HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-16-2022 BAC Agenda�MCF HOME & PELICAN ISLAND SEBASTIAN BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA 6:00 P.M. MONDAY - MAY 16, 2022 CITY HALL 1225 MAIN STREET a. Call to Order b. Pledge of Allegiance c. Roll Call d. Approval of Minutes: Meeting of February 14, 2022 e. Review of Second Quarter Financial Report — FY 2022 f. Announce Next Meeting Date (Monday, July 11, 2022) g. General Discussion by Members h. Public Comments i. Adjourn Agenda Attachments: Minutes for Meeting of February 14, 2022 Second Quarter Financial Report — FY 2022 ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENSE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARS. (F.S.286.0905) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITYS ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. ZOOM INFORMATION Please click the link below to join the webinar: httDs:Hus02web.zoom.us/l/82771156580 Or One tap mobile: US: +13126266799„82771156580# or +19294362866„82771156580# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 827 7115 6580 International numbers available: httos://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcf4rhiavc CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2022 Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. II. Pledge of AIIeQiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Cerda Mr. Hall Mr. Newhart Ms. Reed (a) Mr. Hoffman Mr. McGinn Mr. Napier Excused Mr. Wilson Mr. Sullivan (a) Also Present: Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO Cindy Watson, Human Resources Director Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom) IV. Introduction of Members (Name and Appointee): • Larry Napier • Bruce Hoffman • Harry Hall • Terry McGinn • Rex Wilson • Amber Cerda • Dave Newhart • James Sullivan • Grace Reed Council Member Dodd Mayor Hill Vice -Mayor Jones Council Member McPartlan Council Member Nunn At -Large Member by Vote of Council At -Large Member by Vote of Council Alternate Member by Vote of Council Alternate Member by Vote of Council Chairperson Napier asked the new members to introduce themselves, those being Ms. Reed and Mr. McGinn. Both introduced themselves and gave a little background. Mr. Napier announced that alternate member Ms. Reed will be voting tonight in place of Mr. Wilson. V. Selection of Chairperson CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 2022 Mr. Napier called for nominations. Mr. Hoffman nominated Mr. Napier for Chairperson, which was seconded by Mr. McGinn. Mr. Hill nominated Mr. Hoffman, to which there was no second. There being no further nominations, Mr. Napier called for a vote. Per unanimous voice vote, Mr. Napier will serve as Chairperson for the new year VI. Selection of Vice -Chairperson Mr. Napier called for nominations. Mr. Hall nominated Ms. Cerda for Vice -Chairperson, which was seconded by Ms. Reed. There being no further nominations for Vice - Chairperson, Mr. Napier called for a vote. Per unanimous voice vote, Ms. Cerda will serve as Vice -Chairperson for the new year VII. Ac)raroval of Minutes: Meetinq of August 16. 2021 Mr. Napier asked if all Committee members had reviewed the Minutes of August 16, 2021. All indicated they had. Mr. Killgore stated he has a correction. On the first page under the section "Not Present," Mr. Wilson as listed as unexcused. That was an error. Mr. Wilson did advise Mr. Killgore prior to the meeting that he would not be present. That should be listed as an excused absence. Mr. Napier called for a motion with the change as above. A motion approving the August 16, 2021 Minutes with the change noted above was made by Ms. Cerda, seconded by Mr. Mr. Newhart, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Mr. Hoffman asked that Mr. Killgore provide the Committee members with his opinion as to Mr. Napier's question that he asked at the August meeting on using impact fees for capital improvements at the golf course. Mr. Killgore stated that his personal opinion is that the golf course is a recreation facility along the same lines as Barber Street, Schumann Park, etc. Mr. Hoffman clarified his question by asking if those impact fees can be used for maintenance projects or only capital improvements. Mr. Killgore stated they can only be used for improvements that add to the capacity of the facility. Vill. Review of Fourth Quarterly Report Mr. Killgore reviewed the report (SEE ATTACHED) for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021. He highlighted that revenues came in at 1.5% higher than budgeted, and expenditures were only 92.5%. As a result, there was an increase in the fund balance for last year. He reviewed the stormwater, golf course, airport, and building funds. He drew attention to the Stormwater Summary where there is listed "Funding Carryovers." He stated it was an error listing Canal Improvements, as that is not funded from stormwater fees. This would mean that the Net Available Funds would be approximately $934,000.00 versus the projection of $719,000.00. What were projected for the airport and the building funds were both higher than what had been budgeted. The golf course is in a better situation than it was at the start of last year. Also reviewed were CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 2022 the capital projects as of September 30, 2021. He explained that there are three accounts where the City funds are kept, and he reviewed the balances in each. Seacoast National holds the majority of the funds, with lesser amounts with the State Board of Administration and the Florida Trust. Mr. Killgore asked for questions or comments from the Committee members. Mr. McGill — • Drew attention to the Police Department report. The heading reads the period covered as 2020, and he suggested it should be 2021. Mr. Killgore agreed that it should have been 2021. That is just a typo. Mr. McGinn said it is also stated the same way in the first quarter of 2022. Mr. Killgore will make those corrections. Mr. Hoffman — • Referred to the General Summary on the first page. Regarding the intergovernmental funds of approximately $800,000.00, he asked if that is all COVID relief money. Mr. Killgore explained that when the budget for intergovernmental funds was established last year, the City had already been affected by reductions in state revenue sharing and sales tax. It was not nearly as bad as he had anticipated. • Asked for clarification regarding the entry of non -departmental expenditures being so far under budget. Mr. Killgore said he would review the details of this entry and send an email to everyone explaining that. • Asked if the golf course will ever repay the General Fund. The answer was yes, but there is no definite timeline. Mr. Killgore stated the golf course is steadily paying down the amount that was borrowed from the Building Fund. IX. Review of First Quarterly Report Mr. Killgore reviewed the report (SEE ATTACHED) and plans to present it to City Council at Council's meeting of February. 23rd. He pointed out that there have been some adjustments made to the budget mostly in order to carry forward funds from the unfinished projects from last year, and he explained each one. There was discussion regarding contribution to the Police Pension Fund. Mr. Killgore updated the reimbursement for Hurricane Matthew. The amount of $99,972.00 has been approved out of the $143,000.00, and that was collected at the beginning of this fiscal year. The balance of $43,000.00 has progressed to the last step of actually processing the payment to the City. There is $80,000.00 that was paid to the City by mistake on Hurricane Matthew which he is holding in the General Fund as a liability account. He anticipates that sometime in the future it will need to be returned. X. Review Budciet Calendar and Discuss Next Meeting Date -- Mav 16, 2022 CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 2022 Mr. Napier asked for questions/comments on the budget calendar. It was the consensus that the proposed budget calendar was acceptable. XI. General Discussion by Members wmmeimm • Asked what the CRA stands for. Mr. Killgore stated it is the Community Redevelopment Agency which basically covers the area of the City between the river and US1 except for one small area along State Route 512 (Sebastian Boulevard). • Asked if the project regarding Fisherman's Landing is on schedule. Mr. Killgore stated that that project will be done with all budgeted funds, so it is on schedule. An engineering report is still needed on the Crab E Bill's building. Mr. Hall — • Inquired regarding the balance of funds. Mr. Killgore clarified what is included, and he feels comfortable in taking $35,000.00 off that balance and making a payment on the money that the golf course owes. He also stated that the City is projected to stay above the $5,000,000.00 in reserves. • Inquired as to how much the difference was between the 4% and the 3% increase in wages. Mr. Killgore said the extra 1 % was approximately $78,000.00. 8Xll3111i:.