HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21-2021 MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN POLICE PENSION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Call to Order — Acting Chairman Tim Wood called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. it. Roll Call Present: Board Members: Captain Tim Wood Mr. Paul Williamson Ms. Andrea Ring Detective Ken McDonough Also Present: Bonn! Jensen, Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson, Attorney for the Board of Trustees Ken Killgore, Plan Administrator Cynthia Watson, Human Resources Manager Andy Mcllvaine, Morgan Stanley (Zoom) Todd Wishnia, Highland Capital Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) III. Vote to Excuse Absent Board Members Chairman Wood announced that there are no absent Board members. IV. Aooroval of Minutes A. December 15, 2020 Regular Quarterly Meeting Chairman Wood asked if there were any changes or corrections to the Minutes of December 15, 2020. No changes having been voiced by any Board member, Chairman Wood called for a motion to approve the Minutes as presented. A motion approving the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. B. June 15, 2021 Regular Quarterly Meeting POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Chairman Wood asked if there were any changes or corrections to the Minutes of June 15, 2021. No changes having been voiced by any Board member, Chairman Wood called for a motion to approve the Minutes as presented. A motion approving the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Old Business A. Approval of Payments — Ken Kilgore, Plan Administrator Highland Capital -- April to June — Value, ADR $ 6,695.05 ii. Highland Capital -- April to June — Fixed Income 3,404.91 Ill. Boston Partners — April to June 6,376.76 iv. Fiera Capital -- April to June 3,262.31 V. Renaissance — April to June 2,568.82 vi. Polen Capital Management — April to June 3,037.77 vii. Morgan Stanley Consulting — January to March 3,375.00 viii. Morgan Stanley Consulting — April to June 3,375.00 ix. Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson -- June/July 2,397.50 X. Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson -- August 127.50 A. City of Sebastian -- Janet Graham 6-15-2021 Meeting 108.00 xii. City of Sebastian -- July to September 6,000.00 xiii. Salem Trust — April to June 7,510.00 Mr. Kilgore reviewed these payments and asked for a motion to approval. A motion to approve the payments as listed above was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. B. Approval of March 16, 2021 Report from Investment Monitor C. Approval of March 16, 2021 Report from Investment Manager Mr. Killgore stated that items B and C refer to the March 16' meeting where there was not a quorum, and it was noted at the last meeting that we should officially approve those reports from that meeting. A motion to approve the above two items was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Public [no ut -- There was no one present in chambers or on Zoom who wished to speak. VII. New Business POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 A. Approval of Budget for FY2021-2022 Mr. Killgore asked for approval of the budget for FY2021-2022. This was based on current spending, and it was projected out for next year. That should be approved in accordance with the statute. The budget will total $241,600.00 as compared to the current year budget of $224,700.00. The largest increase is in the investment expenditures —the money managers and the investment consultants. The reason is that, as the balances grow, the fees are computed accordingly. A motion to approve the budget for FY2021-2022 was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Ms. Ring, and approved unanimously via voice vote. B. Report from Investment Manager Mr. Andy Mcllvaine (via Zoom) stated that there is an action item that needs to be addressed, which is a modification of the Investment Policy Statement. He explained that there is a typographical error on page 4, under Invested Strategy Guidelines where it was changed from 30 to 35, and that is what it has always been. Mr. Mcllvaine reviewed the Report from the Investment Manager in depth (SEE ATTACHED) beginning on page 2, he explained that this is something that the Board has not seen in the past and why it was added. This is the Goal Review and is taken directly from the Investment Policy Statement. He went on to review the balance of the report, including the economy and the trends, and how the market has been affected by the Coronavirus. The activity of the managers was also reviewed. Mr. Mcllvaine then asked for questions/comments from the Board members Mr. Williamson asked when the City makes its contribution to the Plan. Mr. Killgore stated that is made in one lump sum in December. Mr. Williamson also asked, if Mr. Mcllvaine is saying that the Plan is at about 70% in equities, when the City makes its contribution in December, is it safe to assume that will go into the bond portion to help lower the equity allocation that is a percentage of the whole portfolio. Mr. Mcllvaine explained that that is totally contingent on what the markets are doing in December. He added that, if it is close to where it is now, there is not much room to put it into equities. At the same time, if for some reason there is a market correction or even if the markets are down five or six percent, that could actually be a good time to add money into equities, and fixed income would be the likely place to put it. Regarding the investment policy guidelines, Mr. Williamson asked if this is a new Investment Policy Statement or just a revised statement. Mr. Mcllvaine said it is a revised one. The only change was just modifying a typo. POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Ms. Jensen stated it is necessary to make a motion to approve the changes to the Investment Policy Statement. Chairman Wood called for a motion. A motion adopting the revised Investment Policy Statement was made by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Chairman Wood, and approved unanimously via voice vote C. Report from Investment Manager (Steve Stack) Mr. Stack stated that he is filling in for Mr. Todd Wishnia. Regarding the review of the economics, he had some things he wanted to add to Mr. Mcllvaine's comments. One is regarding the unemployment and some studies he has seen. Post pandemic four million women were out of the workforce. As of the last printing, 2.2 million came back. So there are still some gaps on the female side of things for various reasons. There are still some inherent challenges there that need to be worked through. He would like to see what the numbers are going to be at the end of September or the