HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-12-2021 BOA Agendapgs 88-109 B. Second Readiyy�� & Public Headnp Ordinance No. 0-21-04 - Amendina Ci1v Code Chanter W - Floods (Transmittal. 0-21-04 w/markuo. 0-21-04 clean coov) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA. AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 46 FLOODS TO AMEND DIVISION 1 - GENERALLY; TO ADD DIVISION 2 - DEFINITIONS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE, AND MARKET VALUE; TO DELETE DIVISION 2 - DEFINITION FOR MANUFACTURED HOME PARK; TO PROVIDE FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES IN FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; SPECIFY ELEVATION OF MANUFACTURED HOMES IN FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENERS ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (PJ ad 4/2812021) pgs 110-184 C. Second Readinq & Public Hearing Ordinance No. 0-21-05 - AmendingChanter 26 Buildings and Buildina Reoulations frransmittal. 0-21-05 wimarkum 0-21-05. Admin Model Code w/thanes in red. Admin Model Code) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA, AMENDING CITY OF SEBASTIAN CODE OF ORDINANCE CHAPTER 26 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS; AMENDING ARTICLE II. - BUILDING CODE SECTION 2631.- TECHNICAL CODES ADOPTED; AMENDING ARTICLE VI..CONTRACTORS DIVISION 1.-GENERALLY SECTION 26.168: RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (PJ ad 4128/2021) A"1.RECESS THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND CONVENE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING pgs 185-188 A. Approval of Minutes - April 28, 2021 Board of Adjustment Meeting B. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS Ado fed QuasWudkial Public, Hearin Procedures: • Chairman opens hearing • Attorney reads title of request • Board discloses ex-parte communication or site visit • City Clark swears in all who Intend to provide testimony • Applicant makes presentation • Staff presents finding and analysis • Board asks questions of the applicant and staff • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in favor of the request • Chairman opens the floor for anyone in opposition of the request • Applicant provided opportunity to respond to issues raised by staff or public • Staff provided opportunity to summarize request if needed • Board deliberations and questions • Chairman calls for a motion 3 of 276 pgs 189-198 1. VARIANCE EXTENSION REQUEST - SEMBLER MARINA PARTNERS, LTD., IN REGARDS TO AN ADDITIONAL PROPOSED OVERWATER RESTAURANT TO BE LOCATED AT 1660 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE (SQUID LIPS & MARINA), HAS REQUESTED AN EXTENSION FOR A VARIANCE THAT WAS GRANTED ON MAY 87a, 2019 TO ALLOW MEASUREMENT OF THE PROPOSED RESTAURANT BUILDING HEIGHT TO BEGIN FROM THE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION INSTEAD OF THE FEMA BASE FLOOD ELEVATION, AND WHICH VARIANCE WAS GRANTED CONDITIONALLY THAT CONSTRUCTION OF THE RESTAURANT BUILDING MUST BEGIN WITHIN 24 MONTHS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL. CONSTRUCTION HAS NOT BEGUN AND THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTING A TIME EXTENSION. (Transmittal, 2019 Order, Email Request, Timeline, 2019 Minutes) (PJ Ad 412712021) pgs 199-234 it. VARIANCE APPLICATION - SEMBLER MARINA PARTNERS, LTD, IN REGARDS TO AN ADDITIONAL PROPOSED OVERWATER RESTAURANT TO BE LOCATED AT 1660 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE (SQUID LIPS & MARINA), AND WHICH STRUCTURE IS LOCATED WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD AREA AND REQUIRES A BUILDING PERMIT, IS REQUESTING RELIEF FROM FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SECTION 1612.4; WHEREBY THE MINIMUM ELEVATION REQUIREMENT FOR A BUILDING LOCATED IN A COASTAL HIGH HAZARD FLOOD ZONE IS BASE FLOOD ELEVATION PLUS 1 FOOT TO THE LOWEST HORIZONTAL MEMBER OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE \ THAT IS BEING SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED. THE BOTTOM OF THE LOWEST HORIZONTAL MEMBER OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE IS +7.6 FEET AND THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT IS +8.0 FEET. (Transmittal, Staff Report, Exhibits A-E, Application) (PJ Ad 4/27/2021) 12. ADJOURN THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING AND RECONVENE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. NEW BUSINESS A. Recommendations of the 2021 Charter Review Committee pgs 237-253 i. Committee Presentation of Proposed Ballot Questions #1-8 pgs 235-236 ii. Review Charter and If Applicable, Direct City Attorney to Draft Ordinances for First Reading on May 26, 2021 (Transmittal, Proposed Ballot Questions) pgs 254-267 B. Approve Supervisor of Elections Agreement for November 2, 2021 Election (Transmittal, Letter, Agreement) pgs 268-271 C. Prior Authorization for Council Travel to Florida League of Cities Annual Conference — August 12-14, 2021 — Orlando World Center Marriott (Transmittal, Tentative Expenses, Announcements) 4 of 276 On of SEAT, IN tbi n, HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 The attached April 28, 2021 Board of Adjustment minutes were approved at the May 12, 2021 Board of Adjustment meeting. Chairman Ed Dodd ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, City Clerk Sebastian City Council Regular Meeting, BOA & CRA Meeting April 28, 2021 Page 2 6:06 pm Vice Mayor Hill read and presented the certificate to Mr. Powers. Brief Announcements: • May 7, 2021— Chamber of Commerce Concert in the Park — 5:30pm — 8pm - The Jacks Band (Rock, Blues, Swing and Classic Dance Music) • May 8, 2021 - Craft Club of Sebastian in Riverview Park 10am — 3pm Vice Mayor Hill announced the upcoming events. 7. PUBLIC INPUT Andrea Ring, Quarry Lane, said the Facebook live feed of the meetings is a half -minute ahead of YouTube so she can understand the confusion when people try to come on Zoom to speak to them. She said there is still editing being done on the committee's minutes because she was edited out of the August 31, 2020 Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board meeting. She said she wanted the public to know that what they see on YouTube is not what they see at the committee meetings. Charlan Thomas, 318 Faith Terrace, said she and her neighbors in the audience, were there because they have an issue with the extreme commercial grade LED lighting their neighbor has in his yard at 310 Faith Terrace from dusk to dawn. She displayed some pictures taken of the lighting stating she does not get to experience nighttime at her house; Code Enforcement has advised her to put up black out drapes and the City Manager has asked her to do some research. She also displayed a picture of a tent the same neighbor has on the side of his house where he stores salvage metal. Vice Mayor Hill said he would speak to the City Manager. Karen Schultz, 301 Faith Terrace, said the neighbor lives directly across the street from her. She said the neighbor takes apart appliances which is very noisy and an eyesore and displayed additional pictures. Vice Mayor Hill advised Council could not take action but he would have a conversation with the City Manager. Sybil O'Connor stated a license was needed to collect scrap metal year round and she has been advised that it was illegal to open up refrigeration and let it into the air. .� 8. Vice Mayor Hill recessed the City Council meeting and convened the Board of Adjustment meeting at 6:18 p.m. A. ADDroval of December 9. 2020 Board of Adiustment Minutes MOTION by Mr. McPartlan and SECOND by Mr. Nunn to approve the December 9, 2020 Board of Adjustment Meeting minutes passed with a voice vote of 5-0. Sebastian City Council Regular Meeting, BOA & CRA Meeting April 28, 2021 Page 3 B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearinq i. Variance reauest from Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Wanklvn for their property located at 1566 Pleasantview Lane from Land Development Code Section 54-2-7.5(c) (4) and 54-2-7.5(c) (6) to allow construction of an accessory structure which would exceed the 1,000 square foot maximum allowable area by a total of 176 feet in the RS-10 Zoninq District, and exceed the heiqht of the principal structure by 1.6 feet (Transmittal, Staff Report, Exhibits, Criteria, Application) Vice Chairman Hill opened the hearing at 6:18 p.m. and the City Attorney read Mr. and Mrs. Wanklyn's request. There was no ex parte communication or site visits to disclose by the board members. The City Clerk swore in all who would provide testimony. Mr. Wanklyn, 1566 Pleasantview Lane, displayed a picture of the property and said they, were requesting two variances to construct a structure with a 14 foot door to match the pitch of their house with a larger floor plan and two automotive bays. The Community Development Planner cited section 8 and 9 of the staff report indicating staff's recommendation to deny the variances. (See attached) Mr. Jones asked if the applicant was aware of the limit set by code and still went ahead) with planning the garage. The Community Development Planner said he was and still wanted the proposed structure. Mr. Nunn asked how the two other properties shown on pages 24 and 25 were found to be in compliance. The Community Development Manager stated those were previous applications that met the code at the time of approval. In response to Vice Chairman Hill, Mr. Wanklyn said the height is required to get his recreational vehicle into the building and the pitch must match his house; and he planned to increase the existing concrete pad on the property. Also in response to Vice Chairman Hill, the Community Development Manager stated the height is relative to newer homes in the area as Mr. Wanklyn is in a little bit of a disadvantage because his home is older. There was no one from the public to speak in favor of the variance. Chairman Dodd said he would support the height request. There was no one from the public to speak in opposition of the variance. Mr. Nunn asked if he could build two single car garages. Mr. Wanklyn explained he likes to work on hot rods and would prefer to have two stalls to work on the cars, noting the building would be more useful for his intended purpose with the additional 176 sq. ft. Sebastian City Council Regular Meeting, BOA & CRA Meeting April 28, 2021 Page 4 The Community Development Manager said staff would recommend the denial for the size of the structure but approve the height if he could reduce the structure to 1,000 sq. ft. Vice Chairman Hill said he would favor the increase in the height because it needs to match the slope of the house but only allow 1,000 sq. ft. for the structure. Messrs. Jones and Nunn agreed. MOTION by Mr. McPartlan and SECOND by Mr. Jones to approve the request for the height and stay within 1,000 sq. ft. for the structure. The City Attorney requested a point of clarity noting on page 6, staff also recommended that the existing shed be removed and the structure be built within a year. The Community Development Manager stated they could add that to the motion but Mr. Wanklyn does have to bring this before the Planning and Zoning Commission who could require the shed be removed; however, staff is requesting the variance expire after 12 months. Roll call: Vice Chairman Hill - aye Mr. Jones - aye Mr. McPartlan - aye Mr. Nunn - aye Chairman Dodd - aye Motion carried. 