HomeMy WebLinkAbout02011995 City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET 13 SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 D FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA SEBASTIAN CITY COUNCIL I WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1995- 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS I STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1225 ALL PROPOSED ORDINANCES AND INFORMATION ON ITEMS I BELOW MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA. Individuals shall address the City Council with respect to agenda items immediately prior to deliberation of the item by the City Council if they have signed the sign-up sheet provided prior to the meeting - limit often minutes per speaker (R-93-19) Introduction of New Business from the Public shall not be allowed at City Council Workshops (R-93-19). 1. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL AGEND~ MODIFICATIONS A.~TIONS AND/OR Items not on the written agenda may be upon unanimous consent of the Council (Resolution No. R-93-19). ANNOUNC EM_ENTS WORKSHOP ITEMS DELETIONS~ added only members present 95.027 PGS 1-2 A® Health Insurance Benefit Policy Amendment (City Manager Transmittal dated 1/26/95) 95.020 95.028/ 94.122 PGB 3-1S 95.029/ 94.263 PGB 17-21 95. 030 PGS 23-29 95.o31/ 94.264 PGB 31-33 Discussion and Give Direction - Sebastian River High School Utilization of Sebastian Municipal Golf Course (No Backup) Review Ordinance Nos. O-95-01 - Tree Protection and 0-95-02 - Landscaping (Previously 0-94-06 and 0-94-05) (0-95-01, 0-95-02) Review Ordinance No. 0-9~-03 - Parking in Resiaential Districts (City Manager Transmittal · dated 1/26/95, 0-95-03} Review Ordinance No. 0-95-06 - Two Versions - Requirement to Provide rormboard Survey for New Construction (.See Transmittal Above, 0-95-06 A and 0-95-06 B) Review Ordinance No. 0-95-04 - Planning and Zoning Chair and Vice Chair Terms i 95.032/ 94.265 PGB 35-38 G. Review Ordinance No. 0-95-05 - Change Antique and · Second Hand Shops in CG to Permitted Use (See Transmittal Above, 0-95-04) CITy COUNCIL ~ I Mrs. Norma Damp Mr. Robert Fr,,land Mr. Frank Oberbeck Mayor Arthur Firtion Vice-Mayor Carolyn Corum 9. 10. cz?¥ TTORN ATTE S ~MANAGER MATTERS ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL WiTH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING '(OR HEARING) WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THIS MEETING. TELEPHONE (07) 589-5330 n FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA TRANSMITTAL SUBJECT: Health Insurance Benefit ) AGENDA NO. ~ ~.2 7 Policy Amendment ) . ) - Approval For Submittal By: ) Dept. Origin: City Manager . ) C,ty Manager ',/~/~/~F ) Date Submitted: 01/26/95 ) For Agenda Of: 02/01/95 ) ) Exhibits: None EXPENDITURE AMOUNT APPROPRIATI(~N REQUIRED: N/A BUDGETED: N/A REQUIRED: N/A SUMMARY The City entered into a contract with Blue Cross & Blue Shied (BC/BS) effective October 1, 1994, to provide health insurance to the employees. One of the general conditions for eligibility requires employee employed at thirty (30) a the covered be for least hours normal work week. In other words, during a normal forty (40) hour work period, the employee must be employed to work at least thirty (30) hours. Because this is a contract, the only method available to effect a change is for City Council to change the policy. During the recent "bumping" episode generated by golf course employees transferred to Public Works, there were oppommities for a few employees to tramfer into part time positions. Also, the possibility existed for other full time employees to transfer into non-full time positions for a variety of personal reasons. The question of continuing health insurance coverage when transferring from a full time to something less than full time can only be answered,by City Council. The reason is that the contract amount for an individual employee s health insurance premium is for the fiscal year, and exceeds the total amount ~.~._., delegated for City Manager approval. ~ The provisions of City Ordinance No. 83-12, provide.the City Manager with the authority to execute eonmm changes when the total cost is below $2,000. Since the BC/BS contract for health inmrance coverage is gnam' than the $2,000 limit, City Council action is required in order to effect any change. I am therefore, requesting City Council to establish a policy by enacting a resolution that chnnges the thirty (30) hour requirement to twenty-one (21) hour requirement and add an additional requirement for longevity. In this regard, I would suggest seven (7) years of continuous service. The following would be the recommended policy wording. "it is the policy of the City Council that all permanent full time employees with seven (7) or more years of continuous service and who accept a transfer to a permanent position requiring only n minimum of twenty-one (21) hours for n five (5) day work period in a seven (7) day work week are eligible to continue participation in the health insurance plan for ~ period not to exceed six (6) months at the same participating level enjoyed before the transfer. After six (6) months the employee shall pay one-half (50%) of the premium cost for six months. At the end of the twelve (12) month period, the City participation shall be discontinued. City time [full The key dements are 1) length of service, 2) the new position exists and not created to accommodate the transfer, and 3) the work period is for the same five (5) day work period. As a ~esult of our prOposee utility sale tothe indian River County'14tilines, one full emplgYee does not want ~to lose employment and