end of October and then till the end of the year. Unemployment is trending in the right direction, which will help grow the economy even further. The supply chain disruption is causing a lot of challenges, especially since there are shortages of CO2 in the UK, which is used in the slaughtering of pork and beef. If that CO2 supply does not pick up, there could be a massive shortage in pork and beef. Plants have been shut down in the Far East as well, so there are disruptions there. There is a massive shortage of truck drivers in this country. He is also concerned that inflation, transitory or not, will have some remnants that remain. Mr. Stack reviewed the report from Highland Capital (SEE ATTACHED). He opined that all of the portfolios are in the right position. He then called for questions from the Board members. There being nothing further, Chairman Wood moved to the next agenda item. Vill. Legal UDdates -- Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson Ms. Jensen reviewed the memorandum regarding Federal, State, and Local Death Benefits for Public Safety Officers (SEE ATTACHED). She reviewed the presumptions that are contained in the memorandum. She emphasized that, in order to be entitled to the presumptions, the public safety officer has to have taken the vaccine if one is available. She added that once the vaccines became available, they were not approved by the FDA, and an officer would not have had to take the vaccine. However, since the vaccines have now been approved by the FDA, the officer would need to have taken the vaccine in order to be entitled to the presumption. She stated there are still some questions about the time frame regarding how long people have to get the vaccination POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 in order to be entitled to the presumption. She said they will keep this Board updated regarding that particular bill. She called for questions regarding this subject. Detective McDonough inquired about when the decision would be rendered regarding the bill that is before the State of Florida. Ms. Jensen stated the legislative session begins in January, but she does not have the effective date of that particular bill. She will check on it. Detective McDonough also inquired regarding the period when there was a state of emergency declared. If that happens again, will a vaccine still be required even during a state of emergency. Ms. Jensen stated the vaccine would still be required. It has to be as established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the United States Public Health Services and if it has been approved by the US FDA. Those are the requirements that are being added in to deal with the circumstance that existed previously. Ms. Ring asked which vaccines have been approved by the FDA. Ms. Jensen said only Pfizer has been approved, and she thinks Johnson & Johnson is up for consideration. Ms. Ring asked if one gets the wrong vaccine, is he or she not covered. Ms. Jensen stated she is not sure about that. Ms. Jensen suggested that the Pension Fund seeks to make sure that it has all the beneficiaries up to date for its officers. Mr. Killgore stated he would make sure that the Human Resources Department pursues that. Cynthia Watson, Human Resources Director, added that the employees have the ability to update information via computer. However, regarding the pension, they must get a form from her office. Ms. Jensen added that the 185 receipts across the state were down this year, so the Pension Plan was probably affected by this reduction. It was $206,000.00 this year; last year it was $208,000.00. It is a tax on the premiums on insurance that is sold within the municipal limits of Sebastian for cars. Mr. Williamson asked if that means the more insured cars within the City, the more the Pension Plan gets. Ms. Jensen said that is correct. IX. Board Member Re0orts and Comments Mr. Williamson, because some of the Board members are new, suggested that Morgan Stanley attempt to be here in person for the meetings, as that would be a bit more helpful for the new members. Mr. Mcllvaine stated they will make sure to be here in person. He also offered that at the next meeting time be taken to further explain some of the items that are covered. POLICE PENSION BOARD PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 Mr. Williamson stated that the Board appreciates Highland Capital coming to the meetings. Some of the items that they talk about are somewhat redundant when they talk about the overall economy because we also get that information from Morgan Stanley. He suggested to the Board members rotating these managers who come and maybe we have a meeting where we do not have managers so that the Morgan Stanley representative can take a little more time to explain these things. That way we are not expanding the time of the meetings. Chairman Wood asked Mr. Killgore if there have been any applicants for the vacant position on the Board. Mr. Killgore stated there was a really good candidate, but he took another job. That was for the citizen's vacancy. He asked for recommendations for candidates who live in the City. The other requirement is that they be approved by City Council. He stated he thinks the City Clerk has reached out to pension organizations and tried to post something with them. He is not positive of that. He thinks that at the end of this fiscal year when we report to the State, we will have to show a vacant position, and the State does not like to see that. Ms. Jensen made some suggestions as to where the City could look for volunteers. Ms. Ring stated she applied to go to the conference, but she has not heard anything back. Mr. Killgore said he will check on that. Mr. Williamson suggested that for the next meeting Highland Capital will not need to come, and only the investment monitor, Morgan Stanley, will need to come. X. Plan Administrator Reports and Comments A. Meeting Dates for FY 2022 are March 15, June 21, September 20, and December13 Mr. Killgore asked that the Board members mark those dates on their calendars. B. Receipt of Annual State Contribution He included in the agenda packet a copy of the check that he received. C. Budget Report for FY2020-2021, Review Calendar of Board Activities, Other Administrative Matters He has prepared the normal budget report showing the actual expenditures through the end of the fiscal year. The calendar of board activities was created back in December 2020 in order to show what actions/considerations need to be made during the year. Pot] P MIAIUTES oFREG So ? EET/ Xlll Adel SC"edu/ed QUartery NG of SEPTEMBE& 21 2021 o�rn Meetin : J)e PAGE T There be1n9 no further b� . °ember r4, 2027 By sines. Chairman wood adloymeq, the me C.., etin9 Is date: 2 2z