5-0 9. Vice Mayor Hill adjourned the Board of Adjustment meeting and convened the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6:44 p.m. A. Approval of Minutes — February 10, 2021 CRA Meeting B. Approval of Minutes — March 24, 2021 CRA Meeting MOTION by Mr. Nunn and SECOND by Mr. McPartlan to approve both the February 10, 2021 and March 24, 2021 CRA minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote. (5-0) C. Septic -to -Sewer Proqram i. Consider Grant Request for 13050 U.S. Highway 1 — Chandler Holding, LLC — Commercial Building (Transmittal, Application, Quote, Tax Receipt, Deed, Letter) The City Manager asked the Board to approve the request. MOTION by Mr. Nunn and SECOND by Mr. Jones to approve the grant request from 13050 U.S. Highway 1. There was no public input. rnva SE ASTV" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Meeting Date: May 12'h, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Squid Lips 2019 Variance Extension Request Recommendation: Conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing to consider the request, and approve an extension for 180 calendars days beginning from the date the extension is granted. Backaround: Sembler Marina Partners, Ltd, in regards to property located at 1660 Indian River Drive (Squid Lips Restaurant and Fins Marina), was granted a variance by the Board of Adjustment in 2019. The variance allowed the height of a proposed over -the -water restaurant to be measured from the existing concrete slab's finished floor elevation (11.5 feet NGVD/10.01 feet NAVD) to roof ridgeline, whereas the code, at that time, required such measurement to be from the required base flood elevation (7 feet NAVD). The variance was granted with four (4) conditions, one setting a time limit. The approval expires 24 months from the date that the variance was granted if construction of the building has not begun. The variance was granted on May 8, 2019 and the proposed restaurant is not under construction. Mr. Buz Underill, Sembler Marina Partners, emailed a request on April 16, 2021, that the expiration date be considered and an extension of the time frame be granted. The remaining three conditions have been addressed. A Structural Integrity test report for the concrete slab was submitted in June 2020, reviewed and accepted by the Building Official, and the use of the proposed building remains as a new restaurant. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: NIA Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: 1. 2019 Final Variance Order 2. Email Request 3. Project's Chronological Time Detail 4. Minutes from 2019 Variance Hearing 1 � Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: ��i �• U Procurement Division Review, if applicable: A//,q , City Manager Authorization:—r s i 1 " Date: i � "�% ATTACHMENT A PROCEEDING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA IN RE: Sembler Marina Partners, LTD dba: Sembler Sebastian Partners, LLLP 490 N. Harbor City Boulevard Melbourne, Florida 32935 LEGAL DESC. Commence at the intersection of the South Right -of --Way line of Davis Street (formerly known as 9th Street) and the West Right -of -Way line of Indian River Drive (formerly known as Riverside Drive, U.S. Highway No.1 and Old Dixie Highway) as shown on a Boundary Survey performed by Jackson Associates, Dated March 12, 1990; thence South 24°45'07" East along said West Right - of -Way line, a distance of 109.38 Feet; thence South 23°29'08" East along said West Right -of -Way line, a distance of 181.86 Feet to a point on the North line of the South 50.00 feet of Lot 5, Estate of August Park, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 19, of the said Public: Records of Indian River County (said line being described in O.R. Book 0863, Page 2670 and O.R, Book 0938, Page 1889, of the said Public Records of Indian River County); thence North 89°04'14" East along said North line of the South 50.00 feet of Lot 5, a distance of 71.47 Feet to the East: Right -of -Way line of said Indian River Drive; thence continue North 89'04'14" East along said North line of the South 50.00 feet of Lot 5, a distance of 19.68 Feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 69"25'13" East along the South line of said O.R. Book 0863, Page 2670, a distance of 93.44 Feet to the Mean High Water Line (0.75' N.G.V.D. (1929) Contour) of the Indian River; thence run along said Mean High Water Line for the following three (3) calls: South 52'08'39" East, a distance of 15.30 Feet; thence South 52'17'52" East, a distance of 18.92 Feet; thence South 51`04'16" East, a distance of 15.64 Feet to a point on the said North line of the South 50.00 feet of Lot 5; thence South 89°04'14" West along said North line of the South 50.00 feet of said Lot 5 and the North line of said O.R. Book 0938, Page 1889, a distance of 126.72 Feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ADDRESS: 1660 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida 32958 PARCEL I.D. 130393100000001000002.0 I Current Zoning: CWR REQUEST(S): Property Owner sought variance from Section 54-2-5.10( a)( 2) of the Sebastian Land Development Code to allow the height of a proposed overwater building to be measured from the existing concrete slab's finished floor elevation (11. 5 feet) to roof ridgeline, whereas the code requires such measurement to be from the required base flood elevation (7 feet) or the average construction grade (-1.2 ft.), whichever is greater. ORDER WHEREAS, upon presentation at a public hearing on the 8th day of May, 2019, before the Board of Adjustment, of the application for variance by the Property Owner and upon review and consideration of all testimony, evidence and argument presented at said hearing, which constitutes substantial competent evidence, the Board determined by a vote of 5 to 0, that the variance requested meets the prerequisites as set forth in Section 54-2-7.7(c)(1), of the Land Development Code of the City of Sebastian. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER'S REQUEST FOR VARIANCE IS GRANTED with the following conditions: 1. Owner shall provide a certified engineered proof of structural integrity regarding the existing overwater concrete pad and all pilings, and that it meets current Code, before construction begins; 2. In the event the slab is determinbd to not be sound or compliant with current Code, this variance shall be null & void; 3. The variance is for a restaurant building only. If the proposed use is changed (before the structure is built), the proposed building height will be measured from the required base flood elevation, as per the Code; and 4. The variance is valid for two years. The approval shall expire 24 months from the date granted, if construction of the building has not begun. PROCEEDING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Page 2 of 2 This Order shall take effect immediately, and shall be deemed rendered three (3) days after it has been signed by the Mayor, acting in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Adjustment, and deposited in the United States Mail for first class delivery. Any appeal of this decision shall be made in the Circuit Court of Indian River County within thirty (30) days of this Order's rendering, as required by 54-1-2.5(e), of the City's Code. , I Dated: June 12 ,, 2 019 ATTEST: W Williams, MMC jitnette y Clerk By: 9of n millof the Board of Adjustment bastian Approved as to Form and Legality for reliance by the Ci of Sebastian only: James Stokes City Attorney ATTACHMENT B Dorri Bosworth From: buz underill <buz@underill.com> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 10:48 AM To: Dorri Bosworth Cc: Ryan M Subject: Variance CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Dorri, Please consider this email our request for an extension on the time frame for the height variance for our building to be located on our concrete platform. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks! Buz 1 UnLf ATTACHMENT C SERAS TtAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Re: Squid Lips Major Modification Site Plan Application — Chronological Time Detail: • 7/9/2018 — Formal Site Plan application submitted, Major Modification — Fees, application, surveys, site plans, s'tormwater calculations for two new restaurants, marina office and mini -storage building. Missing architectural drawings and floor plans. Notified Project Engineer. • 7/26/18 — Received missing drawings. Forwarded application and site plans to applicable jurisdictional agencies for review and comments. • 8/2018 thru 12/2018— Received jurisdictional comments from IRC Utilities, Consulting City Engineer, Building Department, Fire Marshall, and Environmental Health Dept. • 1/3, 1/12, and 1/17/2019 — Staff review comments sent to Project Engineer for site plan, architectural drawings and landscaping. • 4/18/19— Meeting with staff, applicant, and engineer regarding comments. Discussed possible variance(s). • 4/23/19 —Application submitted for Height variance. • 5/8/19 — Board of Adjustment granted variance with 4 conditions. • 10/31/19 — Received revised site plans and response from Project Engineer. West side restaurant and mini -storage building removed from project. • 11/15 19—Revised architectural drawings missing, and other required items. Notified Project Engineer • 1/21/20 — Meeting with Traffic Engineer — Pre -Application for Traffic Impact Analysis • 2/26/20 — Received missing items from 11/2019, revised plans dispersed to jurisdictional agencies, and second staff review begins. 4/30/20 —Additional staff and jurisdictional comments forwarded to Project Engineer. • 5/21/20 —Telephone meeting with Project Engineer. Discussed and reviewed each individual comment. • 6/4/20 — Request from Project Engineer for meeting regarding three items • 6/26/20 — Meeting with staff, applicant and Project Engineer to discuss street parking, east side retaining wall, and architectural embellishments and screening. • 6/29/20 — Meeting with project's Environmental Consultant regarding Coastal Impact Analysis Report • 7/28/20—New architectural elevations and colors submitted for conceptual review • 10/9/20 — Partial re -submittal from Project Engineer (full architectural drawings). Waiting for revised civil drawings and response letter. • 11/4/20 - Complete re -submittal received. Revised plans dispersed to agencies with remaining comments. • 11/12/20 thru 1/14/21 - Received jurisdictional comments, initial staff review, items still not addressed. Scheduled meeting with the Project Engineer. • 1/28/21 — Meeting with staff, applicant, and Project Engineer to discuss outstanding issues. Staff to provide written comments. • 2/5/21— Written comments regarding civil and architectural review sent to Project Engineer and applicant. • 2/11/21— Meeting with Landscape Architect. Review of current plan and requested revisions. • 3/4/21 — Updated plans and responses received from Project Engineer. Information on survey converted to requested benchmark. • 3/24/21— Notice to staff and Project Engineer from Building Official. Bottom of existing concrete slab does not meet FEMA requirement for VE Flood Zone. • 4/9/21— Meeting with staff, applicant and Project Engineer to discuss FEMA non-compliance and options to resolve. • 4/16/21— Email received from applicant requesting time extension for Height variance. • 4/28/21— Variance application submitted regarding FEMA issue. NOTE: Back-up for any date listed available if requested. 