HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-2022 NRB AgendaCQY OF SEBASTzt �I HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6T", 2022 - 6:00 P.M. 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FL "To improve the quality of life in Sebastian by nurturing the balanced relationship between our citizens and our environment by protecting, preserving and promoting our natural resources" CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —ACTION ITEM July 51h, 2022 Meeting Minutes (Pages 2-6) V. ANNOUNCEMENTS i. Welcome New Board Members VI. PUBLIC INPUT VII. NEW BUSINESS Item A. Resolution No. R-22-15; Creating New Board Categories and Procedures (Pages 7-12) i. Presentation from City Clerk Item B. Tulip Grant Habitat Restoration Project (Pages 13-17) i. Presentation of project details ii. Discussion of NRB's role VIII. OLD BUSINESS Item A. Summary of Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup Event, held July 23'd, 2022 IX. MEMBER MATTERS X. STAFF MATTERS XI. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA XII. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F. S). IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY's ADA COORDINATOR AT (407)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING.TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYBE IN ATTENDANCE. Page 1 of 17 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J U LY 5, 2022 Chairman Stadelman called the Natural Resources Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Pledqe of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present: Ms. Callaghan Ms. Lovell (Zoom) Dr. Mosblech Mr. Stadelman Ms. Ware Mr. Carrano Not Present: Dr. Carrier -- Excused Mr. Bradley -- Excused Alesandra Valenzuela -- Unexcused Also Present: Ms. Kim Haigler, Environmental Planner Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Approval of Minutes Mr. Stadelman asked all Board members if they had had a chance to review the Minutes of May 3, 2022. All indicated they had. Mr. Stadelman called for a motion. Ms. Haigler stated that on the first page under Roll Call, Ms. Valenzuela should be marked as unexcused. A motion approving the Minutes of May 3, 2022 with the above correction was made by Ms. Callaghan, seconded by Ms. Ware, and approved unanimously via voice vote. V. Announcements A. Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup on Saturday, July 23, 2022 Page 2 of 17 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 2 MINUTES OF JULY 5, 2022 Ms. Haigler reviewed that this is an event that the NRB hosts every year, as we have the location for it. She emphasized that everyone needs to sign up online and register online. The team's name is "NRB Board." The location is the Main Street boat ramp. There are other locations if anyone at home is interested in joining. The website is www.tcwaterwavcleanup.com. It is not necessary to have a boat, but anyone with a boat can register it and will be given a flag for their boat. Everyone who registers gets a tee shirt. As was done last year, she will have a tablet on hand so that people can be registered as they pull up to launch their boats for a day on the water. Also this year there are mesh bags available to give everyone with a boat. It is a mesh bag which they can keep so they can use it every time they go out on the water. The event will be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 23rd, and you do not need to be present the entire time. The garbage will be weighed before it is put into the dumpster. Last year there was a tremendous amount of garbage. If anyone needs more copies of the flyers, Ms. Haigler will get them to you. Mr. Stadelman added that there are many sponsors of this event, and people can clean up throughout the week from Saturday, July 16th through Sunday, July 241h. He added that if you want to join the Natural Resources Board team, their location is the Main Street boat ramp. B. City Awarded IRLC Grant for Tulip Pond LID Project Ms. Haigler said she did post a notice that Sebastian has been awarded that grant. This is a restoration project at the Tulip Pond that includes installing a fountain, which is per the IPM plan. A fountain reduces invasive plants, algae, and the muck by oxygenating the soil to break down the muck. Vegetation will be added along the shoreline as well as trees. The NRB is working with the City Engineer on this. Felicia Gordian is a recent graduate of UCF in Environmental Science. She is interning right now and will be helping to lead on this project and some other projects. Right now the green infrastructure plan is being worked on, and she has been an immense help with that. At the next meeting Felicia will be doing a presentation