HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-28-2021 PR AgendaCHYLE SE NA—AwN N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MONDAY. JUNE 28TH. 2021 6:00 PM 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) MEETING CHAIR MAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS 5) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting Minutes from April 26t°, 2022 7) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Updates on the Discussion of Garden Club Park Improvements 8) PUBLIC INPUT 9) NEW BUSINESS: 10)STAFF MATTERS Item A: Current Project(s) Update 11) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 12) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE: July 26", 2021 13) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TOAPPEALANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING TOR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF ME PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS 6 MADE, WHICH RECORD IMUDFSTHETFSTMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THEAPPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLMNCE WITH THE AMERICAN5 WISH DISLBIUTIESACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO REEDSASPEWLACCOMMODAMIN FOR THISMEETING SHOULOWNFAcT ME CMs ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LFAST48 HOURS IN"VANCE OF THIS MEETING. HOWEVER, THE PUBLIC IS ADVISED TO CHECK THECnY WEBSTIE FOR UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ON ANY CHANGES TOME MANNER IN WHICH TIE MEETING WILL BE HELD AND WE LOCATION. CnvOf SEBAsTIA1V HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetina Date: June 28", 2021 Aaenda Item Title: Meeting Minutes from April 26", 2021 Recommendation: Approval of Meeting Minutes from the April 26", 2021 meeting Background: If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: N/A Attachments: Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of Regular Meeting on April 261", 2021 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 26, 2021 Call to Order -- Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present Ms. White Ms. Webster Ms. Drumheller (a) Mr. Denise Mr. Mauro (a) Not Present Mr. Agudelo -- Excused Mr. Renzi — Excused Also Present Mr. Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. Meetina Chair Makes Announcements — None V. Aaenda Modifications -- None VI. Aooroval of Minutes Ms. White asked if there were any changes or additions to the Minutes of March 22, 2021 as presented. Mr. Benton stated there is one item that was brought to his attention. In the Minutes on Page 2, under New Business, Item A, the second sentence in the second paragraph states that Mr. Denise volunteered to get a group together, etc. This should read that Ms. Drumheller volunteered, etc. A motion approving the Minutes of March 22, 2021 with the correction as noted above was made by Mr. Denise, seconded by Ms. Drumheller, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VII. Unfinished Business A. Informational Updates on the Discussion of Garden Club Park Improvements PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2021 Mr. Benton thanked Ms. Drumheller and Ms. White for taking the time to visit together with staff on site and to do the research to discover some of the history regarding Garden Club Park. He also thanked Cathy Testa in the City Clerk's office who was instrumental in getting some of the documentation provided to the Committee members this evening regarding the history of how it was named Garden Club Park and the agreement that was put in place many years ago. Mr. Benton reviewed that Ms. White walked through the park providing her input, the Parks Supervisor, Mr. Milon, along with Mr. Benton, and Kim Haigler, the City's Environmental Specialist. Their discussion included looking at some of the threes that could be trimmed or removed and some of the vegetation that could be trimmed or removed. They also walked where the potential walking path could be Installed along the east side of the pond. They discussed some of the concemstproblem areas involved. There are some areas where pedestrian walkovers would have to be installed, and there are some areas that would need to be cleared. Mr. Benton then contacted one of the City's engineering consultants to provide a cost estimate for a survey of the property. There are a few areas which are close to property lines, and it is important that staff know exactly where the City's property line is so that staff can look at what adjustments, if any, will need to be made regarding getting access to the back portion on the east side of the property. He is still waiting for the report from the engineering consultant. It will be a full survey of the property, identifying the boundary lines as well as the assets and the high- water line within the park as well. Ms. White asked regarding when the survey is done, are there markers going to be put in the ground. Mr. Benton stated yes, there will be either permanent markers or temporary stakes put in, and staff can then put in permanent markers if necessary. He thinks the Committee and staff should look at providing wooden -type fencing around the east side to identify where the park property lines are if there is going to be a walking trail on the back part of the property. Mr. Benton updated some things have already been done within the park. City crews have gone through the western portion of the park and trimmed the trees that needed trimming. They also removed the fencing around the parking lot. The wooden poles were rotten, and the rope was in bad shape. New split -rail