•7"tif;� Asked regarding the American Rescue funds, if that will impact the current year's budget or next year's budget. Mr. Killgore reviewed that there have been a couple workshops for the public on that. He has not yet gone back to City Council with some of the suggestions that came out at those meetings. The only possibility that it will impact the City is that some of the projects that have already been budgeted, such as stormwater, the DST funds could be shifted out of the American Rescue funds. He does not see it as being anything that would negatively affect the General Fund. It may actually help as far as the capital program. Stated that he thought Mr. Killgore had stated last year that the City was going with the new constitutional amendment to increase the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. He asked if all the employees of the City were taken up to $15.00. Mr. Killgore stated that is a gradual plan, and it did not have to be done all at once. Ms. Watson stated that currently it is $13.46, and the City has a few years to get to the $15.00 mark. Mr. Killgore recalls that he had said it would be a gradual increase to get to $15.00. Ms. Watson stated the City is waiting to receive the compensation study from the consultants. Whatever that study shows, the City will then implement the plan. Mr. Hoffman said he had apparently misunderstood. Asked regarding the contract discussions. He recalls that they were not settled as of this Committee's last meeting. Mr. Killgore stated that this is the last year of the three-year contract. So the City will need to negotiate in this fiscal year for the CITIZENS BUDGET REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 2022 contract beginning next year. Mr. Killgore stated that will be for both the police and the other City employees. • Asked how the audit is going. Mr. Killgore stated he just corresponded with the auditors today, and they are promising that within a week or two the audit will be complete. Mr. Hoffman asked if that includes the CRA audit. Mr. Killgore said there is a separate audit for the CRA, and there will continue to be a separate audit according to the statute. Ms. Cerda — • Asked Mr. Killgore regarding his review of the fourth quarterly report. He stated he had something to present regarding the Florida Trust. Mr. Killgore said on page i-13 of the agenda packet of the December report regarding investments, he noted that Florida Trust for October -November -December the Florida Trust account actually lost an annualized rate of 2.38%. This is the smallest piece of the City's investments. Florida Trust invests in government securities that are longer term. He stated he is concerned about that and will be tracking it. Over the last three years, an annualized return from the original $500,000.00 to what it is now would have been a positive 2.19%. XII. Public Comments -- None XIII. Adiourn There being no further business, Mr. Napier adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. in j9 Date: CROF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA TRANSMITTAL FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 25, 2022 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution Accepting the 2nd Quarter Financial Report and Recognizing Necessary Amendments and Adjustments to the FY 2021-2022 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Resolution R-22-03. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City financial policies, budget reviews and any necessary adjustments are presented to the City Council quarterly. A capital project status report, investment report and accomplishments are also included. Formal approval by City Council was already given for adjustments using the General Fund R&R Account to replace a Police Patrol vehicle and the security system at the Airport gate. We also were approved to use CRA Reserves for a forensic test and analysis at Crab E Bills. Other approved adjustments included an FAA Grant for Airport improvements; Grant and tenant funding for office space at Hangar "C"; using American Rescue Plan funds for the Concha Dam project; and using American Rescue Plan funds for employee retention payments. Formal approval by City Council is needed for the use of the General Fund R&R Account for repairs to Police Department's east exit gate; replacement of the fountain at Easy Street Park; and for replacing the lights in the Senior Center. In accordance with the authority given by the Annual Budget Resolution, the City Manager approved other budget transfers between accounts within Departments and authorized adjustments that were necessary to implement programs, projects and expenditures that were previously authorized by the City Council. Thus, the City Manager's adjustments included budget changes within his $15,000 spending authority, adjustments between budget accounts within the same departments, as well as adjustments to closeout certain capital projects. The above adjustments are listed in Exhibit "A" that is an attachment to the Resolution. If Aqenda Item Requires Expenditure of Funds: Budgeted Amount: As per Exhibit "A" of the Resolution Total Cost: N/A Funds to Be Utilized for Appropriation: N/A Attachments: 1. Resolution R-22-03 and Attachment "A" 2 2nd Quarter Financial Report, including Capital Project Status, Investments/Loans and Accomplishments Administrative Services Department Review: City Attorney Review: Procurement Division Review, if applicable: City Manager Authorization: Date: RESOLUTION NO. R-22-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA RECOGNIZING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AS PROVIDED FOR IN EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an analysis of the revenues and expenditures for the three (3) months that ended on March 31, 2022 indicated budget adjustments requiring formal approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and City Manager previously approved any other necessary amendments and adjustments and these should be reported in accordance with the Annual Budget Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The budget of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022 has been amended and adjusted as necessary within the quarter ending March 31, 2022; a summary of such amendments and adjustments being attached hereto and more particularly identified as Exhibit "A"; the revised appropriations, if any, are set out therein and are recognized as having been made to maintain and carry on the government of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. Section 2. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, without need of further action of the City Council by filing a corrected copy of same with the City Clerk. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. It was moved for adoption by Councilmember The motion was seconded by Councilmember vote was as follows: Mayor Jim Hill Vice -Mayor Fred Jones Councilmember Ed Dodd Councilmember Bob McPartlan Councilmember Christopher Nunn and, upon being put to a vote, the The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 25"' day of May 2022. ATTEST: Jeanette Williams, MMC City Clerk CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA Mayor Jim Hill Approved as to form and legality for the reliance by the City of Sebastian only: Manny Anon City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" OF RESOLUTION R-22-03 SUMMARY OF BUDGET CHANGES FOR THE QUARTER ENDED March 31, 2022 ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment Vehicles ,& Equipment $29,675 _,$60,338 $60,01.3 01/12/22 Approved Ford Hybrid purchase Appropriated_from R&R_A______ccount_________________ $462,895 ________($60,338)______ ($523,233) to replace Caprice with engine failure_____ Maintenance Expense $20,000 $30,000 - $50,000 01/12/22 Approved using CRA Reserves Appropriated_ from CRA_Reserves ________($287,216) ........ ($30,000)....... ($317,216) for Crab E_Bills forensic test and analvsis__ Infrastructure $757,409 $19,723 $777,132 12/15/21 Approved replacement of Appropriated from R&R Account ____ ($523-- ) ........ ($19,723)....... ($542,956) obsolete security_ system_ for Airport gates. R&M -_Buildings _ Vehicles & Equipment _ $0 - $0 $23,898 $4,963 $23,898 $4,963 01/12/22 Approved accepting an Airport Infrastructure_ $0 $3,139 $3,139 Rescue Grant from the FAA that can be _ _ _w w _ Airport Rescue Grant ------------------------------------� = --------($32,000)---- - ($32,000) used for improvements. - Buildi gs $0 t70,000 _ $70,000 ------------------------------------------- 11/10/21 Approved Grant forconstructing FDOT Grant $0 ($35,000) ($35,000) office space at Hangar "C°. Grant to cover Contributions & Donations $0_ AS35,000) ($35,000)_one-half and tenant to pay the other. ------------------------------------------------- Infrastructure $400,000 _ ----- $300,000 _ $700,000 03/09/22 Approved using American Appropriated from American Rescue Plan $0 ($700,000) ($700,000) Rescue Plan funds for the Concha Dam FEMA Grant ($300,000) $300,000 $0 project to not rely on a FEMA Grant and Approp(ated_ from Stormwater Reserves ($976,190) $100,000 ($876,190) - spend Stormwater Reserves to match it.. ----------------------------------------- Employee Retention Payments _. _..__ $0 $481,012 $481,012 03/09/22 Approved using American Appropriated from American Rescue Plan $700,6ob) ($481,012) ($1,181,012) Rescue Plan for Emplo;iee Payments. ADJUSTMENTS BEING SUBMITTED FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Change Reason for Adjustment R&M --Buildings $49,674 $41702 $54,376 Uses R&R Reserve for Unexpected repairs Appropriated from R&R Account ($542,956) -$0 ____ ($4,_702) ($547,658) to Police Department east exit gate__ Improvements Other Than Buildings $6,962 $6,962 Uses R&R Reserve for replacement of Appropriated_ from R&R Account __________($547,658) ($6,962) ($554,620) fountain for Easy Street Park. R&M - Buildings -... .. $9,800 $2,463 _ $12,263 Uses R&R Reserve for replacing lights in Appropriation from R&R Account ($554,620) ($2,463) ($557,083 the Senior Center. ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY MANAGER: Budget Before Budget Budget After Project/Account Change Adjustment Chan-qe Reason for Adjustment [Improvements Other Than Buildings $0 _ $1,850 _ $1,850 Adjustment to apply donated funds from the Contributions and Donations ---- ----- ---- ---- - -- - -- - --- -- $0 ----- --- - -- - ($1,850) - -- -- - -- --- - ($1,850) - - ----- -- Shrimp Fests to Riverview Park improvements as per the Event Agreement_ Improvements Other Than Buildings _ $6,962 $3,128 $10,090 Adjustment to apply donated funds from the Contributions and Donations _______________($3,000) t$3,128) �$6,128) Little League for_new BSSC scoreboard. Professional Services $37,410 $25,000 $62,410 Uses signing bonus from Cellco tower lease Nontaxable Rents ($25,000) ($135,000) to cover expenses to Baldrige Group. ------------------------------ __ Infrastructure __($110,000) $0 $2 500 $2.500 Creates budget accounts for project to FAA Grant _ _... _ .... $0 ($2,250) �$2,250� provide an independent fee estimate for P P FDOT Grant __........................_._.._$0._._...._._._._._._...._.__........($125) ........ _. .................. -._...