would'be willing to acc~t pa employment prOVided healitl insur ~aa~ce coverage contin~s. This ~m31oyee's~eriod time employment with the Ci'fYisgreater than fl~ propq~ed seven (7),,year p~6posed p, RECOMMENDATION The attached resolution is provided for your approval and request that it be retroactive to January 1, 1995 in order to accommodate the recent "bumping" transfers. SEC. 20A- 14.1 SEC. 20A- 14.2 ARTICLE XT~ TREE PROTECTION Purpose and inten: The purpose of this article is to establi~ prot~cnion regulations for trees withi,~ the City in order to better control problems of flooding, soil conservation, air pollutio~ and noise and to make the City a healthier and safer pla~e i~ which to live. The intmt of this article is to encoura~ the protection of the maximu~ nnmbcr of trees md of large spechnm trees. It is further the intent that this article encourage in particular the protection of native trees of the City. Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section: City: Shall mean the incorporated City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida. City Manager:. Sh.ll mean the City Maturer or designee authorized to perform one or more of the duties of the City Manager, pursuant to this article. Crown: Shall mean all branch pans including all stems, twigs and fohage. Department: Shall mean the Community Development Department. Diameter At Breast Height (DBH): Shall mean the standard measurement of the diameter, in inches, of a single-stemmed tree measured at four and one-half feet (4 1/2') above grade. The DBH of a multi-stemmed tree shall equal the sum total of the diameter of all stems measured at four and one-half feet (4 1/2') above grade. Director: Shall mean the Director of Community Development Depanment~ or an employee authorized by the Director to perform one or more of the duties of the Director, pursuant to this article. ' I I Dripline: Shall me~ an/maginary line along the ground which conform~ to the perimeter of the crown of · tree as projected verti~ to the grouncL I ~nvironmental Administrator:. Shnll mean the CAty Offi~ appointed by the C_~ Manager to p~rform the duties specifi~ within this Article. Grubbing: Shall mcan the removal of any ~ of rooted vegetation from land by diggi~ raking ~ or otherwise dimu~ing the vegetation o~ trees from land. I Hazardous Tree: Shall mean a tree th,~t, in the opinion of the Environmental [ A,4mini~-ator. constitutes a hazard tn life or W property as the tree is in ivan~i~ent danger of fnlling or is considered a h,~,~rd (i.e.. a dead, diseased, broken, split, I cracked, leanin~ or uprooted trees). · Historic Tree: ShslI mean a tree(s) whie. h has beem found to be of notable historic interest to the City, because of its age, type, size or historic association with the community and has been so designated by resolution of thc City Council. Homeowner Packet: Shall mean those documents and informational pamphlets regarding the protection of trees and are available at the City Building Department for I homeowners, property owner, contractors and developer. Land Clearing or Grubbing: Shall mean the removal by any m~ans of any lype of vegetation or trees from land, but does not include mowing, trimming or priming so as to maintain vegetation in a healthy, viable condition. Landscape Earth Berm: Shall mean an earthen mound which is not greater that for (4) feet in height which is sodded and planted with additional vegetation to meet the specifications of the required vegetative buffer classification Landscape Materials: Shall mean vegetation, such as trees, ornamental palms and native plants, which may be complemented by features including but not limited to, sod and understory. Mulch, rocks and other similar materials may be used in conjunction with the planting of approved landscape materials. Landscaping: Shall mean the preservation or planting of vegetation to enhance the natural environment, pursuant to the provisions of this Section_ 2 Mangrove), I~mmcularia racernosa (White Mangrove) or RhizoohoraMan~lc (Red Mangrove). Native Vegetation: Shall mema any and all plant mad tree species that are indigenous to the City of Sebastian. Plot/Site PLan: $h~11 mcan a dimcu~cm~ sketch plan showing thc loe~Uion of all structures, driveways, on*site sewage disposal facilities, waterbodics, existing trees and vegetative communities identified by genus mad size, proposed landscaping or other inf~On as required by the City of Sebastian. Prohibited or Undesirable Exotic Trees: Shall mean the following five tree species, that if~ on the site ~re consid~.~ to be prolu'bited trees (or undesirable exotic) and are subject only to a verific~on inspection by the Department prior to removal. Under no cimansUmees shall any of the named tree species be deh'bcrately inlroduced into the City and planted on public or private property; mad any such action shall be deemed a violation of this article and shall be cause for assessment Of penalty mad O~m~,ges for subsequent removal against said violator: ' ' : · B C. D. Ear tree (Emerolobium cyclocarpum); Chinaberry 0vf¢lia azedarch); Australian Pine (Casuarina app.); Punk tree or cajeput ~ree OVielanieuca quinquemervia or Melalenea leucadendron); Bra~an pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) Protected Tree: Shall mean any nee of four inches D.B.H. or greater, that is not otherwise exempted herein. Protective Barrier: Shall mean a physical structure, such as protective bindings, braces or other similar non-injurious materials which effectively limit access to a protected area. Remove or Removal: Shall mean any act which will cause a wee to be damaged, decline or die within a period of eighteen (18) months, e.g., damage inflicted upon the root system by heavy machinery, or by changing the natural grade above the root system or around the tnmk; damage inflicted on the tree, by excessive pruning or the application of any chemical, which permits infection or pest infestation or causes poisoning; or damage caused by other direct or indirect actions, including paving with concrete, asph~t, or other i~perviom material to within two (2) feet of the outside diameter cfa tree. The arms "Remove or Removal", when applied to a ~n.ngrove shall meam the a~mml[ removal or cansing the effective removal throu~ ~.m.