HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-23-2022 BOA Minutes w/ Attachmentsmra gBAST1AN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1225 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958 The attached February 23, 2022 Board of Adjustment minutes were approved at the June 8, 2022 Board of Adjustment meeting. Chairm t ill ATTEST C 4� lJil"IfI `^t t1nette Williams, City Clerk Regular City Council & Board of Adjustment Meeting February 23, 2022 Page 3 rzrewel .Z1yr Jim Cannon introduced himself as the intergovernmental liaison for the St. Johns River Water Management District. Greg Golien thanked Council for their previous discussion on affordable housing and asked Council think about including rooms for people to rent in their discussions. Rachel Holpfer, 373 Harp Terrace, said she is in divorce proceedings and is attempting to sell the Harp Terrace house but it was impossible with the (code enforcement) fines and liens hanging over the property. She asked for assistance in settling the fines and liens to start a new life with her children. 8. Mayor Hill recessed the City Council meeting and convened the Board of Adjustment �---- meeting at 6:19 p.m. A. MOTION by Vice Chairman Jones and SECOND by Mr. McPartlan to approve the May 12, 2021 Board of Adjustment meeting minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote. (5-0) B. OUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING 22.038 i. AMH INVESTMENTS, INC. REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 54-3-15.4(5)A.(v) TO ALLOW AN EXISTING MIXED -USE SITE, CONSISTING OF MULTI -FAMILY UNITS AND RETAIL LOCATED AT 1201 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE, TO BE ABLE TO PURCHASE REQUIRED PARKING SPACES THROUGH THE PARKING -IN -LIEU PURCHASE PROGRAM, WHERE THE CODE EXCLUDES RESIDENTIAL USES FROM USING THE PROGRAM (Transmittal, Report, Exhibits, Application) Chairman Hill opened the hearing at 6:20 p.m. and the City Attorney read the title of the request and the City Clerk swore in anyone that was going to testify. Robert Bruno, Principal for AMH Investments, 1201 Indian River Drive, said he was requesting the variance to purchase parking -in -lieu spaces, he has owned the property since 1999 and requested approval. The City Manager said the current code is silent on mixed use when it comes to parking - in -lieu and Mr. Bruno needs additional parking to bring the site into compliance. Staff was asking to consider the variance and later discuss the parking -in -lieu agreement on the consent agenda. The Community Development Manager asked that the staff report and the Board Criteria for Determining Variances be entered into the record. She stated Mr. Bruno purchased the property in 1999 and at that time he also owned property within a short distance located on US 1. In consideration of redeveloping the property, the Planning and Zoning Regular City Council & Board of Adjustment Meeting February 23, 2022 Page 4 Commission approved a site plan that had additional parking on the other property on US 1. In 1999, the Parking -in -Lieu Program did not exist. In the ensuing years, the US 1 property was sold but joined until now. At this point both property owners would like to redevelop the properties separately. Staff has requested both property owners to establish individual site plans and in doing so the Indian River Drive site was now lacking some parking. She continued to say that the Parking -in -Lieu of Purchase Program was intended for redeveloping properties that may have certain considerations such as an older property, or historical property that needed some help with parking. It is mixed use; staff felt it met that criteria but after examining the code, it is specific that residential and multi -family uses are not allowed to be considered by the Parking -in -Lieu Program. She explained that although it was mixed use, staff wanted to formally receive a variance from that section of the code. Staff feels it meets the criteria in that there is something unique about the property, it is an old historical property