($125) designing the work needed for the Appropriated_from DST Reserves ............. ($6,719,125) ........... ($125) ($6,719,250) rehabilitation work on Runway 05/23_ Airport Management Fee Revenue (-„ $2 ?,04Ei) -$38 005 __($104,041) Adjustment to reflect hiring an Airport Facilities Maintenance Pay &Benefits 91 676 ($38 005) $253,671 Manager paid directly by the Airport rather AirportFund Pay &Benefits $69,430 $38,005 $104,435 than reimbursing General Fund for a portion Services Provided by General Fund $142,046 ($38,905) $104,041 of the Facilities Director pay & benefits. CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT SECOND QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 2022 SUMMARY THE SECOND QUARTER FOR GENERAL FUND ENDED WITH 61.1 % OF TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUES RECEIVED AS A RESULT OF HIGHER COLLECTIONS OF AD VALOREM TAXES. PAYMENTS OF THE ANNUAL POLICE PENSION AND CRA CONTRIBUTIONS RESULTED IN DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BEING 53.9% AFTER ONLY 50% OF THE YEAR HAS PAST. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Beginning Balance $ $ 6,689,795 Ad Valorem Taxes 4,701,435 4,344,214 92.4% Franchise Fees 1,418,581 567,955 40.0% UtilityTaxes 3,262,083 1,209,120 37.1% Hurricane Recoveries - 146,677 0.0% Intergovernmental 3,113,075 1,402,949 45.1% Charges for Service 733,645 406,558 55.4%B Licenses and Other 485,478 321,557 66.2%d Transfers From Other Funds 35,000 0.0% Total Revenues $ 13,749,297 $ 8,399,030 61.1% From Fund Balance 555,566 - 0.0% Total Sources 5 14,304,853 8,399,030 58.7% City Council 60,500 24,980 41.3% City Manager 333,616 152,312 45.7% City Clerk 282,724 159,920 56.6% City Attorney 211,922 94,604 44.6% Admin Services 757,755 393,874 52.0% MIS Division 597,680 308,244 51.6%D Police Department 6,809,493 3,778,598 55.5% Roads and Drainage 1,104,726 512,025 46.3% Public Facilities 899,064 505,288 56.2% Leisure Services 1,280,274 571,272 44.6% Community Dev. 573,916 241,802 42.1% Non -Departmental 1,393,193 962,541 69.1% Total Expenditures $ 14,304,863 $ 7,705,460 53.9% Unappropriated - nla Total Uses $ 14,304,863 $ 7,705,460 53.9% Ending Unappropriated Fund Balance $ 7,383,365 LAST YEAR, WE RECEIVED ONE-HALF OF THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDING. WE EXPECT THE OTHER HALF IN MAY 2022. ON MARCH 9T", THE CITY COUNCIL AGREED TO APPLY THOSE FUNDS TO THE ITEMS LISTED. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUND Budget YTD % Beginning Fund Balance $ • $ 1,718,263 ARPA Grant 1,666,064 - 0.0% Sale of Fixed Assets nla Interest 5,000 1,978 39.6% Total Revenues 5 1,671,064 5 1,978 01"1 From Fund Balance 1,718,263 - 0.0% Total Sources c 3,389,327 5 1,720,241 5e.60 Employee Retention Pay 481,012 481,012 100.0% Gardenia Ditch 750,000 - 0.0% Schumann Drive 750,000 0.0% Concha Dam 700,000 0.0% Roadwork 500,000 0.0% ConOngency 208,315 0.0% Total Uses 3,389,327 S 481,012 14.2% Ending Fund Balance c 1,239,229 Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues 1,669,086 Additional Expenditures (2,908,316) 9130122 Projected Available Funds 5 General Fund Revenue 5,000 OAdItsted Budget Wearto Date 4,000 A 3,000 0 r 2,000 4 1,000 Fe0 4'Ps Jes ems\ F oill A J General Fund Expenditures s.soo 4,500 3,500 �s°° a,s°o 500 Mr MW w! WII p the ,,�' ,ba" et" a8e �&' 8s W G� CIA�� �C � RAc I�`�`'��ep �aA�` �6���� �e '�yo c Pa Pp° N° THE ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES SHOWN BELOW ASSUME ALL THE REMAINING DEPARTMENT BUDGETS WILL BE SPENT. TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES ARE NORMALLY AT LEAST 4% BELOW BUDGET, SO WE SHOULD BE CLOSE TO THE LEVEL OF RESERVES PROJECTED FOR THE END OF THE YEAR. GENERAL FUND BALANCE FORECAST Fund Balance R&R Account Beginning Reserves 10101121 $ 6,414,795 S 275,000 Year to Date Revenue 8,399,030 Fund BalancelR&R Changes to Date: Unfinished 2021 Projects (379,993) Replaced Main Street Lift Station (4,820) Adjusted 4%D vs.3% Raises (78,083) Replaced Police Cruiser (60,338) Replaced A/P Gate Security System (19,723) Police Gate Repairs (4,702) Replaced Easy Street Park Fountain (6,962) Replaced Senior Center Lights (2,463) Year to Date Uses 5 (458,076) S (99,008) Other Expenditures (7,148,376) Current Reserves $ 7,207,373 $ 175,992 Expected Changes to Year End: Additional Revenues 5,350,267 - Additional Expenditures (6,599,403) - Ending Reserves 5 5,958,237 5 175,992 Adjust R&R to $275,000 (99,008) 99,008 Adjusted Reserves 5 5,859,229 5 275,000 Assigned Funds * (965,002) - Net Unassigned Reserves $ 4,894,227 5 275,000 Total Projected Reserves $ 5,169,227 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 5,847,204 * Assigned Funds include Inventories, Prepaids and Golf Course Loan. CITY OF SEBASTIAN QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT SECOND QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 2022 SUMMARY YEAR END AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE STORMWATER FUND GOLF COURSE ENDING RESOURCES ARE PROJECTED TO SHOULD EXCEED AMOUNTS PROJECTED WITH THE FY2022 EQUAL AMOUNTS PROJECTED WITH THE FY2022 BUDGET. BUDGET. WITH THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN AND GRANT WE HAVE RECORDED $254,729 MORE REVENUE THE FIRST FUNDING, WE HOPE TO COVER MOST OF THE OTHER TWO QUARTERS THAN RECORDED LAST YEAR. PROJECTS TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE MASTER PLAN. GOLF FUND StMMARY STORMWATER FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Budget YTD Beginning Fund Balance $ $ 1,718,Y63 Stormwater Fees 1,952,000 1,827,767 Sale of Fixed Assets Interest Total Revenues $ From Fund Balance Total Sources $ Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Transfer to Capital Projects Total Uses $ Ending Fund Balance $ Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues Additional Expenditures Additional Capital Outlay Transfers to Capital Projects 9130122 Projected Available Funds Projected in 2022 Budget 4,244 1,956,444 $ 876,190 2,832,434 $ 1,811,581 226,374 794,479 2,832,434 $ 3,776 1,831,543 3,549,806 695,416 129,601 57,125 882,142 2,667,664 124,701 (1,116,165) (96,773) (737,354) 842,073 564,277 % Beginning Resources Charges for Service 93.6% Rent n1a Miscellaneous 89.0% Total Revenues From Fund Balance 93.6% Pro Shop Sales 0.0% Pro Shop Purchases 125.3% Sales vs. Cost of Sales Total Sources 38.4% 57.3% Operating Expenses 7 2% Ditch Drainage Work Can Loan Payments 31.1% Total Operating Expense General Fund Payment Building Fund Payment Total Uses Total Ending Resources Expected Change to Year End: Additional Sources Additional Uses 9130122 Projected Resources Projected in 2022 Budget S 1,397,655 30,001 8,660 1,436,316 27,551 110,000 (65,000) 45,000 1,573,867 $ 1,426,091 $ 25,000 $ 51,691 1,502,782 35,000 36,085 1,573,867 $ . g (565,341) 1,117,952 15,000 7,075 1,140,027 71,959 (44,696) 27,263 1,167,290 754,165 32,894 787,059 18,042 805,101 (203,152) 406,577 (768,766) $ (565,341) $ (567,034) 80.0% 50.0% 81.7% 79.4% n/a 65.4% 68.8% 60.6% 74.2% 52,9% nla 63.6% 52.4% nla 50.0% 5I21;a PROJECTED RESOURCES FOR THE AIRPORT EXCEED THE BUILDING FUND PROJECTED ENDING RESOURCES EXCEED AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 BUDGET. THE AMOUNTS ASSUMED WHEN ADOPTING THE FY2022 THE AMOUNTS OF BEGINNING AND PROJECTED ENDING BUDGET. THIS EXCLUDES THE CALCULATED AMOUNT OF RESOURCES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO EXCLUDE THE THE STATE MANDATED REBATE WHICH WE RECORD AS LIABILITY FOR THE DST LOAN, WHICH WAS $518,506 AT BEING PAYABLE AND THE $1,144,593 LONG-TERM ADVANCE OCTOBER 1ST OF THIS YEAR. DUE FROM THE GOLF COURSE. AIRPORT FUND SUMMARY BUILDING FUND SUMMARY Budget YTD % Budget YTD Beginning Resources $ . $ 489,170 Beginning Resources $ • $ 1,426,020 Rents 545,759 275,345 50.5% Licenses and Permits 969,700 592,737 Investment Income 720 (20) -2.8% Charges for Service 20,800 16,909 Miscellaneous 82,753 43,417 52.5% Fines and Forfeits 6,000 2,136 Total Revenues 629,232 318,742 50.7% Miscellaneous 40,091 3,696 From Fund Balance 38,369 0.0% Golf Fund Loan Payments 36,085 18,042 Total Sources $ 667,601 $ 807,912 Total Revenues 1,072,676 633,520 Operating Expenses 432,537 240,674 55.6% From Fund Balance 170,240 DST Fund Loans 36,500 0.0% Total Sources 1,242,916 633,520 Capital Outlay 6,765 1,920 28.4a/a Operating Expenses 1,126,916 483,063 Transfers for Projects 37,505 0.0% Capital Outlay 116,000 Total Uses $ 513,307 $ 242,594 47.3% Total Uses $ 1,242,916 $ 483,063 Total Ending Resources 154,294 $ 565,318 Total Ending Resources $ 1,576,477 Expected Change to Year End: Expected Change to Year End: Additional Revenues 310,490 Additional Revenues 439,156 Addditional Uses (270,713) Additional Uses (759,853) 9130122 Projected Resources $ 605,095 9130122 Projected Resources $ 1,255,780 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 362,049 Projected in 2022 Budget $ 957,104 % 61.1 % 81.3% 35,6% 9.2% 50.0% 59.1 % 0.0% 51.0% 42.9% 0.0% 38.9% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 03/31/22 201812019 201912020 202012021 202112022 2021/2022 2021/2022 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GENERALFUND TAXES -5,268,303 -5,303,645 -6,022,157 -6,121,289 -9,382,099 65.24% LICENSES & PERMITS -108,685 -109,768 -107,947 -114,966 -170,350 67.49% INTERGVT'L REVENUE -1,603,158 -1,237,232 -1,238,720 -1,549,626 -3,113,075 49.78% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -304,731 -295,108 -376,017 -406,558 -733,645 55.42% FINES AND FORFEITS -19,096 -37,112 -19,028 -62,843 -50,900 123.46% MISC. REVENUE -214,811 -231,931 -80,357 -143,748 -264,228 54.40% TRANSFERS IN -20,000 -12,500 -75,000 0 -35,000 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -555,566 0.00% GENERAL FUND REVENUE -7,538,784 -7,227,295 -7,919,225 -8,399,030 -14,304,863 58.71% CITY COUNCIL 21,659 24,004 23,499 24,980 60,500 41.29% CITY MANAGER 135,781 127,779 132,156 152,312 333,616 45.65% CITY CLERK 91,958 125,325 100,629 159,920 282,724 56.56% CITY ATTORNEY 53,049 94,607 88,179 94,604 211,922 44.64% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 347,667 356,680 338,310 393,874 757,755 51.98% M.I.S. DIVISION 220,172 267,227 271,864 308,244 597,680 51.57% POLICE ADMINISTRATION 463,006 590,289 450,813 486,894 964,718 50,47% POLICE PATROL 1,909,615 1,898,147 1,956,988 2,173,231 3,777,594 57.53% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 86,393 89,775 88,225 104,627 201,223 52.00% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 413,854 590,942 593,063 675,986 1,189,905 56.81% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 285,093 292,670 259,753 337,859 676,053 49.98% ROADS AND DRAINAGE 426,487 493,277 445,165 512,025 1,104,726 46.35% CENTRAL GARAGE 124,363 95,827 98,721 114,802 231,094 49.68% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 184,335 260,104 277,316 319,417 533,659 59.85% LEISURE SERVICES 532,479 508,705 460,025 571,272 1,280,274 