~g. poisonin~ or other direct or in//rea a~om resulting/n ck~ or dec]~ ora nmngrove, md shall also me~m the [ removal of any part of a ~ plant through wunin~ ~ cut~g, mowing or other dim. ct or indirect a~iom resulting in the re~noval of any part of a mangrove plant, m Recognized Knowledgeable Person: Shall mea~ an ind/vidua] reco~o~i~¢d by the City of Sebasfi~ as being knowledgeable in the idenfific~ion and evaluation of vegel~fi~ resourc~ su~ as a fore~er, biologist, e~ologist, ho~ulmfist, landscape recogn/zable skills and exper/ence. Root Pruning: Shn]l mean the cutting of tree roots for the purpose of moving a tree ! or facilitati~ nasrby constm~on or landscaping. Specimen Tree: Shall mean any tree twenty (20) in.es &b.h or more and shall inclmte all red and bla~ mangroves ('Khizophora Mangle and Avicennia Nitide) and exclude palm trees. Topping: Shall mean the removal of vertical leader stem~ on trees $" DBH or greater. Tree: Shall mean any hying self-supporting and erect, standing woody plant having at least one well-defined stem, is of a species which normally attains a minimum overall height at maturity of at least eight ($') feet in the Sebastian service area, and shall include, but not be limited to the region appropriate species listed and on file with the City Clerk, as adopted by resolution of the City Council and revised as required, from time to time. Tree Removal: (See Removal) ,- Tree Survey: Shall mean a method of identifying by name and size all trees four (4) inches or greater in D.B.H. existing on each surveyed site. Undesirable Tree: (See Prohibited and Undesirable Exotic Tree). SEC. 20A- 14.3 Administration. The City officia~ appoimed by the City Manager to perform the duties of the I Euviram~n~ Admmisu'ator shall be responsible for administering the provisions of this AniSe and shall dire~ ~ and c~x~rol the removal of all trees ~rowi~ now i or hereaft~ in the City. SEC. 20A - 14.4 Historic and Spe, cSme~ Trees. All "hi~oric trees' designated by Resolution of the City Council require a removal permit approved by the City Council. Historic and spedmen tree (s) desi~n,t,,-d as hazardous ~ (s) by the En~ental Administrator and require imme~ attention rosy be removed after verific~on and obtaining approval from the City Manager. A specimen tree shall not be removed until a removal permit has been issued by the City Manager, or hi~ designee. SEC. A. Be 20A - 14.5 Plot / Site Plan requirements for building permits. · ' This scion shall apply to all new single and two family residential construction and Article XIII shall apply to other types of ~onslru~ion within thc City limits of Sebasiian. All persons requesling to disturb property by grubbing, clearing or otherwise similarly ~ing property wiffgn thc City limits of Sebastian shall make application W the City Manager through the Department on a form prescribed by the Environmenlal AdministraWr. The plot / site plan shall include as a minimum, the following information: Location of all present and proposed structures, driveways, parking areas and other planned areas; (2) All trees over four (4) inches in diameter measured four and one-half feet (4 1/2') from the ground, and identified; and (3) Sec 20A - 14.10 shall apply for all tees to be removed, retained, or relocated 5 SEC. 20A - 14.6 Tree protection prior to development. The Department ~h-'H provi~ ~ ea~ permit applicant a "homeowners packet" that includes ~s a rnl,im,~n~ information *nd tech-iques relating to the protection of trees during land ~o~ for cons-mmicm or consmm~ aztivifies. All xrees desu'oyed or removed without pexmit appro~ shall be replaced by a species of tree approv~ The cost of replacing trees shall be incurred by the pm'~y responsible for the removal or destruztiox~ Prior to development or cons~ction, the builder - developer shall erect suitable protection barriers around all trees to be preserved. four inches (4) or more. other than protective wires, bra~es or other similar -' no-i~jurious materials. It shall be unlawful to remove any material or ground within a five - foot radiUS of any tree mink or stem having a diameter of four inches (4") or more. The developer shall not cause or allow the disposal of waste material such as paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar or any other material harmfal to the life of a tree within the drip line of the any tree or groups of trees. SEC. 20A - 14.7 Exceptions to tree protection requirements. During the period of any emergency proclaimed by the Governor of the State of Florida, the City Council of the City of Sebastian or the Mayor of the City of Sebasta,~ as provided within the Ciw Charter. all requirements of this Article may be temporarily suspended by the City Manager for the period of time required by private or City work forces to remove hazardous trees or clear public thorou~hfares. All properly licensed plant or tree nurseries shall be exempt from the provisions of this Article only in relation to the trees growing on the premises of the nursery and so planted or growing for the sale or intended sale to the general public in the ordinary course of the licensee's business. SEC. 20A- 14.8 Appeals. 