2 ATTACHMENT D Regular City Council Meeting �� ) May 8. r/uL Page Twowo OJ C� w;1t;ans, City 19.070 C. Proclamation -National Peace Officers Memorial Dav - Mav 15. 2019 and National Police Week - Mav 12-18. 2019 - Accepted by Police Chief Michelle Morris and Members of Sebastian's Police Department Council Member lovino read and presented the proclamation to Sergeant Marcinik, Officer Singh, and Officer McKenzie. 19.071 D. Proclamation - National Safe Boatinq Week - Mav 18-24. 2019 - Accepted by Commander Frans Evberse. USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 56 Mayor Hill read and presented the proclamation to Commander Eybefse. Tommy Augustsson, Frederick and Linda Combs, Brief Announcements • May 17 - Chamber Concert in the Park - Note 4 Note (60's to current hits) - 5 3010 8 pm Vice Mayor Kinchen announced the upcoming event. She also congratulated Natural Resources Board Chairperson. Nikki Mosblech, for being selected as one of the five stake finalists for Florida Teacher of the Year and wished her the best as the finalist is chosen. Recess Citv Council Meetino and Convene as Board of Adiustment 14 Mayor Hill adjourned the City Council meeting and convened the Board of Adjustment meeting at 6:15 p.m. A. The November 28, 2018 Board of Adjustment minutes were unanimously approved by el MOTION by Mr. Dodd and SECOND by Mr. McPartlan. B. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearino I. SEMBLER MARINA PARTNERS, LTD IN REGARDS TO AN ADDITIONAL PROPOSED OVERWATER RESTAURANT TO BE LOCATED AT 1660 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE (SQUID LIPS & MARINA), IS REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE BENCHMARK BY WHICH BUILDING HEIGHTS ARE MEASURED. THE APPLICANT WOULD LIKE TO MEASURE THE HEIGHT OF HIS PROPOSED BUILDING FROM THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION OF THE EXISTING OVERWATER CONCRETE PAD The City Attorney read the request from Sembler Marina Partners, Ltd. There was no ex- parte communication to disclose by the Board Members. The City Clerk swore in those who were to provide testimony. Buzz Underhill, representing Sembler Marina Partners, Ltd. said the staff report accurately reflected their request and introduced the project engineer, Ryan McLean. The Community Development Manager explained per code the building height is measured either from base flood elevation or average grade: and, since the existing concrete pad is over water, the proposed building elevation should be measured from the base flood elevation. She said the argument is that since the slab is existing, the elevation should he measured from finished floor elevation. Regular City Council.Meeting May S; 2019 Pagz Three She noted a previous developer's agreement had expired and therefore the site plan modification is required to meet the current code, prompting the variance. She explained they are asking for a different spot to measure the building height or for an additional 4 %2 feet for the building height. She said the applicant has met most of the qualifying criteria for determining a variance and staff recommended approval with the following three conditions: -certified, engineered proof of structural integrity regarding the existing ovenvater concrete pad before construction begins -the variance is for the restaurant building only. If the proposed use is changed (before the structure is built). the proposed building height will be measured from the required base flood elevation, as per code -the variance is valid for two years. The approval shall expire 24 months from the date granted if construction of the building has not begun Chairman Hill said there is a corner of the slab that is broken off and asked if the corner would need to be replaced. The Community Development Manager advised the pilings must be found to be structurally sound or the variance will not be granted. Chairman Hill asked if there was any recourse to have the slab removed as a non- conforming structure if it is found not to be sound. The City Attorney responded that staff would have to either get the structure to be compliant or removed. No one spoke in favor the request. Opposed Ben Hocker, Sebastian, said the request goes against the City's height restrictions. He asked if anything has been submitted as to what the building will look like and if it has gone before Planning and Zoning. He said a little more research is warranted. Damien Gilliams, President, Sebastian Property Owners Assocation.com (SPOA), said he has spoken about this non -conforming property numerous times to which the City has done nothing. He said the property is in violation of Articles VIII and XI of the Land Development Code. (See attached) He noted the City bought the Harbor Lights Hotel to preserve the river's view and now this restaurant is going to be built down the street. He said if the variance was passed tonight it would be criminal. Ryan McLean. MBV Engineering Inc. said the variance will lead to an architectural standard that will meet the CRW zoning and provide for a beautiful project. The Community Development Manager stated this was a new site plan application that was submitted before the holiday last year; this will put a structure on the slab, provide better stormwater ponds, landscaping and fix the existing sign; the applicant requested to bring this variance before the Board prior to going to Planning and Zoning; additional time conditions may be imposed at the time of site plan approval: and this will be a one-story structure. Chairman Hill asked the City Attorney if the Board approved the variance would they be committing a crime. The City Attorney responded not based on any facts or information that he has. Regular City Council Meeting May 8. 2019 Page Four The City Manager noted the observation deck was not an abandoned project; the Building Official at the time required them to complete the observation deck and the developer amended the site plan to reflect the observation deck and everything was closed as complete. The Community Development Manager added that with the new site plan, new correspondence will be required from SJRWMD, Army Corp and DEP. She also added the road elevation at an average 5 %2 feet, so the elevation was not jumping to 11 Y2 feet. Mr. Dodd said in 1992, DEP authorized a 10 foot elevation but it was built at 11 '12 feet so the developer obtained a revised permit to address the additional 1 '12 feet, it was approved to have a building on it, subsequently the project didn't happen, and then the developer received approval for an observation deck. 6:42 pin Mr. Dodd noted the applicant will correct parking deficiencies, improve drainage and build another restaurant that will be a value to the City. In addition to the City's conditions, Mr. Dodd requested the following restrictions: the engineering certification should be noted that it meets current code: if the slab is not determined to be sound without reconstruction or without major repair work, the variance goes away (if the slab has to be rebuilt, it should be done at the proper level): and indicate an actual expiration date. This will provide something the City can use. The Community Development Manager said the state permits indicated it was to be a restaurant: there was a 1985 DEP permit showing the elevation at 10 feet, then a second DEP permit showing 11 '/2 feet: she cannot confirm the slab was inadvertently built at the wrong elevation by the contractor. Chairman Hill agreed the restaurant would be a lot better for the City. Mr. Underill said in 1987, the Army Corp required the slab to be built at 11 '12 feet. MOTION by Mr. lovino and SECOND by Chairman Hill to approve the variance requested by Sembler Marina Partners, Ltd. Roll Call: Vice Chairperson Kinchen — aye Mr. Dodd — aye Mr lovino —aye Mr. McPartlan — aye Chairman Hill — aye Motion Carried. 5-0 To clarify that the conditions requested by Mr. Dodd and staff should be included with the approval, Mr. lovino made an AMENDED MOTION with a SECOND by Chairman Hill for approval with the following requirements: - a certified engineered proof of structural integrity according to current code shall be provided prior to construction beginning - if the slab is determined not to be sound, the variance request will be null and void - the variance is for a restaurant building only. If the proposed use is changed (before the structure is built), the proposed building height will be measured from the required base flood elevation. as per code - the variance shall be valid for two years and expire 24 months from May 8, 2019 if construction of the building has not begun 4 Regular City Council Meeting May 8, 2019 Page Five Roll Call: Mr. Dodd — aye Mr. lovino — aye Mr. McPartlan — aye Chairman Hill — aye Vice Chairperson Kinchen — aye Motion Carried. 5.0 The City Attorney advised that the first motion did not have to be rescinded because there wasn't any distance in time between the original motion and the clarification. B. Adiourn Board of Adjustment and Reconvene as Citv Council , -- Chairman Hill adjourned the Board of Adjustment meeting and reconvened the City Council meeting at 6:52 p.m. 9. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — April 24, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting 19.072 B. Approve Indian River Shores Public Safety Department's Fire Truck Pull Special Event at Riverview Park with the Closure of Sebastian Blvd. and Harrison Street on June 8. 2019 (Transmittal. Application. Flyer, Map) MOTION by Vice Mayor Kinchen and SECOND by Council McPartlan to approve consent agenda items A and B passed with a unanimous voice vote of 5.0 10 COMMITTEE REPORTS & APPOINTMENTS 19.073 A. Plannino & Zonino Commission (Transmittal. Application, Ad. List) i. Interview. Unless Waived, Submit Nominations for One Expired. Regular Member Position — Term to Expire 511/2022 There was no objection to Mayor Hill and Council Member Dodd's nomination of Joel Roth to serve an additional term. Mr. Roth will serve until May 1, 2022. 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None 13. PUBLIC INPUT Ben Hacker thanked Council Members Dodd. McPartlan and the City Manager for attending the Sebastian Property Owners meeting the previous Monday. Russell Herrmann 586 Redwood Court, Vice President of the Friends of the St. Sebastian River, thanked Council requesting the City Manager to research glyphosate and report back to City Council. In the meantime he requested that no dangerous chemicals be used. Damien Gilliams. President, SPOA also thanked the City Manager for coming to last Monday's SPOA meeting and requested a workshop and public forum to discuss the herbicide spraying as soon as possible. He noted that he and former City Council Member Eugene Wolff witnessed canal spraying right before a storm last Friday. 