HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-2021 PR AgendaORCt SEB`ST" HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 228-7052 FAX (772) 228-7077 r T�(�AFGENDA PARKS $ Jj ill ITIO�F{ RI& .f (', TMITTEE Mb b tj J16:00"0 PM �j�jjjjjj� ¢U { 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) MEETING CHAIR MAKE ANNOUNCEMENTS 5) AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting Minutes from July 26", 2021 7) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item A: Committee member discussion and recommendation to City Council on playground designs for George Street Park and Blossom Park 8) PUBLIC INPUT 9) NEW BUSINESS: Item A: Community Member Recognition Program 10) STAFF MATTERS Item A: Current Project(s) Update 12) BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTERS 12) ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA AND DATE: September 27th, 2021 13) ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDCSTO APPEALFNYDEC610N MADE Wml RESPECTTOANY MATTER CONSIDERED ATTNIS MEETING (0R HEARING) WILL NEED ARECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGSANO WYNEEDTO ENSURE THATA VERBATIM RECORD OR ME PROCEEDINGS 6 MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDESTIE TESVAONYAHD EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPWNCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DWBIUTESACT)ADA), ANYONE WHONEEDS A SPEMLACCOMMODATON FOR THIS MEETING SHOUM CONTACT THE QMS ADA COORDINATOR AT S 89-533e AT (EAST 48 N W Rs IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. HOWEVER, THE PUWC ISADWSEDTOCHECKTHE OTY WEBSRE FOR UMC-DATE INFORMATION ONANYCHANGESTOTIE MANNER IN WHICH THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AND THE LOCAT W. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 26, 2021 Call to Order -- Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledae of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present Ms. White (Zoom) Mr. Renzi Ms. Webster Ms. Drumheller (a) Mr. Danise Mr. Mauro (a) Mr. Agudelo -- Late Arrival Also Present Mr. Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Mr. Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Mr. Gary Vicars, MIS Technical Analyst Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. Meeting Chair Makes Announcements -- None V. Agenda Modifications -- None VI. Aooroval of Minutes — June 28. 2021 Ms. Webster asked if there were any changes or additions to the Minutes of June 28, 2021 as presented. Mr. Mauro asked for a correction on Page 5, the first paragraph under Section II. In the second line where it reads "Mr. Renzi commented...," it should be "Mr. Mauro commented..." There being no other corrections, Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of June 28, 2021 with the above correction was made by Ms. Drumheller, seconded by Mr. Renzi, and approved unanimously via voice vote. tLTJI ggiltT1 115:ui:ilmPiT-.�9 A. Garden Park Improvements Committee Discussion Mr. Benton reviewed that this Committee has discussed in the past improvements to Garden Club Park. He stated that a new fountain has been installed. The walking trail PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 2021 on the front portion of the park has been worked on. Some trees and non-native vegetation have been identified, and they are going to be eliminated and/or moved as staff goes through the park. At the last meeting there was a question about a survey. The survey has been completed, which identifies all the property lines throughout the entire park. It includes the back portion, which is the eastern portion behind the lake. That was completed a couple weeks ago. He put a Power Point presentation on the monitor (SEE ATTACHED) which shows some photographs that he has taken at the park. Those photographs show some areas of concern. It has been mentioned by members of the Committee several times during previous discussions extending the walking trail all the way around the pond. With that, there are some concerns that would have to be looked at such as budgeting for some items. Now that we have the survey complete, staff knows exactly where those points are where some work would have to be done in order to extend the walking trail. He commented that he has heard from one resident who has concerns about the walking trail extending around the east side of the park. The concern was regarding safety. If the walking trail is extended, it will give the public access to the back portion, which is close to neighbors' properties Mr. Benton went through each photograph on the monitor and described what each shows, his concerns regarding those areas, and what would need to be done to address those areas of concern. Mr. Benton added that we are still in the preliminary stages for this project, and it is going to come down to the direction that this Committee gives staff. If you want staff to continue to look at costs now that we have the survey, staff can do a more detailed assessment of the costs for the ideas this Committee has for the park. He asked for the Committee members to make comments and/or ask questions regarding this project. Mr. Renzi Asked if Mr. Benton knows what the size of the entire park area is. Mr. Benton said he will get that information and send it out to all the Committee members. Regarding doing a walking trail completely around the pond, he asked if a particular material would be used, or would the area just be cleared. Mr. Benton said if thedirection from this Committee is for him to look into the walking trail, he will look at numerous options. There are millings, which is currently in the front portion, coquina rock, or it could just be kept more natural. He added that if this Committee decides to go ahead with a walking trail, a split -rail -type fencing will have to be installed all the way around the perimeter of the park, just to identify the property line. Those are all costs that would be brought back to the Committee members once he gets direction on how they want to proceed. He would give the PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 2021 Committee numerous options for a walking trail. • Asked if it has been thought about what would be done with the gazebo. Mr. Benton said the gazebo was pressure cleaned, and it is not in bad shape presently. Staff can go back and clean it up a bit more, but the gazebo would stay where it is. Ms. Drumheller: • Regarding the walking trail, she asked what the length of the walking trail would be if it goes all the way around the pond. Mr. Benton said that when he spoke with the people at the surveying company, they said that whenever we have a preliminary design of where we want the trail to go, they would get those figures for us included with their survey, and they would provide that information free of charge. • Stated she thinks it is important for the history of that park to make sure that the gazebo is kept. She related that inside that gazebo there are some signatures of people who donated funds. She thinks that historically that has a lot of significance. Ms. White: • Reviewed that this Committee has spoken often in the past about how to get people to use our packs. It seems that there are only a few of the parks being used regularly. She personally would like to see this park being utilized, as it is a very nice piece of property. She would like to go ahead and pursue getting a walking trail around the pond. (At this point Mr. Agudelo joined the meeting.) Mr. Danise: • Likes the idea of keeping the park as natural as possible. He also likes the idea of putting a fence around the park property so as to respect the private properties that abut portions of the park. Mr. Agudelo: • Regarding the walking trail, he thinks that is a great idea. He thinks that one of the best features of all of the City parks is their proximity to the homes. This is an interesting subject, and it is something that this Committee should think about. He PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 2021 is aware that residents do not like their peace disturbed. He thinks that a lot of residents of Sebastian do not like the influx of new people. He also stated that the influx of new people is helping the City's economy locally. He would like the City parks to be kept from being vandalized and damaged. He referred to the skate park and how its use has grown. He is adamant that this Committee should attempt to make sure that we are not offending anyone who lives around the Garden Club Park as well as the other parks. He would like to postpone any action on this item until more public input can be obtained. Ms. Webster • She stated that on the east side of the park the boundary line is pretty close to the homes back there, so she has concerns regarding the location of the trail and how close it is to those homes. • If the path is too close to the water, there is the concern about alligators being in the water. She likes the idea of a walking trail, but she thinks there has to be concern for the environment. After extended discussion, Mr. Benton emphasized that he is looking for direction from the Committee as to whether they want to move forward with the idea of a walking trail for Garden Club Park. At this point, Ms. Webster called on anyone from the public who wished to speak on this matter. Mr. Tallant, Sebastian spoke regarding a walking trail around the pond at Garden Club Park. He described where his house