,, S C�,IacVz -":� . Se ��'«v, wig` 4, U -� (( 4. Attach the following: a. Boundary survey of the property executed by a Florida Registered Surveyor. The survey shall show the dimensions of the lot or parcel at issue, the location of all structures, if any, along with adjacent streets, and all easements and right-of-ways. k' b. Additional data and information as required to properly advise the Board of the facts and circumstances needed to decide the case on its merits. X c. The names and addresses of all property owners whose property or part of their real property is within 300 feet of any outer boundary of the lot or parcel of land that is subject of the application. A#