on the grant with more details. Ms. Haigler added that the grant project will serve as a demonstration project for developers and also for the stormwater fee credit program where commercial property owners can get credit for maintaining so many of these projects. A large element of this project is also education. There will be a website established where literature will be available regarding a grand opening, which is a volunteer -driven event, and planting events in the future. Ms. Callaghan asked if this counts towards adding trees for Sebastian's Tree City designation as well connecting it back to the Audubon Society's program. Ms. Haigler said yes. Regarding a date for implementation of the project, she said the power lines Page 3 of 17 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 3 MINUTES OF JULY 5, 2022 have to be installed before any other work can be done, and FP&L is working presently on work such as the LIDs that were put into installing power to that area. She added that everything is beginning to come together as per the comp plan: all of the recommendations from the IPM plan, and all the green infrastructure that was discussed at the workshop as well as the stormwater fee credits, and the stormwater master plan is being worked on presently. All these elements are coming together for sustainability. VI. Public Input -- None DII�►[�1:31f�liL�� A. Litter Quitter Program Re -Launch 1. Program re -cap 2. Outline tasks required to move forward Ms. Haigler presented some slides (SEE ATTACHED) from the Litter Quitter Program, as it has been a while, and she wants to refresh the information so that everyone understands the program, and we can begin to think about where we want to re -launch now. She reviewed the slides, which were created by Keep Brevard Beautiful. The Brevard Zoo was a partner in that also. It is aimed at reducing single -use plastics and other debris by approaching local businesses, educating them, and giving them the resources they need. It is a certification program with levels involved which she described. She listed the companies that market the sustainable products used by businesses such as restaurants, etc. Also reviewed were samples of the products themselves. She has also obtained samples of the sustainability products that can be used. An updated price list will also be obtained. There is a link to that site. There was general discussion among the Board members and Ms. Haigler regarding having information and products ready to go when everything has come together. Ms. Haigler then called for input regarding having another training session, and she suggested it be held immediately prior to the NRB regular meeting. Everyone agreed. Page 4 of 17 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD PAGE 4 MINUTES OF JULY 5, 2022 Ms. Callaghan called attention to the bicycle lane at the southwest corner of Sebastian Boulevard and US 1. There is construction going on there, so the sidewalk is closed. As one is cycling eastbound on Sebastian Boulevard there is a nice bike lane. The sidewalk is gone because of the construction. The bike lane ends, and then a bike lane is present as the cycler is crossing over the railroad tracks. Drivers are flying by, and there is now a designated bike lane between the right turn lane and the center lane. Somehow, the cycler is supposed to safely continue across that ridge while traffic is coming over the ridge, not seeing the cycler in the bike lane. She is hoping that, as the construction is finished, there will be a better transition for bikers who are on the shoulder of the road and now suddenly they switch over a whole lane. Ms. Haigler stated that the railroad raised that area a lot, and that made a significant impact on that location. Ms. Haigler said she will bring that issue to the City Engineer's attention. She also emphasized that the walking audits are very important. There are lots of issues that are not realized while driving around the area. Ms. Callaghan also suggested that at the next meeting the Board looks at where the NRB is in the Sustainable Sebastian plan and knows what the next likely project might be. Ms. Haigler stated there is information online now on Sustainable Sebastian, and this was just updated. Ms. Haigler added that she and Ms. Lovell are working on the folders to hand to the businesses when a member of the NRB visits those businesses. Mr. Stadelman reminded everyone that the Board must stay on the agenda. Ms. Haigler stated that there are some revisions being proposed to all the board agendas, and a charter officer will attend a meeting, do a presentation, and call for a discussion regarding this matter. X. Staff Matters XI. Items for Next