HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-2021 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Stadelman Ms. Lovell (Zoom) Ms. Callaghan (Zoom) Dr. Mosblech (Zoom) Dr. Carrier (a) Ms. Ware Mr. Carrano Mr. Bradley (a) (Zoom) Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Mr. Robert Loring, Planner Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. ADoroval of Minutes — March 2, 2021 All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of March 2, 2021 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Announcements A. State Gopher Tortoise Day on April 10, 2021 Mr. Stadelman asked Ms. Haigler to say a little bit about this event. Ms. Haigler said there is a website about it. If you Google "Florida Gopher Tortoise Day," there is a whole website devoted to this. There is a lot of outreach information along with games and puzzles and basic facts about gopher tortoises and how we can cohabit with them. B. World Earth Day on April 22, 2021 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 Mr. Stadelman said this is very important to Sebastian in conjunction with its Earth Day event on the 24' . This will be the 5181 year for this event. He said World Earth Day is all about what is happening In our environment. Sebastian is doing very well in promoting saving the environment. C. National Arbor Day on April 30, 2021 Mr. Stadelman said Sebastian was a Tree City USA City again this year and has been for the last several years. He can attest to the fact, since he travels all over the State of Florida, that the places with trees are better places in which to live. National Arbor Day raises awareness about that idea. Ms. Haigler stated she will be posting some information about all three of these days on those dates through the City Facebook page. VI. Public Input Brian O'Neill joined the meeting via Zoom. He has checked with all the entertainment that will be at the Earth Day event. He did want to inform the Board that he had a conversation with Steve from Pareidolia. Steve was not aware that Mash Monkeys was also going to be participating. For future reference, he stated he would like it to be exclusive for this event. He said it is a lot of work, and they do it for a cause. They are not going to have a problem with this year at all partnering with Mash Monkeys. Ms. Haigler stated that was a provision of City leadership in having beer at the event, that we invite both of the breweries in town. Mr. O'Neill explained that he was just passing on the information about how the gentleman from Pareidolia felt. Ms. Haigler said she will put a note on the list for future reference. Ms. Haigler said she did post the entertainment schedule on line if Mr. O'Neill wants to check it out. He said he would look over it. Ms. Haigler thanked Mr. O'Neill for his help on this event as did Mr. Stadelman. Vill. Old Business A. Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration planning for April 24, 2021 Vendors update Ms. Haigler said she has included in the agenda packet a list of the vendors just so the NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 Board members can look over them and, if you have someone in mind that you were hoping would be participating, you could reach out to them. She thanked Mr. Stadelman for doing exactly that —reaching out to a couple of organizations that we both expected to see on this list that were not on here yet. She received both of these organizations' applications yesterday. She pointed out that since this list was compiled Pelican Island Audubon Society, Wild Florida Rescue, lannuzzo's Pizza, Recycle Tire Art Planters, ELC and Captain's Creations have all been added to the list. So there are 48 vendors listed so far. That list does not include the Art Club. She expects to receive more participants before the event. She also suggested reaching out to invite H.A.L.O. She said there are also a few businesses/organizations who have never participated in the past such as Wild Florida Rescue and MARS bird rescue from Melbourne who will be there with a few of their birds, and they take donations for pictures with the birds. Mr. Stadelman inquired about whether the sea turtle program from Melbourne has been contacted. Ms. Haigler stated there are so many, she does not know all of them. She did say the Indian River County sea turtle program is going to be there. They will demonstrate how they collect information on the sea turtles. What she needs is a volunteer who is a Board member to assist with the vendors as they are checking in, i.e., giving them vendor maps if they need one and showing them where their booths are located as well as making sure if a vendor needs a table, etc., to make sure they get what they need. Ms. Callaghan offered to help, but she thinks it takes more than one volunteer. Ms. Haigler stated there are two City staff who will also be there to help. Ms. Haigler said she would like for someone other than Ms. Callaghan, who will be signing in volunteers, to volunteer to be the champion of it, and then she can assign other volunteers to help. Mr. Carrano volunteered. Ms. Callaghan said there were a few complaints at the last event about vendor parking. They could not park right next to their booths, and so there were people coming from all directions from where they could park. Ms. Haigler showed an example of one of the banners she ordered which will be located in areas that will show the vendor map and also explain where to park, etc. They are 2- x 6-foot banners, so they should be noticeable. There will also be someone with a clipboard with maps, but she thinks these banners will help the vendors find their spots. Ms. Callaghan suggested all Board members wear their NRB shirts. Ms. Haigler agreed. it. Item -by -Item Discussion Ms. Haigler reviewed the list that was attached to the agenda packet. She stated that Mr. Carrano and she went to the park and measured for a map to be given out to the vendors. She sent out the confirmations yesterday to all the vendors whom she has so far. Mr. Carrano said he does not see a Box No. 57, although there is a vendor assigned to it. She stated she would correct that. Updates are as follows: NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 Waste Manaaement — Ms. Haigler said that is all set up. Poster Contest -- Ms. Ware stated she has reached out to her