is in relation to the park and mentioned some of his neighbors and how close their homes are. He states it is very dark in the area in the back of the park. There are senior citizens who live in some of those homes, and anyone having access to that area becomes a concern for those senior citizens' safety. Mr. Benton asked for a consensus from the Committee as to whether they want him to investigate the costs and designs of what would be reasonable to install a walking trail in Garden Club Park. He added that, if this Committee has a consensus that they want to get pricing, he and his staff will get that information, come back to the Committee, and then we can send out notices to the people who live in that area as to when the meeting is going to be. To solicit input before you even have answers, whenever the public comes to the meeting they will ask questions, and if you do not have any answers, you have done the public a disservice because you are not going to have the answers for them. Ms. Webster said she thinks that is what all the Committee members would like to see. She asked for a consensus from the Committee that what they want to have happen is to have Mr. Benton get some prices. All Committee members agreed. Mr. Benton stated PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 2021 he will get some cost estimates so that there is information on the acreage, how far the walking path is going to be, and where the potential rough drawing of a walking path would take it. Vill. Public Input — None IX. New Business A. Select a Chairman and Vice -Chairman and adopt rules of procedure Ms. Webster opened the floor for Committee members to nominate someone for the position of Chairperson. Mr. Mauro, Mr. Danise, and Mr. Agudelo nominated Ms. Webster for Chairperson. Ms. Webster closed the floor for nominations, and she accepted the position. Ms. Webster called for nominations for Vice -Chairperson. Mr. Agudelo nominated Ms. Drumheller for the position of Vice -Chairperson. Mr. Benton stated that, since Ms. Drumheller is an alternate, as well as Mr. Mauro, they are not eligible for Chairperson or Vice -Chairperson positions. Mr. Agudelo and Ms. Webster nominated Mr. Danise, and Mr. Mauro nominated Ms. White. Ms. White declined the nomination. Mr. Danise is willing to accept the nomination. Ms. Webster is now the Chairperson, and Mr. Danise is now the Vice -Chairperson. Ms. Webster called for a motion adopting the Rules of Procedure. A motion adopting the Rules of Procedure as presented was made by Mr. Renzi, seconded by Mr. Danise, and the motion was adopted unanimously via voice vote. B. FY22 Capital Improvement Projects related to the use of Recreation Impact Fees Mr. Benton stated that Mr. Ken Kilgore, CFO for the City, is present to answer questions regarding these items or the budget. Mr. Benton emphasized that this is all preliminary. It comes before this Committee, and if they agree to it, it will go to City Council. So anything can be removed before City Council gives final approval in September. He reviewed the Capital Outlay Schedules and the document delineating which parks are in which zones (SEE ATTACHED). He called specific attention to the following: • The last step of the Barber Street Baseball Complex renovations. The baseball backstop project is the last phase of the baseball complex renovations. The $75,000.00 figure would be for replacing all four backstops, and that would complete the renovation of the baseball fields at that Complex. • Park Identification Signage: This gets us into the last year of replacing all of the City's park signage. There are just a few left to go, and this final $30,000.00 will PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 2021 complete that project. At that point, all of the signs within all of the parks will have been replaced with the new signage that was approved. Playground Improvements: Included in this fiscal year 21-22 are Easy Street and Filbert Park. He called attention to the fact that this number will increase over this current fiscal year. That is due to what staff are finding with the playground companies. This year staff is going to have to go in and remove the old playground equipment themselves. It also gives them the ability to include more accessible components within the City's playgrounds. It was discussed by this Committee sometime ago that one of the ideas was to increase the accessible components and the inclusive components in all of the City's playgrounds for the entire community, and this additional money will allow staff to do that to ensure that we are able to accommodate everyone in the City's playgrounds. That figure is $100,000.00 for next fiscal year. There was discussion among the Committee members and Mr. Benton and Mr. Killgore, who explained how the funds are allocated to the parks in different zones and how the recreational impact fees are set. Standard Park Improvements: These are standard park improvements that are allocated for this Committee to be used similar to how we used funds this fiscal year to purchase the new fountain at Garden Club Park. This is for unbudgeted items that are park improvements recommended by the Committee throughout the year. Mr. Killgore added that Mr. Benton is one of the best department heads he has seen as far as putting together his data and materials. It makes it a pleasure to work with him. There being no further discussion, Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion recommending that the budget that has been recommended out of recreation impact fees be presented to City Council was made by Mr. Danise, seconded by Ms. Drumheller, and approved unanimously via voice vote. (Because of difficulty with Ms. White's audio, Mr. Benton called her by phone and placed his phone on speaker so that her audio would be clearer.) C. Committee member discussion and recommendation to City Council on playground designs for George Street Park and Blossom Park Mr. Benton reviewed that George Street Park had been budgeted for last year to have the replacements done. It was pushed it forward to this year. It was scheduled to be George Street and Filbert Street. However, due to safety concerns at Blossom Park, that playground has been moved up to this fiscal year and Filbert Park out to next fiscal year. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 2021 So this year $70,000.00 has been budgeted to replace the playground structures at George Street and Blossom Park. Based on cooperative pricing and piggyback pricing, three playground companies have provided cost estimates to install playground equipment at those two parks. Basically, all of these came in under or at budget, and now it is this Committee's decision as to what design the members prefer. There was extended discussion among the Committee members regarding the playground equipment designs that were attached to the agenda packet (SEE ATTACHED). After discussion, Mr. Benton suggested that this item be tabled and brought back in August. Ms. Drumheller suggested that at the next meeting, photos from the parks be put on the overhead screen in order to visualize them. It really is a lot to try to get through, and she suggests that if the Committee is able to visualize the parks, it might be easier to discuss them. There was discussion regarding having a special meeting, after which it was the consensus that this item be tabled until the August meeting. X. Staff Matters A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton reviewed the only things that are open are Yacht Club Seawall — It is in permitting with DEP. He does not know how long that will take. It typically takes two to three months. So staff is in a slow pattern with that project. Bike Racks — Some have been installed at Riverview Park. Staff is in the process of installing them throughout the City within the parks. Dugouts — The final two dugouts are a project that he is anxious to get finished. Lumber prices are beginning to decline, so staff is in a holding pattern presently with that project. The 6 x 6 posts that are needed for each dugout —the price for each one dropped about $25.00 last week. So he is going to wait and see if lumber continues to come down. Park Signage -- He received a notice today from the contractor. They are running into delays on getting some materials. So the next big installation will be the gateway signs, the "Welcome to Sebastian" signs that are on US 1, CR 512, Barber Street, and 66'h Avenue. He is hoping to have them installed sometime in August. Splash Pad — He pointed out that on August 101h the kids go back to school, and that is PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 26, 2021 the date staff is going to have to shut the splash pad down. He said that tomorrow noticing the public will begin. The public will be advised that it is going to be shut down indefinitely starting August 1 O' . Water is being lost somewhere, and staff has been unable to locate where it is happening. So staff are going to go in and do a substantial project to repipe the drainage from the splash pad. The decision was made to not begin the project until school starts back. Staff will try to get it done as quickly as possible. Ms. Drumheller inquired regarding the electronic sign at Riverview Park. Mr. Benton said that was approved. The contractor has the purchase order. It is in their standard build setup where it is going to take two to three months before that is installed —that one and the one here at City Hall. XI. Board or Committee Member Matters Ms. Drumheller said she has been to the dog park a couple times, and the grass still looks great. She thought the renovation went really well, and the people seem very happy to have their dogs not be covered in dirt every time they go out of the large dog area. Mr. Agudelo spoke about when Michael Abt, Jr. passed away. That year, one of the fields that the league played on at Barber Street was named Michael Abt, Jr. Field. That was the same year that on those same fields with his little brother, Mel, a district championship was won. He was wondering what it would take to name that portion of the entire baseball complex after either Mel or Michael or both, that it would be a good thing for the community. Ms. Webster thanked everyone for their trust in electing her as Chairperson for the next year. XII. Items for the Next Aaenda and Date: Auaust 23. 2021 XIII. Adjourn There being no further business, Ms. Webster adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. By: JoAnn Webster, Chairperson jg Date: cnvLf SEBASTM HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meetina Date: August 23, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Committee member discussion of provided playground designs for George Street Park and Blossom Park. Make a recommendation for staff to present to City Council for their approval of the playground designs Background: During the July 261h Committee meeting the Board decided to table this discussion until the August meeting so that members could have time to review and consider the playground designs. City staff has identified playground replacements over the course of the next few fiscal years as the lifespan of our existing playgrounds are coming to an end. This year we will replace George Street playground and Blossom playground due to their conditions. In the packet are designs provided by 3 different playground companies. If Agenda Item Reauires Exoenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted: $70,000 Attachments: 1) Playground designs by Swartz Associates, Playmore and Gametime Playgrounds, Site Furnishings, Bleachers & Shade Structures A Ell TO: City of Sebastian 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958 727-228-7057 Attn: Brian Benton bbenton@cityofsebastian.org P.O. BOX 112783 - NAPLES, FL 34108 E-mail: mail@parkplayusa.com www.parkplayusa.com Southwest FL Numbers Orlando Area: 407-412.6166 Naples: 239-697-9500 Southeast FL: 954-9034650 Ft. Myers: 239-7724234 1 Tampa Bay: 813-949-2288 George St. Park & Blossom Park QUOTATION # 07201 I Date: July 20, 2021 I Ship Date: Allow 8-10 Weeks Lead I Terms: Net 30 Days I F.O.B.: Destination I Salesperson: lRobb Brooks I Shipped Via: ICC Quantity Description Unit Price TotAl Henderson Recreation 1 #B308374R0 Modular Structure w/ 3.5' O.D. Posts (see drawings) $ 16,641.77 $ 16,641.77 1 #B308373R0 Modular Structure w/ 3.5" O.D. Posts (see drawings) $ 25,603.09 $ 25,603.09 2 #B306475R0 FS Xylophone Panel (1 at each park) $ 907.00 $ 1,814.00 2 #B306504R0 FS Drum Panel (1 at each park) $ 853.00 $ 1,706.00 2 #13306469R0 FS Treasure Hunt Panel (1 at each park) $ 817.00 $ 1,634.00 $ 47,398.86 5.5% Material Surcharge $ 2,606.94 $ 50,005.80 Less 6% Discount (per Manatee Co. S.B. Bid # 21-0053-M R) $ (3,000.35) $ 47,005.45 Shipping & Handling $ 2,712.00 $ 49,717A5 Additional Preferred Discount $ (1,217.45) $ 48,500.00 Installation -34% of Discounted Price $ 15,981.85 TOTAL BID PRICE $ 64,481.85 ALTERNATE: Removal of Existing Structures $ 5,000.00 TOTAL PACKAGE PRICE $ 69,481.86 NOTE: All equipment must be ordered and shipped at the same time. Price does not include any permits or associated fees, if applicable. Price based on standard Henderson colors. Price valid for 30 days. Installation by Kennico, Inc., Ride Group or others. Thankyou. RAYMORE Recreational 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax (888) 886-3757 tall free www.playmoreonline.eom Products & Services Client: 225 Sebastian Sebastian FL 32958 Contact: Brian Benton Phone: 772-473-0454 Fax: Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description 1 Equipment CHALLENGER 350-2077 Discount School District of Manatee County 21-0053-MR Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 2 Freight Freight Playworld Freight Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 3 Installation PSllnstallation Installation of Playworld Equipment per Manatee Contract Eng Drwgs Engineered Sealed Drawings Notes:Permitting costs, if needed, are not included. Page 1 QUOTATION 0711621 Jab Number: 16511 Phase: Opt 1 Revision: Job: Blossom Street Park 940 Cody Avenue Sebastian FL 32958 Email: Bbenton@cityofsebastian.org Quantity Cost Subtotal 1 $29,103.00 $29,103.00 -1 $1,455.15-$1,455.15 -1 $5,820.85-$5,820.85 Subtotal: $21,827.00 1 $5,747.00 $5,747.00 -1 $5,747.00-$5,747.00 Subtotal: 1 $8,847.31 $8,847.31 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal: $10,09731 Grand Totals: $31,92431 139)791Deer Farms KAYMORE Fort Myers, FL 33966 QUOTATION 400(23)1-2401fat (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax 07/16/2021 (888)886-3757 toll free r- - - --� www.playmoreonljne.wm Job Number. 16511 Recreational phase: Opt Revision: Products & Services Client: City of Sebastian Job: Blossom Street Park 1225 Main St. 940 Cody Avenue Sebastian FL 32958 Sebastian FL 32958 General Terms: Acceptance by a cg,ahae, puchaea order, w wnbst owed on this pr.pooe indicates Met you we in full agreement win antenna and wndaiona d the cropoeal. including the fonovnng: • Pdcea era salitlror 3J drys, unleu dlerw;:ended After 30 days, pnces are subject to change wthos nctice. • Selea Tall will be ahamed vein¢ a valid Sales Tex Examptioa was de is pre l sale win order. • Sft sty 11 ero in ifing hwridng Am lequimWietobes tnsWkdMebwalcew&sis mho be oresponsibilitypfieguiacustomer. • Iflhe weWnerhinoelfing WuipmeM. dlequpmen ie to ba inemkd permw,dadae(cimlmctiom end �pficable guidtlhea • Imbrlldron, edewos, petmus. ongineedrg, otc, ere ncl imAudnd unites mated acoustic, Permits: Buildingpermitsmethsmspon.ibdlyaMeawna. Ifabuilding Me tismgdmdfwyo pgect,to Niro go thnawemailable. • Add5%(m¢nimum$1.500)IotequolatioNmnbedpnce. Playmwe Recreational Products ad Seraces en cover Me cods of all to buildup pecnu Was and expedror hen • Playmore RecmatlonalPmdude and Services can coast the cu.romerin obtddng teir own inertial Custwnerisresporcibhfordlfees tlircctly ro the penmitling agoncy aMper to as peduing ccrmary. NOTE —All aodm, planning, w rimrmeruel, etc. pans. end appmvels we the rewondtllily gf.tims es well as airy resident site plow. If signed ond cededengineereddnnvkg amncededforthehat IMionofequipment,Miswallbeincludedonthepmp ml. Ifilisamiuedandlaterdscovemd nececmry. the cadvAll be the re¢poneibikty oflha astomar. Standard Services Include: • Shipping N.ItcabwdlWomine mdructionc Layoutof Equipment Pre-Indaddion OmSue MeellnB Inebriation of Equipment and Metedds per Manufadve/s Instructions • Undergmmd Unity Me* (Swal Stet Oro Cell) Trash Clean Up (Lome on sue.) AcceptDtl'aay ad Unicad Equipment led. is reedy.) Podlncbriletion Walk Through Moving New Eguipmentrat Job Site • Maintenance Explanation Customer Responsibilities (unless otherwise noted in the applicable quohtion1conbacq: • Trash O.ree al— owners. or ORSRe Disposal, • Accept Delivery and Unlced Equipmal(Ifebe is not ready.) $500.00Cha WilaWlyifCustamerwadslndallw.WUnoed • Provide Ares. for Stoageand Slaaing- • Seaee SR. and Egdp.L Some Optional Responsibilities(Must be clearly outlined in Me applicable qu muouscoreacs: • Removal of Existing Equipment • Sits Precomman, Grading Dnemga Syn., etc. • Engneered Cmwtgs for Purchased Equipment • Other Pennbs or Engineered Dremngsae. zoning permits, wevimnmeed permits. site waeye etc.) 'Arty ohm responsibilities most be clearly outlined in the applicable qudadeNmmmu. General Notes AccessMilities Access mud be awided W Me installation area forheary trucks and egmpmeM Access of equipmentend pemonnelis the obligation of Me eudwna to povitle until the aojad is fully.ompioted We will Wk. every precaution to mold deme9e howeverany damage ...ad "a normal installation crew product, such as to sod concrete sidewalk., private underPaund utililie; de, will be the respwnibilily of Me customer, ere vd0 arty addiorel wets incurred due ti aving damage. ¢uab to ials oneV piyweod ova be hreccros. Ifeaeae is not reemnebly dose to Me jobese, ery atltlitiarrel coals incurred duerohming robmepat materiels wdor wppfae will be the reapemibdity d0m customer. RockfForel,n Object Clause. Modhm OMionsmqumdigg0gafhdesadfodinpegdpnmtinconaetebemfidshedgrade. Rernwd oPoomin, ground rovers such as awhafi, connote, tan look send, per Bevel, ara dfiber, ruhber milting powedhylace rubber sudecing, crany dher mdaial dmlinerhmsordelWs Medggingdholes.istirermpwsibilityofdhem.mil satensicenomoi Ifewaseee underground obebucliom such rocks, core, mphdl, concede, pipes, drainage system& root system4 water, or arty other unknown obetmkwe am discovered. chosen win be added to to winner proposal. Playground Surfacing. Ad pleygrmnd equpmad iota a indelledmersdety sudadng Par CPSC gaddinmr-1ASTMswwWe Iftheowomer contracts for somdeng wMay to the guidennes, May am accepting all responsibility for arty mWity cad fuWre litigation Met may arise Acceptance Signet x _ Cats P.O.