44.62% CEMETERY 85,938 85,807 115,772 71,069 134,311 52.91% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 165,213 262,963 234,387 241,802 573,916 42.13% NON -DEPARTMENTAL 673,443 641,599 682,272 962,541 1,393,193 69.09% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 6,220,507 6,805,725 6,617,136 7,705,460 14,304,863 53.87% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX TAXES -294,020 -306,905 -299,794 -309,916 -735,600 42.13% INTERGVT'L REVENUE 0 0 0 0 -14,528 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -4,016 -1,849 -296 -484 -945 51.20% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -12,724 0.00% LOGT FUND REVENUE -298,036 -308,754 -300,090 -310,400 -763,797 40.64% OPERATING EXPENSES 23,014 0 87,572 0 44,300 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 105,554 34,372 4,870 4,870 100.00% DEBT SERVICE 120,127 121,993 121,781 121,473 242,801 50.03% TRANSFERS OUT 409,683 606,893 478,175 12,724 112,724 11.29% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 359,102 0.00% LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 552,824 834,441 721,901 139,066 763,797 18.21% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX TAXES -1,438,622 -1,477,979 -1,532,253 -1,817,434 -4,311,580 42.15% MISC. REVENUE -41,335 -38,046 -6,917 -5,022 -48,600 10.35% FROM FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 -6,719,250 0.00% DST FUND REVENUE -1,479,956 -1,516,025 -1,539,170 -1,822,456 -11,079,330 16.45% OPERATING EXPENSES 1,500 4,080 0 0 0 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 7,151 210,457 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 658,589 864,600 1,157,871 4,516,085 10,868,873 41.55% TO FUND BALANCES 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX 660,089 868,680 1,157,871 4,523,236 11,079,330 40.83% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 03/31/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 202012021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021 /2022 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT FUND MISC. REVENUE -28,560.44 -22,222.65 -18,731.55 -18,935.52 -40,780.00 46.43% TRANSFERS IN -404,673.34 -403,239.68 -457,671.66 -385,664.86 -431,641.00 89.35% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -317,216.00 0.00% RRD REVENUE -433,233.78 -425,462.33 -476,403.21 -404,600.38 -789,637.00 51.24% OPERATING EXPENSES 207,798.65 175,690.04 133,184.39 167,467.70 310,827.00 53.88% GRANTS AND AIDS 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 30,000.00 0.00 74,932.07 29,305.83 438,810.00 6.68% RRD EXPENDITURES 237,798.65 190,690.04 208,116.46 196,773.53 789,637.00 24.92% PARKING IN LIEU OF FUND MISC. REVENUE -700.42 -2,012.33 -3,072.19 -15,019.42 -3,069.00 489.39% PARKING IN LIEU OF REVENUE -700.42 -2,012.33 -3,072.19 -15,019.42 -3,069.00 489.39% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,069.00 0.00% PARKING IN LIEU OF EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,069.00 0.00% RECREATION IMPACT FEE FUND MISC. REVENUE -57,009.25 -76,260.34 -86,530.86 -85,236.32 -160,000.00 53.27% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -186,802.00 0.00% RECREATION IMPACT FEE REVENUE -57,009.25 -76,260.34 -86,530.86 -85,236.32 -346,802.00 24.58% TRANSFERS OUT 158,025.18 309,483.40 73,010.48 17,639.86 346,802.00 5.09% RECREATION IMPACT FEE 158,025.18 309,483.40 73,010.48 17,639.86 346,802.00 5.09% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND MISC. REVENUE -1,829,562.51 -1,807,588.96 -1,817,171.36 -1,831,542.99 -1,956,244.00 93.63% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -876,190.00 0.00% STORMWATER FUND REVENUE -1,829,562.51 -1,807,588.96 -1,817,171.36 -1,831,542.99 -2,832,434.00 64.66% PERSONAL SERVICES 395,308.96 315,556.06 326,030.42 364,125.13 872,376.00 41.74% OPERATING EXPENSES 237,405.30 218,528.53 354,713.66 331,291.09 939,205.00 35.27% CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,198.16 0.00 68,096.48 129,600.95 226,374.00 57.25% TRANSFERS OUT 14,168.50 4,540.00 1,325.00 57,125.00 794,479.00 7.19% STORMWATER FUND EXPENDITURES 665,080.92 538,624.59 750,165.56 882,142.17 2,832,434.00 31.14% LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND FINES AND FORFEITS -150.00 -83.33 -15,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -541.74 -283.67 -29.97 -28.44 -250.00 11.38% FORFEITURE REVENUE -691.74 -367.00 -15,029.97 -28.44 -1,250.00 2.28% OPERATING EXPENSES 2,566.04 0.00 1,500.00 1,056.74 0.00 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% GRANTS AND AIDS 2,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.00% FORFEITURE FUND EXPENDITURES 5,066.04 1,000.00 16,500.00 1,056.74 1,250.00 84.54% STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE FUND MISC. REVENUE -3,533.77 -1,981.47 -333.01 -356.04 -600.00 59.34% TRANSFERS IN -201,457.02 -200,677.50 -200,480.52 -116,701.50 -233,403.00 50.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -167,831.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE REVENUE -204,990.79 -202,658.97 -200,813.53 -117,057.54 -401,834.00 29.13% DEBT SERVICE 13,329.65 10,068.60 6,764.30 3,416.75 401,834.00 0.85% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% STORMWATER DEBT EXPENDITURES 13,329.65 10,068.60 6,764.30 3,416.75 401,834.00 0.85% CITY OF SEBASTIAN FUND SUMMARIES QUARTER ENDING 03/31/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET GOLF COURSE FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -937,526.73 -935,142.42 -892,424.57 -1,146,615.29 -1,507,655.00 76.05% MISC. REVENUE -19,655.33 -20,823.52 -20,190.62 -20,674.53 -38,661.00 53.48% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -27,551.00 0.00% GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUE -957,182.06 -955,965.94 -912,615.19 -1,167,289.82 -1,573,867.00 74.17% ADMINISTRATION 370,278.53 353,219.62 356,339.10 404,447.95 791,487.00 51.10% MAINTENANCE 284,299.83 288,538.03 284,893.81 295,253.12 588,980.00 50.13% GOLF COURSE CARTS 84,218.95 82,793.15 82,056.67 105,400.21 193,400.00 54.50% GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENSES 738,797.31 724,550.80 723,289.58 805,101.28 1,573,867.00 51.15% AIRPORT FUND CHARGES FOR SERVICE -3,332.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% MISC. REVENUE -318,171.89 -281,452.69 -291,290.38 -318,741.61 -629,232.00 50.66% TRANSFERS IN 0.00 -4,691.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% FROM FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -38,369.00 0.00% AIRPORT FUND REVENUE -321,504.68 -286,143.69 -291,290.38 -318,741.61 -667,601.00 47.74% PERSONAL SERVICES 66,170.97 33,059.95 33,524.89 49,511.88 115,172.00 42.99% OPERATING EXPENSES 163,170.47 148,529.69 158,042.15 191,161.79 317,365.00 60.23% CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,628.82 5,125.33 4,255.00 1,920.00 6,765.00 28.38% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,500.00 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT 19,999.98 12,499.98 75,000.00 0.00 37,505.00 0.00% TO FUND BALANCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 154,294.00 0.00% AIRPORT FUND EXPENSES 267,970.24 199,214.95 270,822.04 242,593.67 667,601.00 36.34% BUILDING FUND LICENSES & PERMITS -386,430.08 -439,001.85 -554,460.66 -592,736.72 -969,700.00 61.13% CHARGES FOR SERVICE -5,661.90 -8,139.10 -12,956.10 -16,908.70 -20,800.00 81.29% FINES AND FORFEITS -4,255.00 -3,098.00 -2,700.00 -2,136.11 -6,000.00 35.60% MISC. REVENUE -8,061.54 -7,063.06 -9,722.59 -3,696.44 -40,091.00 9.22% TRANSFERS IN -19,183.98 -19,183.98 -19,183.02 -18,042.48 -36,085.00 50.00% FROM FUND BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -170,240.00 0.00% BUILDING FUND REVENUES -423,592.50 -476,485.99 -599,022.37 -633,520.45 -1,242,916.00 50.97% PERSONAL SERVICES 267,170.03 282,283.14 284,569.75 365,167.16 788,733.00 46.30% OPERATING EXPENSES 46,477.24 71,019.81 77,117.42 117,895.94 338,183.00 34.86% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 22,957.00 0.00 116,000.00 0.00% BUILDING FUND EXPENSES 313,647.27 353,302.95 384,644.17 483,063.10 1,242,916.00 38.87% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 03/31/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET DFBUDGET CITY COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES 11,380 11,374 11,377 11,372 22,730 50.03% OPERATING EXPENSES 10,279 12,630 12,122 13,608 37,770 36.03% TOTAL 21,659 24,004 23,499 24,980 60,500 41.29% CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICES 130,687 120,674 126,852 145,326 286,400 50.74% OPERATING EXPENSES 5,094 7,104 5,305 6,987 15,216 45.92% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 32,000 0.00% TOTAL 135,781 127,779 132,156 152,312 333,616 45.65% CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 77,990 80,544 84,425 94,640 192,485 49.17% OPERATING EXPENSES 13,967 44,782 16,204 65,280 90,239 72.34% TOTAL 91,958 125,325 100,629 159,920 282,724 56.56% CITY ATTORNEY PERSONAL SERVICES 0 13,339 75,393 89,811 171,218 52.45% OPERATING EXPENSES 53,049 81,268 12,786 4,793 40,704 11.77% TOTAL 53,049 94,607 88,179 94,604 211,922 44.64% ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 261,776 258,748 240,689 295,494 593,704 49.77% OPERATING EXPENSES 85,891 97,932 97,621 98,380 164,051 59.97% TOTAL 347,667 356,680 338,310 393,874 757,755 51.98% M.I.S. DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 139,876 162,827 158,408 189,726 424,662 44.68% OPERATING EXPENSES 80,297 103,488 113,455 118,518 173,018 68.50% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 912 0 0 0 0.00% TOTAL 220,172 267,227 271,864 308,244 597,680 51.57% POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES 382,256 483,011 370,312 423,818 809,340 52.37% OPERATING EXPENSES 80,750 87,584 80,501 59,326 147,878 40.12% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 19,694 0 3,750 7,500 50.00% TOTAL 463,006 590,289 450,813 486,894 964,718 50.47% POLICE PATROL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,742,334 1,743,402 1,817,646 2,009,431 3,363,746 59.74% OPERATING EXPENSES 159,283 122,187 126,960 146,434 323,165 45.31% CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,999 32,558 12,383 17,365 90,683 19.15% TOTAL 1,909,615 1,898,147 1,956,988 2,173,231 3,777,594 57.53% CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION PERSONAL SERVICES 78,885 81,275 81,047 96,416 179,616 53.68% OPERATING EXPENSES 7,508 8,500 7,178 8,211 21,607 38.00% TOTAL 86,393 89,775 88,225 