HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-2022 PZ MinutesCITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES MARCH 3, 2022 d I. Call to Order -- Chairman Alvarez called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. r' 11. Pledce of Allegiance was recited by all. 111. Roll Call Present: C Mr. Simmons Mr. Christino (a) C N m Ms. Kautenburg Ms. Kinchen C 0 p 1 ¢ Mc Carter Mr. Alvarez E Ms. Jordan (a) Q. Also Present: ca V� c Ms. Lisa Frazier, Community Development Director F rn Ms. Michelle Faulkner, Planner to � v m Ms. Dom Bosworth, Community Development Manager CU C Q Mr. Manny Anon, Jr., City Attorney N O CL n a C Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager CD N ¢ ¢ u, Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer Dr. Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board liaison, was not present. IV. Announcements and/or Aaenda Modifications Mr. Alvarez announced that this evening Mr. Christino and Ms. Jordan would be voting at this meeting. As an agenda modification, Mr. Alvarez requested moving Item IX — Accessory Structure Review — to between Items V and VI. Hearing no objection, Mr. Alvarez stated Agenda Item IX, New Business, will be heard after Item V. V. Aooroval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of February 17, 2022 Mr. Alvarez asked if all the Commissioners have had a chance to review the Minutes of the February 17, 2022 meeting. All indicated they had. There being no comments or corrections, Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Chris0no, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. New Business PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 2 MARCH 3, 2022 A. Accessory Structure Review — LDC Section 54-2-7.5 — 520 Concha Drive — 936 SF Detached Garage — Robert and Joy Cagle Mr. Alvarez called on the applicants to present their testimony. Ms. Joy Cagle spoke on behalf of the applicants. They are asking for approval of an accessory building, garage, on their property. The proposed building will be 936 square feet. She Identified the builder and reviewed the landscaping and that the building will be cement block, and the colors and roof will match the existing house. The building will be used to store vehicles, etc. Mr. Christino — Asked if this building will be the same elevation as the house. Ms. Cagle said it may be slightly lower, but there is no septic, etc. in that location. Mr. Christino asked if there would be plumbing in the building. Ms. Cagle said there will be only electric. Mr. Carter— . Asked regarding the additional considerations on the staff report as far as pulling a permit for the driveway and the culvert. He asked if they have already applied for that. Ms. Cagle stated the builder has applied for and gotten all the permits he needs. Mr. Carter also inquired as to the landscaping. Ms. Cagle stated that they have no objection to planting more trees if they are needed. They have several trees already on the lot, but they have no objection if they need to have more trees planted. Ms. Cagle stated there will be shrubs three feet apart surrounding the building and whatever other landscaping the City requires. Ms. Kautenburg -- Asked if there Is a unity of title. Ms. Faulkner said there is. Mr. Alvarez called on staff for their recommendation. Ms. Faulkner stated the proposed accessory structure is in compliance with the Code, and staff recommends approval with the two conditions listed in the Staff Report. There being no further questions/comments from the Commissioners, Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion approving construction of an accessory structure including the additional considerations as set forth in the staff report was made by Ms. Kinchen and seconded by Mr. Carter. Mr. Alvarez called for a roll call vote. Roll Call PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 3 MARCH 3, 2022 Ms. Jordan (a) — Yes Ms. Kinchen -- Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Christino (a) — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Mr. Simmons — Yes Vote was 7-0 In favor. Motion carries. At this time, Mr. Alvarez closed the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and opened the Local Planning Agency (LPA) Public Hearing Mr. Anon read the item into the record. VII. Local Plannino Acencv (LPA) Public Hearing A. Public Hearing — Recommendation to City Council — Ordinance 0-22-04 — Land Development Code — Definitions relating to junk, land use compatibility, industrial uses, classifications and definitions -- Code of Ordinances: Article III Sec. 86-46, 86-47. Land Development Code: Article IV Sec. 54-2-4.2; Article V Sec. 54-2-5.6, 54-2-5.7, and 54-2-5.13; Article VI Sec. 54-2-6.4; and Article XXII Sec, 54-5-22.2 Mr. Alvarez called on staff for their presentation. Ms. Frazier reviewed that the purpose of this hearing is to assure that the items that are being reviewed are in compliance or out of compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and she asked for that wording to be included In any motion recommending approval or disapproval to City Council. She reviewed in depth the Memorandum which sets forth Ordinance No. 0-22-4 and identified and explained the items to be considered this evening by the Commission. Definitions were addressed as set forth in Sec. 86-46. Ms. Frazier stated staff is recommending the wording "...or shall have only salvage value whereby parts thereof are kept and used for the replacement and repair of other motor vehicles" be stricken. She explained the reasoning for that recommendation. Ms. Frazier reviewed the Future Land Use Map chart. The only addition she recommends is, under Very Low Density Residential, RS-10 should also be included In that section, and she explained the reasoning for that recommendation. In addressing Sec. 54-2-5.6, Industrial District, changes are proposed that will tie it in with and make it compatible with the Heavy Industrial section, Section 64-2-6.7 was added. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 4 MARCH 3, 2022 There was a protracted discussion regarding the setbacks between industrial and residential zoning. Also discussed was the size of the acreage criteria for heavy industrial use. After discussion, it was agreed that the minimum size of the acreage should be changed from two acres to five acres for heavy industrial use. It was the consensus that the setbacks should be increased from 50 feet to 100 feet In heavy Industrial sites and 50 feet In Industrial sites. Ms. Frazier also explained the mixed -use land use, and that is compatible with all of the City's zoning except for single family, but the single family can be added in as part of the residential planned unit developments or as part of RM-6 or RM-10. Regarding Section 54-2-6.4, the wording included will read, "Applicable zoning districts. Recycling or materials recovery facilities shall be permitted as a conditional use within the following zoning districts: HI (Heavy Industrial)." Also included in this section, the lot size shall be a minimum of five acres, as well as stating that "No building shall be located closer than 100 feet to any property line abutting a residential district. In Section 54-5-22.2 — Definition of terms -- the definition of recycling shall be, "Any process, Including composting and mulching, In which solid waste or materials which would otherwise become solid waste, are collected, processed, reused, or returned to use in the form of raw materials or products." In Section 54-5-22.3 — Land Use Classifications — in Item 1 under Number (d), wording will be added. The last addition in that section shall include 'Research and development with or without manufacturing." Mr. Alvarez opened the public hearing. There was no public input on this agenda item. There being no further comments/questions on this Item, Mr. Alvarez called for a motion. A motion approving Ordinance 0-22-04 as being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and allowing all of the changes as set forth above was made by Ms. Kinchen and seconded by Mr. Carter. Mr. Alvarez called for a roll call vote. :ZSW- f Ms. Kinchen — Yes Mr. Alvarez — Yes Ms. Kautenburg — Yes Ms. Jordan — Yes Mr. Simmons -- Yes Mr. Carter -- Yes Mr. Christlno -- Yes Vote was 7-0 in favor. Motion carries. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 5 MARCH 3, 2022 At this point, Mr. Alvarez closed the Local Planning Agency hearing and reopened the Planning and Zoning meeting. VIII. Unfinished Business — None IX. Public Input — None X. Commissioners Matters Mr. Carter referred to the Accessory Structure Review this evening. He stated that there used to be a statement at the bottom "Staff Recommendations." There has no longer been that heading in the last several of these hearings. He was wondering why. Ms. Bosworth stated she will look into that. Mr. Alvarez recalled that in the past there was a group of people who came in who were trying to do something in the downtown area. He wonders whatever happened to that. He also brought up the condition of the streets In the City and how much dirt and debris exists along and in the streets. He recalls that in the past the City did have a street sweeper, but there does not appear to be one now. Ms. Frazier said that is something that should be looked into. There was also discussion that a street sweeper might not work well on the streets that do not have curb -and -gutter. Ms. Kautenburg stated that she thinks there Is going to be a problem on Main Street and the Increased train traffic. She described an experience she had recently when she got stopped on the train tracks because a car two cars in front of her had been stopped while waiting to turn left on Louisiana Avenue. She questioned whether there can be something done in that area so that traffic does not get held up on the tracks because of someone wanting to turn left onto Louisiana Avenue. She suggested that the traffic department take a look at maybe stopping that left turn onto Louisiana Avenue and directing traffic to an alternate route. She also brought up the question of the size of a shed that triggers when a permit is needed for an accessory structure. She stated that there is a proliferation of sheds that are very large in the City. She suggested that this situation needs to be looked into and possibly changed. Ms. Frazier agreed. Extended discussion was had on this subject. XI. Citv Attornev Matters — None XII. Staff Matters PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PAGE 6 MARCH 3, 2022 Ms. Bosworth reviewed that a month ago the "Private Property Element' was appended and added to the Comprehensive Plan. She stated that a copy of this element was supplied to each of the Commissioners this evening to be Inserted into their Comprehensive Plan. XIII. Adjournment There being no further business, Mr. Alvarez adjourned the meeting at 7:17 p.m. Un A Date: