FEBRUARY 14, 2022
Chairman Napier called the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Committee meeting
to order at 6:20 p.m.
Pledae of Alleaiance was recited by all.
III. Roll Call
Ms. Cerda
Mr. Newhart
Mr. Hoffman
Mr. Napier
Mr. Wilson
Mr. Sullivan (a)
Mr. Hall
Ms. Reed (a)
Mr. McGinn
Also Present:
Ken Killgore, Administrative Services Director/CFO
Cindy Watson, Human Resources Director
Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant
Janet Graham, Technical Writer (Zoom)
IV. Introduction of Members (Name and ADDointee):
• Larry Napier
• Bruce Hoffman
• Harry Hall
• Terry McGinn
• Rex Wilson
• Amber Cerda
• Dave Newhart
• James Sullivan
• Grace Reed
Council Member Dodd
Mayor Hill
Vice -Mayor Jones
Council Member McPartlan
Council Member Nunn
At -Large Member by Vote of Council
At -Large Member by Vote of Council
Alternate Member by Vote of Council
Alternate Member by Vote of Council
Chairperson Napier asked the new members to introduce themselves, those being Ms.
Reed and Mr. McGinn. Both introduced themselves and gave a little background.
Mr. Napier announced that alternate member Ms. Reed will be voting tonight in place of
Mr. Wilson.
V. Selection of Chairoerson
Mr. Napier called for nominations. Mr. Hoffm nominated Mr. Napier for Chairperson,
which was seconded by Mr. McGinn. Mr. nominated Mr. Hoffman, to which there was
no second. There being no further nominations, Mr. Napier called for a vote. Per
unanimous voice vote, Mr. Napier will serve as Chairperson for the new year
VI. Selection of Vice -Chairperson
Mr. Napier called for nominations. Mr. Hall nominated Ms. Cerda for Vice -Chairperson,
which was seconded by Ms. Reed. There being no further nominations for Vice -
Chairperson, Mr. Napier called for a vote. Per unanimous voice vote, Ms. Cerda will serve
as Vice -Chairperson for the new year
VII. ADOroval of Minutes: Meeting of August 16. 2021
Mr. Napier asked if all Committee members had reviewed the Minutes of August 16, 2021.
All indicated they had. Mr. Killgore stated he has a correction. On the first page under
the section "Not Present," Mr. Wilson as listed as unexcused. That was an error. Mr.
Wilson did advise Mr. Killgore prior to the meeting that he would not be present. That
should be listed as an excused absence. Mr. Napier called for a motion with the change
as above. A motion approving the August 16, 2021 Minutes with the change noted above
was made by Ms. Cerda, seconded by Mr. Mr. Newhart, and approved unanimously via
voice vote.
Mr. Hoffman asked that Mr. Killgore provide the Committee members with his opinion as
to Mr. Napier's question that he asked at the August meeting on using impact fees for
capital improvements at the golf course. Mr. Killgore stated that his personal opinion is
that the golf course is a recreation facility along the same lines as Barber Street,
Schumann Park, etc. Mr. Hoffman clarified his question by asking if those impact fees
can be used for maintenance projects or only capital improvements. Mr. Killgore stated
they can only be used for improvements that add to the capacity of the facility.
Vill. Review of Fourth Quarterly Reoort
Mr. Killgore reviewed the report (SEE ATTACHED) for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2021. He highlighted that revenues came in at 1.5% higher than
budgeted, and expenditures were only 92.5%. As a result, there was an increase in the
fund balance for last year. He reviewed the stormwater, golf course, airport, and building
funds. He drew attention to the Stormwater Summary where there is listed "Funding
Carryovers." He stated it was an error listing Canal Improvements, as that is not funded
from stormwater fees. This would mean that the Net Available Funds would be
approximately $934,000.00 versus the projection of $719,000.00. What were projected
for the airport and the building funds were both higher than what had been budgeted. The
golf course is in a better situation than it was at the start of last year. Also reviewed were
the capital projects as of September 30, 2021. He explained that there are three accounts
where the City funds are kept, and he reviewed the balances in each. Seacoast National
holds the majority of the funds, with lesser amounts with the State Board of Administration
and the Florida Trust. Mr. Killgore asked for questions or comments from the Committee
Mr. Ms6 ff—
• Drew attention to the Police Department report. The heading reads the period
covered as 2020, and he suggested it should be 2021. Mr. Killgore agreed that it
should have been 2021. That is just a typo. Mr. McGinn said it is also stated the
same way in the first quarter of 2022. Mr. Killgore will make those corrections.
Mr. Hoffman —
• Referred to the General Summary on the first page. Regarding the
intergovernmental funds of approximately $800,000.00, he asked if that is all
COVID relief money. Mr. Killgore explained that when the budget for
intergovernmental funds was established last year, the City had already been
affected by reductions in state revenue sharing and sales tax. It was not nearly
as bad as he had anticipated.
