DECEMBER 20, 2021
Call to Order — Chairperson Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledoe of Alleoiance was recited by all.
III. Roll Call
Mr. Renzi
Ms. White
Drumheller (a)
Mauro (a)
Also Present
Mr. Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director
Ms. Barbara Brooke -Reese, MIS Manager
Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer
IV. Meetino Chair Makes Announcements — None
Aaenda Modifications — None
VI. ADDroval of Minutes
Ms. Webster asked if there were any changes or additions to the Minutes of October 25,
2021 as presented. Hearing none, she called for a motion. A motion approving the
Minutes of October 25, 2021 as presented was made by Ms. Drumheller, seconded by
Mr. Denise, and approved unanimously via voice vote.
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Community Member Recognition Program
Mr. Benton reviewed what was discussed regarding this proposed program at recent
meetings. It was asked that he do some research and present to this Committee some
application options from other organizations and municipalities. He researched this and
found that some of the questions on those applications could be used by this Committee
to gather information following which a decision can be made on which questions should
be included in Sebastian's program. He asked for discussion on the applications he
provided to this Committee in order to make a decision on which questions should go
onto this Committee's application. Following that, he will have a draft of the application
put together and will present it at next month's meeting.
Ms. White favored the Town of Fairfax's application, and she gave her reasons why. She
also liked Paradise's. She asked if the candidates for the Sebastian program must be
residents of the City.
Mr. Denise also favored Fairfax's application. He added that this program will be a project
of the Parks and Recreation Department, and the candidates should be somehow linked
to the Parks and Recreation Department as a community volunteer rather than having to
be a citizen of the City.
Mr. Mauro concurred with Mr. Denise and Ms. White.
Mr. Agudelo agreed with the program, but he had not had a chance to look at the forms
from Mr. Benton.
Ms. Drumheller reviewed all the forms. She liked the Town of Fairfax's and discussed
some of the questions contained on that form. Regarding Oak Point, she liked the item
that discussed what to look for in an application. Canton had wording that the nominees
must be individuals, not a group, and she thinks that is Important. She also pointed to
item 6 on their form that says the nominees must have performed the services within the
past 24 months. She also liked the form that directed that the answers be limited to 250
words. She felt the Paradise form was short and to the point, which she liked.
Mr. Renzi stated that this proposed program is coming from Parks and Recreation, and
he believes the nominees should be associated somehow with the Parks and Recreation
Department. Mr. Benton reviewed what his idea of what this program should be and
asked the Committee for their input. He suggested naming the program "City of
Sebastian, Parks & Recreation Community Volunteer of the Year." That would link it to
the different anus of the Parks & Recreation Department such as athletics, special events,
people who assist with park cleanups, etc.
Ms. Webster favored the Oak Point application, as it was concise. Ms. White stated that
if the document calls for attachments, some people will not do that. Ms. Webster also
liked the Fairfax form.
Mr. Benton staled he will take everything that was discussed tonight into account and
come up with a sample at most two pages in length.
There was further discussion of whether only citizens of Sebastian could participate. It
was the consensus of the Committee that nominees be permitted if they do not live in
Sebastian, but they perform the volunteer work in the City. Mr. Benton suggested that it
does not have to be a resident of Sebastian, but someone who has made a difference or
had an impact within the Parks and Recreation realm of the City.
Mr. Benton stated that the procedure would be that all applications be submitted to his
clerical assistant. That person will compile all the Information for presentation to the
Committee. There will be a selection committee needed, and he suggested different ways
to select members of that committee. He will get the items that are being discussed
tonight organized and will present that information at next month's Committee meeting.
Vill. Public Inoul — None
IX. New Business
A. 2022 Meeting Calendar Review and Consideration
Mr. Benton attached a proposed meeting calendar for 2022 to the agenda packet (SEE
ATTACHED). Every meeting is the fourth Monday of the month with the exceptions of
October, November, and December. The reasons for those are: October will be early
voting, so the meeting has to be on the third Monday due to early voting; in November
and December, those dates run into the holidays. So those two months are also moved
to the third Monday of the month. Ms. White addressed the subject of canceling meetings
and stated she is okay with canceling a meeting if there is nothing to discuss. Mr. Benton
staled his philosophy Is that he tries not to cancel back-to-back meeting months. He
bases his decisions on what he has for unfinished or new business. Ms. Webster called
for a motion. A motion accepting the proposed meeting calendar for 2022 was made by
Mr. Denise, seconded by Ms. White, and approved unanimously via voice vole.
X. Staff Matters
A. Current Project(s) Update
Mr. Benton updated the following projects:
Blossom and George Street Playground Replacements -- As of last week, the
updated timeline on shipping those playgrounds to the installation companies is early to
mid -January. That could change, because he has gotten several updates, and each
update pushes the date back further and further. That is completely out of his control.
Tentative timeline is late January to early February for installation of those playgrounds
according to the most recent update. He did have staff go out about two weeks ago and
remove the playground equipment at Blossom Park. That playground was already closed
down due to safety concerns. The swing set was retained. In George Street Park, that
playground will be removed sometime after the first of the year depending on the timeline
for that installation company and manufacturer. That playground can still be used, as it
is not a safety concern.
He brought up the subject of park improvement monies, which amounts to $20,000.00
allocated to this Committee on an annual basis for unbudgeted park improvements. He
explained how this program works and how the monies are divided among the parks.