# Page 2 of 2 102710ce400(239)Farms Suite l Fort Myers, FL 33966 QUOTATION RAYMORE 1-2Road, (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax (888)886-3757 toll free 07/16/21 wwrv.playmoreonline.com Job Number: 16511 Phase: Opt 2 Recreational Revision: Products&Services Client of Sebastian Job: Blossom 1225MainSt yAerPeak Sebastian FL 32958 Sebastian FL 32958 Contact: Brian Benton Phone: 772-473-0454 Fax: Email: Bbenton@cityofsebastian.or9 Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description Quantity Cost Subtotal 1 Equipment CHALLENGER 350-1832 1 $28,080.00 $28,080.00 Discount School District of Manatee County 2"053-MR -1 $1,404.00-$1,404.00 Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 -1 $5,616.00-$5,616.00 Subtotal: $21,060.00 2 Freight Freight Playworld Freight I $5,747.00 $5,747.00 Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 -1 $5,747.00-$5,747.00 Subtotal: 3 Installation PSI Installation Installation ofPlayworld Equipment per Manatee Contract 1 $8,536.32 $8,536.32 Eng Drwgs Engineered Sealed Drawings 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal: $9,786.32 Grand Totals: $30,846.32 Notes:Permitting costs, if needed, are not included. Page 1 139)791Deer Farina KAYMORE Fort Myers, FL 33966 QUOTATION 1-2401fax 400(239)1 fax (239) 79L2400 Ill 07/16/2021 (888) 886-3757 free 3757 free tine. wAw.playmomoNine.cgm Job Number:16511 Recreational vision: Opt2 Revision: Products & Services Client: City of Sebastian J* Blossom Street Park 1225 Main St. 940 Cody Avenue Sebastian FL 32958 Sebastian FL 32958 General Terms: Ac«,lance br s iguhoe, purchases order, or mdrat based m he popoeA Indicates that you ere In fit s,res med wth all berms and canddiom of • chose we valid for M cave. unless otensese noted After 30 dh,s. prices are subject tochap, summon whoc, • Sales Ts as be shaped union a veld Said Tm Exemption Cedificate is presented vim most • :fthe st Wore adoptionsu vwaIng ArrytiimertI tobeialadn due heal ctureeeestAbens rnpasicable lMe Time, • IflMcusn,sitesInstalling equipmentell equipm enaolobe ieslalletlsnoted dadeefeinstmctios erE applicable pddtlFea • Inelellelion. site soak, venue, apineehp. Cc. we W Inchuded unless noted Buildng Permits: Buildup permib ero tK rasponeibility of the mama. If a buiWin, permit is coo r. Rfa yha pal seclude e Me klyd! advice. a ero waileble. • Adtl 5%(mr feasandexpolhequotatiaNcarMmct price. Plasmas Re.eellontl Roduste antl Service¢wll sass Ma costa of ell the Playroom Resfees antlndtot. ands • directly the somaal a gene, end Seniceaceneastst pstry, customer in Weldrg Mob o.n permR DUNamel Is responsible for all fees dbecaY b Me permalIn, e0mry smells he expeddmg corryery. NOTE —An xonin, plane,. ewboenemse. etcponds acl approvak: we the regorgGky biomass as well s on,, requrod ail. plan.. If •pn.d end waledengtieereddrvdnpaenestledforthIn.hastlondegwpmad Itd.mttibe Indsledon Meprs ad. Ifitiamietedantl Werchwaseed ne«avey, Me mstvA1 Dahe rasparmbal, oflhe astamer. $tandeN S.M. Include: Ships, NotMca ioNRe«iviip Instructions Layout of Equipment • Pre-IntlYagm OnSde MCM'vp • Installation d Equipment antl Mehdota parMmufadaefv Instructions UrMegmmd Utility Chd(Sushine State Ona Call) • Trash Clean Up(Lewe on es..) Aces oeliveyad Udi dEquipmedpfsheieready.) PostlralellownYielklhargh hMVIn,Nee Eg0,mantel Job Sde • Waresnase Explanation Customer Responsibilities (unless otherwise noted in the applicable quotation/conbacq: • Tsah D'Ispsel— Dumpst.. or Og Sae Disposal. • Acospl Delivery end UNoed Ehionent(Ilea. is net msd,.). $50000 Chege volt apply ifCustandvvate Install.. M Unload • Provide Areafe Stopeand Staging. Seaae Sae and EqupmW. Some Optional Respers3ilhies (Must be steady ouglned In the applicable quotatioracembecq: • Remove! of Existing Equipment • See Propaason, Gmdng Drainage Systems. aloe • Engne.red Drawings for Purd,ased Equipment • Other Permits or Engineoed Drawings no zonbp permits, emdmnmedel pen dv, site suaeye, etc.) 'Arty other responsibilities must be clearly outlined in the applicable quotadaNcontraot. General Notes Access if ilities. Access must be provided b the andan amn ems for obll,w.n of he customer to pradEe until the pr.j.0Ie full, complete, cl Clause. Mel Ina dldesm requite dggep van espies, concede. tan bark send. pa an Access of equipment and personnel I. he to armed dame,, h.. any damage cased Wit be Me re ,weibild, ofhe cusboowc any chef rmlmovn obstmctems we T....red, Mange. Win be added Playground Surfacing. A9phygo ecuiMW tube taueda rsdetyvafadngpa CPSCgwdtl n smdAe sM daM& Il Mecuetomer cWracle for somellirp mnlray b lhe,ottlelln.. M./ ero nc«ptirg oil rsporcibilEy br ero Ilabirdy eel frrWro litigation Mot may arise Acceptance SiarslureX Page 2 of 2 Det, ROb RAYMORE Recreational 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-2400 (239) 791.2401 fax (888)886-3757 toll free v .playmoreonline.com Products & Services Client: 1225 Main S`. Sebastian FL 32958 Contact: Brian Benton Phone: 772-473-0454 Fax: Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description 1 Equipment 350-1741 350-1741 Discount School District of Manatee County 21-0053-MR Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/1521 2 Freight Freight Playworld Freight Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/1521 3 Installation PSllnstallation Installation of Playworld Equipment per Manatee Contract Eng Dn gs Engineered Sealed Drawings Netes:Pennitting costs, if needed, are not included. Page I QUOTATION 07/16/21 Job Number: 15140 Phase: Opt 1 Revision: Job: George Street Park 1270 George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 Email: 81>enton@cityofsebastian.org Quantity Cost Subtotal 1 $29,966.00 $29,966.00 -1 $1,498.30 41,498.30 -1 $5,992.70 45,992.70 Subtotal: $22,475.00 1 $5,745.00 $5,745.00 -1 $5,745.00-$5,745.00 Subtotal: 1 $9,109.66 $9,109.66 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal: $10,359.66 Grand Totals: $32,834.66 KAYMORE Recreational Products & Services 10271 Deer Run Farms Roast, Suite 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax (88B) 686-3757 toll free www.playmoleDrdme.com Client: City of Sebastian 1225 Main St Sebastian FL 32958 QUOTATION 07/16/2021 Job Number: 15140 Phase: Opt 1 Revision: Job: George Street Palk 1270 George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 Generdiarms: Acceptance by. dg,eMe, pacheae order, or wnbacl heed on Mk Proposal indicates tlret you ere in full agrcaneN .thin all harts. and oaiddkm of this Woposel. housing the bnovd": Prime am vahtl for 30 stays, unless othemsa dnoted After 30 days prices are abject to charge alhout rouse. • Sel.. Tax wi be Named uN.e WW Saks Tax Exemption Cartificde Is pnnormal vdh antler. • SpimiV allcolors aid options n aiktg fury decmparmks tlat Brice tlua k eel eeledianswin be the reepweibitiry ofine customer. • Ifthe customer is instaing equipment all equipment is to be installed per manufacturers instructions and applicable guidelines • Inelelldion, site wont, p ce its, mgineeng, doare rut induded No.. acted Build" Permits: am scalable. I cover the cods of ell the building permit fees and capacitor fees • PlWmom Recreational Products and Services can aedst the euskmerin conchae their can pemd Cwlimarkraporcideforellfeas directly to the perm Ling agency adralM1e expediting we pmry. NOTE -All zoruig, claming, emirarmenid, ek, pmNte end eppmvak ors the regonalGRy of alhem eswdl e• ary rcqurcd sae cruse If vend aid ¢sitedangiieaeddewemmededforthineb nofaquipmedginsstillbeinductedonespmpoml, lottoaMhedandlaterdscommd nex.sary, me cod WII be iM1e rcepowibiry oiled wdomer. Standard Services Include: • Shipp,g NctlficarinnRemicbg histncNons LayWof EguipmaN • Pre-Ianddldlm On -See Naethg . Inslaaton of Equipment and hfitedd• per A4nNadver. Instructions • underground I iry Me&(Swnnm State One Call) Tench Chan Lip(Lewe on into.) • Accept Oalmor, anti Unload Equipment Priam is ready.) Postlrstdleam Wdk Through • Moving New EW,wm d Jab Site Maderawe Expaebon Customer Responabilibes (unlessdhenstse rated in the applicable quousioNeoNneq: Trash Disposal- DPmpekn or OgSae DnPo®L fwmptlhlivey W.dEgtiprneupfwekndmary). S500.00ChsgewiAe{plydCuatamarl Sour. Sao f t Equip a nt SheOhp. • Secure Site and Egdpmed. Some Optiond Responsibilities (Must be clearly outlined in the applicable quotetlonreonbacl): • Rem.1 off Existing Equipment • Site Preparation. Omdi" Drainage Systems etc. • Engineered Drawinm for purchased Equipment • OMer Pamnc or Engneaed Dmai"s(.e.zodng permits. emimnmedd permits. site sways ea.) -Any other responsibilities must be clearly outlined In the applicable quaationdcomna. General Notes AaeessNtilibes. Access mud bo proudest to the instellatian ere. for hoer, metro and ecuipinend. Access of"umn a d end personnel l• the es all ant edtlaiorel math eeawisted wIM limiting tlemage, autlr es pmvitlbg pywootl over aed hrecceea. If access is nol masonably dace to Me Jousts. ary additional costs Imurmd tlua to hwirg to imnspat materials sndor s pp tes wil bethe responsibility areas customer. RocWPomign Object Clause. MMstn iMionsmqurediggngofhdasaedfodngegdpmeineoneatebdowfiNMedgada Removelofiching gmurdwveninchwaWhea,concede,ten WrksaW peegaud.roodfiber,mWermsffi pouednylacembba.udacingmeerydhamdelal tlW nterfinee a delays Me stipple dhdee, fie Me rcpansidLry of onto., lama oMervriae noted If ucewive mdagmund olcmuctio s such rocks coml, asphalt concrete, ppes, dainge rydans, and