104,627 201,223 52.00% POLICE INVESTIGATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 347,441 497,194 510,995 607,021 1,027,745 59.06% OPERATING EXPENSES 56,418 66,639 72,568 68,965 152,300 45.28% CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,995 27,109 9,500 0 9,860 0.00% TOTAL 413,854 590,943 593,063 675,986 1,189,905 56.81% POLICE COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 280,733 286,426 255,469 332,529 659,748 50.40% OPERATING EXPENSES 4,361 6,244 4,283 5,329 16,305 32.69% TOTAL 285,093 292,670 259,753 337,859 676,053 49.98% CITY OF SEBASTIAN GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS QUARTER ENDING 03/31/22 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2021/2022 2021/2022 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR 2nd QTR ANNUAL PERCENT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET OF BUDGET ROADS AND DRAINAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 231,546 275,401 292,176 277,095 660,550 41.95% OPERATING EXPENSES 173,992 178,685 150,087 174,431 381,727 45.70% CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,949 39,190 2,902 60,498 62,449 96.88% TOTAL 426,487 493,277 445,165 512,025 1,104,726 46.35% CENTRAL GARAGE PERSONAL SERVICES 101,391 86,048 87,954 103,931 201,661 51.54% OPERATING EXPENSES 13,377 9,779 10,768 10,872 21,933 49.57% CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,595 0 0 0 7,500 0.00% TOTAL 124,363 95,827 98,721 114,802 231,094 49.68% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONAL SERVICES 78,723 132,957 137,884 153,863 264,513 58.17% OPERATING EXPENSES 100,907 111,774 122,811 157,216 260,712 60.30% CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,705 15,372 16,621 8,338 8,434 98.87% TOTAL 184,335 260,104 277,316 319,417 533,659 59.85% LEISURE SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES 343,436 357,529 330,032 403,830 917,396 44.02% OPERATING EXPENSES 110,973 101,781 116,031 147,192 281,689 52.25% CAPITAL OUTLAY 78,070 49,395 13,963 20,250 81,189 24.94% TOTAL 532,479 508,705 460,025 571,272 1,280,274 44.62% CEMETERY PERSONAL SERVICES 70,083 74,906 103,255 59,695 104,646 57.04% OPERATING EXPENSES 15,855 10,900 12,517 11,373 29,665 38.34% TOTAL 85,938 85,807 115,772 71,069 134,311 52.91% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES 153,535 173,435 200,967 211,290 427,690 49.40% OPERATING EXPENSES 11,679 74,878 33,419 30,512 113,226 26.95% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 14,650 0 0 33,000 0.00% TOTAL 165,213 262,963 234,387 241,802 573,916 42.13% NON -DEPARTMENTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 155,141 125,484 129,754 150,353 262,980 57.17% OPERATING EXPENSES 497,845 511,424 546,855 517,440 791,148 65.40% TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 20,457 4,691 5,663 294,749 339,065 86.93% TOTAL 673,443 641,599 682,272 962,541 1,393,193 69.09% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 6,220,507 6,805,725 6,617,136 7,705,460 14,304,863 53.87% CITY OF SEBASTIAN CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS OF MARCH 31, 2022 Current Prior Project Budget Share Project Year Year Expenditures Percent Funds Number Descriotion Bucket Sources (in Thousands of $) Budge Expenditures Expenditures To Date Expended Encumbrances Remaining FY2019 A1925 Park Signage DST/RIF 73/185 259,341 - 213,933 213,933 82.81% 14,408 30,000 A1952 Construct Hangar D FDOT/DST/AP 1,800/450/33 2,282,705 1,035,758 816,685 1,852,443 81.15% 454,290 (24,028) TOTAL $ 2,541,046 $ 1,035,758 $ 1,030,618 5 2,066,376 9132 % $ 468,698 $ 5,972 FY2020 A2006 Evidence Compound Paving & Carport DST 40 40,000 677 34,161 34,838 87.09 % 3,847 1,315 A2007 CDBG Grant Program CDBG 250.7 250,769 129,869 120,100 249,969 99.68% 32,341 (31,541) A2008 COVID- 19 Expenses (Complete) Grant 1061.8 1,061,810 4,454 1,057,356 1,061,810 100.00% - A2009 CDBG CARES Act Grant Program CDBG 74.8 74,778 - 1,561 1,561 2.09% 73,217 A2021 BSSC Baseball Dugouts RIF 80 80,000 13,251 38,482 51,733 64,67% - 28,267 A2029 CPA Signage & Landscape CRA 113 113,000 - 75,056 75,056 66.42 % 24,944 13,000 A2030 Relocate Public Facilities Compound SJRWMD/DST 11.8/9,639 9,651,130 3,319,037 3,248,743 6,567,780 68.05% 3,076,099 7,251 A2050 Construct Taxi Lane FAA/FDOT/GF/DST 684/36.5/19.7/36.5 777,132 463,361 109,049 572,410 73.66% 116,817 87,905 A2061 Canal Improvements FEMAIDST 22,00011,000 23,000,000 - 0,00% - 23,000,000 A2062 Stonecrop,Drainage FEMA/SW 6451215 860,000 7,850 21,416 29,266 3.40% - 830,734 A2063 Septic to Sewer Grant Program IRLGCRA 100/100 200,000 22,380 63,225 85,605 42.80 % - 114,395 $ 36,108,619 $ 3,960,879 $ 4,769,150 $ 8,730,029 24.18 % $ 3,254,048 $ 24,124,542 FY2021 A2104 Phone System DST 100 100,000 58,938 - 58,938 58.94% - 41,062 A2106 Police Vehicles & Equipment DST 350 349,982 339,762 - 339,762 97.08% 1,411 8,809 A2109 JAG - Infrared Laser Pointers (Complete) Grant/GF I0.2/.7 10,877 10,877 10,877 100.001/6 - A2121 Harrison Street Park Plaza DST/CRA 270/225 495,000 - - - 0.00% - 495,000 A2123 Tree Protection Plan DST 135 135,000 14,324 40,715 55,039 40.77% - 79,961 A2124 Playground Improvements RIF 72 71,576 - - - 0.00% 71,576 0 A2126 Yacht Club Seawall GF 359 358,962 294,079 40,291 334,370 93.15% 24,592 0 A2I31 Sidewalk Replacement (Complete) LOGT 44.5 44,480 12,724 31,756 44,480 100.00% - 0 A2133 Truck w/Crane (Complete) DST 61.2 61,225 61,225 - 61,225 100.00% - 0 A2150 Establish Sewer Service FDOT/SJRWMD/DST 1,327/256/430 2,013,984 272,424 - 272,424 13.53% 1,608,325 133,235 A2151 Square Hangar Engineering FDOT/DST 222155.5 277,516 169,728 32,097 201,825 72.73% 62,443 13,248 A2161 Stormwater Master Plan DST/SW 350/350 700,000 110,325 19,725 130,050 18.58% 569,950 - A2163 CRA Sewer Conversion CRA 57.5 57,500 23,116 29,679 52,795 91.82% 4,705 4,676,102 1,367,522 194,263 1,561,785 33.40% 2,343,002 771,316 _ FY2022 A220I Citywide Computers DST 44 43,957 4,672 - 4,672 10.63% 1,980 37,305 A2202 Email Archive System DST 60 60,000 36,474 - 36,474 60.79% - 23,526 A2203 COSty Equipment DST 10 10,000 8,389 - 8,389 83.89% - 1,611 A2204 Network Infrastructure DST 30 30,000 2,315 - 2,315 7.72% - 27,685 A2205 Over The Air Connections (Complete) DST 15 14,990 14,990 - 14,990 100.00% - - A2206 CAD/RMS System Update DST 139 139,200 112,069 - 112,069 80.51 % - 27,131 A2207 Police Vehicles & Equipment DST 305 305,000 14,683 14,683 4.81% 290,317 A2208 PD Body Worn & Vehicle Cameras DST 79 78,583 39,292 39192 50.00 % 39,292 A2209 PD COPE Trailer DST 21 20,500 - - - 0.00% - 20,500 A2210 PD Utility Vehicles DST 18 18,000 - - 0.00% - 18,000 A2220 Working Waterfront CRA 50 50,000 - - - 0.00% - 50,000 A2221 BSSC Baseball Backstops RIF 75 75,000 - - - 0.00% - 75,000 A2222 Playground Improvements RIF 100 100,000 1,526 - 1,526 1.53% - 98,474 A2223 Park Improvements RIF 20 20,000 3,829 - 3,829 19.15% 16,171 A2224 Riverview Park Enhancements DON 2 1,850 - - 0.00% - 1,850 A2230 Sidewalk Replacement LOGT 100 100,000 - - 0.00% 100,000 A2250 Construct (2) Square Hangars FDOT/DST 5761144 720,000 215 - 215 0.03% - 719,785 A2251 AP Infield Security Cameras FDOT/AP 19.214.8 24,000 - - - 0.00% 24,000 - A2252 Hangar C Office Improvements FDOT/DON 35/35 70,000 209 209 0.30 % - 69,791 A2253 Airport Rescue Grant FAA 32 32,000 7,059 - 7,059 22.06% 16,206 8,735 A2254 Rehab Runway 05/23 FAA/FDOT/DST 2.2/.11.1 2,500 - - - 0.00% 2,500 - A2260 Swales/Driveways/Culverts SW 245 244,695 - - 0.00% 100,000 144,695 A2261 Concha Dam Replacement ARPA 700 700,000 - - - 0.00% - 700,000 A2262 Sliplining DST 250 250,000 - - - 0.00% 71,090 178,911 3,110,275 245,514 209 245,722 7.90% 215,775 2,648,777 GRAND TOTAL $ 46,436,042 $ 6,609,672 5 5,994,240 $ 12,603,912 27.14% $ 6,281,523 $ 27,550,609 Notes: Concha Dam Replacement was previously funded $300K from FEMA and $100K from Stormwater. It is now projected as $700K from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). ARPA funding is also anticipated to be used for $750K on the Gardenia Ditch and $750K on Schumann Drive. QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2022 At March 31, 2022, the total of the City's cash and investments were $19,385,116.07. Of this, $14,953,637.02 was held in an interest bearing checking account at Seacoast National Bank, $3,896,233.61 was invested with the State Board of Administration and $535,245.44 is deposited with Florida Trust. The City did not purchase any new securities during the quarter and does not hold any direct investments in government securities. Bank returns and State Board change primarily due to reactions of the bond market and Federal Reserve. Returns at the end of the quarter were .25% for the Bank and .29% for the State Board. The average annualized return over the 3 months of this quarter from the deposit with Florida Trust was again negative with a loss of $4,686.20. However over the past 3 years, it was good at a positive 1.17%. Florida Trust is pool fund that deals in government securities averaging less than 2 year maturities. SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION (SBA) CURRENT CLRRENT CASH BALANCE ALLOCATION BALANCE PERCENT INVESTMENT ALLOCATION BALANCE General Fund S 5,969,455.56 39.92 % General Fund $ 776,079.66 American Rescue Plan Act 950,808.65 6.36% American Rescue Plan Act 238,279.59 Local Option Gas Tax Fund 409,797.48 2.74% Local Option Gas Tax Fund - Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 2,306,780.38 15.43% Discretionary Sales Tax Fund 577,720.70 Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 606,251.26 4.05 % Riverfront Redevelopment Fund 151,713.45 Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund - 0.00% Parking In -Lieu -Of Fund 86,575.52 Recreation Impact Fee Fund 260,301.84 1.74% Recreation Impact Fee Fund 64,949.18 StonmwaterUtility Fund 2,162,428.62 14.46% Stormwater Utility Fund 541,421.52 Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 6,361.11 0.04% Law Enforcement Forfeiture Fund 25,504.60 Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund 294,366.94 1.97% Stormwater Series 2003 Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund (38,155.87) -0.26% Capital Projects Fund Capital Improvements Fund 61,496.09 0.41% Capital Improvements Fund Transportation Fund 91,505.48 0.61% Transportation Fund Stormwater Projects Fund 237,173.35 1.59% Stormwater Projects Fund Golf Course Fund 387,556.16 2.59% Golf Course Fund Airport Fund 391,490.42 2.62% Airport Fund Airport Projects Fund (730,805.06) 3.89% Airport Projects Fund Building Department Fund 1,385,595.01 9.27% Building Department Fund Cemetery Trust Fund 200,479.60 1.34% Cemetery Trust Fund Performance Deposits Fund 750.00 0.01% Performance Deposits Fund Total Bank Balance S 14 953,637.02 100.00% T t IS B I Fund Making Loans GENERAL FUND: Due from Golf Course DISCRETIONARY SALES TAX: Due from Airport Fund Due from Airport Fund BUILDING FUND: Due from Golf Course Due from Golf Course Debt Description o a a ance INTERFUND LOANS REPORT 10/01/21 Scheduled Balance at %,729.15 97,746.59 345,701.04 801,472.61 92,340.00 $ 3.896.233.61 Purpose Balance Payments 09/30/2022 Remarks/Terms Cash Flow Loan $500,000 $35,000 $285,000 Hangar A $260,742 I $7,570 $267,511 Hangar B $235,275 $8,189 $465,000 Pay $35K/Year or More. PERCENT 19.92% 6.12% 0.00°! 