HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-02-2021 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 2021 I. Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledoe of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Dr. Mosblech (Zoom) Mr. Stadelman Dr. Carrier Mr. Bradley (Zoom) Ms. Valenzuela (Zoom) Ms. Lovell (Zoom) Mr. Carrano Ms. Callaghan Ms. Ware Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Ms. Lisa Frazier, AICP Director Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. ADDroval of Minutes — October 5. 2021 All Board members having had a chance to review the Minutes, Mr. Stadelman called for a Motion. A motion to approve the Minutes of October 5, 2021 as presented was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Mr. Stadelman reviewed the agenda modifications this evening: There will be an Item C under New Business. Mr. Jason Conklin of Argo Sciences will make a presentation. B. The Audubon Society has 1,000 new trees ready to plant, and they are free. They will be available on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00. Many native plants are available at $5.00 per bucket, and a lot of the trees are free. There is more information on their website at Pelicanisla ndaud ubon.org C. Earth Day is April 23, 2022. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 2021 D. The Christmas parade is on December 10, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. The NRB is entering the float again this year. Watch for emails for information before the next meeting. VI. Public Input — None VII. New Business A. New Comp Plan Changes Related to Natural Resources L Major New Items and Changes ii. Related Ordinance Revisions Ms. Haigler made a Power Point presentation which covered a few major items of Natural Resources policy that resulted in the updated Comprehensive Plan. She related that the Natural Resources Board (NRB) had a lot of input during the whole process. (SEE ATTACHED). Ms. Haigler reviewed and explained each policy page -by - page. She emphasized that all of these policies are in reference to new applications for development. They do not apply back to old development. Ms. Haigler called for questions/comments from the Board members. Mr. Carrano: Regarding the natural areas, he questioned if grubbing is permitted. Ms. Frazier stated a grubbing permit can be obtained to remove all the invasive species from the site. He asked if the City ever places restrictive covenants on land to protect the buffer zones in perpetuity. Ms. Frazier said no, those buffer zones adjacent to wetlands will have a conservation easement by St. John's as part of the permit. Regarding individual lots in a sub -division, after those lots are created, what protection do those buffers have if they are part of an individual lot? Ms. Frazier stated that when a sub -division is created, a legal document is recorded which is the plat. That document provides the details such as what is set aside as upland areas or preservation areas, etc. Regarding covenants and restrictions on individual lots, he asked regarding, once the certificate of occupancy is issued to an individual owner, are those covenants and restrictions monitored and enforced. Ms. Frazier stated that the first page of the platted document lists the covenants. Ms. Ware: Requested a copy of this power point. Ms. Haigler stated she would provide that as well as putting this information on the website. Ms. Valenzuela: Asked how these easement restrictions are enforced, and how are the homeowners held accountable if they do not follow the restrictions. Ms. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 2021 Haigler stated that the overall enforcement would be the HOA. When they fail, then it becomes a code enforcement issue. Dr. Mosblech: Is concerned regarding all future development. She asked if there is any way to incentivize the development of some of these ideas -- the corridors, the buffers, etc. — that are already in place, retroactively to developments already in existence. Ms. Frazier stated if there are already approved sub -division plans, it is difficult for them to go through the effort and cost of revising them. However, there is an incentive plan for existing commercial sites such that they can add a lot of these low -impact designs (LIDs), which will be covered at next month's meeting/workshop. Those commercial sites can add these to their existing properties and get stormwater fee credits. Not a lot of people are aware of that, even though the City sends out notices to residents describing those incentives. She added that the City is incentivizing new developments to add connective pathways and LIDS in order to provide additional environmental amenities on properties, and for that they get incentives as far as increased density. That is in the Land Development Code. Ms. Frazier stated that at next month's meeting that subject will be covered in depth. Ms. Frazier explained that the law states that, once the comprehensive plan is modified or updated, there is one year allowed to make sure that the code is compatible with the City's comprehensive plan. B. Introduction to Green Infrastructure & Greenways Planning Identifying "Hubs" and "Sinks" Creating Connectivity Ms. Haigler made a power point presentation on these two items (SEE ATTACHED). This presentation basically dealt with stormwater management. One of the answers to this subject is green infrastructure and finding, preserving, and utilizing the natural and man-made landscape feature that can be used to manage runoff. She explained low - impact development as an approach to development and redevelopment intended to reduce impacts on water resources through the use of incremental stormwater management practices and treatment trains that treat, infiltrate, provide for evapotranspiration or reuse stormwater runoff on the site where it falls. Ms. Haigler stated that there are some great resources available which will give more education before the workshop next month. She will send everyone links to this information. The Marine Resources Council (MRC) has a website dedicated to green