Woman, cedar, or anry diner unbasin obdmctlons am dewvened, comae all he edtle l to the original proceed. Playground Sudachg. PA plrygo,ed equpmmt fie to be indelled over serer, aurlad"per CPSC gdddixs and /STM sbntleNs. If the customer cmlmcts fur somdlin0 wNrry tothe guldtlnes hey am ecmperg all recponfiiliry Mary faluiy mtl hAae tifigatian Md mar Brien Acc,awnw SigaNra x Data P.O.i Page 2 of 2 RAYMORE Recreational 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suile 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239) 791-240D (239) 791-2401 fax (888) 886-3757 toll free w playmoreonline.mm Products & Services Client: 1225of Seba Man SLR Sebastian FL 32958 Contact: Brian Benton Phone: 772-473-0454 Fax: Sales Rep: Anne Kennedy -Krieger Terms: Net 30 Item Description 1 Equipment 350-2069 350-2069 Discount School District of Manatee County 21-0053-MR Discount 2nd Half Sale, Expires 12/15/21 2 Freight Freight Playworld Freight Discount Ist Half Sale, Expires 6/3020 3 Installation PSI Installation Installation of Playworld Equipment per Manatee Contract Eng Drwgs Engineered Sealed Drewings Notes:Permitting costs, if needed, are not included. Page I QUOTATION 07/16121 Job Number: 15140 Phase: Opt 2 Revision: Job: George Street Park 1270 George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 Email: Bbenton@cityofsebastian.org Quantity Cost Subtotal I 527,056.00 $27,056.00 -1 $1,352.80 41,352.80 -1 $9,469.20-59,469.20 Subtotal: $16,234.00 1 $5,745.00 $5,745.00 -1 $5,745.00-$5,745.00 Subtotal: I $8,225.02 $8,225.02 I $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal: $9,475.02 Grand Totals: $25,709.02 PLAYMORE Recreational Products & Services 10271 Deer Run Farms Road, Suite 1 Fort Myers, FL 33966 (239)791-2400 (239)791-2401 fax (888)886-3757 toll free wWN.playmorednline.com Client City of Sebastian 1225 Main St Sebastian FL 32958 QUOTATION 07/1612021 Job Number: 15140 Phase: Opt 2 Revision: Job: George Street Park 1270 George Street Park Sebastian FL 32958 General Terms: Acaphowns by a dgebae, purchase order, or contract based on this sWived Indicates Mat you ere in full agmemmd with At terms and conditions d Mier proposal, Inaac ,the fickmine: • PriesmeusedIDrWdays,udessddemisended Averandq priesarew*dbchmgea oYnelim. • Sales Tm raL be d,amed unless a valid Seta• Tax DompEon Camisole ispmsented vial order. • SpegyYmeris and olingscipmeing Artyipmetisto blhetaia tier maalsebdimsvalbenssandmsicalo ofthdinva. r. • Ifthemdn.am is ink.pngeguipmanl ofequipment sm not obelnd uni per manufacturers instructions eta �plicebb pdtlenea • Imtalldian. sits work. peanite. meineering ec. ere not included Wino noted Building Permits: Buddme permits eon toss reeponabilily dtha owns. Ire buldiy remit ie regdretl for your project aw folbxvrp opaane ea weiade. • Addur,per, bnum Sl.5oo)IOMequoMaoNcorhnd price. Pleymae RecrealionelPmdude end SeMma vdlcwer Me sods of Ylthe building per ec fins antl mdudbe fees • claymore RecreationY Pmdude ands the expanasaldthecudamerin aMddy their win resins Cuelamerta rssporcible for dlfms YreeartaMe pem:nineseamy,arwa Me expemiMe cama.m. NOTE -An zo irg, plamirg. arwimmreNd. etc. permits ad sppmvals am the responsibility ofotters as "I w any mggred site plow. If armed and seshat engineered tlrewfrrgs are needed forthe installation ofegdpmant Mi. We b s Induced an Me pmpomL lilt is owYtetl and later i ismvamtl necessary, he and vim be the rv.,rnibiGry cattle awlomer. Standard Services Incl We: • SNppy Ndie oaRemMng Instructions . Layout of Equipment • Pm -Installation On -Sae Medina • Intfaedbn of Equpment and Materials mr Menufegvele lndmgions • Urdcgmmtl Deity (Mack (Sure rn, Stale One Cali • Tm•h Ckan Up (Leave m sae.) Accept Dal and UNmtl Equipment pfsea is ready.) . PadJrvtaeation Walk Through • Moving New EgrupmeN A Job See bleat. .Explanation Customer Resporrsibilifim (unless mherwices sated In tM Wpfucabls quuMNoNcontract): • Tmah Dispovah— UsnpYem or Of(Sde Disposel. • Accept Deaver, end UNmtl Equysnad(face is not ready.).$5000a Chaee WU.Wlyif Cudamare sinstaeasb UNoad, • Provide Jima for Stays and Styiy. • Secrae Sae and Egdpmad. Some Optional It"ponsMllHles (Must be clearly ordFned in Me applicable quotYloNcontrecit: • Reneval of Existing Equipment • Site Preseason, Gmdmg D.., Syalana edc. • Ergjnaaed Dmanea ha Purchasetl EgYgneN. • Other PemYs in Engineered [traverse lic zoNy permRs. emmmvmalal permits, site sinus. etc.) 'Airy other responsibilbies must be dearly outlined M the applicable qudadoNmrdrad. General Notes AccessAltilNen Access must D<"Mad d Me MastYion ems for heavy Make end equipment. Access of equipment ad persoanel la Me obfigad'pn ofMe crcianerto poWtle oral Me pojed ta err%competad We vAl lake every prcmrtion to avdtl tlarnrepo hceeveraW dsneW tamed by Me normal irctaeatim efaurpeotlW,such estaeaq mnrcrete dtlavaids, private urdergaudruwea ek.,arebethemlrydose euda eeaie any vl wata demiIne daae6n apWrwaad war same. If access s nittmeniseMy doss to M. pbaa<, amf additional cosh transmit due to bestial to banNcrt materials andm appiee al Me ft remorcbdens cusarne. Most Installations require deems of hoes vd fodvq egdpmant In concrete mndde, ten bank and. pas gavel, wood fiber, mMer meting pouredap Playground Surfacing. AO playgovd egpipmeN aM he ndaeed aver safely audedng per CPSC gugdnea ed ASlM abnderdv. Ifthecatomef cmlredsfm somalNy mNray to Me edtlenes. May ere acaptiy YI reaporcibiley fw ary tiebiMy east fuhne etieetion Mat my mks Acceptance Still x D.. P.O.d Page 2 of 2 Ga"Tlme 07/19/2021 CGameTime j Pdo Domwilm .O. Box 520pp Recreation Products, Inc Quote #102777-01 Longwood. FL 32752-0700 . PLAYCORE a..w,. 800432-0162-407-331.0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playtlrp.com Blossom Street Park — Design Option 1 City of Sebastian Ship W Zip 32958 AM: Brian Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958-8697 Phone: 772-228-7057 bbenton®city0fsebas0an org 31 4850 GameTnue-8-Playcurb Pkg $57.00 $176TO 1 4854 GameTure- Accessible Playcurb $395.00 $395.00 1 RDU GameTlne- Custom PnmeTme System- $29,943.16 $29,943.16 with 14' Square Shade ages 2 -12 1 3205 GameTme- Spinning Sensory Wave Seat $1.161.00 $1,161A0 1 INSTALL 5-Star Plus- Five Star Plus Playground Installation Services- $8,985.00 SLM5.00 Performed by a Certified Installer, Includes meeting and unbeding delivery truck, signed completion forms, site walkhmough, 90 day site revisit by Installation foreman, and 3-Year Labor Warrenlyl 1 Sealed 5-Star Plus- SignedlSealed FBC 20207th Ed Building Code Drawings $995.00 $995.00 1 Permits 5-Star Plus - Building Peanuts- $1,250.00 $1250.00 Estimated Costs of Permits plus rime. Ifactual permit lees are significantly higher or Power, final invoice will be adjusted accordingly. Includes two visits to the permit alike, if additional time spent acquiringpermtts, finalinvdce lobe adjusted. Site Plans are to be provided by the ownerfor th a permlt application. Contract OMNIA Sub Total $44,496.16 Discount ($9,537.78) Freight $1.61T40 Command Removal of existing surfacing, concrete, play equipment and footers by others. New safely surfacing by owner. Add option of miloval and disposal at existing equipment and PIP Removal /disposal of equipment $2. 150 00 Removal /disposal of PIP $ 3.975 00 Removal /disposal of eoncmte/eub base S 4.1M 00 This quote was prepared by Gina Wilson, Vim President / Senior Project Manager. For questions or to order please Call - 800432-0162 air 101 gjOJyODgamelime.com All pricing In accordance with Omnla Partnerel U.S. Communities Contract 92017001134. All terms In the Omni. P.M.. I U.S. Communities Contract take precedence over terms shown below. For more information on the Omnia Partners / U.S. Communities contract please visit 4 - P-e rs Puhlic Senn GameTme I Page 1 of 3 CERTIFIED GameTime 07/19/2021 pBeiO Recreation Products, Inc. Duple 0102777-01-01Gamemme1 p. s Longwood, FL 32752.0700 r PLWICOREr.m=•+ 800432-0162 ' 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrpeom Blossom Street Park - Design Option 1 Permits are not Included In cost, unless specifically listed In pricing. It permits are required SlgnedlSealed tlmwings are usually needed and are also not included unless specifically listed in pricing. Any costs for municipal permits, paid by installer, will be charged back to the owner. Adding permits to any jab will Increase the length of completion, expect total time to be about tfa dav;, after receipt of Site Plan from ovmerlcustomer (this Is not due to manufacturing but rather the permit process at the mundpality level). It Is expected that the owner will provide approved site plans of the area for the permit office, and will help and assist in the securing of all required approvals before assembly of equipment can begin. Installer cannot provide site plans. The permit process can not begin unfit the site plans are available. If additional permitting requirements are needed during the process, those will be added and billed accordingly, i.e. soil density test, formed footers. etc. Payment Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases in excess of $1,000.00 to be supported by your written pureness order made out to GameTime. Net 30 days subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Authorization, must be received with the order. The decision on credit is the sole discretion of GameTime/PlayCore. A 1.5%per month finance charge will be Imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services tendered. When equipment ships it will be Invoiced separately from Installation and/of other services. Terms are Net 30 for each indi vidual invoice. This Quotation is subject to policies in the curter GameTime Park and Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditions, Our quotation IS based on shipment of all Items at one time to a single destination, unless noted, and changes are subject to price adjustment. Pricing: Film for 60 days from date of quotation. Shipment F.O.B. factory, order shall ship within 45 days after GameTme's receipt and acceptance of your purchase order. color selections, approved submittals. and recelpt of payment. Taxes: State and local taxes will be added at time of Invoicing, If not already inducted, unless a lax exempt certificate is provided at the time of order entry. Exclusions: Unless specifically discussed, this quotation excludes all sitework and landscaping: removal of existing equipment; acceptance of equipment and off-loading, storage of goods prior to Installation: security of equipment (on site and at night); equipment assembly and installation; safety surfacing; holders: drainage; signedlsealed drawings; or permits. Installation Terms: Shall be by a Certified Installer. The installer is an inde iedent installer and not pan of PlayCore. GameTtme, nor Dominica Recreation Products. If playground equipment, Installer will be NPSI and Factory Trained and CeMletl. Unless otherwise noted. Installation Is based on a standard installation consistent with Gamerme installation sheets and In suitable soil with a sub -base Met will allow proper playground Installation. Drainage is not pan of our scope of work unless otherwise noted. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the installer. Site should be level and allow for unrestricted! access of trucks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area. Installer not responsible far sad replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as burled Utilities, tree stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result in additional labor or material costs. Customer will be billed hourly or per lob directly by the Installer for any additional costs that were not previously Included. ORDER INFORMATION Bill To: Ship To: Conlad: Contact: Address: Address: Address: Address: City, State. Zip: I City, State. Zip. Tel: Fax: Tel: SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE A: Page 2 of 3 Fax (PLEASE PROVIDEA COPY OF CERTIFICATE) • loot q PFIED Game7ime 07/19/2021 do Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. Quote #102777-01-01 GameTime) P.O. Box 520700 Longwood, FL 32752-31-0 . pLgyCgiE o. „.., 000432 -33147 W-331-010t Pax: plxyd1i720 www.playdrp.com aggglaance of aviation, Accepted By (printed): Bigna u e: Title: E-Mail: Blossom Street Park — Design Option 1 PO. No: Date: Phone: Purchase Amount: $36,575.78 Page 3 of 3 ceetlll[0 GameTime 07/192021 Uo Dominica Recreation Products, Inc Quote 4102777-01-02(GameTme) PO.Box5 0700 Longwood, Fl-32752-0700 . P[xxiCCfE a..e.., 800432-0162 - 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com Blossom Street Park - Design Option 2 City of Sebastian Shipto Zip 32958 Atm: Bran Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958-8697 Phone: 772-228-7057 bbenton@Utyofsebastian.org 1 4854 Gameriime- Accessible Playcurb $395.00 $395.00 31 4850 GameTlme-8-Playwrb Pig $57.00 $1.767.00 1 ROU GameTime- Custom PrimeTime System- S28,04930 $28,049.70 with 15' Umbrella Shade ages 2-5 8 5-12 1 3205 GameTiime- Spinning Sensory Wave Seat $1,161.00 $1,161.00 1 INSTALL 5-Star Plus- Five Star Plus Playground InstallationServices- $8,595.00 $8,595.00 Performed by a CeMfred Installer, includes meeting and unbinding delivery truck, signed completion forms, site wa0,'thmugh, 90 day site revisit by installation Bremen, and 3Year Labor Wamantyl 1 Sealed 5-Star Pius- SignedlSealed FBC 20207th Ed Building Code Drawings $995.00 $995.00 1 Permits 5-Star Plus- Building Permits- $1,250.00 $1,250-00 Estimated Costs of Permits plus Time. Ifxtual permit fees are significantly higher or lower final Invoke will be adjusted accordingly. Includes Iwo visits to the permit olfle2, If addition/ time spent acquirngpen uts, final Invoice to be adjusted Site Plans ere to ba pruvlded by Me owner for Nepermit application. Contract OMNIA Sub Total S42.212.70 Discount ($8,980.71) Freight $1,768.00 Comments Removal of existing surfacing. concrete, play equipment and looters by others. New safety surfacing by owner. Add option of removal and disposal of existing equipment and PIP ' Removal /disposal of equipment $2, 150 00 Removal / disposal of PIP $ 3.975 00 Removal /disposal of concrete/sub base S 4, 150 00 This quote was prepared by Gina W Ison, Vice President I Senior Project Manager. For questions or to order please call - 800432-0162 ext. 101 giggly@gamelime.com All pricing In accordance with Cal Partners I U.S. Communities Contract #2017001134. All terms in the Omnia Partners / U.S. Communities Contract take precedence over terms shown below. For more infannation on the Crania Panne. / U.S. Communities contract please visit Omnia Partners Public Senor GameTmg OMNIA Page 1 of2 - n. U — Gamelime 07/19n021 (Gamemme) Rdo Dominica O. Box 52070 etion Products, Inc. Quote Y102777-01-02 Longwood. FL 329524)700 600432-0162'407-331-0101 Fax 407-3314720 www.playdip.com Blossom Street Park - Design Option 2 Payment Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases In axeass of $1,000.00 to be supported by your written purchase order made out to GameTlme. Net 30 days subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Authorization, must be received with the ortler. The decision on credit Is the sole discretion of GameTimeNilayCore. A 1.5%per month finance charge will be Imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services rendered. When equipment ships II will be invoiced separately from Installation and/or other services. Terms are Net 30 far each individual invoice. This Quotation is subject to policies in the current GameTme Park and Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditions. Our quotation is based on shipment of an items at one time to a single destination. unless noted, and changes are subject to price adjustment. Pricing: Firm for 60 days from date of quotation. Shipment: F.O.B. factory. order shall ship within 45 days after GameTlme's receipt and acceptance of your purchase order, odor selectlons. approved submittals, and receipt of payment. Taxes: Slate and local taxes will ba added at lime of invoicing, if not already Included, unless a tax exempt certificate Is provided at the done of order entry. Exclusions: Unless specifically discussed, this quotation excludes all sitework and landscaping, removal of existing equipment; acceptance of equipment and oft -loading: storage of goods prior to installation; security of equipment (on site and at night); equipment assembly and installation: safety surfacing; borders; drainage; signeNsealed drawings; or permits. Installation Tame: Shall be by a Certified Installer. The installer is an indepedent installer and not part of PlayCore, Game rime, nor Dominica Remotion Produce. If playground equipment, installer will be NPSI and Factory Trained and Centime. Unless otherwise noted, installation is based on a standam installation consistent with Game rene installation sheets and in suitable soil with a subbase that will allow proper playground Installation. Drainage is hot part of our scope of work unless otherwise noted. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the Installer. Site should be level and allow for unrestricted access of trucks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and consbuchon area. Installer not responsible for son replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as buried utilities, free stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions met may result in addllional labor or material costs. Customer will be billed hourly or par Job directly by the installer for any additional costs that were not previously included, ORDER INFORMATION BIII To: Ship To: Contact: Contact: Address: Address: Address: Address: City. Stale, 21p City, State, Zip: Tel: Fax: Tel: SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE C: AMRgWIW_gLguuyoi Accepted By (printed): P.O. No. Sldnature: Date: This: E-Mail: Phone. Fax: (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) Purchase Amount: $34,999.99 Page 2 of 2 OMNIA tiu . 