that needs some help and nothing will create a hardship for any surrounding properties. Staff calculated the parking that is needed and their new site plan redesigned their store parking area which then staff determined four parking spaces are required. The property owner is ready to purchase through the parking -in -lieu program, if approved. She said staff feels it meets the criteria to grant the variance and recommended approval. Chairman Hill said when it was originally developed, it met the criteria for the parking but when it was split it no longer met the criteria. The Community Development Manager said there were seven extra spaces on the US Highway I property and the Indian River Drive needed additional parking which could be shared until the US 1 property was sold. Now the owners would like to separate the development of the properties causing the Indian River Drive property to be non -conforming with the spaces. Mr. Nunn noted that "yes" was checked on "b" and "c" of the Board Criteria and after reviewing it, it would seem they should be checked "no" because the conditions were created by the applicant and it will be giving special privileges that could be denied to others in the CRA area. The Community Development Director said the building at 1201 Indian River Drive was grandfathered in; it was an existing building that was an old funeral home that even in 1999 the City recognized it had special circumstances and was able to share the parking to meet its parking needs. There wasn't a parking -in -lieu of program and it was staffs way of thinking outside of the box to help with the redevelopment. The other property on US Highway 1 is being hindered because of the shared parking that is on that site. Mr. Nunn said the applicant has sold that property, therefore he created the problem. He said the challenge of putting in residential spots in the parking -in -lieu program is that it now alleviates the whole reason for having those parking spots which will be filled at night. He asked if they could take the spots in the parking lot and assign spots for the residents and make the parking -in -lieu for the businesses. Regular City Council & Board of Adjustment Meeting February 23, 2022 Page 5 The Community Development Manager responded that they would still be short as they need eight spots for the multi -family residence. She explained that the previous parking - in -lieu applications (that been before the board) have been for new sites. This is an existing building that staff is trying to help redevelop which is why they are before the board to make sure the board is okay with the request. Mr. Nunn asked if there are any other properties in the CRA district that have a similar situation as this. The Community Development Manager said she couldn't think of any others. She offered to address any code provision for the mixed use component they might want to consider for the future. The Community Development Manager also said three spaces are needed for the commercial; the code does allow for some exceptions for historical properties. Chairman Hill said it seems the site plan that was allowed after the purchase is where this should have been caught; the new owner is not trying to add anything, just become compliant. He noted the only options are the parking -in -lieu or preventing the residential use or anything that requires more than the spaces that are there. Mr. Dodd said these two pieces of properties are not geographically joined; in 1999 the City allowed the owner to theoretically join the property so the parking on one could be allocated to the other which is probably where the mistake came about in trying to be good shepherds to businesses. Mr. Dodd also said in the current comp plan, the City is placing more emphasis on mixed use and it is not uncommon to have parking spaces not assigned to the residential units in mixed use areas. He said he counted about 17 parking spaces within walking distance of that building and as long as the residents and the commercial users understand there is nothing reserved for them, he did not have a problem with this. There was no public input to comment on the request. MOTION by Mr. McPartlan and SECOND by Mr. Dodd to move approval of the variance for the property at 1201 Indian River Drive. Roll call: Vice Chairman Jones - aye Mr. Dodd - aye Mr. McPartlan - aye Mr. Nunn - aye Chairman Hill - aye Motion carried. 