6:57 pm Ma SEB`STN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA TRANSMITTAL Council Mestina Date: May 12th, 2021 Aaenda Item Title: Squid Lips Flood Variance Request Recommendation: Conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing to consider a variance request for the property located at 1660 Indian River Dr. Background: A variance application has been submitted from Sembler Marina Partners, LTD for relief from Section 46-22 of the Sebastian Code of Ordinance Chapter 46 Floods; The purpose of the variance is to provide relief from Florida Building Code Section 1612.4; whereby the minimum elevation requirement for a building located in a coastal high hazard flood zone is base flood elevation plus 1 ft. to the lowest horizontal structural member of an existing structure that is being substantially improved. The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the existing structure is +7.6 ft. and the minimum requirement is +8.0 ft. In accordance with Section 46-39, staff has provided a report detailing the request, applicable exhibits, the criteria established for determining variances, along with additional information to assist with the Board's consideration. If Aaends Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: Attachments: Staff Report with Board Criteria for Determining Variances 2. Exhibits A through E 3. Applicants Development Order Application Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if Z11cable: _ V City Manager Authorization: Date: Ste'/ CITY OF SEB�TIAN 110NE OF PELICAN ISLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT FIRE PRFVF.NTION OFFICF. I2 MAIN STREET- SEBASTIAN, FIARIDA 339U TELEPIIONN (TR) 589-S537 FAX (M) 589 25" Variance Application - Staff Report Project Name: Squid Lips Site Improvements 2. Requested Action: Variance requested fiom Section 46-22 of the Sebastian Code of Ordinance Chapter 46 Floods; The purpose of the variance is to provide relief from Florida Building Code Section 1612.4; whereby the minimum elevation requirement for a building located in a coastal high hazard flood zone is base flood elevation plus 1 ft to the lowest horizontal structural member of an existing structure that is being substantially improved. The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the existing structure is +7.6 ft and the minimum requirement is +8.0 ft. 3. Project Location a. Address: 1660 Indian River Drive Sebastian, Florida b. Legal: IRC Tax Parcel ID No. 30-39-31-00000-0010-00002.0 Metes and bounds description — see survey 4. Project Owner: Sembler Marina Partners, LTD c/o Underill Management Company 490 N. Harbor City Boulevard Melbourne, Florida 32935 (321) 242-2224 x112 5. Project Agent: MBV Engineering Inc. Mr. Ryan McLean 1835 201" Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (772)569-0035 6. Project Surveyor: William Mott Land Surveying, Inc. Jonathan M. Mott, PLS 3800 W. Eau Gallie Boulevard, Suite 101 Melbourne, Florida 32934 (321) 751-4444 7. Project Description: 8. Narrative of proposed action: In 1991 a building permit was issued to construct a foundation for a future restaurant. This structure was located over water seaward of the high water mark, in the coastal high hazard flood zone, known as the VE-Zone on Flood Information Rate Maps. Structures located in a VE-Zone were required to have the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member to be located at or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and it appears that the structure was originally built above the base flood elevation in effect at that time. The proposed addition has been going through site plan review and the request to provide elevations of the existing structure components in order to determine compliance with floodplain requirements has been asked for repeatedly. The proposed addition to the existing structure built in 1991 has been determined to be a substantial improvement as defined in City Code of Ordinance 46-46.5. This is where the cost of the new restaurant addition exceeds 50% of the value of the existing structure without the land before any improvements are made. A substantial improvement is required to meet the current flood elevation standards per the Florida Building Code section 1612.4 and ASCE-24. The current flood elevation standards have changed since 1991. The current standards do not allow new construction to be seaward of the high water mark with the exception of substantial improvements and requires structures located in a VE-Zone to have the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member to be located above BFE plus one foot, per Florida Building Code section 1612.4 and ASCE 24 section 4.4. The VE-Zone BFE where this project is located is at elevation +7.0. The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member needs to be at elevation +7.0 plus 1 ft. or +8.0. Information has been provided that shows the top of the existing structure is at elevation +10.1. Field measurement of the depth to the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member was found to be 2.5 It., so the elevation at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member is +7.6, which is 0.4 ft. below the required elevation. 8. NFIP and CRS concerns: The City of Sebastian participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), by doing so; the citizens in the community can obtain federally backed flood insurance. The NFIP program is administered through the Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM) and the city is obligated to adopt the model flood ordinance provided by FDEM. The city is also obligated to enforce all provisions of the ordinance and the flood provision of the Florida Building Code with referenced standards to be in good standing with NFIP. The City of Sebastian also participates in the Community Rating Service (CRS), by doing so; the citizens in the community are eligible for discounts on their flood insurance policies, currently up 2 to 20% (Exhibit -A). The city is regularly audited by both the FDEM and CRS. The city has to recertify every year by submitting Final Elevation Certificates on new construction and substantial improvements in a special flood hazard area. Site visits are conducted by FDEM and a 5 year audit is conducted by CRS that is very intense, requiring many staff hours to provide requested documentation that involve Storm Water, Building, Environmental and Zoning. The city has also utilized assistance from outside consultants in order to complete the audit and obtain the best score possible that has a direct correlation with the flood insurance discounts for our citizens. A variance procedure is provided for by the flood ordinance per section 46-34. However, the use of variances is viewed by NFIP and CRS as the community not fully implementing the floodplain provisions of the code and may have an adverse effect on the City's standing with NFIP and CRS point system. This variance request has been discussed at length by staff with both FDEM and CRS representatives (Exhibit-B). A unique situation exists that helps the applicant justify the request for a variance. The existing structure was permitted and completed in 1991. The structure was located over water and seaward of the mean high water mark, this is not allowed under the current code in new construction but substantial improvements are exempt from this requirement. The structure was built on concrete piling and the lowest horizontal structural members are poured concrete beams therefore it is infeasible to move or elevate the structure which would otherwise be required by the code which is some justification for considering a variance and should satisfy FDEM regarding the ability to relocate the project. The CRS manual states that a "building" is a structure that is insurable. It also states that buildings and structures located over water are considered uninsurable as they are not eligible for federal flood insurance. The City has to submit Elevation Certificates for new or substantially improved ` buildine' to CRS for recertification. The Elevation Certificate for the restaurant substantial improvement would be out of compliance because the lowest horizontal structural member is too low. But because this building is located over water and is uninsurable, the Elevation Certificate does not need to be included in the recertification submittal. This means the building and therefore the variance should not be considered by CRS. 9. Staff Comments: The existing structure is substantially built on concrete pilings and contains poured concrete beams and a pre -cast slab. The applicant's Professional Engineer certifies the structure was built to the applicable codes at the time of the design. The current code adds l'-0 of additional freeboard to the base flood elevation for new or substantially improved structures. The structure when it was built was above the base elevation, it is the additional 1 ft. freeboard requirement that makes it out of compliance by 0.4 ft. which is approximately 4 3/ inches. The variance from tie requirements of the flood ordinance and Florida Building Code is justifiable as long 3 as the issuance of the variance does not affect the City's good standing with NFIP and CRS and/orjeopardize the flood insurance discounts being provided for the rest of the community. Based on feedback from representatives from FDEM and CRS, it appears that there should not be any ramifications from issuing a variance in this unique situation. However; since it has been determined that the proposed restaurant is uninsurable, the CRS manual states the board should take this into consideration, since the building may be difficult to sell if the property should ever become vacated and as it may be vacant for an extended period of time. 10. Board Criteria for Determining Variances: See attached analysis. The applicant has also submitted a response to the Board criteria (Exhibit-C). This criterion was considered in determining staffs recommendation. 11. Staff Reconnnendation: Staff recommends approval of a variance for Sembler Marina Partners at 1660 Indian River Drive to allow a proposed addition that will be a substantial improvement per section 46-46.5, to the existing structure that was permitted in 1991; even though the existing structure is 0.4 ft. below the flood elevation criteria under the following conditions. a. Should the building become substantially damaged or substantially improved, as defined by the Florida Building Code, this variance will no longer be in effect. b. Proof that the variance is recorded by applicant in the office of the clerk of the court in such a manner that it appears in the chain of title of the affected parcel of land. c. Variance shall remain in effect provided construction has commenced within 180 calendar days fi-om the date the variance is granted. 