HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-26-2021 PR Agendaan L-F SEBAST-" HOME OF PELICAN ISIAND 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX 1772) 228-7077 AGENDA CITY OF SEBASTIAN PARKS & RVC, TIO ADY. JULY26� 2021OMMITTEE jj,,�� 6:00 PM 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 31 ROLL CALL 4) MEETING CHAIR MAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS 5) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting Minutes from June 28L", 2021 7) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Garden Club Park Improvements Committee Discussion 8) PUBLIC INPUT 9) NEW BUSINESS: Item A: Select a chairman and vice-chairman, adopt rules of procedure Item B: FY22 Capital Improvement Projects related to the use of Recreation Impact Fees Item C: Committee member discussion and recommendation to City Council on playground designs for George Street Park and Blossom Park 10) STAFF MATTERS Item A: Current Praject(s) Update 11) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 22) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE: August 23'a, 2021 13) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANYDECISION MADE WITH RESPECFTO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING (OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS 6 MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL 15 TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITESACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECNLACCOMMOOATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY sADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT IEAST48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. HOWEVER, THE PUBLIC IS ADVISED TO CHECK THE CITY WEBsTE FOR OP -TO -DATE INFORMATION ON ANY CHANGES TO THE MANNER IN WHICH THE MEETING WILL BE HEIR AND THE LOCATION. CITY Lf SIEBASTUNN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetinq Date: July 261h, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Meeting Minutes from June 28", 2021 Recommendation: Approval of Meeting Minutes from the June 281", 2021 meeting Background: If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: N/A Attachments: Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of Regular Meeting on June 281", 2021 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 28, 2021 Call to Order — Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present Ms. White (Zoom) Mr. Renzi Ms. Webster Ms. Drumheller (a) Mr. Danise Mr. Mauro (a) Not Present Mr. Agudelo -- Excused Also Present Mr. Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. Meeting Chair Makes Announcements — None Aaenda Modifications — None Ms. Webster asked if there were any changes or additions to the Minutes of April 26, 2021 as presented. Hearing none, she called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of April 26, 2021 as presented was made by Ms. Drumheller, seconded by Mr. Denise, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VII. Unfinished Business A. Updates on the Discussion of Garden Club Park Improvements Mr. Benton provided an update stating that, based on the Committee's previous meetings, there have been numerous discussions regarding this park and the improvements within the park. The latest news is that staff completed the purchase of the new fountain PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 28, 2021 using the Recreation Impact Fee funds, Park Improvement Account, that is allocated to this Committee each fiscal year. The total cost of the fountain was $5,946.00. That also included lights for nighttime illumination of the fountain. This fountain has a much larger coverage than the previous one, which will increase the aeration within the water and hopefully assist with some of the natural weed control within that pond. Also, the Roads Department assisted with the installation of new millings for half of the parking lot and the existing walking trail. That project was completed last week. The decision was made to only do half of the parking lot because the traffic that is seen there is just a few cars at a time. The goal was to keep some of the parking area natural and retain the pervious drainage that occurs with the grassy setting. If in the future the walking Vail is completed as has been discussed, paving the entire parking lot in the future can be looked at. There has been a purchase order and an agreement entered into with a surveyor to complete the survey of the property. This will assist City staff in knowing the exact location of the boundaries in order to know whether there needs to be some fill added to the pond to give us the area for the walking trail to be completed all the way around the back side of the park. It also will allow us to know where some wooden split -rail fencing or something like that will be needed. If there is a trail installed to the back side of the park, something will be needed so that park visitors know where the park property ends and private property begins. At that time, there will need to be fencing installed back there as well in order to keep the public off private property. Mr. Benton said Meridian Surveying is doing the survey work. Ms. Drumheller commented that the park looks great at night. She thinks the improvements are great, and City staff did a good job. Ms. White asked if the survey would be completed by the next Committee meeting. Mr. Benton stated he is anticipating receiving something back within the next two weeks. So he hopes he will have something to show this Committee then as far as the survey goes in order to know where exactly the boundary markers are. Ms. White inquired where the money will come from in the next year or two for projects done on this park. Mr. Benton said the large expenses for this project are completion of the walking trail and the wood fencing that will be needed and any improvements that are needed as far as bringing in fill and land clearing. There will be $20,000.00 for park improvements next fiscal year, so those funds will be available in order to start this project. That will be up to the desire of the Committee. Ms. White also inquired about the funds for what has been done already. Mr. Benton stated that the $5,946.00 that was used for the fountain came specifically out of this zone, as it is a neighborhood park, not a community park. It came strictly out of the one zone. For clarification, in meeting with the Finance Director, Mr. Benton had misspoken and said we had $5,000.00 for each zone, which equaled $20,000.00. We PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 28, 2021 can take more than $5,000.00 out of a zone. We just cannot exceed the $20,000.00 that is budgeted. He will update this information at the next meeting where budgeting and capital improvement projects are discussed. Ms. White suggested that the new members be provided with a map that shows what parks are within the different zones, and that the money in those zones is to be used for the parks in those neighborhoods. Vill. Public Input There being no one in chambers who wished to speak and no one on Zoom who wished to be heard, Ms. Webster moved to the next item on the agenda. IX. New Business — None X. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton reviewed the current projects as follows: Observation Deck -- This project has been completed. He asked the Committee members to take a look at it. It is the smaller dock that was just recently worked on and improvements made. Other work needed in that area is that the roofs over all of the informational kiosks need to be replaced. They will be replaced in the coming weeks to a month. Other than that, the project is complete. Dog Park Sod Resurfacing Project -- This project is complete as of today. The large - dog area was closed down for three weeks in order to complete this project. Staff and he inspected the park this morning, and for the most part the sod has taken really well and has grown better than what was expected. So staff was able to open the park back up this morning to residents, which was right on schedule. The public appeared to be happy with how the closing was handled. The large dogs were allowed to use the small -dog area on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The small dogs were allowed in their area on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The public were thankful for the work, and he has received no negative feedback. Also during this down time the large -dog waterfountain was replaced that included a bottle -filling station as well. The white fencing that surrounds the park was pressure cleaned as well as the shade structure during the closure. He added that he has asked staff to raise the height of the mowers to mow it at about 4Y2 inches. Typically it is somewhere between the 3- to 3-1/2-inch range. That should allow the new sod to flourish and take hold. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 28, 2021 Yacht Club Seawall Project -- The final design documents should be available sometime this week. Once staff has those and they are approved, it will be sent off for permitting. Permitting is going to take about six to eight weeks. Hopefully, construction can be started once the final permits are obtained for that project. Installation of Bike Racks -- The City has purchased 16 new Barco bike racks made from recycled plastic. They will be installed throughout the City. Two of them are already installed at Fishermen's Landing and two at Riverview Park. The rest of them will be installed throughout the parks to try to get at least one bike rack in each of the parks throughout the coming months. Barber Street Baseball Fields — Sometime in the next month or so those fields will be closed down. Staff will try to stagger it a little bit in order to maintain one of them open. It is the typical annual maintenance done this time of year when Little League has completed their season, which they have. Staff will go in and strip some sod out specifically around the pitchers' mounds that have worn areas and also where the outside lip of the infield starts to build up. Staff will remove that sod and replace it with new sod. When we put the new sod down, we will need to give it a couple weeks to take hold without people going in and damaging it. He will send out an email once he has further information on when those closures are going to happen. New Park Signage -- There were five new park signs installed this past month: Fishermen's Landing, Friendship Park, Schumann Drive Park, Stormwater Treatment Facility, and Blossom Street Park. The sign project is being continued, and the goal is to have the gateway signs installed within the next month or so. They are the signs that are on County Road 512, US 1 north and south, Barber Street and US 1, Schumann Drive and US 1, and also 66v Avenue. Staff also did get approval for the electronic marquees from City Council. Those are being worked on, and it will probably be sometime later this summer before those are installed. Mr. Benton called for questions/comments from the Committee members. Mr. Danise referred to the electronic signs. He asked if the new sign at Riverview Park is going to be in the same place that the present sign is. Mr. Benton stated it will be generally in the same area. The exact location will be decided upon once staff goes to do the installation. Mr. Denise stated there are three trees there now that he suggested may block the view. Mr. Benton said staff will take a look at that. The goal of getting it as close to the intersection as possible is so that people at the stoplight who are heading southbound will be able to read it. If we go much further to the south with it, they will already be increasing their speed which is going to cut down on their being able to see it. That will all be taken into account by staff. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 28, 2021 XI. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Renzi referred to the small -dog area in the Dog Park. He asked how often the grass is cut in there. Mr. Benton slated the grass is mowed once a week. Mr. Renzi commented on Blossom Street Park. It is missing a section of chain -link fence in the back. Mr. Benton said that playground is currently shut down due to safety concerns. It is one that is being replaced. Whenever that playground is replaced, the fencing will be replaced at the same time. Mr. Benton reminded everyone that the Freedom Festival will take place this Saturday, July 3rtl. It is not on July 4' this year. The parade will start at 8:30 a.m. at Davis Street on Indian River Drive. It will proceed south along Indian River Drive all the way to Riverview Park. The park event will run from 10:00 a.m. until the fireworks begin. This year the fireworks are slated to begin at 9:00 p.m. Obviously, weather may alter the time one way or another. Another change this year is the location of the fireworks. The fireworks will not be shot off from the island, which has typically happened in the past. They are going to be shot off from the north Twin Pier at Riverview Park. The City is suggesting that people not sit too close in that Twin Pier grassy area. There will be an area fenced off which is the typical fallout zone that is required. Unfortunately, US Fish and Wildlife currently will not allow the City to shoot off from the island anymore. The City is working with them currently, and hopefully in future years that may change. Mr. Denise asked if the fireworks are going to be shot off from a water vessel. Mr. Benton said staff looked into renting a barge, which was going to more than double the price of the fireworks display. The fireworks company has surveyed the area, and they feel comfortable shooting off from the north pier. Mr. Danise provided a handout for Committee members. He suggested it ought to be considered that in the future people in the community be recognized for their work and contributions to the community. He commented that there are several people who do a lot of work in the City for different sports etc., and it would not cost much from the budget to recognize these people. He stated that it has been his experience that communities that have such a program are more active, and they get more people involved. It was the consensus of Committee members that this is a good suggestion. Ms. White suggested that, if this suggestion goes forward, maybe Mr. Danise could be the point person for nominations, and it could be done once or twice a year for recognition of these people. Ms. Drumheller asked that this be put on the agenda for next month's meeting. Mr. Benton said he would do that. Mr. Mauro also suggested going beyond this committee to include ail the agencies within the City -- like a Certificate -of -Appreciation sort of program to recognize people who volunteer for the City. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 28, 2021 Ms. Webster commented that she was at the splash pad recently, and there were some wasps present. She also said that she was told that recently there were lots of fire ants. The person who told Ms. Webster this called the City, and the situation was taken care of within a week. Ms. Webster also referred to the gate at the baseball field. She recalled that Mr. Benton referred to it as a post so that vehicles could not get through that gate. Mr. Benton said that there was discussion about installing a removable Bollard post that could be locked and then opened when someone needed to drive to the concession stand, etc. That has not been done yet, but it is planned. Mr. Renzi stated that at the Pickleball Complex the flushing control in the men's bathroom needs to be repaired. Mr. Benton said he would have someone look at that. XII. Items for the Next Acenda and Date: July 26. 2021 A. Fiscal year 2022 Capital Improvement Projects related to the use of recreation impact fees. He will include a zone map as was requested earlier. He will also have some details on the fund accounts for the recreation impact zones so that Committee members know how much is in each zone and how much total we have. B. Discussion on the item regarding recognizing community members for what they have done for the community. C. Selection of a new Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson for the next year. XIII. Adiournment There being no further business, Chairperson Webster called for a motion. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Denise, seconded by Mr. Mauro, and approved unanimously via voice vote at 6:35 p.m. Bit: Date: Joanne Webster, Chairperson jg an a HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetina Date: July 26�, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Garden Club Park Improvements Committee Discussion Background: The Committee began discussions in February regarding improvements to Garden Club Park. City staff has completed many of these recommendations to include: Trimming of trees, Gazebo cleanup, Renovating the walking trail and parking area, Installing new fencing at the parking area and Installing a new water fountain with lights for nighttime. Staff has also received the property survey and the surveyors have installed markers to identify the City's property lines throughout the property. Staff asks that the Committee discuss their additional ideas that they would like for staff to consider and research for further improvements to the park. If A pride Item Reauires Exoenditure of Funds: Total Cost: N/A Attachments: Survey of the Garden Club Park property that identifies the property lines LEMLOFSCRIPIION REPORT OF SURVEY: LEGEND & ABBFE MNS MyL* SEBAST16% HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meeting Date: July 26", 2021 Agenda Item Title: Select a Chairman and Vice -Chairman, adopt rules of procedure Recommendation: Select a Chairman and Vice -Chairman, adopt rules of procedure Background: The Handbook for the City of Sebastian Board, Commission and Committee Members dictates that the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee shall select a Chairman and Vice -Chairman each year. The Committee shall also adopt the rules of procedure. If Agenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Total Cost: N/A Attachments: Handbook for City of Sebastian Board, Commission and Committee Members, Chapter 2, Article IV — ADMINISTRATION: Boards, Commissions, Committees, Division 3, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Sec. 2-214, Procedures. Lit) LT SEBASTINNI HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND I N • • . FOR CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA BOARD, COMMISSION, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS APRIL 1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT INTRODUCTION GENERAL MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS - R-12-38 and 0-12.12 SECTIONS 2-36 THROUGH 2.173 OF CODE OF ORDINANCES APPLICATION FORM MEETING PROCEDURES & SUGGESTED AGENDAS SUNSHINE LAW, DISCLOSURE. VOTING CONFLICTS, STATUTES BOARDS AND COMMITTEES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY AGENCY CONSTRUCTION BOARD DISABILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE VETERANS ADVISORY BOARD COMMITTEE MEMBER LISTS: CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE CITIZEN ADVISORY TASK FORCE (CATF) CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONSTRUCTION BOARD DISABILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES PARKS AND RECREATION ADV. COMMITTEE VETERANS ADVISORY BOARD COMMITTEE GENERAL INFO TABLE- CODES. SECRETARIES F PAGE 3 21.25 26-28 29.30 31.32 33.34 35A5 4647 48-49 50-58 59.60 61.62 xx-xx INTRODUCTION The City of Sebastian has twelve City Boards, Committees and/or Commissions. A description of the duties, purpose, and meeting schedules of each board are provided in this "Handbook". Some of the Boards have statutory powers, while others serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council. Board members are a valuable part of American local government that Includes citizen input in the policy and decision making process. In the City of Sebastian, "Service is our Business". To make us truly a service community, we need your help and expertise. City Boards, Committees and Commission Members can be a strong, positive force in planning the development of our City. As a member of one of our boards, you may be the only contact a citizen has with local government. That first contact - that first impression - is a vital part of the communication that must exist between citizens and their government. Many people quickly make up their minds about the City of Sebastian based on their initial contact with just one person. Public relations is not publicity, it is our collective ability to handle the concerns and requests of our citizens. On behalf of the City Council, City Manager, City Attorney and Staff, we WELCOME you to our City team. Please feel free to call the City Clerk's office (589-5330) for assistance. Jeanette Williams. MMC City Clerk City of Sebastian MEETING PROCEDURES SET FORTH BY R-15-09 SECTION 1. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING TIME. City Board and Committee meetings shall begin no later than 6:00 p.m. and shall adjourn at 9:30 p.m. unless extended for not more than 30 additional minutes by a majority vole of members present. All unfinished business at adjournment shall be carried to the next meeting. SECTION 2. ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER ADOPTED. City Boards and Committees will follow the current edition of Robert's Rules or Order Newly Revised as a general guideline in the conduct of all meetings and workshops. Failure to follow said rules shall not affect the validity or any action taken. SECTION 3. THE CHAIR. The Chair may make a motion, second a motion or participate in discussion without relinquishing the chair. Members of the Board or Committee have the exclusive right to raise questions of procedure or points of order to the Chair and have the Chair rule on the procedure or point of order. Any member of the Board or Committee may appeal the decision of the Chair, and the result shall be determined by majority vote. SECTION 4. AGENDA FORMAT AND GUIDELINES FOR MEETINGS. The general formal and guidelines for City meeting agendas shall be generally in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 'A". However, the board or committee may change the order or agenda headings by majority vote. SECTION 5, ORDER FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS (OTHER THAN QUASI-JUDICIAL) Order for public hearings (other than quasi-judicial procedures which are established by City Council Resolution No. R-99-12) before City boards and committees: A. Order of Business: 1. Chair shall announce the opening of the public hearing. 