infrastructure and LIDS. It has a lot of great information. The EPA also has a whole green infrastructure NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 2021 website with great information. The NRB will be hosting a low -impact development community workshop at next month's meeting, Tuesday, December 7"', at 6:00 p.m. here in Council Chambers, and she will be posting more information regarding that. Ms. Haigler reviewed the map that she had provided to all Board members and explained it (SEE ATTACHED). She said this map will be on the NRB website. She called for questions/comments from the Board members. Ms. Valenzuela: Asked regarding property owners whose land abuts the river, can they build on that property. Ms. Haigler said the Army Corps of Engineers gives those property owners that right as well as the FDEP. Ms. Valenzuela also suggested promoting roof gardens, etc. as some things to think about for the future. Dr. Mosblech: Regarding the areas in pink on the map identified as future project areas, she asked if these are areas that are slated for conservation, working towards that goal, or what is meant by "future project areas" Ms. Haigler stated these are areas in different levels of application or discussion or pre -application discussions, They are the next areas that are likely to be developed in the City. Ms. Frazier added that the City does require 30% open space on every single lot, but open space can include a pool. She also thanked the members of the NRB for all their hard work on this project. Ms. Haigler identified a parcel on the map as two parcels that are owned by the Marine Resources Council, and at this Thursday's Planning and Zoning meeting they are on the agenda to be changed from residential to conservation. C. Mr. Jason Conklin of Argo Sciences will make a presentation. Mr. Conklin made a power point presentation regarding some of the technology that is available that lots of people do not know about. He described the goal of Argo Sciences is to focus on environmental solutions, and the presentation focused in on some of these solutions (SEE ATTACHED). He than called for questions/comments from the Board. • Ms. Ware: Questioned regarding the roof gardens. Most of the houses in Sebastian Highlands have vaulted roofs. She inquired if these gardens must be installed on flat roofs. Mr. Conklin said there is a way to install them on vaulted roofs. She also asked how long the barriers he described are supposed to last. He said there are some that are over 30 years old, and there have not been problems with them. NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 2021 • Mr. Stadelman: Asked what the life span is on these installations. Mr. Conklin stated the design life is 50 years. Mr. Stadelman also asked what the additional cost is to do something like this over standard swales and retention ponds. Mr. Conklin said it is approximately $200.00 to $400.00 per foot. As you are increasing in length, like a roadway, the cost per foot is going to go down substantially. • Mr. Carrano: Asked if these materials will work in Florida where there is very hard ground water. Mr. Conklin stated these catch areas can go in deeper to accommodate that situation. • Ms. Frazier: Regarding the bioswales, she asked if they can be permanent, and does DOT use these. Mr. Conklin said they have been used before. There are some in Florida actually. He will send Ms. Frazier literature on these. • Ms. Valenzuela: Asked if these roof gardens and vertical gardens meet the City requirements of withstanding hurricane winds. Mr. Conklin stated yes, they do. Ms. Haigler stated that staff has invited Mr. Conklin back for next month's workshop. He will be able to discuss these subjects more in depth at that time. Ms. Valenzuela asked Ms. Haigler what the Board will be reviewing next month at the workshop/meeting. Ms. Haigler said it will be getting deeper into some of these technologies, deciding which are most applicable to what kind of properties, and looking at putting those pieces together for the LID toolkit. It is important to get more people to participate in the City's stonnwater fee credit program, and a lot of these technologies will pay for themselves. She will post the information and will update the Board members weekly with some items. Vill. Old Business Ms. Ware suggested discussion regarding the Christmas parade and preparation for that, as the next meeting for this Board is the week of the parade. Ms. Haigler said she will be emailing information on that. Ms. Ware said she needs large boxes. Mr. Stadelman said he would work on that. IX. Member Matters • Ms. Valenzuela spoke regarding the property along the water, she does not know what can be done, but she is aware that some cities have a restriction from any construction on land that abuts the water so that the entire community can walk along the water, ride their bikes along the water, and everyone enjoys the water as opposed NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 2021 PAGE 6 to development that allows only a glimpse of the water. She is wondering what the community can do to bring about some sort of restriction -- no more building along the water. She would like to see the property along the water preserved as natural. Ms. Haigler stated that there are a few lots that are large enough and have been permitted for houses. If someone buys a property that was platted for residential, the City cannot tell them they cannot build their house on it unless the City wants to buy the property. Ms. Frazier suggested that the promenades that she may be referring to were probably established a long time ago. The City just purchased the old hotel in order to preserve another shoreline across from the hotel. She also explained that the City is offering transfer of development rights, and she explained what that entails. Ms. Lovell volunteered to help decorate the float for the Christmas parade. X. Staff Matters XI. Items for Next Aaenda A. Low Impact Development Workshop XII. Adiournment There being nothing further, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Bv;. / _ z�1 /� Date: jg