5-0 9. Chairman Hill adjourned the Board of Adjustment meeting and reconvened the City �---- Council meeting at 6:36 p.m. OM1 Y SEBASTIAN HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND Community Development Variance Application - Staff Report 1. Project Name: Bruno Mixed -Use Parking -in -Lieu Purchase 2. Requested Action: A variance from Section 54-3-15.4(5)a.(v) to allow an existing mixed -use site, consisting of multi -family units and retail, to be able to purchase required parking spaces through the Parking -in -Lieu (PIL) Purchase Program, where the code excludes residential uses from using the program. (Exhibit A, Code section) Project Location a. Address: 1201 Indian River Drive b. Legal: IRC Tax Parcel ID No. 31-39-06-00000-0050-00007.0 4. Project Owner: 5. Project Agent: COMMMENCE AT NW COR OF GOV LOT 5, RUN SLY ALONG W BDRY 382.06 FT TO S R/W LINE OF MAIN ST; WHICH HAS 80 FT R/W; RUN N 83 DEG 25 MIN 31 SEC E 179 FT TO IRON PIPE AT SE COR OF NEW US #1 HWY & MAIN ST; RUN ALONG NE E R/W OF NEW US #1 HWY S 17 DEG 29 MIN 29 SEC E 395.90 FT TO AN IRON PIPE; N 73 DEG 08 MIN 31 SEC E 205.00 FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT FOR POB: RUN S 17 DEG 29 MIN 29 SEC E 120.00 FT TO CONCRETE MONUMENT ON N R/W LINE OF WASH PL; ALONG N R/W LINE OF WASH PL N 73 DEG 08 MIN 31 SEC E 66.70 FT TO CONCRETE MONUMENT AT COR OF WASH PL & OLD US #1 HWY; ALONG W R/W LINE OF OLD US #1 HWY N 25 DEG 29 MIN 29 SEC W 121.48 FT TO CONCRETE MONUMENT; RUN S 73 DEG 08 MIN 31 SEC W 49.70 FT TO POB AS R BK 55 PP 113 AMH Investments, Inc. Robert & Juliet Bruno 1831 Sandalwood Road East Vero Beach, Florida 32963 (772)633-2406 N/A 6. Project Engineer: Todd N. Smith, P.E., Inc. 1717 Indian River Boulevard, Suite 302 Vero Beach, Florida 32963 (772)559-3699 Project Description: a. Narrative and history of proposed action: AMH Investments, Inc., owner of the property located at 1201 Indian River Drive, is requesting a variance seeking an exception to LDC Section 54-3-15.4 Parkine requirements to allow their mixed -use development to participate in the PIL Purchase Program. In 1999, a site plan was approved for a renovation to the building located on the subject property to include 4 multi -family apartments and 581 SF of retail space. Additional parking was necessary, but at that time, the Parking -in -Lieu Purchase Program had not yet been established. The property owner also owned commercial property located at 1208 U.S. Highway #1 (Brick building and satellite repair business), which had extra parking, so the two sites were combined (Exhibit B, 1999 site plan). Presently, the property at 1208 U.S. #1 now has a different owner, and the two properties have become separate sites again. This disconnection requires the subject property to address its parking deficiency. The owner of the subject property, has provided a revised parking plan which will incorporate an additional parking space onto its site (now 5 spaces), and is requesting to purchase the remaining four required spaces through the Parking -in -Lieu Program. If an exception is granted, the property will be able to purchase the required spaces and bring the mixed -use development into compliance. b. Current Zoning: RMU (Riverfront Mixed Use) Current Land Use: CWR (Commercial Waterfront Residential) C. Adjacent Properties: Zoning Current Land Future Land Use Use North: CWR vacant motel - RMU Harbor Lights East: CWR residence RMU South: CWR commercial - RMU Washington Plaza West: CWR office RAM d. Site Characteristics (1) Total Acreage: .16 acres, or 6,970 SF (2) Current Land Use(s): Multi -family + Retail (3) Water Service: County Water (4) Sanitary Sewer Service: County Sewer S. Staff Comments: 1) The subject property, when developed