2. Where applicable, City Attorney shall read the Ordinance or Resolution by title unless applicable law requires more than the title be read. 3. Chair, if appropriate, shall announce the rules that apply to the hearing. 4. Applicant presentation, if appropriate. 5. City staff shall make a presentation, comments and preliminary recommendation, If any. 6. Public input. 7. City staff final comments and recommendation, if any. 8. Chair closes hearing. 9. Council Deliberation and Action B. Continuance of Public Hearin. The Board or Committee may continue a public hearing unless a continuance would violate applicable law. A public hearing may be continued to a time certain staled in the record, or a continuance may be indefinite, in which case it shall be re -noticed. The Board or Committee may defer action on a matter and continue the public hearing for receipt of written comments on the matter. SECTION 6. PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT. A. Procedures for All Public In I. 1. Time Limit. Individuals who wish to address the Board or Committee on any agenda items for which official action is to be taken (typically items listed under public hearings, new business and unfinished business) are allowed five minutes to speak on that item, however, the Board or 12 Committee may extend or terminate an individual "a lime by majority vole of members present. Input Directed to Chair. Speakers shall address the Board or Committee immediately prior to deliberation of the agenda item and all input shall be directed to the Chair, unless answering a question of a member of the Board or Committee or City staff. Individuals shall not address the Board or Committee after commencement of deliberation on an agenda item after public input has concluded, provided, however, the Chair and any member of the Board or Committee may call upon an individual to provide additional input if desired. Certain Remarks Prohibited. Personal, impertinent, and slanderous remarks, political campaigning and applauding are not permitted and may result in sanctions imposed by the Chair including expulsion from the meeting. Decisions by the Chair may be appealed in accordance with Section 2 above. B. Public Input. The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunity for individuals to bring new information or requests to the Board or Committee not otherwise on the prepared agenda. Individuals are asked to attempt to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of material for the Board or Committee one week prior to the meeting it they intend to refer to specific material. The Board or Committee will not debate an issue during Public Input but may by consensus place a requested item on a future agenda. SECTION 7. RULES AS GUIDELINES. It is intended that the rules set forth in this Resolution provide a guideline for the effective operation of the business meetings of City Boards and Committees, and no rights are bestowed upon any parlies by the adoption of these rules or by Board or Committee failure to eel in accordance with them. A. Suspension of Rules. Any provisions of this Resolution, in whole or part, may be suspended by the affirmative vole of at least a majority of the members present. B. Failure to Fallow Rules. If a Board or Committee fails to abide by any provision of this Resolution, such failure shall not invalidate action taken by the Board or Committee. EXHIBIT "A" SEBASTIAN BOARD AND COMMITTEE AGENDA FORMAT AND GUIDELINES' 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vole of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS (does not apply to all boards) 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is five minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vole of members present 8. NEW BUSINESS 13 9. STAFF MATTERS 10. BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 11. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 12. ADJOURN 'Any provisions of this Resolution may be suspended by the affirmative vole of at least a majority of members present. 14 SUNSHINE LAW FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Florida Conslnulion, Article 1, Section 24(b) Florida Stalules, Section 286.011 _ „unsnma(online . training videos) 0. What is the Sunshine Law? A. Florida's Government -in -the -Sunshine law provides a right of access to governmental proceedings at both the state and local levels. It applies to any gathering or two or more members of the same board to discuss some matter which will forseeably come before that board for action. There is also a constitutionally guaranteed right of access. Virtually all stale and local collegial public bodies are covered by the open meetings requirements with the exception of the judiciary and the stale Legislature which has its own constitutional provision relating to access. 0. What are the requirements of the Sunshine Law? A. The Sunshine law requires that 1) meetings of boards or commissions must be open to the public; 2) reasonable notice of such meetings must be given, and 3) minutes of the meeting must be taken. 0. What qualifies as a meeting? A. The Sunshine law applies to all discussions or deliberations as well as the formal action taken by a board or commission. The law• in essence, is applicable to any gathering. whether formal or casual, of Iwo or more members of the same board or commission to discuss some matter on which foreseeable action will be taken by the public board or commission. There is no requirement that a quorum be present for a meeting to be covered under the law. 0. What are the requirements for minutes? A. Generally a written summary of events (not every detail) occurring at the meeting. The minutes must be open to public inspection within a reasonable time. The meeting does not have to be recorded but if it is, the recorded media becomes a public record and is subject to the public records law. 0. What are the personal consequences of Sunshine Law violations? A. "Knowingly' violating the law is punishable by 60 days jail and/or fine up to 5500.00. Suspension and/or removal from office. Noncriminal fine up to 5500.00. Payment of attorneys fees. The City Attorney can assist you if you have any questions regarding the Sunshine Law. 15 CONFLICT OF INTEREST htto:llwww.ethics.state.fl.us,IDocumentslFornulForm%208B.PDF?cD=2017125 A person holding elective or appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his or her special private gain or loss. Each elected or appointed local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which Inures to the special gain or loss of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he or she is retained (including the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which he or she is retained); to the special private gain or loss of a relative; or to the special private gain or loss of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies under Sec. 163.356 or 163.357, F.S., and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one -acre, one -vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that capacity. For purposes of this law. a 'relative' includes only the officers father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. A 'business associate" means any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business enterprise with the officer as a partner, joint venturer, co-owner of property, or corporate shareholder (where the shares of the corporation are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange). The City Attorney can assist you if you have any questions regarding a possible conflict of interest. 16 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Florida Constitution Article It. Section 8 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Conflicts of interest may occur when public officials are in a position to make decisions, which affect their personal financial interests. This is why public officers and employees, as well as candidates who aspire to hold public office, are required to publicly disclose their financial interests. The disclosure process serves to remind officials of their obligation to put the public Interest above personal considerations. It also helps citizens to monitor the activities of those who spend their tax dollars and participate in public policy or administration. WHAT MUST BE DISCLOSED In general, this includes the reporting person's sources and types of financial interests, e.g.. name of employer and address of real property holdings. WHO MUST FILE State officers, local officers, candidates for local elective office; any person elected to office in any political subdivision and any person appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term In such elective office; certain (BUT NOT ALL) appointed members of boards of any political subdivision, and all members of bodies exercising land -planning, zoning of natural resources responsibilities, whether advisory or not. See Florida Statutes for specific requirements. FINAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Within 60 days of leaving any appointed or elected position, an individual must file a final financial disclosure form. Fines will be imposed for failure to file. NOT EVERY BOARD MEMBER IS REQUIRED TO FILE FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS. YOU WILL BE PROVIDED WITH A FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM AND A FINAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM UPON APPOINTMENT IF THE BOARD YOU HAVE BEEN APPOINTED TO IS REQUIRED TO FILE. PLEASE REFER TO THE GOVERNMENT IN THE SUNSHINE WEBSITE AT www.mdloridaleaal.cundswrsinne. LAWS FREQUENTLY CHANGE, THEREFORE, THE BEST INFORMATION YOU CAN OBTAIN IS FROM THE UPDATED WEBSITE. 17 FLORIDA STATE STATUTES Florida State Statutes Chapter 112 deals with financial disclosure, voting conflicts and gifts. Please make time to either come In to the City Clerk's office or visit the Internet to research Florida Statutes, which can be found at: http://www.leq.state.f1. us/statutes/ 18 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE 60 ORDINANCE 0-03.29 — adopted 12110103 creating a permanent board. ORDINANCE 0-07.07 — adopted 6/13/07 eliminated zone representation. Chapter 2, Article IV —ADMINISTRATION: Boards, Commissions, Committees Division 3. