HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-2021 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 2021 Call to Order — Vice -Chairman Alvarez called the meeting to order at IL Pledoe of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Mr. Simmons Ms. Kautenburg Ms. Jordan (a) Not present: Mr. Roth — Excused Mr. Carter — Excused Mr. Hughan — Excused Also Present: C N m C •T 0 to E F Mr. Christine (a) a Mr. Qizilbash O O Mr. Alvarez ca CUCD .0 $ wp nn TN IcLE Ms. Dom Bosworth, Community Development Manager Ms. Michelle Faulkner, Planner Mr. Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) Dr. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. IV. Announcements and/orAaenda Modifications Mr. Alvarez announced that Mr. Carter, Mr. Roth, and Mr. Hughan are all excused from this meeting. Mr. Christino and Ms. Jordan will be voting in their places. Mr. Alvarez also welcomed Ms. Jordan, the new alternate member. V. ADoroval of Minutes All Commissioners having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Alvarez called for a Motion. A motion approving the Minutes of August 19, 2021 as presented was made by Mr. Christino, seconded by Mr. Simmons, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Quasi -Judicial and Public Hearinas A. Quasi -Judicial Public Hearing — Conditional Use Permit -- New Model Home -- 952 Roseland Road — Lot 21, Block 162, Sebastian Highlands Unit 5 -- Holiday Builders, Inc. — Residential Single Family (RS-10) Zoning District .a E 9 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 Mr. Alvarez asked if any commissioners have had any ex parte discussions with the builder, Holiday Builders. All stated they had not. All who wished to speak on this matter were sworn in by Mr. Anon. Mr. Anon read the item into the record. Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to speak on this matter. Trevor Lewis stated Holiday Builders presently has a model at 964 Roseland Road. There is a parking lot separating the lot that is the subject of this petition from 952 Roseland Road which is the current model home center. The current model home is a plan Holiday Builders no longer offers. They would like to move their sales associate from that location to the model at 952 Roseland Road. Once the sales associate is relocated, the model at 964 Roseland Road will be offered for sale. Mr. Alvarez called on staff for their findings and recommendations. Ms. Faulkner stated that City staff has reviewed the model home application and find it to be in compliance with the code. Now that Holiday Builders have stated they are going to be moving the model, they will need to do a unity of title to join the two properties together. Regarding Item 7(e) on the staff report, the applicant has already applied for a sign permit through the Building Department. The model home permit will expire in one year, and it can be administratively renewed at that time. Staff recommends approval for a one-year period upon removal of the model home sign, parking area, the connecting paver walkway, and completion of unity of title. Mr. Alvarez asked if any of the commissioners had questions of the applicant. Mr. Christino: Regarding the illuminated sign, he asked if it will be the same sign that is presently there. Mr. Lewis said it will be exactly the same sign, just relocated to the new location. Mr. Qizilbash: Asked if there will be two model homes side -by -side. Mr. Lewis said no. Once they have moved into the model at 952, the other model will be closing, and it will be offered for sale. Mr. Alvarez: Asked if that is the model that has the handicapped toilet on the exterior. Mr. Lewis said that was a Holiday home, but it was at the Sandcrest subdivision. There being no further questions/comments, Mr. Alvarez called on anyone from the public in chambers or on Zoom who wished to speak in favor of this project. There being no one, he called for anyone who wished to speak in opposition to this project. There was no one present in chambers or on Zoom who wished to speak in opposition. Mr. Alvarez called for a motion on this application. A motion approving the conditional use permit for a model home at 952 Roseland Road, Lot 21, Block 162, Sebastian Highland Unit 5, Holiday Builders, Inc., residential single family (RS-10) Zoning District, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 conditioned upon the recommendations as listed in the staff report, was made by Mr. Christino (a) and seconded by Mr. Qizilbash. Roll Call Mr. Qizilbash — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Ms. Jordan (a) — Yes Mr. Christino (a) — Yes Mr. Simmons — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Vote was 6-0 in favor. Motion passes. B. Public Hearing -- Recommendation to City Council -- Special Use Permit -- Caliber