HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-29-2022 PR MinutesPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 29, 2022 I. Call to Order — Acting Chairwoman Webster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. It. Pledoe of Allegiance was recited by all. III. Roll Call Present Ms. White (Zoom) Mr. Renzi Mr. Mauro Ms. Drumheller Mr. Danlse Mr. Agudelo Ms. Webster Also Present Mr. Brian Benton, Leisure Services Director Mr. Joseph Perez, AV Technical Assistant Ms. Janet Graham, Technical Writer IV. Announcements and Agenda Modifications — None V. ADoroval of Minutes — Meeting Minutes from July 25, 2022 Ms. Webster asked if all the Committee members have had a chance to review the Minutes from July 25, 2022. All indicated they had. Ms. Webster called for a motion. A motion approving the Minutes of July 25, 2022 as presented was made by Ms. Drumheller, seconded by Mr. Renzi, and approved unanimously via voice vote. VI. Public Inout — None VII. Unfinished Business A. Current Project(s) Update Mr. Benton gave updates on active projects as follows: ADA Parking Spaces and Sidewalks — The current plan is to have them installed next Thursday at Blossom Park. After that, staff will proceed to George Street during the coming weeks after Blossom Park has been completed. Those are part of the park improvements that were dedicated from this Committee for staff to spend funds for those AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 2022 Improvements. Also, with the work at Blossom the gate size will be increased from three feet to five feet. Easy Street and Filbert Street Park Playgrounds — Mr. Benton reviewed that this year also budgeted were Easy Street and Filbert Street playgrounds. He has met on site with one of the City's vendors providing playgrounds. He will be working to get two additional estimates from playground companies. He plans to bring that Information to this Committee at the September meeting. At that time, the Committee will be able to review the designs and the cost estimates for those two playgrounds. Swings and Benches Park Across from Harbor Lights Motel — The funds for that work will betaken from Leisure Services' budget going into the next fiscal year. He stated that across the street, the Harbor Lights Motel will be demolished beginning next week, and you will see some activity at that site. On the east side of Indian River Drive is where the Swings and Benches Park will be located next year. He will bring that design to this Committee after October to get input on how It is planned to lay out the swings and the benches as well as some memorial brick pavers that will be installed at that site as well. Ms. White asked how many swings are being considered. Mr. Benton said staff still has to finalize the drawings. Currently he estimates three swings and five or six benches depending on the layout with the swings. These swings will be similar to porch swings. They may not be wooden, but that is the thought process for this project. Ms. Webster suggested that staff check on Tybee Island which has some on the ocean that are spectacular. Mr. Benton said he will look Into that. Sign Stating No Animals are Allowed on one of the Docks at the Riverfront — Mr. Benton reviewed that at a prior meeting Mr. Danise had brought up a concern he has regarding a sign stating that no animals are allowed on one of the docks down at the riverfront area. Mr. Benton stated that a sign has been installed. He added that the Maintenance Department is somewhat understaffed currently, but he feels that the staff Is doing a phenomenal job in keeping up with the current projects, and the Committee will be presented with some new projects to review in the near future. He then called for questions/comments from the Committee members. Mr. Mauro: • Drew attention to the welcome signs that are placed as one enters Indian River County. Mr. Benton stated the County would have installed those. The City has Its Welcome to Sebastian sign currently installed on CR 512 in front of the Publix Plaza eastbound. Regarding the US 1 north and south signs, at the City Council AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 3 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 2022 meeting last week, the Community Aesthetic Feature Agreement with Florida Department of Transportation was approved. So now the installation company has approval from the City to install the signs on the medians. He suggested that those signs should be installed in the coming weeks. Ms. White: Regarding the motel that is being torn down on Indian River Drive, she asked If there has been any discussion about perhaps selling It for tax income, or would it be for green space eventually. Mr. Benton stated that currently there have not been any discussions as to the direction from Council. B. Committee Member Park Update Mr. Benton reviewed that at the last meeting there was some concern from some of the Committee members that each member had been assigned specific park(s), and they would go out and look at the parks. However, at the end of that meeting, the chance for committee members to provide feedback and input on their parks, in the future that will be included in the "Unfinished Business" item on the agenda. When that discussion was had, It was determined by him that this Committee should institute under "Unfinished Business" a sort of rolling "Unfinished Business" Item to provide all the Committee members an opportunity to give updates, positive and negative, as to what is going on within the parks that each Committee member had been allocated and things that those members would like to see come back before this Committee. Ms. Webster called on remarks from the Committee members. Mr. Denise stated that when he sees things that need to be addressed, he contacts Mr. Benton immediately. He also said that he thinks the Leisure Services Department is doing a fantastic job. Mr. Renzi asked whatever happened with the gentlemen who wanted to permit boat launch areas across from Riverview Park. Mr. Benton reviewed that he gave one of the gentlemen the City's recommendation —that the City was not going to move forward with allowing access there. He has heard nothing further from those gentlemen. Mr. Agudelo stated that, as far as the parks that he has been around and seen lately, Hardee Park looks great, and Barber Street looks great. The dugouts are a very positive addition to the park. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 2022 Ms. Webster brought up the community Back -to -School event that was held at Barber Street. It was a really good event. Mr. Benton said the Police Department handled that, and his staff offered any assistance that was needed. But the Police Department handled that completely through the COPE unit. They do a fantastic job with those events. The Police Department will work with his department when the Halloween event is held, and the Police Department does a fantastic job with those community events that they put on. C. Community Member Recognition Program Mr. Benton reviewed that staff has been working on this item. Included in the Committee's packet for this evening is the final nomination form. It Is based on feedback from prior meetings. The deadline that he put in for applications Is going to be October 14". That will give the selection committee two weeks to look at choosing someone to bring before this Committee at the end of October. He suggested that the staff/selection committee will have the selection ready and have it come before this Committee as a recommendation at the meeting the end of October. Then in November the individual chosen could be brought before this Committee and recognized. It would be formally announced at that time, and then that person would be able to be showcased in the Christmas parade. He suggested that a golf cart be provided by the City to showcase the individual at the parade unless someone has a convertible or something of that nature that could be used. Ms. White asked if a committee has been chosen to do the judging. Mr. Benton reviewed that this had been discussed. The committee will include Mr. Benton, a member of his staff, and whoever this Committee wants to have represent it on that selection group. There can only be one person because of the Sunshine Laws. He was also going to reach out to one of the community organizations to get someone. He would like to get this put in motion this year if possible. Ms. Webster suggested that someone from the Shrimp Fest might be nominated. Mr. Benton said that can happen. He would like to get someone from the youth organizations, be it football, baseball, etc. He will try to get as many as possible on the selection committee. However, it could come down to someone on the selection committee also having been nominated. If that person is chosen as a person nominated for the award, then they will not be permitted to be on the selection committee, and Mr. Benton will have to get someone else. Ms. White asked how the application and nominating procedure will be shared to the community. Mr. Benton said that, once this Is approved with this Committee, staff will make City Council aware of it. But his staff will disseminate it to the community organizations via the City's Facebook page, the City's webslte, Little League and Tackle Football organizations and any other groups that this Committee knows of. He stated that the Senior Center and Art Club will be involved with It as well as the schools. Ms. Drumheller asked if this application that is included in the Committee's packet is going to be available online for download, PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 5 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 2022 and will people be able to fill it out and upload it. Mr. Benton said it will be put into a fellable format so that, if they want to submit it online, they will be able to do that. If they want to print it off and fill it in that way and bring it in to City Hail, they will be able to. Ms. White said she thinks the form is easy to read and easy to fill out. She is wondering if, since it says, "Parks and Recreation Nomination Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form," people might think that it is only people who volunteer for Parks and Recreation activities who are eligible to be nominated. Mr. Denise opined that the Parks and Recreation Department should stay within the framework of who it is. He thinks the form looks good. Mr. Benton spoke regarding Ms. White's comment. He suggested that when it is advertised to the public, whether it be via social media, etc., it can be emphasized that it Is a community event and that it does not necessarily need to be a City -run event. It is City sponsored and will take place within the City and benefit the City's residents. He suggested phrasing it that way in the Initial email with social media, etc. He stated this Committee can either decide tonight or come back in September and select who from this Committee will be designated as the representative on the selection committee. Ms. Webster stated that Mr. Denise is the one who brought it to this Committee, and she would like to ask that Mr. Denise be on the selection committee. It was the consensus of the Committee members that Mr. Danise be on the selection committee. Mr. Benton stated that there will be discussion going forward as to the logistics for this program. Ms. Webster suggested that maybe one of the businesses in town would donate a gift card or something of that nature. Ms. Drumheller asked that a link to the fillable form be sent out to the Committee members so that she can send It to some of the community not -for - profits that she works with. Mr. Benton said he would do that. A. Discussion on Disc/Fdsbee Golf (Requested by Ms. Drumheller) Ms. Drumheller stated that she has had some people approach her about disc golf recently. At the last meeting, Mr. Denise talked about Hobart Park and its disc golf course. She went and talked to someone at that park, and she described how it is set up there and that discs can actually be thrown where people are playing and eating. There is a very active Treasure Coast Disc Golf community, and there are lots of folks in Sebastian who are active in this. She went to their Facebook page and looked at their site and looked at where people were from and what they were saying. She also put up something on the Sebastian site, and within the first day she had 31 people comment in support of this sport. She does think that there is some park space