1 GameTime 07/19/2021 CGameTimeJ P.O.ex1520700Recreation Products, Inc. Quote C102T 8-01-07 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 +PwxVCORE cam... 800432-0162 - 407-331 -0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com George Street Park — Design Option 1 City of Sebastian Ship to Zip 32958 Alm: Brien Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958.8697 Phone: 772-228-7057 bbenton@cityofsebastian.org 31 4850 GameTime-8'Playcurb Pkg $5TO $1,767,00 1 4854 GameTme- Accessible Playmrb $395.00 $395,00 1 RDU GameTme- Custom PdmeTme System- $26,206.36 $26,206.36 with 1S Umbrella Shade ages 2 - 12 1 M76 GameTme- Infinity Bowl $2,194.110 $2,194,00 1 INSTALL 5-Star Plus- Five Star Plus Playground Installation Services- $8,240.00 $8.240.00 Performed by a Cemfred Installer, Includes meeting and unloading delivery truck, signed completion forms, site walMhrough, 90 day site revisit by installation Foremen, and 3- Year Labor Wenantyl 1 Smiled 5-Star Plus- SlgnedlSeeled FBC 202071h Ed Building Code Drawings $995.00 $995.00 1 Permits 5-Star Plus- Building Permits- $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Estimated Costs of permits plus 7lme. If actual permit fees are significantly higher or lower, final Invoice will be adjusted accordingly Includes Me visits to the permit office, If additional time spent acquiring permits, final invoice to be adjusted Site Plans are to be provided by the owner for the permit application. Contract OMNIA Sub Total 541,W.36 Discount ($9.036.94) Freight $1,409.23 Comments Removal of existing surfacing, play equipment and footers by others. New safety surfacing by comer. Add option of removal and disposal of ewshng cgwpment ' Removal/disposal of equipment $1.900 This quote was prepared by Gina Wison, Uce President f Senior Project Manager. For questions or to order please call - 800432-0162 ext. 101 gj�@gamelime com All pricing In accordance with Omnla Partners U.S. Communities Contract 02017001114. All terms In the Ginnie Partners I U.S. Communities Contract lake precedence over terms shown below. For more Information on the Omnia Fartrere / U.S. Communities contract please visit Om-ta Pppne•� P,Mic Sannr C.amanme Page 1 of 3 14 0WAD GameTme 0711g2021 (GameTime) P.O. Box1520700 Recreation Products, Inc. Quote S102]78411-01 Longwood, FL 32752-0700 •PLx YCORGaw..r 800432.0162-407-33"101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.com George Street Park - Design Option 1 Permits are not Included In coat, unless specifically listed In pricing. If permits are required Sgned/Seeled drawings are usually needed and are also not included unless specifically listed in pricing. Any costs for muncipal perils, paid by installer. will ch charged back to the owner. Adding perk to any job will increase the length of completion, exped total time to be about 120 tlays, after receipt of Site Plan from ownedarstomer (this is not due to manufacturing but rather the permit process at the municipality level). it Is expected that the owner will provide approved site plans Of the area for the peril office, and will help and assist in the securing of all required approvals before assembly of equipment can begin. Installer cannot provide site plans. The permit process can not begin until the site plans ere available. If additional permitting requirements are needed during the process, those will be atltletl and billed accordingly. Le. soil density test. formed footers, etc. Payment Toms: Governmental Purchase Orden Purchases in excess of $1,000.00 to be supported by your written purchase order made out to GameTime. Net 30 days subject to approval by GameTime Credit Manager. A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Aulhoreation, must be received with the order. The decision an credit is the sole discretion of GameTme/PleyC m. A 1.5% per month finance charge will be imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services rendered, When equipment ships it will be invoiced separately from installation and/or other services. Terms are Net 30 for each individual Invoice. This Quotation is subject to policies In the current GameTime Park and Playground Catalog and the following lens and conditions. Our quotation is based on shipment of alt Items at one time to a single destination, unless noted, and changes are subject to price adjustment. Pricing: Firm for 60 days from date of quotation. Shipment: F.O.B. factory, order shall ship within 45 days after Gamel ime's receipt and acceptance of your purchase order color selections, approved submittals, and receipt of payment. Taxes: State and local taxes will be atltletl at time of invoicing, if not already Scutari, unless a lax exempt certificate Is provided at the time of order entry. Exclusions: Unless specifically discussed, this quotation excludes all sitewark and landscaping; removal of existing equipment: acceptance of equipment and off-loading; storage of goods poor to Installation; security of equipment (on site and at night); equipment assembly and installation; safety surfacing; barriers; drainage: signed/sealed drawings; or permits. Installation Terms: Shall be by a Certified Installer. The installer is an Indepedent installer and not part of PlayCore, GameTime, not Dominica Recreation Products If playground equipment, installer will be NPSI and Factory TOlned and CeG1Aed. Unless otherwise noted, installation Is based on a standard Installation consistent with GameTime installation sheets and In suitable soli with a sub -base that will allow proper playground Installation. Drainage is not pan of our scope ofwork unless othervise noted. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the Installer Site should be level and allow for unrestricted access of trucks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area. Installer not responsible for sod replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall be responsible for unknown centlllions Such as lamed ufilifies, tree stumps, rock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result In additional labor or material casts. Customer will be billed hourly or per lob directly by the installer for any additional costs that were not previously inducted. ORDER INFORMATION Bill To: Ship To Contact: Contact: Address: Address: Address: Address: City, Slate, ZLpCity, State, Zip: Tel: Fax: Tel: Fax: SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE k: (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) t Page 2 of 3 Q wiw 1 GameTime 07119/2021 CGameTime j Pdo Dominica O. Box 6 0700creetion Products, Inc, pools •102778-01.02 Longwood, FL327524700 •PLW(CORE 1, 800432-0162 - 407-331-0101 Fax: 407-3314720 www.playdrp.cgm George Street Park — Design Option 2 City of Sebastian Shipto Zlp 32958 AM: Brien Benton 1225 Main Street Sebastian, FL 32958-8697 Phone: 772.228.7057 bbenton@cnyofsebastian.org 29 4850 GemeTime-W PlaywrO Pkg S57.00 $1.653.00 1 4854 Gamenme- Accessible Playcurb $395.00 $395.00 1 RDU GameTime- Custom PdmeLme System- $25,619.08 $25,619.06 with 14' Square Shade ages 2-5 & 5-12 1 8476 GameTime- InMlty Bowl $2,194.00 $2.194.00 1 INSTALL 5-Star Plus- Five Star Plus Playground Installation Baritone- $8,225.00 $8.225.00 Performed by a Certified Installer, Includes meeting and unloading delwery, truck, signed completion forms, site welMhrough, 90 day site ravish by Installation foramen, and 3-Year Labor Womanly! 1 Sealed 5-Star Plus - Signed/Sealed FBC 20207th Ed Building Code Drawings $995.00 $995.00 1 Permits 5-Star Plus- Budding Permits. $1,250.00 $1.250.00 Estimated Costs of Permits plus Time. (factual permit fees are significantly higher or lower final Invoice will be adjusted accordingly Includes two visits M the permit office, if additional time spent acquidngpermits, finalinvolce to be adjusted. Site Phumarembeprevidedbytheownerfor the perm/f application. Contract: OMNIA Sub Total $40.331.06 Discount ($6.839.79) Freight $1,464.39 Total $34.955.66 Comments Removal of existing surfacing, play equipment and footers by others. New safety surfacing by owner. Add option of removal and disposal of existing equipment - Removal/disposal of equipmem $1.900 This quote was prepared by Gina Wilson. Yce Preskent / Semar Project Manager. For question or to order please call - 801 4324)162 exl 101 gD A@gamelime.com All pricing In accordance with Omnla Partners; / U.S. Communities Contract 920170011%. All temns in the Omnla Partners / U.S. Communities Contract take precedence over terms shown below. For more information on the Chase Farmers I U.S. Communities contract please visit Amnia Partners Public Setlnr Gamplrimp Page 1 of 3 1 GameTme 01/19/2021 (GameTlme / PoDominica , 52070o Recreation Products, Inc. Quote # Ozna-Ol-oz f Longwood, FL 32752-0700 • PLC+ CORE c«..m 800432-0162-401-331-0101 Fax: 401 www.playdrp.com George Street Park - Design Option 2 Permits are not Included in cost unless specifically listed In pricing. If permits are required Signed/Sealed drawings are usually needed and are also not Included unless specifically listed in pricing. Any costs for muncipal permits, paid by installer, will be charged back to the owner Adding permits to any jab will increase the length of completion, expect total time to be about 120 dify after receipt of Site Plan from owner/customer (this Is not due to manufacturing but rather the permit process at the muncipality level). It is expected that the owner will provide approved site plans of the area for the permit office, and will help and assist In the securing of all required approvals before assembly of equipment can begin. Installer cannot provide site plans. The permit process cannot begin until the site plans are available If addi0onal peimltling requirements are needed during the process, those will be added and billed accordingly, i e. soil density test. farmed footers, etc. Payment Terms: Governmental Purchase Order. Purchases In excess of $1,000.00 to be supported by your written purchase order made out to GameTlme. Net 30 days subject to approval by Game-hime Credit Manager. A completed Credit Application and Bank Reference Authorization, must be received with Me omen. The decision on credit is the sole discretion of GameTme/PlayCore. A 1 5% per month finance charge will be imposed on all past due accounts. Multiple Invoices: Invoices will be generated