in 1999, established parking on a non-contiguous parcel, which has ultimately restricted the ability of multiple properties to expand or redevelop. This is not consistent with the goals of the Community Redevelopment Area. 2) The parcel that contained the additional parking has been sold and the parking was removed to allow for redevelopment of that property. The subject property is now out of compliance with Section 54-3-15.2 Parkine spaces required by use. There is insufficient property on site to add the required parking, and the option to allow for a variance for this property to use PIL may be the only solution at this time. 2 9. Board Criteria for Determining Variances: See attached analysis. This criterion was considered in determining staff's recommendation. 10. Staff Recommendation: Based on existing Comprehensive Plan policies, goals of the Community Redevelopment Area, and the criteria for determining variances being met. staff recommends annroval of the requested variance. If the variance is granted, an ensuing Parking -in -Lieu Purchase Agreement would also need to be approved by City Council. 11. Board Action: Conduct quasi-judicial hearing to consider the requested variances. Dom Bosworth, Manger/Planner 3 allLfla a Date BOARD CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING VARIANCES Section 54-1-2.5(c)(2) In order to authorize any variance from the terms of the land development regulations, the Board of Adjustment must use the following criteria for approving or denying a variance: a. Existence of snecial conditions or circumstances. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. Meets Standard Yes 4 No ❑ The building was constructed in 1974 as a funeral home, and is grandfathered with regards to setbacks and other zoning district requirements. Because of its age and size of property, special circumstances exist for this parcel. As such, when the property was redeveloped in 1999, it used a shared parking plan to meet its parking requirements to convert to a mixed use. However, this particular plan ultimately restricted further redevelopment of the involved properties. In 2010, the City created the Parking -in -Lieu Purchase Program with the intent to help facilitate the redevelopment of properties with similar circumstances as the subject property. b. Conditions not created by applicant. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. / Meets Standard Yes g No ❑ Special circumstances created by the original construction, or size of the lot do not result from the actions of the applicant. C. SDecial DrivileLles not conferred. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. / Meets Standard Yes No ❑ Purchasing parking through the PIL program is available for all properties zoned CR and CWR. This is a mixed -use property zoned CWR. Not approving the variance may prevent involved properties from redeveloping, which was not the intent of the Purchase Program. 0 d. Hardshiu conditions exist. That literal interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would create unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. Meets Standard Yes f7 No ❑ Consideration should be given that this is a mixed -use property. The code specifically created an exclusion for residential and multifamily uses, and its application certainly should be applied for a property with just that single use. However, the code does not address how it applies to mixed -uses that contain a residential component. If the variance is not granted, the property will be in non-compliance with its parking requirements, and redevelopment opportunities will be restricted. e. Only the minimum variance eranted. That the variance granted is the mini num variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Meets Standard Yesi No ❑ Granting a variance and allowing the property to participate in the PIL Purchase Programs is the minimum variance necessary. f. Not iniurious to uublic welfare or intent of ordinance. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan and this code, and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Meets Standard Yes No ❑ The granting of the variance would not be considered injurious to the public welfare, to the area involved, or surrounding properties. Allowing the involved properties to be able to redevelop was the intent of the PIL Purchase Program. E. Conditions and safeguards may be imaosed. In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with chapter 163 F.S., the comprehensive plan, and any ordinance enacted under its authority. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of the ordinance. Meets Standard Yes Sr No ❑ There are no recommended conditions of approval. 5 h. Time limit may be imposed. The board of adjustment may prescribe a reasonable time limit during which the applicant shall commence and/or complete the subject actions and conditions approved by the board. Meets Standard Yes 'S/ No ❑ No time limit is being proposed by staff. The applicant wishes to purchase the spaces immediately if the variance is granted. i. No use variance permitted in specified instances. Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment grant a variance to permit a use not generally permitted in the zoning district involved or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of the ordinance in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district and no permitted use of lands, structures, or buildings in other zoning districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a variance. ` Meets Standard Yes �/ No ❑ The variance as requested is not a use -related variance. Exhibit A Sec. 54-3-15.4. - Parking requirements. (5) Within the commercial waterfront residential and commercial riverfront zoning districts the following shall apply: a. Increases to the floor area of an existing building, construction of a new building having greater floor area or a change to the approved uses in an existing building, the parking requirements of this section shall apply. In lieu of meeting these requirements, owners or developers in the community redevelopment area (CRA) shall be allowed to purchase required parking spaces by paying a fee in accordance with this subsection (5). (i) Establishment of riverfront parking trust fund. The riverfront parking trust fund is hereby established to receive the fee paid by developers in lieu of providing on - site parking necessary for a project and shall be used only to develop and maintain public parking within the community redevelopment area east of the Florida East Coast railroad tracks. This program is available to commercial users and properties within the commercial riverfront (CR) and commercial waterfront residential (CWR) districts only. (ii) Establishment and calculation of trust fund spaces. The fee amount shall be calculated on a "per space" standard. Fees shall be determined by the city based upon the cost of design and construction per parking space. If the city purchases additional land to be utilized as public parking, then the costs shall include the acquisition costs. These fees will be adopted by the city council and may be amended from time to time by resolution. (iii) Maximum. The maximum number of spaces that may be purchased in this program is 30 per development. (iv) Nonexclusive use. Any public parking utilized in this program is not assigned to .a business or to be reserved in any manner. Participating in this program confers nO rights upon the business to place any advertisement, notices or signage upon the parking spaces the city expressly retains all such rights. (v) Exceptions. Residential and multifamily uses are excluded from utilizing the parking trust fund to meet their parking requirements. Exhibit B NWLY Cat GOYS `a-� • . ' 1 , ' `{ SEC S, 7«P. 319 R4C 3AE,+ yj _ yyt - - gq _- "��'r`"�"amJ ^ s J SEBASTIAN d l / �G.AL. DESCRIPTION: PARCEL "A" , .,. ' ` IY PARK - - {. ♦ D N P L A J T E D �arrOM1t�� recfxded in O.R. Boon 446, Pog¢ 258, Indian Riwr County, Flgritlo Public Racorde 4. R. 5 / - tram �}`lfdf$hW01 F�gier-p{ (rpvgm'fnanE 7.ot 5, Section 6, Tawncfilp 31 South, Range 39 East, Indian River County. Florida; run Southerly- F e • 12 76' 24' 31 • y,, J I of ,D.eOfl ql�f OF eRld Si'ovar mlent' Lot 5 a distance of 3B2.06 feet to the South righk-of way line of Main Street; thence .