HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-2021 BAC MinutesCITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 16, 2021 Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all Roll Call Present: Mr. Hoffman Mr. McGinn (at -large) (Zoom) Mr. Hall Ms. Cards Mr. Newhart Mr. Napier Not Present: Mr. Herlihy -- Excused Mr. Wilson — Uaexsused *Excused Mr. Sullivan — Unexcused Also Present: Paul Carlisle, City Manager Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Cindy Watson, HR Manager Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. ADDroval of Minutes: Meeting of July 19. 2021 Mr. Napier asked if all Committee members had reviewed the Minutes of July 19, 2021. All indicated they had. Mr. Hoffman referred to Page 1, the second line from the bottom where it states that, "Revenues for the General Fund were 'up' 78%.. " He states that it should read, "Revenues for the General Fund were 'at' 78%..." Mr. Killgore stated that is correct. Mr. Napier called for a motion with the change as above. A motion approving the July 19, 2021 Minutes with the change noted above was made by Mr. Hoffman, seconded by Ms. Cerda, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Power Point Presentation of Updates to Draft 2022 Budget Recommendations Mr. Killgore reviewed the changes to the budget recommendations as set forth on the Power Point Presentation (SEE ATTACHED). He stated there were only a few changes, and he explained them as he went page -by -page through the Power Point. He stated that most of the changes were due to state revenue sharing. Estimates from the state at the last meeting showed an increase in the City's monthly payment of approximately 25%. When he looked at the amounts received, he was able to add approximately $94,962.00 in additional revenue. He made up the $108,000.00 CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 2021 difference that previously existed between revenues and expenditures by tweaking the half -cent sales tax, as those collections are looking very positive. They have increased about 13% over last year. In looking at the general fund charge for services at the golf course, it was determined that the same amount that was charged in the current year could be used again. Mr. Napier inquired, since the City uses DST funds to match grants at the airport, why DST funds are not used for capital improvements at the golf course. Mr. Killgore said that could be done for those improvements if they are an addition or improvement to the golf course. However, the biggest part of what is set forth for this year is normal repair and maintenance. Mr. Napier asked for it to be checked regarding using recreation Impact fees for that capital improvement program. Mr. Killgore said that can be looked at. Regarding the Building Department, because of the employment market for building inspectors, it has been difficult to find qualified inspectors willing to work for the City. There is contained in the budget consideration of a full-time inspector opening as was contained during the current year. Thus, the City is contracting out for building inspector services with a private company. Mr. Hall inquired if the contracting out for building inspector services would cost less than what is budgeted for the position. Mr. Killgore said the private contracting company charges quite a bit more than what the City would normally pay for a building inspector. Regarding the Riverfront CRA, he was notified by the state that there is supposed to be a separate audited financial statement prepared for the CRA. This is a new requirement that was legislated during the last session. He is working with the auditors to create a separate report at a cost of approximately $5,000.00 per year from now on. It will be a complete audit. As to the stormwater utility funds, two maintenance worker-1 positions were added. City Council recently approved another agreement on the parking -in -lieu -of program. The budget numbers have been adjusted to show those additional revenues. The Capital Improvement Program was reviewed. Mr. Killgore stated that this draft will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on August 19'". He stated that the rollback millage was again reached at 3.0043, and the budget will be balanced at that amount. This draft budget will be presented to City Council on August 25'", and a 3.0043 rollback rate will be recommended. He then asked for questionstcomments from the Committee members. Mr. Hoffman inquired whether the labor negotiation contracts have been finalized. Mr. Killgore stated that is still under discussion. He explained that there is a 3% contingency included in the proposed budget. Mr. Hoffman asked if there will be a workshop held regarding the American Rescue Plan. Mr. Carlisle stated there will be, CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 2021 but he does not have the dates yet. There is a new final ruling coming down from the Federal Government on the use of those funds sometime after September 10" when a new set of guidelines will be published for the City to follow. He does not want to have a workshop until he has the new set of guidelines. Regarding public comment, there was no one in chambers who wished to speak and no one on Zoom who wished to be heard. It was the consensus of the Committee members that the budget as presented is a good one. VI. Vote on a Final Millaae Rate Recommendation to the Citv Council and for ADproyal of Staffs Proposed BudoettCaoital Improvement Proaram. Mr. Napier stated that he would like to have separate motions on the millage, the budget, and the Capital Improvement Program. • Final Millage Rate at Rollback - A motion to approve the final millage rate at the rollback rate of 3.0043 was made by Mr. Newhart, seconded by Ms. Cerda, and approved unanimously via voice vote. • Staffs Recommended Proposed Budget - A motion to approve the stairs recommended proposed budget for the fiscal year 2022 was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Hoffman, and approved unanimously via voice vote. • Capital Improvement Program - A motion to recommend that City Council adopt the Capital Improvement Program as approved and recommended by the staff was made by Ms. Cerda, seconded by Mr. Hall, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Napier thanked the Committee and City staff for the work that was done on this proposed budget. VII. Public Comments on Items Not Otherwise on the Aaenda - None Vill. Next Meetina - No Further Meetinas Are Anticipated until the Next Budaet Cycle IX. Adioum There being no further business, Mr. Napier adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. `Approved with corrections By: n�� t,). 7M -7 4-p+ Date: Il Jg O