Agenda Ms. Haigler stated there will be discussion of the Tulip Pond grant, there will be a Litter Quitter update, and a review of the Sustainable Sebastian priorities. XII. Adiournment There being no further business, Mr. Stadelman called for a motion to adjourn. A motion Page 5 of 17 NATURAL RESOURCES BOARD MINUTES OF JULY 5, 2022 PAGE 5 adjourning the meeting at 6:40 p.m. was made by Mr. Carrano, seconded by Ms. Callaghan, and approved unanimously via voice vote. la Date: Page 6 of 17 RESOLUTION NO. R-22-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, REPEALING R-12-38 IN ITS ENTIRETY; CREATING NEW BOARD CATEGORIES AND PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FOR MEETING START TIME AND END TIMES FOR ALL CITY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES; PROVIDING FOR A STANDARD AGENDA FORMAT; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS; PROVIDING FOR USE OF ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AS A GENERAL GUIDELINE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, is a municipal corporation duly created and existing pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to update the procedures for board and committee meetings in the Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, believes it to be in the best interest to provide clear direction to its appointed Boards and Committees by approving a standard meeting time, meeting and public input guidelines, and agenda format to be used to provide for successful Board and Committee meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETING TIME. City Board and Committee meetings shall begin no later than 6:00 p.m. and shall adjourn at 9:30 p.m. unless extended for not more than 30 additional minutes by a majority vote of members present. All unfinished business at adjournment shall be carried to the next meeting. SECTION 2. ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER ADOPTED. City Boards and Committees will follow the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised as a general guideline in the conduct of all meetings and workshops. Failure to follow said rules shall not affect the validity of any action taken. SECTION 3. THE CHAIR. The Chair may make a motion, second a motion or participate in discussion without relinquishing the chair. All matters Ro through the Chair. Members of the Board or Committee have the exclusive right to raise questions of procedure or points of order to the Chair and have the Chair rule on the procedure or point of order. Any member of the Board or Committee may appeal the decision of the Chair to the Board and the result shall be determined by majority vote. Page 7 of 17 SECTION 4. BOARDS, AGENDA FORMAT AND GUIDELINES FOR MEETINGS. There shall be three (3) types of City of Sebastian Boards: A. Cateaory 1: These are Judicial or financial in nature and are there to advise or recommend to City Council or staff on a specific item brought before it per the Code. 1. BOA, LPA, Construction, Police Pension and Planning & Zoning Boards fall under Category 1. 2. The amended Agenda will reflect that these boards do not have a separate section related to Public Input on non -agenda matters, Commission Matters or Next Agenda. However, the public can bring up issues related to a specific item that is related to the Boards' purview to a commissioner to be considered for placement on the next agenda by consensus of the Board and any comment on matters before the Board. B. Category 2. These are fact finding and public representation to advise City Council. These boards do not implement policies. Subcommittees may be formed under this category and shall follow the same agenda format. 1. Charter Review, Natural Resources, Budget Review, Parks & Recreation and Veteran's Boards fall under Category 2. 2. The amended Agenda will reflect Public Input; but, no Commission Matters or Next Agenda. C. Catep-ory 3: These are Ad hoc or temporary committees created on an "as need" basis by City Council and their function and authority is defined at the time of its creation. Subcommittees may be formed under this category and shall follow the same agenda format. 1. Citizens Advisory Task Force, i.e., Centennial Task Force falls under Category 3. 