fencing was installed around the parking area. He also met on site with someone from the Roads Department, and it was discussed that millings are going to be installed in the parking area. There are not going to be millings put in the entire parking area at this time, only the existing area that is partially paved and the area on the east side of the parking area. For now, the western portion is going to be maintained as grass. If in the future if it is seen that the parking lot needs to be increased with millings, that can be done. Presently, staff are trying to maintain as much grassy area as possible. They also walked the existing walking trail area. There is an opening in the fence off of Dominican, and the trail is going to be PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2021 extended all the way to that opening. The trail is also going to be extended to underneath the tree cover southeast from where the trail ends currently. That will continue up to the berm that is on the south side of the property now. Mr. Benton reviewed that at the last meeting this Committee allocated $5,000.00 for the fountain, and any additional funds available could go to paying for the benches. He noted that prices have increased, and the cost estimate that staff received for the fountain is approximately $900.00, so that puts the cost at about $5,900.00. His plan currently is to expend the entire $5,000.00 on this project, and the additional $900.00 will be covered out of a different account within the department. Hopefully, the fountain and light kit will be in before the next meeting. In speaking about replacing the benches, what staff discussed is looking at opening that park up for memorial benches. Presently, the City does not allow anyone to plant anything around the benches, as they are not always maintained. So, it would just be the benches. No benches will be installed presently unless someone wants to put in a memorial bench. The benches will be considered during the next budget process. An advertising campaign will be started on social media as well as the City's website. Staff will reach out to several people who have shown interest in purchasing memorial benches. Picnic tables will be considered during the next fiscal year. He explained that the memorial benches cost in the area of $800.00 each, and the City installs a concrete slab, and staff hours to install the slab run approximately $500.00. Mr. Benton called for questions or comments from the Committee members. Ms. Drumheller is in favor of opening the park up to memorial benches. She also stated that there is actually a Facebook page for the Sebastian Garden Club. She has reached out to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. She received a response stating that her letter was forwarded on to the next level, and she has not yet heard anything more. She did also post information on the Sebastian Facebook page, on her own personal Facebook page, and also on the Next Door website. She received several inquiries, and she is keeping a list of the people who stated they would be interested in helping. She also stated that the Garden Club members were the ones who started taking care of the park, and she is not sure that that fact should get lost in the shuffle just because they are not able to take care of it anymore. She found that there is lots of interest in a walking trail there. She plans to reach out to some other groups. Mr. Danise asked if the City crew could build the pedestrian walkways that would be needed. Mr. Benton stated that the pedestrian walkways that would be needed could be done in house. He mentioned a few issues that will have to be addressed when it comes to doing the actual work such as bringing in some fill in some areas in order to accomplish this goal of creating a walking trail. Once staff gets the survey, then the project can be advanced. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2021 Ms. Webster opined that once the walking trail is done, there will be more parking needed. Mr. Mauro asked if this park is included in the new signage. Mr. Benton said it is, and there is already a new sign there, and as this project proceeds further along, changing the name of the park can be looked at depending on community involvement and input. Mr. Mauro likes the suggesting of a name such as "Memorial Garden Park." Ms. Drumheller inquired whether funding the bridge could be done by people who would "buy a plank" as a memorial. Ms. White stated she is hesitant to put the word "Memorial" in the name. She also volunteered to contact some groups in the area who might volunteer to help with different projects in the park. She also stated that in studying the history of this park, she discovered that the lake is called "Dominican Lake." She suggested that it might be good to start referring to the lake as the "Dominican Lake." She also discovered in reviewing the history of the park that they had a list of the trees with identifications. She thinks it would be a good idea to place some sort of identifying markers or a sign identifying the trees. Mr. Benton stated he has already spoken with the sign shop about this. There needs to be an inventory taken of the trees so that it is known exactly what are out there. He further stated that as the project goes forward some sort of decorative sign(s) could be installed. Ms. White thinks it will be a good idea to begin focusing on some of the City's neighborhood parks. Ms. Webster also suggested this park and its projects possibly being a beneficiary of the Sebastian Clam Bake. Mr. Benton