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sec. 2.211. Establishment. The City Council of the City of Sebastian hereby establishes a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee shall be to study and provide recommendations to City Council: As to the development of the park system, and As to the provision of active recreation programs and facilities Membership on the Committee shall be through appointment by City Council. Sec. 2.212. Panel Comoosilion. The Committee shall be composed of five residents and two alternates appointed al -large. Sec. 2-213. Terms. There shall be a continuity of terms for the membership from the original establishment of the committee, with terms hereinafter governed by the general provisions of this Article. Sec. 2-214. Proce!tuf_s. At the regular meeting of June of each calendar year, or at the first regular meeting thereafter, the Committee shall select a chairman and vice-chairman. The Committee shall adopt rules of procedure and a meeting schedule. 61 CITY OF SEA IA" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetino Date: July 26", 2021 Aaenda Item Title: FY22 Capital Improvement Projects funded by the use of Recreation Impact Fees Recommendation: Committee support the projects identified to use Recreation Impact Fees Background: City staff have assessed the needs of our parks and identified 4 projects to be funded with the usage of Recreation Impact Fees in FY22. City Code specifically permits Recreational Impact Fees to be used "only to acquire, construct or provide recreational improvements or facilities." These items have not yet been approved by City Council in the budget process so these are still preliminary requests for your review. If Agenda Item Reauires Expenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted: $226,000 total for the 4 projects in FY22 Attachments: (1) Document showing the proposed Capital Projects funded by the Recreation Impact Fund for FY22 (2) Listing of the Recreation Impact Fee Zones and Classifications CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT -TO BE FUNDED BY GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES PER FISCAL YEAR Description 2021122 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025126 TOTAL Portable Stage Refurbishment S 14,000 S - S - 5 - $ - S 14.000 1/2 Ton Pick -Up Tmck(1) 25,000 25,000 25,000 - - 75,000 Mowers (2) 20,000 20,000 - - - 40,000 Top Dressing Machine 15,000 - - - - 15,000 Verti-Cuttcr 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Tractor - 60.000 - - - 60,000 Mower(1) - - 10,000 - - 10,000 S 84,000 $ 105.000 5 35,000 $ - % - S 224,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT - TO BE FUNDED BY RECREATION IMPACT FEES EXPENDITURES PER FISCAL YEAR Description 2021/22 2022123 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 TOTAL BSSC Basball Backstops (4 fields) S 75,000 5 - 5 - 8 - 5 - $ 75,000 Park Identification Signage 30,000 - - - - 30,000 Playground Improvements 100,000 - 120,000 50,000 100,000 370,0110 Park Improvements 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20.000 100,000 S 225.000 $ 20,000 $ 140,000 $ 70,000 $ 120.000 $ 575,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT - TO BE FUNDED BY DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX Description 2021/22 2022123 2023124 2024125 2025/26 TOTAL S - S - S - $ - $ - $ 5 - $ - S - S - $ - 5 CAPITAL OUTLAY SCHEDULE LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT -TO BE FUNDED BY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Descrtp0ou 202021 202122 202223 2023124 202425 TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - S $ - $ - S - S - $ - S 7/22/20211:32 PM CTTYOF SET�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 CITY OF SEBASTIAN RECREATION IMPACT FEE PARKS COMMUNITY PARKS 1) FRIENDSHIP PARK 2) HARDEE PARK 3) RIVERVIEW PARK 4) BARK PARK 5) BARBER STREET SPORTS COMPLEX 6) SCHUMANN DRIVE PARK 7) PICKLEBALL COMPLEX ZONE A BLOSSOM PARK HARDEE PARK (CP) PICKLEBALL COMPLEX (CP) ZONE B EASY STREET BARK PARK (CP) COMMUNITY CENTER FRIENDSHIP PARK (CP) MAIN ST BOAT RAMP YACHT CLUB & BOAT RAMP RIVERVIEW PARK (CP) ZONE C STORMWATER PARK SCHUMANN DRIVE PARK (CP) KILDAIRE PARK HISTORICAL PARK BRYANT COURT PARK FILBERT PARK ZONE D BARBER STREET SPORTS COMPLEX (CP) GEORGE STREET PARK GARDEN CLUB PARK PERIWINKLE PARK COWNIE/CHELTENHAM CROF SE„ASTL_ a ROM maw HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meeting Date: July 26, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Committee member discussion of provided playground designs for George Street Park and Blossom Park. Make a recommendation for staff to present to City Council for their approval of the playground designs Background: City staff has identified playground replacements over the course of the next few fiscal years as the lifespan of our existing playgrounds are coming to an end. This year we will replace George Street playground and Blossom playground due to their conditions. In the packet are quotes and designs provided by 3 different playground companies. If Agenda Item ReRires Exoenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted: $70,000 Attachments: 1) Playground quotes and designs by Swartz Associates, Playmore and Gametime Playgrounds, Site Furnishings, Bleachers & Shade Structures d D TO: Quantity City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 727-228-7057 Attn: Brian Benton bbenton@cityofsebastian.org P.O. BOX 112783 • NAPLES, FL 34108 E-mail: mail@parkplayusa.com www.parkplayusa.com Southwest FL Numbers I Odando Area: 407.412.6166 Naples: 239597-9600 1 Southeast FL: 954-9034650 Ft Myers: 239-772-4234 Tampa Bav: 813.949.2288 George St. Park & Blossom Park QUOTATION # 07201 Date: Julyy 20, 2021 Ship Date: Allow 8-10 Weeks Lead I I Terms: Net 30 Days I I F.O.B.: Destination I I Salesperson: _ Robb Brooks I I Shipped Via: ICC I Description Unit Price Total Henderson Recreation #B308374R0 Modular Structure w/ 3.5" O.D. Posts (see drawings) $ 16,641.77 $ 16,641.77 #B308373R0 Modular Structure w/ 3.5" O.D. Posts (see drawings) $ 25.603.09 $ 25,603.09 #B306475R0 FS Xylophone Panel (1 at each park) $ 907.00 $ 1,814.00 #B306504R0 FS Drum Panel (1 at each park) $ 853.00 $ 1,706,00 #B3o6489R0 FS Treasure Hunt Panel (1 at each park) $ 817.00 $ 1,634.00 $ 47,398.86 5.5% Material Surcharge $ 2,606.94 $ 50,005.80 Less 6% Discount (per Manatee Co. S.B. Bid # 21-0053-MR) $ (3,000.35) $ 47,005.45 Shipping & Handling $ 2,712.00 $ 49,717.45 Additional Preferred Discount $ (1,217.45) $ 48,500.00 Installation -34% of Discounted Price $ 15,981.85 TOTAL BID PRICE $ 64,481.86 ALTERNATE: Removal of Existing Structures $ 5,000.00 TOTAL PACKAGE PRICE $ 69,481.85 NOTE: All equipment must be ordered and shipped at the same time. Price does not include any permits or associated fees, if applicable. Price based on standard Henderson colors. Price valid for 30 days. Installation by Kennico, Inc., Rida Group or others. Thank you. 0271D1-2400 Fmm71-2Road, Suite i rux Fort Myers, FL 33966 QUOTATION KAYMORE (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax (888) 886.3757[oil free 07/16121 vnve.playnnawnline.mm Job Number: 16511 Phase: Dpt1 Recreational Revision: SebastianJob. Client: CityBlossom Steel Products & Services 12 5oMain St. 940 Cady Aven eat Sebastian FL 32958 Sebastian FL 32958 Contact: Brien Benton Phone: 772-473.0454 Fax: Email: Bbemon@cityofsebastian.org Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description Quantity Cost Subtotal 1 Equipment CHALLENGER 350-2077 1 $29,103.00 $29,103.00 Discount School District of Manatee County 21-0053-MR -1 $1,455.15-$1,455.15 Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 -1 $5,820.85 -S5,820.85 Subtotal: $21,827.00 1 Freight Freight Playworld Freight 1 $5,747.00 $5,747.00 Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 -1 $5,747.00 45,747.00 Subtotal: 3 Installation PSI Installation Installation ofPlayworld Equipment per Manatee Contract 1 $8,947.31 $8,847.31 Eng Dmgs Engineered Sealed Drawings 1 $1,250.00 $%250.00 Subtotal: $10,097.31 Grand Totals: $31,924.31 Netes:Permiuing costs, if needed, are not included. Page I KAYMORE Recreational Products & Services 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax (888) 886-3757 toll free wrva.playmoreonline.com Client City of Sebastian 1225 Main St SebasSan FL 32958 QUOTATION 07/1612021 Job Number. 16511 Phase: Opt 1 Revision: Job: Blossom Street Palk 940 Cody Avenue Sebastian FL 32958 General Terms: Acmpbnce by a aerobes, prcfree ords,, or contrsl based on live reacted trdbdes Nal you we w lid agmaneN alh ell bane and conditions of one popc.sL indutlmg the Relevant, • Prim. as valid for 30 datemess otherwise noted Ale, 30 days, prim. are subpdi b create. Wesu mute. Sales T. will be shemed maesa a vdal Sale Tan Bocmplm Certificate b presented e4 b order. • Spwxfrdc lwsand.pdonsinwrdmg Mydiscmpancies lhJ ado duet cud sebdionawT be tla repmem5ry of bw wrdomer. • lithe customer is itstall,ryd.,mam at equipment ie to be iatdled par mandWaeh instrrwlms etl gilticaNe guddkws • Instdldbrt sae aorlt, pemxs, anB^weitg, doern not ib Wd d unless noted Buil6ng Pemuls: &riNbig gerund are Ilemspmal.500Wtin.cuter.Irabrddmpp oo. ivsquadbryov pre P the blla So optimsart wniade. • Add S%(mimbnm5r,50WWatiordcmtsCtpica. Playmoe RemealbeW PeoMde ad Service Wllcweran cads alWltM1e building permit fees and Weinermgedtobec Playroom Remeaond Pmduda and Semmscan ealst tln cmlemein abteerg Nek own (semi Cudomais reepwaAle for sites dkeeY to the araalit8 epanry etNONe aapeddmB coraany. NOTE-M among, plenty, w%drw nerYeL etc. pumas end eDOmveh as Ihv,agnnetbifly of When ev well a amY aquatl sae plea. If sgned end ceded angimeed tlrawNp ens rustled truths mabllallon of equpmcM Wv WA be alluded m tlm pmpoel. If it is walled end IWer diecwead noaaary, me and Wl be the a.p,ndbary tithe customer. • Shipprg NdlwaluNRemivig lnNrudom • Layout W EqupmeN • Pre-Inconstan OmSie Edwi, IndaAdlon of Equipment and N4bnels ParMwdedaetc Instructions • Undugmmrd Umty Chad (Sunshine Stde One Cal) Trash Clean Up (Lease on sae.) • Accept Delivery and Udosd Equpmart(Note ianaad,) Podlmbllatim Welk%cigh • hbvmg New Equpment a Job Sae • WiNename Explanation Customer Respondblities(unless otherwise noted in the Mplicable gtatelionAces cO: • Tmeh DispaW- LLmp.brs or Ceae Disposal. • Amept DWMery UNmd Equipeant(faaeisnolreatly.). EEpe.00l]mgp wit apply it Cudoma weNSlndaAesb UNoatl. • Picnics Net for Sorge end Raging. • Secure Site and EgdpmeN. Some Optional Respmalblllies(Mustbe clearly outlined In me applicable quotoWo otmaca: • Removal W Existing Equipment • Sde Prepaid... Gmdmg Diane" Syda^4.1. • Endread Drawlmga for Purchased EWipmend. • Cider Permits or Engineered Drawings (.e, eordng pennas, emdnnmental permits, sae caveys, ek.) -Arty other regmusibillies must be clearly outlined In the applicable quWatladcomact. Geneal Notes AccassMilNei Access mud W prmlded to the Installation area he Inert, rude and aquserea Access of egvipmed and parvmnel it the obligation of ate customer to pw irb until the poled b fupy completed We via lake every pamWon to mmld waning.. ndaever cry damage... ad by Me normal Installed. W our product, such