available for this type of project. She suggested Filbert as one of these parks. She also had comments from several people asking for shuffleboard and more pickleball. She did not know that there had been discussion in years past, and she would like to learn about that. She suggested PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 2022 that It would be reasonable to put one of these courts in. She passed out the Facebook Treasure Coast Disc Golf Club Information. She did visit two of the parks in the surrounding communities. She opined that there would be lots of interest among the community regarding this subject. Ms. Webster recalled some of what was discussed several years ago. She does not know what happened to that suggestion. Ms. White reviewed what she remembered It being discussed in the past. She also suggested Filbert Park as a good place for the disc golf. Ms. Drumheller stated that she thinks there are people who will come to a meeting where this matter Is on the agenda. There was discussion among several Committee members about this subject. It was the consensus of the Committee that this matter be further investigated. Mr. Benton said he did some research regarding previous discussions at City Council meetings and Parks and Recreation meetings. In the past, the discussion was based on three properties: Schumann Lake Park, which received a lot of public Input against doing anything on that property because it is a nicely preserved area. The second area that was discussed minimally was Filbert Park. There were some concerns regarding the size of that park. From what he found, It seems that there are five acres needed to adequately spread it out and have some hazards or trees, etc., so that it Is not a straight throw of a frisbee right to a hole. There was also concern regarding gopher tortoises and the houses surrounding Filbert Street Park. There is also a walking trail there for people in the community. The third option was Stormwater Park. St. John's Water Management said no to that activity within that property. What he will do If the Committee desires is to delve further Into this subject and what exactly is needed for a nine -hole course and see if the City has the area to do that. Once we look at opening some of the areas within the City to other activities, there has to be parking provided. He stated that a member of the public suggested that there needs to be a minimum of five acres for nine holes, and it would need parking and restrooms. Mr. Benton does not believe that restrooms would be needed. Ms. White favors Filbert Park being considered. Mr. Renzi stated that he is not familiar with disc golf, and he would like to do some research on it before the Committee goes forward on it. He does not know how the game is played. Ms. Webster said right now there needs to be only research done. Mr. Denise described how the game is played. Ms. Drumheller stated that Hobart Park has an 18- hole course, so that would be a good place to go and see how the course is set up and how the game Is played. She also recommended going online and entering "disc golf,' and all sorts of videos and information will come up. Mr. Mauro asked if disc golf has par holes, etc. Ms. Drumheller said she is not sure, but they do have hole -in -ones. Mr. Mauro stated that in regular golf, if there is not a lot of space, they will make the course a PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 2022 par-3 course. So, if space is a limitation and it Is decided to go forward with disc golf, maybe a par-3 course of 9 holes would work. Mr. Benton said he has played some disc golf, and it is similar to regular golf in that there is a certain par for each hole. People who play disc golf a lot will actually have driving discs, putting discs, chipping discs, etc. They all look the same , but they have different weights, etc. Mr. Benton informed the Committee that there is currently a set-up across the street from Schumann tennis courts, at the church property. They have a disc golf course set up there. He does not know if it is a 9-hole course or an 18-hole course. He recommended anyone who Is curious go down there and look at that set-up. Ms. Drumheller made a recommendation that this Committee look into the potential of Filbert Park having the capacity and space for disc golf. She added that she can have some folks come to the Committee meeting next time. Mr. Benton stated he will get with staff tomorrow and figure out how quickly staff can get out and assess Filbert and do our due diligence internally first. Then he will touch base with Ms. Drumheller prior to the next meeting, and if we need to bring additional people in, we can. He will attempt to get everything prepared for the September meeting. Ms. Drumheller added that there is someone in the County Recreation Department that designed the Hobart course. Mr. Benton said he would reach out to the County regarding that. Ms. Webster added that, if it is decided that Filbert Park is not doable, maybe we could expand to see if there is some other property that might be doable. Mr. Benton agreed. Mr. Benton emphasized that he may not have all the information he needs by the September meeting, but in that case, he will have that information at the October meeting so that the Committee can move forward. Mr. Danise stated he is always concerned about safety. He stated the Committee members will need to team a lot more about disc golf. IX. Items for next agenda and date: September 261', 2022 Ms. Webster stated that, if anyone has anything they want to discuss at the next meeting, to please let Mr. Benton know so that he can put It on the agenda. Mr. Benton said he usually works on the agenda the Wednesday or Thursday before the meeting. So he would ask that the Committee members, if they have anything they want to discuss at the next meeting, get It In early that week or the week before. He will send a meeting reminder a week out to remind the members regarding agenda Items. X. Adiourn PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 8 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 2022 There being nof�u�rtther business, Ms. Webster adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. By: / Date: .loAnn Webster � � Chat a on, Parks &Recreation Committee jg