�•� '1' I i • P O - '- - - - 114.9T r :fldl 31 $p¢l along%*Id South rleght-of�way line o dlslanae of 179.00 feet to an iron pipe at the Southeast comer Df ,u.a• - - 4� ti1N l�i a• Aidin $ttidt; thanf:y South 9T 29' 2H` Eaq along said East right-of-way o distance of 203.40 feet to N' Q�Kx�d ` r. e, EX. DIRT DRIVE In1R �N1+tnge'Fraym 1T .2B'-29r' Eoat along the Eaet boundary of U.S. Highway No. 1 o distance of 192.50 feet; m e' ax,c TO BE ABANODNED��) I •."( °A1Q'1 , Edst a dlstgnce of 127.35 feet; thence North 21' 22' 36' West a dlatance of 186.51 y3, IaELDuITe PACK EOy� 7}. Sl Rrs7ft" a' dlet'�$ce of 11.4.97 feet to the point of beginning. �^? w1EE1, STOP fTYPJ I I Tp THIS Lf1CATIDN t S Y 7 RB aanff -, t!71 Ex Estop -cos' ' -1 1/4' TYPE S-t0OO^Oy SPHALTIC CONCRETE`F 9 j121a ! /I272 4 �V !� rc 0 H �� F,F.E-1S10 e'ta' . vq•Ui . •,L i 32.0 sy ° !.° m I 1 t e„IN II `a( u P _ r /// ps•. 1 NEW PA V EN Z ,ta.' EX. CFNJC PARKiNC ' I$P�Y/ ,"' •' - V L❑CATI❑N MAP_ - . k' Ml2f YRpppD FEKfi.E nM,Tlurf s19Es Y7 6' LIMER LK OR COQUINA ROCK sEE HATCH °L a1 1 - / GA76ssg�M. b��,-• F-P.ETE COMPACTED TO A MIN. OF 98% D'Rwl "' Ep� t7 s1�`� -' V.fi OF MAX, DENSITY PER AASHTG -OWNER �_ Q C ' � MDfE M13 PAVEMEMf « - yL , �' �."HI . pF PLACEMENT nil T-1B0 { ���irBvclJ' ROBERT AND JULIET BRUNO �itar%e `. «�- a b COCA Mr,M -',�S' - DATA /� JUL 2 1999 + i 4 `( Tu 70 THIS LOp.T131 - B' SUB -GRADE STABILIZED TO F.H.V. SITE D A I A f 1820 E. SHELL LANE C' '� CONIC i D A. TD F•,B-•i7. , < < 1as. 1e• - u g FLUME � OF 50 P.S.I„ COMPACTED TO A MIN, {I e' _ _ - f •r J �- ` FS I .Zty PER•AASHTP OF 98% DF MAX. DENSITY PER AASHTO 2. FLOOb ZONE, X MAP N0 1206TE�0077F DATED 7/2/gl_____ VERO REACH, L. 32963 = s>' s r el_" A i }(��p• .'!� •I,•=r TO A M , 561-581-0044 & j a' i.• ��'• 7-I80 _ 1. ZpNIT CL LAND USEf COMMERCIAL _ ' 3. AREA LALLULA710NS� (PARCEL 'A')I 2 LEGEND �� �� .t " ' ' '. R E `T E ASPHALT A. .TOTAL SITE AREA. 22 680 SF = 0,525 ACRES. s j - B. TOTAL E%. hLD'G AREA. 3,a27 SF = 15.0% * " "I j�I :.ALTERNATE PAVEMENT DETAIL C. T13TAL EX. PAVED AREA n 2,825 SF 13e' 1' 4e d NGT TO SCALE D. NEW PAVED AREA = 3,740- SF 18.2 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION Y i I1 �IPv 3.ej - F. TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUSF_ TOTAL PROPOSED PAVED A AREAS=g9992' SF =X43,7% Jf _ I lY 2 S/arr ewrcw TEST / G. TOTAL PROPOSED GREEN AREA' _ ]2,888 SF 56.3Y. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION / , 1 Site yL� y f h i pave Ex c'ava g 4. PARKING CALCULATION, IMw'15( EX. WOODEN POWER POLE ser x a(N TOA/Y;Au St,, _ MUN r'LdOR EL=1e.es �i A ew_ PARCEL -'A' WITHIN DEVELOPMENV.. LIMITS a.-rs.13 ruT M.sv.o. -� DRAINAGE FLOW. _ 3s«6' A` SYA{E A• SPACES RE-0'D 1,149 SF RETAIL 'X 1 SPACE/200 e.« rg.4• , 4,� p^^^ / + 1AULTI-FAMILY UNIT. X 2-SPACES = 9 �PAEES TRAFFIC FLOW L(MITS DF Z1 r ' ).,/ VAR¢s B. SPACES.PRpVWED'= 15'SPACES =t - DEVELOPMENT �' mint 9Au -}30 w - HANDICAP SPAS 1 C CALCULATED. C s(A,t.T . �VNDE« A' 13' s• REGULAR SPAC S - 14 m Wit - f4.as G, . �. GRADES PER % /( i i PARCEL 'B' D DEED DESCRIPTION ' , 'Ex 5✓'K,g7 / - AN sRORMYATER t le' W�TgN sraervATE« Maxr TRACT _ A. SPACES REQ'D = SfO SF RETAIL % 1 SPACE/2d0 PO C POINT OF COMMENCEMENT �- _ TRACT s/ �n �MK' LIMITS OF A` - + 4 MULTI -FAMILY UNIT' X 2SPACES 9] SPACES POB POINT OF BEGINNING ^ DEVELOPMENT .,Iy' ql B. SPACES PROVIDED = 4 SPACES Ny Ea '!L-. - •?_J} HANDICAP. SPACES ='99'1 o, 9 rru.r / ADDITIONAAL7ASPACES EPROV,IIJED ON PARCEL -'A' OHW OVERHEAD WIRES fYr ,¢ /jam ' 3 E%. PALM w .,N 2c./' , , 4v / _ V3 �s 1 \ 4 5. TAX PARCEL NUMBER PARCEL 'A.. 66-31-39-0°000-0050-00°1110 > 10' HEIGHT i. i `I• ` �� / I° tjp� IMTCA M 9 1y G. TAX PARCEL NUMBER PARCEL 'B'. 06-31-39-00000-0050-000074 NEW LIVE 'OAK (2 TOTAL) PARCEL "A" ! / .. .i. ,,..' • ' - - 'f= 1 L- I_ 8' HEIGHT O PLANTING A -t y, Ex r SMORY CBS °i �• - /- '"`� 3 'I` j ' LANDSCAPE DATA H saint: ,l A O.R.B. 446, PC. 258 i EX. OAK peas (AD ! 