2. The amended Agenda as needed when created by City Council. The general format and guidelines for City meeting agendas shall be generally in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A". SECTION 5. ORDER FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS (OTHER THAN QUASI- JUDICIAL) Order for public hearings (other than quasi-judicial procedures which ar-e established by City Council Resolution No. R-20-35) before City boards and committees: A. Order of Business: *Chair announces opening of the hearing. *City Allorney reads the title. *Chair announces rules that apply to the hearing. *Applicant presentation. *staff presentation, comments and preliminary recommendation. *Public Input. *Staff final summary and recommendation. *Chair closes hearing. *Board deliberation and action. B. Continuance of Public Hearin:. The Board or Committee may continue a public hearing unless a continuance would violate applicable law. A public hearing may be continued to a time certain stated in the record, or a continuance may be indefinite, in which case it shall be re- 2 Page 8 of 17 noticed. The Board or Committee may defer action on a matter and continue the public hearing for receipt of written comments on the matter. SECTION 6. PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC INPUT. A. Procedures for Public input. 1. Time Limit. Individuals who wish to address the Board or Committee on any agenda items for which official action is to be taken (typically items listed under public hearings, new business and unfinished business) are allowed five minutes to speak on that item, however, the Board or Committee may extend or terminate an individual's time by majority vote of members present. 2. Input Directed to Chair. Speakers shall address the Board or Committee immediately prior to deliberation of the agenda item and all input shall be directed to the Chair, unless answering a question of a member of the Board or Committee or City staff. Individuals shall not address the Board or Committee after commencement of deliberation on an agenda item after public input has concluded, provided, however, the Chair and any member of the Board or Committee may call upon an individual to provide additional input if desired. 3. Certain Remarks Prohibited. Personal, impertinent, and slanderous remarks, political campaigning and applauding are not permitted and may result in sanctions imposed by the Chair including expulsion from the meeting. Decisions by the Chair may be appealed in accordance with Section 2 above. C. Public Input. The heading on Regular Meeting agendas "Public Input" provides an opportunity for individuals to bring new information or requests to the Board or Committee not otherwise on the prepared agenda. Individuals are asked to attempt to resolve matters with staff prior to meetings. Individuals are asked to provide copies of material for the Board or Committee one week prior to the meeting if they intend to refer to specific material. The Board or Committee will not debate an issue during Public Input but may decide by consensus to place a requested item on a future agenda. SECTION 7. RULES AS GUIDELINES. It is intended that the rules set forth in this Resolution provide a guideline for the effective operation of the business meetings of City Boards and Committees, and no rights are bestowed upon any parties by the adoption of these rules or by Board or Committee failure to act in accordance with them. A. Suspension of Rules. Any provisions of this Resolution, in whole or part, may be suspended by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members present. B. FaiIure to Follow Rules. If a Board or Committee fails to abide by any provision of this Resolution, such failure shall not invalidate action taken by the Board or Committee. 3 Page 9 of 17 SECTION 8. CONFLICT. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. SCRIVENER'S ERRORS. Sections of this resolution may be renumbered or re -lettered and corrections of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee without the need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re -codified copy of same with the City Clerk. SECTION 10. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. The foregoing Resolution was passed for adoption by Council Member Dodd , was seconded by Council Member Nunn , and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Mayor Jim Hill absent Vice Mayor Fred Jones aye Council Member Ed Dodd aye Council Member Chris Nunn aye Council Member Bob McPartlan aye The Mayor thereupon declared this Resolution duly passed and adopted this 22nd day of June , 2022. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA ►:Nflfl o *11-F Pityanette Williams, MMC lerk Approved as to Form and Content for Reliance by the City of Seba§tian Only: ., 4 By: Vice Mayor Fred Jones for Jim Hill, Mayor Page 10 of 17 EXHIBIT "A" SEBASTIAN BOARD AND COMMITTEE JUDICIALIFINANCIAL COMMITTEE AGENDA FORMAT AND GUIDELINES * 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and addilions require unanimous sole of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS (does not apply to all boards) *Chair shall announce the opening of the public hearing *City Attorney shall read the Ordinance or Resolution by title unless applicable law requires more than the title be read *Applicant presentation, if appropriate *City staff shall make a presentation, comments and preliminary recommendation, if any *Public input (for or against) *City staff final summai7, and recommendation, if any *Chair closes hearing. *Board Deliberation and .fiction G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS S. ADJOURN *Aizy provisions of this Resolution may be suspended by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of members present. M Page 11 of 17 SEBASTIAN BOARD AND COMMITTEE FACT FINDINGIAD HOC AGENDA FORMAT AND GUIDELINES * 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS Modifications and additions require unanimous vote of members. Deletions do not apply. 5. PUBLIC INPUT Public Input on items other than on the printed agenda, is.ive minutes, however, it can be extended or terminated by a majority vote of member s present 5�WzlaQ1[.Yaa011.11R3wI LY.� V1 Kll W,208111,2I Y� 8. ADJOURN *A nv provisions of this Resolution may be suspended by the ajfrmative vote of at least a majority of members present. G Page 12 of 17 CITY OF SEBASTAN TULIP POND HABITAT RESTORATION PROJECT Scope of Work June zozz I. NAME OF PROJECT Tulip Pond Habit Restoration Project 11. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Sebastian's Tulip Stormwater Pond is an over half acre pond, surrounded primarily by maintained sodded groundcover. Located in the center of a large area of single family residential housing, the pond serves as a critical link within the stormwater system. Its two inlets and one outlet connect Tulip Pond to local stormwater conveyance systems and provide vital storage during major storm events. The proposed Tulip Pond Habitat Restoration Project will include key Green Infrastructure Best Management practices (BMPs) such as the planting of native littoral and shoreline vegetation, the addition of upland shrubs and trees, the installation of an aerating fountain, as well as incorporating educational signage. III. VALUE PROPOSITION We are completing the Tulip Pond project for habitat restoration, water quality improvements, and education/outreach. Littoral, shoreline, and upland vegetation provide a myriad of ecosystem services, including: aiding in the filtration of sediments from entering the pond, providing valuable nutrient uptake/ storage, and serving as crucial habitat for aquatic and terrestrial species. Installing a fountain in the pond will provide constant aeration of the water column and sediments, which is critical to the pond's ability to adsorb and break down nutrients. As nutrients and organic material is more easily broken down, muck is reduced, which in turn, effectively increases the pond's stormwater storage capacity. The proposed habitat enhancements will improve the overall quality of the stormwater, which ultimately outfalls into the St. Sebastian River, before entering the Indian River Lagoon Ecosystem. The outreach component will include educational signage on site, printed outreach materials, project website, social media posts, and local media press releases. The goal of outreach is to educate the residents on the importance of adding native trees and vegetation, while reducing the area of sodded lawn. With 1,000 people moving to Florida each day, it has become increasingly crucial for residents to understand that the future health of the Lagoon begins in their own backyards. In addition, the project site will serve as a Green Infrastructure BMP demonstration site for developers, HOAs, and commercial property owners seeking stormwater fee credit. IV. LOCATION OF PROJECT (Narrative and Project Location Map) The Tulip Pond Habitat Restoration Project will take place at the 1.15 acre City of Sebastian property where the Tulip Pond is located. The public park is located on the South side of Tulip Drive between Fairfield Ln and Howe Ln. Please see the attached maps on the next two pages for more information regarding the location within the City of Sebastian. Page 13 of 17 V. SCOPE OF WORK (Outputs/Deliverables) • Output 1- Water Quality Improvements • Water quality testing prior to beginning project for baseline data • Installation of aerating fountain to assist the pond in absorbing and breaking down nutrients • Littoral Shelf as well as shoreline vegetation to help with filtration of sediments and nutrient uptake/storage • Water quality quarterly tests of sediment and water to be conducted by outside NELAP certified lab. Tests will verify the water pH is appropriate for littoral vegetation prior to planting dates • Output z — Habitat Restoration • Removal of invasive