Car Wash -- 13070 U.S. Highway #1 -- Commercial Riverfront (CR) Zoning District Mr. Anon read the item into the record. Mr. Alvarez called on the applicant to speak on this matter. Derek Rooney identified himself as a land -use attorney with the firm of Gray Robinson, representing Caliber Car Wash. He is seeking approval of a car wash use at the edge of the riverfront overlay district at 13070 US Highway 1. He is joined by Peter Pensa, who is the land -use planner. He is also joined by Keely Siebein, of Siebein Acoustics, and with Dan Brown of Caliber. He provided handouts to the commissioners and called on Mr. Pensa to review the handouts as they were displayed on the monitor for everyone to see (SEE ATTACHED). Mr. Pensa described himself as being an AICP planner, which means he is nationally certified, as well as the Director of Planning with AVID Group, which is a multi -disciplinary group consisting of land planning, civil engineering, and surveying. He reviewed the findings of the City staff as well as the Planning and Zoning Commission's finding requirements per the code. He read these, which he stated demonstrate that the applicant can fully meet the code. He pointed out and explained what was included on the maps and drawings that were attached to the applicant's documents. He stated that the applicant is prepared to make revisions as needed to fully comply with the City's requirements. Ms. Keely Siebein, Senior Consultant with Siebein Acoustics, reviewed that her company did a noise study for Caliber Car Wash. They worked closely with the owner to develop a series of noise - mitigation strategies, including using sound -reduced blowers instead of the typical very loud blowers. They also have a reduced height at the exit portal where most of the noise is typically dispersed from. There are also noise barriers planned, and they have also extended a wing wall at the entrance of the building. She explained the various noise barriers that will be in place. Mr. Brown then reviewed the market analysis and addressed whether or not there is a need for another facility. He described the other three carwashes in the City and how the Caliber Car PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 Wash is different. The typical hours are from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Regarding the question of demand, Mr. Brown stated that this is a $5 million investment, and they are very confident in this investment. Mr. Alvarez then called on City staff for their comments. Mr. Anon moved that the documents that were shown on the monitor be made a part of the record. Ms. Bosworth reviewed what the staff report contained and the considerations that were made by the staff in devising this report. She pointed out that the reason for this hearing and the recommendations that the commissioners will be giving to City Council is for the use itself. She stated that, if they get to a site plan stage, that is when a lot of the details on the photometric plan, building height, traffic flow to the site, stormwater, parking, etc. will be determined —if a special use is granted. She then reviewed what is contained in the staff report, including the concerns of the City staff. Staff wants to know if this noise study was done with all 18 blowers in use at the same time and how much of their equipment was on at the time the study was done. The other main concern is that this car wash will be less than 500 feet from another car wash. There is no information on the noise levels when both car washes are in operation at the same time. Ms. Bosworth noted that within the staff report was a copy of an article in a magazine relating to noise levels of car washes in different communities, and this is a concern in many communities. The article also went into detail relating to site location and how important that is when allowing car washes in communities. Another consideration by staff is that these are single -purpose buildings. They are not something that, if a car wash goes out of business, the building is not easily repurposed for another use. The City's plan for an old fishing village theme was also a consideration. She explained that there is a section in the staff report that makes recommendations for requirements if the Commission approves this special use permit, but staff has recommended denial of this application, and she pointed to some of the reasons for that recommendation, specifically the noise level with the location of the proposed car wash being less than 500 feet from another car wash and the risk that a single -purpose building may be left empty. Mr. Alvarez called on members of the public who wished to speak in favor of this special use permit. No one in chambers or on Zoom wishing to speak, Mr. Alvarez called on members