HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-2021 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 2021 Chairman Sladelman called the Natural Resources Board to order at 6:00 pW. Pledoe of Alleaiance was recited by all Roll Call Present: Mr. Bradley (a) (Zoom) Ms. Ware Dr. Mosblech -- Late Arrival (Zoom) Ms. Callaghan (Zoom) Ms. Lovell Mr. Stadelman Absent: Mr. Caaano -- Excused Dr. Carder (a) -- Excused Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Mr. Robert Loring, Planner Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. ADoroval of Minutes -- April 6, 2021 All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Sladelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of April 6, 2021 as presented was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Ms. Lovell, and approved unanimously via voice vole. Announcements A. May 8: World Migratory Bird Day B. May 20: World Bee Day C. May 21: National Endangered Species Day Ms. Haigler staled there are so many special environmental -related days that she thought she would begin including them in the announcements so that everyone is aware of them. She plans also to put them on Facebook. Mr. Sladelman thanked Ms. Haigler for adding these items to the agenda. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 2021 VI. Public Input -- None VII. New Business -- None Vill. Old Business A. Recap of Arbor Day & Earth Day Celebration Item -by -item Discussion of Notes for Next Year's Event There was a protracted discussion regarding these items: Vendors: Ms. Haigler staled there was a great variety of vendors this year. She noted that there needs to be a separate application for organizations in addition to the retail vendors. The ATM truck can be reserved six months in advance, so she will handle that. The food vendors were using non -sustainable plasticware and Styrofoam cups, and this should be addressed for next year. Ms. Ware suggested attempting to gel more food vendors. Ms. Haigler explained that two of the main food vendors were missing due to unfortunate circumstances beyond their control. Environmental Organizations: Ms. Haigler staled the state and federal agencies should be present again next year. She will make sure they receive invitations. She stated that the Sea and Shoreline organization was present this year, having come all the way from Tampa. They are working on getting grant funding on seagrass planting, which she explained. She also mentioned the Pelican Island Audubon Society who was present. They have two programs: "The Trees for Life' and 'Plants for Birds" initiatives. She explained these programs and gave a little history on how they came to Sebastian. She staled there is information on the programs posted on the NRB's websile on the Landscaping page. Mr. Stadelman described that the Marine Resource Council was present as well. They grow mangroves. Ms. Haigler described how you can get to the areas in the City of Sebastian where they grow the mangroves. Waste Management: Ms. Haigler staled that comprised of the paper shredding and the household recycling. They had 13.200 pounds of documents shredded. Art Club: Ms. Haigler slated the face painting was amazingly creative. Ms. Ware slated the poster contest was a success. There were 16 posters. She look the prizes over to the school and hopes it will be an event again next year. Ms. Haigler will scan the posters and put them on the NRB websile. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 2021 Beer Breweries: Ms. Haigler staled the licensing process was cumbersome, but she has a handle on it now. She staled the organizations made money, and it was great having the Sebastian Junior Women's Club pouring the beer and checking IDs. Entertainment: Ms. Haigler said the entertainment was great. She said there were a few complaints that some of the music was too loud. Mr. Sladelman suggested that the speakers be adjusted somewhat in the future. Ms. Haigler suggested that in the future the NRB booth be moved a little farther away from the stage so that the members can hear what the public have to say. Ms. Haigler also stated that the NRB website is a useful tool for the vendors to access. Now that the event is over, she is going to put on the website the photos that were taken during the event. Raffle: Ms. Haigler slated everything was raffled off this year. Ms. Ware asked if there are any thank -you letters that she can send to the organizations/businesseslpeople who donated items for the raffle. Ms. Haigler will send them to her. Ms. Haigler staled that Mr. Sladelman did a great job as Master of Ceremonies. It was the consensus that the whole Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration was a great success. Scavenger Hunt: Ms. Haigler said there were approximately 21 people who completed it. She stated that in the future it should be on electronic devices rather than on paper. She would like to do something a little different next year. Mr. Sladelman suggested going outside of the park to include some other items and other businessesllocalions in the hunt. Ms. Haigler said Mr. Loring met with the owners of the Space Coast Geo store. Ms. Haigler also contacted them and asked if they would host an event here in Sebastian. They stated they would get back with her towards the end of summer. Ms. Callaghan asked if it was announced about who won the grand prize for the scavenger event, and Ms. Haigler staled it was put on the Facebook page, and the winner will pick it up. She also mentioned that two of the metal tags regarding Sustainable Sebastian will slay in place. Other Activities: Some of the organizations hosted different activities which were great. Ms. Haigler stated that the NRB members offered to help the vendors with any of the activities/supplies that were needed to carry out their activities. Living Docks: Ms. Haigler said that was very successful. The mats were delivered to the site by the County Coastal Engineering Department [lie day before the event. She NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 2021 said there was a great response from residents regarding this event who wanted to know how they could do this on their private docks. She mentioned also that Mr. Carrano and Dr. Carrier were very involved with this project. There were some volunteers who wanted to lead a coalition on this. She suggested discussing this at the next meeting of the NRB. Mr. Sladelman said it was nice to see members of City Council participating. Volunteers: Ms. Haigler said the Boys and Girls Clubs, the Sebastian Junior Women's Club, and some other residents who showed up just for the oyster project were a great help. She asked Ms. Callaghan if there were any other volunteers. Ms. Callaghan said she is not aware that there were any other volunteer groups who participated. She suggested that a first aid kit be present in the future in case there is a need. NRB Booth: Ms. Haigler said [lie booth looked great even with the wind. She suggested focusing on wind protection in the future. Mr. Sladelman said the tables looked great. He suggested something on the lent that Identifies the NRB. Ms. Callaghan said that the banners were a great idea as far as gelling the word out on what Sustainable Sebastian is all about. She also mentioned that when people stopped by the booth and were asked if they wanted flower seeds, the answer was a resounding yes. Ms. Haigler suggested posting a notice that there are additional bathrooms across the street, and she also stated it would be very helpful if there were more trash cans. It was also discussed that the new touchless water fountain was a big hit, and she thanked Brian Benton and Lisa Frazier for making that happen. It was [lie consensus of the Board that the event was a success as far as getting the word out on "Sustainable Sebastian." Ms. Callaghan thanked "Sebastian Daily' for promoting the event and everyone else who volunteered and donated in order to make the event a success. She thought that this was the best Earth Day ever. Ms. Haigler thanked Mr. Bradley for taking so many great pholos. She will post them on the websile. "TC Palm" took some nice pictures also. She Is planning to write a letter acknowledging the work of Bob, Kevin and Ron, and all the other City employees who were a great help in putting on the event. Ms. Lovell also said how impressed and pleased she was with the event, as this was her first time attending. B. Board Budgetary Summary Expenditures by Category Ms. Haigler reviewed the costs of putting on the Earth Day event, and there was general discussion regarding budgeting. IX. Member Mailers NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGES MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 2021 Mr. Stadelman voiced his thanks to the Board for all their Hard work throughout the year under difficult circumstances. He also talked about the electric costs for the City and asked if he could see what those costs are, as his job is in that area. X. Staff Matters -- None XI. items for Next Aaenda A. Next Tasks for Sustainable Sebastian XII. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Ware, seconded by Ms. Lovell, and approved unanimously via voice vole. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. By`, IVN- �+-i — Date: LvI�! lg