12. Board Action: Conduct quasi-judicial hearims to considerthe requested variance. l"l� Wayne Es ne. Bur 11 irector / Fire Marshal / Floodplain Administrator i Date n BOARD CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING VARIANCES In order to authorize any variance from the terms of the City Code of Ordinance Chapter 46, Floods; the Board of Adjustment must consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors, all other provisions in the Florida Building Code, City Code of Ordinances Chapter 46 Floods„ and the following criteria for approving or denying a variance: Section 46-39 (1) The daneer that materials and debris may be swept onto other lands resulting in further iniury or danger. Meets Standard Yes IVP No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C): The proposed construction is located east of the Mean High Water Line (MHWL) and is not physically connected by land to any adjacent parcel or property. (2) The daneer to life and nronerty due to flooding or erosion damage. Meets Standard Yes [" No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit -CI ): The proposed construction is only proposing a variance on an encroachment of the freeboard of the VE 7 flood zone, not the active wave elevation. See appendix A, a graph has been included depicting the various flood elevation criteria against the existing concrete beam. (3) The suseeatibility of the uronosed develoument, including contents. to flood damage and the effects of such damage on current and future owners Meets Standard Yes fS' No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C 1): A letter from the project structural engineer has been provided verifying the lack of susceptibility of the project to flood / erosion damage. See appendix C. (4) Imnortance of services mrovided by the urouosed develoument to the conununity. Meets Standard Yes / No I 5 See response below fiom MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit -CI): The project is proposed as a significant job creator for the waterfront community and provides services that are necessary for expectations for the tourist driven City of Sebastian and historic services area. (5) The availability of alternate locations for the mroposed development that are subject to lower risk of flooding or erosion. Meets Standard Yes V No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-Cl): Due to the fact that the proposed construction is on the pad of an existing structure, an alternative location analysis is not applicable. (6) The comnatibility of the proposed development with existing and anticipated development. Meets Standard Yes 9, No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit -CI ): The proposed development is part of a master plan project and meets the design and character of the proposed and existing facilities within the direct vicinity of the CWR zoning district. (7) The relationshin of the nronosed development to the conmrehensive nlan and floodplain management program of the area. Meets Standard Yes V No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C 1): The proposed construction is located within the CWR zoning district and iin compliance with City of Sebastian code of ordinances with regards to allowable uses within the zoning district. The floodplain management program for the area defines the project location under the VE 7 flood zone as depicted on FIRM Map #12061C0103 H. A variance is being requested for the 0.4 ft. encroachment of the existing beam into the 1-0 ft. freeboard elevation of+8.0 ft. for the VE 7 flood zone. (8) The safety of access to the property in times of flooding for ordinary and emereenev vehicles. Meets Standard Yes ;/ No ❑ 9 See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit -CI): The proposed construction's finished floor elevation is located at +10.1 ft. NAVD or 2.1 ft. above the VE 7 freeboard elevation of+8.0, with (2) proposed ADA compliant locations of egress directly to the City of Sebastian right of way. (9) The exnected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and debris and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, exnected at the site. Meets Standard Yes V No ❑ See response below fi•om MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C2): The proposed construction is located within VE 7 flood zone as depicted on FIRM Map #12061C0103 H. For a detailed review of coastal specific locations, the recommended methodology of analysis is through the Indian River County Flood Insurance Study (FIS). An excerpt of the FIS has been provided in Appendix B depicting the project's location at transect #59 and subjected to a maximum wave crest elevation of+6.90 ft. NAVD. Subsequently, the existing beam elevation of+7.60 is 0.7 ft above the maximum wave elevation. (10) The costs of Droviding governmental services during and after flood conditions including maintenance and reaair of Dublic utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems, streets and bridges. Meets Standard Yes I/ No ❑ See response below fi-om MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C2): The proposed construction is within the threshold of a larger overall development project (Squid Lips) and the cost of the additional government services would be minimal considering the proximity of existing infrastructure. Prior to development, the project location is currently served by Indian River County Water, Sewer, and Fire Protection. Additionally, it should be noted that a comprehensive traffic analysis was performed and the proposed construction poses no major impact to traffic loading in the area. 7 Section 46-40 Variances shall only be issued upon the following: (1) Submission by the applicant. of a showing of eood and sufficient cause that the uninuc characteristic of the size, configuration, or tovouraphv of the site limit compliance with anv provision of Chanter 46 or the required elevation standards. Meets Standard Yes Q� No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C2): The above explanation is good and sufficient cause. This over -water concrete slab was constructed in 1993 and the attached structural engineer's report confirms that the existing elevation will not cause harm to public safety. (2) Determination by the Board of Adiustment that: a. Failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship due to the physical characteristics of the land that render the lot undevelopable; increased costs to satisfy the requirements or inconvenience do not constitute a hardship. Meets Standard Yes W" No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C2): This structure has unique physical characteristics and has been in place for over 27 years. It cannot be utilized without this requested variance. b. The granting of the variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, nor create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public or conflict with existing local laws and ordinances. Meets Standard Yes V No ❑ See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C2): See above and attached structural engineer's letter. C. The variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. Meets Standard Yes f,/ No H. See response below from MBV Engineering, Inc. (Exhibit-C3): The slab already exists and cannot be modified. The property owner has intended to develop the slab into a new restaurant, has undertaken steps to do so and hopes to continue its development efforts. (3) Receint of a signed statement by the analication that the variance, if granted. shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the court in such a manner that it anoears in the chain of title of the affected parcel of land. Meets Standard Yes LdY No See sided statement fi-om Sembler Marina Partners, LTD (Exhibit-D): (4) 1f the reauest is for a variance to allow construction of the lowest floor of a building or substantial irnarovement of a building, below the required elevation, a couv in the record of a written notice from the floodplain administrator to the applicant for the variance, snecifving the difference between the base flood elevation and the m•000sed elevation of the lowest floor, stating the cost of federal insurance will commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced floor elevation (u) to amounts as high as $25.00 for $100.00 of insurance coverage), and stating that construction below the base flood elevation increases risks to life and aroacrty. Meets Standard Yes V No tl See letter to applicant from City of Sebastian Ploodplain Administrator (Exhibit —E). EXHIBIT A February 12, 2021 Mr. Paul Carlisle Sebastian City Manager 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Dear Mr. Carlisle: U.S. Department of Homeland Security Soo C Street, SW Washington, DC M72 FEMA The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the results of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) field verification findings based on your 5-year cycle verification. The field verification report is enclosed for your records. Congratulations! The Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has determined that the City of Sebastian will increase to a Class 6 in the NFIP CRS. The floodplain management activities implemented by your community qualify it for a 20 percent discount on flood insurance premiums for NFIP policies issued or renewed in Special Flood Hazard Areas on or after October 1, 2021. This savings is a tangible result of the flood mitigation activities your community implements to protect lives and reduce property damage. Please note that Preferred Risk Policies, applicable in Zones B, C, and X on your community's NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Map, are not eligible for the CRS discount. Standard rated flood insurance policies in Zones B, C, X, D, AR, and A99 are limited to a CRS discount of 10 percent in Class 1-6 communities and 5 percent in Class 7-9 communities. The rates for the above -mentioned policies already reflect significant premium reductions. The CRS rating for your community will automatically be renewed annually as long as there are no NFIP noncompliance actions, so a notification letter will not be sent every year. This annual renewal will take place as long as your community continues to implement the CRS activities you certify in your annual recertification documentation. If no additional modifications or new CRS activities are added, the next verification visit for your community will be in accordance with its established 5-year cycle. In the interim, FEMA will periodically send the NFIPICRS Update newsletter and other notices to your CRS Coordinator to keep your community informed. I commend you on your community actions and your determination to lead your community to be more disaster resistant. This commitment enhances public safety, property protection, and protects the natural functions of floodplains, and reduces flood insurance premiums. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the FEMA Region IV Office, CRS Coordinator Roy McClure, by telephone at (770) 220-8835. Sincerely, wj&" William H. Lesser, CRS Coordinator Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Enclosure cc: Michelle Faulkner, CFM, CRS Coordinator EXHIBIT B Wayne Eseltine From: Rebecca C. Quinn <rcquinn@earthlink.net> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2021 3:15 PM To: Wayne Eseltine Subject: Sebastian - platform Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Statur. Flagged CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Wayne, This is what I wrote up and sent to DEM: The current effective FIRMs issued in 2012 show the site is Zone V. I forget what you said is the surveyed elevation of the platform/lowest horizontal. You're going to verify the flood zonc and BFE at the time the permit for the platform was issued. Looking in the Map Service Center, for maps dated 1989, it was a Zone A with BFE of 6 ft NGVD29. So, assuming the top of the platform is at or above 6 ft NGVD29, it appears is the platform is nonconforming with toda!