6 I i Amy appli .cant for a permit aggri~ by a decision of the City Manager, the D/rector or. the ~'~onm~.l Administrator made pmsuant to this Article may appeal to the uity Council by filing with the City Clerk The City C]~nk ~1 inform the City I Council of the appeal aud shall schedule a hearing within foune~ (14) days of receipt of the appeal, I SF.,C. 20A - 14.9 Penalty. i Violatim of any of the provisions of this Article or the conditions ora pmnit issued h~'?under shall be ..-~. wful~_ and any pm-son violating any of the provisions of this Article _or the conditions of ~ permit issued hereunder shall, upon conviction, be I p, mlcllecl as provided in Se~'tion l-lO of thc City Code of Ordinances, and until such violation is rectified, the site plan approval shall be suspended and all dev¢lopm~mt work shall cease tmtil the site plan approval is reinstated by the City. SEC. 20A - 14.10 Tree removal permit requirement No person, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, remove',-reloCate or eff~vely destroy through damaging any tree situated on any real property or clear any lot or acreage located with the City, without first obtaining a pmmit as provided withi~ these provisions. SEC. 20A - 14.11 Exemptions. The prohibited or undesirable Exotic trees outlined in Section 20A - 14.2, Definitions, may be removed without a permit after receiving vexification fi'om the Environmental Administrator. SEC. 20A - 14.12 Application for a tree removal permit. Permits for removal, relocation or replacement of individual trees or groups of trees shall be obtained by completing an application for a p¢l-mit to the Community Development Department. The application shall be accompanied with a written statement indicating the reasons for the apphcation and one (l) copy of an accurate legible plot/site plan drawn to the largest scale practicable to reveal the following: O) The location of existing and proposed improvements, ff any, including structures, paving and utility easements. 7 (:2)The minimtm~ number of trees according to the lot size as designated herein. (~) Minimum Tr~ Requirem~ns For L~.t S~ze (Sa. Ft.) ~n. Number of Trees j d-t-" ~ to 9,999 Five (5)trees / lo,ooo to ls~o99 Sev~ (7) ~es [.~/36,000 or more Nine (9) trees ~ (4) Trees that are atta~ in ordar to ~sfS, the minimum ~ents ~or the corresponf/ng lot ~e shall be equal to Florida grade number The minim..?~h?ight of each tree must..~be at least eight £eet (89 and have a ' ~'minjmum ~.e ~nd one-half (1 1/2') ~ Citrus tr~es m~y be used provid~ ~none ~s~S than four feet (4') in height md the number shall not exceed thr~e (3) or comprise more than 2.5%, whichever is gre.~er, of the required minimum number of trees on the lot. (~) All existing trees that meet the following criteria may be applied towards meeting the minimum number of trees as required .in subsection (3) above. CREDITS a. 2' - 5'dbh = I tree over 5" -10 dbh = 2trees over 10"-20 dbh = 3trees over 20" - B0 dbh = 4 trees over 30" - dbh = 5 trees b. Palm trees may be utilized on a one for one credit basis. (6) At least 50% of all new required trees shall be of native species. SEC. 20A - 4.13 Fees. A non-refundable permit fee shall be applied to each application, and is deemed necessary A non-r~undable permit fee sh~ be applied to ~ch apphcation, and is de~ned necessary for the processing~ in~ect~on, enforcement and administration of this Article. SEC. 20A .. 1.4.14 C_~'ite~'ia for permit issuance. The issmmce of a p~rmit for m~e r~mova] as r~quired within this Article shall be based upon thc following crite~'ia: (1) Necessity to remove trees which present a hazard or other unsafe =ondition w people, vehi~dar traffic or thr~amn to cause disruption to public s~rvices Necessity to r~move trees which present a b~rd to structures; (3) Ne~-ssity to r~nov¢ ~ or fall~ trees or tr~es w~kened by age, storm, orfim. (4) The ~x~nt to which tr~e r~noval is likely to result in 8,,m~e m' the pr0p~ty of others, public or pr/rate, including 8~mage to lakes, ponds, streams, or rivers, drainage canals or swales; ($) Any proposed landscaping incJuding plans whereby the applicant has planted or will plant trees to replace those that are proposed to be cleared; Topography of the land and the effect oftr~ r~nova] or erosion, soil retention and the d/version or increased flow of surface water; (7) Good forestry practices, i.e., the number of healthy ~rces that a given parcel of land will support; (8) Necessity to r~tnove trees in order to construct proposed improvements to allow economic enjoyment of the property, including; a. need for access around the proposed su-ucture for construction equipment (maximum often (10) feet); b. need for access to the building site for construction equipment; c. essential grade changes; (9) Zoning. SEC. (10) The extent of any damage or hardship which would result w the applicaut from a dmia] of the requested permit; (11) The species and size of the ~'~s proposed for r~movaL 20A - 14.15 Applie. alionreview. The F. uvironm~mta] Admini~or shall review and grant or dray the permit applir, atiim withi~ tm (10) wofldng days a/~ receipt of an application filed pursuant to this artizle. If the applir, ation is dmied, the reasom therefor shall be in writing and atlar, hed to the application. In the eveat tm (10) working days have lapsed and the Ex~vironmental Administrator has not responded to the application, the application shall be dcmed to have been granted. h the event a site plan is required to be submitted, thru the application shall be submiued simultaneously as pan of the site plan application and the approval period shall be as required for the site plan review. .. A cea'dficat~ of ocoupancy shall not be issued without first demonstrating compliance with the provisions of Sec. 20A - 14.12 (3). 