of the public who wished to speak against the granting of this special use permit. William Schrader, Sr. — Owns the property at 7570—131s`Street, which Is directly behind the subject property. He estimates that his property is approximately 100 feet from this property. He also estimates that the exit lane for the cars that have been washed is approximately 125 feet from his property. He knows that the big blowers that dry the cars make lots of noise. He feels this will lower the value of his PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 property. Also, on either side of this property along US 1 there are office buildings where they conduct their business inside, and all the noise from this business will come from the outside. Audrey Miller, 2509 Bay Boulevard, Indian Rocks Beach — Her fiance owns Pelican Car Wash, which is right down the road from this property across from Walmart. She stated that today she spent her afternoon going to the local businesses surrounding the property where Caliber has proposed their site. She went to the medical offices, the surrounding restaurants, etc. She went with a petition and explained what is proposed. She has over 100 signatures from today. Not one business that she called on said that this was okay. They all said this is wrong. Why would they want to put a car wash so close to the existing car wash, and they were worried about the residences behind it and the noise. She also spoke to patients in the medical office waiting rooms, and many of them signed the petition. She has a copy of the petition that was shown to the commissioners. • Carey Calame, 7565 — 131" Street. She referred to the many businesses, including a church, in the vicinity near this proposed car wash. Presently the noise from the trains is very notable during the night and early moming and adding the noise from a car wash that opens at 7:00 a.m. and goes till 8:00 p.m. with a number of machines going constantly is not a good idea. Steve DiLeonardo, 13035 — 75" Court — His property is right behind the proposed car wash property. He is a resident of the County, but he considers himself a Sebastianite. He commended what the City has done with that area and thinks it is beautiful and putting another car wash in the middle of that is going to change things. There is already a car wash that was grandfathered in there, and he hears it running. They do everything they can to keep the volume done, but he can hear it inside his house with the air conditioning running. If this petition is granted, there would be a car wash on the other side of his house. He would be between both of them. He does not see the necessity of another car wash. He asked the commissioners to vote no on this request. • Bryson Arvanitis, 2509 Bay Boulevard — He provided handouts to the commissioners (SEE ATTACHED). He is the new owner of the car wash next to this proposed car wash. He bought it nine months ago. He described the new equipment that he has recently installed. Presently, this property is being redeveloped. There are many renovations being made to help with the noise problem. He is adding features that add to the nautical theme. The irrigation has been redone, and several canopies will be added. On busy days his car wash can do approximately 300 vehicles. In the off season they do about 100. He opined that, if this car wash is built, it will take business from the car washes that are already in Sebastian and may force one or more to go out of business. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 • Ron Adamson, Sebastian — He owns the original Sebastian Car Wash at 509 US Highway 1. He built the car wash at 509 US Highway 1 right next to the Mobile station. This car wash has been there for 32 years. He eventually added a second car wash which is across the highway from Walmart. Both of these have a block architectural design. He went on the website for Caliber, and the only picture shown was a building that looked like an industrial building with a flat roof. He feels that there is not a need for an additional car wash. If he had felt there was a need, he would have built the third one if there was a need. He pointed out the car wash on CR 512 (Sebastian Boulevard) and the fact that there have been several owners there because there is not a need for that car wash. That building was shut down for quite a while because there was not enough business. • Ronald Postlethwaite, 909 Gulfstream Avenue, Sebastian — He is personal friends with Mr. Adamson. He helps out at different times at the car wash. Sometimes things are slow. Mr. Adamson is a hard worker, and when businesses such as his that stay in business for many years, that looks good for the City. He stated that less than two years ago Mr. Adamson spent $176,000.00 to modemize his