as to ee4 mrioete edwealks, private undw,mund until. etc., W II be the mspmsibllih of me.twhent jobsle, art, editorial cods bcunetl RocWFoaign Object Clause. MwtinsbAWims mgdre daging Wholes end lodig equpnanlin conaale bebwleiNad Bade. Removal otwordeg around covert even as ephal, commode, tan bank sand, pas gavel, wood flow. rubber malting prumd4rplaec rubber surfacing, or any, other materiel MWiNedams or 6lry¢Ihe tliBginB ofhobe, is the raspmaibaih of dress, mleu odrervdee noted Ilesoaimiackrgn.indcbamdiwseu.he mcka coal, asphdL concocts, pipe, damage sydem0. mot Walame, eater. or any dMr untaxim obstru amne we discovered disease WO be adtled to Me anginal propose. Playground Surbcing Nl plrygovd equpmantis to be installed aver eatery stating err CPSC Butltlirnv and ASTM abndWa If Mectatomer coineds for something contrary to the audience. tlwy am sampan, all responsibility to, arty lebilly and hehae litigation Md may whin Acceptance SigmWa x Dal P.O.a Page 2 of 2 Suite l Fort Myers, FL 33966 139)791200(23)Farms QUOTATION RAYMORE 1-2401 (239) 791-2400 (239) 791-24011az (888) 8W3757 toll free 07/16/21 www.playmoreonline.com Job Number: 16511 Phase: Opt Recreational Revision Client: City of Sebastian Job: Blossom Street Park Products & Services 1225 Main St. 940 Cody Avenue Sebastian FL 32958 Sebastian FL 32958 Contact: Brian Benton Phone: 772-473-0454 Fax: Email: Bbenton@cityofsebastian.org Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description Quantity Cost Subtotal 1 Equipment CHALLENGER 350-1932 1 $28,080.00 $28,080.00 Discount School District of Manatee County 21-0053-MR -1 $1,404.00-$1,404.00 Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 -1 $5,616.00-$5,616.00 Subtotal: $21,060.00 2 Freight Freight Playworld Freight I $5,747.00 $5,747.00 Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 -1 $5,747.00-$5,747.00 Subtotal: 3 Installation PSI Installation Installation ofPlayworld Equipment per Manatee Contract I $8,536.32 $8,536.32 Eng Drwgs Engineered Scaled Drawings 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal: $9,786.32 Grand Totals: $30,846.32 Notes:Permitting costs, if needed, are not included. page I KAYMORE Recreational Products & Services 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax (888) 886-3767 toll he www.playmoleortme.com Client: City of Sebastian 1225 Main St Sebastian FL 32958 QUOTATION 07116/2021 Job Number: 16511 Phase: Opt 2 Revision: Job: Blossom Street Park 940 Cody Avenue Sebastian FL 32958 General Terms: Acceptance by a a,mabee, pachase order, or contract breed on aye prcpod inclocides tivt you me In N samemed veh all terms and conditions of are poposa, inluang the frBmang • Pd.. are valid for W dryc,.Ins otlarwfve noted After 30 code. pace. arc abject to ch.,. Wnmd notice. • Sm.. Tax will be charged alienavdk Sala T. Exemption CeWMcoe le prevwtetl wflln order. • Spec r all mime and options b xrXing Any asmp.cbs Mal ahw due to and wledbm wa be Me rnpmsibkty of Me omtomer • Hlhe customer i¢ neteW peddle, a mead ale do. or. o bo bs ire! urde. r mmntadvely imtac4me antl yplbeble puidtlnee • Iruefrllaian, ate work p<rmle, .�.emp, do. ere not bNbded.bn rested 9uidng Pennue: auadung permits are the nvpanaLLh ofthe corn.. It a bWdnna permit i. neumd M your project are frnowing option. ere availed.. • Atld S%(mm�mvn andeVe Me quobdoNconhast prase. Pfrymore Raoredbno Produde end SeMop antl cover one coca of ell the building perms ices end sped. .free • Readmme RecneEomlPmdude antlytheexecan fnmMecurobmmin aMeacro Mek own pennk Cudarner iarnporWble for ell fees de ur to the wmtnkre aa.avawaMe exPeatmg aarrpany NOTE -All norm,. pbming.aw'vmdddmeL eb.permit. antl apprwely tie the respondleky efuthea nwdl a. sand required ate plmw. aagnedaW medal engmeaetl drawings are netled brthe knceltlbn ofequlpmelK tha wfl be induded. the peopool. Ifi1 ie omdted and hoer dimerend news. ,, tie codwin be the msNo Nty ofthe [udomer. Standard Services Incld.: • SNPPro NadgcatbNRecevnglrcau[tiom Lryoo of equipment • Pre-IndaAation On -Ste Meel'vug • Installation of Equipment and MWerlel• Per Manufacturers mainframe • Underground! UMh Cheec(Snehne Stale One Cal) • Trom Chan Up(L.. on ate.) v Accept Deavey srd Urimed Eguipm.i made he ready.) • PodlrWabd. Weak Tlsaan • Moving New EpipmeN O Job Site hAdit... Explau0on Customer Responsibilities (unless otherwise rated in the applicable quofrtimuconbacq: • Trash Miami[ - Duddden or Ofi Disposed • Accept Otlivey.tllAticetlEguiPned pfweand reedyJ. i$00.ag Chage wit apply ilCudomer wits lndYanbUrioatl. Prwke Pmafor Staagent. SlePnp. • Seaver Site and Eguipmed. Some Optional Respm.sibilittes (Mmt be clearly confined in Me applicable quohmon/contri • Remove! of Exicdng Equipment • Ste Pnperadon, Gentling Drawge Stde t. W • EngneerW Drewinga for Purenaed Equipment • Otter Perdido m Engineered Drawings C e. meant, Penn. emirmmedal pemds, side alleys. etc.) -Any other responstL2bies mat be cleady ouainee in the applicable quotadoN.mnd. General Notes AccessMiliaes dkcna mud be pwieled to the installation mere for heavy bmi and egipneH Accees of mwenent and penoveel i. the mli,amn of the melaner to proves abl the Pmjee is fusty compleled We sea take every Precondition to naid &.,a. however arty damage caned br Me moral installed. of our product. more n to cod connote sideaWka private u ndergaW ubl ies, at, will be the rmpw¢ibety afar. matern RochJFoengn Object Cbuse. Remneaofeedng grountl co en vu[h ea mistook, concrete, tan bark, sand, pre gavel wood fifer, rather dividend, povetl-mylaoe rubber sucemn , or any other maenad Mde,ccvaeamWary[thediggingof hales,iv Mearm, m tW m&am Were yotherunoted II acanneuartlagroumdabstractioneachn rocks. cad, npnall wnorele, lip[.. demepe paeans mot rydeme. water, or arty filer atlawwm obstructions are divcevered, d»ryea win be etltletl to the origiuea proposal. Playground Sudacing AB plrygomtl egipmenl uto roe ntlakd war ufdyaWearg per CPSC geudtlbes and ASRA dendadv. If Mecretomer centrally, for somtlhro wraay to the gritltlhv, Bey am nceperg eat reapenmap for any Boesky and (brae 11"ch End my Brine Acceplmnw Sigeture Y Doe PO* Page 2 of 2 PI.AYMORE, Recreational 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fat Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 her (888) 8863757 tall Ime wwx.0aymorecnline.mm Products & Services chart: c124250Mf`ainbsmm Sebastian FL 32958 Contact: Brian Benton Phone: 772-473-0454 Fax: Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description 1 Equipment 350-1741 350-1741 Discount School District of Manatee County 21-0053-MR Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 2 Freight Freight Playworld Freight Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 3 Installation PSl Installation Installation ofPlayworld Equipment per Manatee Contract Eng Drwgs Engineered Sealed Drawings Notes:Pennining costs, if needed, are not included. Page 1 QUOTATION 07/16/21 Job Number: 15140 Phase: Opt 1 Revision: Jab: George Street Park 1270 George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 Email: Sbenlon@cityofsebastian.org Quantity Cost Subtotal 1 $29,966.00 529,966.00 -1 $1,498.30-$1,498.30 -1 $5,992.70-$5,992.70 Subtotal: 522,475.00 I 55,745.00 $5,745.00 -I 55,745.00-55,745.00 Subtotal: 1 $9,109.66 59,109.66 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal: $10,359.66 Grand Totals: $32,834.66 RAYMORE Recreational Products & Services 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fort Myers, Ft 33966 (239)791.240D (239)791-2401 fax (888)886-3757 full free www.playmoreoNme.com Client City of Sebastian 1225 Main St. Sebastian Ft 32958 QUOTATION 07/162021 Job Number:15140 Morse: Opt 1 Revision: Job: George Street Park 1270 George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 General Termer: Acceptanoe by • ignamre, pumirms oMe, or wrtlract based on Mi• Mepoad indicates had you are in Sra egneneM adh all tema and eme liens of We proposal, bWudng the f r oein, • Pdces re va d for 30 days, undess concretes noted After 30 days, prom are subject to charge mhoul notice. • Sales Tax MN be dwlpd u ono a veld Sales Tax Exerepfim Certificate h pre•eaed rated career. mftcust customer s aMipn, e,uoeaing Anydaeedg to lsingu tlue maalsaledimseduce Me redo airy ofaefing, . If thection.a islota egwpmerdall at.. ardhtin be ieumtl permmrdadoele indNctims aM pPLcaWepuidd'mea • Immnalbn. a. sal pmnda.m,ineeemg. tic. meMnckrdetl ogessrWed Burping Peredb: Bolding peanuts are the reap,nsa>bry of tle scene. If a borders palest is leveled for you projei{ Me fpb Wrs options ere rvetl•ble. • Add buldn, S%p(merimmmtfvieece and c)ytaedMt.r has. PlamoeRecreaonalPmdtlsmtl EMWeecmacamnd mptldwtl .MMcauymWae erRemaealalimdpal PMrotlutlem sralrSemMw•wal cover the cotle o(W the Cusomer ivrmpa ble err dlfwa Directly to the parrdtlinB egmry artlla Me eapeding cormemy. NOTE —NI zeds, planers, ereimm nell, go, permits entl ap memm •m the responvtitiy of other, as Mdl as mry recoiled site pane. If signed aM aseed engleemed ermines me handed forth& insleoatlon oregWpment We sell be induced on the proposal. If it is omated end labrdhwveled release, he coot WA be the mvwneibity ofthe crammer. Standard Services Include: Shipping NdtilthioNRweivIN Imm.d.ra LnyoN of Equipment • Me�ImtWalim OnSee MeetMg • Insmllalionof Egtipresert and Materials per rmnuNeeme. lnRmcdone Underm grod tAaihycimd(sumhme Seem One Calq • Trash Clean Up (Losses m,fie.) • Accept DdHer, eM Udpd Equipment frets la ready.) PreAnsmlknon Walk Through Moving New Equipment d Job She Mainlmame Expaemn Customer Reaponsib,idm (unless ethereal reled in the applicable quotertiondcontrace: Trash Disposal— DnnpWre or ORSaa Deposed, AcwM Dvherymtltkdntl Stairs pfaehna reedy.). 5500.00 Chaps Wl apply RCwlmwr wm4lntldenmUNwtl. • ProvideUsarel SapemtlStegig. • Seaea Sda antl Egcopmed Some Optional Resparsibilnies (Must be clearly occurred In the applicable quce,oNcomrace: • Removal or E nbr, Equipment • site Preparation. Grading Drmc,e Syvtena am. • Engineered Dryings for Purchased Equipment • Other Pemee or Engineered OmWps(.ecore, permti•, emironmmad permits, vie ,rear, etc.) 