MAY 10, 2021
Call to Order -- The meeting was called to order by Mr. Benton at 2:46 p.m.
11. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all.
III. Roll call
Dr. Cox
Ms. Callaghan (Zoom)
Mr. Carrano
Mr. Stadelman
Ms. Munroe — Excused
Also Present:
Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director
Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner
Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant
Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom)
IV. ADDroval of Minutes — April 12, 2021
Chairman Benton asked if everyone had a chance to review the Minutes as presented.
All indicated they had. Mr. Benton called for a motion. A motion approving the April 12,
2021 Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Haigler, and
approved unanimously via voice vote.
V. Announcements
Ms. Haigler reviewed that this Sub -Committee had discussed the use of pathogens and
non -toxic live bacteria. After discussion with the AVC contractor, it was determined that,
for the amount of cattail that is being treated at Garden Club Lake, it would probably be
the best candidate to use the non -toxic live bacteria called Biozyme. So they are going
to be adding that to the water in monthly doses. It has a slow growth rate, but it also
requires repeated treatments. They are specialized bacteria that produce the
exoenzymes to help breakdown the organic materials. Since the cattails area very tough
plant to break down, it was considered a good candidate. City staff have also arranged
for water quality and sediment testing in three different locations in the lake, and that will
be happening quarterly. So we will be able to report on that progress.
VI. Public Inout
Seeing no one in chambers from the public wishing to speak and hearing no one on Zoom
who wished to speak, Mr. Benton moved to the next item on the agenda.
VII. New Business
A. AVC Spraying Contract Summary
Site -based review of pests treated since December 2020
Ms. Haigler reviewed that it was discussed at the last meeting that the four -month
summary of the chemicals used so far was reviewed. At that time, it was requested by
Ms. Callaghan that it be also broken down by location and by the plants treated. Ms.
Haigler displayed the charts on the projector for everyone to see. She reminded everyone
that this is not a regular treatment program; it is a recovery program. So there was nothing
much of significance shown. But, when you look at it over two years, you start to see a
huge difference. We know exactly where the main problems are and what they are mainly
treating and what locations were treated. She said that when she began collaborating all
the data that were available just from the four months, they really showed nothing
significant, as every location has been visited on a regular rotation twice just to monitor
how aggressive the pest populations are, and it really does not make a good comparison
until you look at it over the course of a year because different plants have different growing
seasons, and we are really in a recovery sort of program. She said that in the coming
months the annual report is definitely going to be broken down just the same way the two-
year summary was done.
Dr. Cox stated he went onto the website looking for these charts, but he could not find
them. Ms. Haigler said she has not updated them yet, but the version she just reviewed
is on the site now.
Mr. Benton reiterated that when we have the full one-year treatment summary, it will look
similar to this two-year treatment summary that is in front of the Sub -Committee presently,
but it will just show the one year. Ms. Haigler agreed. She also stated that once there is
a full year completed, it can be compared to a full year of the previous data.
Mr. Benton drew everyone's attention to the twin ditches on the two-year treatment
summary, it looks like it was treated 10 times. He did notice last week that there was a
major duckweed issue at the twin ditches by the golf course. Ms. Haigler said the twin
ditches situation is just like the Hardee Lake — they are both choke points, and when it
rains the water Flows, and that is the point where the duckweed gathers. It can then be
removed by the stormwater staff.
Mr. Benton called on anyone in chambers who wished to speak on this item as well as
anyone on Zoom who wished to speak. There being no one, Mr. Benton moved to the
next item on the agenda.
B. Pesticide Use Methodology
Planning Pesticide Application
Ms. Haigler stated that a lot of this information follows the same plan as the Parks and
Properties IPM Plan. However, the plan is very unique when we deal with aquatic
systems, so there are other things that must be considered. She reviewed the items
which are different from Parks and Properties, especially when it comes to " Discouraged
Procedure." She also explained the buffer zone and how it is different from the Parks and
Propertiesplan. The buffer zone for stonnwaterisonly going tobetreated bythe aquatics
Pesticide Selection
Under this section, one of the main things to be addressed is herbicide resistance, which
she reviewed. The environmental impact quotient (EIQ) is also going to be used, and she
reviewed what these data are. Biopesticides are also addressed. They are not
recommended for aquatic use. Regarding restrictions, there are no specific restricted
herbicides. They will be listed by their caution labels. As to the approved pesticide list,
she will review this in detail at the next meeting.
iii. Treatment Notification
Ms. Haigler explained that the signage will be the same for the most part as for the Parks
and Properties Plan. It is somewhat different because it cannot be known a week prior
to the slated application date exactly what will need to be applied. The contractor comes
out and inspects, and City staff does not know more than 24 hours prior what they are
going to be spraying. There is an online notification system that is being worked on, and
that will be how City staff will give that notice 24 hours prior, not through the signage. The
will be mainly at the public points of entry, including the kayak launches and the areas
with direct access to the water. The signage will not be put on residents' private property.
