HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-14-2022 BAC Agendaarr�r HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY — FEBRUARY 14, 2022 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET a. Call to Order b. Pledge of Allegiance c. Roll Call d. Introduction of Members (Name and Appointee): • Larry Napier Council Member Dodd • Bruce Hoffman Mayor Hill • Harry Hall Vice -Mayor Jones • Terry McGinn Council Member McPartlan • Rex Wilson Council Member Nunn • Amber Cerda At -large Member by Vote of Council • Dave Newhart At -large Member by Vote of Council • James Sullivan Alternate Member by Vote of Council • Grace Reed Alternate Member by Vote of Council e. Selection of Chairperson f. Selection of Vice -Chairperson g. Approval of Minutes: Meeting of August 16, 2021 h. Review of Fourth Quarterly Report i. Review of First Quarterly Report j. Review Budget Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date (Monday, May 16, 2022) k. General Discussion by Members I. Public Comments m. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of August 16, 2021 Fourth Quarterly Report — FY 2021 First Quarterly Report — FY 2022 Budget Calendar ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F.S.286.0105) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITYS ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ZOOM INFORMATION Please click the link below to join the webinar: httos://us02web.zoom.us/i/F 78159 Or One tap mobile: US: +13126266799„88677578159# or +19294362866„88677578159# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 886 7757 8159 International numbers available: https:Hus02web.zoom.us/u/krXd7VdcOB so IV CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 16, 2021 Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Alleaiance was recited by all. Roll Call Present: Mr. Hoffman Mr. Hall Mr. Newhart Not Present: Mr. Herlihy -- Excused Mr. Wilson -- Unexcused Mr. Sullivan -- Unexcused Mr. McGinn (at -large) (Zoom) Ms. Cerda Mr. Napier Also Present: Paul Carlisle, City Manager Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Cindy Watson, HR Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) Approval of Minutes: Meeting of July 19. 2021 Mr. Napier asked if all Committee members had reviewed the Minutes of July 19, 2021. All indicated they had. Mr. Hoffman referred to Page 1, the second line from the bottom where it states that, "Revenues for the General Fund were 'up' 78%..." He states that it should read, "Revenues for the General Fund were 'at' 78%..." Mr. Killgore stated that is correct. Mr. Napier called for a motion with the change as above. A motion approving the July 19, 2021 Minutes with the change noted above was made by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Ms. Cerda, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Power Point Presentation of Updates to Draft 2022 Budget Recommendations Mr. Killgore reviewed the changes to the budget recommendations as set forth on the Power Point Presentation (SEE ATTACHED). He stated there were only a few changes, and he explained them as he went page -by -page through the Power Point. He stated that most of the changes were due to state revenue sharing. Estimates from the state at the last meeting showed an increase in the City's monthly payment of approximately 25%. When he looked at the amounts received, he was able to add approximately $94,962.00 in additional revenue. He made up the $108,000.00 CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 2021 difference that previously existed between revenues and expenditures by tweaking the half -cent sales tax, as those collections are looking very positive. They have increased about 13% over last year. In looking at the general fund charge for services at the golf course, it was determined that the same amount that was charged in the current year could be used again. Mr. Napier inquired, since the City uses DST funds to match grants at the airport, why DST funds are not used for capital improvements at the golf course. Mr. Killgore said that could be done for those improvements if they are an addition or improvement to the golf course. However, the biggest part of what is set forth for this year is normal repair and maintenance. Mr. Napier asked for it to be checked regarding using recreation impact fees for that capital improvement program. Mr. Killgore said that can be looked at. Regarding the Building Department, because of the employment market for building inspectors, it has been difficult to find qualified inspectors willing to work for the City. There is contained in the budget consideration of a full-time inspector opening as was contained during the current year. Thus, the City is contracting out for building inspector services with a private company. Mr. Hall inquired if the contracting out for building inspector services would cost less than what is budgeted for the position. Mr. Killgore said the private contracting company charges quite a bit more than what the City would normally pay for a building inspector. Regarding the Riverfront CRA, he was notified by the state that there is supposed to be a separate audited financial statement prepared for the CRA. This is a new requirement that was legislated during the last session. He is working with the auditors to create a separate report at a cost of approximately $5,000.00 per year from now on. It will be a complete audit. As to the stormwater utility funds, two maintenance worker-1 positions were added. City Council recently approved another agreement on the parking -in -lieu -of program. The budget numbers have been adjusted to show those additional revenues. The Capital Improvement Program was reviewed. Mr. Killgore stated that this draft will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on August 19th. He stated that the rollback millage was again reached at 3.0043, and the budget will be balanced at that amount. This draft budget will be presented to City Council on August 25th, and a 3.0043 rollback rate will be recommended. He then asked for questions/comments from the Committee members. Mr. Hoffman inquired whether the labor negotiation contracts have been finalized. Mr. Killgore stated that is still under discussion. He explained that there is a 3% contingency included in the proposed budget. Mr. Hoffman asked if there will be a workshop held regarding the American Rescue Plan. Mr. Carlisle stated there will be, CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 2021 but he does not have the dates yet. There is a new final ruling coming down from the Federal Government on the use of those funds sometime after September 16th when a new set of guidelines will be published for the City to follow. He does not want to have a workshop until he has the new set of guidelines. Regarding public comment, there was no one in chambers who wished to speak and no one on Zoom who wished to be heard. It was the consensus of the Committee members that the budget as presented is a good one. VI. Vote on a Final Millage Rate Recommendation to the City Council and for Aporoval of Staff's Proposed Budoet/Car)ital 1wrovement Program. Mr. Napier stated that he would like to have separate motions on the millage, the budget, and the Capital Improvement Program. • Final Millage Rate at Rollback -- A motion to approve the final millage rate at the rollback rate of 3.0043 was made by Mr. Newhart, seconded by Ms. Cerda, and approved unanimously via voice vote. • Staffs Recommended Proposed Budget -- A motion to approve the staffs recommended proposed budget for the fiscal year 2022 was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Hoffman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. • Capital Improvement Program -- A motion to recommend that City Council adopt the Capital Improvement Program as approved and recommended by the staff was made by Ms. Cerda, seconded by Mr. Hall, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Napier thanked the Committee and City staff for the work that was done on this proposed budget. VII. Public Comments on Items Not Otherwise on the Agenda -- None Vlll. Next Meetina -- No Further Meetings Are Anticipated until the Next Bud:let Cycle IX. Adiourn There being no further business, Mr. Napier adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. By: jg Date: OWOF SEPSTIAN HOME Of PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 26, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting the 4th Quarter Financial Report and Recognizing Necessary Amendments and Adjustments to the FY 2020-2021 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-22-05. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report and accomplishments are also included. Formal approval by the City Council was already given for adjustments using General Fund Reserves for the Crab E Bills evaluation; Airport Reserves for construction engineering on Hangar D; an increase to the FAA grant for the higher cost to construct the Taxiway; Discretionary Sales Tax Reserves for the added cost of the N. Central Avenue sidewalk project; Discretionary Sales Tax Reserves for Working Waterfront engineering services; approval of a JAG Grant for Police equipment; and adjusting for an Agreement with St. Johns River Water Management District to get sewer service to the Airport. An adjustment does need City Council approval that used the General Fund Renewal and Replacement Account in order to promptly address unexpected repairs needed at the Observation Deck. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and authorized adjustments that were necessary to implement programs, projects and expenditures that were previously authorized by the City Council. Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes within his $15,000 spending authority, adjustments between budget accounts within the same departments, as well as adjustments to closeout certain capital projects. The above adjustments are listed in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: As per Exhibit "A" of the Resolution Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Attachments: 1. Resolution R-22-05 and Attachment "A" 2. 4th Quarter Financial Report, including Capital Project Status, Investments/Loans and Accomplishments Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: RESOLUTION NO. R-22-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on September 30, 2021 indicated one budget adjustment requiring formal approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager previously approved any other necessary amendments and adjustments and these should be reported in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021 has been amended and adjusted as necessary within the quarter ending September 30, 2021; a summary of such amendments and adjustments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A"; the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are recognized as having been made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember vote was as follows: Mayor Jim Hill Vice -Mayor Fred Jones Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Christopher Nunn and, upon being put to a vote, the The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 26 h day of January 2022. ATTEST - Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 15 Mayor Jim Hill Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION R-22-05 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED September 30, 2021 ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change_ Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Professional Services - _ $18,550 $19,640 _ $38,190 07/14/21 Approved Structural Evaluation of Appropriated from General Fund Reserve s_______($486,228) $505,868 Crab E Bills from Reserves. Bwldinq� _ 7 ________($19,640}_____ $2.250,000 � 2 7 $�282�0� 07/14/21 Approved using Airport Reserves Approp ted_from Airport_ Reserves ($1 690) �$ ,�I0 )_____ _ 34, 95) for Construction Engineering on Hangar D. Infrastructure _ _ $621,997 $26,363 $648,360 07/28/21 Approved an increase to an FAA FAA Grant Revenues ($588,059) ($26,363) ($614,422) grant for the higher cost for the Taxiway. Sidewalks/Bikepaths $0 $25,000 $25,000 05/26/21 Approved using DST Reserves for Appropriated from D�T Fund Reserves ______ �$11,151,882) _______ ($25,000 - ) $11,176,882 -(- -- - - added costs of N. Central Ave. Sidewalks. - -- -- ---- ----- -- -- ------------------ Improvements Other Than Buildings $ $26,778 $205,351 09/08/21 Approved using DST Reserves for Appropriated from DST Fund Reserves_______($11,176,882) _______ ($26,778) ($11,203,660j Working Waterfront engineering services. 8& Equipment 0 t0 10,"6 $10,29Q 05/12/21 Approved award of JAG Grant to ,Vehicles JAG Grant Revenue _____ Ito J,LIJ�� , ' I_,.. _J be used for purchase of Police equipment_ Buildings $9,639,316 $267,958 $9,907,274 01/27/21 Approved Agreement with St. -" -($267,958) Johns River Water Management District in SJRWMD Grants $0 ($267,958) order to get sewer service to Airport. ADJUSTMENTS BEING SUBMITTED FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment 'R&M - Docks & Piers $2,000 $6,653 $8,653 Uses R&R Reserve Account for Appropriated from R&R Account ($66,486) ($6,653) {$73,139) Unexpected Observation Deck Repairs. ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY MANAGER: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Computer Supplies $12,475 $9,260 $21,735 Adjustment between account line items within Vehicles &Equipment _____________ __4,839_________($9,260j____ $15,579 ------------ the Infrastructure Project. -----Network-------------------------------------------- R&M Vehicles �10,9N $5,9Q0 21,95 Transfer between Stormwater Fund line items IR&M= Operating�quipment________ ---- - $l10,043_________(�910d4)_______��05,043 to cover the repair ofSW606. ---------------------- R&M Vehicles_ _ $21,950 ... $6,000 $27,950 Adjustment between Stormwater Fund line R&M - O eratin E ui ment _______ _p _ ---g-q P - $105,043 _ ---- _ 6 ($ ,gpOj -. $99,043 items tocoverSW620 repairs. Small Tools � Equipment 90 $5,C$8 $5,888 Adjustment to proper account to use for Police Vehicles & Equipment $1,100_________________$11,412 surveillance equipmentpurchases_ Vehicles &-Equipment _ $28,375 $.52000 $33,375 Adjustment to proper account to use for Police Departmental Supplies ------------------ $55,694 ($5,000j $50,694 ni ht vision monocular purchases. g------------ ----------------------- I9Aer Contractual Services $5,6Q7 $1,,110 h�6,717 Adjustment between Stormwater Fund line R&M _Operating Equipment $99,043 ($T,11Q) ________ $97,933 items for sampling at the Garden Club Contractual Services _ 0 _ $42 800 $42,800 Adjustment to DST line items for Baseline Improvements Other Than Buildings ____________ ---------------- ------ ______ 00________($42,8001_______ ---tg�- 0 Survey of --Riverview Park Event Complex._- R&M Vehicles $21,950 $6,000 $33,950 Adjustment between Stormwater Fund line R&M - Operating_ Equipment - - --- $97,933 ($6,000j $91,933 items to cover SW608 repairs_ --------------.. Appropriated from Rec_Impact Reserves_ ($135,317) $12,478 _ ($122,839) Adjustment to close the Park Improvements Improvements Other Than Buildings $18,424_______ ($12,478j________ $5,946 project funding allocated for FY2021. A propriated from DST Fund Reserves [$11.203 6 O) $54.643 ($11,149,017) Adjustments to close: the Postponed Contractual Services $4�,T0 ($40,000) $0 Community Center Office project; the lDrainage $100,000 ($12,955) $87,045 Completed Working Waterfront project; the (Vehicles & Egp(ppent $15,579 j,5870) $14,709 Unspent FY2021 Sliplining project allocation; iintrastrutture $25,700 $52 f ) $25,648 and the Unspent FY2021 COSty Equipment P Computer Supplies/Equipment $9,027 -02----------- ($766) ---------------- $8,261 -- project allocation. ---- -- - -- ------ A prop-9 riated from LOGT Fund Reserves pp p_ 314,918 �$ , ) $7, 911 ($307,007 Adjustment to close FY2021 Streets/Roads Streets/Roads $338,227 ($1 04) $338,123 and Sidewalk/Bikepaths projects in the Local Sidewalks Sidewalks $52,287 $7,807 $44,480 Option Gas Tax Fund. k�3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOURTH QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 SUMMARY THE FOURTH QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND ENDED WITH 101.5% OF THE TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AS A RESULT OF HIGHER PAYMENTS OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES. OVERALL, DEPARTMENTS SPENT ONLY 92.5% OF THE BUDGETED AMOUNTS. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Balance $ $ 5,703,001 Ad Valorem Taxes 4,563,724 4,533,635 99.3% Franchise Fees 1,462,101 1,384,529 94.7% Utility Taxes 3,122,777 3,030,261 97.0% Hurricane Recoveries 143,666 0.0% Intergovernmental 2,702,226 3,523,087 130.4% Charges for Service 744,033 763,143 102.6% Licenses and Other 578,700 475,366 82.1% Transfers From Other Funds 185,000 0.0% Total Revenues $ 13,502,227 $ 13,710,021 101.5% From Fund Balance 500,360 0.0% Total Sources $ 14,002,587 $ 13,710,021 91.91:c City Council 59,737 55,883 93.5% City Manager 292,499 285,943 97.8% City Clerk 217,040 205,204 94.5% City Attorney 201,426 195,696 97.2°% Admin Services 707,722 656,306 92.7% MIS Division 516,961 513,329 99.3% Police Department 6,622,379 6,354,693 96.0% Roads and Drainage 1,040,937 927,720 89.1% Public Facilities 1,095,203 989,896 90.4% Leisure Services 1,129,202 1,035,794 91.7% Community Dev, 517,184 477,728 92.4% Non -Departmental 1,353,615 1,025,035 75.7% Total Expenditures $ 13,753,905 $ 12,723,227 92.5% Unappropriated 105,014 nla Total Uses $ 13,858,919 $ 12,723,227 91.8% Ending Unappropriated Fund Balance $ 6,689,795 AT 9/30/2021 $143,666 ON HURRICANE MATTHEW WAS STILL UNPAID. WE RECEIVED $99,972 A FEW DAYS AFTER YEAR END. THE FINAL $43,694 IS IN THE FINAL REVIEW STEP BUT WE ARE HOLDING $81,661 THEY PAID IN ERROR. $2,250 $2,000 $1,750 $1,500 $1,250 $1,000 O $750 € $500 $250 Eligible Received Hurricane Reimbursements $143,666 More Due @ 9/30/2021 But$99,972 Received 10/04/2021 ■ Eligible 1-1 Matthew Irma $1,581,745 $547,325 $1,438,079 $547,325 ■ Received Dorian Totals $34,104 $2,163,174� $34,104 $2,019,508 General Fund Revenue 5,000 DAdjusted Budget OY-t. Date 4,000 N � 3,000 O F 2,000 1,OOD Ides gyp(! t0,,00 es e�y1 �f� oeA 11�001� `t zoo�pdQ 'r General Fund Expenditures 6,500 C d[J-d Budget my-t. wte 5,500 W4,500 { 7 3,500 7,500 1,500 0-1 ALTHOUGH WE HAD THE UNANTICIPATED EXPENDITURE OF $358,786 TO REPAIR THE YACHT CLUB SEAWALL, WE STILL WERE VERY CLOSE TO THE EXPECTED AMOUNT OF UNASSIGNED RESERVE WE ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. GENERAL FUND BALANCE FORECAST Fund Balance R&R Account Beginning Reserves 110101120 $ 5,428,001 3 275,000 Year to Date Revenue 13,710,021 Fund BalancelR&R Changes to Date: Unfinished 2020 Projects (39,379) Replaced Air Conditioner Adjusted for 2% Raises (123,846) Adjusted for Holiday Bonuses (11,550) Adjusted for 1% Raises (46,492) Server Room Air Conditioner Hardee Park Restroom Lock Community Center Roof Park Irrigation Repairs Yacht Club Seawall (358,962) CRAB E Bills Evaluation (19,640) Observation Deck Repairs Year to Date Uses $ (580,229) $ Other Expenditures (12,069,859) Current Reserves $ 6,487,934 $ Expected Changes to Year End: Additional Revenues Additional Expenditures Ending Reserves 5 6,481,934 $ Adjust R&R to $275,000 (73,139) Adjusted Reserves $ 6,414,795 $ Assigned Funds (840,791) Net Unassigned Reserves 5 5,574,004 S Total Unassigned Reserves $ Projected in 2022 Budget $ e Assigned Funds include Inventories, Prepaids and Golf Course Loan. (57,964) (6,221) (1,224) (5,000) (2,730) (6,653) (73,1391 201,861 201,8 81 73,139 275,000 275,000 5,849,004 5,847,204 k-V CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOURTH QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 SUMMARY NET AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE STORMWATER FUND WERE GOLF COURSE ENDING RESOURCES INCREASED FROM VERY CLOSE TO EXPECTED AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN BEGINNING RESOURCES. SOURCES EXCEEDED USES FOR ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. SEVERAL UNCOMPLETED THE YEAR BUT ENDING RESOURCES WERE LESS THAN PROJECTS WERE CARRIED OVER. PROJECTED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. STORMWATER FUND SUMMARY GOLF FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Budget YTD % Beginning Fund Balance Slormwater Fees Interest Total Revenues From Fund Balance Total Sources Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Contingency Transfer to Capital Projects Total Uses Ending Fund Balance Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Additional Expenditures Additional Capital Outlay Transfers to Capital Projects 9130121 Ending Resources Funding Carry-Overs: 9130121 Net Available Funds Projected in 2022 Budget $ - $ 1,375,749 2,039,714 1,953,246 95.8% 44,844 5,416 12.1 % $ 2,084,558 $ 1,958,662 94.0% 280,478 0.0% $ 2,365,036 $ 3,334,411 141.0% 1,533,653 1,475,821 96.2% 254,200 123,824 48.7% 31,202 - 0.0% 545,981 16,503 3.0% $ 2,365,036 $ 1,616,14B 68.3% $ • $ 1,718,263 Roadway Swales Low Boy 8 Tractor Stormwater Master Plan Stonecrop Drainage Canal Improvements $ 1,718, 63 (129,695) (104,674) (340,137) (215,000) 209,646. $ 119,111 $ 718,980 NET AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE AIRPORT EXCEEDED THE AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. THE GRANT MATCH BUDGETED FOR THE HANGAR D PROJECT WAS CARRIED OVER. THE AMOUNTS OF BEGINNING AND ENDING RESOURCES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO EXCLUDE THE $527,891 LONG-TERM LIABILITY FOR THE DST LOAN. AIRPORT FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Resources $ • $ 338,559 Rents 479,191 495,677 103.4% Investment Income 1,065 869 81.6% Miscellaneous 83,314 83,239 99.9% Total Revenues 563,570 579,785 102.9% From Fund Balance 34,395 0.0% Total Sources $ 597,965 $ 918,344 Operating Expenses 375,555 340,626 90.7% General Fund Advance 150,000 150,000 100.0% DST Fund Loans 30,500 21,116 69.2% Capital Outlay 41,910 9,205 22.0% Total Uses $ 597,965 $ 520,947 87.1% Total Ending Resources $ 397,397 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Addditional Uses 9130121 Ending Resources $ 397,397 Funding Carry-Overs: Match on Hangar D (32,705) 9130121 Net Available Funds $ 364,692 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 207,755 Beginning Resources $ • $ (640,608) Charges for Service 1,436,025 1,432,046 99.7% Rent 30,000 30,000 100.0% Miscellaneous 8,460 12,596 148.9% Total Revenues 1,474A85 1,474,642 100.0% From Fund Balance 9,576 nla Pro Shop Sales 108,172 94,735 87.6% Pro Shop Purchases (70,000) (70,345) 100,5% Sales vs. Cost of Sales 38,172 24,390 63.9% Total Sources $ 1,512,657 $ 1,499,032 99.1 % Operating Expenses $ 1,382,900 $ 1,369,889 99,1% Cart Loan Payments 56,391 56,391 100.0% Total Operating Expense 1,439,291 1,426,280 99.1% General Fund Payment 35,000 nla Building Fund Payment 38,366 38,366 100.0% Total Uses $ 1,512,657 $ 1,464,646 96.8% Total Ending Resources $ $ (606,422) Expected Change to Year End: Additional Sources Additional Uses 9130121 Ending Resources $ (606,222) Projected in 2022 Budget $ (567,034) BUILDING FUND ENDING RESOURCES REMAIN AT GOOD LEVELS AND EXCEEDED THE AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. THIS EXCLUDES THE CALCULATED AMOUNT OF THE STATE MANDATED REBATE WHICH WE RECORD AS PAYABLE AND THE $1,175,140 LONG-TERM ADVANCE DUE FROM THE GOLF COURSE. BUILDING FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Resources $ • $ 821,128 Licenses and Permits 840,800 965,522 114.8% Charges for Service 15,300 23,676 154.7% Fines and Forfeits 6,350 4,050 63.8% Miscellaneous 18,922 11,098 58.7% Golf Fund Loan Payments 38,366 28,775 75.0% Total Revenues 919,738 1,033,121 112.3% From Fund Balance 37,861 - 0.0% Total Sources 957,599 1,033,121 107.9% Operating Expenses 898,053 555,796 61.9% Capital Outlay 46,957 22,957 48.9% Contingency 12,589 - nla Total Uses $ 957,599 $ 578,753 60.4% Total Ending Resources $ 1,275,496 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Additional Uses 9130121 Ending Resources $ 1,275,496 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 1,121,280 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/21 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget GENERALFUND TAXES -7,911,624.45 -8,167,746.70 -8,124,514.21 -8,948,424.67 -9,148,602.00 97.81% LICENSES & PERMITS -165,922.29 -146,812.15 -150,239.71 -195,919.26 -149,200.00 131.31% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -4,388,227.62 -3,613,868.30 -3,013,721.45 -3,523,087.45 -2,702,226.00 130.38% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -391,053.96 -548,099.92 -663,701.96 -763,143.41 -744,033.00 102.57% FINES AND FORFEITS -47,701.30 -50,996.50 -53,164.10 -38,277.14 -50,900.00 75.20% MISC. REVENUE -397,460.50 -421,667.23 -386,060.59 -241,169.51 -381,274.00 63.25% TRANSFERS IN -704,638.00 -23,928.00 0.00 0.00 -185,000.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -497,684.00 0.00% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -14,006,628.12 -12,973,118.80 -12,391,402.02 -13,710,021.44 -13,858,919.00 98.93% CITY COUNCIL 53,664.05 52,258.79 46,701.88 55,883.03 59,737.00 93.55% CITY MANAGER 425,855.85 336,677.28 269,335.02 285,943.20 292,499.00 97.76% CITY CLERK 207,259.74 205,292.18 264,886.75 205,204.34 217,040.00 94.55% LEGAL 100,267.05 105,408.63 167,044.31 195,695.61 201,426.00 97.16% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 650,704.98 672,001.27 674,672.52 656,306.10 707,722.00 92.74% M.I.S. DIVISION 385,022.17 464,728.90 511,749.95 513,329.17 516,961.00 99.30% POLICE ADMINISTRATION 1,075,873.53 1,052,404.35 1,263,875.48 1,020,629.98 1,077,355.00 94.73% POLICE PATROL 3,045,450.52 3,412,730.43 3,308,390.76 3,461,188.93 3,563,272.00 97.14% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 178,586.79 184,410.44 184,218.93 187,626.15 197,439.00 95.03% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 754,632.44 818,246.50 1,076,622.17 1,107,742.27 1,121,954.00 98.73% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 599,062.56 622,038.21 582,845.07 577,505.26 662,359.00 87.19% ENGINEERING 24.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% ROADS AND DRAINAGE 808,405.84 887,151.31 963,173.47 927,720.32 1,040,937.00 89.12% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION 1,120,251.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CENTRAL GARAGE 218,848.44 232,277.74 202,251.12 211,925.86 214,824.00 98.65% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 489,484.05 398,279.84 568,180.67 598,969.92 648,857.00 92.31% PARKS/RECREATION 879,505.77 1,145,017.29 1,110,021.03 1,035,794.45 1,129,202.00 91.73% CEMETERY 186,128.00 178,032.88 177,736.25 178,999.92 231,522.00 77.31% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 395,540.44 366,205.40 539,289.97 477,727.85 517,184.00 92.37% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 1,564,956.31 1,014,277.26 976,464.26 1,025,034.71 1,458,629.00 70.27% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 13,139,524.50 12,147,438.70 12,887,459.61 12,723,227.07 13,858,919.00 91.81% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/21 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -715,310.85 -711,023.38 -686,490.82 -741,312.75 -710,000.00 104.41% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -12,908.00 -13,294.89 -13,693.92 -14,104.70 -14,105.00 100.001yo MISC. REVENUE -6,685.86 -8,901.60 -1,990.74 -502.86 -13,808.00 3.64% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -307,007.00 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -734,904.71 -733,219.87 -702,175.48 -755,920.31 -1,044,920.00 72.34% OPERATING EXPENSES 25,756.26 80,205.11 5,400.00 101,963.80 101,965.00 100.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,570.45 0.00 105,554.31 34,372.00 160,945.00 21.36% DEBT SERVICE 242,444.90 243,186.60 243,886.27 243,398.19 243,340.00 100.02% TRANSFERS OUT 96,793.31 424,060.55 498,043.40 525,946.18 538,670.00 97.64% LOGT EXPENDITURES 392,564.92 747,452.26 852,883.98 905,680.17 1,044,920.00 86.67% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -3,417,585.77 -3,524,824.94 -3,469,567.86 -4,037,460.39 -3,581,025.00 112.75% MISC. REVENUE -56,845.00 -115,751.59 -68,126.12 -35,197.73 -89,178.00 39.47% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -11,149,017.00 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -3,474,430.77 -3,640,576.53 -3,537,693.98 -4,072,658.12 -14,819,220.00 27.48% OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 9,675.00 15,486.74 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,848.73 25,000.00 71.39% TRANSFERS OUT 2,563,710.52 1,600,870.70 2,321,748.31 4,735,153.14 14,059,636.00 33.68% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 734,584.00 0.00% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 2,563,710.52 1,610,545.70 2,337,235.05 4,753,001.87 14,819,220.00 32.07% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -46,615.21 -53,101.43 -41,082.01 -37,466.99 -46,331.00 80.87% TRANSFERS IN -366,531.86 -404,673.34 -403,239.68 -457,671.66 -443,884.00 103.11% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -209,013.00 0.00% RRD REVENUE -413,147.07 -457,774.77 -444,321.69 -495,138.65 -699,228.00 70.81% OPERATING EXPENSES 205,798.68 396,239.01 286,894.16 252,926.71 263,294.00 96.06% GRANTS AND AIDS 34,676.03 0.00 15,000.00 5,323.25 40,000.00 13.31% TRANSFERS OUT 289,494.90 111,244.75 37,871.50 174,304.62 250,936.00 69.46% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 144,998.00 0.00% RRD EXPENDITURES 529,969.61 507,483.76 339,765.66 432,554.58 699,228.00 61.86% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE -14,704.70 -1,393.58 -3,687.38 -11,898.83 -4,376.00 271.91% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE -14,704.70 -1,393.58 -3,687.38 -11,898.83 -4,376.00 271.92% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,376.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,376.00 0.00% k' / RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCE REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER REVENUE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCE STORMWATER EXPENDITURES LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE FORFEITURES FUND REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO FUND BALANCES FORFEITURE FUND EXPENDITURES STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERSIN STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE DEBT SERVICE TO FUND BALANCES STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/21 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget -153,601.46 -143,801.03 -147,023.00 -214,778.70 -155,000.00 138.57% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -122,839.00 0.00% -153,601.46 -143,801.03 -147,023.00 -224,778.70 -277,839.00 77.30% 455,784.05 299,688.83 480,159.67 121,037.07 242,839.00 49.84% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 0.00% 455,784.05 299,688.83 480,159.67 121,037.07 277,839.00 43.56% -1,014,980.38 -2,076,431.58 -1,969,427.99 -1,958,661.85 -2,084,558.00 93.96% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -469,111.00 0.00% -1,014,980.38 -2,076,431.58 -1,969,427.99 -1,958,661.85 -2,553,669.00 76.70% 0.00 848,907.51 654,104.93 685,797.43 708,142.00 96.84% 231,119.90 536,317.47 613,330.42 790,024.41 864,144.00 91.42% 0.00 18,198.16 186,937.35 123,823.94 254,200.00 48.71% 700,000.00 133,758.75 29,019.02 16,502.50 695,981.00 2.37% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,202.00 0.00% 931,119.90 1,537,181.89 1,483,391.72 1,616,148.28 2,553,669.00 63.29% 0.00 -11,780.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% -550.00 -150.00 -133.33 -15,050.00 -16,000.00 94.06% -854.41 -2,494.33 -1,664.82 -1,549.95 -250.00 619.98% -1,404.41 -14,424.33 -1,798.15 -16,599.95 -16,250.00 102.15% 5,007.03 2,566.04 5,072.35 1,500.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 16,425.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 100.00% 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.00% 6,507.03 21,491.04 6,072.35 16,500.00 16,250.00 101.54% -3,771.12 -5,464.46 -2,165.28 -454.15 -1,000.00 45.42% -403,792.00 -402,914.00 -401,355.00 -400,961.00 -400,961.00 100.00% -407,563.12 -408,378.46 -403,520.28 -401,415.15 -401,961.00 99.86% 404,077.60 403,659.30 402,137.20 400,528.60 400,529.00 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,432.00 0.00% 404,077.60 403,659.30 402,137.20 400,528.60 401,961.00 99.64% I CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 09/30/21 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR 4TH QTR Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -1,229,330.37 -1,364,556.15 -1,485,562.98 -1,456,435.74 -1,464,621.00 99.44% MISC. REVENUE -72,919.30 -41,466.32 -41,768.49 -42,596.03 -38,460.00 110.75% TRANSFERS IN -11,320.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,576.00 0.00% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -1,313,569.67 -1,406,022.47 -1,527,331.47 -1,499,031.77 -1,512,657.00 99.10% PERSONAL SERVICES 258,594.37 276,152.02 280,309.55 297,091.28 299,729.00 99.12% OPERATING EXPENSES 385,878.82 374,467.40 372,536.31 379,893.66 380,670.00 99.80% CAPITAL OUTLAY 303,920.42 10,892.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 31,744.00 38,368.00 38,367.00 38,366.00 73,366.00 52.29% ADMINISTRATION 980,137.61 699,879.45 691,212.86 715,350.94 753,765.00 94.90% OPERATING EXPENSES 578,142.63 566,101.47 579,657.81 582,490.37 582,486.00 100,00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,429.00 0.00% MAINTENANCE 578,142.63 566,101.47 579,657.81 582,490.37 595,915.00 97.75% PERSONAL SERVICES 89,401.02 91,581.61 99,040.89 107,827.60 103,748.00 103.93% OPERATING EXPENSES 987.10 1,365.07 1,108.35 2,586.53 2,838.00 91.14% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 3,715.75 0.00 0.00 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 56,390.40 56,390.60 56,390.40 56,390.40 56,391.00 100.00% GOLF COURSE CARTS 146,778.52 149,337.28 160,255.39 166,804.53 162,977.00 102.35% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSE 1,705,058.76 2,415,318.20 1,431,126.06 1,464,645.84 1,512,657.00 96.83% AIRPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0.00 0.00 -30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -21,270.12 -3,332.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -476,746.54 -567,481.27 -558,675.25 -579,785.29 -563,570.00 102.88% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 -4,691.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -34,395.00 0.00% AIRPORT REVENUE -498,016.66 -570,814.06 -593,366.25 -579,785.29 -597,965.00 96.96% PERSONAL SERVICES 141,470.78 122,345.97 70,759.66 62,691.53 71,578.00 87.58% OPERATING EXPENSES 204,987.89 270,275.98 256,031.73 277,934.94 303,977.00 91.43% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 45,750.85 50,070.10 9,205.00 9,205.00 100.00% DEBT SERVICE 19,452.10 21,823.63 21,476.57 21,115.63 30,500.00 69.23% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 63,321.20 0.00 150,000.00 182,705.00 82.10% ADMINISTRATION 365,910.77 523,517.53 398,338.06 520,947.10 597,965.00 87.12% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% AIRPORT EXPENSE 365,910.77 523,517.53 398,338.06 520,947.10 597,965.00 87.12% BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS -890,339.36 -841,623.60 -911,333.84 -1,328,861.77 -840,800.00 158.05% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -13,928.68 -13,193.39 -18,094.32 -33,414.91 -15,300.00 218.40% FINES AND FORFEITS -5,011.00 -7,833.50 -6,298.00 -5,200.00 -6,350.00 81.89% MISC. REVENUE -30,507.64 -16,545.67 -9,552.53 -13,210.28 -18,922.00 69.81% TRANSFERS IN -31,744.00 -38,367.00 -38,367.00 -38,366.00 -38,366.00 100.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -37,861.00 0.00% BUILDING REVENUES -971,530.68 -917,563.16 -983,645.69 -1,419,052.96 -957,599.00 148.19% PERSONAL SERVICES 531,662.91 593,832.74 607,068.93 631,113.16 727,218.00 86.78% OPERATING EXPENSES 104,038.10 100,860.97 135,889.24 160,093.46 170,835.00 93.71% CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,107.89 0.00 3,952.48 22,957.20 46,957.00 48.89% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,589.00 0.00% BUILDING EXPENSE 653,808.90 694,693.71 746,910.65 814,163.82 957,599.00 85.02% �- CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 09/30/21 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 22,727.75 22,735.77 22,728.40 22,732.44 22,732.00 100.