14.83% 3.89% 2.22 % 1.67 % 13.90 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 2.48 2.51 % 0.00% 8.87 % 20.57% 2.37% 100.00 % $253,172 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4%for 25 Years. Final in 2038 $227,086 5 Years @ 3%, Then 4%for 25 Years. Final in 2041. $700,000 Irrigation $615,456 $30,547 $584,909 Each 5 Years to T-Bond Minus 1%. Final in 2038. $559,684 Other Repairs $559,684 None $559,684 Pay When Possible, Maybe After $700,000 is paid. DEBT DUE TO OUTSIDE PARTIES Initial i Principal Principal Balance at Final Initial Bond Amount 9/30/2021 Interest Rate Maturity Rating/Insurer Security Pledge Stormwater Utility (Final Payment May 1) $5,630,000 $395,000 2% to 4.2% 2022 AAA/MBIA Stormwater Utility Fees Revenue Bank Notes 2014 I Paving Improvements (Final 12/01/2022) $2,296,000 $358,000 1.94% 2023 N/A Local Option Gas Tax Promissory Notes 2012 Golf Cart $313,152 $50,801 3.49% 1 2022 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase 2017 Police Camera System $353,624 $117,950 2.75% 2025 N/A N/A 60 Month Lease Purchase May 2021 apCF HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Paul Carlisle, City Manager From: Kenneth W. Killgore, Administrative Services Director Date: May 2, 2022 Re: 2°a Quarter Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2022 The following are the 2nd Quarter Accomplishments for City Departments as assembled and edited by the Administrative Services Department for the three months ended March 31, 2022. CITY CLERK Late 'slative Sunoort Matters • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded five Regular City Council meetings and two workshops • Records Specialist attended one Regular City Council meeting • Completed follow up of approved Council matters — contracts, letters, e-mails, scanned to LF and indexed • Ten resolutions adopted by Council • Three ordinances passed on first reading; eight ordinances adopted • Six proclamations prepared for presentation by Council Members • Four documents recorded in public record at the Courthouse • Provided monthly City calendars and revisions to Council, City staff and press • Three advertisements placed with TCPaIm • Arranged Advanced IEMO attendance for two Council Members • Sent certified letter to County regarding annexations • Notified relevant agencies of boundary change Records Management Program • Responded to 42 public records requests • 104 cubic feet of paper records met retention along with duplicate and OSA records destroyed by shredding vendor • Stormwater, Community Development and Working Waterfront documents, maps, surveys, were imported into Laserfiche for permanent and long term record • Transferred and documented two bid records for storage Election Matters • Executed 2022 election agreement with SOE Cite Board Matters • Noticed vacancies, prepared five board appointments, notified and provided info to appointees, updated Board Handbook and distributed pages • City Clerk prepared agenda, attended/recorded one CRA and one BOA meetings within Council Meetings • Records Specialist published all scanned City board packets to City website and Laserfiche and provided to press and Council • Coordinated board/committee meeting minutes between staff and technical writer • Prepared two certificates of appreciation for outgoing board members Cemetery Matters • Certificates of Interment Rights issued for 28 locations for a total of $44,100. • Scanned all cemetery records as sold or amended for permanent retention • Sent courtesy notices for 11 cemetery lots in violation of the Sebastian City Code Personnel/Educational Matters • Records Specialist attended three Project Management meetings • Records Specialist attended one Events Committee meeting • City Clerk and Records Specialist attended Legal Ads FACC Webinar • City Clerk Administered oath to one Police Officer Communitv Matters • Responded to or forwarded CITYSEB emails to appropriate departments • City Clerk and Records Specialist attended one Centennial Celebration meeting • City Clerk and Records Specialist researched Vero Beach's Centennial Celebration files • City Clerk attended FACC retirement ceremony for Indian River Shores' Clerk ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Provided administrative support to the Police Pension Board. • Worked with Auditors to complete the FY2021 Audit Report. • Prepared various other mandated State and Federal reports on the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021. • Prepared 1" Quarter Budget Amendment and made presentation to Budget Committee and City Council. • Developed the budget calendar for events that will keep preparation of the FY2023 budget on schedule. • Presented a summary of the Final Rules published by the U.S. Treasury Department on the American Rescue Plan Act; presented Final Rules on the American Rescue Plan Act at two Public Workshops; and presented the Recommended Spending Plan for the American Rescue Plan Act to the City Council. • Handled normal processing of payroll, accounts payable and cashiering. Monitored and approved payments on major contracts. • Maintained listing of current capital projects and held frequent meetings with project managers to monitor progress. • Coordinated the quarterly employee investment meetings with the ICMA representative. • Monitored and completed required grant paperwork on Airport and other grants. • Recruited replacements for vacant positions; worked with Consultant to complete the wage and benefits study. • Documented bids and proposals for purchases to insure purchasing policies were followed. • Reviewed and approved agenda items for contracts and other payments requiring City Council approval. POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration • Continued review of agency policies per accreditation standards. • Conducted interviews for police officers, Accreditation/Records Supervisor, and Police Volunteers. • Attended a Region XI council meeting. • Completed an audit on the Investigation and Evidence Safe. • Continued our quarterly auditing and inspection of the police building and equipment. • Attended 7 Council and Special Event/Workshop meetings. • Responded to 4 public records requests. • Attended 2 Executive Round Table Meetings; attended an FBINAA Board Meeting; attended 2 Treasure Coast Chiefs of Police and Sheriff's Association meetings; participated in 3 strategic planning meetings; and conducted 3 leadership and weekly staff meetings. • Hired and swore in 1 new Police Officer; hired a Crime Analyst; and hired the Accreditation/Records supervisor. • Held the volunteer and crossing guard appreciation breakfast. • Attended the Tim Tebow Night to Shine Drive-Thru Event. • Participated and/or attended 5 Citizen Academy Classes. • Attended the Florida Police Chiefs Association Mid -Winter Training Conference. • Attended 2 Substance Abuse Council Meetings. • Attended a Career Expo at Indian River State College. • Completed the Bias -Based Profiling, Use of Force, and Confidential Source File annual reviews. • Participated in the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade. • Attended multiple other civic and agency related meetings including Multi -agency assemblies. • Attended 2 Juvenile Justice 19th Circuit Advisory Board Meetings. • Attended 2 Special Event Meetings Volunteers • The Community Service Volunteers worked a total of 1,901.9 hours during this quarter. • 39 bank deposit details were completed so City Hall employees do not need to leave their assigned duties. • 25 traffic control details were assigned. These details involve directing traffic at city events, road closures, etc. • 56 house watches/close patrols were completed. • 50 vehicle transports were made consisting of taking vehicles to different locations for repairs, etc. • 961 business checks were made. These business checks are conducted to help patrol officers keep an eye on the business community which helps reduce crime. • 88 area checks of banks were made. Visual marked units around the banks at various times helps to deter crime. • 53Airport checks were made. The visibility helps to deter crime. • 34 special details were assigned. • 3 miscellaneous assists for law enforcement personnel. • 73 paperwork runs, i.e.: State Attorney's Office, Sheriff s Office, etc. The Volunteers pick up and deliver packages such as council packages, State Attorney documents and miscellaneous items as needed. • Assisted with traffic control on 19 traffic crash scenes. 106 citizen contacts. 