HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-2022 NRB MinutesNATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 5, 2022 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. IL Pledoe of Alleoiance was recited by all. III. Roil Call Present: Mr. Stadelman Dr. Carrier Ms. Callaghan Ms. Lovell (Zoom) Dr. Mosblech (Zoom) Ms. Valenzuela (Zoom) Mr. Bradley (Zoom) Ms. Ware Mr. Carrano Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Mr. Gary Vicars, MIS Technical Analyst Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Approval of Minutes Mr. Stadelman asked all Board members if they had had a chance to review the Minutes of March 1, 2022. All indicated they had. Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of March 1, 2022 as presented was made by Ms. Callaghan, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. Announcements A. Tree City USA Designation — Growth Award 3 Years Ms. Haigler announced that this is the third year for the City getting the Growth Award. She reviewed the history of Tree City USA. It accompanies the City's 20-year milestone for Tree City USA. Only 22 ci0eslmunicipalifles in Florida received this distinction. It is based on a point system in five distinct categories. Documentationford'rfferenlcategories must be submitted. One of the main programs is the City's tree -protection plan that was done a few years ago for Riverview Park complex NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 2022 and some things that Sebastian has submitted since then, such as a new path, improved irrigation, etc. It is a great accomplishment. We received new signs, and they will be going up by the end of this week. Mr. Stadelman suggested that be announced at Arbor Day and Earth Day. Ms. Haigler said a press release was done today, and a proclamation for Arbor Day will be done at next week's City Council meeting. Mr. Stadelman stated that Pelican Island Audubon Society provides free trees and plants for anyone who wants them. VI. Public Input — None VII. New Business — None Vill. Old Business A. Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration planning 1. Item -by -item Discussion Ms. Haigler stated that Brian O'Neill is handling the entertainment which will be Jason Nail, the Golden Ukers, and Robert Johnson Band. Chaos Sound will be providing the sound again this year. The Tai Chi Demo will be from 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. Today, there was a meeting with City staff about the chairs, tables, etc. She and Ron Paul reviewed all the vendor applications, and she is pleased to say that we are full. There are a few unassigned spots, as she wants to save them for last-minute organizations. She said there are quite a few vendors who are offering recycled items for sale. Ms. Haigler thanked the MIS Department for their work regarding the event as well as Ron Paul for his help. She reviewed the different organizations that will be attending. Ms. Haigler stated that she has received applications from almost 50 vendors. She announced that a good food truck is also needed. Board Member Updates and Event Day Assignments Ms. Ware said the Art Club has been working in distributing flyers throughout the City. She has talked to the teacher about the posters, and the school is on board with that. Michael's gift cards for the winners of the poster contest have been donated by the Fine Arts Festival. Ms. Haigler said that "Sebastian Daily" has donated the grand prize of a River Cruise for the winner of the scavenger hunt. Ms. Haigler said that the gopher tortoise exhibit will be run by volunteers, and Dr. Carrier NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 2022 will be picking it up ahead of time. Dr. Mosblech and Ms. Callaghan will be taking the lead on that. The prizes have been donated by "Sebastian Daily." Ms. Callaghan said that she expects to have volunteers from the Boys and Girls Club and volunteers from Sebastian Charter Middle School, and the Eco Troop will be sending a couple of girls as well. She thinks there will be a good number of volunteers for the day. She will direct them as to what activities that they will be assisting with. Ms. Haigler suggested that someone check on the oyster mats. Dr. Carrier and Mr. Stadelman volunteered to do that. There was general discussion regarding the oyster mats. Ms. Callaghan suggested shortening the time for the Living Docks. She also said if anyone needs flyers to distribute to let her know and she would get them out. She sent everyone a flyer via email as well as the link to the NRB website. Dr. Cartier asked what time the volunteers should be at the Park. He said that he and Mr. Stadelman will set up the flags again for the various locations, and they will be there at approximately 6:30 a.m. Ms. Haigler said that someone needs to be stationed by where the food trucks have to pull in, as the cones need to be removed for that, and someone needs to make sure that no one else parks there to unload so that the food trucks can get in their spots. She will notify the food truck vendors that they need to be set up by 8:00 a.m. The other volunteers need to be there by 8:00 a.m. She reminded everyone that no pets are allowed at this event. Mr. Carrano inquired if there is a loading/unloading area. Ms. Haigler said she will distribute a map (which she showed) to all the vendors, and that area is clearly marked. Ms. Callaghan asked for a date that the seed packets need to be assembled and the brochures folded. There were several members who volunteered, and the date is this Thursday, April 7 at 3:30 p.m. in the Art Center building. Ms. Halgler said that she ordered seeds from a new company this year, American Meadows. Ms. Callaghan suggested preparing more packets than were available last year, as they ran out early. IX. Member Matters Ms. Callaghan asked if the City could get Mr. Carrano a green shirt like the others have. Ms. Haigler said she will definitely see to it that Mr. Carrano gels a shirt. Dr. Carder asked if the Eco Troop will be participating in Earth Day to demonstrate the mats made from plastic bags. Ms. Callaghan volunteered to follow up with them. Mr. Stadelman gave a short review of the latest Indian River Lagoon Coastal Community NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 2022 report card. It is put out by the Marine Resource Council. Our area has a C grade, but with that being said, there is a big improvement in clarity, turbulence and situations in the water that we are trying to address. However, the sea grass is dying off. Ms. Haigler said that last week MRC spoke at the Environmental Learning Center. They said there are just so many factors at play with the sea grass and the manatee starvation situation. We assume it is poor water quality, but water quality has improved so much, and clarity has improved. Yet we still are not getting sea grass improvement. MRC is doing a study to test for certain herbicide -active ingredients In the water in certain areas where they are having particular problems. Part of the discussion has been to plant the sea grasses, but the problem is we do not know why they were not there to start with and are we wasting our time planting them in an area where they do not grow, and we do not know why. So they have not been able to pinpoint the problem. All this information brings more questions. Thankfully, there are a lot of organizations putting a lot of their resources towards it. Mr. Carrano asked if there is quantitative data on the lagoon. Ms. Haigler said when water quality is tested, they really only test the fecal coliform and nutrients. The herbicide tests are very expensive, and MRC is raising the money to test for some of the active ingredients. St. John's Water Management District does all the testing in our area. If you go on their website, you can find all their data from each site. Mr. Stadelman added that when he listened to the presentation, one of the things that was stressed is a program called "One Thousand Points of Life" That is the initiative that is regarding the water testing. They are asking for citizen scientists to join in this. The website is savetheirl.oro or contact the Marine Resource Council at 321-725-7775. X. Staff Matters — None XI. Items for Next Aoenda A. Earth Day Event Discussion Ms. Haigler said there would be more discussion regarding Earth Day. She thinks it is important to have a wrap-up. She advised the Board members to check their emails. XII. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion adjourning the meeting at 6:35 p.m. was made by Ms. Callaghan, seconded by Dr. Cartier, apda v„ n ni usly via voice vote. By: l/✓tV1`, Date: V Ijg