upon services rendered. Men equipment ships It will be invoiced separately from installation emotion other services. Terms are Net 30 for each individual invoice. This Quotation Is subject to policies In the current GameTme Park and Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditions. Our quotation is based on shipment of all items at one Wine to a single oesfination, unless noted, and changes are subject to price adjustment. Pricing: Firm for 60 days from date of quotation. Shipment F.O.B. factory, order shall ship within 45 days after GameTime's receipt and acceptance of your purchase order, color selections, approved submittals, and receipt of payment. Taxes: State and local taxes will be added at time of invoicing, if not already Included, unless a tax exempt certificate is provided at the time of order entry. Exclusions: Unless specifically discussed, this quotation excludes all sitework and landscaping; removal of existing equipment; acceptance of equipment and off-loading; storage of goods prior to Installation; security of equipment (on site and at night), equipment assembly and Installation; safety surfacing; borders: drainage; signedtisealed drawings; or permits. Installation Terms: Shall be by a Certified Installer The installer is an Indepedent installer and not pad of PlayCore, GameTlme, nor Dominica Recreation Products If playground equipment, Installer will be NPSI and Factory Trained and Certified. Unless otherwise noted, installaton is based on a standard Installation consistent with GameTlme Installation. sheets and in suitable sail win a subbase that will allow proper playground installation. Drainage is not part of our scope of work unless otherwise noted. Customer shall be responsible for scheduling and coordination with the Installer. Site should be level and allow for unrestricted access of trucks and machinery. Customer shall also provide a staging and construction area. Installer not responsible for sod replacement or damage to access path and staging area. Customer shall be responsible for unknown conditions such as buried utilities, tme stumps, lock, or any concealed materials or conditions that may result in additional labor or malerialcosts. Customer will be billed hourly or per job directly by the installer for any additional costs that were not previously mclutled. ORDER INFORMATION Bill TO Ship To: Contact - Contact. Address : Address: Atltlress, Address: City, State, Zip: City State, Zip' Tel Fax: Tel: Fax SALES TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE #: (PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF CERTIFICATE) 1 Page 2 of 3 CENTIR[p 1 OameTme Wo Dominica Rea CGamewme/ P.O. Box 520700 ea0on Products, Inc Longmod, FL 32752-0700 •PL<YC 8OD432-0162-407331-0101 Fax-407-3314720 w .playdrp.com Acceptance of ouotallon. Accepted By Printed): signature: Title: E-Mall: George Street Park — Design Option 2 P.O. No: Date: Phone: Purchase Amount: $34,955.66 Page 3 of 3 01H9/2021 Quote #1027/8-01-02 cn 0f SEBAST�N HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM Board Meeting Date: August 23, 2021 Agenda Item Title: Committee member discussion of a Citizen Recognition program. Background: During the June 28" Committee meeting Mr. Denise provided a handout to the Committee members and suggested that it should be considered that in the future Community members be recognized for their work and contributions to the community. There was a consensus from the Committee to bring this item forward as a discussion topic at a future meeting. If Aqenda Item Repuires Expenditure of Funds: Total Budgeted: N/A Attachments: 1) June 281", 2021 Meeting Minutes Excerpt 2) Email from Mr. Denise PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 28, 2021 XI. Board or Committee Member Matters Mr. Mauro referred to the small -dog area in the Dog Park. He asked how often the grass is cut in there. Mr. Benton slated the grass is mowed once a week. Mr. Mauro commented on Blossom Street Park. It is missing a section of chain -link fence in the back. Mr. Benton said that playground is currently shut down due to safely concerns. It is one that is being replaced. Whenever that playground is replaced, the fencing will be replaced at the same time. Mr. Benton reminded everyone that the Freedom Festival will take place this Saturday. July 3id. It is not on July 41h this year. The parade will start at 8:30 a.m. at Davis Street on Indian River Drive. It will proceed south along Indian River Drive all the way to Riverview Park. The park event will run from 10:00 a.m. until the fireworks begin. This year the fireworks are slated to begin at 9:00 p.m. Obviously, weather may alter the time one way or another. Another change this year is the location of the fireworks. The fireworks will not be shot off from the Island, which has typically happened in the past. They are going to be shot off from the north Twin Pier at Riverview Park. The City is suggesting that people not sit too close in that Twin Pier grassy area. There will be an area fenced off which is the typical fallout zone that is required. Unfortunately, US Fish and Wildlife currently will not allow the City to shoot off from the island anymore. The City is working with them currently, and hopefully in future years that may change. Mr. Danise asked if the fireworks are going to be shot off from a water vessel. Mr. Benton said staff looked into renting a barge, which was going to more than double the price of the fireworks display. The fireworks company has surveyed the area, and they feel comfortable shooting off from the north pier. Or. Danise provided a handout for Committee members. He suggested it ought to be considered that in the future people in the community be recognized for their work and contributions to the community. He commented that there are several people who do a lot of work in the City for different sports etc., and it would not cost much from the budget to recognize these people. He staled that it has been his experience that communities that have such a program are more active, and they get more people involved. It was the consensus of Committee members that this is a good suggestion. Ms. White suggested that, if this suggestion goes forward, maybe Mr. Danise could be the point person for nominations, and it could be done once or twice a year for recognition of these people. Ms. Drumheller asked that this be put on the agenda for next month's meeting. Mr. Benton said he would do that. Mr. Mauro also suggested going beyond this committee to include all the agencies within the City — like a Certificate -of -Appreciation sort of program to recognize people who volunteer for the City. Brian Benton From: JOHN danise <coachdanise.fhstca@att.neb Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 1:37 PM To: Brian Benton Subject: Agenda thoughts for July 26th meeting CAUTION: This email orginated from OUTSIDE our email system. PLEASE excerise caution when opening ANY attachments or clicking on links. ESPECIALLY from unknown senders. Brian Benton, Leisure Service Director Suggestion's for developing a Sebastian Parks and Rec. Honor Group: During my years of service on different sports organizations Boards, I have developed an an opinion that the most successful ones were those who had the recognition of its members. While everyone may not have agreed with those being recognized, I have seen membership in those organizations increase, yes, and often the workloads of the Boards members, but it had also made those organizations better. During my terms volunteering on three of the Sebastian volunteering committees I have been blessed to be joined by committed members, but other than those presenting a specific issue, few citizens are present at each meeting. While I can understand that during my time on the Charter Review Committee, since it only meets every five years, but during each meeting of our Parks and Recreation committee I see a room full of empty seats, except on that occasional time when someone is looking for or objecting to something. Like many of you who enjoyed the blessings of this past 4th of JUly celebrations I gave thanks to our beautiful city. Soon after I thought about our growth and potential challenges we faced and realized our continued success was dependent upon having more people contributing to the efforts of our Parks & Rec; no, not as more people on our committee, but as more people coming to our meetings and offering ideas that need to be examined for cost and effectiveness of our city. Thank you for agreeing to place our idea of recognizing citizens who contribute and support park and rec projects on this agenda. During our brief discussion at the last meeting, when I brought up the subject it was subjected that we might also invite other committee nominees; after giving it thought and reexamining the city website I see one department recruiting volunteers and setting standards for that activity. Selfishly while I want our residence to be more active in our activities, don't see it being necessary to include outstanding contributions outside of the Park and rec responsibilities. I would hope the future success of our efforts would encourage other committees to find similar ways of growing support for what they do. With your permission, I would like to include the above statement into the agenda meeting introduction of the July 26th Board meeting. Respectfully John L Danise Jr.