447 miscellaneous jobs. 10 Escorts were completed. School Resource Officers ' Area/school checks 112 104 Reports 1 1 Crossing Guard contacts 0 17 Mentor lunches 18 11 Patrol hours 40 8 Community event hours 1 3 Patrol hours r Mentor lunches Crossing Guard contacts Reports Area/school checks O 20 40 60 80 100 120 106 2 21 15 58 19 n March ■ Feb. w Jan. 322 4 38 44 23 Road Patrol and Special Operations • Officers were dispatched to 4699 calls for service, and self -initiated 2411 events. • 55 adult and 7 juvenile arrests were made. • 0 Juvenile Civil Citations were issued. • Officers issued 257 citations, 10 parking citations, and 483 written warnings. • Officers completed 510 offense reports and 95 crash reports. Special Operations Citations Warnings Incident Reports Arrests Citizen Contacts Traffic Officer 54 52 26 6 Marine & Natural Resources* 0 3 0 0 9 Marine & Natural Resources Unit is not a full-time position. K-9 Unit • K-9 Training Hours: 392 • Misdemeanor Arrests: 1 • Felony Arrests: 5 • Narcotic Searches: 12 Activity Reports: 10 • K-9 Demonstrations: 3 • Schools Attended: 1 • Additional Training Hours: 40 • Agency Assisted: Indian River and Brevard Counties 3 Detectives January 1st thru March 31, 2022 Subpoenas 3 5 4 12 Arrests 2 0 1 3 Warrants 3 1 1 5 Training/Meeting Hours 21 19 19 59 Follow -Ups 22 18 13 53 Active Cases 29 25 27 81 Assigned Cases 17 16 6 39 Cleared Cases 11 11 8 30 Inactive Cases 9 11 5 25 Supplements 20 19 14 53 Call Outs 2 4 3 9 Back ground/Rpo 4 4 1 9 DICE January 1st — March 31, 2022 Court Order Documents Arrests Warrants Training/Meeting Follow -Ups Active Cases Officer Intel Crime Stoppers Intel Other Intel Source Cleared Cases Inactive Cases Supplements Surveillance (hours) Agency Assist Surveillance (hours) WIMERr— Supplements JS Inactive Cases Cleared Cases Other Intel Source r Crime Stoppers Intel Officer Intel Active Cases Follow -Ups Training/Meeting Hours Warrants Arrests Court Order Documents 1 2 0 3 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 168 48 126 342 11 6 2 19 27 28 16 16 6 3 3 12 1 0 5 6 2 6 2 10 0 3 3 6 5 2 6 13 12 11 19 42 180 35 64 279 2 2 4 March February January 0 50 100 150 200 4 JSUi3I'OENAS 0 0 0 0 ARRESTS 2 2 0 4 f WARRANTS 2 0 0 2 1I-RAINING/MEETINGS (hours 1 10 16 14 40 11 OLLOW-UPS 6 5 7 18 JACTIVE CASES 5 6 6 17 JASSISGNED CASES 4 3 4 11 CLEARED CASES 4 2 4 10 INACTIVE CASES 0 0 0 0 SUPPLEMENTS 6 5 5 16 (SUBPOENAS 0 0 0 0 SILT Court Order Documents 25 7 12 44 Arrests 3 0 2 5 Warrants 0 0 0 0 Training/Meeting Hours 45 8 72 125 Follow -Ups 2 6 15 23 Active Cases 25 23 18 16 Officer Intel 4 8 2 14 Crime Stoppers Intel 0 0 0 0 Other Intel Source 1 2 3 6 Cleared Cases 4 2 3 9 Inactive Cases 4 1 4 9 �I Supplements 3 4 13 20 Surveillance (hours) 65 60 80 205 Surveillance (hours) Supplements Inactive Cases J Cleared Cases Other Intel Source Crime Stoppers Intel Officer Intel Active Cases Follow -Ups Training/Meeting Hours Warrants Arrests Court Order Documents Dec. Nov. Oct. 5 COPE QUARTERLY REPORT ACTIVITY HOURS COMMUNITY EVENTS f j 42 Community Events: AGENCY OUTREACH EVENTS 105 Honor Flight 8 € Home Depot Day-4 COMMUNITY MEETINGS 24 Fellsmere Night Out-0 Chamber of commerce-0 4 Clam Bake-0 Shrimp Fest - 28 PUBLIC TRAINING CLASSES 0 Coffee with a Cop-0 Park Place-4 REGIONAL 0U'IREACH 3 Boys &Giris Club-2 PROBLEM ORIENTED POLICING 2 Agency Outreach: 0 Trailer -102 EXPLORER POST ACTIVITIES 1 Meals On Wheel-3 TRAINING AND SCHOOLS 8 Commonity Mezlrip IN-SERVICE INSTRUCTION 2O.Gi' ; SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT 10 'hooi Relatea fvenu ADMINISTRATION & RESEARCH 88 ROAD PATROL COVERAGE 0 Communications Division Public Training- Gasses: S.A.U. Women Class -0 RadKitfs Class-0 Regional Ouirearh. ,rune Stopper Problem Oriented Policing SIG 20-2 Explorer Post Activities: 0 i Training and Schools: Crime prevention - 0 Rifle - 0 Vehicle Operations - 0 FCPA Meeting - 0 Crossing Guard Trainer- 8 In -Service Instruction: New hire-2 Firearms-0 Tactical build-0 Rifle-0 Social Media Management: Facebook-SO Instagram -0 TV interviews-0 PSA-0 Radio-0 Administration & Research: Pension Board - 0 Special Event Meetings - 4 Monthly Chiefs Brief -0 Leadership Meeting - 6 SRO - 74 Awards Committee - 2 Crossing Guard Coverage - 2 Quarter Month.Totals J Disp. Calls For Service 1,645 1,518 1,637 4,800 j Officer Initiated Calls 806 842 898 2,546 Code Enf. Initiated Calls 766 1,725 2,130 4,621 Volunteer Initiated Calls 220 194 322 736 Calls Entered Into CAD 31477 4,310 5,014 12,801 911 Calls Received 786 699 839 2,326 !1 911 Calls Transferred Out 319 295 356 952 911 Hang-up Calls 87 93 105 245 Admin. Calls Received 691 676 786 2,153 Admin. Calls Transferred N/A N/A N/A N/A Outgoing Admin. Calls N/A N/A N/A N/A Training/Meeting Hours 10 10 14 34 Training/Meeting Hours Outgoing Admin. Calls Admin. Calls Transferred Admin. Calls Received 911 Hang-up Calls 911 Calls Transferred Out 911 Calls Received Calls Entered Into CAD Volunteer Initiated Calls Code Enf. Initiated Calls Officer Initiated Calls Disp. Calls For Service r .� r 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 I 4,000 5,000 6,000 Month 3 Month 2 Month 1 n Crime Scene/Evidence Evidence Processed In-house 10 12 0 22 Evidence Outsourced 5 28 4 37 Items Returned 11 12 13 36 4 Items Purged 61 323 0 384 Cars Impounded 0 0 0 0 Video Redaction Hours 111 98 0 209 J Video's Burned 136 106 0 242 Supplements Written 4 6 0 10 lEvidence Processing Hours 48 52 0 100 Crime Scene Processing Hours 8 14 0 22 Training Hours 8 8 0 16 Call Outs 2 3 0 5 1 Code Enforcement Of the 4,635 code calls for the quarter the following is a breakdown of some specific calls made: • Issued 197 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 251 property inspections for title companies and 61 sign violations. • 367 Code Services. • 272 re -inspections, 23 violations were not complied with, 33 were posted for abatement, 3 abated by vendors. • 218 violations complied. • 0 Liens filed, 9 liens released. • 22 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. Alarm Assessment • Issued 197 written warnings. This range from grass and weeds too high, trailers parked in front of the property line, trash and debris, yard sale permits, overgrowth of adjoining lot, no permit for a fence install, etc. • 251 property inspections for title companies and 61 sign violations. • 367 Code Services. • 272 re -inspections, 23 violations were not complied with, 33 were posted for abatement, 3 abated by vendors. • 218 violations complied. • 0 Liens filed, 9 liens released. • 22 violation letters sent for various reasons such as grass and weeds too tall, trash and debris, overgrown lots, etc. in an attempt to gain compliance. • There were no calls for water violation during the 2nd quarter. fd ROADS Asphalt • Put down 12 '/z tons of hot asphalt and repaired various pot holes and road edges with cold patch throughout the City. Grinding • Inspected entire IRD sidewalk system and ground down any present trip hazards • Inspected and removed trip hazards from city sidewalks throughout the entire City of Sebastian • Ground down all striping and thermoplast from Yacht Club parking lot for re -striping Concrete • Formed out, prepped and poured slabs and sidewalk sections for final two dug outs at Sports center. • Re -poured curbing at N. Central Ave Road Crossing • Dug -out, formed & poured 2 new pedestrian crossing areas at intersection of Englar and Barber for new street crossing beacon poles • Removed broken sidewalk, formed & poured new section in front of Art Center/City Hall Grounds. • Removed broken section of sidewalk and re -poured new concrete at corner of Schumann Dr. and Pelican Island Place. • Assisted with putting flowable fill at all 3 road crossings for storm water (see Misc.) Right of Way • Cut various vacant lots back of overgrown trees/brush for drainage and sight obstructions by hand and /or with side arm machine. • Mowed edged and maintained all city owned bridges and swale areas throughout the City. Misc. • Assisted sign shop with grinding out old center lines and edge lines also performing traffic control for restriping of Main St. from Airpoi Dr. to Easy St. • Re -graded lattice pavers of all trip hazards at flag pole parking lot on Main St/IRD • Assisted storm water with 3 major road crossing replacements at N. Central Ave., S. Wimbrow and Seaside and Melrose. • Demolished and hauled debris away from last two old dug outs at sports complex • Helped set poles for new dug outs w/Paul • Dug out dirt, put down millings and compacted for new access road re-routing at Airport • Assisted storm water with Lanfair ditch tree removal project • Assisted with US 1 and Main St. sink hole repair at intersection • Hauled multiple loads of dirt to Yacht Club for sea wall contractors • Assisted Garage with repairing side arm tractor Sign Shoa • Signage and Installation: • Created; 138 • Signs Installed: 102 • Signs Straightened: 23 • Signs cleaned • Trees Cut by signs: 0 • Traffic Studies: 10 • GIS Locations 52 Decals: 30 Pavement Markings • Stop Bars: 59 • Yellow Line Striping: 8083 Ln ft. • White Line Striping: 9357 Ln ft. • Parking Lots: 2 • Cross Walks: 10 • Handicap stalls: 4 • ADA Mats painted: 0 • Blue Paint: LN FT.:300 Special Projects: • Install/Replace Warning and Regulatory Signs: 85% Completed • Airport Terminal parking lot painted: Completed • RRFB Enhancement of Crosswalk Barber/Englar St.: Installed and working • New Projects: • Paint Yacht Club Parking Lot: 90% Completed • Stop bars and crosswalks road paint: Zone 5: Completed • Road paint Main St., Easy St. to Wimbrow: Completed • Zone 1 sign inspection: Completed • Zone 2 sign inspection; 20% Completed • M.O.T/Special Events 1 • School Lights: 3 • Citizens Request:10 (9 completed) • Work Orders: 62 (55 have been completed) • Created Signs Breakdown • Street Signs: 14 • Regulatory:73 • Warning:19 • Park:7 • Aviation:10 • Ordinance: II Facilities Maintenance • Maintain City Flags • Maintain and monitor all lift stations • Monthly A/C maintenance all City Buildings • Monthly monitoring and supplies AED stations • Daily maintenance and repairs city buildings • Monitor Clean Space Janitorial • TYE elevator inspections • ADS Quarterly Fire/Sprinkler testing • Backflow: Test and recertify backflow devices • Hardee Park: Exterior painting (marks painting) • Schumann Park: Exterior Painting (marks painting) • City Hall: Vertical blinds community development (window solutions) • City Hall: Roof top AC unit #AHU-2 replace TXV's (Trane) • Creative Playground: Lift station alarm panel (Meeks plumbing) • Friendship Park: Replace 2 backflow devices, repair water leak (Advance) • Senior Center: Install interior ceiling lighting • Bark Park: Refinishing restroom floors (CJ Epoxy) • Bark Park: Interior restroom painting • Police Dept.: Replace East exit gate controller (CDA Solutions) • Police Dept.: EOC room paint TV white board • Community Center: Strip and wax floor (Clean Space) Cemetery • Special Projects: Monument • Leveling • Painted north wall • Cemetery sign installation • Cemetery trees trimmed for EMS • 3rd main irrigation line repair • Routine Mowing, weed eating and edging • Burials:11 • Cremains:23 • Quarterly Rain Gauge 5 inches 9 Construction Specialist Crab E Bills • Build safety wall inside restaurant, install window in wall • Repair Water leak at meter City Hall • Install 2 new ice machines • Install new parking lot lights