said that is an option. He suggested that once the cost estimates and survey are completed, there could be discussions with other groups having events in the City that might consider the park as a beneficiary. He stated his reservation regarding having planks of wood as memorials is that in time those are going to need to be replaced, and there will have to be a policy developed regarding end of life of those planks. He thinks it is worthwhile to reach out to other organizations as well as Sebastian Clam Bake to see if they could assist with funding. B. Electronic Marquee Sign Review and Discussion Mr. Benton reviewed that at the last meeting he presented the electronic marquee, and there were quite a few comments regarding what was presented. He then went back to the contractor and had numerous discussions with them about it. Some of the discussions were with regard to raising the electronic marquee, possibly flipping it and putting the sign name below and the electronic marquee to the top. Every single option that was discussed at that meeting was addressed with the contractor and with the Planning and PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2021 Zoning staff. He pointed out that technically electronic marquees are not permitted within the City, with exemptions for school property and public properties. So, the parks are exempted from that requirement. Staff did not want to create a distraction for traffic on US 1 because of this sign. It was decided to try to use the smaller size; however, it was raised from 19 inches off the ground cover to 36 inches. Also, due to the planting bed beneath and around the sign, the sign would already be 6 inches off the ground in addition to the 36 inches. He approximates the top of the sign would be 40 to 42 inches from ground level. That would be considerably higher than previously. He stated that he gets complaints regularly that people cannot see the sign. With this new design, the letters will be bigger. If there is more than one event, there can be one event on one slide and then another event can be on the next slide. He called for questions/comments from the Committee. Ms. Webster asked if the sign would be two-sided. Mr. Benton stated it would be. Ms. White asked if the lettering is going to be in an area 19 inches. Mr. Benton stated yes. He said the name of the event would be listed, and then the date and time would also be listed. In that case, the lettering would be approximately 6 inches tall. Ms. White also asked what the cost for this sign is going to be. Mr. Benton stated cost is going to be in the range of about $30,000.00 each for City Hall and Riverview Park. That includes installation and removal of the existing sign. Mr. Mauro asked if the signage could be changed remotely. Mr. Benton stated it would be able to be done remotely or on site. Mr. Benton stated this proposal will be going before City Council on May 12t°. He is attempting to get one of the electronic marquees here in the parking lot for that meeting so that City Council can see what it is actually going to look like. If he gets confirmation that it is going to be here, he will let the Committee members know the time so they can stop by the parking lot and see exactly what it looks like. Vill. Public Input — None IX. New Business — None X. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Updates PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2021 Mr. Benton updated the Committee regarding the current projects as follows: Dugouts on Fields 1, 2, and 3 -- This project is now complete. The dugouts on Field 4 will be started as soon as the little league program is done. There has been some positive feedback as to the size of the dugouts and how they appear on the property. Observation Deck at Riverview Park -- This is the small observation deck near the parking area along the riverfront. That had to be replaced in an emergency -type situation because the wood was rotting. That project is about halfway complete. The project is being done totally in house, and it should be complete within the next few weeks. Water Fountains Along the Walkway and the River and in Riverview Park -- One new dog water fountain has been installed along the riverfront, and one of the new touchless water fountains and bottle filling stations has been installed in Riverview Park at the restroom facility. The one at the restroom facility is entirely touch free. The one along the riverfront with the dog fountain is not offered in a touch -free design. It has a bottle -filling station as well. There are several more of those that have yet to be installed in all of the City's parks. Flat roof Portion of the Community Center -- This portion overlooks one of the storage rooms. It is currently being replaced, and that should be completed this week. That was also an emergency, as it was leaking. Playground Replacements -- He is finalizing the details to get quotes for these replacements. Those requests should be going out the end of this week to all playground companies for their response. He brought up the fact that in the past there was discussion regarding if any members of this Committee wanted to be on the selection committee. He recalled that Ms. White wanted to be on this committee, and he asked if anyone else wanted to be on the committee. Ms. Webster indicated she would like to be. Mr. Benton stated that, once he gets all the information back from the playground companies, he will set up a formal meeting that will be advertised and gotten out to the public for their input. It will then come back