automatic car wash because he knew that in order to run a successful business, there needs to be money set aside for capital improvements. He feels that if this new car wash is installed so close to Mr. Avanitis' car wash, it will take business from the present car wash. He does not think Sebastian needs another car wash. • Jerry Czernewski -- He is the current manager at the Purple Pelican Car Wash. He stated that the applicant said that they do not have self-service bays; however, the 18 vacuum cleaners are self-service. There are surveillance cameras at the car wash that he works at, and there is very little activity there after dark. They close the washes at 11:00 p.m., but the vacuums are open all night. If necessary, they can shut those vacuums off at a certain time. Ms. Bosworth emphasized that this hearing is only asking for a special use permit. She repeated that staffs main concern is the site location of this fourth car wash being less than 500 feet from the present one. There is also concern about the exponential noise for the neighbors to the east and because of the additional car wash coming in, the risk of a single -purpose building being left vacant if any of them were to go out of business. She also reminded the commissioners that the purpose of this meeting is to present a recommendation to City Council. If the commissioners vote to recommend approval, staff would then like to have time to discuss some recommended conditions of approval that would be forwarded to City Council. Mr. Rooney thanked Ms. Bosworth for her candor during the process of this application. His people knew what the issues were and are working through those issues and would PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 continue to work through those issues if the special use is permitted. He added that he has worked with many entities that were single purpose buildings and has heard the same arguments raised as were raised this evening. He pointed out that economic considerations —these kinds of competition -based considerations —are generally not applicable at proper zoning procedures. Even in the places where they have been challenged, they at least had standards. Sebastian's standards do not address those considerations. He stated that Ms. Siebein will address the noise concerns, particularly of the neighbors. She will describe haw the studies were determined. He will also ask Mr. Brown to come up and address the competition issue. He suggested that because of the difference between what Mr. Postlethwaite said was $8.50 for a car wash, they are not direct competitors. They have different products, they have different levels of investment, and they offer something different to the customers in Sebastian and the surrounding areas. Ms. Keely Siebein reviewed that her people built a 3D noise model with a state-of-the- art noise modeling software system. They were able to populate the noise model with all of the different noise sources that would potentially be operating. There was every single piece of equipment operating at the exact same time and 80% of the vacuum stations operating at the same time. All of the steps for reducing noise that are being proposed combined together allow the car wash to be able to operate and meet the residential noise ordinance limit to the surrounding properties. In terms of the noise combining from both car washes, that is something that she can look at in the noise model. Mr. Brown added that there was discussion about 18 vacuums going at the same time. He explained that the louder noise source is coming from the motor, which is near the building. Each of the 18 nozzles has a hose, and the nozzles are much quieter than the louder noise of the tunnel and the motor that is creating the suction. Now is the opportunity for the commissioners to put the conditions in there to make this acceptable to the City of Sebastian. He also pointed out that competition is good for the consumer. Mr. Alvarez called for comments/questions from the commissioners. Mr. Simmons: It appears that one of the primary reasons to turn down this request is the fact that somebody is going to be a loser in the car wash business. His question is regarding whether it is the place of the commissioners to pick winners and losers. Ms. Bosworth stated the staffs main concern is the single -purpose buildings structures that these businesses use. Mr. Simmons stated that that assumes someone will go out of business. Ms. Bosworth said it is in conjunction with staffs concerns of two car washes close to each other regarding the noise. That is staffs number one concern for the residents and the surrounding businesses. She suggested that this concern would go PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIOWLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 