HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-2021 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES - AUGUST 19, 2021 aZS ri I. Call to Order -Chairman Roth called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.p) � �! O a II. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all. C N m ^ III. Roll Call d E F� m Present: Mr. Roth Mr. Christino (a) 2 Mr. Simmons Mr. Hu han C - ' cc 0 Ms. Kautenburg Mr. Alvarez U) p v a Not present: Mr. Carter -- Excused .0 2 m Ms. Jordan (a) -- Excused N O n a C Mr. Qizilbash -- Excused fQ N ¢ ¢ w Also Present: Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director Ms. Dom Bosworth, Community Development Manager Mr. Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney Ms. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) Dr. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. IV. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Mr. Roth welcomed the newest alternate member, Ms. Karen Jordan. Ms. Jordan is absent this evening but is excused. He also announced that Mr. Carter has been excused from tonight's meeting as well as Mr. Qizilbash, and Mr. Christino will be voting this evening. Mr. Roth stated that it is a major accomplishment that the Comprehensive Plan has been completed. The City got a notice from the state on August 12' that it was approved. He thanked the Planning staff for seeing that the plan was done on time. He acknowledged City Council and their constant support and dedication to getting this project completed. He also thanked the Planning and Zoning Commissioners for attending all the meetings and workshops. He stated that the City has heard from quite a few that it is a well-rounded plan. V. Approval of Minutes: Regular meeting of July 15. 2021 Mr. Roth asked if all Commissioners have had a chance to review the Minutes. All indicated they had. Mr. Roth then called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 2021 of July 15, 2021 was made by Mr. Christino, seconded by Mr. Simmons, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearings — None VII. Unfinished Business — None Vill. Public Input -- None IX. New Business A. Recommendation to City Council — Review of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Capital Outlay Items Greater than $50,000.00 — 6-Year Schedule FY 2021/2022 through 2026/2027 Mr. Killgore, CFO, made a Power Point presentation (SEE ATTACHED) summarizing what is in the agenda packets. He reviewed that the Capital Improvement Program that has been prepared for the budget is very detailed, and he explained the procedure for arriving at the figures. The City Council is briefed on the General Fund budget as far as the proposed millage rate. Next week Mr. Killgore will be meeting with City Council to review the CIP and the various funds of the City, and then public hearings will be held in September. He then went through the information page -by -age and explained the data. The following are questions/comments by the Commissioners regarding the Power Point and information in the CIP Budget. Mr. Roth: Regarding the first four items on the stormwater drainage program, he commented that those items are one of the main items in the Comprehensive Plan as far as handling stormwater. There was a question that came up at one of this Committee's meetings as to the flooding that happens in Sebastian. He understands that these steps will take care of that flooding. He asked if Mr. Killgore feels that the amounts set forth are going to adequately address those concems. Mr. Killgore stated he cannot be definite in that regard. There are some other areas and projects that the City is prioritizing. A big part of that is for canal restoration. Of the $23 million that is estimated, only $1 million will come out of City funds. The rest will hopefully be grant funds from FEMA. As to the funding for the airport, he asked if a lot of that will take place in 2023- 24, and -25 and does that mean that is when the physical work will be done? Mr. Killgore explained that some of those projects take more than one fiscal year. Most of the scheduling comes from talking to the FAA and FDOT as to when they feel they are going to be able to fund the grants to support that work. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 2021 • Regarding the budgeting for the Police Department, he wanted to make sure that their needs are being met as far as equipment and electronic technology, etc. Mr. Killgore explained that a good deal of the technology funding is accounted for in the Management Information Systems (MIS) division. Mr. Christino: As to the stormwater program, he asked if the proposed Stormwater Master Plan that the City commissioned last year had been submitted to the City. Mr. Killgore stated that there is a consultant working on that. It should be a lot more detailed on the measures the City needs to be taking. Mr. Christino also addressed the funds that will be coming from the federal government for the stormwater program. Mr. Killgore explained that the matching requirement for funding the $23 million project is for the City to spend only $1 million. Regarding the slip lining,/pipe replacements, swales and driveway culverts, he has had many people ask him when these projects are going to be done. This was supposed to be done two years ago when the roads were paved, and it has not been accomplished. Mr. Killgore reviewed that there was so much roadwork over the last two years, the stormwater crews have not been able to address all the associated stormwater improvements along the roadways. Mr. Christino stated that it was his understanding that the roads were not going to be paved until the stormwater issues were done so that the new asphalt would not be washed away. Mr. Killgore said that the City is adding two maintenance workers for the stormwater system in order to speed up that effort. Mr. Christino opined that a lot of these questions should be addressed to the City Manager. Regarding the playground improvements, he stated there have been citizens who are requesting that the City parks, which are lacking in handicapped facilities, have an amount budgeted specifically to replace equipment to accommodate those persons with disabilities. Mr. Killgore explained that in talking with Brian Benton, Director of Leisure Services, Mr. Benton is addressing one or two parks at a time, focusing on making sure there is some handicapped equipment installed. As to the $1.8 million for road building, he inquired what that is for. Mr. Killgore stated that is for opening up the west side of the airport. He stated that does not relate to the Public Works facility. He further reviewed how the monies from the discretionary sales tax fund are allocated. As to road reconstruction, he inquired if this is over five to six years. Mr. Killgore said yes. Mr. Christino does not think the $3,566,000.00 is a sufficient amount if it is broken down over a six -year period. Mr. Killgore said these figures are estimates. Mr. Christino stated that after the stormwater program is completed, he would like to see much more money budgeted towards improving the roads in the City. He said the same would apply to sidewalk improvements. He thinks that in PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 2021 the future the City will need to look at getting more money for its roads and sidewalks. This would protect the City against lawsuits from falls, etc. Mr. Hughan: • Regarding the airport, he asked regarding the public facility compound where it states the expected remaining balance for the design -build project authorized for '20-21, lists a figure of $5,334,024.00; then further down it sets forth a remainder of the $9,133,483.00. Mr. Killgore explained how those figures were arrived at. Mr. Simmons: • Asked if there are any items in the capital budget for fiscal year 20-21 that the City failed to follow through on because of lack of funds. Mr. Killgore said if there were projects that the City thought it could not budget for that year, they would be introduced to be funded in the future year. • Regarding grants and a couple of items that related to spending funds from the American Rescue Plan, he asked why some of that does not show up on the proposed capital budget. Mr. Killgore reviewed that that was pulled from the agenda, and it will be coming back in September. Mr. Anon stated that, since Council tentatively has not rendered an opinion on that matter, he would recommend sticking to what is presently on the agenda. Ms. Kautenburg: • Regarding the new Comprehensive Plan, there is mention of improving access to facilities for all handicapped persons, not just children. She asked If there are funds not being used or are the funds all being used every year. Mr. Killgore suggested she is alluding to the recreation impact fees. There is a separate accounting kept for those, and it goes to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for direction as to how those funds are appropriated. Ms. Kautenburg is concerned that cars can be parked in a parking area, the picnic tables can be seen, but there is no way to get there from where you are parked if you are handicapped. She opined that this is a disservice to many people. She would recommend that monies be included in the budget regardless of whether Parks and Recreation asks for it or not. Ms. Bosworth stated that could be added into the motion tonight based on new policies within the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Killgore reviewed the regulations involved with using those funds. He stated Mr. Benton has done a good job of using what has been collected. The budget is tight as far as spending everything out of recreational impact fees. The Committee could still make that point with an amendment to the motion this evening. Mr. Chnstino agreed with Ms. Kautenburg's suggestion. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 2021 There being no further discussion, a motion approving the proposed Capital Improvement Program with an additional amount of money to be specified to improve access for all disabled citizens, not just children, to the facilities available in the City's parks, including tables, benches, paths, and other utilities, and recommending approval by City Council was made by Ms. Kautenburg and seconded by Mr. Christino. There was general discussion regarding the wording of the motion among the Committee members, Mr. Killgore, and Mr. Anon. It was the consensus of all that the wording set forth above is correct. Mr. Roth called on anyone from the public, either present in chambers or on Zoom, who wished to comment. There being no one, Mr. Roth called for a vote on the motion. Roll Call Mr. Hughan — Yes Mr. Simmons -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg -- Yes Mr. Christino (a) — Yes Mr. Roth — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Vote was 6-0 in favor. Motion passes. X. Commissioners Matters Mr. Christino commended Mr. Killgore for his knowledge regarding the budget, and he asked that next year the City Manager also be present when this meeting is conducted. Mr. Simmons seconded Mr. Christino's comments. Mr. Roth added his voice to what Mr. Christino and Mr. Simmons stated. Mr. Alvarez inquired if the City has a street sweeper and, if not, he opined that it be something that should be recommended to be added to the budget next year. XI. Citv Attomev Matters Mr. Roth asked Mr. Anon to review the rules regarding ex parte communications among Committee members and others. Mr. Anon read the Florida statute (SEE ATTACHED) regarding ex parte communications, explained each item, and answered any questions that the Committee members had. V3I�3FSiiu�FSii7�? Ms. Frazier reviewed that there is contained in the agenda packet a letter from the DEO accepting the City's updated and revised Comprehensive Plan. She thanked everyone on the Committee for their assistance with this matter. She also stated that the review of the Comprehensive Plan has been finalized regarding what land development codes need to be reviewed and confirmed that they are there or revised. Staff has begun checking through these items, and there will be assistance from Kimley-Horn and PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 2021 Associates. She looks forward to working with this Committee in making changes to correct and improve the City's land development code. She added that there are some new zoning districts that staff need to address first. XIII. Adioumment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mr. Roth at 7:10 p.m 19 Capital Improvement Program FY 2022 to 2027 Presentation of Proposed CIP Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, August 19, 2021 Prepared By: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Proposed Capital Improvement Program o Packets Include Summarys and Details on Staffs CIP Proposals. o Tonight's Objectives: Present Highlights of the Program. Hear Comments and Suggestions. Consider Motion to Recommend Proposed CIP to the City Council. Proposed Capital Improvement Program o Schedules of Capital Improvements, Largely Based on Operational Needs and Financial Capability. o Budget Review Advisory Committee Reviews Regarding Entire Operating Budget and Financial Strategies. o City Council Review August 25th and at Public Hearings Scheduled for September 13th and 29th. Proposed CIP General Government Items o $1,187,660 Technology Additions or Upgrades to