'Arty an" responsibilities must be clearly outlined in the applicable quaau Wcann.a. General Notes A,cessMgith.. Ascmv must be pwided m Me insbllatlon ens fan heavy trucks and equipment Accme of equ, mant end personnel is Me obligation of Me culaner to provide uMl the pryer he rotly competed We sal bees every precaution to amid times , h. my camels caeretl by the normal Installation of on product, sash m to seed concrete eltlaaalb, privW un liv round Willed ac., WII be the responsibility of the curl ea Wtl any Mdili,nel cosh mecdaltl WM times tlema,a. •uric •• Movdp pYMeod over sedrorewme. If exam u notlee®reby dog ba Me pb•de, arty edtl%anal c,W'rrcuned tlw m h•venp m LwpM mdedah mew aupp&e WI be Me revpmeidlily of the cuvlomer. RocR/Fomign Object Clausal. Mod'earnIlalimsmgdediggipofiebeaMfodingemipmedncc=etebe hdchedgmde ftenovel of etivvg ,mood covers such as eephee, concrete, ten bade sand, pm geed, good fiber. robber coal pove&"sm bber summing. or my she a etmal Mels, coal. mMayo crd„eg,(hales,is Merms. mot Writers, ydrarunoted ifinenchee undegromd envies eachsa meta teal, l ". canclele, ppm, damps vytlema rod rytlane Motel, or any corer aJaewn obdNNlOnc are dire,Vend, duryee v.E be edtled to Me orgenel Mposal. Playground Sudecbng. Atl plrygavM egdpnWivto be naleaed over safety auiadp per CPSC greddmee and ASTM vtmdertls If Mecrstomer cadleds fie iomeihng wrntrmy mtM gudtlmm, May me ecwptip ali rmpomibilay err my feGgly and hMro Ytipefion Mal mry visa Accepsnw Sigme, X Dde PDe _ Page 2of2 Suite l Fort Myers, FL 33966 139)7912400(239)Farm QUOTATION PlAYMORE 1-2401 (239�791-2400 (239(791-2401 fax (888)886-3757 tall free 07116121 w,vv.playmoreonline.com Jab Number: 15140 Phase: Opt 2 Recreational Revision: & Cwrn�res Services Cilium Job: Street Park Geo1270 r Products K Products 22ity MainSSebastian George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 Sebastian FL 32958 Contact:Bnan Benton Phone: 772-473-0454 Fax: Email: Sbenlon@cityofsebaslian.org Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description Quantity Cost Subtotal 1 Equipment 350-2069 350-2069 1 $27,056.00 $27,056.00 Discount School District of Manatee County 21-0053-MR -1 $1,352.80-$1,352.80 Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 -1 $9,469.20 49,469.20 Subtotal: $16,234.00 2 Freight Freight Playworid Freight I S5,745.00 $5,745.00 Discount Ist Half Sale, Expires 6/30/20 -1 $5,745.00 45,745.00 Subtotal: 3 Installation PSI Installation Installation of Playworid Equipment per Manatee Contract 1 $8,225.02 $9,225.02 Eng Drwgs Engineered Sealed Drawings 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal: $9,475.02 Grand Totals: $25,709.02 Notes:Permitting costs, if needed, are not included. Page I PlAYMORE. Recreational Products & Services 10271 Dear Run Fauns Road, Suite 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-24DO (239)791-2401 fax (888)886-3757 toll free vlwW.playmomonlille.cgm Client: City of Sebastian 1225 Main St. Sebastian FL 32958 QUOTATION 07/1612021 Job Number: 15140 Phase: Opt 2 Revision: Job: George Street Palk 1270 George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 General Terms: Acceptance by a dgnWre, puchwe arder. «wnbmt based on this pnpasal mdcake Md you web" agreement eith all tome end core ions of We ro'sal, irMufing the fallown, • Prime ere vali l for as ears, unku chenAse noted After 30 dryA prime are wbjed W chap, wfhod mtice. • Sec.Ta wit be arrested ureas.bind Sloe T. Exemption CMlficate is preceded WM order. • fthe . en mbn red aptiorc in'a skg Arry d'ucceparctea Ma adx due to «el aletliow Wt be Me rapmsibi4y of Ma eudomer. • Il the shoo. a. Kpergegignneever, do eta be ind ubweermenWetlueleiMmctionz entl �0�cebk guitldess • Inataldion, sdeswk, pewee, agnvviFg, do. aro M kehded uses need Balding Panels: 0 Wnp pemdkanthe reaw Sl.i )to eaW Ile bnddng parent is regdred rorrmzPnojcat. dw blbavg opliane art coned.. • Adde,(creftf weW)Ia Mor ha. wMad Price. Pkpnae Reoreelimd Pmeuda end SeraceavAl cover Me code of allgw bulldirg pored fees eM ugedbrher. • meymort Recrtabowl Protlutls anti Serdceecan eatltl Me cuelomarin abl&arg Me'v ovm perms CusNma is rasporcible for dl /ees tlirectlY ro the pemiIXnp Netry artn«Ma ezpedsmg cairyery. NOTE-AllwNM,planing.eukoraedd,do.permitsartlappmvdsartibmmondbRyofotMnase iesanymgdmdasepaw. Ifaignedare weedangineeeddm Mencededf tMintUMionofegdpmeMNs WIbe Ndu anthepmpoal. hit Is emitted and leer dkmvaed nem.ary, Me coat W II be the revpomPoifM dIM1. wdomer. Standard services Include: SNpping Nctie.e.dReceNrog Instruction. • Pm-Indanabm On -Ste Marling UMegmund the, Clrod (wahine state One Cell) Accept Deivery and Wood Equipmed fifes. is ready.) • Movkg New Equipment at Job See Latmdo/Equpmed Installation allgdpmad and Meledelz per MamAadueh Instructions Tnah Clean llp (Leave on see.) PodJrWdlakm Welk Though Madename Expla nabon Cumemer Respondbsiges buries otheeise rated M the applicable quolHioNconhacq: • Tneh Diepoal- Gmpsten« Cesse Dowse. • Accept Ddivey and UNwtl Equgmmififase is red read/.) 95gD.00 Charge Wfi apply ilCudonner wertslnalabearo UNwtl. So.•ke We ded EW,wnL Shying. • See.. Ssa ytl Egdpmat Some Optional Respmsibigges Mlm be clearly oul6rrod In she applicable quotatioNcormacg: • Remevel d Edaluq Equiloment • $se Preparation, Grad r, Drange SYdens. el. • Engneeed Dmdn, for Purchased Equipment • Other Pews. or Engmeeed DravAngv (lea, zody paced., erMmnmedd Demote, aie..soya etc.) -Airy other resromflalkies must be clearly outlined in the applicable qudatioNmmnd. General Notes AccassAAahiea Accewrwd be xmidedbathv inatalldion area rot M1eavy bucks and ewipment. Accaeolequipmentandpemmnalis Me obligation al Me caslorne to Wr & anal the prefect k fear completed We WII take may pmwaban to cede damage ho w cry damage caused by are normal install.emotorproduct, such a. to eod corrode ddeeelM, praele lmdergroud Odium do., Wll be the resporebfilty alone c Tamar, ea WO am edtlsiowl reek asemiated WM bmsMg tlarnape, suab av pmvidng plYaeod over sad foreccme. Ilemees is red reewwbh doe to Me jabsie, ury eddNcetd code ksurttl tlue ro havbg b Irwpat mdedds arhW.r arppfiea WII be Ma napombgsy dMe wdomer. Rec4/Fonign Object Clause. Mel kufeeelione rtgdre tligping orhol.a entl laatmp egdpmedmc.n«ele bekwfiaMed pacts Raba doladdig around roves ..h arc eephae, concede, tan perk seed. pea gmel, v..ad fiber, rubber mdeng muted -now. Mbar vurocirr, , or uy dhe mderel bad interfmcc or dcl,c the digg'.g arhok.. is the recpmaibnity of c hera, moos otlsnWae noted If aeeniee undepan.d obenefides. ch as nooks coral, asphalt. concrete, peas, daknye syc area mot rydene. water, or arty other u lease n abductions we dlsmmmul. charges Wfi be waked to the answer! Wattage! Playground Surewing. Ae PkYPoud egdpmes klo be aWafiee ova.eery eudedy per CPSC gdddkweeed ASiM VIeMeda If Macwtomer cmlracb fa somdkng mrbay to My gdddMas. May ore acceptiy dl recporcLilsy rot any tidtlny entl Mw Atigeam Not may glee Accepknce s"ahr • x Dd•P 0* Page 2 of 2 r`l GameTime 07/19/2021 CGameTime/ cho Dominica P.O. Box 520700 Recreation Products, Inc. Quote 510277 -01-01 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 • PL,,4"Ccl <..«. 800-432-0162.407-331-0101 Fax: 4074314720 www.playdrp.com Blossom Street Park - Design Option 1 City of Sebastian Ship to Zip 32958 Attn: Brian Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32956.8697 Phone: 772-US-7057 bbentit.&Kyolaebas0an.mg Quantity Pan # Description Unit Price Amount 31 4850 GameTime-W Playcurb Pig $57.00 $1,767A0 1 4854 GameTime- Accessible Playmate $395.00 $395.00 1 RDU GameTime-Custom Free lme System- $29,943.16 $29,943.16 with 14' Square Shade ages 2. 12 1 3205 GameTime- Spinning Sensory Wave Seat $1,161.00 $1,161.00 1 INSTALL 5-Star Plus Five Star Plus Playground Installation Services- $8,985 00 $8,985.00 Performed by a Certified Installer, includes meeting and unbatling delivery truck. signed completion loons, site walklhreugh. 90 day site mWsd by installation leremen, a" 3. Year Labor Waranlyl t Sealed 5-Star Plus - Signed/Sealed FBC 20207Ih U Building Code Drawings $995.00 $995.W 1 Permits S-Star Plus- Building Permits- $1.250.00 $1.250.W Estimated Costs of Pemldsplus Time. It actualpermd lees are significantly hgherorlowm, final invoke will be adjusted accordingly. Includes two visits to the parent office, Hadddkna/time spent ecquldrrg peroHs, final invoice fo beadjusted. Site Plans am to be pmvidedby Me ownerfor the permit applicadon. Contract: OMNIA Sub Total $44.496.16 Discount ($9,537.78) Freight $1.617.40 comments Removal of existing surfacing, concrete, play equipment and footers by others. New safety surfacing by owner. Add option of removal end disposal of existing equipment and PIP Removal / disposal of equipment $2.150 00 ' Removal /disposal of PIP $ 3.975 00 Removal/disposal of conciefe/sub base $ 4. 150 00 This quote was prepared by Gina Wilson, Yce President / Senior Project Manager. For questions or to order please call -80D 32-0162 ext. 101 guru @gamefime.com All pacing In accordance with Omnla Problem U.S. Commun8iea Common 92017001134. All forms In the Omnts Partners I U.S. Communities Contract take precedence over terms shown below. For more Information on the Omnin Pennem f U.S. Communities contract please visit Omnia Farmers Public Senor Gmnx Tlnw • 140e1 Page 1 of <eatn6p GameTime 07/19/2021 (GameTimer Petc O DomBoxinica Recreation Products. me Quote #102777-01-01 DO Longwood, FL 32752-0700 • PjagCORE 80043MH62. 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com Blossom Street Park - Design Option 1 Permfts am not Included In cash untass gwcHlcally listed In pricing. It permits am required SignednSealed drawings are usually needed and are also not included unless specifically listed In pricing. Any costs for muncipal permits, pad by Installer, will he charged back to the owner. Adding permits to any job will Increase this, length of completion, extend total fine to he about 120 clays„ after receipt of Sae Plan from owner/cuslomer (Nis is not clue to manufacturing but rather gre permit Process at the mundpality level). It or expected that the owner will provide approved site plans of the area for the permit office, and will help and assist in the securing of all required approvals before assembly of equipment can begin. Installer cannot provide site plans The Permit process can not begin unfil the site plans are available. If additional pennibirg requirements are needetl tluring the process, those will be added and billed accordingly. Le- soil density test. formed footers, etc. Payment Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases In excasa of $1.000.00 to one supported by your written purchase order made out to GameTime. Net 30 clays subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager. A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Au horiiatlon, must be received with the order. The decision on credit is the sole discretion of GameTbnefFI8yCom. A 1.5%Per month finance charge will be Imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services rendered. Men equipment ships swill be invoiced separately from installation andlor other services. Terms are Net 301or each individual Invoice. This Quotation Is subject to policies in the current GameTime Park add Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditions. Our quotation is based on shipment of ate items at one time to a single destination, unless noted, add changes are subject to price adjustment. Pricing: Finn for 60 days from date of quotation. Shipment: F.O.B. factory, order shall ship within 45 clays after GameTime's recelpt add acceptance of your purchase order. color selections, approved submittals, and recelpt of payment. Taxes: State and local lazes will be added at time of invoicing, if not already included, unless a tax exempt certificate Is provided at the time of order entry. ExclusionsUnless specifically discussed, this quotation excludes all sitework and landscaping, removal of existing equipment: acceptance of equipment and of -loading, storage of goods prior to Installabon, security of equipment (on site and at night), equipment assembly and Installation; safety surfacing; borders; drainage: signed/sealed drawings; or Permits. Installation Terms: Shall be by a Codified Installer. The Installer Is an indepedent installer and not pad of PlayCore. GameTime, nor Dominica Recreation Products. If playground equipment, Installer will be NPSI and Factory Traded and CeNfied. Unless otherwise noted, Installation is based on a standard installation consistent with GameTime installation sheets and in suitable soil with a sub -base that will allow proper playground Installation. Drainage is not pad of our scope of work unless otherwise noted. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the Installer. Site should be level and allow for unrestricted access of tracks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area.Installer not responsible for sod replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as buried utilities, me stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result in additional labor or material costs. Customer will be billed hourly or per job diredly by the installer for any additional costs that were not previously included. ORDER INFORMATION Bill To: Ship To Contact Coined: Address: Address: Address: Address: City. State. Zip: City, Slate. Zip: Tel:_ —Fax: Tel: SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE a: Page 2 of 3 Fax (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) • iaaal aonntn GameTlme 07/19/2021 CGameTime� Dominicado B x520 00 ealion Products. Inc. Oua eA1027T 01-01 PO Longymod, FL 32752-0700 . pLarCOr4a a...... 600-432-0162 - 407-331 -0101 Fez: 407-3314720 x .playdrp.com Blossom Street Park - Design Option 1 9999p1anc0 of quo I(m Accepted By Printed): P.O. No. Signature: Date: Tide: Phone: E-Mail: Purchase Amount: $36,575.78 • R, Page 3 cis ceatlntlf Geri 0711912021 (GameTime) P.O. B x1520700 Recreation Products Inc Ga0n a102777-01-02 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 A PLATCCRE rw.., 800.432-0162-407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com Blossom Street Park - Design Option 2 City of Sebastan Ship l0 21p 32958 AOn: Brian Benton 1225 Main Sheet Sebastian. FL 32958-8697 Phone: 772-228-7057 bbenton@cgofsebastian.org 1 48M GameTime- Accessible Playcurb $395.00 $395.00 31 4850 GameTime - 8' Playcurb Pkg $57.00 $1,767.00 1 RDU Game'rae- Custom PrimeTime System- $28,049.70 $28,049.70 with 15- Umbrella Shade ages 2 5 & 5-12 1 3205 GameTime- Spinning Sensory Wave Seat $1.161.00 $1,161.00 1 INSTALL 5-Scar Plus- Five Star Plus Playground installation Services- $8,595,00 $9,595,00 Performed by a Certified Installer, Includes meeting add unloading delivery track, signed completion forms, site walMhmugh, 90 day site mvisd by installation foreman, and 3-Year Labor wamoryl 1 Sealed 5-Star Plus - SlgnedlSeeled FBC 20207th Ed Building Cone Damage $995.00 $995.00 1 Permits 5-Star Plus- Building Permits- $1,260.00 $1.250.00 Estimated Costs of Permits plus Time. If actual permit fees are signffcangy higher or lower final Invoke will be adjusted accordingly Includes hvo visits to the permit office, if additional time spent acquiring permits, final lnvoie to be adjusted Site Plans Oro to be provides tha owner for the permit applicagon. Contact: OMNIA Bob Total $42212.70 Discount ($8,980.71) Freight $1,768.00 COmmemb Removal of existing surfacing, concrete. play equipment and Bonn by Others. New sang surfacing by owner. Add option of removal antl d1sPOsBI of easang equipment and PIP Removal /disposal of equipment $2. 150 W 'Removal Idisposal of PIP $ 3.975 00 'Removal I disposal of concrete/sub base $ 4 15000 This quote was prepared by Gina Nilson, Vice President I Senior Project Manager. For questions or to order please call - 800432.0162 ext. 101 gin,,ww@gametime com All pricing In accordance with Dennis Partners; I U.S. Communities Contact a2017001134. All terms in the Came Partners I U,S, Communities Contrast take precedence over terms shown below. For more Information on the Omnla Partners I U.S. Communities contact please visit OmNa Partners Public Becar ,amerlme OMNIA Page 1 of 2 -. in U GemeTime 07/1912021 (GameTime) Dominica Recreation Products,lnc. Quole0702777-Ot-02 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 •PLN"COREr w... 600432-0162'407-331-0101 Fax 407-3314720 wwwplaydrp. com Blossom Street Park - Design Option 2 Payment Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases In excess of $1.000.00 to be supported by your written purchase order made out to GamaTime. Net 30 days subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager. A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Authorization. must be received with the order. The decision on credit is the sole dlsuefion of GameTime/PlayCore. A 15%Par month finance Merge will be imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will the generated upon services rendered, When equipment ships it will be invoiced separately from Installation adder .bar services. To. are Net 30 for each Individual Invdce. This Quotation Is subject to policies In the current GameTime Park ad Piaygroud Catalog and the following demo: and conditions. Our quotation a based on shipment of all Items at one time to a single calibration. unless noted. and Menges are subject to price adjustment. Pricing. Firm for 60 days from data of quotation. Shipment FOB. factory, order shall ship within 45 days after Gamerme's receipt and acceptance of your purchase order, color selections, approved submittals, and receipt of payment. Taxes: Slate and local taxes will be added at time of invoicing, if not already included, unless a tax exempt cersficale Is provided at the ame of order entry Exclusions: Unless specificaly discussed, this quotation excludes all sitework and landscaping, removal of existing equipment acceplence of equipment and off-loading: storage of goods poor to Installation; security of equipment (on site and at night); equipment assembly and Installation; safely surfacing; holders; drainage; signedlsealed drawings; or permits. Installation Terms: Shall be by a Cuffed Installer. The installer Is an indepedent Installer and not pan of PlayCore. GameTime, nor Dominica Recreation Products. If playground equipment, Installer will be NPSI and Factory Trained and Certified. Unless otherwise noted, installation la based on a standard Installation consistent with GameTime Installation Meets and in suitable soil with a sub -base that will allow proper playground installation. Drainage is not pan of our scope of work unless otherwise noted, Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the installer. Site should be level and allow for unresidcted access of trucks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area. Installer not responsible for adds replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall he responsible for unknown conditions such as buried udifies, tree slumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result in additional labor or material costs. Customer will be billed hourly or per job directly by the Installer for any additional costs that were not previously included. ORDER INFORMATION Bill To: Ship To: Contact. confirm Morass, Addmss: Address: Address: City, Stale. Zip: City, State. Zip: Tel. Fax Tel. Fax SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE t: (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) AMptance of auytation, Accepted By (printed): P.O. No Signal Date' Title: Phone'. E-Mail: Purchase Amount: $34,999.99 OMNIA Page 2 of n• U - PJaypalettP: Jungle -_.. ._.y - .t..•... -• NWaca4na.� .. ;.P _�.kJa:IMLW�iun3:+v.w.xYo'- Game,;me. Blossom Street Park Option 2 Cr Dominica �,- City of Sebastian, FLw.a, m 'AIR - t +� i L� n.�'. 1jt �.. /``- .. � u ♦_ 'YY � N u /�!' '� �. ,�;;, r pnmetime OWBLE WAVE ZIP SORE / SENSORY WAME SEAT MCHANOP•REU OF' I 1 RIVER BOOK WMBER FUNBEAT ANGI�E�CAZMO ( nOW)HYPNO WHEEL 5 TRANSFER SYSTEM W/ BARRIER ....... ...... (2' RRE) �— BONGOB (BELOW) 3WAW TREE CUMBER RUMBLE k RCLL ____ �.. PP 410E - ..•ppp••••.....„. ACCESS � /. AIIACHMENT _ G / TRANSFER PUTFORM ) ....... nn..........r W/ GUARORNL <</<//11q \\\ k — 1 GameTlme 07/19/2021 (GameTime) clo P.O. B xI520 OOueellan Products Inc. a Ouo #102778-01 01 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 800432-0162-407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrP.com George Street Park - Design Option 1 City of Sebastian Ship to Zip 329M Ann: Brian Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian. FL 32958-8697 Phone: 772-228-7057 bbenton®cityofsebastian.org 31 48M Gamelirne-8'Playcurb Pkg $57.00 $1,767.00 1 4854 Gamelfime- Accessible Playcurb $395.00 $39500 1 RDU GameTime- Custom PdmeTime System- $26.2W.W $26,206.W with IT Umbrella Shade ages 2- 12 1 M76 Gamenne,- Infinity Boyd $2,194.00 $2.194.W 1 INSTALL &Star Plus- Five Star Plus Playground Installation Services- $8,240.00 S8.240.0D Performed by a Certified Installer, includes meeting also unloading delivery truck. signed completion forms, as walkhmugh. 90 day site mvisd by installation foremen, and &Year Labor Werrentyl 1 Sealed 5-Slar Plus- SignedlSeeled FBC 20207th Ed Building Code Drawings $995.00 $995.00 1 Permits 5-Slar Plus- Building Permits- $1,250.0 $1,250.01) Estimated Costs of Permits plus Time. /tactual permit fees are significantly higher or lower final invoke will be adjusted amordingly Includes hvo visits to the permit office, 0additional time spent acquldng permits, finallnvoke lobe adjusted.. She Plans are to be provided by the owner for the permit application. Commit: OMNIA Sub Total S41,047.36 Discount ($9,036.94) Freight $1.409.23 Comments Removal or existing surfacing, play equipment and looters by olhem. New safety surfacing by owner. Add option of removal and disposal of exiting equipment 'Rem disposal of equipment $1.900 This quote was prepared by Gina Mison, Vice President Senior Project Manager For questions or to order please rail - 600432.0162 ext. 101 gI0gbagamell ng ;gn All pricing In accordance with Omnla PartnersI U.S. Communities Contract 42017001134. All terms In the Omnia Farmers I U.S. Communities Contract take precedence over terms shown below For more Information on the Omnla Partners I U.S. Communities contract please visit Omnia Partners Point, Sector GameTime Pagel of 3 GameTime 07/1K021 do Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. Quote #102770-01-01 (GameTime) P.O. Box 520700 Longwood FL 327524700 • PLAYCORE w.w.. 800i3241162-407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com George Street Park - Design Option 1 Permits are not included In cast, unless specifically listed In pricing. if permits are required Signed/Sealed drawings are usually needed and are also not included unless speciflcelty listed in pricing Any costs for municipal pennies, paid by installer, poll be charged back to the owner. Adding permits to any job will Increase the length of completion, expect total time to be about 120 dl after recelpt of Site Plan from