away if the car wash was located somewhere else such as the three car washes in the City presently are located —at least a few miles apart. Ms. Kautenburg: (1) Asked a question of Mr. Schrader regarding the proximity of his property to the proposed car wash. She assumes that he knew there was an existing car wash in the vicinity and asked if he made any inquiries as to what the use of the other vacant land might be. Mr. Schrader stated the car wash presently in operation does not affect his property. She asked Mr. Schrader if he made any inquiries as to what that land could possibly be used for when he purchased his property. Mr. Schrader said he looked at everything else around that area, and he thought it would be a medical office. (2) Asked Mr. Rooney regarding the other pieces of commercial property along US 1 slightly to the north of this property that are on the market, why this property was chosen. Mr. Rooney asked Mr. Brown to address this question. Mr. Brown stated it was a combination of price and location. (3) She is concerned with the proximity of single-family residential homes to this piece of property. She is aware that this property is situated in an area that requires a special use permit. She believes the reason for that is because this particular request is a very unique and distinct usage for the property which requires a unique and distinct single -purpose building. Another concern is about allowing a single use building which may in the future be unused and may go into a state of disrepair with the passage of time. (4) She is also concerned about allowing a special use permit for a business, since this is in a mixed -use district, that may be detrimental to other businesses or residences in the area. Noise is another concern for her. Mr. Qizilbash: (1) Stated that all his concerns have been discussed by Ms. Bosworth and other commission members. His opinion is that this is the wrong location for a car wash. (2) Another concern is that having this business in this area will devalue the property of adjacent homeowners. Mr. Christino: (1) Questioned the reason for the height of the redesigned building, the front elevation in particular. Mr. Brown stated this is to comply with the pitched roof that was requested by the City of Sebastian. (2) Inquired regarding the price of a car wash. Mr. Brown stated the basic is $10.00 for a single wash, and $15.00 and $20.00 washes as well as subscription plans are also available. (3) Asked what would be the color scheme of the building. Mr. Brown stated it would be primarily white with blue and gray accents. (4) He agreed with Mr. Qizilbash's concerns regarding the proximity to the residential neighborhood. (5) He shares the concern of staff that there may be a single use building that may lie unused for years and become an eyesore. (6) He suggested another location for the business. Mr. Alvarez: (1) One of his concerns is the proximity of the entranceway across the road from the church. That church has a lot of activity, and there have been accidents there in the past. That is why they have a police officer there to direct traffic during PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 special events and masses. (2) Another concern is the noise. (3) He is of the opinion that Sebastian has enough car washes. Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. Mr. Anon explained that the motion should be to either approve with the conditions as set forth in the staff report or to deny the application. A motion was made by Ms. Kautenburg to recommend to City Council that the request for a special -use permit by Caliber Car Wash, 13070 US Highway #1 be denied based on the consideration that this particular special use would have a negative impact on the surrounding and adjacent properties and seconded by Mr. Simmons. Roll Call Ms. Jordan (a) — Yes Mr. Qizilbash — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Simmons — Yes Mr. Christino (a) -- Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Vote was 6-0 in favor. Motion passes Ms. Bosworth followed up for the residents who did come to the meeting that this was a recommendation to City Council. Staff is looking to bring this before City Council on November 10", but that date needed to be verified. Letters will also be sent out to surrounding property owners for that public hearing, or there may be consideration to move it to another meeting date. She pointed out that if a member of the public received a letter notifying him or her of tonight's meeting, they will receive a letter for that meeting also. VII. Unfinished Business — None Vill. Public Input — None IX. New Business -- None X. Commissioners Matters -- None XI. Citv Attomev Matters -- None XI I. Staff Matters Ms. Bosworth introduced