1. He stated that at the Blossom Park staff removed the existing fence. A
lot of that fence was deteriorated. He asked the Committee to discuss using some
of the money to replace that fencing. The work can be done in house. The fencing
and materials that are needed for that playground will have to be purchased. He
stated the fence would be around the playground area and the swing set, and it
would be a chain -link fence with a gate because of the close proximity of the
playground to the pond. The estimate for that project is $2,500.00 to $3,000.00
for the fencing materials. That will come out of the $20,000.00.
2. The second item is at Blossom Park and George Street. After looking at
both those parks, ADA accessibility should be improved to those playgrounds.
They both need concrete parking spaces and a five -foot -wide sidewalk from the
parking spot all the way to the entrance to the playground. That project will cost in
the realm of $5,000.00 total for both. The work can be done in-house, but the
concrete will have to be purchased.
Mr. Benton estimated those two projects would total approximately $8,000.00. Ms.
Webster called for a motion on the above projects. A motion allocating money out of the
$20,000.00 park improvement fund to erect a fence at Blossom Park to make it safer for
the children, and that both Blossom Park and George Street Park have ADA accessibility
consisting of at least one handicapped parking space and a five -foot -wide sidewalk up to
the entrance to the equipment was made by Ms. Drumheller, seconded by Mr. Agudelo,
and approved unanimously via voice vote.
Baseball Dugout Project — This project has been lengthy. Both field 4 dugouts were
removed last week, so the progress on those dugouts will be started. He is hoping to
have the concrete delivered during the second week In January. Once that comes in,
staff will continue to finish those dugouts.
Barber Street Complex -- Staff completed the annual rye grass overseed project at the
athletic fields as part of the Integrated Pest Management Plan. Last year, only the
baseball infields were done. This year, the entire field was done as well as the multi-
purpose field and both football fields. The fields look beautiful right now.
Staff Reconfiguration — The staff was reorganized so that the existing Park Supervisor
became the Special Events Coordinator and a Maintenance Worker. So he is handling
special events, and he is also doing maintenance work with Parks & Rec and at the
airport. An in-house employee was promoted to Park Supervisor. There has been a
great deal of work being done by the Maintenance Department, and the improvements
can readily be seen.
Garden Club Cleanup — That is a priority, and that will be started soon. Some dead
palm trees will be removed, and the area around the pond will be cleaned up.
Fence Replacement at Barber Street Basketball Courts — The fencing has been
ordered, and the existing fence will be removed when the new fencing comes in.
Sebastian Senior Activity Center Operations — Effective January 1s', 2022 the City
will assume responsibility of the Senior Center operations. The local citizen organization
started the Center from scratch and operated it for at least 10 years. It was decided after
10 years to cancel the lease agreement with the City. They had some difficulty getting a
new board, etc. At the last City Council meeting Council agreed to cancel the lease and
the City would take over the Centers operations. It will be a quick transition for staff, and
they will try to cause minimal disruptions to the Centers current schedule. The Center
will continue its operations as they are until a more definite plan is put in place as to how
the City will oversee it.
B. Halloween Event and Christmas Parade Review
He thanked everyone who came out and helped with the Halloween event. Staff fell it
was a success as well as Committee members. He asked for comments about ways to
Regarding the Christmas Parade, this was the first year that the City took over the
operation of the parade. A group of volunteers ran the parade in the past, and they are
no longer involved. With the help of the Chamber of Commerce, it was put on and was a
success with approximately 55 entries. There were over 600 people walking in the
parade, and there were a lot of onlookers on Indian River Drive. He also called for
comments/suggestions from the Committee.
C. Uocomina Events at Riverview Park
He began this process at the last meeting, and he intends to review it at every Committee
• The first event is the Chamber Concert in the Park, which will be held on Friday,
January 7d', beginning at 5:30 p.m.
• January 8d is the Sebastian Craft Club from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• The Annual Fine Arts and Music Festival will lake place Saturday, January 151'
from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday January 16'4 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00
• Barb Snows Third Annual Sweet Tea Sip -and -Stroll will be Saturday, January22nd
from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, January23' from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
This is not a City -sponsored event. It is a park rental.
• Sebastian River Art Club on Saturday, January 2911 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
XI. Board or Committee Member Matters
Ms. White asked if the City is involved with Light -Up Night. Mr. Benton stated no. The
Chamber of Commerce puts that on with some of the City's staff helping. Ms. White
staled the traffic control this year was tremendous. It was much safer for people crossing
the roads. Mr. Benton stated he would pass that info on.
Mr. Denise commended Mr. Benton and his staff for the fantastic job they do in Sebastian.
Ms. White asked how the cameras are working out in the parks. Mr. Benton said there is
still a bit of vandalism at some of the parks, especially at the restrooms. The restrooms
are now locked early in some spots. He said that the majority of the restrooms do slay
open until 9:30 p.m., the reason being that people are walking on the trails and sidewalks
during the evening and early in the morning.
Mr. Renzi also commended Mr. Benton for the great job he is doing here in Sebastian. It
has never looked better, and he is grateful for what Mr. Benton is doing and has done.
Mr. Benton thanked him and said it is a real testament to his staff for what they do.
Ms. Drumheller stated she has nothing but good things to say. She frequents a lot of the
City parks, and they look great. She said that Mr. Benton's department should be
commended for how dedicated they are, and that only happens with good leadership.
Ms. Webster agreed with everything the other members said and thanked Mr. Benton for
everything he and his department do. She asked if the splash pad is open. Mr. Benton
said it is open, and there is not as much water being lost.
There were best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays by everyone.
XII. Items for the Next Agenda and Date: January 241h, 2022
XIII. Adiournment
There being no further business, Ms. Webster adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m.
B Date: 1-
Ann Webster, Chairperson I /