contact, and she has received no response. She suggested she may go to the school and try to connect with her. Ms. Haigler stated she has some connections at the school, and she will stop by tomorrow. Ms. Ware said she does have a contact at the Sebastian Middle School whom the Art Club has worked with, and she will reach out to her. Ms. Ware said there is a lot of participation for the art show itself, and the girls who are doing the face painting are ready. As far as PR goes, the club put out the same PR that they normally put out for all of their art shows, which includes a list of all the local mom -and -pop -type businesses, B&Bs, and in the hotels and restaurants where the club hands out flyers for the businesses to give to their customers. K.I.R.B. — Ms. Haigler stated they have not decided on an activity yet, but they are going to be there. I.R.0 Fire Rescue Permit — Ms. Haigler does not have the fire permit yet, but as of now Sebastian events fire permit is actually handled in house, so she will get that taken rare Of. State Food Vendor Permit -- Ms. Haigler will take care of that. Entertainment -- The update was just given by Mr. O'Neill. NRB Website — Ms. Haigler has kept it updated. She will also add a list of activities, vendors and organizations so that everyone has an idea of what all is going to be there. She will also post updates on the City's Facebook page which has a link to the City's event page so they can see everything on there. Raffle — That is setup. Bea Gooher Tortoise — That is setup. Scavenaer Hunt -- Ms. Haigler said Mr. Carrano and she are going to work on that tomorrow. She recommends that a few Board members took at the Eventzee Scavenger Hunt app in case someone stops and asks about it, we will have an idea of what It Is and how it works. That will be monitored during the event. She did send out an email asking the vendors to provide her with a summary of the activities they plan on having and asking NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 if there is anything they need assistance with. The NRB is doing a virtual scavenger hunt. ELC Is going to do a special tree scavenger hunt that will Just be in the park. Other Activities — Ms. Haigler stated five of the retail vendors are doing an activity, and she reviewed what those activities are. Some of the organizations are also doing activities. The Brevard Zoo is going to do mangrove potting and adoption. The Environmental Learning Center is doing a learning activity regarding trees as well as a tree scavenger hunt. The Art Club is doing face painting and a poster contest. Keep Indian River Beautiful and Wild Florida Rescue have not told her what their activities will be. The Audubon Society is bringing free trees and will be selling their discounted plants. With the Be A Gopher Tortoise tunnel, the oyster matt wrap, and the Eventzee scavenger hunt, there will be many activities going on. Prizes -- Prizes were discussed. Ms. Ware emphasized the need to coordinate the businesses that have already been contacted. Suggestions were made about whom to contact to ask for prizes to be donated. iii. Budget Update and Final Costs Ms. Haigler reminded the Board members to check their smalls every day, as she will be sending out lots of information in the next few weeks. She said that someone is needed to pick up the marking flags from Home Depot and get zip ties for the oyster matts. It was the consensus of the Board members that someone will pick up sub rings from Publix for the Board members and City staff. Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion for a $100.00 expenditure for food for the Board members and City staff at the Earth Day event was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Mr. Carrano, and approved unanimously via voice vote. iv. Board Member Updates and Assignments "Day -of' List — Ms. Haigler reviewed her "day -of' list. Michelle, who is the Flood Plain Manager, will be the Staff Liaison. This is a role that was important last time. She will be the one to call to gel things done. If anyone comes with anything staff related, it will be forwarded to her, and she will make those calls. Mr. Loring is going to be monitoring the scavenger hunt. Ruth is the volunteer coordinator and will handle check in. Ms. Lovell is to work on NRB booth setup along with Mr. Bradley. Mr. Stadelman will be marking the booth locations. Dr. Mosblech is collecting and logging the raffle prizes. Dr. Carrier will handle the gopher tortoise setup, which is directly across from the NRB booth, so there will be others who can help him if needed. Mr. Carrano and Dr. Carrier will monitor the oyster wrap matt that starts at noon. Mr. Bradley does not yet have any update on NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 volunteers from the Boy Scouts. He will contact one of the larger troops in Sebastian to see if they will mention it at the next meeting in order to see if they are interested. Ms. Haigler stated that Ms. Ware is the Art Club liaison during the event. Mr. Carrano is the vendor liaison. Ms. Ware asked regarding folding the brochures, etc. Ms. Haigler stated she will create an event for folding the flyers etc. for April 14 at 2:00 p.m. and will send out invitations to attend. This one will focus on getting the seed packets done. She said that IFAS is going to give us the Florida -Friendly folders. She suggested giving out one bag with the folders per family in order to have enough. She has received the tablecloths, and she is very pleased with how they turned out. She reviewed what will be on the large banners, IX. Member Matters Ms. Callaghan stated she appreciated the fad that Sebastian Daily ran an article about this event. Mr. Stadelman expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the members of the Board for their hard work over the last year under difficult circumstances. X. Staff Matters Ms. Haigler stated there is an alternate position on the Board available now and invited suggestions from the Board members as well as the public. XI. Items for Next Acenda A. Earth Day & Arbor Day Recap Ms. Haigler said there will be a discussion on where the Board stands as far as finances as well as pros and cons when planning for next year. B. Next Tasks for Sustainable Sebastian XI. Adjournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. By: / Date: jg