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 30,936.30 29,523.02 23,973.48 33,150.59 37,005.00 89.58% TOTALS 53,664.05 52,258.79 46,701.88 55,883.03 59,737.00 93.55% CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 386,538.71 325,131.33 258,604.96 273,298.40 277,917.00 98.34% OPERATING EXPENSES 39,317.14 11,545.95 10,730.06 12,644.80 14,582.00 86.72% TOTALS 425,855.85 336,677.28 269,335.02 285,943.20 292,499.00 97.76% CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 159,304.31 170,673.19 171,931.73 180,890.48 184,750.00 97.91% OPERATING EXPENSES 47,955.43 20,636.24 92,955.02 24,313.86 30,372.00 80.05% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 13,982.75 0.00 0.00 1,918.00 0.00% TOTALS 207,259.74 205,292.18 264,886.75 205,204.34 217,040.00 94.55% LEGAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 92,685.76 162,196.25 164,039.00 98.88% OPERATING EXPENSES 100,267.05 105,408.63 74,358.55 33,499.36 37,387.00 89.60% TOTALS 100,267.05 105,408.63 167,044.31 195,695.61 201,426.00 97.16% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 525,069.64 540,447.79 539,815.61 514,984.10 562,649.00 91.53% OPERATING EXPENSES 125,635.34 131,553.48 134,856.91 141,322.00 145,073.00 97.41% TOTALS 650,704.98 672,001.27 674,672.52 656,306.10 707,722.00 92.74% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 246,755.40 314,098.20 345,873.93 347,017.64 347,594.00 99.83% OPERATING EXPENSES 138,266.77 126,311.18 163,864.91 166,311.53 169,367.00 98.20% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 24,319.52 2,011.11 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 385,022.17 464,728.90 511,749.95 513,329.17 516,961.00 99.30% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 919,623.58 919,090.75 1,064,434.63 895,521.32 941,701.00 95.10% OPERATING EXPENSES 119,784.95 133,313.60 160,746.85 125,108.66 135,654.00 92.23% CAPITAL OUTLAY 36,465.00 0.00 38,694.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 1,075,873.53 1,052,404.35 1,263,875.48 1,020,629.99 1,077,355.00 94.73% POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,727,327.16 3,100,165.35 3,029,231.62 3,153,248.17 3,206,256.00 98.35% OPERATING EXPENSES 294,834.83 290,786.83 245,672.08 275,263.57 323,641.00 85.05% CAPITAL OUTLAY 23,288.53 21,778.25 33,487.06 32,677.19 33,375.00 97.91% TOTALS 3,045,450.52 3,412,730.43 3,308,390.76 3,461,188.93 3,563,272.00 97.14% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 159,672.41 165,800.76 169,749.55 170,980.96 176,731.00 96.75% OPERATING EXPENSES 18,914.38 18,609.68 14,469.38 16,645.19 20,708.00 80.38% TOTALS 178,586.79 184,410.44 184,219.93 187,626.15 197,439.00 95.03% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 648,578.78 664,952.45 878,785.13 954,684.61 958,283.00 99.62% OPERATING EXPENSES 106,053.66 115,848.10 123,457.61 143,557.66 152,808.00 93.95% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 37,445.95 74,379.43 9,500.00 10,863.00 87.45% TOTALS 754,632.44 818,246.50 1,076,622.17 1,107,742.27 1,121,954.00 98.73% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 590,499.50 611,731.25 573,959.36 566,550.41 648,523.00 87.36% OPERATING EXPENSES 8,563.06 10,306.96 8,885.71 10,954.85 13,836.00 79.18% TOTALS 599,062.56 622,038.21 582,845.07 577,505.26 662,359.00 88.00% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 09/30/21 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2020/2021 2020/2021 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr 4TH Qtr Annual Percent ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET of Budget ENGINEERING OPERATING EXPENSES 24.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 24.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 462,677.65 505,969.60 588,186.35 555,075.81 623,386.00 89.04% OPERATING EXPENSES 338,184.19 325,438.76 335,796.87 328,867.36 371,218.00 88.59% CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,544.00 55,742.95 39,190.25 43,777.15 46,333.00 94.48% TOTALS 808,405.84 887,151.31 963,173.47 927,720.32 1,040,937.00 89.12% STORMWATER UTILITY DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 630,001.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 487,987.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,262.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 1,120,251.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 194,427.68 194,159.14 180,924.19 189,782.67 191,884.00 98.90% OPERATING EXPENSES 24,420.76 28,523.59 18,950.44 22,143.19 22,940.00 96.53% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 9,595.01 2,376.49 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTALS 218,848.44 232,277.74 202,251.12 211,925.86 214,824.00 98.65% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 133,131.12 160,658.79 279,725.54 290,016.58 290,597.00 99.80% OPERATING EXPENSES 232,158.37 219,247.05 234,361.13 234,368.34 275,626.00 85.03% CAPITAL OUTLAY 124,194.56 18,374.00 54,094.00 74,585.00 82,634.00 90.26% TOTALS 489,484.05 398,279.84 568,180.67 598,969.92 648,857.00 92.31% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 505,974.54 759,730.03 736,296.50 732,945.11 802,536.00 91.33% OPERATING EXPENSES 369,163.23 244,647.75 218,870.83 253,790.12 274,042.00 92.61% CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,368.00 140,639.51 154,853.70 49,059.22 52,624.00 93.23% TOTALS 879,505.77 1,145,017.29 1,110,021.03 1,035,794.45 1,129,202.00 91.73% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 149,727.85 145,725.26 151,633.45 149,170.67 176,307.00 84.61% OPERATING EXPENSES 27,909.19 32,307.62 26,102.80 29,829.25 35,215.00 84.71% CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,490.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00% TOTALS 186,128.00 178,032.88 177,736.25 178,999.92 231,522.00 77.31% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 357,598.49 318,631.07 392,516.83 416,308.13 425,059.00 97.94% OPERATING EXPENSES 37,941.95 47,574.33 132,123.64 61,419.72 80,814.00 76.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 14,649.50 0.00 11,311.00 0.00% TOTALS 395,540.44 366,205.40 539,289.97 477,727.85 517,184.00 92.37% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 291,741.15 278,439.04 264,098.13 275,348.94 275,350.00 100.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 634,267.89 712,594.27 707,675.13 703,731.81 713,640.00 98.61% CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,918.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 636,029.27 23,243.95 4,691.00 45,953.96 364,625.00 12.60% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,014.00 0.00% TOTALS 1,564,956.31 1,014,277.26 976,464.26 1,025,034.71 1,458,629.00 70.27% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 13,139,524.50 12,147,438.70 12,887,459.61 12,723,227.07 13,858,919.00 91.81% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 Project Number Description FY2018 A1823 Cemetery Improvements (Complete) A1824 Working Waterfront Phase 3 (Complete) A1860 Stonecrop Drainage TOTAL FY2019 A 1920 Working Waterfront Phase 3 (Complete) A1921 Pickleball (Complete) A1925 Park Signage A1960 Stonecrop Drainage A 1952 Construct Hangar D TOTAL FY2020 A2004 PD Vehicles & Equipment (Complete) A2006 Evidence Compound Paving & Carport A2007 CDBG Grant Program A2008 COVID-19 Expenses A2009 CDBG CARES Act Grant Program A2021. BSSC Baseball Dugouts A2024 Park Improvements (Complete) A2025 Community Center Office (Cancelled) A2026 Renovate Golf Tees (Complete) A2028 Riverview Park Sidewalks (Complete) A2029 CPA Signage & Landscape A2030 Relocate Public Facilities Compound A2050 Construct Taxi Lane A2060 Roadway Swale Work A2061 Canal Improvements A2062 Stonecrop Drainage A2063 Septic to Sewer Grant Program FY2021 A2100 Server/Host Update (Complete) A2101 Citywide Computers A2102 Audio/Visual Equipment (Complete) A2103 COSty Equipment (Complete) A2104 Phone System A2105 Network Infrastructure (Complete) A2106 Police Vehicles & Equipment A2107 PD Body Worn/In Car Cameras (Complete) A2108 Exchange Upgrade (Complete) A2109 JAG - Infrared Laser Pointers A2120 BSSC Lightning System (Complete) A2121 Harrison Street Park Plaza A2122 N. Central Ave Event Plaza (Closed) A2123 Tree Protection Plan A2124 Playground Improvements A2125 Park Improvements (Complete) A2126 Yacht Club Seawall A2130 Street Repaving (Complete) A2131 Sidewalk Replacement A2132 Street Reconstruction (Complete) A2133 Truck w/Crane A2160 Roadway Swales/Driveways A2161 Stonnwater Master Plan A2162 Sliplining (Complete) A2163 CRA Sewer Conversion A2150 Establish Sewer Service A2151 Square Hangar Engineering GRAND TOTAL Current Prior Budget Share Project Year Year Expenditures Percent Funds Budget Sources lin Thousands) Budget Expenditures Expenditures To Date Emended Encumbrances Remaining CTF 155 154,464 DST 26 25,648 DST 11 11,229 $ 191,341 $ 136,555 17,909 5,348 20,300 - 11,229 141,903 $ 49,438 $ 154,464 100.00% 25,648 100.00% 11,229 100.00% 191,341 100.00% $ S FIND/DON/DST/CRA 170/30/277/44 520,543 499,553 20,990 520,543 100.00% DST/RIF 182/423 605,110 359 604,751 605,110 100-00 - DST/RIF 73/155 228,341 160,663 53,270 213,933 93.69% 14,408 DST 12 12,000 - 12,000 12,000 100.00% - FDOT/DST/AP 1,800/450/33 2,282,705 593,314 234,096 827,410 36.25% 1,490,047 (34,752) S 3,648,699 $ 1,253,989 $ 925,107 $ 2,178,995 60 % $ 1,504,455 $ (34,752) DST 339.2 339,226 - 339,226 339,226 100.00% - DST 40 40,000 34,032 129 34,161 85.40% - 5,839 CDBG 250.7 250,769 106,381 13,720 120,100 47.89% 42,627 89,042 Grant 1074.3 1,074,322 550,664 506,692 1.057,356 98.42% 8,049 8,918 CDBG 74.8 74,778 315 1,246 1,561 2.09% 73.217 RIF 80 80,000 18,397 20,085 38,482 48.IOo/ 41,518 RIF/DON 12.6/2.5 15,111 3,672 11.439 15,111 100.001/6 DST 0 - - - - 0.001% DST 50 50,000 19,397 30,603 50.000 100.00% LOGT / CRA 46.5/32 78,623 70,832 7,790 78,622 100.00"/ - CRA 113 113,000 61,608 13,448 75,056 66.42% 24,944 13,000 DST 9907 9,907,274 3,003,884 244,859 3,248,743 32.79% 6.484.379 174,152 FAA/FDOT/DST 684.3/36.5/36.5 757,409 68,645 40,404 109,049 14.400/ 578,905 69.454 SW 60 60,000 4,440 25,865 30,305 50.51 % - 29,695 DST 1000 1,000,000 - - - 0.00% 1,000,000 FEMA/SW 645/215 860,000 8,800 12,616 21,416 2A9% 838584 IRLC/CRA 1001100 200,000 14,378 48,847 63,225 31,61 % 136.775 $ 14,900,512 $ 3,965,445 $ 1,316,970 $ 5,282,415 35A5 % $ 7,139,904 $ 2,479,193 DST 43.2 43,195 43,195 - 43,195 100.00% - DST 35 35,000 31,053 31,053 88.72% 3.947 DST 76 75,973 75,973 75,973 100.00% DST 8.2 8,261 8,261 8,261 100.001% - DST l00 100,000 - 0.008/ 21,315 78,685 DST 38.1 38,130 38,130 38,130 100.000/ DST 350 349,982 - - 0.00% 318-348 31,634 DST 39.3 39,292 39,292 39,292 100.00"/ - DST 28.3 28,338 28,338 28,338 100.006/o Grant 10.2 10,206 - 0.00% 10,206 GF/DST 5.7/24 29,663 29,663 29,663 100.00% - DST 270 270,000 - - 0.00% 270,000 DST 0 - - - 0.00%, - DST 135 135,000 40,715 40,715 30.16% 12,940 81.445 RIF 72 71,576 - 0,00% 71,576 - R1F 6 5,946 5,946 5,946 100.01 GF 359 358,962 40,291 40,291 11.22% 318,671 LOGT 339.1 338,123 338,123 338,123 100.00% LOGT 44.5 44,480 31,756 31,756 71.39% 12,724 LOGT/DST 109.5/500 609,486 609,485 609,485 100.00% - - DST 65 65,000 - - 0.001% 61,098 3,902 SW 100 100,000 - - 0.001% 100.000 DST/SW 350/350 700,000 19,725 19,725 2.82% 680.275 - DST 87 87,045 87,045 87,045 100.00% - CRA 57.5 57,500 29,679 29,679 51.62% 27,821 FDOT/DST 800/200 1,000,000 - - 0.00% - 1,000,000 FDOT/DST 222/55.5 277,516 32,097 32,097 11.579/6 237,379 8,041 4,878,674 1,528,767 1,528,767 3134 % 1,762,045 1,587,862 $ 23,619,226 $ 6,890,003 $ 2,291,514 S 9,181,517 38.87% $ 10,405,404 S 4,032,304 k -IX QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER , 2021 At September 30, 2021, the total of the City's cash and investments were $19,831,855.64. Of this, $15,389,827.39 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank, $3,893,946.69 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $548,081.56 is deposited with Florida Trust, which invest in short-term bonds. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any direct investments in government securities. Returns at the end of the quarter were .25% for the Bank and 10% for the State Board. The average annualized return over the 3 months of this quarter from the deposit with Florida Trust was 12%. The Bank returns and State Board change primarily due to reactions of the bond market and Federal Reserve. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT CURRENT CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT General Fund $ 4,571,433.20 29,70% General Fund $ 783,026.02 20.11% American Rescue Plan Act 1,325,367.34 8.61% American Rescue Plan Act 331,084.08 8.50% Local Option Gas Tax Fund 171,992.72 1.12% Local Option Gas Tax Fund - 0.00% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 4,266,264.23 27.72% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 1,064,202.71 27.33% Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 465,147.30 3.02% River -front Redevelopment Fund 116,129.73 2.98% Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund - 0.00% Parking ln-Lieu-Of Fund 71,572.41 1.84% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 206,118.23 1.34% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 51,614.40 1.33% Stormwater Utility Fund 1,414,760.53 9.19% Stormwater Utility Fund 354,116.72 9.09% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 1,550.94 0,01 % Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 31,328.39 0.80% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 180,794.36 1.17% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund - 0.00% Capital Projects Fund 79,317.36 0.52% Capital Projects Fund 0.00% Capital Improvements Fund 34,714.82 0.23% Capital Improvements Fund 0.00% Transportation Fund 485,476.74 3,15% Transportation Fund 0.00"/. Stormwater Projects Fund 254,042.35 1.65% Stormwater Projects Fund 0.00°/. Golf Course Fund 151,829.76 0.99% Golf Course Fund 0.00% Airport Fund 443,390.04 2.88% Airport Fund 0.00% Airport Projects Fund (221,997.07) -1.44% Airport Projects Fund - 0.001A Building Department Fund 1,294,678.38 8.41% Building Department Fund 292,507.45 7.51% Cemetery Trust Fund 264,196.16 1.72% Cemetery Trust Fund 706,024.78 18.13% Performance Deposits Fund 750.00 0.00% Performance Deposits Fund 92,340.00 2.37% Total Bank Balance S 15 189,827.39 100.00 % Total SBA Balance S 3,893M6.69 100.00%. INTERFUND LOANS REPORT 10/01/21 Scheduled Balance at ^ Fund Making Loans Purpose Balance Payments 09/30/2021 Remarks/Terms GENERAL FUND: Due from Golf Course Cash Flow Loan $500,000 $35,000 $500,000 Pay $35K/Year or More Starting FY 20/21. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX: Due from Airport Fund $285,000 Hangar A $269,245 1 $7,279 $261,966 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4%for 25 Years. Final in 2038 Due from Airport Fund $267,511 Hangar B $259,869 $2,105 $257,764 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4% for 25 Years. Final in 2041. BUILDING FUND: Due from Golf Course $700,000 Irrigation $615,456 $30,547 $584,909 Each 5 Years to T-Bond Minus 1%. Final in 2038. Due from Golf Course $559,684 Other Repairs $559,684 None $559,684 Pay When Possible, Maybe After $700,000 is paid. DEBT DUE TO OUTSIDE PARTIES Initial Principal 7 Principal Balance at Final Initial Bond Debt Description Amount 9/30/2021 Interest Rate Maturity Rating/Insurer Security Pledge Stormwater Utility $5,630,000 $782,000 2% to 4.2% 2022 AAA/MBIA Stormwater Utility Fees Revenue Bank Notes 2014 Paving Improvements $2,296,000 $591,000 1.94% 2023 N/A Local Option Gas Tax Promissory Notes 2012 Golf Cart $313,152 $104,403 3.49% 2022 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase 2017 Police Camera System $353,624 $353,624 2.75% 2025 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase May 2021 �-l-3 orycF SMOMM �4w HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Paul Carlisle, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: January 13, 2022 Re: 4'h Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2021 The following are the 4t' Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended September 30, 2021. CITY CLERK Legislative Suuaort Matters • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded six Regular City Council meetings, two special meetings • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, e-mails, scanned to LF and indexed • Eleven resolutions adopted by Council • Five proclamations prepared for presentation by Mayor • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, City staff and press • One document recorded with Clerk of Court • Coordinated attendance of clergy for Council meeting invocations • Prepared travel for one IEMO conference; one LID conference Records Management Program • Responded to 41 public records requests • 108 cubic feet of paper records met retention along with duplicate and OSA records destroyed by shredding vendor • Transferred and documented three bid records • Continue scanning and organized maps & surveys into Laserfiche for permanent or long term record storage • Built shelves in the vault for the map and survey permanent storage • Re -organized permanent file boxes with list of location in Laserfiche and vault Election Matters • Qualified six candidates for 2021 Election • Prepared 2021 election and referendum ballot (English and Spanish) • Two election advertisements placed with TCPahn (English and Spanish) • Processed relevant campaign treasurer's reports Citv Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared three board appointments, notified and provided info to appointees, updated board handbook and distributed pages • Records Specialist published all scanned City board agenda packets to City website, Facebook, Laserfiche and also provided to press and Council • Published one newspaper notice of FY21/22 CRA meetings Cemeten• Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 36 locations for a total of $56,200.00 • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention Personnel/Educational Matters • Records Specialist attended three project management meetings • Records Specialist attended four events committee meetings Community Matters • Responded to or forwarded CITYSEB emails to appropriate departments • City Clerk and Records Specialist attended the Veteran's Parking Sign unveiling ceremony • Attended Public Facilities Groundbreaking Ceremony 1X-ly ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Worked with the State and FEMA to pursue remaining reimbursements due on Hurricane Matthew. • Provided administrative support to the Police Pension Board. • Presented Capital Improvement Program to the Planning and Zoning Board. • Met with Department Heads and worked on final FY2022 Budget and Capital Program. • Assisted with negotiations of wage opener in accordance with the PEA and PBA Labor Agreements. • Prepared 3rd Quarter Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Studied the Interim Final Rules published by the U.S. Treasury Department on the American Rescue Plan Act • Worked with Auditors to complete the FY2021 Audit Report. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Recruited replacements for vacant positions, including selection of an applicant for the City Engineer position. • Selected a vendor to conduct a wage and benefits study. • Documented bids and proposals for purchases to insure purchasing policies were followed. • Reviewed and approved agenda items for contracts and other payments requiring City Council approval. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Continued review of agency policies per accreditation standards. • Participated in virtual Accreditation Assessment. • Conducted several interviews for 911 dispatcher positions on ZOOM. • Attended 7 additional ZOOM Meetings. • Continued our quarterly auditing and inspection of the police building and equipment. • Command Staff members attended 10 Council meetings, 2 officers per meeting. • Responded to 1 public records request. • Participated in several countywide conference calls for COVID-19. • Swore in 2 new officers. • Attended leadership training at Titusville PD, 2 Command Staff Officers. • Prepared agency for potential storm/hurricane. • Attended Safety and Security meeting with School Board. • Prepared and released 9/11 tribute video. • Participated in 3 phone depositions. • Command Staff Firearms Qualification. • Completed 3 leadership meetings and several (weekly) staff meetings. • Met with promotional exam developers and finalized details for testing. • Met with majority of PD employees in reference to goals and objectives. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 310 hours during this quarter. • 2 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall so employees do not have to leave their assigned duties. • 0 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 115 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 9 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 16 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 11 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 5 Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 4 special details were assigned. • 0 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 6 paper runs, i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriffs Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney paperwork, and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 2 traffic crash scene. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 0 warnings for other parking infractions issued. • 0 citizen contacts. • 67 miscellaneous jobs. • 10 hours of Escorts were completed. **** The Volunteer Program was suspended for the entire month of August 2 School Resource Officers July thru September 2020 Area/school checks 24 100 121 245 Life Skills classes taught 0 0 0 0 GREAT classes taught 0 0 0 0 Reports 5 1 4 10 Crossing Guard contacts 1 17 24 42 MQnt4r.W1'Y"C' 0 2 6, 8 Patrol hours i 328 313 178 819 Community event hours � 0 0 0 0 Patrol hours 4 Mentor lunches Crossing Guard contacts Reports GREAT classes taught Life Skills classes taught Area/school checks ■ Sept ■ August ■ July 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Road Patrol and Special Ouerations • Officers were dispatched to 4738 calls for service, and self -initiated 2703 events. • 73 adult and 6 juvenile arrests were made. • 1 Juvenile Civil Citations were issued. • Officers issued 90 citations, 7 parking citations, and 251 written warnings. • Officers completed 476 offense reports and 72 crash reports. Special Ouerations Citations Warnings Incident Reports Arrests Traffic Officer* 45 66 26 0 Marine** 5 35 25 7 K-9 Unit • K-9 Training Hours: 320 • Misdemeanor Arrests: 5 • Felony Arrests: 9 • Narcotic Searches: 8 Activity Reports: 8 • K-9 Demonstrations: 2 • Schools Attended: K9 Narcotic Certification • Additional Training Hours: 90 hours • Agency Assisted: Indian River and Brevard County 3 Detectives July thru September 2020 Subpoenas 1 Arrests 1 Warrants 5 Training/Meeting Hours 48 Follow-131.s 19 Active Cases 12 Assigned Cases 10 Clearea Cases 8 Inactive Cases 6 SuDDlementsr ` 20 Call Outs 2 COPE QUARTERLY REPORT ACTIVITY HOURS COMMUNITY EVENTS 3 AGENCY OUTREACH EVENTS 8 COMMUNITY MEETINGS 5 8 PUBLIC TRAINING CLASSES 0 REGIONAL OUTREACH 0 SRO Coverage j 34 EXPLORER POST ACTIVITIES 4 TRAINING AND SCHOOLS 20 IN-SERVICE INSTRUCTION 12 SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT 28 ADMINISTRATION & RESEARCH 56 DISPATCH COVERAGE 96 Communications Division 1 5 4 2 2 5 1 1 7 9 30 87 18 18 55 11 18 41 13 18 41 6 9 23 3 5 14 16 17 53 1 6 9 Community Events: Drive By Parade — 2 Deliver Pizza to Boys n Girls Club —1 Agency Outreach Events: Food Drive — 8 Community Meetings: 5RFiR 20 School Related Events, Pelican Isk,nc, 4 Public -training Classes: Regional SRO: - 34 Crossing Guard — 1 Dispatch - 96 Explorer Post: l Activities:4 Training and Schools: In Service - 4 TIPS -16 In -Service Inst Firearms — 8 New Hire - 8 Social Media Management: {Facebook, Twitter, Admin & Research: COPE Meeting - 2 Static Display - 10 Law Productions - 2 Vehicle Maint. - 2 Admin Assignments - 40 Disp. Calls For Service 1 834 ' 824 985 2,643 Officer Initiated Calls 1,223 1,125 1,057 3,405 Code Ed. Initiated Calls 1,667 1477 1,602 4,746 Volunteer Initiated Cans 169 0 17 186 Ualls hritered into CAI) 1,667 4,260 4,395 13,357 911 Calls Received 765 773 674 2,212 911 Calls Transferred Out 337 291 249 877 911 Hang-up Calls 104 102 108 314 Admin. Calls Received 790 746 916 2,452 Admin. Calls fransterred 277 327 354 958 Outgoing Admin. Calls NA* NA* NA* NA* Training/Meeting Hours 27 24 24 75 gl 1 NETWORK DOWN UNABLE TO PULL NUMBERS DIRECTLY FROM THE PHONE SYSTEM. THE TOTAL CALLS ARE COMING FROM CAD WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE THE IN HOUSE CALLS OR OUTGOING 4 Training/Meeting Hours OutgoingAdmin. Calls Admin. Calls Transferred Admin. Calls Received 911 Hang-up Calls 911 Calls Transferred Out 911 Calls Received Calls Entered Into CAD Volunteer Initiated Calls Code Enf. Initiated Calls Officer Initiated Calls Disp. Calls For Service 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 Crime Scene/Evidence ■ Month 3 ■ Month 2 • Month 1 Items Received 75 79 73 227 Evidence Processed In-house 12 14 13 39 Evidence Outsourced 9 15 8 32 Items Returned 14 9 7 30 Items Purged 5 7 11 23 Cars Impounded 0 0 0 0 Video Redaction Hours 32 64 42 138 Videos Burned 29 55 36 120 Supplements Written 4 7 6 17 Evidence Processing Hours 32 48 56 136 Crime Scene Processing Hours 45 15 19 79 Training Hours 49 16 0 65 Call Outs 0 0 2 2 Call Outs Training Hours Crime Scene Processing Hours Evidence Processing Hours Supplements Written Videos Burned Video Redaction Hours Cars Impounded Items Purged Items Returned Evidence Outsourced Evidence Processed In-house Items Received 0 20 40 60 80 100 w Sept. 0 August ■ July Code Enforcement Of the 5,151 code calls for the quarter the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 502 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 194 property inspections for title companies and 117 sign violations. • 530 Code Services. • 661 re -inspections, 91 violations were not complied with, 109 were posted for abatement, 14 abated by vendors. • 463 violations complied. • 2 Liens filed, 29 liens released. • 118 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. There were no calls for water violation during the third quarter. Alarm Assessment • $450.00 in alarm permits (new and renew) • $100.00 in false alarms fines • 142 alarm responses by officers, 43 of these were false. • 25 New permits issued. k, ROADS Potholes • Repaired pot holes throughout the city with our new bagged cold patch (addresses on file with work orders) Roads • Assisted with cleanup of homeless camp at S.W.T.F. • Trimmed hedge row along Powerline Rd. • Made multiple scrap runs before potential storm Fred of old street signs & poles • Cleaned and prepped machinery and Vac truck for new complex ground breaking ceremony and also did set up the day of the ceremot • Taylor Ratelle has been extensively training Robert K and Brandon B. for CDL testing Concrete • Removed , formed and poured slabs at Barber football field concession stand • Cut, removed poured and fmished section at splash pad for water leak repair. 7 '/z yards. • Prepped and put down flowable fill at Strait and George St. road crossing Right of Ways • Mowed city right of ways on vacant lots (address's on file) with long arm machine and some by hand. • Mowed Harbor Lights Motel rear property multiple times • Mowed Concha/Joy Haven spillway multiple times • Mowed all five bridges and other areas in the city multiple times • Mowed and weed eated compound interior • Assisted in mowing S.W. treatment facility multiple times • Maintained weeds and overgrowth on Power Line Rd. sidewalks • Cutback overgrown areas on N. Central Ave for new sidewalk project Drainaae • Assisted with road crossing pipe replacement at Strait and George • Assisted with regarding, sodding and boulder placement at first pond area at Stormwater Treatment Facility • Assisted in spreading, grading 7 loads of dirt plus putting down 8 pallets of sod for bank erosion at S.W.T.F • Assisted with driveway pipe replacement at 772 Cavern • Mowed drainage ditch between Airport Dr. East and Easy St. along Main St. with long arm machine for Phil that contractor neglected • Assisted with hand cutting and removing overgrowth in drainage ditch at 537 Wimbrow Dr. • Assisted with Main St. dam clearing and clean up Miscellaneous • Prepped all areas for sod on Carvern drainage improvement project • Cleaned up dead end of Spring Valley of weeds and grass growing • Filled in ruts in parking lot in front of Crabby Bills with 57 rock • Adjusted and straightened paver blocks in Pelican pub/Flag pole parking Lot Main St. • Located area & installed section of guardrail at Wimbrow & Main St. dead end with sign shop • Removed & hauled away pahn trees fromS.W.T.F. for Stormwater Sian Shop • Signage and Installation: • Created; 407 • Signs Installed: 180 • Signs Straightened: 18 • Trees Cut by signs: 6 • Traffic Studies: 4 • GIS Locations 180 • Decals:17 • Pavement Markings • Stop Bars: 307 • Yellow Line Striping: 24,099 Ln ft. • White Line Striping: 20,836 Ln ft. • Parking Lots: 0 • Cross Walks: 30 • Handicap stalls: 0 • ADA Mats painted: 0 • Blue Paint: LN FT: 0 �— 11 • Special Projects: • Install Guardrail Main St./Wimbrow: Completed • Install/Replace Warning an Regulatory Signs: 30% Completed. • Street/Stop Sign Install Zone 5: Completed • New Projects: • Paint stop bars and crosswalks zone 3: Completed • Stop bars and crosswalks road paint zone 4: 20% Completed • Road Paint Main St., Easy St. to Wimbrow:: Material Ordered • Paint Stop Bars and crosswalks zone 5: 0% Completed • Road Markings on Hardee Park and Concha Bridges: Painting lst week in Oct • M.O.T • Special Events 4 • School Lights: 5 • Citizens Request: 7 (6 completed, 1 speed study in progress) • Work Orders: 52 (47 have been completed) • Created Signs Breakdown • Street Signs: 298 • Regulatory:39 • Warning:68 Facilities Maintenance • Maintain City Flags • Maintain and monitor all lift stations • Monthly A/C maintenance all City Buildings • Assist with Splash pad operations • Daily Monitoring of City Marquees • Monthly monitoring and supplies AED Stations • Daily Maintenance and repairs City Buildings • Monitor Nash Janitorial • Clean Space: Janitorial preparations • Schumann Park: Men's room fire restoration and replace lift station pump • City Hall: Install ADA door opener • Admin. Building: Covert to fire cell monitoring • Admin. Building: Replace AC unit 32 • City Hall: MIS Liebert repairs • City Hall: Install Clerk Vault shelving • Working Waterfront: Replace lift station pum[ • Crab-E-Bills: Replace lift station pump • Splash Pad: Water leak repairs (not completed) Cemetery • Began roadway improvements in newly expanded Cemetery area • Routine Mowing, weed eating and edging • Burials 11 • Cremains 12 • Quarterly Rain Gauge 18 inches • Paint block wall in unit 5 • Added 2 sprinklers to unit 1 and 1 sprinkler to unit 2 Construction Specialist • Airport • Replace Shade Hanger Lighting • Repair and replace Runway lighting • Gate repairs to Gate #20 and 21 • Ground Maint. • City Hall • Install electric handicap door • Install electric new sign • Install new water fountains • Police Department • Install new Parking lot lighting c)o 7 • Parks • Install new water fountains (Riverside Park, Fisherman's Landing, Ball Park Field #1 & #3) • Repair lighting Hardee Park • Repair electric for new sign Riverside Park • Repair Lighting Riverside Park • Replace drainage system and water supply at Splash pad • Repair water fountain at Splash Pad Fleet Mana ea ment: • The Fleet Management Staff completed 202 repair work orders, 37preventive maintenance services 4 service calls and 0 road trips to pick up parts. • In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 9 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors • Took delivery of the following units: • F-350 Tool Body Truck • Completed the prep(Lights, Rack, Graphics, etc.) on the following unit • Same as above • Completed Sales on Gov. Deals: $39,778.99 • Fuel Cost as of Sept. 28: • $2.62 per gallon of gasoline 1.6% increase over the past 90 days • $2.78 per gallon of diesel fuel 2.75% increase over the past 90 days LEISURE SERVICES Parks Division • Install bike rack at Hardee Park, Crab-E-Bills • Prepare for events at Riverview Park • Return carts to Golf Course • Clean up area at Riverview Park • Re -attach windscreen to the fence at Pickleball Court • Repair irrigation at Chamber of Commerce • Move the stage at Riverview Park • Repair irrigation lines at twin piers at Riverview Park, USI, PD • Trim hedges at Schumann Medians • Prepare events at new compound • Trim trees at City Hall, Garden Club • Repair fence at Memorial Park, Riverview Park • Remove a dead tree at Pickleball Courts • Install new gate and removed the old one for Creative Playground at the Barber St. Complex • Install signs for the Splash Pad • Cut and remove debris at vacant lots across motel at Main St. Docks • Install and assemble bike rack at Bryant Ct. Park, Easy St. • Install plants at Pickleball Courts • Reattaching windscreen at Pickleball Courts, • Repair drain spout at the Community Center • Repair fence at Riverview Park, Garden Club Park • Install construction fence around Splash at Riverview Park • Remove plants around the Splash Pad, Dig out pipes, installing for pipes • Cut area at the Airport, vacant lots across from Main St. • Install liner rock and lights around flagpole • Repair leak and cut concrete pad at football concession stand • Install basketball nets at Barber St. Sports complex • Remove graffiti at the Yacht Club docks • Wok on Pavilions at Main St. Dock • Reinstall fence at playground Blossom St. Park • Add more clay to baseball fields • Remove damaged windscreen at Pickleball Courts • Remove old drainage pipe from the Splash Pad • Repair the fence at the dog park, Garden Club • Install bricks at Memorial Park • Repair irrigation at Dog Park • Deliver rock and removing debris from Splash Pad 8 • Hauls loads of mulch to the Airport • Trim hedges at medians • Weeding at Riverview Park, Pressure wash Splash pad, Remove hazard stakes, fill in ruts • Inspect Playgrounds • Remove windscreen at Pickleball Courts • Repair fence at Memorial Park, add mulch, prepare for event, • Repair basketball goal at Barber St. Sports Complex • Add mulch at Schumann Park, • Install new and remove old step for playground at Schumann Park • Install new brackets for the swing at Filbert Park, Schumann Park, Barber St. • Maintain the Area by removing shrubs for repairs at Schumann medians • Maintain area by adding sand to the volleyball court at Riverview Park Recreation Division • Continued city run programs. STORMWATER DEPARTMENT • Road Crossing Pipes — Replaced 11 Driveway pipes • Ditch Cleaning, debris removed - 2,924 cubic yards • Replaced 1 road crossing pipe • Remove Vegetation from Ditches - 242.5 Removed • Crew mowed the Stormwater facility with the 1 track hoe • Mowed all banks and opened up the trails • Cut back ditch by power lines. • Helped with mowing at the airport. Citizen Ren nest Line • July = 77 Request • 32 Stormwater 3 outstanding due to spraying (38%) • 19 Others, County 8, Code 9, Eric 2, GQ 4, SPD 1 • 12 Roads, 2 Outstanding (no Asphalt) (13%) • 5 Parks, I outstanding (per Brian they indicating property lines. Going to be awhile before started. • 1 Signs, 1 outstanding (speed study takes longer) • 4 General Questions (05%) 15 other (20%) • Aug.. = 85 Request • 41 Stormwater. 15 mowers not at zone yet, 1 homeowner responsibility, 1 getting piped so takes longer than 5 days (28%) • Others 7 County, 2 bldg. dept., 9 code, Eric 9, GQ 2, 1 City Manager, • Roads 11, 2 not needed ,1 no asphalt (09%) • Parks 1 outstanding due to boat ramp needed to be fixed • Signs 1, Done • 2 General questions (02%), 5 others (06%) • Sept = 72 Request • 43 Stormwater, 13 mowers not at zone yet, 2 spray company not there yet, 2 pipe work takes longer, 1 pipe not ours, 1 pipe homeowner, 1 homeowner cut down own tree (31 %) • 18 Other, 1 Civil Matter, 3 Code, 5 County, 1 Eric, 1 FPL, 6 General Questions, 1 HOA • 8 Roads, 1 outside city limits, 1 no asphalt, 1 never called back, 1 road is not getting paved. (05%) • 0 Parks • 0 Signs • Number of Calls to Request Line 234 (not counting county, city, bldg.. dept. , SPD, Eric, Civil Matters, City Manager) 9 GOLF COURSE Revenue 20-21 19-20 Difference+/- 4th Quarter Rev. $218,706 $227,519 -$8,813 YTD Tot. Rev. $1,494,428 $1,521,707 -$27,279 4th Quarter Rounds 3,374 3,389 -15 YTD Tot. Rds. 52,010 52,391 -381 4th Q. Green Fee $61,420 $64,192 -$2,772 4th Q. Cart Fee $118,898 $123,514 -$4,616 4th Q. Annual Member $144 $387 -$243 YTD Ann. Mem. $116,150 $101,928 +$14,222 4th Q. USGA Hdcp. $44 $0 +44 YTD USGA Hdcp. $4,818 $5,390 -$572 4th Q. Disct. Card $0 $46.73 -$46.73 YTD Disct. Cd. $30,702 $32,384 -$1,682 4th Q. Driving Range $9,294 $8,064 +$1,230 YTD Dr. Rge. $52,988 $52,386 +$602 4th Q. Club Rental $799 $525 +$274 4th Q. Club Storage $0 $0 0 YTD CR & CS $5,900 $5,490 +$410 4th Q. Golf Shop Retail $17,909 $20,445-$2,536 YTD Shop Retail $94,736 $101,711 -$6,975 4th Q. PGA Pro Lesson $215 $1069 -$854 YTD Lesson $3,588 $3,279 +$309 4th Q. Restaurant Rent $7,500 $7,500 $0 YTD Rest. Rent $22,501 $22,501 $0 • 4th Q. Rain amount 15.7" 21.3" -5.6" Data obtained from weather underground. com • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for the 4th quarter included The Par 5 Club, Sebastian River High School Football and Cheer and The Palm Bay Golf Association • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments planned for 1 st quarter include Central Baptist Church, The Sebastian Italian - American Club, Sebastian Police Department Community Police Event, Sebastian Elks Lodge, Sebastian Rotary, The Sebastian 2- Person Team Championship, St. Sebastian Church, K. Redish Memorial Golf Tournament, The Palm Bay Golf Association, The Brevard Golf Association and The Par 5 Club.. • In conjunction with the Indian River Golf Foundation, offered weekly junior golf clinics on Tuesdays. Also offered a total of 6 Demo Days programs, which attracts many new, as well as longtime golfers to the golf course. • Received several compliments on the condition of the golf course with specific emphasis on the condition of the greens and all turf in general. AIRPORT • Trained new part-time hire, Ron • Built and replaced runway light on Runway #23 • Assisted in the repair of AWOS • Attended pre -construction meeting with ICE • Cleaned up and removed brush piles around Airport grounds • Assisted Paul with gate repairs • Started removing pepper trees around perimeter of Airport fence • Attended meetings with Sean from Ahrens Companies • Chaperoned worker around Airport to repair security cameras • Trimmed all shrubs around hangars A, B, and C • Routine • Mowing, weed whacking, Edging, Irrigation, runway light maintenance, spraying, Equipment maintenance , runway/taxi area inspection In-13 10 C MOF SE►� �� +� _ ,_. Ale HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 23, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting the 1st Quarter Financial Report and Recognizing Necessary Amendments and Adjustments to the FY 2021-2022 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-22-08. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report and accomplishments are also included. Formal approval by City Council was already given for adjustments using Reserves for the Employee Compensation Study; Replacing a Wheeled End Loader; 4% Instead of 3% Pay Adjustments; Installing Airport Security Cameras; and Matching Funds to Provide Sewer to the West Side of the Airport. The original Budget Resolution also allowed the City Manager to carry forward budget amounts to cover orders that were not delivered before year end and to re -appropriate funding for projects approved in prior years. Formal approval by City Council is needed for the Unexpected Repairs to the Main Street Boat Ramp Lift Station that was funded by the General Fund Renewal and Replacement Reserve. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and authorized adjustments that were necessary to implement programs, projects and expenditures that were previously authorized by the City Council. Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes within his $15,000 spending authority, adjustments between budget accounts within the same departments, as well as adjustments to closeout certain capital projects. The above adjustments are listed in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: As per Exhibit "A" of the Resolution Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Attachments: 1. Resolution R-22-08 and Attachment "A" 2. 15t Quarter Financial Report, including Capital Project Status, Investments/Loans and Accomplishments Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: RESOLUTION NO. R-22-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on December 31, 2021 indicated one budget adjustment requiring formal approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager previously approved any other necessary amendments and adjustments and these should be reported in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022 has been amended and adjusted as necessary within the quarter ending December 32, 2021; a summary of such amendments and adjustments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A"; the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are recognized as having been made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember vote was as follows: Mayor Jim Hill Vice -Mayor Fred Jones Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Christopher Nunn and, upon being put to a vote, the The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 23'd day of February 2022. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA I0 Mayor Jim Hill Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon City Attorney l� EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION R-22-08 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED December 31, 2021 ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Chan a,000 Y0 Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Professional Services Profe _ $ $22,500 _ _ _ _ _ $32,500 09/08/21 Approved Employee ApQropiiated_from General Fund Reserves $0 ($22,500) ($22,500) Compensation Study. Vehicles & Equi..pment _ _ $0 $203,306 $203,306 10/13/21 Approved using DST Reserves to Appropriated from DST Reserves __ ($2,860,825) ($203,306)____ ($3,064,131 -) P replace a Wheeled_End Loader -------------- Salaries & Benefits Accounts $12,706,254 $99,824 $12,806,078 - _ _... _._ Appropriated_ from General Fund Reserves - _..�.� ($22,500)_� __ (78,083) . _($100 582) 10/13/21 Approved PEA and PBA Appropnated from Stormwater Reserves �$154 703) (5,972) ($160,675) Collective Bargaining Unit pay adjustments Appropriated from Golf Course Reserves , ($18 709)($27,551) from 3% to 4% and also funding the same Appropnated from Airport Reserves __ $0 _ „_ (864) ($864) for other City employees. Appropriated from Building Reserves ($164,176) ($6,064) ($170,240) - - -------------------------------------------- Vehicles & Equipment ---------------------------- $0 ------ $24,000 -------- --- $24,000 ---------------------------------------------- 09/22/21 Approved using Airport Reserves FDOT Grant $0 ($19,200�($19,�-00) to match grant for buying and install Appropriated from Airpor(Reseryes ($864) ($4,800) ($5,664) Security Cameras for unmonitored areas. ---------------- ------ ------------ Accounts with Items Not Received 0 $182,009 $182,009 09/29/21 Budget Resolution authorized _ _ ,... Appropriated from General Fund Reserves _ ._ _.. _ ($3-8,822 ) _._ _ ($ 139,40 4) City Manager to adjust accounts to A pro riated from DST Reserves $3($100,582) ,064,131 7,151 $3,071,282 implement work previously approved b Appropriated from Stormwater Reserves ($160,675) ($136,036) ($296,711) City Council. Items were obligated but not received. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infrastructure $0 --------------------------- $1,013,984 $1,013,984 --------------------------------------------- 10/27/21 Approved award of SJRWMD and FDOT Grant $0 ($527,823) ($527,823) FDOT Grant to provide for gravity sewer SJRWMD Grant $0 ,144Z_ services instead of lift stations on the west Appropriation from DST Reserves _ ($3,071,282) _J$25( ($230,017) _$256,144) C$3,301,299) side of the Airport_ ---------------- Transfers Protect Funds _ _ __$ $5 236 487 __$9 907 274 09/29/21 Budget Resolution authorized pp pnated from General Fund Reserves oito ... .._ ._... $139,404) �(.- -.. - ._.._ City Manager to adjust accounts to Appropnated from Gas Tax Fund Reserves , $0 _ ($12,724)� ($12 724) implement work previously approved by ,Appropriated from DST Reserves _ ($3 301 299) ^($3.964 796)_($7.266.095) City Council. These transfers had been A ro . riated from CRA Reserves pp p _ ($123,406 ) 13531 _($ . ... 0) ......($229,716) approved in various prior budget years but ated from Rec. Impact Reserves A ro ri, -._.. P _....-..-_-_ _- pP p .. 000� ... _. ) .... 80) ($_..... . - 186,8 have to be reappropriated from each Appropriated from Stormwater Reserves ($296 ($679, 479) ($97ti,199) Fund's Reserves to properly account for Appropriated from AirportReserves ($5,664) ($32,705) ($38,369) them in FY2022. ADJUSTMENTS BEING SUBMITTED FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment R&M - Buildings $50,088 $4,820 $54,908 Uses R&R Reserve for Unexpected repairs Appropriated from R&R Account ($458,675) s.$4,820:i ($462,895} to Main Street Boat Ramp Lift Station. ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY MANAGER: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Various Salaries Accounts $8,397,039 $32,050 $8,429,089 Additional Compensation $36,050........ ($32,050)---------- $4,050 Appropriated from DST Reserves $[ 7,266,095) $3,775 $7,262 320.. Vehicles &Equipment______________________________$ ------_________($3,775)_________$61,225 Infrastructure_ $12,500,000 $10,500,000 $23,000,000 FEMA Grant .-....._..._ ($11,000,000) ($11,000,000) 0,000) ($22,00_ Appropriated from DST Reserves ($7,262,3A) $500,000 $6,762,320 Reason for Adjustment Adjustment to salary accounts to properly allocate the Holiday Bonus for employees. Adjustment to close the project to replace the Construction Specialist Truck. Adjustment to correct amount set up for a FEMA Grant for Canal Improvements to the estimated amount for the Project. 1-3 CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FIRST QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2021 SUMMARY THE FIRST QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND ENDED WITH 41.9% OF TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AS A RESULT OF HIGHER COLLECTIONS OF AD VALOREM TAXES. PAYMENTS OF THE ANNUAL POLICE PENSION AND CRA CONTRIBUTIONS RESULTED IN DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BEING 29.0% AFTER ONLY 25% OF THE YEAR HAS PAST. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Balance $ $ 6,689,795 Ad Valorem Taxes 4,701,435 4,027,413 85.7% Franchise Fees 1,418,581 254,707 18.0% UtilityTaxes 3,262,083 471,639 14.5% Hurricane Recoveries 99,972 0.0% Intergovernmental 3,113,075 548,869 17.6% Charges for Service 771,650 183,906 23.8% Licenses and Other 457,350 171,980 37.6% Transfers From Other Funds 35,000 0.0% Total Revenues $ 13,769,174 $ 5,758,486 41.9% From Fund Balance 462,895 0.0% Total Sources 3 14,222,069 5,758,486 40.5' City Council 60,500 11,843 19.6% City Manager 333,616 70,644 21.2% City Clerk 282,724 106,987 37.8% City Attorney 211,922 43,833 20.7% Admin Services 757,755 150,438 19.9% MIS Division 597,680 155,773 26.1% Police Department 6,750,672 2,258,814 33.5% Roads and Drainage 1,104,726 208,342 18.9% Public Facilities 932,367 244,016 26.2% Leisure Services 1,267,721 271,826 21,4% Community Dev. 573,916 108,644 18.9% Non -Departmental 1,348,470 494,286 36.7% Total Expenditures $ 14,222,069 $ 4,125,446 29.0% Unappropriated - n/a Total Uses $ 14,222,069 $ 4,125,446 29.0% Ending Unappropriated Fund Balance $ 8,322,835 AT 9/30/2021 $143,666 ON HURRICANE MATTHEW WAS STILL UNPAID. WE RECEIVED $99,972 A FEW DAYS AFTER YEAR END. THE FINAL $43,694 IS IN THE FINAL REVIEW STEP BUT WE ARE HOLDING $81,661 THEY PAID IN ERROR. $2,250 $2,000 $1,750 $1,500 $1,250 $1,000 0 $750 $500 $250 Hurricane Reimbursements $43,694 More Due @ 12/31/2021 $99,972 Was Received 10/04/2021 0 I ■ Eligible ■ Received I Matthew r! Eligible 1 $1,581,745 ■ Receivedl $1,538,051 Irma Dorian $547,325 $34,104 $547,325 $34,104 Totals $2,163,174 $2,119,480 General Fund Revenue 5,000 DAdjosted Budget DYearto Date 4,000 3,000 0 2,000 IAOD 40.es too 4tfea atps 0* SPNce d010 ell� Jett td s� f 00Ys V10 o100 v�cse General Fund Expenditures OAdi-&deer Oren,ao D- 6,soD 5,500 4,eoD s,5oo zsoo { 1,50o - sm MIA L7&1 THE ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES SHOWN BELOW ASSUME ALL THE REMAINING DEPARTMENT BUDGETS WILL BE SPENT. TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES ARE NORMALLY AT LEAST 4% BELOW BUDGET, SO WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO REACH THE LEVEL OF RESERVES PROJECTED FOR THE END OF THE YEAR. GENERAL FUND BALANCE FORECAST Fund Balance R&R Account Beginning Reserves 10101/21 $ 6,414,795 S 275,000 Year to Date Revenue 5,758,486 Fund BalancelR&R Changes to Date: Unfinished 2020 Projects (379,993) Replaced Main Street Lift Station (4,820) Adjusted 4% vs.3% Raises (78,083) Year to Date Uses 5 (458,076) 5 (4,820i Other Expenditures (3,662,550) Current Reserves S 8,052,655 $ 270,180 Expected Changes to Year End: Additional Revenues 8,000,688 - Additional Expenditures (10,096,623) - Ending Reserves $ 5,956,720 $ 270,180 Adjust R&R to $275,000 (4,820) 4,820 Adjusted Reserves S 5,951,900 S 275,000 Assigned Funds * (965,002) Net Unassigned Reserves S 4,986,898 S 275,000 Total Projected Reserves $ 5,261,898 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 5,847,204 `Assigned Funds include Inventories, Prepaids and Golf Course Loan. CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FIRST QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2021 SUMMARY YEAR END AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE STORMWATER FUND GOLF COURSE ENDING RESOURCES ARE PROJECTED TO SHOULD EXCEED AMOUNTS PROJECTED WITH THE FY2022 BE EQUAL TO AMOUNTS PROJECTED WITH THE FY2022 BUDGET. WE HOPE GRANT FUNDING WILL COVER MOST OF BUDGET. WE HAVE HAD A VERY GOOD FIRST QUARTER, THE PROJECTS ALREADY IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RECORDING $121,630 MORE THAN WE RECORDED IN THE PLAN AND ANY OTHERS WITH THE MASTER PLAN. 1ST QUARTER OF LAST YEAR. (RAIN 1.26 INCHES LESS) STORMWATER FUND SUMMARY GOLF FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD Budget Budget YTD % Beginning Resources $ - $ (565,341) Beginning Fund Balance $ $ 1,718,263 cn fo S 1 397 655 500 704 35 8�i Stormwater Fees 1,952,000 1,745,057 89.4% Rent r mice 30,001 12,500 41.7% Interest 4,244 1,485 35.0% Miscellaneous 8,660 3.02 45.4% Total Revenues $ 1,956,244 $ 1,746,542 89.3% Total Revenues 1,436,316 517,136 36.0% From Fund Balance 976,190 0.0% From Fund Balance 27,551 - nla Pro Shop Sales 110,000 37,393 34.0% Total Sources $ 2,932,434 $ 3,464,805 118.2% Pro Shop Purchases (65,000) (21,070) 32.4% Sales vs. Cost of Sales 45,000 16,323 36.3% Operating Expenditures 1,811,581 326,846 18.0% Total Sources $ 1,573,867 5 533,459 33.9% Capital Outlay 226,374 21,257 9.4% Transfer to Capital Projects 894,479 7,363 0.8% Operating Expenses Ditch Drainage Work $ $ 1,426,091 25,000 $ 358,726 $ - 25.2% n1a Total Uses $ 2,932,434 $ 355,466 12.1% Cart Loan Payments 51,691 18,797 36.4% Ending Fund Balance $ $ 3,109,339 Total Operating Expense 1,502,782 377,523 25.1% Expected Change to Year End: General Fund Payment 35,000 - n!a Additional Revenues 209,702 Building Fund Payment 36,085 9,021 25.0% Total Uses 5 1,573,867 S 386,544 24.6% Additional Expenditures (1,484,735) Total Ending Resources S S (418,426) Additional Capital Outlay (205,117) Expected Change to Year End: Transfers to Capital Projects 887,116i Additional Sources 1,040,408 9130122 Projected Available Funds $ 742,073 Additional Uses 9130122 Projected Resources (1,187,323) $ 1565,341) Projected in 2022 Budget $ %4,277 Projected in 2022 Budget $ (567,034) PROJECTED RESOURCES FOR THE AIRPORT EXCEED THE AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. THE AMOUNTS OF BEGINNING AND PROJECTED ENDING RESOURCES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO EXCLUDE THE LIABILITY FOR THE DST LOAN, WHICH WAS $518,506 AT OCTOBER 1ST OF THIS YEAR. J- BUILDING FUND PROJECTED ENDING RESOURCES EXCEED THE AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. THIS EXCLUDES THE CALCULATED AMOUNT OF THE STATE MANDATED REBATE WHICH WE RECORD AS BEING PAYABLE AND THE $1,144,593 LONG-TERM ADVANCE DUE FROM THE GOLF COURSE. AIRPORT FUND SUMMARY BUILDING FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Budget YTD % Beginning Resources $ $ 489,170 Beginning Resources $ $ 1,426,020 Rents 545,759 155,785 28.5% Licenses and Permits 969,700 297,024 30,6% Investment Income 720 42 5.8% Charges for Service 20,800 11,292 54.3% Miscellaneous 82,753 27,110 32.8% Fines and Forfeits 6,000 750 12.5% Total Revenues 629,232 182,937 29.1% Miscellaneous 40,091 1,400 3.5% From Fund Balance 38,369 - 0.0% Golf Fund Loan Payments 36,085 9,021 25.0% Total Sources $ 667,601 $ 672,107 Total Revenues 1,072,676 319,487 29.8% Operating Expenses 432,537 140,573 32.5% From Fund Balance 1701240 - 0.0% DST Fund Loans 36,500 - 0.0% Total Sources 1,242,916 319,487 25.7% Capital Outlay 6,765 0.0% Operating Expenses 1,126,916 214,794 19.1% Transfers for Projects 37,505 0.0% Capital Outlay 116,000 0.0% Total Uses $ 513,307 $ 140,573 27.4% Total Uses $ 1,242,916 $ 214,794 17.3% Total Ending Resources 154,294 $ 531,534 Total Ending Resources $ 1,530,713 Expected Change to Year End: Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues 446,295 Additional Revenues 753,189 Additional Uses (372,734) Additional Uses (1,028,122) 9130122 Projected Resources $ 605,095 9130122 Projected Resources $ 1,255,780 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 362,049 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 957,104 CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/21 GENERALFUND TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGVT'L REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICE FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERSIN FROM FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND REVENUE CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES M.I.S. DIVISION POLICE DEPARTMENT ROADS AND DRAINAGE CENTRAL GARAGE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PARKS/RECREATION CEMETERY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NON -DEPARTMENTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2018/2019 2019/2020 list QTR 1 st QTR ACTUALS ACTUALS -4,020,700.39 -3,973,081.51 -90,431.31 -88,074.92 -808,087.08 -453,145.34 -103,876.29 -144,341.68 -10,288.48 -8,789.23 -105,778.54 -71,662.10 -64,999.99 -6,249.99 0.00 0.00 -5,204,162.08 -4,745,344.77 10,808.30 11,976.94 68, 365.42 65, 935.04 51,516.65 83,313.49 29,083.29 27,702.34 144, 0 32.43 146,316.78 120,476.15 137,873.20 1,877,682.65 2,096,590.89 193,464.49 261,564.03 63,809.73 48,900.26 83,415.98 127,775.66 242,107.86 276,133.82 44,562.59 46,972.96 82,412.79 104,771.31 477,513.59 461,742.29 3,489,251.92 3,897,569.01 2020/2021 2021/2022 1st QTR 1st QTR ACTUALS ACTUALS -4,702,197.15 -4,753,759.15 -82,892.72 -76,771.44 -473,357,77 -648,840.80 -166,514.47 -183,905.65 -7,750.76 -13,583.83 -43,715.75 -81,624.79 -37,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,513,928.62 -5,758,485.66 12,427.42 11, 842.55 66,691.81 70,643.54 56,481.50 106,987.18 40,173.35 43,833.16 136,226.86 150,437.51 133, 813.11 155, 772.50 2,000,721.99 2,258,814.40 224,255.14 208,342.46 53,335.22 53,260.40 146, 043.68 155, 913.36 225,337.83 271,825.57 42,038.31 34,842.59 111,035.95 108,643.88 511,826.74 494,286.82 3, 760, 408.91 4,125, 445.92 2021/2022 ANNUAL BUDGET -9,382,099.00 -170,350.00 -3,113,075.00 -771,650.00 -50,900.00 -236,100.00 -35, 000.00 -462,895.00 -14,222,069.00 60,500.00 333, 616.00 282,724.00 211,922.00 757,755.00 597, 680.00 6, 750, 672.00 1,104,726.00 231,094.00 566,962.00 1,267,721.00 134,311.00 573,916.00 1, 348, 470.00 14,222,069.00 2021/2022 PERCENT OF BUDGET 50.67% 45.07% 20.84% 23.83% 26.69% 34.57% 0.00% 0.00% 40.49% 19.57% 21.18% 37.84% 20.68% 19.85% 26.06% 33.46% 18.86% 23.05% 27.50% 21.44% 25.94% 18.93% 36.66% 29.01 % CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/21 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -115,619.10 -123,926.77 -123,685.18 -132,947.01 -735,600.00 18.07% INTERGVT'L REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -14,528.