owner/customer (Nis is not due to manufacturing but rather the permit process at the municipality level). It Is expected that the owner will provide approved site plans of the area for the permit office. and unit help and assist In the securing of all requlred approvals before assembly of equipment can begin. Installer cannot provide site plans. The permit process can not begin until the site plans am available. if additional permitting requirements are needed during the process, those will be added and billed accordingly, Le. soil density test, formed footers, etc. Payment Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases In excess of $1,000.00 to be supported by your written purchase order made out to GameTime. Net 30 days subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager. A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Authorization, must be received with the order. The decision on credit is the sale discretion of GameTime/PlayCore. A 1.5% per month finance charge will be imposed on all past due amounts. Mull Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services rendered! When equipment ships it will be invoiced separately from Installation and/or other sernces. Terms are Net 30 for each individual invoice. This Quotation Is subject to policies In the current GameTime Park and Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditmns. Our quotation is based on shipment of all Items at one time to a single destination. unless noted and changes are subject to price adjustment. Priang: Finn for 60 days from date of quotation. Shipmerm FO B. factory. order shall ship within 45 days after Game -rime's recelpt and acceptance of your purchase order, color selections. approved submittals, and moll of payment. Taxes: Stale and local taxes Will be added at time of invoicing, if not already inGutled unless a tax exempt cerilficate is provided at the time of order entry. Exclusions: Unless specifically discussed this quotation excludes all sitework and landscaping; removal of exisfing equipment, acceptance of equipment and oft -loading; storage of goads prior to Installation; security of equipment (on she and at night); equipment assembly and Installation: safety surfacing; borders; drainage; signedlsealed drawings; or permits. Installation Terms: Shall be by a Certified Installer The installer is an indepedent Installer and not pad of PlayCore, GameTime, nor Dominica Recreation Produces. It playground equipment, installer will be NPSI and Factory Trained and Certified. Unless othernerse noted installation is based on a standard Installation consistent with GameTime installation sheets and in suitable soil with a sub -base that will allow proper playground Installation. Drainage is not pad of our scope of work unless otherwise noted. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the installer. Site should be level and allow for unrestricted access of tacks and machinery, Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area. Installer not responsible for sod replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as boned utilities, tree stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result in additional labor or matenalcosts Customer will be billed hourly or per job directly by the Installer for any additional costs that were not previously included, ORDER INFORMATION Bill To. Ship To Come" Contact: Address : Address: Address: Address: City, State, Zip: City, Slate. zip: Tel. Fax Tel Fax: SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE X. (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) Page 2 of 3 GameTime 07/19/2021 (GameTrme) P.O Box 1520700Geetion Products. Inc.Quote 102778 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 . PLpyE;CFS c.wn 800432-0162 - 407-331 -0101 Fax 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com George Street Park — Design Option 1 Acceptance of auotation, Accepted By (printed): PO. No. Signature: Date'. Title: Phone: E-Mail: Purchase Amount: $33,419.65 • 1400r Page 3 of 3 CE"If Ito r George Street Park Option 1 City of Sebastian, FL crp D,minica 2A10 George Street Park Option 1 dr __ _ - City JSebastian, R GameTime 07/19/2021 do Dominica Recreation Producer Inc. Quote e102778-01-02 CGameTimel P.O. Box 520700 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 . pLwyCQI7E o— 800-432-0162-40T-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com George Street Park — Design Option 2 City of Sebastian Ship to Zip 32958 Attn: Srian Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958-8697 Phone 772-228-]05] bbenton@cityotsebaslian.org 29 4850 GameTime-8-Playcurb Pig $57.00 $1,653.00 1 4854 GameTime- Accessible Playcurb $39500 $39500 1 ROU GameTlme- Custom FleeTime System- $25.619,06 $25SISM with 14' Square Shade ages 2-5 S 5-12 1 U76 GameTime- Infinity Bawl 52,194.00 $2,19400 1 INSTALL 5-Star Plus- Fiwf Star Plus Playground installation Services- $8.225,00 58,225.00 Performed by a Carfibad Installer, includes meeting and unloading delivery, truck, signed completion farms, Me walldhmugh, 90 day sde mWSIT byinshplation foreman, and 3Year Labor lNarmnfyl 1 Seated S-Star Plus - SignedirSealed FBC 2020 71h Ed Building Code Drawings 5995 00 $995.00 1 Permits SSwf Plus- Building Permas- $1,250.00 $1.250.00 Estimated! Costs of Permilsplus Time. /lathe/pertnd fees are sigalfirsndy, higherw lowerfinal mimice will be adjusted accordingly. Includes two Ws@s to the permit ofte, tieddmural time spent acquidngpentrum final invoiceto beadjusted. Site Plana we fo b r provided by the owner for the permit application. Contract: OMNIA Sub Total $40,331.06 Discount ($6,839]9) Freight $1,464.39 Comments Removal of existing surfacing, play equipment and looters by others. New safety surfacing by owner Add option of removal and disposal of existing eg ipment Removal /disposal of equipment S 1900. This quote was prepared by Gina Wison, Vice President / Senior Project Manager. For questions or to order please call - 800i32-0162 a d. 101 gi ww®9amealme con All pricing In accordance with Creole Partners / U.S. Communities Central #2017001134. All lemis In the Omnia Partners / U.S. Communities Contract take precedence over terms shown below. For mom information on the Omnia Pannem / U.S. Communities contract please visit Counts Farmers Publy. Sector GameTme 1 Page t of 3 tranrltp GameTime 0711912021 (GameTi/)`/e) c/o Dominica P.O. Box 520700 uealion Products,Inc. Quote #102]] -01-02 Longwood. FL 32752-0700 • PLAYCORe 800432-0162 •407-331-0101 Fax. 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com George Street Park •- Design Option 2 Permits are not Included In cost, unless specifically listed In pricing. If permits are required SignedlSealetl drawings are usually needed and are also not included unless specifically listed in pricing Any casts for mundpai permits, paid by Installer, will be charged back to the owner. Adding permils to any job will increase the length of completion, rained total time to be about 120 davq, after receipt of Site Plan from owner/customer (this is not due to manufacturing but rather the permit process at the municipality level). It is expected that the owner will provide approved site plane of the area for the permit office, and will help and assist in the securing of all required approvals before assembly of equipment can begin. Installer cannot provide site plans. The permit process can not begin until the site plans are available. If additional permitting requirements are needed during the process, those vnll be atltletl add billed accordingly, Lesoil density test, formed footers, etc Paymerd Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases In excess of$1,000.00 to be supported by your wriNen purchase order made out to Gappr ime. Net 30 days subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager. A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Authorization, must be received with the order The decision on credit Is the sole discretion of GameTme/PlayCore. A 1.5% per month finance charge will be imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services rendered. Wren equipment ships it will be invoiced separately from Installation amllor other services. Terms are Net 30 for each individual invoice. This Quotation is subject to policies In the current GameTime Park and Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditions. Our quotation is based an shipment of all Items at one time to a single destination, unless noted, and changes are subject to price adjustment. Pricing: Film for 00 days from date of quotation. Shipment F.O B factory, order shall ship within 45 days after GameTme's receipt add acceptance of your purchase order, color selections, approved submittals, and receipt of payment Taxes: State and local taxes will be atltletl at time of invoicing, If not already included, unless a lax exempt certificele Is provided at the time of order entry. Exclusions: Unless specifically discussed, this quotation excludes all sitework antl landscaping, removal of existing equipment; acceptance of equipment and oft -loading; storage of goods prior to Installation; security of equipment (on site and at night); equipment assembly am Installation; safety surfacing; borders; drainage; signedlsealed drawings; or permits. Installation Terms: Shall be by a Certified Installer. The installer Is an indepedent installer and not part of PlayCore, GameTtme, nor Dominica Recreation Products. If playground equipment. installer will be NPSI and Factory Trained and Certified Unless otherwise noted, Installation Is based on a standard Installation consistent with GameTime installation sheets and in suitable soil with a sub -base that will allow proper playground Installation. Drainage is not pan of our scope of work unless otherwise natetl. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the Installer. Site should be level and allow for unrestricted access of trucks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area. Installer not responsible for sod replacement or damage to access path and staging area Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as buried u ili0es, tree stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditons that may result in additional labor or material costs Customer will be billed hourly or per job directly by the installer for any additional costs that were not previously included. ORDER INFORMATION BIII To: Ship To. Contact - Contact: Address: Address'. Address: Address: City. State, Zip: City, Stale, Zip: Tel: Fax: Tel: SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE #: Page 2 of 3 Fax: (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) GameTime 07/1912021 (GameTrme) Pdo Dominica .O. Bo. 520700crealian Products,Inc Quote #102778-01-02 Longwood FL 32752-0700 • PLAYCOF41E c..w•. 800432-0162 - 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.conn George Street Park - Design Option 2 Aneanfanne of n uofanon: Acceptetl By (printed). P.O. No: Signature: Date: _ Title : Phone: E-Mail: Purchase Amount: $34,955.66 • 1400t Page 3 of 3 cfa7n-ao