the new planner in the department, Ms. Erin Taylor. She will be taking on zoning applications such as accessory structures, model homes, etc. Ms. Bosworth announced that the next scheduled meeting has been moved up from October 215' to October 14°i. She has provided this evening the agenda packet to the commissioners for next week's meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2021 XIII. Adiournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mr. Alvarez at 7:45 p.m. jg Caliber Car Wash City of Sebastian Request for Special Use Permit October 7, 2021 P&ZC Hearing 13070 US Highway 1 Sebastian, FL CALIBER CAR WASH � e jh..: ,1 ` • ..a tr/�j "\,j; � it Zone Map Conceptual Plan PROJECT DATA I TOTAL PROJECT AREA: LOBS AcM (47 11. Sq.PEj JURISDICTION: CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FL PROPERTY FUTURE LAND USE: RIVERFROW MINED USE PROPETYIONING: -CW (COMMERCIAL RIVERFRONT) PROPERTY OVERLAY: PROPOSED INTENSM: 3,M:E SF (OAN FAR) PROPOSED PARKING: 18 VACUUM STALLS (INCLUDING 1 HANDICAP STALL) 4 BUG PREP SPACES 3 EMPLOYEE SPACES LEDALOESLRIPTION: RAMW XIF eYPVEVINC LLC, MRY 6NIDi II 0 w YICx W. P. u W lav, PSIu, .&NILAT 0. 1. WRYPEWNHUCOM64]M. T Al INPIATmCX\, wEi4mXLICpEC RCCOFBt. WYIECOVNIV. RORI0k9NIY4NC9 DISCLAIMER XEIx P IM IXpRM RIYtR CC VNM1. FLUN04 mmc coxcEv W u rux wRE rmPRmo mR PResvrtnn ax PURwsss Y LsxwwpNYmpoP umluiwxRaRcansmYrnox xraYxli. ra mrnxY �YxYxwxa4xowxxmmx.0 RYsmwPX IxEORWMxnU.i WR65UMum Rin1ElIYE OF>{µ PPF➢RMlpx RMO WV BCCYBRR TOCWXCEUMx RVRRRBMEVOF.�➢CIIWNRL CpWWYWQ WRXWGLNUXEY. BIRIERNCOMEPRPPYGItEPEOU4iORi WPNP'xEpYmvINF% 13070 US Highway 1 = "''; CA,. L I B E R- Sebastian, FL qa CAR WASH 13070 US Highway 1 Conceptual Landscape 0 CALIBER CAR WASH �see�aee�eaee•eees e r.o.wso.w<o.m ti 0Md. 000 eOO 0000 000 t, ITee Del2i Architectural Elevations 13070 US Highway 1 �„ , ,, `CALIBER Sebastian, FL CAR WASH Architectural Elevations T_ mv o o .dry M1eaa oe e�e¢v_ —. rvo ory MR ��ryn�i rsioe��v�nox 9i� `J�.�..'A�.�n ♦rwx �.4 13070 US Highway 1 Sebastian, FL `CALIBER CAR WASH a M.0 13070 US Highway 1 -„»,, 7, -ICALIBER Sebastian, FL CAR WASH CALIBER CAR WASH NOISE STUDY Sebastian, Florida VOISE MITIGATION DESIGN STRATEGIES I. SOUND REDUCED BLOWERS 2. REDUCED EXIT OPENING 3. NOISE BARRIERS t. EXTENDED WING WALL AT ENTRANCE TO TUNNEL ssoee �aaae asoae s000u sso ao eoaaa asoae i00EB M0OM ssa. NOISE CONTOURS FOR SITE SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH RESIDENTIAL LIMITS OF INDIAN RIVER SIEBEIN NOISE ORDINANCE WITH NOISE MITIGATION DESIGN STRATEGIES A c o U S T I C ♦=m:eily y.: 7. . 1 a J ryl� Approximate year built 2002 euu ®II— ;x Market Analysis 13070 US Highway 1 _I) , " CALIBER Sebastian, FL CAR WASH • There are over 61,000 residents within a 10-mile market area radius. • The blue and red bubbles are Walmart's repeat customers. • Caliber Car Wash expects to serve 20,000 to 25,000 residents within this market area. ---13zti - naeN J.i . 1�9tA7�ma�em�MCl1 J% �* \ Q&A Thank you for hearing our request for Special Use Permit, n s ? 13070 US Highway 1 _ m, =CALIBER Sebastian, FL /I'1\` CAR WASH Keep Sebastian Local and Support Small Businesses Purple Pelican, City Suds, and Sebastian Car Wash are locally owned, small businesses and have been proudly serving the citizens of Sebastian for over 25 years. o Between all 3 car washes, we employ about 15 members of the community. o Purple Pelican Car Wash is a member of the chamber of commerce and supports/donates to the Veterans Council of Indian River County, o Ron Adamson has been a member of the community for 30+years o Purple Pelican was recently purchased in January of 2021 by Bryson Arvanitis who has grown up in Florida and currently spends half the week as a member of the local community. He and his fiance have plans to relocate to the area after their son finishes school at the end of the year. • Caliber Car Wash is owned by a group of private investors and owns multiple car washes across 5 different states. o Will this company ever vote in our elections? Or shop locally and support our other small businesses? Will they ever connect with members of our community and participate in community events? • Why does a town of 25k people need 2 Express Tunnel Car Washes right next to each other? o Purple Pelican has a 60-foot express tunnel that guides you on a conveyor belt through multiple brush, wash and rinse systems. o Purple Pelican has the space and ability to expand an additional 20-ft, providing the town of Sebastian with an 80-foot tunnel and brand-new equipment. o Caliber Car Wash has a 100-foot+ tunnel that provides no services that Purple Pelican is not already providing. • A 100-foot tunnel can wash about 3,000 cars per day max. o That means that Caliber Car Wash could wash the car of every single person in