species in the area surrounding the Tulip Pond • Site -work preparation for littoral shelf removing sod and restoring as -built grade, shoreline vegetation, and upland vegetation • Planting of trees and upland shrubs • Planting of littoral zones • Planting of shoreline vegetation in areas where sod has been removed • Output 3 — Education/Outreach • Educational signage will be placed at the site of the pond regarding the issues of invasive species and importance of native vegetation, impacts of littoral and shoreline plantings as well as aerating fountains in improving water quality, and education on the City of Sebastian's stormwater conveyance system • Messaging of these improvements to be completed as well as recommendations for homeowners to utilize native trees and vegetation will also be promoted in the following methods: o Website promotion o Social media promotion o Community events and public presentations o Press releases o Promotion for this project will be tailored to different parties including: ■ Residents ■ Developers ■ Commercial property owners (regarding stormwater credit program) ■ Homeowner associations (HOAs) VI. TASK IDENTIFICATION: Recipient shall complete the following tasks: • Task 1. Preliminary testing and planning • Task z. Aerating Fountain Installation • Task 3. Site preparation and planting Page 15 of 17 • Task 4. Sign design and planning • Task 5. Project Administration and Final Report VII. DELIVERABLES AND TIME FRAMES Task 1. Deliverable due in IRL Council office by July 30, zozz Deliverable: Preliminary testing and planning package a. Tulip Pond as -built drawings b. Website link for project advertising c. Testing plan for quarterly water quality tests regarding pH as well as sediment and nutrient levels in pond to be conducted by outside NELAP certified lab d. Aerating fountain specifications e. Planting plan showing the plan for littoral zones, shoreline vegetation, upland plantings, and trees f. Removal plan and work order from Aquatic Vegetation Control for removal of any invasive aquatic plants surrounding the shoreline Task z. Deliverable due in IRL Council office by August 30, zozz Deliverable: Photographs of installed aerating fountain Task 3. Deliverable due in IRL Council office by October 14, zozz Deliverable: Site Preparation and Planting Documentation • Photographs of site prior to any planting preparation • Photographs of grading completed in preparation for planting • Planting progress photos for tree and upland shrub plantings (September) • Volunteer recruitment flyer • Volunteer sign -in sheets for planting day • As -built planting plan (trees and shrubs) Task 4. Deliverable due in IRL Council office by May 30, 2023 Deliverable: BMP Interpretive Signage and Final Planting Documentation • Signage design • Sign plan showing mounting location at Tulip Pond • Planting photos for littoral plantings (completed in April) • Planting photos for shoreline plantings (completed in May) • Volunteer sign -in sheets for planting days • Revised As -built planting plan (including all plantings) Task 5. Project Final Report Deliverable due in IRL Council office by June 30, 2023 Deliverable: Project final report including all prior work as well as the following: Page 16 of 17 • Summary and analysis of quarterly water testing reports • Photographs and logs of all visits to determine rate of establishment for all plants as well as vegetation assessments • Logs of Aquatic Vegetation Control's invasive species removal • Logs of all related social media and website updates • Website traffic reports on visits and downloads • Photographs of installed educational signage and ribbon cutting ceremony • Copies of printed outreach for Tulip Pond project as an example of Low -Impact - Development and Green -Infrastructure that can be incorporated at commercial properties for a reduction in stormwater fees through the stormwater fee credit program • All invoices and financial statements VIII. BUDGET Task Task Description IRL NEP Cost Share Cost Share Line Item Funding Funding Funding Amount Amount Source 1 Water testing $2,300 Cash (from City of Sebastian Invasive Removal $1,100 Budget) z Installed Aerating $2,650 $2,650 Cash (from City Fountain of Sebastian Budget) 3 Planting of Cash (from City Trees (8 maple) $79.50 $79.50 of Sebastian Upland shrubs $196.00 $196.00 Budget) Gardening glove supplies $28.00 $28.00 Volunteer refreshments $20.00 $20.00 Volunteers 4 BMP interpretive $750.00 $750.00 Cash (from City signage of Sebastian Littoral Vegetation $198.00 $198.00 Budget) Shoreline Vegetation $850.00 $850.00 Volunteer refreshments $20.00 $20.00 Volunteers Summary Cost $4,791.50 $8,371.50 Project total cost $12,983 Page 17 of 17