10 ORDINANCE NO. 0-95-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE XIII, OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, PERTAINING TO LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS, BY DELETING PORTIONS OF SEC. 20A- 13.2; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sebastian City Council has adopted Ordinance 0-95-01, pertaining to tree protection within the City of Sebastian, and being applicable to all real property located within the City of Sebastian; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Ordinance 0-95-01 are duplicitive of the requirements of Article XIII, Sec. 20A-13.2 of the Land Development Code of the City of Sebastian. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, as follows: Landscape Requlations Amended. Article XIII, of the Land Development Code of the City of of the landscape SECTION 1. Sec. 20A-13.2, Sebastian, pertaining to the applicability regulations is hereby amended as follows: "Sec. 20A-13.2. Applicability. For all new construction other than single-family or two- family residences, the minimum standards for landscaping set forth in this article shall be applicable to all storage, parking, display, sales or accessory vehicular use areas when created or used in conjunction with new construction, enlargement requiring updated code compliance." remodeling or Sect~0n 2. CONFLICTS. All ordinances or ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. parts of Section 3. CODIFICATION. It is the intention or,he City Council or,he City of Sebastian, Indian River County, Florida, and it is hereby provided ~hat ~/3e provisions of =his ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Land Development Code of the City of Sebastian, Florida; t~hat ~he sections of this ordinance may be i renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and the word "Ordinance" may be changed to "Section," "Article" or other appropriate designations. Secti~.....~.. SEFERA~ILITY. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold or determine that any part of this ordinance is invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected and it shall be presumed that the City Council of the City of Sebastian did not intend to enact such invalid or unconstitutional provision. It shall further be assumed that the City Council would have enacted the remainder of this ordinance unconstitutional provision, thereby remain in full force and effect. without said invalid and causing said remainder to 2 ec~L~D_~. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. . . The foregoing ordinance was moved for adoption by Council- _ member ~. The motion was.seconded by Mayor Arthur L. Flrtlon ~ Vice-Mayor Carolyn Corum ~ Council Member Norma J. Damp ~ Council Member Robert Freeland ~ Council Hember Frank Oberb~ck ~ The M~yor thereupon declared this ordinance duly passed and adopted this day of ........ , 1994. . ' ~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: ..... ATTEST: Arthur L. Firt~, Mayo~- Kath~ M. O"HallO~an, dJM'c/AA~ City Clerk . . I HEREBY CERTIFY that notice of public hearing on this ordinance was published in the Veto Beach Press Journal as required by State Statute, that one public hearing was held on this ordinance 9t 7:00 p.m. on the d~y of , 199 , and the following said public heari--~--thls ordinance was passed by the City Council. Kathryn M. O'~iloran, ~C/AAE . City Clerk ' Approved as to form and content: 1 City of Sebastian 122.5 MAIN STREET ~ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 a FAX (407) 589-5570 AGENDA TRANSMITTAL SUBJECT: Proposed Ordinances Approval For Submittal By: City Manager (~ L/ AGENDA NO. Dept. Origin: City Manager Date Submitted: 01/26/95 For Agenda Of: 02/01/95 ) Exhibits: O-95-03, O-95-06 I ) 0-95-04 and O-95-05 I EXPENDITURE AMOUNT APPROPRIATION i REQUIRED: N/A BUDGETED: N/A REQUIRED: N/A S~RY In order to expedite the passage of proposed ordinances, I have placed before you for Workshop discussion the following proposed ordinances: Parking The main purpose of this proposed ordinance is to limit the quantity of vehicles that can be parked or stored on private property in Sebastian, and to regulate the location of parking on our street right-of-way. Formboard Surveys: There are two versions of this proposal. One is to require a formboard survey rather than a slab survey for building permit applications, and the second version is to require a formboard survey rather than a slab survey in situations where a foundation is to be within 12 inches of any setback line or easement. Term limits for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the P & Z Commission. This proposed ordinance (Section l(a) ) designates the City Clerk to appoint a City employee to serve as secretary to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Does th/s mean we have a new City Manager? Permit anti(me shops and second-hand shops in CG zoning districts, establish .specific criteria. o-,,-o___, A/g ORDINANCE O~ T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DISTRICTS AND ON STREET RIGHTS-OF-WAY, 'PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, SETTING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, PROVIDING METHODS FOR ENFORCEMENT, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHE~, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, desires to restrict parking in residential districts and on street rights-of-way of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida~ believes that it is in the best interests of the healt~,'safgty, and general welfare of the community to so restrict parking. ~;".