14)l > 8' HEIGHT f^: .... .,.. 22S0. FT. 1 e' 0.525 25 AC. +/- JrF � . ; �)?% - 1. CANOPY TREE REQUIREMENTS. PARCEL 'A'� _ �}y EX. 27" MANGO TREE AACWR '}t -s,- 'ri �; A. µS. I RO.W. = 35 X 1 TREV35' 'X'A25 2 TREES' _ ••�-4-d='!`->-iD:--FiEJ9N7 �..__. - f- •W ^ .-�. - - • - U N.R! A•,'Y' V,f D _- _.-. - ._- B. NORTH PROPERTY LINE = 78' X 1 TREE750' % 1,25 - 2 TREES .. - y-�- ' yl� ••�..,..�_---- -. -,� PROPERTY LINE = 65'-, K -1, T /,;?Q.;; X_ },25� s2-TREES. - 3e.r' NEW SHRUBS (30" pp C. r'.r „�g �' - ^ J �..c; ''- - -'- 11 S- 7H PROPERTY, LINE''-`62' SC 1ARE/SOrX 1.25-=• 2 ,REFS �- 24" HEIGHT ®PIAMIN� c''+"�� aNW 3-�' /aE N 73' OB' 31` E E. INTERIOR LANDSCAPING = 10 SF % 15 SPACES = 150 SF ©EX PALM TO BE RELOCATED N 73' 081-31" E i5= 7" "- -+T'1-%^'.: iR• - -- - _ - SECTI❑N A -A I50 SF X 1 TREE/100 $F X 1.23 = 2 TREES 2 TOTAL DfTCN MrP 127.35' - - 1 .or Ts _r F. NON -VEHICULAR OPEN' SPACE = 12,B88, SF X I TREE/2,000 SF X 1.25• N N P L A T T E D - j_ `� a.r.G, UNDERSIDRY TREES = 2,400 SF X. 7I REEYt00 SF = 24 UNDERSTOR,Y TREES �I NEW UNDERS70RY TREE (14 TOTAL) }' hE 1 ` ' p, G. TOTAL .OANgPY TREES REQUIRED =18 TREES 7� G. TOTAL UNDERSTORY TREES-kE(SUfRED 24 TREES WAX MYRTLE OR DAHUNE HOLLY ;t ', , X . A 5 P N A L T H: TOTAL CANOPY TREES' PROVI➢ED = 30 TREE CREDITS 5' HEIGHT ®PLANfTINC ._ _ .I y1, '- _ 1 a. 2 NEW CANOPY TREES LANDSCAPE NOTES �- IZI '° EX. PALMS P A R X ! N G Iro $ (3) 2' - 5' OAKS (3 TREE CREDITS) ^ " '^ ' Y •s �< b ��a b REPAIR CATCH (2) 5' - 10' OAKS (4 TREE CREDITS) (1) DI' - 20' OAK (3. TREE CREDITS) 1. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS FOR FLORIDA NQ, 1 j 'ml� BASIN AS RE0'D (1) 30' OAK (4 TREE CREDIT'S) _ BY CITY. OF SEBASTIAN OR BETTER, AS GIVEN IN THE MOST CURRENT E➢ITION OF 'GRADES AND STgqNDARDS '�' b N. (1) 30' MANGO (4 TREE..CREOfTS). FOR NURSERY PLANTS' PART I AND PART II, STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMEIi7 OFI'41 .�] 1H TOTAL SATISFY CANOPY TREE REQUIREMENT ' AGRICULTURE, TALLAHASSEE, OR EQUAL THERETO. ' 10 TOTAL TOWgRDS SATISFYING U0ERSiTORY .TRFJ:-R UIREMEN7 2, LANDSCAPING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY AN AUTOMATIC LOW VOLUME SPRINI[LER .ig7,1, 'I s If 1 O i. TOTAL NEW UNDERS7ORY TREES PROVIDED Id TREES a. SYSTEM, WITH E%ISTING WELL ON -SITE FOR WATER SOURCE, IT22D��s•?iea .... C ER❑SI❑N C�NTR❑L 3. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF SE1ASTIAN r�F>EA'¢ - 1 a LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES., 4. IRRIGATION,CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING WATER AND`SEWER _,. a-� {yi AArr+as - , LINES AND OTHER UTILITY LINES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ., a" '[ awA(I y� THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPgHSISLE FOR PROVIDING EROSION AND'SEDIME{!P CON7ROl. ' 5. ALL ON -SITE OPEN AREAS SHALL HAVE SOD OR GROUND COVER (MEETING TOE w PARCEL :B' tic (-+ GT Q .� 2 DURING CONSTRUCTION USD+G THE Lg7EST. FOOT STIyuD[4RD5, HALE9:FiA'Y, STRAW. DEFINITION OF 'GROUND COVER' AS PER CITY OF SEBASTIAN ORDINANCES) $: 8,890 SO. FT. 1M� ''..a I' 1 m AND SILTATION BARRIERS WILL ' IN$7ALLEII iIItERE' EtaEB; D %Mf NGNT . THESE-..' ALL GROUND COVERS SHALL BE PLANTED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ACHIEVE 1007 � - I� �'' T OF"ADaACENT PROPERTY PLIHLiQ; R_ T tIF-tJAY;- 11 GRASSING WL`tSPAS' 1AND OMI'�MTED S. THESE COVERAGE WITHIN 1B0 DAYS. w 1 W �' 1�. < MTATI MAIN IN PLACE AREj GRASSING DR'$RE:AT a. A;DjEGE1 COMPACTED OR UNTIL rW � 9 �1 Z SILTATION AY; WETLANDS, OR O WATERWAYS A 7N{R€AT :TT1�A➢_MGEt17' PROP€RTY PUBLIC - GENERAL NOTES eX. 4' STQRY cgs !S v O RIGHT-OF-WAY; WETLANDS, OR WATERWAYS 60J AWEft7AL BLDC 70 eE CaNYERTED To EN coins PERMITS. 'REQUIRED 2 ALL DONSTRUCTIDN i MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMEENNTS REGULATIONS QQ d +NfJL 71-FAARL)e UA715 ., r' B. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND MARKING SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF SEBASTIAN ENGINII•=RING REQUIREMENTS AND THE KA14UAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 1 1!71' - - 1 1 m 1. •CITY OF SEBASTIAN SITE'PLAY APPAOVAL - 3 DENSITY TESTS WILL BE REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER, FOR SUB -GRADE 6 BASF,, THE TESTING LABORATORY - SHALL FORWARD TWO COPIES OF ALL TEST REPORTS TO THE ENGINEER. ALL DENSITY TEST TO BE PERFORMED PER AASHTO-160 METHOD. 4IF ANY UNSUITABLE SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED UNDER THE PARKING LOT, DRIVE AISLE, AND/JR ST13RMWATER MANAGEMENT TRACT, THEY SHALL BE REMOVED a BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN SAND. a0.1v - - - 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT. - I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: -PARCEL, "B" 6. PAVING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIINS - - AN➢ FDGT STANDARD SRECIFICATtON 1991. - f E- �6.70 I' aqA� Per dewrrption centobee to 0.R, Boo« 11e5, Page-176g Indian elm County:F1dddp Put Reoerds 7. ALL NUISANCE EXOTIC VEGETATION AS REQUIRED BY SEBASTIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS SHALL BE REMOVED ,I .. - ° 7Mn Commencing of the NorihWtel comer of Govemment Lot 5, Section 6, 11--hip 31 South, Range-39'Edll: tljence:T+la-.SoOtherly, FROM THE SITE " e. ALL PARKING SPACE MARKINGS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES'SHALL BE WHITE, , � _ I along the Wed boundary of sold. 130emmenl Lot 5. a 11danee of 382:06 feet ,to the, South.rrghb+of Way Box, of-Mdin-Streat RETRO-REFLECTIVE TRAFFIC PAINT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA INEPT, OF TRAN�ORTA7ION'S STANDARD which has an 80 foot right of wag thence North 83' 25': 31" East along sold Street line,a dNtoncu of'179,00 teak to •an. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, 1996, SECTION 710. - Iron, pipe at the Southeast comer of New U.S. Highway ,f and Mein Street, thence„along the: Eust'Hght,-of Way pf Nqw U.S. 9. SOD ALL GREEN AREAS ON SITE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Highway #1, South 17'.29' 29" East a distance of 395,90 feet to an Iron pipe; thenae•.NortN 73' OB'.3� East o distonco 10. ALL PARKING SPACES SHALL HAVE A PRECAST CONC. WHEEL STOP. HANDICAP SPACES SHALL BE PROPERLY of 205.00 (set to o concrete monument -far Poblt of Beglnriing, thence South .1T 29', 29` Ea91 a. dletanae of, }2a0O. feet. SIGNED AND MARKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FOOT INDEX ND. 17346. - "O"" _ _ to a concrete monument on the North right of way One of Washington Place: therice'along=the North right of way fineCC- 11, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INVESTIGATE SOILS AT THE 'PROJECT SITE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND REVIEW SOILS REPORT . Woehington Place, North 73. Do, 31" East a distance of 66.70 (set, to a••canaretel monumentatthe. Northwest aamer'of BY KSN_ ENGINEERING 6 TESTING, INC. DATED MAY 11, 1999. Washington Place and Old O.S. Mghway.#I; thence along the Weet dght;of way fine of Old U:S,'MlghWuy /1, NoAS 25. 29"29" - 12. REFER TO SURVEY BY WILLIAM ZENTZ FOR BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION, PROJECT NO. 121-001 West a distance of 121.48'feet to a concrete monument; ;ihdnce South 73' 08' 31' West a distanas df 46r.76feet to the ANDPoint of Beginning.' DATED W P 21, 1998 HAT PROJECT NO. 1UTH SI, DATED E EX 9, 1G C WASHINGTON PLACE 13. ALL METE. AS MENT THgT IS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE EXISTING CONCRETE 1N THIS AREA SHALL ONLY HE PAVED WITH CONCRETE. ASPHALT. IS NOTE TO HE USEDp.I� glllL iN y g � - ' 14. EASI TING SEP I[ SYST' �ANORIVHE C�UNTY HEAL7HGDEPTRICK RESIDENCE ON PARCEL 'A' SHALL BE MODIFIED OR RELOCATED 1 7/B/s9 EPRFURIREet1MMYE TTHSE FROM CITY OF SERASTIAN 'r ^ - H _- NGT VALIII WITHOUT_ THE SIGNATURE AND THE '-0.pf«M' - TNS TODD N. SMITH, P.E. = t;r'ae ae =:��: GR'IGINAL RAISED:SEAL of A FLORIDA _ T°°° a "" eL ^"•' LICENSED ENGINEER T4 �- - BRUNO iUL7I.-FAMILY COMPLEX ° �~ 440 11th LANE, S.W. a °"�"+ .. S AY NS:_' ` - VERO BEACH, FL 32962 •�•-$ «"- a �• No. DATE DESCRIPTION Ph. (561) 567-1882 •s < a: e(,°9 P P per y 1««f. T® M. MTK lL "�! /�. • 9eEt i REVISIONS L I' TpAD N ,STJ1.,'P7T'#4'f3