Stay Current & Provide Cybersecurity. o $65,000 Administrative Vehicles. o $2,425,224 Police Department Vehicles and Equipment. o $495,000 for Harrison Street Park Plaza. o $50,000 Complete Working Waterfront. o $65,000 Riverview Park Tree Protection. Proposed CIP Roads and Public Facilities Items o $3,566,127 Street Reconstruction and Repaving After Pavement Plan Update. o $600,000 Sidewalk Improvements. o $323,776 Roads Department Equipment. o $5,334,024 Public Works Compound. o $10,500 Stairwell Chairs & Fleet Items. o $197,500 Cemetery Grounds, Fencing, Signage and Columbarium Niches. Proposed CIP Parks and Recreation Items o $420,000 Playground Improvements. o $120,000 Park Improvements. o $75,000 Barber St. Baseball Backstops. o $224,000 Park Equipment. o $30,000 Park Signage Proposed CIP Stormwater Drainage Items o $103,000 Fountains and Equipment. o $980,000 Sliplining/Pipe Replacements. o $785,000 Swale/Driveway Culverts. o $23,000,000 Canal Restoration Grant. o $400,000 Concha Dam Replacement. o $250,000 Tulip Drive Crossing. o $250,000 Bayfront Road Crossing. o $350,000 Ocean Cove Drainage. Proposed CIP Airport Items o $156,500 Radios, Cameras & Wash Rack. o $470,000 Hangar C and D Offices. o $2,820,000 New Hangar Projects. o $3,114,912 Runway Rehabilitation. o $2,727,000 Apron Improvements. o $400,000 Utilities for Golf Apron. o $1,250,000 Taxiway Golf Improvements. o $1,800,000 Construct Airport Road West. Proposed CIP Golf Course and Building Items o Golf Course: o $5,000 Golf Parking Lot. o $20,000 Ditch Improvements. o $40,795 Equipment. o Building Fund: o $116,000 Counter and Office Renovations. Proposed Capital Improvement Program o Questions? o Comments or Concerns? o Motion to Recommend Proposed Capital Improvement Program to the City Council. 1 Capital Improvement Program FY 2022 to 2027 Presentation of Proposed CIP Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, August 19, 2021 Prepared By: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Proposed 1k Capital Improvement Program o Packets Include Surnmarys and Details on Staffs CIP Proposals. o Tonight's Objectives: Present Highlights of the Program. Hear Comments and Suggestions. Consider Motion to Recommend Proposed CIP to the City Council. Proposed Capital Improvement Program o Schedules of Capital Improvements, Largely Based on Operational Needs and Financial Capability. o Budget Review Advisory Committee Reviews Regarding Entire Operating Budget and Financial Strategies. o City Council Review August 25th and at Public Hearings Scheduled for September 13th and 29th 0 Proposed CIP General Government Items o $1,187,660 Technology Additions or Upgrades to Stay Current & Provide Cybersecurity. o $65,.000 Administrative Vehicles. o $2,425,224 Police and Equipment. Department Vehicles o $495,000 for Harrison Street Park Plaza. o $50,000 Complete Working Waterfront. o $65,000 Riverview Park Tree Protection. Proposed CIP Roads and Public Facilities Items o $3,566,127 Street Reconstruction and OF Repaving After Pavement Plan Update. o $600,,000 Sidewalk Improvements. o $323,,776 Roads Department Equipment. o $5,334,024 Public Works Compound. o $10,500 Stairwell Chairs & Fleet Items. o $197,,500 Cemetery Grounds,, Fencing, Sionaae and Columbarium Niches. Proposed CIP Parks and Recreation Items o $420,000 Playground Improvements. OF o $120,,000 Park Improvements. o $75,000 Barber St. Baseball Backstops. o $224,,000 Park Equipment. o $30,000 Park Signage kL Proposed CIP Stormwater Drainage Items IFo $103,,000 Fountains and Equipment. o $980,,000 Sliplining/Pipe Replacements. o $785,000 Swale/Driveway Culverts. o $23,000,,000 Canal Restoration Grant. o $400,,000 Concha Dam Replacement. o $250,,000 Tulip Drive Crossing. o $250,,000 Bayfront Road Crossing. o $350,,000 Ocean Cove Drainage. Proposed CIP Airport Items o $156, 500 Radios, Cameras &Wash Rack. o $470,,000 Hangar C and D Offices. o $2,,820,000 New Hangar Projects. o $3, 114,912 Runway Rehabilitation. o $2, 727f 000 Apron Improvements. o $400,000 Utilities for Golf Apron. o $1,250,000 Taxiway Golf Improvements. o $1,800,000 Construct Airport Road West. kLProposed CIP Golf Course and Building Items o Golf Course: o $5,000 Golf Parking Lot. o $20,000 Ditch Improvements. o $40,795 Equipment. o Building Fund: o $116,000 Counter and Office Renovations. Proposed Capital Improvement Program o Questions.? o Comments or Concerns.? o Motion to Recommend Proposed Capital Improvement Program to the City Council.