~N~_N~WTHEREFORE, IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY BE OF'-SEB.~~'~FLORIDA,' TF~T: Section 1. The Code of Ordinances, City-of Sebastian, is hereby amended by adding a new section to be numbered and entitled, "Parking in Residential Districts and on Street Rights- of-way" which shall read as follows: Section Parking in Residential Districts and on Street Rights-of-way 1. As used in this Section , the term "Vehicle" means any recreational vehicle as defined in §20A-5.16 (which definiti6n' includes travel trailers, campers, boats, and trailers), or any automobile, motorcycle, truck, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor and semitrailer combination, or any other vehicle operated on the roads of this state, used to transport persons or property, and propelled by power other than muscular power, but the term does not include traction engines, road rollers, such vehicles as run only upon a track, bicycles, or mopeds. 2. No more than four (4) vehicles may be parked or stored on any improved lot in any residential district. Any vehicle parked or stored in an enclosed structure and not visible from a public street shall not be counted toward 'the four (4) vehicle maximum. 3. No more than two (2) vehicles may be parked or stored on any unimproved lot in any residential district which lot is conti~uous with an improved lot owned by the same owner. 4. No vehicle may be parked or stored on any unimproved lot in any residential district which lot is not contiguou~with an improved lot owned by the same owner. 5. No vehicle may be parked or stored on any lot in a residential district unless the lot is of at least the minimum area and width required in the zoning district in which it is located, or the lot was of record at the time of adoption of Section 20A- 5.4. 6. No vehicle may be parked or stored on any street right- of-way, except in such areas as designated by the City from time to time which areas shall be marked by signs. 7. Any violation of this Section shall be a civil infraction, subject to a maximum civil penalty of ($500.00), or'a- civil penalty of if the person committing the civil infraction does not contest the citation. Section 2. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sebastian, Florida, and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, relettered, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "Section", "Article", or such other word or phrase in order to accomplish such intention. Section 3. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Ordinance shall be held by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutional or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated, in no way affecting the validity of the remaining portions or applications, which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage and adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON FIRST RFJtDING, THIS DAY OF , 1995. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THIS CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON SECOND AND FINAL READING, THIS DAY OF , 1995. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Title: ATTEST: CITY CLERK AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REQUIRE FORMBOARD SURVEYS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE- DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of ~he City of Sebastian, Florida, desires to amend Section 26.32 of the Code of Ordinances to require a formboard survey rather than a slab survey in situations where a foundation is to be within !2 inches of any setback line or easement; and ~EREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian; Florida, believes that it is in the best interesus of the health, safety, and general welfare of the community to so amend Section 26.32. NOw TMEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, TMAT: Section 1. The Code of Ordinances, City of Sebastian, is hereby amended by amending Section 26.32 (6) to read as follows: · (6) A survey prepared by and executed by a qualified surveyor showing all lot lines and easements shall accompany all applications for building permits on the subject lot or parcel of land on which the proposed construction is planned. In addition, unless waived by the building official for good cause on an individual case basis, if a proposed structure has a foundation that is planned to come within 12 inches or less of any setback line or any easement on the lot or parcel of land, the building official shall re_quire a formboard survey to be submitted to the building department of the City to ensure that the slab does not encroach into any required setback area or easement. Such a survey shall be submitted to the building department before commencement of any further construction on the structure. ~ It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, that' the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sebastian, Florida, and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, relettered, and the word "ordinance~' may be changed to "Section", "Article", or such other word or phrase in order to accomplish such intention. " Section 3. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Ordinance shall be held by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutional or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated, in no way affectin9 the validity of the remaining portions or applications, which shall remain in full force And effect. .Se.