to this Committee for approval before it goes to City Council. Yacht Club Seawall -- The guaranteed maximum price is going to City Council this Wednesday. Hopefully, there will be an approval on that, and then the formal design and permitting process will go forward. The permitting process is going to take approximately two months. He anticipates beginning this project after July 4rh and having it completed by Labor Day or shortly thereafter. Creative Playground Restroom Building -- This was discussed at a prior meeting. It PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2021 has since been painted, and he invited the Committee members to go by and look at it. Hopefully, in next year's budget it will be approved to do a few more of the City's restroom buildings —including Schumann Park and Hardee Park. He invited feedback on the restroom building at the Creative Playground. Mr. Benton called for questions/comments on the above project updates. Mr. Denise stated that over the past few weeks he is seeing warning tape in front of the Yacht Club. He inquired if that has to do with the work that has to be done regarding the seawall or is that something else. Mr. Benton said there were some honeybees that swarmed the area. Typically, they will be there for a week or two before they move on. There was no queen visible, and they did not build a nest there. They have since moved on. The last time staff checked, there were probably only a couple dozen bees present. That tape should be removed this week. Ms. Webster addressed electricity at Riverview Park and asked if that will be addressed in a different project. Mr. Benton said yes, Kimley-Horn is the firm who has been selected. Staff has a cost estimate that they are reviewing. Since CRA is paying for it, it technically falls under the Community Development Department, Ms. Lisa Frazier. She is the lead on that project. It will include utility location design, irrigation design, and an entire park survey of the property on the east side of Indian River Drive and also the main park portion. Ms. Webster asked if Mr. Benton will solicit input from various vendors who attend events at the park. Mr. Benton stated he would contact the different user groups who have the festivals within the park to get their input. He stated that going forward there will be some user group meetings and the results will be presented to this Committee, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and then Council will have a chance to approve the plan. Ms. Webster also inquired about the bike racks that are going to be going up along the riverfronl. Mr. Benton said 16 of the recycled plastic bike racks have been ordered. They are on backorder, so he anticipates receiving them around the second week of May. Some of them will be installed along the riverfront, and some will be installed in some of the neighborhood packs that do not currently have bike racks. Mr. Mauro asked about the wood that is being used to replace sections of the observation deck. He asked if it is composite decking. Mr. Benton stated it will be done with treated wood. B. Easter Egg Hunt Review Mr. Benton reviewed that the date for the hunt was changed this year. It was held a week PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 2021 before Easter on Friday evening instead of Saturday morning. He asked for feedback from anyone who was there. He stated Mr. and Mrs. Renzi helped in the Easter Bunny photo area. Photos could be taken with the Easter Bunny, and several small giveaways were held. After that there was the Easter Egg Hunt. There was a DJ playing. There was no hayride this year because of COVID, but some suggestions were made on how to continue to move forward with this event and also potentially include a movie night at the same time. The event seemed to be well attended, and the evening timeframe seemed to work really well. Ms. White stated it was well organized, and staff did a very good job. It was the consensus that this event going forward should continue to be held the week before Easter. XI. Board or Committee Member Matters Ms. Drumheller inquired how the lightning warning system is working at the sports complex. Mr. Benton said he looks almost every day to see if there are going to be thunderstorms in the area, and so far it has worked great. He stated that working with Thor Guard has been very positive. Last week there were storms during the day, and it gave plenty of warning. He feels it gave more than adequate notice to anyone using the park. There have been no phone calls from residents. It will not go off in the middle of the night. It is set to work anytime from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The user groups have all been noted. Anyone using the playing fields at nighttime are notified that they need to be looking for that strobe light. Mr. Danise mentioned that at Periwinkle Park the picnic tables needed branches cleaned off. He stated it is a beautiful park and suggested that it be improved since it is not used that much. Ms. Drumheller said she sees more people at that park at lunchtime. Mr. Danise congratulated Mr. Benton and his staff for the fantastic job they do in maintaining the packs. The other members of the Committee joined in this. XII. Items for the Next Aaenda and Date — May 24, 2021 XIII. Adjournment There being no further business, Chairperson Webster called for a motion. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mauro, seconded by Ms. Drumheller, and approved unanimously via voice vote at 7:00 p.m. Bv: Date: Joanne Webster, Chairperson Jig