�'s requirements, but was compliant with the requirements in effect when the permit was issued and when the platform was constructed. I don't have a copy of what your flood rules were at the time the permit was issued, but they probably had Zone A/AE requirement for the lowest floor at or above the BFE (without freeboard). So, next is how to treat it under today's rules. You consider it a substantial improvement and as building official, that's your call to make. The general rule for Sub Imp is bring it into compliance with current requirements. Now, what about the landward of the reach of mean high tide part of the Zone V requirements? 1. CFR 60.3(e)(3) says new construction located landward of the reach of mean high tide 2. ASCE 24 Sec. 4.3 #1 says "New construction, not including substantial improvements, shall be located landward of... I can only offer suggestions because I am not a building official. Whether you handle it by permit or variance is up to you, but give then above, seems like you could do it as a permit. I suggest the restaurant can be built on the platform, that the city needs to document the heck out of its deliberation, and I recommend you send a registered letter to the owner saying the permit decision has no bearing on NFIP flood insurance policy availability, coverage or rates. [I don't like to make definitive statements about insurance, although we do know for sure the NFIP does not insure buildings over water, even in Zone A/AE where the CFR doesn't preclude over water] Answering your 3/31 question: Incidentally, I found some more information regarding the unique situation with the structure located over water that is proposing the substantial improvement with a restaurant addition. According to the CRS manual, it turns out that CRS only requires elevation certificates for all "buildings" that are new and substantially improved in the SFHA. "Buildings" is I defined in section 301.a as follows; "for CRS purposes, a structure qualifies as a building based on whether it is insurable". Also under ineligible property it states that buildings over water newly constructed or substantially improved on or after October 1,1982, are ineligible for coverage. So, we are thinking that if this facility is approved for a variance based on its non -conforming condition with the current code, we don't believe we will need to submit the elevation certificate for CRS. So I am still not 100% sure the variance would not hurt us with CRS points being taken away, but there is a chance it won't matter to them. Any thoughts?? I can't speak to how CRS does things. But I've heard multiple times that the act of granting a variance is not cause for penalty, it's only if a variance allows a building below the required elevation AND that shows up in the Elev Certif. Seems like you found the logic for not inckiding the EC. Rebecca C. Quinn, CFM RCQuinn Consulting, Inc. 1044"StNE#2 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: 434-296-1349 Cell: 443-398-5005 2 B2 Wayne Eseltine From: Michelle Faulkner Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 11:57 AM To: Wayne Eseltine Cc: Dorri Bosworth Subject: FW: Community Rating System (CRS) Annual CC Request — Sebastian, FL 120123 FYI From: Arkens, Bradley[mailbo:Bradley.Arkens@verisk.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 11:46 AM To: Michelle Faulkner Subject: Re: Community Rating System (CRS) Annual CC Request — Sebastian, FL 120123 CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Since it's over water, it's not an insurable building and therefore would not need to be submitted for Activity 310 purposes. However, it might come up when your CRS Specialist when checking on freeboard verification. would recommend checking with your state or FEMA region to see what they want to do with this building. This is more of a compliance issue then a "CRS" issue. Get Outlook for iOS From: Arkens, Bradley <Bradley.Arkens@verisk.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 20219:37:00 AM To: Cofoid, Scott <SCofoid@verisk.com> Subject: Re: Community Rating System (CRS) Annual CC Request —Sebastian, FL 120123 You talked with someone from Sebastian about this? Thank you for the information. Get Outlook for iOS From: Cofoid, Scott <SCofoid@verisk.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 20219:24:19 AM To: Arkens, Bradley <Bradley.Arkens@verisk.com> Subject: RE: Community Rating System (CRS) Annual CC Request —Sebastian, FL 120123 I talked with someone from the city last week about this. Tell her I did so and I think I talked to Wayne? I told him since it's over water, it's not an insurable building and therefore would not need to be submitted for Activity 310 purposes. However, it might come up when their CRS Spec is checking on freeboard verification and they mention they've had a variance. I told him that they really need to be checking on what to do with this building with the State or FEMA Region. This is more of a compliance issue then a "CRS" issue. But of course, if FEMA finds enough violations, they could remove them from the CRS Program. Scott Cofoid CRS Technical Coordinator Phone: *1.815.220.1002 Mobile:+ Verisk verisk com I vCard I Map I Email b.- in AI Your pnvary is anpndanf to its Wn enrnwaye ym, it; read om rani lidale nnvacv nn/iir In loam rnaa aboul our pnvary pna if (+s From: Arkens, Bradley <Bradley.Arkens@verisk.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 20219:57 AM To: Cofoid, Scott <SCofoid@verisk.com> Subject: Fwd: Community Rating System (CRS) Annual CC Request - Sebastian, FL 120123 Hi Scott, could you take a look at this question and give me some guidance on it? Thanks. Get Outlook for iOS From: Michelle Faulkner <MFaulkner@Citvof5ebastian.ore> Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 11:11:07 AM To: Arkens, Bradley <Bradley.Arkens@verisk.com> Cc: Wayne Eseltine <weseltine@CityOfSebastian.ore> Subject: RE: Community Rating System (CRS) Annual CC Request - Sebastian, FL 120123 Caution: This email originated outside of the organization Good ailemoon. I was hoping you could answer it question about an elevation certificate. We have a proposed project that would be a substantial improvement to an existing structure that is located in VE-7 and is entirely over water. According to the CRS Manual; we must maintain the Elevation C'ertilicate liar finished construction elevations for -Buildings- constructed or substantially improved in the SFHA. "Buildings" is defined in section 301.a. is based on whether it is insurable. Under section V1, ineligible property; a Building entirely over water that is constructed or substantially improved on or after October 1, 1982 is ineligible lift coverage. Do we need to include an elevation certificate ibr it -'Buildingc" that is ineligible because it is located entirch Over water'? Thank you. Michelle Faulkner, C IN MBV ENGINEERING. INC. w .mbvengxom Cn #3728 April 30, 2021 Ms. Dorri Bosworth City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 Subject: Squid Lips Restaurant City of Sebastian, Florida Engineer's Project Number: Dear Ms. Bosworth: EXHIBIT C Via Email (dbosworth c@r cityofsebastian.org) 16-0188 In association with Development Order Application review and as per coordination with City of Sebastian Building Department and Community development staff, the proposed project shall apply for and provide written verification of the substantiation for a variance from the City of Sebastian Code of Ordinance Sec 46- Flood Plain Managetnenl Ordinance. The following variance criterion responses are provided to aid staffand advisory board representatives in review. The criterion as displayed are per City of Sebastian LDR Sec 46-39 and LDR Sec 46-40 Considerations fir Issuance of Variances. The following are our responses: See 46-39. Criteria Responses: Reouested Variance Svnoosis: The project is currently proposing to utilize an existing over -water concrete slab for the development of a restaurant building. When constructed in 1993 and in accordance with Florida Building Code / FEMA regulation of the time, the building was permitted and constructed to meet Flood Plain Regulations. However, as the proposed building construction is to provide an improvement value of greater than 50% of the structure it must be brought up to meet current FBC / FEMA regulation which currently includes an additional freeboard requirement in velocity zone (VE 7) The proposed variance is to allow the existing concrete beams (7.6' NAVD) to remain with in the minimum elevation (8.0' NAVD) of the VG 7 zone where the structure is located. Variance Criteria Responses The danger that materials and debris may be swept onto other lands resulting in further injury or damage: The proposed construction is located east of (lie MHWL and is not physically connected by land to any adjacent parcel or property. 1035 201115ue I 1250W Eau Galk 61.1 ; 4in H -�— 80! Drlaeae Arentr '. Hrm I, It 31-I1ui Mrlbru ne FL 31°15 FI Pivrar FL 34950 772 56001 H5 321 253 1510 772 4689055 F— 77177P. 3617 Fn, 3111SIMII Fa. 7727781617 �f C1 Ms. Dorri Bosworth April 30, 2021 Page 2 EPN:16-0188 2. The danger to life and property due to Flooding or erosion damage: The proposed construction is only proposing a variance on an encroachment of the freeboard of the VE7 flood zone, not the active wave elevation. See Appendix A, a graphic has been included depicting the various flood elevation criteria against the existing concrete beam. 3. The susceptibility of the proposed development, including contents, to flood damage and the effect of such damage on current and future owners; See appendix C. A letter has been included by the project's structural engineerverifying the lack of susceptibility of the project to flood / erosion damage. 4. The importance of the services provided by the proposed development to the community; The project is proposed as a significant job creator for the waterfront community and provides a service that is necessary for expectations for the tourist driven City of Sebastian and historic services area. 5. The availability of alternate locations for the proposed development that are subject to lower risk of flooding or erosion: Due to the fact that the proposed construction is on the pad of an existing structure an alternative location analysis is not applicable. 6. The compatibility of the proposed development with existing and anticipated development; The proposed development is part of a master plan project and meets the design and character and the proposed and existing facilities within the direct vicinity and CWR zoning district. 7. The relationship of the proposed development to the comprehensive plan and floodplain management program for the area: The proposed construction is located within the CWR zoning district and in compliance with City of Sebastian code of ordinances with regards to allowable uses within the zoning district. The floodplain management program for the area defines the project location under the VE 7 zone as depicted on FIRM Map #12061C0103 H. A variance is being requested for the 0.4' encroachment of the existing beam into the 1' freeboard elevation of 8.0' for the VE7 flood zone. 8. The safety of access to the property in times of flooding for ordinary and emergency vehicles; The proposed construction's finished floor elevation is located at 10.1' NAVD or 2.1' above the VE7 freeboard elevation 8.0 with (2) proposed ADA compliant locations of egress directly to the City of Sebastian R/W. Ir Ms. Dorri Bosworth April 30, 2021 Page 3 EPN: 16-0188 C2 9. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and debris and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable. expected at the site; and The proposed construction is located within VE 7 zone as depicted on FIRM Map #12061C0103 H. For a detailed review of coastal specific locations, the recommended methodology of analysis is through a review of the IRC Flood Insurance Study (FIS). An excerpt of the FIS has been provided in Appendix B depicting the project's location at transect #59 and subjected to a max wave crest elevation of 6.90'. Subsequently, the existing beam elevation of 7.60' is 0.7' above the max wave elevation. 10. The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems. streets and bridges. The proposed construction is within the threshold of a larger overall development project (Squid Lips) and the cost of the additional governmental services would be minimal considering the proximity of existing infrastructure. Prior to development, the project location is currently served by Indian River County Water, Sewer, and Fire Protection. Additionally, it should be noted that a comprehensive traffic analysis was performed and the proposed construction poses no major impact to traffic loading in the area. See 4640. Criteria Resnonses 1. Submission by the applicant, of a showing of good and sufficient cause that the unique characteristics of the size, configuration, or topography of the site limit compliance with any provision of this chapter or the required elevation standards. The above explanation is good and sufficient cause. This over -water concrete slab was constructed in 1993 and the attached structural engineer's report confirms that the existing elevation will not cause harm to public safety. 2a. Failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship due to the physical characteristics of the land that render the lot undevelopable; This structure has unique physical characteristics and has been in place for over 27 years. It cannot be utilized without this requested variance. 2b. The granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, nor create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public or conflict with existing local laws and ordinances; See above and attached structural engineer letter. 1� Ms. Dorri Bosworth April 30. 2021 Page 4 EPN:16-0188 C3 2c. The variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief: The slab already exists and cannot be modified. The property owner has intended to develop the slab into a new restaurant, has undertaken steps to do so and hopes to continue its development efforts. 3. Receipt of a signed statement by the applicant that the variance, if granted, shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the court in such a manner that it appears in the chain of title of the affected parcel of land. The applicant will record the variance with the clerk of the court. 4. If the request is for a variance to allow construction of the lowest floor of a new building, or substantial improvement of a building, below the required elevation, a copy in the record of a written notice from the floodplain administrator to the applicant for the variance, specifying the difference between the base flood elevation and the proposed elevation of the lowest floor, stating that the cost of federal flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced floor elevation (up to amounts as high as $25.00 for $100.00 of insurance coverage), and stating that construction below the base flood elevation increases risks to life and property. See attached letter. Should you have any questions regarding the above subject, please feel free to contact our office at any time. Sincerely, Ryan McLean, E.I. Project Manager RM/jeh Annendi x A Proposed Construction -- Flood Encroachment Exhibit FINISHED FLOOR EL 10.14 (NAVD) -EXISTING 6" HOLLOW COWE SLAB . a EXISTING 24" WNC BEAM ` j EXISTING CONC. PILE a i y 41 �I A � I 1 d i t 1 � G•J 1 r-------------------------- 4 c 1 VE FREEBOARD EL. = 8.W (NAVD) BOTT. OF BEAM EL = 7-W (NAVD) VE FLOOD ZONE EL = 7.W (NAVD) FIS WAVE CREST EL = S.W (NAVD) MEAN HIGH WATER LINE= (-) 0.7Z (NAVD) 1835 - 20TH STREET 'mum ,do+a VERO BEACH, FL 32860 Dom mu ,AMBVPH. (772) 56"035 SQUID LIPS OVER -WATER cwm mm RX. (772) 778-3817 ENGINEERIN INC VARIANCE EXHIBIT clan= AMM21 WA AA &M v 4 ASSOMM WUPAW FL - wi (az�) zaf-1510 DAIS An CAxmum owam 0e6 CA /37= FT. PIERCE, FL - PH (772) 4 90 6 OfaAIB TOO Appendix B Flood Insurance Study Excerpt Figure 2: Transect Schematic I IMVt MEKNT finAn" Ix" VT lMHN N1LLr11�� � w• .l.a► WWI A AW.. llrri M1GNf ttSS TM�N )�i �f I ` I W" RR. Table 8: Transect Locations, Stillwater Starting Elevations, and Initial Wave Crest Elevations 1=Percent-Annual-Chance _ Transect - Location x E1evatioii:(Feet.NAVD). - Stillwater.: = Wave .Crest From the Atlantic coastline, approximately 500 1 feet south of State Road A-1-A bridge over 5.93 9.93 Sebastian Inlet, extending west From the Atlantic coastline, approximately 2 2.700 feet south of State Road A- I -A bridge 6.00 10.03 over Sebastian Inlet, extending west From the Atlantic coastline, approximately 1.2 3 miles south of State Road A-1-A bridge over 6.00 10.03 Sebastian Inlet, extending west From the Atlantic coastline, approximately 2.6 4 m i les south of State Road A-1-A bridge over 6.01 10.05 Sebastian Inlet, extending west From the Atlantic coastline. approximately 5 2,900 feet north of intersection of Jungle Trail 6.01 10.05 and State Road A-1-A, extending west 34 Table 8: Transect Locations, Stillwater Starting Elevations, and Initial Wave Crest Elevations (continued) 4;1 �-t •-; - - - - - ;p Verit W4 ance. TV. 61 Cb— E evad (V NAYM' Stilivffiter: Wive: Crest From the- Indian River west. bank, 59 approximaiely.4,700 f6ofoorth of intersection 4.68 6.90 of Main Shvvt and Riverside Avenue, extendin viest' . g .... ' : From the Indian River west bank, 60 approximately 650 feet north of intersection of 5.40 7.89 County Highway 512 and Riverside Avenue, extending west From the Indian River west bank, 61 approximately 2,600 feet south of intersection 5.69 7.75 of County Highway 512 and Riverside Avenue, extending west From the Indian River west bank, 62 approximately 2,100 feet south of intersection 6.01 7.91 of Riverside Avenue and U.S. Route 1, extending west From the Indian River west bank, 63 approximately 5,000 feet south of intersection 5.83 7.62 of Riverside Avenue and U.S. Route 1, extending west From the Indian River west bank, 64 approximately 800 feet north of Duck Point, 5.98 8.99 extending west From the Indian River west bank, 65 approximately 3,900 feet south of Duck Point, 6.35 8.25 extending west From the Indian River west bank, 66 approximately 3,400 feet north along U.S. 6.66 9.97 Route I from County Highway 510 bridge, extending west From the Indian River west bank, 67 approximately 700 feet north of County 6.66 8.66 Highway 510 bridge along shoreline, extending west From the Indian River west bank, 68 approximately 600 feet south of County 5.66 7.48 Highway 510 bridge along shoreline, extending west 40 Amendi x C Structural Engineering Review Letter MAI Design Build 395 Stan Drive, Suite B Melbourne, Florida 32904 April 28, 2021 Mr. Wayne Eseltine, CBO FSI CFM Building Director / Fire Marshall City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, Florida 32958 Ref: Squid Lips Restaurant City of Sebastian, Florida Engineers Project Number:16-0188 Development Order Application Review As Built Structural System Dear Mr. Eseltine, The 'as built' structural system of the above referenced project is encroaching 0.4 feet Into the VETs =1.0 feet freeboard requirement of 8.0 feet (NAVD). The structural system for the project above was designed sometime before 1-20-1999. David T Menzel PE 30830 FL was the engineer of record and the design firm was MAI Architects Engineers, Inc. This letter is to confirm that the structural design of the above referenced project met all the requirements of the Florida Building Code and the ANSI/ASCE in place at the time of the design. Should you have any questions, please call me at 321-863-2809 Sincere David T Menzel PE CGC TI President MAI Design Build PE 30830 FL EXHIBIT D Sembler Marina Sebastian, Florida • (561) 589-4843 May 3, 2021 City of Sebastian 1225 Main St Sebastian, FL 32958 Re: Squid lips Floodplain Variance Application Gentlemen: This letter is to acknowledge that the variance, if granted, shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the court in such a manner that it appears in the chain of title of the affected parcel of land. Sincerely, LX H. JAUUrill, Ill Sembler Marina Partners, Ltd. HJU/bms Administrative Offices: 490 N. Harbor City Blvd, Melboume, FL 32935 • (321) 242-2224 CITY OF EXHIBIT E SEJ3ASTJ'& HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION OFFICE 1225 MAIN STREET • SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE.- (772) 589.5537 FAX (772) SB9-2566 April 28, 2021 Sembler Marina Partners, LTD c/o Underill Management Company Attention: Mr. Buz Underill 490 N. Harbor City Boulevard Melbourne, Florida 32935 Subject: Insurance premiums as it relates to a variance request for a substantial improvement to the existing structure located at 1660Indian River Dr. Mr. Underill, This letter is being written in accordance with the City Code of Ordinance Chapter 46 Flood, Section 46- 39; to inform you of flood elevation requirements and increased risks that will affect insurability. The proposed addition to the existing concrete structure that was originally permitted in 1991 has been determined to be a substantial improvement as defined in City Code of Ordinance 46-46.5. This is due to the cost of a new restaurant addition that will exceed 50% of the value of the existing structure not including the land before any improvements are made. A substantial improvement requires the existing structure to meet the current flood elevation standards per Florida Building Code Section; 1612.4 and ASCE-24. The existing structure which was built in 1991 was located over water seaward of the high water mark, in the Coastal High Hazard flood zone or V-Zone. Structures located in a V-Zone were required to have the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member to be located at or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and it appears that the structure was originally built above the base flood elevation measured in NGVD at the time. The current flood elevation standards have changed since 1991. The current standards do not allow new construction to be seaward of the high water mark with the exception of additions and requires structures located in a V-Zone to have the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member to be located above BFE plus one foot, per Florida Building Code Section 1612.4 and ASCE-24 Section 4.4. The V-Zone BFE where this structure is located is +7.0. The bottom of the lowest horizontal member needs to be at+7.0 plus 1.0 ft. or+8.0. It has been determined that the existing structure finished floor elevation