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -2,335.30 -1,954.79 -209.04 -107.59 -945.00 11.39% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12,724.00 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -117,954.40 -125,881.56 -123,894.22 -133,054.60 -763,797.00 17.42% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,051.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 44,300.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,870.00 4,870.00 100.00% DEBT SERVICE 120,126.80 117,992.80 121,781.20 121,472.60 242,801.00 50.03% TRANSFERS OUT 409,683.00 236,673.22 46,581.00 12,723.51 112,724.00 11.29% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 359,102.00 0.00% LOGT FUND EXPENDITURES 533,861.31 354,666.02 168,362.20 139,066.11 763,797.00 18.21% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -480,026.51 -487,010.43 -514,958.87 -575,268.60 -4,311,580.00 13.34% MISC. REVENUE -18,110.00 -21,226.69 -3,464.96 -1,741.92 -48,500.00 3.59% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6,762,320.00 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -498,136.51 -508,237.12 -518,423.83 -577,010.52 -11,122,400.00 5.19% OPERATING EXPENSES 1,500.00 3,580.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,151.27 210,457.00 3.40% TRANSFERS OUT 372,187.35 556,609.34 175,370.04 1,947,243.56 10,911,943.00 17.85% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% DST FUND EXPENDITURES 373,687.35 560,189.34 175,370.04 1,954,394.83 11,122,400.00 17.57% RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -12,217.67 -11,037.74 -9,310.01 -9,186.91 -40,780.00 22.53% TRANSFERS IN -404,673.34 -403,239.68 -457,671.66 -385,664.86 -431,641.00 89.35% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -287,216.00 0.00% RRD REVENUE -416,891.01 -414,277.42 -466,981.67 -394,851.77 -759,637.00 51.98% OPERATING EXPENSES 86,757.74 89,169.26 66,876.34 83,175.66 280,827.00 29.62% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% GRANTS AND AIDS 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 54,130.99 0.00 438,810.00 0,00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% RRD EXPENDITURES 86,757.74 104,169.26 121,007.33 83,175.66 759,637.00 10.95% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE -338.84 -521.88 -2,546.68 -1,043.83 -3,069.00 34.01% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU REVENUE -338.84 -521.88 -2,546.68 -1,043.83 -3,069.00 34.01% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,069.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,069.00 0.00% P '7 RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES REC. IMPACT FEE REVENUE TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES REC. IMPACT FEE EXPENDITURES STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER FUND REVENUE PERSONAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS OUT TO FUND BALANCES STORMWATER EXPENDITURES LAW ENFORCE FORFEITURE FUND FINES AND FORFEITS MISC. REVENUE FORFEITURES FUND REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO FUND BALANCES FORFEITURES EXPENDITURES STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE TRANSFERSIN FROM FUND BALANCES STORMWATER DEBT REVENUE DEBT SERVICE TO FUND BALANCE STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/21 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS 2021/2022 202112022 2021/2022 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET -32,192.39 -36,607.19 -30,647.13 -42,344.73 -160,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -186,802.00 -32,192.39 -36,607.19 -30,647.13 -42,344.73 -346,802.00 37,636.00 255,180.44 28,222.01 1,897.60 346,802.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,636.00 255,180.44 28,222.01 1,897.60 346,802.00 -1,634,010.74 -1,613,215.52 -1,646,229.95 -1,683,062.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,634,010.74 -1,613,215.52 -1,646,229.95 -1,683,062.17 203, 097.95 159, 732.38 166, 397.29 179, 850.96 78,596.70 97,003.70 143,735.69 146,994.64 15,778.00 0.00 30,091.48 21,257.49 5,544.00 0.00 0.00 7,362.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 303,016.65 256,736.08 340,224.46 355,465.59 -1, 956,244.00 -976,190.00 -2,932,434.00 872, 376.00 939,205.00 226,374.00 894,479.00 0.00 2,932,434.00 26.47% 0.00% 12.21 % 0,55% 0.00% 0.55% 86.04% 0.00% 57.39% 20.62 % 15.65 % 9.39% 0.82% 0.00% 12.12% -100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,000.00 0.00% -271.68 -149.22 -18.27 -6.25 -250.00 2.50% -371.68 -149.22 -18.27 -6.25 -1,250.00 0.50% 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.00% -1,380.44 -994.17 -131.98 -81.77 -600.00 13.63% -100,728.51 -100,338.75 -100,240.26 -58,350.75 -233,403.00 25.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -167,831.00 0.00% -102,108.95 -101,332.92 -100,372.24 -58,432.52 -401,834.00 14.54% 13,329.65 10,068.60 6,764.30 3,416.75 401,834.00 0.85% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 13,329.65 10,068.60 6,764.30 3,416.75 401,834.00 0.85% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 12/31/21 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -412,217.19 -376,210.28 -396,778.55 -522,852.04 -1,507,655.00 34.68% MISC. REVENUE -9,328.04 -12,436.82 -10,973.03 -10,606.94 -38,661.00 27.44% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -27,551.00 0.00% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -421,545.23 -388,647.10 -407,751.58 -533,458.98 -1,573,867.00 33.89% PERSONAL SERVICES 66,702.50 66,767.03 68,234.57 73,520.97 320,202.00 22.96% OPERATING EXPENSES 100,036.87 93,871.22 98,685.32 103,721.33 375,200.00 27.64% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 9,591.99 9,591.99 9,591.51 9,021.24 71,085.00 12.69% TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 176,331.36 170,230.24 176,511.40 186,263.54 791,487.00 23.53% OPERATING EXPENSES 143,458.38 145,872.86 96,238.39 146,596.63 588,980.00 24.89% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 13,429.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTAL MAINTENANCE 143,458.38 145,872.86 109,667.39 146,596.63 588,980.00 24.89% PERSONAL SERVICES 22,237.28 21,573.38 22,653.59 33,638.71 138,765.00 24.24% OPERATING EXPENSES 348.93 167.77 378.10 1,248.56 2,944.00 42.41% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 23,496.00 23,496.00 23,496.00 18,796.80 51,691.00 36.36% TOTAL GOLF COURSE CARTS 46,082.21 45,237.15 46,527.69 53,684.07 193,400.00 27.76% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENDITURES 365,871.95 361,340.25 332,706.48 386,544.24 1,573,867.00 24.56% AIRPORT FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -3,332.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -158,403.44 -152,842.29 -166,449.15 -182,937.07 -629,232.00 29.07% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -38,369.00 0.00% AIRPORT REVENUE -161,736.23 -152,842.29 -166,449.15 -182,937.07 -667,601.00 27.40% PERSONAL SERVICES 33,735.29 17,218.24 17,311.06 23,734.14 77,167.00 30.76% OPERATING EXPENSES 92,495.10 86,516.22 98,185.51 116,839.18 355,370.00 32.88% CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,495.00 20,713.99 4,255.00 0.00 6,765.00 0.00% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,500.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 9,999.99 6,249.99 37,500.00 0.00 37,505.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 154,294.00 0.00% AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION 139,725.38 130,698.44 157,251.57 140,573.32 667,601.00 21.06% BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS -222,011.63 -205,215.83 -226,676.31 -297,023.73 -969,700.00 30.63% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -3,333.50 -4,284.25 -7,131.00 -11,292.30 -20,800.00 54.29% FINES AND FORFEITS -1,450.00 -2,648.00 -1,350.00 -750.00 -6,000.00 12.50% MISC. REVENUE -3,799.87 -3,897.07 -1,217.54 -1,399.42 -40,091.00 3.49% TRANSFERS IN -9,591.99 -9,591.99 -9,591.51 -9,021.24 -36,085.00 25.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -170,240.00 0.00% BUILDING REVENUES -240,186.99 -225,637.14 -245,966.36 -319,486.69 -1,242,916.00 25.70% PERSONAL SERVICES 133,829.76 146,863.14 142,194.95 168,492.70 788,733.00 21.36% OPERATING EXPENSES 33,930.74 21,822.79 51,222.48 46,300.52 338,183.00 13.69% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 22,828.00 0.00 116,000.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% BUILDING EXPENDITURES 167,760.50 168,685.93 216,245.43 214,793.22 1,242,916.00 17.28% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 12/31/21 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 1st QTR list QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,696.63 5,690.46 5,693.90 5,691.16 22,730.00 25.04% OPERATING EXPENSES 5,111.67 6,286.48 6,733.52 6,151.39 37,770.00 16.29% TOTAL 10,808.30 11,976.94 12,427.42 11,842.55 60,500.00 19.57% CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 65,421.71 60,249.79 63,153.17 66,452.01 286,400.00 23.20% OPERATING EXPENSES 2,943.71 5,685.25 3,538.64 4,191.53 15,216.00 27.55% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.00% TOTAL 68,365.42 65,935.04 66,691.81 70,643.54 333,616.00 21.18% CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 39,101.39 40,539.13 42,473.57 44,900.64 192,485.00 23.33% OPERATING EXPENSES 12,415.26 42,774.36 14,007.93 62,086.54 90,239.00 68.80% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTAL 51,516.65 83,313.49 56,481.50 106,987.18 282,724.00 37.84% LEGAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 37,593.31 41,140.11 171,218.00 24.03% OPERATING EXPENSES 29,083.29 27,702.34 2,580.04 2,693.05 40,704.00 6.62% TOTAL 29,083.29 27,702.34 40,173.35 43,833.16 211,922.00 20.68% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 134,311.06 130,172.05 120,400.78 137,632.94 593,704.00 23.18% OPERATING EXPENSES 9,721.36 16,144.73 15,826.08 12,804.57 164,051.00 7.81% TOTAL 144,032.42 146,316.78 136,226.86 150,437.51 757,755.00 19.85% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 63,551.48 81,523.39 78,146.26 87,180.70 424,662.00 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSES 56,924.67 55,437.70 55,666.85 68,591.80 173,018.00 39.64% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 912.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTAL 120,476.15 137,873.20 133,813.11 155,772.50 597,680.00 26.06% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 232,644.13 336,269.04 222,192.40 238,031.61 809,340.00 29.41% OPERATING EXPENSES 26,978.23 30,610.38 52,442.11 31,552.51 147,878.00 21.34% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,500.00 0.00% TOTAL 259,622.36 366,879.42 274,634.51 269,584.12 964,718.00 27.940/6 POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,094,096.31 1,121,598.06 1,146,184.46 1,281,798.11 3,363,746.00 38.11% OPERATING EXPENSES 78,845.21 56,418.02 39,793.30 61,355.70 325,352.00 18.86% CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,999.00 9,772.00 0.00 13,065.09 29,675.00 44.03% TOTAL 1,178,940.52 1,187,788.08 1,185,977.76 1,356,218.90 3,718,773.00 36.47% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 40,543.85 41,748.69 42,092.95 45,487.87 179,616.00 25.33% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,121.34 3,397.90 3,639.86 4,230.66 21,607.00 19.58% TOTAL 44,665.19 45,146.59 45,732.81 49,718.53 201,223.00 24.71% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 221,897.65 314,629.24 326,657.88 374,823.72 1,027,745.00 36.47% OPERATING EXPENSES 29,935.33 35,105.27 36,476.95 40,533.98 151,160.00 26.82% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 4,125.17 0.00 0.00 11,000.00 0.00% TOTAL 251,832.98 353,859.68 363,134.83 415,357.70 1,189,905.00 34.91% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 139,955.61 140,288.60 129,814.71 164,141.74 659,748.00 24.88% OPERATING EXPENSES 2,665.99 2,628.52 1,427.37 3,793.41 16,305.00 23.27% TOTAL 142,621.60 142,917.12 131,242.08 167,935.15 676,053.00 24.84% /0 CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 12/31/21 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR 1st QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 115,593.25 136,148.84 150,889.91 119,266.65 660,550.00 18.06% OPERATING EXPENSES 76,286.24 86,224.94 70,463.24 88,095.81 381,727.00 23.08% CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,585.00 39,190.25 2,901.99 980.00 62,449.00 1.57% TOTAL 193,464.49 261,564.03 224,255.14 208,342.46 1,104,726.00 18.86% CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 52,188.66 43,669.98 46,405.85 48,930.14 201,661.00 24.26% OPERATING EXPENSES 5,776.06 5,230.28 6,929.37 4,330.26 21,933.00 19.74% CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,845.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,500.00 0.00% TOTAL 63,809.73 48,900.26 53,335.22 53,260.40 231,094.00 23.05% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 41,459.65 68,083.43 70,073.14 72,760.18 302,518.00 24.05% OPERATING EXPENSES 41,956.33 44,320.23 65,570.54 77,919.74 256,210.00 30.41% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 15,372.00 10,400.00 5,233.44 8,234.00 63.56% TOTAL 83,415.98 127,775.66 146,043.68 155,913.36 566,962.00 27.50% PARKS/RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES 166,199.94 181,520.35 172,160.28 200,533.59 917,396.00 21.86% OPERATING EXPENSES 51,211.92 51,823.33 53,177.55 71,291.98 280,325.00 25.43% CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,696.00 42,790.14 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.00% TOTAL 242,107.86 276,133.82 225,337.83 271,825.57 1,267,721.00 21.44% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 39,865.32 40,224.80 37,203.93 29,572.26 104,646.00 28.26% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,697.27 6,748.16 4,834.38 5,270.33 29,665.00 17.77% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% CEMETERY 44,562.59 46,972.96 42,038.31 34,842.59 134,311.00 25.94% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 78,331.57 80,147.18 101,141.97 96,974.51 427,690.00 22.67% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,081.22 9,974.63 9,893.98 11,669.37 113,226.00 10.31% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 14,649.50 0.00 0.00 33,000.00 0.00% TOTAL 82,412.79 104,771.31 111,035.95 108,643.88 573,916.00 18.93% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 51,375.35 54,681.02 58,227.31 78,844.51 262,980.00 29.98% OPERATING EXPENSES 405,681.24 407,061.27 453,360.12 415,442.31 766,148.00 54.22% TRANSFERS OUT 20,457.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 319,342.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 477,513.59 461,742.29 511,587.43 494,286.82 1,348,470.00 36.66% ALL DEPARTMENTS PERSONAL SERVICES 2,582,233.56 2,877,184.05 2,850,505.78 3,134,162.45 10,608,835.00 29.54% OPERATING EXPENSES 848,436.34 893,573.79 896,361.83 972,004.94 3,032,534.00 32.05% CAPITAL OUTLAY 38,125.01 126,811.17 13,301.99 19,278.53 261,358.00 7.38% TRANSFERS OUT 20,457.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 319,342.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 3,489,251.91 3,897,569.01 3,760,169.60 4,125,445.92 14,222,069.00 29.01% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2021 Current Prior Project Budget Share Project Year Year Expenditures Percent Funds Number Description Budget Sources (in Thousands of $) Budget Expenditures Exnenditures To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining FY2019 A1925 Park Signagc DST/RIF 73/195 258,341 - 213,933 213,933 82.81% 14.408 30,000 A1952 Construct Hangar FDOT/DST/AP 1,800/450/33 2,282,705 415,451 816,685 1,232,136 53.98% 1,074,596 (24.027) TOTAL $ 2,553,046 $ 415,451 $ 1,042,618 $ 1,458,069 57% S 1,0899004 $ 5,973 FY2020 A2006 Evidence Compound Paving/Carport DST 40 40,000 - 34,161 34,161 85.40% 5-839 A2007 CDBG Grant Program CDBG 250.7 250,769 31,111 120,100 151,211 60.30% 12,022 87,536 A2008 COVID-19 Expenses (Complete) Grant 1061.8 1,061,810 4,454 1,057,356 1,061,810 100.00% A2009 CDBG CARES Act Grant Program CDBG 74.8 74,778 1,561 1,561 2.09% 73,217 A2021 BSSC Baseball Dugouts RIF 80 80,000 1,898 38,482 40,380 50.47% 1,595 38,025 A2029 CRA Signage & Landscape CRA 113 113,000 75,056 75,056 66.42% 24,944 13,000 A2030 Public Facilities Compound DST/SJRWMD 9907/256.1 9,651,130 1,357,745 3,248,743 4,606,488 47.73% 5,037,391 7,251 A2050 Construct Taxi Lane FAA/FDOT/GF/DST 684.3/36.5/36.5 757,409 162,471 109,049 271,520 35.85% 416,435 69,454 A2061 Canal Improvements FEMA/DST I1,000/1,000 23,000,000 - - - 0.00% - 23,000,000 A2062 Stonecrop Drainage FEMA/DST 645/215 860,000 100 21,416 21,516 2.501/6 7,750 830,734 A2063 Septic to Sewer Grant Program IRLClCRA 100/100 200,000 12,380 63,225 75,605 37.80% - 124,395 $ 36,119,201 $ 1,570,158 $ 4,799,455 $ 6,369,614 17.63% $ 5,500,136 $ 24,249,451 FY2021 A2104 Phone System DST 100 100,000 35,110 - 35,110 35.11% 970 63,920 A2106 Police Vehicles & Equipment DST 350 349,982 255,482 255,482 73.00% 81,288 11212 A2109 Infrared Laser Pointers (Complete) JAG Gmnt/GF 10.8 10,877 10,877 - 10,877 100.00% - i A2121 Harrison Street Park Plaza DST/CRA 270/225 495,000 - - - 0.00% 495.000 A2123 Tree Protection Plan DST 135 135,000 40,715 40,715 30.16% 12,840 81,445 A2124 Playground Improvements RIF 72 71,576 - - 0.00% 71,576 0 A2126 Yacht Club Seawall GF 359 358,962 - 40,291 40,291 11.22% 318,671 0 A2131 Sidewalk Replacement IAGT 44.5 44,480 12,724 31,756 44,480 100.00% 0 A2133 Truckw/Crane DST 65 61,225 61,225 - 61,225 100.00% (0) A2150 Establish Sewer Service FDOT/DST 1,327/256/430 2,013,984 - - - 0.00% 2,013,981 3 A2151 Square Hangar Engineering FDOT/DST 222/55.5 277,516 66,905 32,097 99,002 35.67% 170,473 8,041 A2161 Stormwater Master Plan DST/SW 350/350 700,000 14,725 19,725 34,450 4.92% 665,550 - A2163 CRA Sewer Conversion CRA 57.5 57,500 29,679 29,679 51.62% 27,821 - 4,707,155 457,041 225,316 682,364 14.50 % 3,363,169 661,622 FY2022 A2200 Server/Host Update DST 43 43,195 0.00% - 43,195 A2201 Citywide Computers DST 44 43,957 - 0.00% 43,957 A2202 Email Archive System DST 60 60,000 36,474 36,474 60.790/6 23,526 A2203 COSty Equipment DST 10 10,000 6,958 6,958 69.58% 3,042 A2204 Network Infrastructure DST 30 30,000 - - 0.00% 30,000 A2205 Over The Air Connections DST 15 14,990 0.00% 14,990 A2206 CAD/RMS System Update DST 139 139,200 0.00% 22,500 116,700 A2207 Police Vehicles & Equipment DST 305 305,000 - 0.00% 14,683 290,317 A2208 PD Body Wom/Vchicic Cameras DST 79 78,583 39,292 39,292 50.00% - 39,292 A2209 PD COPE Trailer DST 21 20,500 - - 0.00% 20,500 A2210 PD Utility Vehicles DST 18 18,000 0.00% 18,000 A2220 Working Waterfront CRA 50 50,000 0.00% 50,000 A2221 BSSC Baseball Backstops RIF 75 75,000 0.00% 75,000 A2222 Playground Improvements RIF 100 100,000 0.00% 100,000 A2223 Park Improvements RIF 20 20,000 0.00% 20,000 A2224 Riverview Park Enhancements DON 2 1,850 0.00% 1,850 A2230 Sidewalk Replacement L.OGT 100 100,000 0.00% 100,000 A2250 Construct (2) Square Hangars FDOT/DST 576/144 720,000 0.00% 720,000 A2251 AP Infield Security Cameras FDOT/DST 19.2/4.8 24,000 0.00% 24,000 A2252 Hangar C Office Improvements FDOT/DON 35/35 70,000 0.00% 70,000 A2253 Airport Rescue Grant FAA 32 32,000 0.00% 32,000 A2260 Swales/Driveways/Culverts SW 245 244,695 0.00% 244,695 A2261 Concha Dam Replacement FEMA/SW 300/100 400,000 0.00% 400,000 A2262 Sliplining DST 250 250,000 0.00% 71,090 178,911 2,850,970 82,724 82,724 2.90% 108,273 2,659,973 GRAND TOTAL $ 46,241,601 $ 2,525,381 $ 6,078,618 S 8,604,000 18.61 % S 10.060,582 $ 27,577,019 / 1X QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 At December 31, 2021, the total of the City's cash and investments were $21,909,417.27. Of this, $17,469,727.80 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank, $3,894,867.88 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $544,821.59 is deposited with Florida Trust, which invest in short-term bonds. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any direct investments in government securities. Bank returns and State Board change primarily due to reactions of the bond market and Federal Reserve. Returns at the end of the quarter were .25% for the Bank and .10% for the State Board. The average annualized return over the 3 months of this quarter from the deposit with Florida Trust was negative 2.38%. However over the past 3 years, it was good at positive 2.19%. Florida Trust is pool fund that deals in government securities averaging less than 2 year maturities. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT CURRENT CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT General Fund $ 7,144,537.88 40.90% General Fund $ 434,008.49 11.141% American Rescue Plan Act 1,334,093.78 7.64% American Rescue Plan Act 334,162.42 8.58 % Local Option Gas Tax Fund 232,631.28 1.33% Local Option Gas Tax Fund - 0.00% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 3,367,410.03 19.28 % Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 841,442.76 21.60% Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 682,526.90 3.91 % Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 170,655.58 4.38% Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund - 0.00% Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund 72,621.42 1.86% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 238,605.67 1.37 % Recreation Impact Fee Fund 59,627.35 1.53% Stormwater Utility Fund 2,430,556.73 13.91% Stormwater Utility Fund 609,213.03 15.64% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 6,592.79 0.04% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 26,295.38 0.68% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 235,847.30 1.35 % Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund - 0.00% Capital Projects Fund (39,850.07) -0.23% Capital Projects Fund 0.00% Capital Improvements Fund 1,230.72 0.01 % Capital Improvements Fund 0.00% Transportation Fund (0.10) 0.00% Transportation Fund - 0.00% Stormwater Projects Fund 232,068.35 1.33% Stormwater Projects Fund - 0.00% Golf Course Fund 206,647.76 1.18% Golf Course Fund 51,507.22 1.32% Airport Fund 361,157.77 2.07% Airport Fund 90,214.12 2.32% Airport Projects Fund (495,113.71) -2.83% Airport Projects Fund - 0.00% Building Department Fund 1,335,491.05 7,64% Building Department Fund 333,582.15 856 % Cemetery Trust Fund 194,543.67 1.1 t % Cemetery Trust Fund 779,197.96 20.01 % Performance Deposits Fund 750.00 0.00% Performance Deposits Fund 92,340.00 2.37% Total Bank Balance $ 17,469,727.80 100.00 % Total SBA Balance s 3.89067.98 100.00 % INTERFUND LOANS REPORT 10/01/21 Scheduled Balance at Fund Making Loans Purpose Balance Payments 09/30/2022 Remarks/Terms GENERAL FUND: I Due from Golf Course Cash Flow Loan $500,000 $35,000 $465,000 Pay $35K/Year or More. DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX: Due from Airport Fund $285,000 Hangar A $260,742 $7,570 $253,172 5 Years @ 3%, Then 496 for 25 Years. Final in 2038 Due from Airport Fund $267,511 Hangar B $235,275 $8,189 $227,086 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4%for 25 Years. Final in 2041. BUILDING FUND: Due from Golf Course $700,000 Irrigation $615,456 $30,547 $584,909 Each 5 Years to T-Bond Minus 1%. Final in 2038. Due from Golf Course $559,684 Other Repairs $559,684 None $559,684 Pay When Possible, Maybe After $700,000 is paid. DEBT DUE TO OUTSIDE PARTIES Initial Principal Principal Balance at Final Initial Bond Debt Description Amount 9/30/2021 Interest Rate Maturity Rating/Insurer Security Pledge Stormwater Utility $5,630,000 $395,000 2%to 4.2% 2022 AAA/MBIA Stormwater Utility Fees Revenue Bank Notes 2014 Paving Improvements $2,296,000 $358,000 1.94% 2023 N/A Local Option Gas Tax Promissory Notes 2012 Golf Cart $313,152 $50,801 3.49% 2022 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase 2017 Police Camera System $353,624 $117,950 2.75% 2025 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase May 2021 t-13 anaF SE HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Paul Carlisle, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: February 23, 2022 Re: V Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2022 The following are the 0 Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended December 31, 2021. CITY CLERK Legislative Suuaort Matters • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded three Regular City Council meetings • Records Specialist prepared agenda, attended/recorded one Regular City Council meeting • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, e-mails, scanned to LF and indexed • Fourteen ordinances were passed on first reading by Council • Ten resolutions adopted by Council • Two proclamations prepared for presentation by Council Members • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, city staff and press • Recorded one official document with Clerk of Court Records Management Program • Responded to 55 public records requests • 104 cubic feet of paper records met retention along with duplicate and OSA records destroyed by shredding vendor • Documents, Maps & Surveys of Airport, Cemetery, Facility Buildings, Golf Course, Land Use, Stormwater, Streets and Working Waterfront and Water & Sewer Franchise Documents were imported into Laserfiche for permanent and long term record • Maps & Survey index completed with its location in the vault as well as in Laserfiche • Transferred and documented two bid records for storage • Began inventory log for four new vehicles Election Matters • Coordinated use of the Communitv Center, Elks Lodize and Christian Church on Dav Dr. for Municipal Election Voting. • Oualified six candidates for November 2. 2021 Municipal Election • Six candidates submitted M8. M9. G1. G2. G3 treasurer's renorts: provided to press as requested • Prepared and submitted a draft ballot to Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan • Prepared two election advertisements (English and Spanish) • City Clerk and Records Specialist served on City of Sebastian Canvassing Board • Administered oath to three Council Members • Updated and distributed regional committee member information to respective committee staff Citv Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared one board appointment, notified and provided info to appointee, updated Board Handbook and distributed pages • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one CRA meetings within Council Meetings • Records Specialist published all scanned City board packets to City website and Laserfiche and provided to press and Council • Prepared one certificate of appreciation for outgoing board member • Sent holiday appreciation gift to all board members • Coordinated board/committee meeting minutes between staff and technical writer Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 11 locations for a total of $21,000. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention • Records Specialist participated in meeting regarding rate increase and ordinance changes Personnel/Educational Matters • Records Specialist attended three Project Management meetings • Records Specialist attended six Events Committee meetings • Records Specialist assisted with Annual Awards Banquet • City Clerk & Records Specialist participated in the Compensation and Benefits Study • Records Specialist completed annual security awareness training. • Records Specialist received McPro Plus training for marquee at City Hall & Riverview Park • Records Specialist entered and assisted with the Chili Contest • City Clerk and Records Specialist completed annual Computer Security Awareness Training • City Clerk swore in one new police officer Community Matters • Responded to or forwarded CITYSEB emails to appropriate departments • Records Specialist volunteered to be a Judge for the Halloween Costume Contest Event ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Continued to work with the State and FEMA to pursue remaining reimbursements due on Hurricane Matthew. • Provided administrative support to the Police Pension Board. • Closed accounting records at year-end and responded to questions from the Auditors. • Worked with Auditors to complete the FY2021 Audit Report. • Assisted with negotiations of wage opener in accordance with the PEA and PBA Labor Agreements. • Prepared 4th Quarter Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Studied the Interim Final Rules published by the U.S. Treasury Department on the American Rescue Plan Act • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Recruited replacements for vacant positions. • Worked with Consultant to prepare a wage and benefits study. • Documented bids and proposals for purchases to insure purchasing policies were followed. • Reviewed and approved agenda items for contracts and other payments requiring City Council approval. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Continued review of agency policies per accreditation standards. • Conducted graduation ceremony for the Citizen Academy (continued from April). • Conducted several interviews for 911 dispatcher positions. • Conducted several interviews for police officer. • Conducted several interviews for new Crime Scene Technician. • Attended several ZOOM meetings for Civic Organizations. • Continued our quarterly auditing and inspection of the police building and equipment. • Command Staff members attended 4 Council meetings. • Responded to 0 public records request. • Held semi-annual meeting with Police Volunteers & Crossing Guards. • Set up plans for COVID testing site. • Appeared in front of Commission for Florida Accreditation to receive award. • Oversaw a three part promotional process for sergeants. • Promoted a new Captain, Lieutenant and two sergeants. • Selected new patrol corporal & K9 officer to replace new sergeants. • Attended Crime Lab meeting. • Attended Veteran's Day & Pearl Harbour Day celebrations. • Attended new School Board Member reception. • Participated in several other meetings with staff and other department heads. • Completed 3 leadership meetings and several (weekly) staff meetings. • Met with Timothy Moore, new president of Indian River State College. • Met with more PD employees in reference to goals and objectives. • Participated in community events: light up night, Christmas parade, two movie nights, lip sync battle & ringing the Salvation Army Bell in a public safety competition. Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 1,085.50 hours during this quarter. • 10 bank deposit details were made. This service is done for City Hall so employees do not have to leave their assigned duties. • 0 traffic control details were assigned. These consist of directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 358 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 26 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking the vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 334 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 17 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 9 Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 65 special details were assigned. • 11 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 35 paper runs, i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriff's Office, etc. The volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney paperwork, and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 8 traffic crash scene. • 0 warnings for handicapped parking tickets issued and 0 warnings for other parking infractions issued. • 10 citizen contacts. • 260 miscellaneous jobs. • 11 Escorts were completed. School Resource Officers Reports 0 1 1 2 Crossing Guard contacts 19 12 10 41 Mentor lunches 10 8 12 30 Patrol hours 0 24 87 111 Community event hours 8 0 9 17 Patrol hours Mentor lunches Crossing Guard contacts Reports Area/school checks 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 December ■ November ■ October 9 Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 5857 calls for service, and self -initiated 3181 events. • 87 adult and 10 juvenile arrests were made. • 2 Juvenile Civil Citations were issued. • Officers issued 173 citations, 5 parking citations, and 374 written warnings. • Officers completed 565 offense reports and 85 crash reports. Special Ooerations Citations Warnings Incident Reports Arrests Traffic Officer* 20 51 16 0 Marine" * N/A N/A N/A N/A K-9 Unit • K-9 Training Hours: 320 • Misdemeanor Arrests: 2 • Felony Arrests: 8 • Narcotic Searches: 13 • Activity Reports: 8 • K-9 Demonstrations: 1 • Schools Attended: 0* • Additional Training Hours: 264 hour K9 Patrol School • Agency Assisted: Indian River and Brevard County Detectives October 1st thru December 311, 2021 Arrests 0 1 1 2 1 Warrants A& 0 2 4 6 Training/Meeting Hours 12 1 30.75 43.75 Follow -Ups 11 22 31 64 Active Cases 16 14 22 52 Assigned Cases 9 16 17 42 Cleared Cases a 5 9 13 27 Inactive Cases 3 10 12 25 Supplements 17 13 29 59 Call Outs 1 3 7 11 Back ground/Rpo 0 2 4 6 DICE October 1st - December 31, 2020 Court Order Documents 2 5 6 13 Arrests 3 1 0 4 Warrants 0 0 0 0 i Training/Meeting Hours 25 46 24 95 ' Follow -Ups 4 8 6 18 Active Cases 27 26 23 76 Officer Intel 4 4 3 11 Crime stoppers Intel 1 1 1 3 Other Intel Source 3 3 4 10 Cleared Cases 0 1 6 7 Inactive Cases 6 2 0 8 Supplements 9 5 8 22 Surveillance (hours) 105 120 115 340 4 Surveillance (hours) Supplements Inactive Cases Cleared Cases Other Intel Source Crime Stoppers Intel Officer Intel Active Cases Follow -Ups Training/Meeting Hours Warrants Arrests Court Order Documents 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Dec. ■ Nov. N Oct. SUBPOENAS 0 0 0 0 JARRIESTS 0 0 0 0 WARRANTS 2 2 0 4 TRAININGIMEETINGS (hours) 8 8 8 24 FOLLOW-UPS 3 2 3 8 ACTIVE CASES 5 3 3 11 ASSIGNED CASES 5 3 3 11 CLEARED CASES 5 2 1 8 INACTIVE CASES 0 0 0 0 SUPPLEMENTS 6 5 3 14 SURVEILLANCE (HOURS) 20 10 20 50 SIu Court Order Documents 25 7 12 1 44 Arrests 3 0 2 5 Warrants 0 0 0 0 Training/Meeting Hours 45 8 72 125 Follow -Ups 2 6 15 23 Active Cases 25 23 18 16 Officer Intel 4 8 2 14 Crime Stoppers Intel 0 0 0 0 Other Intel Source 1 2 3 6 Cleared Cases 4 2 3 9 Inactive Cases 4 1 4 9 Supplements 3 4 13 20 Surveillance (hours) 65 60 80 205 Surveillance (hours) Supplements Inactive Cases Cleared Cases Other Intel Source Crime Stoppers Intel Officer Intel Active Cases Follow -Ups Training/Meeting Hours Warrants Arrests Court Order Documents 0 20 40 60 80 100 COPE QUARTERLY REPORT ACTIVITY HOURS COMMUNITY EVENTS 64 AGENCY OUTREACH EVENTS 86 COMJ .ILINITY MEETINGS 38 SCHOOL RELATED EVENTS 2 PUBLIC TRAINING CLASSES 0 REGIONAL OUTREACH 14 SRO Coverage 35 EXPLORER POST ACTIVITIES 0 TRAINING AND SCHOOLS 0 IN-SERVICE INSTRUCTION 0 SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT 26 ADMINISTRATION & RESEARCH 70 ROAD PATROL COVERAGE 0 Communications Division Community Events: Jr. Bluewater Open - 3 COVID Test Site - 5 Triathalon - 6 Light Up Night - 9 Honor Special Needs Student - 3 Christmas Parade - 9 Lip Sync Battle - 10 Bell Ringing - 3 Agency Outreach: Citizen's Academy - 4 Movie Night - 20 Shop w/ Cop - 40 Turkey Drive - 6 Toy Drive - 8 Community Meetings: SAFIR- 6 Exchange 12 Underage Drinking • 3 DOA Revolution 1 Mental HealkLmwh� Dec. Nov. Oct. Sc"ol Relaied Events: Training and Schools: `r E; In Service - 0 Schools -0 �r-5clurr:l _: Public Training classes: RAD Women - 0 Active Shooter - 0 SAFE Women - 0 L In -Service Inst Vehicle Ops - 0 Refuse to be a victim - 0 Social Media Management: Regional Ouc.eacn. {Facebook, L rin}E Stopj)e'r 5 -� � Torch Rue - 14 Instagram} - 26 Admin & Research: Pension Board - 0 SRO:-31 Special Events-0 Road Coverage -0 Awards - 0 Honor Guard - 0 COPE Meeting - 0 Crossing Guard-4 Banquet - 0 Explorer Admin-8 Explorer Post Activities 0 Golf Turn meeting-42 Vehicle maintenance-20 Disp. Calls For Service 1,582 1,454 1,609 4,645 Officer Initiated Calls 1,193 970 1,402 3,565 Code Enf. Initiated Calls 1,560 1501 1,650 4,711 Volunteer Initiated Calls 146 189 194 529 Calls Entered Into CAD 4,569 4,247 4,875 13,691 911 Calls Received 753 698 674 2,280 911 Calls Transferred Out 321 268 249 891 1 911 Hang-up Calls 81 79 108 258 Admin. Calls Received 776 708 728 2,212 Admin. Calls Transferred N/A N/A N/A N/A Outgoing Admin. Calls NA NA NA NA Training/Meeting Hours 18 15 15 48 r Crime Scene/Evidence f Items Received Evidence Processed in-house Evidence Outsourced Items Returned Items Purged Cars Impounded Video Redaction Hours Video's Burned Supplements Written Evidence Processing Hours Crime Scene Processing Hours Training Hours Call Outs 31 10 29 70 l 8 6 8 22 6 7 6 19 5 9 7 