Ms. Haigler called for questions/comments from the Sub -Committee members.
Mr. Stadelman asked if there are considerations for weather conditions. Ms. Haigler
reviewed that is part of the labeled use: the product can only be used in certain wind
conditions. The contractor is able to measure the wind and the temperature or the rain
on site. That is all a part of the treatment sheets that are submitted. Mr. Stadelman also
inquired as to whether the employee or the contractor who is doing the spraying has the
authority to decide whether to spray that day or not. Ms. Haigler said yes.
Mr. Carrano also commented that rainfall is extremely important because that can flush
the pesticides down the drain a lot quicker. He suggested that where the wording "such
as high winds" appears, "rainfall" should also be mentioned. Ms. Haigler agreed. Mr.
Carrano also suggested that the wording in this paragraph, "VII. PESTICIDE USE
METHODOLOGY" be changed somewhat. Ms. Haigler stated she will review the
language, and discussion regarding this can be had at the next meeting.
Ms. Callaghan inquired whether staff have an idea of when the City will be in the
maintenance mode regarding using pesticides instead of having to play catchup. Mr.
Benton explained that the maintenance mode will come into play in only the chemical
area. In the mechanical removal, it will be spaced out such that the vegetation will not be
as overgrown as it has been recently, and they will not have so much to catch up on. Ms.
Callaghan suggested adding some text to the document such as a little more history in
dealing with the moratorium, and that the City is playing catchup, and it may take a few
years just to get to that maintenance goal. Mr. Benton added that in speaking to "JD,"
from AVC who handles a lot of the spraying here in Sebastian, we are a little slower
getting to the maintenance level due to the non-use of glyphosate. Glyphosate is one of
their main tools to use, specifically in the situation that the Cityis in with some of the pests
that have been identified within Sebastian's system.
Dr. Cox commented that he sees this plan as being of educational value to the City.
These problems will not be solved all at once, but this is a good prelude to actually
implementing the plan for Sebastian's stormwater system. Mr. Benton added that this is
going to help staff when we get into the Master Plan for the stormwater system in
continuing to move forward and improving the system. Dr. Cox added that he has been
trying to find out how Martin County is doing by not using glyphosate. So far, no one has
gotten back to him on that subject. He also opined that sometime in the future there will
be a global ban on the use of glyphosate.
Mr. Stadelman asked if the City will be developing protocols for W and when the City may
have to use the glyphosate product as a final option. Ms. Haigler stated that this Board
will get into the details of the Approved Pesticide Table at the next meeting. Mr. Benton
stated that he believes City staff will, at sometime in the future, have to bring that subject
to this Committee. Also, in speaking with "JD" regarding this matter, JD feels that the City
is hindering his company to the point of being able to gel us out of the reactionary period
and being able to go to a maintenance period. That is the main goal -- to maintain the
Extended discussion was had among Sub -Committee members and staff regarding when
spraying should be done and the difficulties attendant to that. Following the discussion,
Mr. Benton opened the meeting for public input on Item B, Pesticide Use Methodology.
Seeing no one in chambers and hearing no one on Zoom, Mr. Benton moved to the next
item on the agenda.
Vill. Old Business
IX. Sub -Committee Member Matters
Mr. Stadelman spoke about giant Salvinia, which is the plant he was assigned to research.
He stated that he noticed that there is a giant lake in Africa that is infested with this plant,
and what they are using is a weevil, a type of bug that just eats that plant. He just wanted
to mention this. Ms. Haigler stated there are a lot of weevils that are being tested, and it
is a very long process before they can be released. If they already naturally existed in an
area, it is not as long a process. Since they are not native to this area, it has to go through
extensive testing before it can be released. Sometimes it passes all the testing, but we
cannot raise that size population in our conditions. She added that at this point there is
nothing biologically available for Salvinia.
Dr. Cox announced that FWC is holding a focus group for the development of their plan
for Lake Okeechobee. He will get the date and forward it to Mr. Benton
XI. Items for Next Aaenda — Mav 24. 2021
A. Approved Pesticides
B. Approved Pesticide Table
C. Pesticide Use Methodology
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