~..~.pn..5~. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage and adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON FIRST READING, THIS DAY OF 1995. PASSED AND ~O~TED BY THE CITY CO~IL OFT HIS CITY OF S~BASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON SECC.N-D AND FINAL READING, THIS DAY OF , ~995. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Title: ATTEST: CITY. CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 0-95-06~_~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING TME CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REQUIRE FORMBOARD SURVEYS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERAB ILITY, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W}tEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, desires to amend Section 26.32 of the Code of Ordinances to require a formboard survey rather than a slab survey for building permit applications; and W-HE~, the City Council of the C'ity of Sebastian, Florida, believes that it is in the best interests of the health, s~feuy, and general welfare of the community to so amend Section 26.32. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TME CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, TEAT: Section 1. The Code of Ordinances, City of Sebastian, is hereby amended by amending Section 26.32 (6) to read as follows: (6) A survey prepared by and executed by a qualified surveyor showing all lot lines and. easements shall accompany ali applications for building permits on the subject lot or parcel of land on which the proposed construction is planned. In addition, unless waived by the building official for good cause on an individual case basis, the building official shall require a formboard survey to be submitted to the building department of 5he City to ensure that the slab does not encroach into any required setback area or easement. Such a survey shall be submitted to the building department before commencement of any further construction on the s~ruc:ure. Secticn 2J It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sebastian, Florida, and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, relettered, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "Section", "Article", or such other word or phrase in order to accomplish such intention. Se~n 3. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to ~he extent of such conflict. Secti~ If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Ordinance shall be held by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitut~cna! or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated, in no way affecting the validity of the remaining portions or applicati°ns·i whiCh shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5, This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage and adoption.· PASSED BY TEE CITY COUNC2L OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON FIRST READING, TEIS DAY OF , 1995. PkSSED A~ND ADOPTED BY T~E CITY COUNCIL OF T~iS CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON SECOND AND FINAL READING, THiS DAY OF , 1995. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Title: ATTEST: CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 0-95-04 AN ORDINANCE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF TME CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING TEE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO PROVIDE FOR TERM LIMITS FOR TME CHAIRPERSON AND VI CE- C/{AI RPERSON OF TME PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, PROVIDING FOR SEVERAB ILITY, PROVIDING FOR CODIFI CAT_tON, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebaszian, Florida, desires to limit the terms of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission; and W-MEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, believes that it is in the best interests of the health., safety, and general welfare of the community to impose said :erm limits. NOW TPLEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE· CiTY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, THAT: ~cn 1. The Code of Ordinances, City of Sebastian, is hereby amended by amending Section 20A-11.3.C.3.a. to read as follows: a. OFFICERS. The Planning and Zoning Commissicn shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson from among its members at the first regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held at the beginning of each calendar year. Each such officer shall serve a term of one year or until his or her successor is appointed. No member who has served two full terms as chairperson shall be eligible to again serve as chairperson, and nc me~utber who has served two full terms as vice-chairperson shall be eligible to a~aln serve as vice-c~irperson.~/ The Planning and Zonin~ Commission shall follo~ the criteria set forth in Section 20A- li.B.A.3. The City $~A~shall appoint a city employee to serve as secretary to the Planning and Zoning Commission and take minutes of the meetings for the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Ord. No. 0- 93-01, ~ 67, 2-24-93) Section 2. I~ is the intention of ~he City Council of the CiTy of Sebastian, Florida, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sebastian, Florida, and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, relettered, and the word "ordinance'' may be changed to "Section", "Article", or such other word or phrase'in order to accomplish such intention. Section B.. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resc!utions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Ordinance shall be held by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutional or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated, in no way affecting the validity of the remaining poruions or applications, which shall remain in full force ~nd effect. Sect. ion 5. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (301' days after its passage and adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON FIRST READING, THiS DAY OF , 1995. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TPIE CITY COUNCIL OF THIS CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON SECOND AND FINAL READING, THIS DAY OF , 1995. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Title: ATTEST: CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 0-95-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO PERMIT ANTIQUE SHOPS AND SECOND HAND SHOPS IN CG ZONING DISTRICTS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABIL!TY, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, desires to amend the Code of Ordinances to allow antique shops and second hand shops as a permitted use in CG zonin~ districts; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, believes that it is in the best interests of the health, safety, and ~eneral welfare of the community tc so amend the Cod~ of Ordinances. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, T~AT: Section %~ The Code of Ordinances, City of Sebastian, is hereby amended by amending Section 20A-2.5.C.13 to read as follows: 13. Flea markets and pawn shops: Retail sale of ~oods in an establishment which provides booths, stalls, or other marketing areas to more than one retailer within the same business establishment, or pawn brokerage services. Section 2. The Code of Ordinances, City of Sebastian, is hereby amended by amending Section 20A-6.1.C.18 to read as follows: 18. shall be district. Flea Markets and Pawn Shops: Applicable zoning districts. permitted as a condition Flea markets and pawnshops use within the CG zoning b. Conditional use criteria. Flea markets and pawn shops will be allowed in the CG district provided the following criteria are met: !. All sales activity and storage shall be in an enclosed structure. 2. No structure shall be located within fifty (50) feet to any lot line abutting a residential district. 3. NO off-street parking or loading area shall be located closer than fifteen (15) feet to any property line abutting a residential district. Section 3. The Code of Ordinances, City of Sebastian, is hereby amended by amending Section 20A-I.I0.B and C to read as follows: B. Permitted uses. In this district, as a permitted use, a building or premises may be used for only the below stated uses. All applicable provisions of this code shall be satisfied, including site plan review and performance criteria. Permitted uses: Cultural or civic activities, places of worship, public or private not-for-profit administrative services, public or private not-for-profit clubs, business and professional offices, general retail sales and services (including antique shops and second-hand shops), limited commercial activities, parking garages, plant nurseries, restaurants (excluding drive-ins), trade and skilled services, transient quarters, vehicular sales and related services, retail gasoline sales, medical services and accessory uses. (Ord. No. 0-93-01, § 32, 2-24-93) C. CONDITIONAL USES. In this district as a conditional use a building or premises may be used for only the fctlowin~ conditional uses upon compliance with applicable conditions stated in article VI and all other applicable provisions of this Code, including site plan review and performance criteria. The planning and zoning commission shall ascertain if such conditions and provisions are satisfied. Appeal of such decisions shall be heard by the city council. Conditional uses: Adult entertainment establishments, bars and lounges, child care facilities, drive-through facilities, farmer's market, funeral homes, hotels and motels, indo6r-theaters and other enclosed commercial amusements, flea markets and' pawn shops, nursing homes (including rest homes or convalescent homes), public and private utilities, public parks and recreation areas, public protective and emergency services, restaurants (drive-in), vehicular service and maintenance, veterinary medical services, whole-sale trades and services, and accessory uses. Section 4. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sebastian, Florida, and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered, relettered, and the word "ordinance" may 'be changed to "Section", "Article", or such other work or phrase in order to accomplish such intention. Section 5. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resoluuions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Sectio~ 6. If any clause, section, or other part or application of this Ordinance shall be held by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such unconstitutional or invalid part or application shall be considered as eliminated, in no way affecting the validity of the remaining portions or applications, which shall remain in full force and effect. ~. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage and adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, ON FIRST READING, T~IS DAY OF , 1995. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COuNCIL OF THIS CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA] ON SECOND AND FINAL READING, THIS DAY OF , 1995. CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA By: Title: ATTEST: CITY CLERK