21 2 1 0 3 l 136 93 101 330 198 112 126 436 4 3 5 12 42 17 37 96 17 0 6 23 32 32 16 80 4 0 1 5 I Code Enforcement Of the 4,727 code calls for the quarter the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 462 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 136 property inspections for title companies and 72 sign violations. • 603 Code Services. • 686 re -inspections, 65 violations were not complied with, 132 were posted for abatement, 12 abated by vendors. • 485 violations complied. • 7 Liens filed, 6 liens released. • 137 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. Alarm Assessment • $340.00 in alarm permits (new and renew) • $00.00 in false alarms fines • 116 alarm responses by officers, 44 of these were false. • 16 New permits issued. _ a,o 7 ROADS Asphalt • Put down 4 tons of hot asphalt and repaired various pot holes and road edges with cold patch and, or millings. • Filled multiple large ruts in alleyway with millings. Concrete • Dug -out, formed and poured two pads for bike racks at Riverview Park for parks Grinding • Inspected entire 1RD sidewalk system and ground down any present trip hazards • Ground down multiple trip hazards at Friendship tennis courts and City Hall grounds Mowing • Mowed all spillways, bridges, Harbor Lights Motel and city areas maintain • Hand cut various vacant lots of sight obstructions and drainage blockage until side arm mower is repaired • Hand cut overgrowth on Shakesphere and Lighthouse • Removed growth along curb and gutter along Main St. from City Hall to church (both sides) • Removed weeds from entire curbing along Powerline Rd. (both sides) Projects • Demolition and removal of last 2 dug -outs and concrete at Sports Complex, Prep grounds for new concrete pads Misc. • Removal of furniture in rear of Crabby Bills and assist in erecting partition wall • Removed all debris from Blossom Park playground demolition and took to landfill • Re -graded overflow parking lot with millings • Ground out large area of graffiti on Schumann Dr. for sign shop • Assisted sign shop in re -striping Hardee bridge, Concha and Barber St. bridge • Clearing trees and brush at Gate 6 entrance of airport for tree height compliance • Assisted SW in clearing drainage ditches at airport and tree clearing in the retention pond area at Barber and Schumann by Pre School, • Cleared walking trail of overgrown pepper trees and brush at Filbert Park for Parks. • Assisted SW in Skid steer mowing , tree & brush removal at Day Dr. Retention Pond • Assisted SW with quarter round cleaning on north end Barber St, Tulip & Melrose Area Sign ShoD • Signage and Installation: • Created; 175 • Signs Installed: 87 • Signs Straightened: 13 • Trees Cut by signs: 0 • Traffic Studies: 4 • GIS Locations 43 • Decals:28 • Pavement Markings • Stop Bars: 289 • Yellow Line Striping: 16,414 Ln ft. • White Line Striping: 21,488 Ln ft. • Parking Lots: 1 • Cross Walks: 18 • Handicap stalls: 0 • ADA Mats painted: 0 • Blue Paint: LN FT.:.O • Special Projects: • Paint stop bars and crosswalks zone 4: Completed • Stop bars and crosswalks road paint zone 5: 80% Completed • Road paint Main St., Easy St. to Wimbrow: 80% Completed • Road marking on Hardee Park and Concha bridges: Completed • New Projects: • Paint stop bars and crosswalks zone 4: Completed • Stop bars and crosswalks road paint zone 5: 80% Completed • Road paint Main St., Easy St. to Wimbrow: 80% Completed • Road marking on Hardee Park and Concha bridges: Completed • M.O.T • Special Events 7 • School Lights: 4 • Citizens Request: 9 (8 completed) • Work Orders: 61 (55 have been completed) • Created Signs Breakdown • Street Signs: 8 • Regulatory:42 • Warning:56 • Park: 17 • Aviation:30 • Cemetery:24 Facilities Maintenance • Maintain City Flags • Maintain City Flags • Maintain and monitor all lift stations • Monthly A/C maintenance all City Buildings • Assist with Splash pad operations • Monitor C1eanSpace Janitorial • Monthly monitoring and supplies AED Stations • Daily Maintenance and repairs City Buildings • Abandonment Harbor Lights Septic Tanks • Police Dep.: Install LED Parking lot lights • Splash Pad: Repair feature water leak • City Hall: Install LED parking lot lights • ADS Quarterly Fire/Sprinkler testing • Crab-E-Bill: Roof repair Leeward Roofing (Leeward Roofing) • Main Street Lift Station: Replace pump motor (Meeks) • Pressure Washing City Hall Police Dept. complex • Admin. Building: Install 2 Ice/Water Dispensers • Backflow: Test and recertify backflow devices Cemetery • Routine Mowing/Weed Eating and Edging • Ordered block signs for unit 5 • Planted 5 Florida trees in unit 3 • Removed gateway arches from entrance (per fire dept.) • Lifted 20 monuments in Unit 2 to ground level • Fixed sprinkler heads • Monthly rain gauge 4 • Power washed North block well • Fixed beds around trees • Full Burials 17Cremains Burials 10 Construction Svecialist Crab E Bills • Build safety wall inside restaurant, install window in wall • Repair Water leak at meter City Hall • Install 2 new ice machines • Install new parking lot lights Golf Course • Repair water leak at cart barn Police Dept. • Repair and replace parking lot lights W Parks • Splash pad final repair (Fencing, surface seal, pressure testing, sensor adjustments) • Twin Pier, replace photo cell, repair damaged dock decking, repair broken lights • Riverside park, repair bad outlets and breakers • 512 signs install solar lighting • Creative Park, remove and install new water fountain • Easy St. Park, remove old fountain and install temporary • Barber St. Ball Parks, remove old dugouts Fleet Mana ement: • The Fleet Management Staff completed 527 repair work orders,55 preventive maintenance services 18 service calls and 0 road trips to pick up parts. • In addition to in-house vehicle/equipment work orders, 20 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • Took delivery of the following units: • (2) Detectives Ford Explores • (3) Marked Police Vehicles (Dodge Durango) • Iron Bull Utility Trailer • Completed the prep(Lights, Rack, Graphics, etc.) on the following unit • Same as above • Completed Sales on Gov. Deals:$45,942.50 • Surplus Equipment • Fuel Cost as of the Oct. Nov. Dec. 2021 • $2.66 per gallon of gasoline 1.5% increase over the past 90 days $2.72per gallon of diesel fuel 2.2% increase over the past 90 days LEISURE SERVICES Parks Division • Maintain area by servicing carts at the compound • Repair irrigation lines and heads at Friendship Park, Splash Pad Riverview Park, Schumann medians • Maintain area by removing & replacing the pavilion at the Main St docks • Remove & replace the tire on the golf cart for tennis court at Friendship Park • Maintain trimming the hedges at Friendship, Hardy Park, City Hall • Pressure wash skate park, • Fill in a hole at the tennis court Schumann Park • Paint tables at the pavilion at Main St. docks, paint steps at community center • Deliver and pick-up carts for event at Riverview Park • Maintain area by adding mulch to playground at Barber St. Sports Complex, Riverview Park • Prepare for events at Riverview Park, Move Stage • Repair nets at pickleball court • Install windscreen for Pickleball Courts • Install bricks at Memorial Park • Add dirt to kayak launch Riverview Park • Install basketball nets at Schumann Park, Barber St. Sports Complex • Repair fence on overflow parking Riverview Park, Friendship Park, Bryant Ct. Park, Memorial Park • Removed bleachers for event at Riverview Park • Maintain area by painting the sign at Community Center • Remove broken parts from playground at Easy St. • Plant flowers around splash pad • Remove a boat at Yacht Club, Remove a chair at Bryant Ct. Park • Prepare for event at City Hall • Work at the airport • Spray WOW on the volleyball courts at Riverview Park and playground at Schumann Park • Continue mowing, edging, weed eating, dragging the fields, Insecticide & fertilize grass, Install bike rack at Hardee Park, Crab-E-Bills Recreation Division • Continued city run programs. 1 - a.3 10 STORMWATER DEPARTMENT • Debris Removed 1113 cubic yards • Cleaned all baffle boxes on Indian River Dr. • Installed new baffle boxes • Cleaned all retention ponds in unit 17 Schumann Dr. area • Mowed around both dams • Working Sat. Vac -Truck clearing all driveway and road crossing pipes on new paved streets Inspection Type Inspection # Passed Failed Conditional Re -Inspection Fee Final Engineering 221 167 54 0 $0.00 Drainage Pipe Elevation 114 93 21 0 $0.00 Driveway 113 85 28 0 $0.00 Pre -Sod 66 56 10 0 $0.00 Erosion Control Barrier 123 88 35 0 $35.00 Total 637 $35.00 Citizen Request Line • Oct. = 184 Approximately 27 were for Stormwater (47%) 13 Roads,( 23%) Parks 1(.01%) • Signs 3 (.05%) Other 13 (Code County, FPL, Eric, Jim) 70% • Nov. = 57 Approximately 27 were for Stormwater (47%), 13 Roads (23%) , Parks 1 (.01%), Signs 3 (.05%) Other 13 (Code, County, FPL, Eric, Jim) (70%) • Dec. = 65 Approximately 30 were for Stormwater (49%) 8 roads (12%) 7 general questions • (11%) Signs,4 (.06%) Parks 1 (01%) Other (Code, FPL, Eric, Jim) 17 (26%) • Oct. 2021— 57 Requests • 25 Stormwater, I Outstanding due to spray company, 1 machine down 1 mower skipped, 1 HO responsibility 1 working on another ditch/shorthanded • 13 Roads, 2 Outstanding due to no asphalt • 1 Parks Done, 3 Signs 1 Outstanding speed study • 6 Code NA, 4 County NA, 1 Eric Done, 1 Kim H. Done, 1 Animal Control Done • Nov. 2021— 69 Request • 28 Stormwater, 3 Outstanding (Mowers) 2 Ongoing, 3 HO responsiblity • 8 Roads, 3 Outstanding (no Asphalt) 1 No need • 1 Parks done, 2 code NA, 6 county NA, 4 Eric done, 1 FPL NA, 1 Jim done, 4 signs done • 7 general questions done • Dec. 2021— 62Requests • 25 Stormwater, 3 ongoing, 1 not city, 1 HO responsibility • 11 Roads, 1 ongoing, 2 no asphalt, 1 HO responsibility • 2 Parks done, 2 signs done, 8 general questions done, 4 Eric done, 2 FPL 1 NA, 1 doneeeee • 1 Kim H. done, 1 county NA, 5 code NA, 1 builder done 01Y 11 GOLF COURSE • Revenue 21-22 20-21 Difference+/- 1 st Quarter Rev. $483,696 $356,601 +$127,095 YTD Tot. Rev. same as above 1 st Quarter Rounds 13,974 10,783 +3,191 YTD Tot. Rds. same as above 1st Q. Green Fee $139,712 $98,875 +$40,837 1 st Q. Cart Fee $174,868 $131,233 +$43,635 1st Q. Annual Member $80,184 $59,235 +$20,949 YTD Ann. Mem. same as above 1 st Q. USGA Hdcp. $2,552 $2,882 -$330 YTD USGA Hdcp. same as above 1st Q. Disct. Card $31,304 $21,823 +$9,481 YTD Disct. Cd. same as above 1st Q. Driving Range $15,392 $8,936 +$6,456 YTD Dr. Rge. same as above 1st Q. Club Rental $822 $471 +$351 1st Q. Club Storage $2,692 $2,127 +$565 YTD CR & CS $3,517 $2,598 +$919 1 st Q. Golf Shop Retail $26,508 $20,409 +$6,099 1st Q. Retail COST ($18,143) ($13,345) 1st Q. Golf Shop Profit $8, 365 $7,064 +$1,301 1st Q. Golf Shop Margin 31.56% 29.71% +1.85% YTD Shop Retail same as above. 1st Q. PGA Pro Lesson $205 $760 -$555 YTD Lesson same as above 1st Q. Restaurant Rent $7,500 $7,500 $0 YTD Rest. Rent same as above • 1st O. Rain amount 8.33" 9.59" -1.26" *Data obtained from weather underground.com • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments for the 1 st quarter included The Central Baptist Church, The Sebastian Italian - American Club, Sebastian Police Department Community Police Event, Sebastian Elks Lodge, Sebastian Rotary, The Sebastian 2-Person Team Championship, St. Sebastian Church, K. Redish Memorial Golf Tournament, The Palm Bay Golf Association and The Brevard Golf Association. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments planned for 2nd quarter include 2022 New Year's Day Scramble, Palm Bay Golf Association and The Vista Del Mar Ladies 9 Hole Scramble. • In conjunction with the Indian River Golf Foundation, offered weekly junior golf clinics on Tuesdays. Also offered a total of 6 Demo Days programs, which attracts many new, as well as longtime golfers to the golf course. • Received several compliments on the condition of the golf course with specific emphasis on the condition of the greens and all turf in general. AIRPORT • Routine Maintenance and cleaning of the AWOS • Helped clear and remove trees outside of gate 6A • Attended pre -construction • Cleaned up and removed brush piles around airport grounds • Gate Repairs #6A, 7, 8, 24 • Assisted in the removing pepper trees around perimeter of airport fence • Attended meetings with Sean from Aherns Companies • Chaperoned worker around airport to repair security cameras • Chaperoned sub -contractors around airport • Trimmed all shrubs around hangars A, B, C and Main Building • Cleaned and greased all 3 flags • Painted numbers on runway 10-28Trained new part-time hire, Ron 12 BUILDING • In the first quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 70 new single-family homes were issued building permits. New single fami residence permits remained at the same level as the fourth quarter of last fiscal year. Other permits of significance include 1 ne manufactured home, 1 new commercial building, 0 commercial additions, 0 commercial alterations, 0 commercial build oul lresidential addition and 85 residential alterations. In all, 1006 building permits were issued in the first quarter. Overall permittu in the first quarter has decreased by 8%. • Total number of inspections for the first quarter was 4,281 for an average of 70 building inspections per working day. The numb of inspections for the first quarter has increased slightly from the fourth quarter. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the fourth quarter included 55 new single family residences, 0 manufactun homes, 0 commercial certificates of occupancy, 0 commercial temporary certificates of occupancy and 1 commercial certificate completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the first quarter: new businesses-29, renewals-214, transfers-1, duplicate 0, home based businesses-24, commercial businesses-5, insurance companies-4, vacation rentals-5 and solicitor registrations-3 There were 82 new Contractor registrations. In addition, there have been 187 requests for permit records on properties within d city from lien/title companies. • During the first quarter of this fiscal year the large volume of residential construction activity has continued at the same pace as tl last 3 quarters. The commercial construction inspection activity has increased from the projects that were recently permitted. .1 reported in the fourth quarter, the building department reached out to our private provider partners that we have contracts wi looking for additional inspector and plans review help. We were successful in getting one person who is multi -certified f residential inspections and has a structural plans review license. His presence has helped this department tremendously wi inspections and plans review, but now the Private Provider Company is splitting his duties with the City of Sebastian and oth municipalities. This is very disturbing since we are in desperate need of additional help. We continue to get no qualified applican for the building inspector position that we have advertised going on three straight years. 13 WCF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY OF SEBASTIAN FISCAL YEAR 2022-2023 BUDGET CALENDAR DATE DAY EVENT 02/09/22 Wednesday Approve Budget Calendar and Budget Objectives 02/14/22 �- Monday _ Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm - Introductory Meeting and Review 4` _ Quarter FY2020 and V Quarter FY2021 Budget Report 02/23/22 Wednesday City Council _@6:00pm_- Approve_ 1_St Quarter F_Y2_022 Budget R_eport 03/11/22 Friday Departments Receive Forms and Instructions for Capital Improvement Program-` 04/08/22 _ Friday Departments Submit Capital Improvement Program Request to Administrative Services 04/22/22 Friday Departments Receive Forms and Instructions on Operating Budget Preparation 05/16/22 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @ 6:00pm - Review 2nd Quarter Budget Report O3/20/22 Friday —Departments Submit Operating Budget Request to Administrative Services _05/25/22 _Wednesday - _City Council @6:00pm - Approve 2nd Quarter Budget Report 05/31/22 Tuesday Estimate of Property Values Received from Property Appraiser 06/17/22 Friday - Complete_ Review_ of Department Request and Balancing of CIP and Draft Budgets____ - 06/24/22 Friday- City Council and Budget Review Advisory Board Provided Recommended CIP and __. documents 06/27/22 Monday Parks and Recreation Board @ 6:00pm - Review of Recreation Impact Fee Uses in CIP 06/30/22 ........... Wednesday DR-420 Certified Property Values Received from Property Appraiser 07/11/22 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm - Presentation of Draft CIP and Operating _ Budget and Discussion on Proposed Millage to be Recommended to City Council 07/18/22 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm - Review 3rd Quarter Budget Report and _Vote on Recommendation to the Cif Council on the Proposed Millage_ u 07/22/22 ------.._.......----..._._.._......_....... Friday _._......... ._...._.--.. .... Planning and Zoning Board Provided the Draft CIP Summary _.._..._.__.._...__..__...__._...---_._..____._-___.__-_.___.... 07/27/22 Wednesday ty Council @6:00pm - Receive Budget Review isory Board vRecommendation d and Approve Proposed Millage V Approve 3 Quarter Budget Report 07/28/22 Thursday Send DR-420 Proposed Millage Form to Property Appraiser 08/08/22 Monday Budget Review Advisory Board @6:00pm -Update on Major Changes to the Capital _-__-__-._..._.._.__..._.____.__-___..._.._......_..___.._.._.__...._._...--._--_-_.. Improvement Program and Operating Budget (if any) ....... __.___._._..__......__.__._..._...___._._...._..__..__..__....._.-_._..__-___ ......_. 08/24/22 Wednesday_ Pres City Council @6:00pm - _entation on_CIP _and Budget Recommendations_ 09/01/22 Thursday Planning and Zoning Board @6:00pm- Approval of Capital Improvement Program — 09/12/22 Monday Anticipated Final Adoption of School Board Budget _ 09/14/22 Wednesday Anticipated First Public Hearing on County Budget 09/19/22 Monday City Council @6:00pm - Special Meeting for First Public Hearing on the Millage and - Budget - Approval of Capital Improvement Program -Approval of Financial Policies 09/21/22 Wednesday Anticipated Final Public Hearing on County Budget 09/24/22 Saturday _ Advertise the Tentative Millage and Proposed Budget Final Public Hearing 09/28/22 Wednesday CRA/City Council Meeting @6:00pm - Special Meeting for Approval of Community Redevelopment Agency Budget - Public Hearing on Final Millage and Final Budget 09/29/22 Thursday Send Resolution Adopting Final Millage to Property Appraiser