Sebastian in about 8 days. o Based on this figure and the close proximity of their proposed site, (less than 1,000 feet from Purple Pelican) it would be virtually impossible for Purple Pelican Car Wash to stay in business as it's Express Tunnel is more than 80% of its business revenue. • Car washes are single use properties (Once a car wash, always a car wash) o Because of the drainage and trenching beneath all car washes, the buildings can never be repurposed into anything else. o If a car wash goes out of business it will remain a vacant building until anew car wash comes in. Is Caliber Car Wash really able to service the whole community? o Purple Pelican not only provides the Express Tunnel but also provides the community with access to Self Sery wash facilities and a Manual Drive Through Automatic Wash. At our wash, we have an option for all vehicles, including boats, cars, vans and trucks. (These extra services only provide 20% of the revenue, which wouldn't be enough to stay in business without the express tunnel). o Caliber Car Wash only provides access to the express tunnel, which would leave owners of boats, sports cars and dually trucks with nowhere to turn. Is Caliber REALLY more eco-friendly than Purple Pelican? o Purple Pelican uses reclaimed water for wash cycles and applications, we only use city water for rinses. o We are currently in the process of installing a Reverse Osmosis water purification system to allow us to use 100% recyclable water. o Purple Pelican currently uses bio-degradable, eco-friendly detergents and chemicals by National Car Wash Solutions (NCS). Purple Pelican is a NEW car wash in a vintage building. o Since Purple Pelican has come under new ownership 9 months ago, we have made vast improvements to the equipment, building, irrigation and landscaping. o The car wash has been rebranded to fit with the nautical theme of Sebastian. o We've added a brand-new drive -through automatic wash to cut down on wait times. o We are upgrading the front of the building with large awnings to beautify the front and cover the exposed equipment. o We're adding several large fox tail palm trees to improve our curb appeal. o A new nautical street sign is being installed, and in the back, we've put up beautiful canopies, new pay stations as well as back lit menus. • Is Purple Pelican really an "eyesore" as stated by Caliber? o Caliber Car Wash is a large industrial building that does not conform to the city's theme and will certainly become an eye sore of their own in our quaint nautical town, regardless of how "new" their building is. They have lg vacuums and the noise is sure to disturb the residents behind them. O Purple Pelican has worked really hard to support the nautical theme of Sebastian with our brand and upcoming renovations. The new owner has spared no expense in his plans and efforts to improve the appearance, functionality and experience of the car wash, including plans to build a barrier to improve the sound quality of the neighbors to the rear. O Purple Pelican is only able to make these improvements because of the overwhelming loyalty and support of the community. O If Caliber Car Wash is allowed to set up shop right next door, they will certainly put both Pelican Car Wash and Sebastian Car Wash out of business. The result will be multiple vacant, single use buildings. O The city of Sebastian will prosper more by allowing the existing owners to stay in business and improve their older buildings rather than allowing a big, corporation to come in, put up a non -conforming industrial building and cause existing buildings to fall into despair. • What's the difference? Service Purple Pelican Car Wash Caliber Car Wash Free Vacuums, Free All- purpose Cleaner, Free Towels Express Tunnel Car Wash Bug Prep Water Recycling (Reclaimed Water) Unlimited Monthly Memberships and Gift Cards Newer Equipment Community Conforming (nautical, old fisherman X town themed)? Other services besides Express Tunnel X Local Ownership New Building ow AAAA Service, uri dlb/a GW Pumps &Purification 424 S. Babcock St. Pumps & Melbourne, FL. 32904t�'�9 Purification Phone (321)724-0111 October 6, 2021 lq To Whom it may concern Sebastian Family Car Wash 13020 US-1 N Sebastian, FL 32958 We have been hired by Sebastian Family Car Wash to help with their water supply and reclaimed water system. During our initial visit we determined that this facility current has a reclaimed water system which has been designed to recycle some of the water used within the car wash. We are currently work- ing with the owners of Sebastian Family Car Wash to explore opportunities to use more reclaimed water and/or other water sources to keep this carwash as Eco-Friendly as reasonable possible. Sincerely Yours, Daniel O'Brien E-mail: dan@gwpumps.com Page 1 of 1