Golf Course • Repair water leak at cart barn Police Dept. • Repair and replace parking lot lights Parks • Friendship Park waterline break • Riverside Park Banner pole repair and cable replacement • Yacht Club seawall const. replacement setup • Yacht Club electrical repair (pier) • Riverside Park electrical repair and monitor for Shrimp Festival • Ball Park concession stand waterline repair • Ball Park construction of 2 new dugouts Police Department • Install motion light sensors in miscellaneous rooms • Install electrical outlets in training room Indian River Dr. • Repair lighting poles and conversion to LED Miscellaneous meetings and pricing quotes Fleet Manaaement: • Staff completed 264 repair work orders32 preventive maintenance services 5 service calls and 5 road trips to pick up parts. • In addition to in-house work orders, 10 vehicle and equipment repairs were scheduled and completed by outside vendors. • Took delivery of the following unit: • Tandem Axel Semi Tractor • Completed the prep(Lights, Rack, Graphics, etc.) on the following unit • Same as above • Completed Sales on Gov. Deals:$18,002.00 • Fuel Cost: • $3.57 per gallon of gasoline 25.5% increase over the past 90 days • $4.22 per gallon of diesel fuel, increase of 35.5% over the past 90 days COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Site Plan and Zoning Application review, comments and approvals within 30 business days = 13 • Land Development Code revisions in compliance with Comprehensive Plan = 13 • Environmental and Zoning Permits processed = 550 • Site Inspections performed = 163 • City Council/CRA Board/Board of Adjustment/PZ Commission/LPA/Natural Resource Board meeting agenda, public notice, presentation = 13 • Education/training = 5 • Annexations and Future Land Uses = 6 • Earth Day Event preparation • Annual Reports = 2 (CRS Annual Audit, CRA Annual Action Report) • Planning and Zoning Inquiries = 3972 • FDEP Stonecrop Permit • CDBG Housing Applications = 6 • CDBG Program Administration • Stormwater Utility Fee Credit Program Administration • US Hwy 1 Corridor Improvement Management with FDOT 10 LEISURE SERVICES Parks Division • Install basketball net at Schumann Park • Repaired fence by overflow parking at Riverview Park, Repair fence Riverview Park • Install windscreen at picketball courts • Open stage & set out barricades for event at Riverview Park, shut down stage, Pick up carts • Mow grass, spray WOW by signs • Cut trees and removing debris at Riverview Park • Move bleaches to twin piers for event at Riverview Park • Repair the fence at Bryant Court and Memorial Park • Set Poles for the banner at RiverView Park • Install boulders around the playground at Easy St. Park • Spray painting playground around rust areas • Install bricks at Memorial Park • Worked funeral at cemetery, • Installed and remove benches at Main St. • Shut down stage at Riverview Park • Add much to playground at Schumann park • Replace bolts on the pirate ship playground at Barber St. • Install mulch by the flagpole at Main St. Docks. • Trim trees at the airport • Delivered chairs at the airport for event • Pick up carts at Riverview Park • Delivered tables and help set up at City Hall • Installed border around playground at Friendship Park • Repair fence at tennis court at Schumann Park • Return bleaches from the high school to the airport • Filling in holes and removing trees at City Hall • Remove graffiti at the skate park at Barber St. • Install playground mulch at the Barber St. Sports Complex • Set up barricades, Repair fence at Periwinkle park • Cutting up and removing tree from the medians • Install Windscreen at the pickle courts • Repair fence at Memorial park • Retrieve light tower for event at Riverview Park • Install mulch at yacht club, and delivered mulch to the airport • Installed new and removed old parking curves at Riverview Park • Install bricks at Memorial park • Shut down roads in preparation for event Recreation Division • Continued city run programs. STORMWATER DEPARTMENT • Baffle Box Cleaning • Replace 3 road crossing and back fill with flowable fill • Cleaning of all driveway and road crossing pipes on new paved streets • Debris Removed from Joyhaven /Landfair Ditch 314,860 • Muck Removed 3218 Cubic Yards Inspection Type Inspection # Passed Failed Conditional Re -Inspection Fee Final Engineering 255 196 58 1 $0.00 Drainage Pipe Elevation 115 98 17 0 $0.00 Driveway 157 124 33 0 $0.00 Pre -Sod 79 68 11 0 $0.00 Erosion Control Barrier 75 64 11 0 $0.00 Total 681 $0.00 11 Citizen Request Line • 20 Stormwater, 6 outstanding due to Spray Company not doing • 6 Roads, 1 Outstanding (No Asphalt) 1 NA/HO • 1 parks, 1 Outstanding (per Brian no sign) • 7 Signs, 1 Outstanding (speed study takes longer) • 1 FPL, All Done 0 6 Code NA • 2 Eric ,All done • 9 General questions • 10 Stormwater , 4 no mowers not at zone yet • 1 County Done, 1 Code NA, 2 Eric Done, 1 FDOT NA, 2 FPL Done, 9 General Questions • 1 Paul Chapline, Done, 7 Roads 1 not done (ongoing project), 2 signs, done • 24 Storm water 4 not done, 1 ongoing projects • 6 code, 5 NA, 1 yes, • 22 County 9 NA • 3 Eric Done • 4 FPL 2 done, 2 NA, 36 General Questions Done, 1 Jim, Done, 8 no call back, 2 parks, Done • 9 Roads, Done, 4 Signs 1 yes, 3 speed study, 2 railroads, done. GOLF COURSE Revenue 21-22 20-21 Difference+/- 2nd Quarter Rev. $640,038 $505,178 +$134,860 YTD Tot. Rev. $1,123,734 $869,278 +$254,456 2nd Quarter Rounds 19,312 16,511 +2,801 YTD Tot. Rds. 33,403 27,381 +6,022 2nd Q. Green Fee $270,347 $204,874 +$65,473 2nd Q. Cart Fee $286,309 $231,949 +$54,360 2nd Q. Annual Member $4,687 $3,445 +$1,242 YTD Ann. Mem. $84,870 $62,680 +$22,190 2nd Q. USGA Hdcp. $858 $550 +$308 YTD USGA Hdcp. $3,410 $3,432 -$22 2nd Q. Disct. Card $9,205 $6,870 +$2,335 YTD Disct. Cd. $35,265 $28,693 +$6,572 2nd Q. Driving Range $24,638 $20,843 +$3,795 YTD Dr. Rge. $40,030 $29,779 +$10,251 2nd Q. Club Rental $1,175 $480 +$695 2nd Q. Golf Shop Retail $33,472 $30,742 +$2,730 2nd Q. Retail COST ($20,449) ($19,506) +$943 2nd Q. Golf Shop Profit $13,023 $11,236 +$1,787 2nd Q. Golf Shop Margin 38.91% 36.55% +2.36% YTD Shop Retail $59,980 $51,151 +$8,829 2nd Q. PGA Pro Lesson $1,659 $1,090 +$569 YTD Lesson $1,864 $1,850 +$14 2nd Q. Restaurant Rent $7,500 $7,500 $0 YTD Rest. Rent $15,000 $15,000 $0 • *2nd O. Rain amount 6.33" 2.94" +3.39" *Data obtained from weather underground.com • All revenue categories have shown increases; the popularity of golf has certainly increased since the on -set of Covid. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments planned for 2nd quarter includes 2022 New Year's Day Scramble, Palm Bay Golf Association and The Vista Del Mar Ladies 9 Hole Scramble. • Charity, Corporate and special Golf Tournaments planned for 3rd quarter include Friendship Christian Church, Knights of Columbus, Palm Bay Golf Association, Barefoot Bay Travel Group, The Par 5 Club, The Indian River Airboat Club, The Sebastian Chamber of Commerce and The Golf Fellowship Links League. • In conjunction with the Indian River Golf Foundation, offered weekly junior golf clinics on Tuesdays. Also offered a total of 6 Demo Days programs, which attracts many new, as well as longtime golfers to the golf course. • Received several compliments on the condition of the golf course with specific emphasis on the condition of the greens and all turf in general. 12 AIRPORT • Maintenance and clearing of the AWOS • Attended construction regarding new water and sewer extensions • Replaced chains on gate 4, 7,8, 21 cleaned and serviced motors • Assisted in the removing pepper trees around perimeter of airport fence • Attended meeting w/Ahrens Companies • Chaperoned sub -contractors around the airport • Trimmed all shrubs around hangars A,B, C and main building • Cleaned and greased all 4 flags • Patched asphalt at tie down areas at gate 8 • Trimmed all palm trees around airport • Added a new wind sock down by runway 5 • Moved an older wind sock to a safer location at runway 10 • Helped close down runway 10-28 for repairs and new paint • Passed EPA Inspection • Passed FL airport inspection Routine: mowing , weed whacking, edging, irrigation, runway light maintenance, spraying , equipment maintenance , runway/taxi area inspection BUILDING • In the second quarter of this fiscal year, a total of 68 new single-family homes were issued building permits. New single family residence permits remained at the same level as the first quarter of this fiscal year. Other permits of significance include 5 new manufactured homes, 0 new commercial buildings, 0 commercial additions, 5 commercial alterations, 0 commercial build outs, 0 residential additions and 92 residential alterations. In all, 10039 building permits were issued in the second quarter. Overall permitting in the second quarter increased by 4%. • Total number of inspections for the second quarter was 4,605 for an average of 74 building inspections per working day. The number of inspections for the second quarter has increased slightly from the first quarter. • The number of Certificates of Occupancy issued for the fourth quarter included 53 new single family residences, 0 manufactured homes, 1 commercial certificate of occupancy, 0 commercial temporary certificates of occupancy and 1 commercial certificate of completion. • The following lists the Business Tax Receipt activity for the second quarter: new businesses-28, renewals-53, transfers-2, duplicates- •, home based businesses-17, commercial businesses-11, insurance companies-1, vacation rentals-3 and solicitor registrations-5. There were 92 new Contractor registrations. In addition, there have been 92 requests for permit records on properties within the city from lien/title companies. • During the second quarter of this fiscal year the large volume of residential construction activity has continued at the same pace as previous quarters. The building department was utilizing one multi -certified inspector/plans examiner from a provide provider. This person was promoted within his company and was transferred from our municipality to work for another as a building official. After some time, our other private provider partner was successful at getting us an inspector on a contract basis that is certified in structural only. This person is a welcome addition to our 2 full time inspector positions, especially since we are averaging 74 inspections per day. 13