• Asked for clarification regarding the entry of non -departmental expenditures being
so far under budget. Mr. Killgore said he would review the details of this entry and
send an email to everyone explaining that.
• Asked if the golf course will ever repay the General Fund. The answer was yes,
but there is no definite timeline. Mr. Killgore stated the golf course is steadily
paying down the amount that was borrowed from the Building Fund.
IX. Review of First Quarterly Reoort
Mr. Killgore reviewed the report (SEE ATTACHED) and plans to present it to City Council
at Council's meeting of February 23' . He pointed out that there have been some
adjustments made to the budget mostly in order to carry forward funds from the unfinished
projects from last year, and he explained each one. There was discussion regarding
contribution to the Police Pension Fund. Mr. Killgore updated the reimbursement for
Hurricane Matthew. The amount of $99,972.00 has been approved out of the
$143,000.00, and that was collected at the beginning of this fiscal year. The balance of
$43,000.00 has progressed to the last step of actually processing the payment to the City.
There is $80,000.00 that was paid to the City by mistake on Hurricane Matthew which he
is holding in the General Fund as a liability account. He anticipates that sometime in the
future it will need to be returned.
X. Review Budcet Calendar and Discuss Next Meetina Date — Mav 16. 2022
Mr. Napier asked for questions/comments on the budget calendar. It was the consensus
that the proposed budget calendar was acceptable.
XI. General Discussion by Members
Mr. McGinn —
• Asked what the CRA stands for. Mr. Kiligore stated it is the Community
Redevelopment Agency which basically covers the area of the City between the
river and US1 except for one small area along State Route 512 (Sebastian
• Asked if the project regarding Fisherman's Landing is on schedule. Mr. Killgore
stated that that project will be done with all budgeted funds, so it is on schedule.
An engineering report is still needed on the Crab E Bill's building.
Mr. Hall —
• Inquired regarding the balance of funds. Mr. Killgore clarified what is included, and
he feels comfortable in taking $35,000.00 off that balance and making a payment
on the money that the golf course owes. He also stated that the City is projected
to stay above the $5,000,000.00 In reserves.
• Inquired as to how much the difference was between the 4% and the 3% increase
in wages. Mr. Killgore said the extra 1 % was approximately $78,000.00.
Mr. Hoffman —
• Asked regarding the American Rescue funds, if that will impact the current year's
budget or next year's budget. Mr. Killgore reviewed that there have been a couple
workshops for the public on that. He has not yet gone back to City Council with
some of the suggestions that came out at those meetings. The only possibility that
it will impact the City is that some of the projects that have already been budgeted,
such as stormwater, the DST funds could be shifted out of the American Rescue
funds. He does not see it as being anything that would negatively affect the
General Fund. It may actually help as far as the capital program.
• Stated that he thought Mr. Killgore had stated last year that the City was going with
the new constitutional amendment to increase the minimum wage to $15.00 an
hour. He asked if all the employees of the City were taken up to $15.00. Mr.
Killgore stated that is a gradual plan, and it did not have to be done all at once.
Ms. Watson stated that currently it is $13.46, and the City has a few years to get
to the $15.00 mark. Mr. Killgore recalls that he had said it would be a gradual
increase to get to $15.00. Ms. Watson stated the City is waiting to receive the
compensation study from the consultants. Whatever that study shows, the City
will then implement the plan. Mr. Hoffman said he had apparently misunderstood.
• Asked regarding the contract discussions. He recalls that they were not settled as
of this Committee's last meeting. Mr. Killgore stated that this is the last year of the
three-year contract. So the City will need to negotiate in this fiscal year for the
contract beginning next year. Mr. Killgore stated that will be for both the police and
the other City employees.
Asked how the audit is going. Mr. Killgore stated he just corresponded with the
auditors today, and they are promising that within a week or two the audit will be
complete. Mr. Hoffman asked if that includes the CRA audit. Mr. Killgore said
there is a separate audit for the CRA, and there will continue to be a separate audit
according to the statute.
Ms. Cerda —
• Asked Mr. Killgore regarding his review of the fourth quarterly report. He stated
he had something to present regarding the Florida Trust. Mr. Killgore said on page
1-13 of the agenda packet of the December report regarding investments, he noted
that Florida Trust for October -November -December the Florida Trust account
actually lost an annualized rate of 2.38%. This is the smallest piece of the City's
investments. Florida Trust invests in government securities that are longer term.
He stated he is concerned about that and will be tracking it. Over the last three
years, an annualized return from the original $500,000.00 to what it is now would
have been a positive 2.19%.
XII. Public Comments -- None
XIII. Adjourn
There being no further business, Mr. Napier adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
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