is at +10.1 and the bottom of the lowest horizontal member is at +7.6, which is 0.4 ft. below the required elevation. Given the facts stated above, Sembler Marina Partners LTD, the owner of the structure, is now seeking a variance from City Code of Ordinance Section 46-22 which requires all new construction to meet the current code. The owner is seeking a variance because the existing structure was built on concrete piling and the lowest horizontal members consist of poured concrete beams, therefore it is infeasible to move or elevate the existing structure to comply with the current code. As the City of Sebastian Floodplain Administrator, it is my duty to inform you the applicant that your request for a variance to allow the construction of an addition which constitutes a substantial improvement, whose lowest horizontal member is 0.4 ft. below the required elevation and located over water, increases risk to life and property. Furthermore, because the structure is located over water it is considered uninsurable by federal flood insurance carriers and any other types of insurance policies that may be available will have extraordinary rates in excess of $25 for every $100 of insurance coverage due to the increased risks. Please act accordingly, Sincerely, 4,,"- Wayne Eseltine CBO FSI CFM Building Official, Fire Marshal, Floodplain Administrator 772-388-835 r„�ers, ti�� cn'Pa�y a' * Oa v agemeat se�b1 r&etkXX X300T >> ard G�o : 8� ��� B°usey A�� � �acb°r�32935 49 1b°urre,F �►e LINCI SEA"' ""'" Permit Application No. - City of Sebastian HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Development Order Application Applicant (If not owner, written authorization (notarized) from owner is required) Name: Sembler Marina Partners LTD Address: c/o Underill Management Company- 490 N Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935 Phone Number: ( 321 ) 242-224 x 112 FAX Number: (321) 259-4893 E-Mail' buz@underill.com Owner (If different from applicant) Name: Same as applicant Address: Phone Number E-Mail: FAX Number: Title of permit or action requested: Variance Request- Building Height (Flood zone encroachment) PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS WHICH ARE NECESSARY FOR THE PERMIT OR ACTION THAT YOU ARE REQUESTING. COPIES OF ALL MAPS, SURVEYS, DRAWINGS, ETC. SHALL BE ATTACHED AND 8-1/2" BY 11" COPIES OF ANY ATTACHMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED. ATTACH THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMETAL INFORMATION FORM. A. Project Name (if applicable): Squid Lips B. Site information Address: 1660 Indian River Drive Lot: Block: Unit: Subdivision: Indian River County Parcel #: 30-39-31-00000-0010-00002.0 Zoning Classification: CWR Existing Use: Restaurant/Marina Future Land Use: RMU Proposed Use: Restaurant/Marina C. Detailed description of proposed activity and purpose of the requested permit or action (attach extra sheets if necessarv): In association with the proposed activities under the project title "Squid Lips", currently under Major Site Plan Modification review, the proposed permit request is for a variance of the size flood code ordinance Sec 46 to allow for 0.4' encroachment into the freeboard of the V E7 Flood zone. DATE RECEIVED: `_/oA/, A FEE PAID: $ OLD RECEIVED BY: N�—� Permit Application No. D. Project Personnel: Agent: N/A Name: Address Phone Number. ( ) - FAX Number ( ) - E-Mail: Attorney: Name: Lacey Lyons Rezanka - Kimberly B. Rezanka Address 1290 US Highway 1, Suite 201 Rockledge, FL 32955 Phone Number. ( 321) 608 - 0892 FAX Number E-Mail: krezanka@ilr.law Engineer: Name: MBV Engineering, Inc. Address 1835 20th Street; Vero Beach, FL 32960 Phone Number ( 772 ) 569 - 0035 FAX Number. ( ) - E-Mail: ryanm@mbveng.com Surveyor: Name: William Mott Land Surveying, Inc. Address 3800 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Suite 101 Melbourne, FL 32934 Phone Number ( 321 ) 751 - 4444 FAX Number. '(321) 751-4455 E-Mail: jon@wmisi.com i, Buz Underill , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT: X I AM THE OWNER I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION. AND THAT ALL THE INFORMATION, MAPS, DATA AND/OR SKETCHES PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE ACCURATE AND TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. Vt, X SIGNATURE j `, `DATE"' SWORN TO AN SCRIBED BEFORE ME BY VU II�N b(�Ro[L J� WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOiWTO ME OR PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION, THIS DAY OF L Off. NOTARY'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY >(11Q (O�+pl�lCb COMMISSION NO./EXPIRATION J4t�,�11U�� SEAL: 7MPARAol MMOS MYCIMUNIMIM3V444 •�� F.XPMAupd24,2023 Permit Application No. The following Is required for all comprehensive plan amendments, zoning amendments (Including rezoning, site plans, conditional use permits, special use permits, variances, exceptions, and appeals. I/WE, X THE OWNER(S) / THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE. CITY COUNCIL / BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOARDICOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN TO PHYSICALLY ENTER UPON THE PROPERTY AND VIEW THE PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH MY/OUR PENDING APPLICATION. I/WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY OBJECTION OR DEFENSE IIWE MAY HAVE, DUE TO THE QUASI-JUDICIAL NATURE OF TIDE PROCEEDINGS, RESULTING FROM ANY BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBER ENTERING OR VIEWING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING ANY CLAIM OR ASSERTION THAT MYIOUR PROCEDURAL OR SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS FUGHTS UNDER THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION OR THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WERE VIOLATED BY SUCH ENTERING OR VIEWING. THIS WAIVER AND CONSENT IS BEING SIGNED BY ME/US VOLUNTARILY AND NOT AS A RESULT OF ANY COERCION APPLIED, OR PROMI ES MADE, BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, CONTRACTOR OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN. X C, 4 � X( SIGNATURE ,, ii DINE Sworn to an bscribed before me by P —1 iifllLL. , w o is pally Kn _ tp me or produced as identification, this Rb day of AVM-► , 20;&. Notary's Signature Printed Name of Notary !71 tf t�STOOct 1.05 Commission No./Expiration Cats Z Seal: r, w ti TWII P1ANAG OTOM0a -Y :•; �= 16fYCOlIA1t M 880 3V444 rite iw%a6:AqW24,2= too Now I tU teyAWcllbdo"Ip APPLICATION FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL. ADDITIONAL FEES FOR THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEER REVIEW (WHEN REQUIRED) WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT. ACKNOWLEO(� DATE Permit Application No. am "CAN Of FRIC01 MOM Supplemental Information Application to the Board of Adjustment 1. This application is for a (check one): V variance(s) _ appeal(s) 2. Specify all code provisions for which a variance is being requested or the decision or decisions that you are appealing. (Attach extra sheets if necessary): The aoolicant is seeking a variance under Citv Code of Ordinance Chanter 46 Floods: Section 46-22. The ouroo;e of the variance is to prgvide relief from Florida Building ode Section 1612.4: wherebv the minimum elevation reauirement for a building located in a coastgI high hazard flood zone i$ tease flood elevation plus 1 ft to the lowest horizontal member of an exi ine structure that Is being substantially roved. The bottom of the, lowest horizontal member of the existing structure is +7& ft and the minimum reauirement is +8.0 ft. 3. Legal description of the property involved: See attached. V 4. Attach the following: a. Boundary survey of the property executed by a Florida Registered Surveyor. The survey shall show the dimensions of the lot or parcel at Issue, the location of all structures, if any, along with adjacent streets, and all easements and right-of-ways. b. Additional data and information as required to properly advise the Board of the facts and circumstances needed to decide the case on its merits. c. The names and addresses of all property owners whose property or part of their real property is within 300 feet of any outer boundary of the lot or parcel of land that is sublect of the application. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (BY SURVEYOR) A portion of Submerged land and lands described In O.R. Book 0871, Page 1386 and lands described In O.R. Book 0938. Page 1889 and O.R. Book 2023. Page 1074. Inclusive of the Public Records of Indian River County. Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the intersection of the South Right -of -Way line of Davis Street (formerly known as 9th Street) and the West Right -of -Way line of Indian River Drive (formerly known as Riverside Drive, U.S. Highway No.1 and Old Dixie Highway) as shown on a Boundary Survey performed by Jackson Associates, Dated March 12, 1990; thence South 24045'07" East along said West Right -of -Way tine, a distance of 109.38 Feet; thence South 23029'08" East along said West Right -of -Way line. a distance of 1.57 Feet to a point on the North line of the South 216.50 feet of Lot S. Estate of August Park, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 1. Page 19, of the said Public Records of Indian River County; thence North 89004'14" East along said North One of the South 216.50 feet of Lot 5. a distance of 71.47 Feet to a point the East Right -of -Way line of said Indian River Drive and the POINT -OF. BEGINNING (surveyed from N.A.D. 83190); thence continue North 89004'14" East along said One, a distance of 29.35 Feet; thence North 69025'13" East. a distance of 189.60 Feet; thence South 23°34'19" East, a distance of 177.05 Feet; thence South 69025'13" West, a distance of 105.36 Feet to the Mean High Water line (0.75' N.G.V.D. (1929) Contour) of the Indian River; thence run along said Mean High Water Line for the following fifteen (15) calls: South 52008'39" East, a distance of 15.30 Feet: thence South 524r52" East. a distance of 18.92 Feet; thence South 51 °04'16" East. a distance of 15.64 Feet: thence South 50148'59" East, a distance of 6.61 Feet; thence South 19000'22" East, a distance of 7.44 Feet; thence South 27°34'12" East. a distance of 13.21 Feet; thence South 29944'25" East. a distance of 28.49 Feet; thence South 02030'24" West. a distance of 5.51 Feet; thence South 20418'30" East, a distance of 29.38 Feet; thence South 181153'45" East, a distance of 19.41 Feet; thence South 19057'25" East. a distance of 18.76 Feet: thence South 03024'54" East, a distance of 18.05 Feet; thence South OP 16'41" East. a distance of 31.89 Feet; thence South 26°59'55" West. a distance of 19.31 Feet; thence South 02007'01" East, a distance of 21.32 Feet to a point on a line of acquiescence described in the District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida, Fourth District, Case No. 4001-4718. Opinion filed April 16. 2003; thence South 8900Cl4" West along said Me of acquiescence. a distance of 109.57 Feet to the said East Right -of -Way time of Indian River Drive; thence North 22021'52" West along said East Right -of -Way Itn% a distance of 204.40 Feet; thence North 231129'08" West along said East Right -of -Way line, a distance of 196.93 Feet to the POINT -OF - BEGINNING. Containing 1.60 Acres of land more or less.